How many veterans were in 1945. Benefits for widows of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. How many veterans are in Russia now

Veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Photo: Viktor Korotaev / Kommersant

In most countries former USSR they try to support veterans of the Great Patriotic War: they make holiday cash payments or increase pensions. In Russia, the cult of Victory is actively promoted, while the amount of material assistance to the participants in the war is far from the highest. We tell what kind of social support they receive in other countries.


President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed on May 6 decree on the payment of 10 thousand rubles to disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War in honor of Victory Day. At the same time, not only veterans living in Russia will receive material assistance, but also those who are on the territory of the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian republics. The money will be paid from May to June.

Also, according to Ministry of Labor, monthly they receive an increase in their pensions from 17 to 40 thousand rubles and additional payments from 500 to 1000 rubles. Disabled people who were injured during the war receive from 3,000 to 18,000 rubles as compensation. At the same time, according to the pension fund, about 1.6 million disabled people, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as their relatives, live in Russia.


In Ukraine, the authorities paid one-time financial assistance for the Victory Day. Its amount is highly dependent on the status of the veteran. Those who became invalids of the first group during the war received a little less than 9,000 rubles, veterans with a disability of the second group - almost 8,000 rubles, and those with a disability of the third group - almost 7,000 rubles. Participants in hostilities and underage prisoners of concentration camps were paid 3 thousand rubles, family members of those who died because of the war - 1.5 thousand rubles.

Veteran in Ukraine. Photo: Ilya Pitalev / Kommersant

According to Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine for 2017, 1.23 million veterans live in the country. Another 2,000 people fall under the category of "victims of Nazi persecution."


Veterans of the Second World War in Belarus will not receive one-time payments. They have only monthly pension supplements: from 800 rubles to 8 thousand rubles. Also, war invalids of the first group receive an additional 1.5 thousand rubles. Veterans who have reached the age of 80 receive a pension supplement in the amount of 800 rubles.

According to Ministry of Labor of the Republic for 2018, there are 26 thousand war veterans and their relatives in the country.


Veterans in Uzbekistan by May 9 will receive about 39 thousand rubles. Such a decree was signed by the President of the country Shavkat Mirziyoyev. At the same time, last year the payments were much less - only 16 thousand rubles. As of the beginning of 2016, 3,109 participants in the Great Patriotic War and 69,994 veterans of the labor front lived in Uzbekistan.


In the Alma-Ata region of Kazakhstan to veterans of the Great Patriotic War by May 9 will pay almost 29 thousand rubles. According to the deputy head of the regional department for the coordination of employment and social programs Yerlan Abdaliyev, there are now 138 veterans in the region, while it was planned to pay money to 188 veterans.


In Azerbaijan, the participants of the Great Patriotic War will pay for 37 thousand rubles. Their widows, home front workers, as well as participants in the blockade of Leningrad will receive 18.5 thousand rubles. Last year, benefits for Victory Day handed over 763 veterans and 13 thousand of their relatives.


Veterans of World War II in Moldova will receive 38 thousand rubles.

Their closest relatives, relatives of the blockade of Leningrad and home front workers, people involved in the years of the Second World War in the collection of ammunition and military equipment, as well as in the demining of sites and facilities, will be paid 19 thousand rubles. financial support will receive about 700 people. This decision was made by the Moldovan Cabinet of Ministers.


On the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory, the President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov made a decision pay veterans of the Great Patriotic War almost 14 thousand rubles. Total in the countryleft about 500 participants of the Great Patriotic War.

At the same time, veterans in the country receive increased pension. Thus, war invalids, participants in the Great Patriotic War, underage prisoners of concentration camps and Leningrad blockade receive 9,000 rubles a month as a lifetime scholarship and 6,500 rubles instead of benefits. Compensate for the lack of benefits and home front workers, as well as the widows of the dead military. They are paid 900 rubles a month. Labor army members and home front workers with disabilities receive 9,000 rubles for these purposes.


Participants of the war and widows of fallen soldiers living in the capital of Tajikistan Dushanbe, as well as in the Sughd region will receive for Victory Day 10.5 thousand rubles. Local authorities will pay 5.5 thousand rubles to home front veterans in the same regions. Those who survived the war, in the country left a little - 345 people.

Veterans in Tajikistan. Photo: Sergey Zhukov / TASS


Veterans of the Great Patriotic War living in Turkmenistan, as well as widows of soldiers who died in the war will be awarded an average of 7 thousand rubles. The amount varies slightly by region. At the same time, May 9 has been excluded from the list of holidays since this year.

The authorities do not report how many veterans will receive payments. Also, data on the total number of Turkmen participants in the war are not given.


In Armenia, as in Belarus, there are no one-time payments on Victory Day, but veterans receive monthly pension supplements. Their amount was approved back in 2015 and amounts to 6.5 thousand rubles. According to the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of Armenia Artem Asatryan, 1.1 thousand people receive the payment.


Veterans of the Great Patriotic War in Georgia will receive 15.5 thousand rubles.

Their family members will be paid a little less than 8 thousand rubles. Approximately the same amount, by order of Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili, on May 9, all participants in the Second World War will receive a voucher for medicines.

Veterans living in Georgia also receive a small monthly pension supplement - about a thousand rubles. According to the latest data, 676 participants of the Second World War live in the country.

Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia

In Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, veterans do not receive payments on Victory Day. This year, Putin decided to allocate funds from the budget for their congratulations. Participants of the Great Patriotic War living on the territory of these three countries will receive 10,000 rubles each.

Only this year the President of Latvia called the status of Soviet and Nazi veterans. Now they are entitled to a certificate, a commemorative badge, as well as social guarantees from self-governments.

Russia is the richest country in the former USSR.
At the same time, there are "patriots" in the Kremlin, and the opposition - "spiteful critics".

Obtaining different statuses in the state implies the existence of specific grounds. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War (WWII) in Russia act as a separate preferential category. They are provided with a large amount of state aid. And this is due to what services they have to the country.

general information

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War in Russia have many rights. Due to their merits, they can receive a large amount of public assistance free of charge. It is designed to provide them with full support.

Depending on different situations, there are several options for providing for this category of citizens. Plus, there are a number of problems in the field. This is due to recognition as a veteran and the provision of a title.

The state is trying to allocate more funding to various areas of activity that are related to the support of veterans. To different anniversaries awards, medals are issued and payments are made.

For 2018, there are distinctive options for benefits, but the legislation has not changed in this regard. Count pension benefits and preferential payments are carried out taking into account increased payments.

Key Concepts

Among the concepts that you need to be able to guide in this area are the following:

Terms Notation
Veteran Status for a person who has a number of merits before the state. For this, he is assigned benefits, benefits that are designed to compensate for his losses - in health, time, and so on. The main category is military personnel. But there are also veterans
benefit An assistance option that involves reducing or eliminating the cost of a product or service within the framework of government opportunities. For different categories of beneficiaries, they provide their own set of benefits
Pension The payment that is assigned to a citizen for the implementation of labor for a certain period of time - established in the state at the legislative level
Indexing The coefficient by which the social government payments without fail. Usually an annual premium is made, which is calculated based on the inflation rate in the country at the time of the previous year.

Who belongs to this category of citizens

Category Peculiarities
Direct participants in the Second World War Military personnel who may already be retired, civilian employees, intelligence officers, employees of military organizations serving on the territory of other states who have a medal for the defense of Leningrad
Air defense workers This is both work at airfields and the performance of combat missions, crew members, employees who were in other countries at the time of the Second World War
Winners of awards and medals Residents of besieged Leningrad are considered to be such
Home front workers This category includes citizens who worked for at least six months from 1941 to 1945. But this period cannot include the years when the territory of labor was occupied

The legislative framework

From a legislative point of view, Federal Law No. 5-FZ “On Veterans” mainly works in this area. A regulatory legal act of this nature contains information not only about determining the status, but also about those measures social security that are present for veterans.

Article 2 outlines the scope of the status - who can qualify for the payment, which regions are included for awarding the title, and how the benefits are distributed. With regards to social protection, you must refer to section 13 of this federal law.

It contains all the moments of providing a person. But with regard to WWII veterans, there is a set of benefits. Information about them is available in article 15. It is worth relying on it when applying for social assistance.

Article 25 talks about how Russia regulates the existence of associations of veteran organizations. The provisions of Article 28 apply to documents that are designed to establish the rights of citizens to state benefits.

Questions you are interested in

When considering such a topic as WWII veterans, one should rely solely on federal legislation. It includes the main provisions that apply in this area. And all organizations work in relation to these articles.

However, there are still questions that the law cannot answer. These are the factors that apply in particular cases. For example, the difference in status between veterans and combatants.

Every citizen needs to understand what set of benefits exists for WWII veterans. Since this allows you to get the maximum benefit and not miss the opportunity to ease the budget for this category of citizens.

However, there are also regional benefits. They differ in that their provision is carried out in relation to the local budget. If there are funds in it, then they are allocated to finance this area. Support options vary by region.

Therefore, it is worth finding out in advance which package of regional benefits is provided for a veteran. All registrations are carried out in the departments of the social protection authorities. Regardless of what benefits the veteran wants to receive. Even a certificate stating that a person is a veteran is issued through this state body.

How many WWII veterans are left in Russia

Statistics on such data for 2018 are not yet available. But in 2017, relevant studies were carried out. For this period of time, about 1.8 million veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War live in the country. By comparison, in 2016 there were 2.13 million of these citizens in the country.

If we divide these indicators into categories, we get the following data:

Category Number of people for 2017
Disabled 22 thousand
WWII participants 101.6 thousand
Widows of WWII veterans 300 thousand
Air defense workers 101.6 thousand
Awarded with a distinction to a resident of besieged Leningrad 113.5 thousand
Home front workers 1.1 million
Underage prisoners of concentration camps 126 thousand

What is the difference from the participants in the Second World War

Legislation in this regard clearly distinguishes between the concepts of veterans and participants in the Second World War. In this regard, it is worth relying on several provisions:

In accordance with these norms, the implementation of the assignment of titles and the distribution of benefits between participants and veterans of the Second World War is being carried out.

Main types of support

In terms of supporting citizens at the federal level, the following options are used:

Increased pension provision To him spend allowances in a special order
Provision of housing The solution to this problem is carried out at the expense of the federal budget. At the same time, you can get square meters for free only once.
Compensation for utility bills Half cost refunded
Telephone connection installation Conducted out of order
Privileges in admission to cooperatives and public organizations There are tax credits for the creation of veterans' institutions of a non-profit nature
In medical service Eligibility for discounts and free service options
The use of cultural and educational services on privileged grounds
Prosthetics Orthopedic systems are installed free of charge. The exception is dentures. His veteran will need to pay himself
Employment benefits are also provided This provision includes the possibility of receiving leave from the workplace at any convenient time for the veteran. But the benefit itself applies only to unpaid leave in the amount of 35 days
Extraordinary services to citizens in the social sphere, provision of public services

Actual problems

The main problem in this area is the recognition of a person as a veteran. Many people are rejected because they do not have enough proof of their status. In this regard, a citizen should look for options for archival documents and confirmations.

In this area, there is also an impossibility of full financing of all benefits and benefits. There is a lack of funds in this area. For example, the allocation of subsidies for the purchase of housing is delayed due to the same problem. And the queue moves very slowly.

Although in 2018 the government plans to complete the full provision of citizens with housing. And funds for this area have already been allocated, they should be enough to subsidize all citizens. At the same time, those who have problems with living conditions will be included in the list.

Receiving assistance for WWII veterans is possible on different grounds. This status gives citizens the opportunity to apply for benefits. This financial support can be spent on any use cases.

There are no boundaries for citizens. There are also opportunities to apply for housing assistance. But there is such a rule only once, although after the provision of real estate, a person can use it at his own discretion.

Today, about 1.8 million disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War (including persons equated to them and family members of dead (deceased) disabled people and participants in the war) live in the country. Last year there were 2.13 million. Such RT data was provided by the Ministry of Labor with reference to Pension Fund Russia as of April 1, 2017.

Today, there are 1,128,101 home front workers. Former juvenile prisoners of fascism - 125,769 people. Widows of the disabled and war veterans - 298,232 people. Disabled people of the Great Patriotic War - 22,365 people. Participants of the Great Patriotic War and persons who worked at air defense facilities during the Great Patriotic War - 101,624. Awarded with the sign "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad" - 113,540.

  • RIA News

On the eve of the 72nd anniversary of the victory, RT spoke with World War II veteran Nikolai Morozov. As a teenager, he twice ran away to the front, but each time he was returned.

“I dreamed of a fleet, but it was not so easy to get there. A couple of times they ran to the front. We are security officers usually - once! - and back. I was then only 14 years old. I tortured the district committee of the Komsomol - I constantly asked to fight. And the military registration and enlistment office generally shied away from me, ”he says.

In 1942, Morozov's older brother was sent as a political worker to the Submarine Division in Murmansk. 14-year-old Nikolai Morozov, seeing off his brother, hid in a train car and was found already on the way. When he arrived in the North, he was sent to work on a combat boat, where he scrubbed the deck, cleared the hulls of boats from ice. But when the boat went out to sea, Nikolai was left on the shore.

“When I was still studying at the craft academy, in the evenings I ran to courses for junior commanders, and then to sniper courses to learn how to shoot. There is nothing to do in the evenings, not to hang out with the guys somewhere. And when I came to the front, these skills were very useful to me, ”says the veteran.

When the commander found out that Nikolai Morozov knew how to shoot well, he was entrusted with a machine gun and began to take on combat missions. He celebrated Victory Day in the Northern Fleet.

This year, May 9, Nikolai Morozov will spend in the Kremlin, where he was invited to meet with President Vladimir Putin. The veteran believes that young people need to be more courageous, not to be afraid of military service.

“Young people - so that they start only with the army! I can't imagine what would have happened to me if I hadn't joined the army. There was already hardening in the fleet: you only need to work! Who does not serve in the army is not a man! he says. I congratulate all veterans. Health to them, health to our entire country! For the president to hold it in his hands, we cannot cope without him. We don't need squiggles."

  • RIA News

First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor, social policy and Veterans Affairs, Nikolai Kolomeitsev, in a conversation with RT, wished that our compatriots always respect those who defended the country, and not just on the eve of Victory Day.

“I wish our veterans health, well-being, balance and respect of others. And, most importantly, I wish to be revered always, and not just on May 9, ”he says.

Chairman of the All-Russian public organization veterans of the "Russian Union of Veterans" Mikhail Moiseev told RT that young people should know what the war leads to.

“For me and my friends, May 9th is a special holiday. On this day, we pay tribute to those who survived, who won. After all, there are so few of them - the winners - that we are all obliged to take care of them and protect them, - notes Moiseev. - Be good. Today we all need to fight for peace. We must not allow the incitement of a new, as we are being scared today, third world war. The cost of war is too high."

  • Moscow City News Agency

Central Television announcer Igor Kirillov annually broadcast the Victory parades until 2006:

“First of all, good health to our veterans! And it is important to assure them that the current and future generations will remember with the same respect and with the same love, with deep sorrow all those who defended our country at the cost of their lives during the Great Patriotic War!”

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said on December 12 that only 1.4 million veterans of the Great Patriotic War, persons equated to them and members of their families remained in the country, TASS reports. The Deputy Prime Minister made such a statement at a meeting of the Pobeda organizing committee.

The amount of material support for the participants of the Great Patriotic War in 2019 will be 44 thousand rubles. This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova during the 40th meeting of the Russian Organizing Committee (ROC) "Victory" in the Kremlin. The meeting was attended by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

“The government is progressively making decisions to increase such material support. The amount of security in 2019 will be 44 thousand rubles for the participants of the Great Patriotic War. And then the increase in pensions will be made above inflation and the increase in the lump-sum cash payment - in accordance with the actual inflation,” Golikova said.

Recall that President Vladimir Putin proposed to provide veterans with annual material assistance. Veterans will be able to receive the first such payment by Victory Day in 2019, Tatyana Golikova said.

“We are ready to submit such proposals in the first quarter of 2019 in order for such decisions to be made on the eve of the celebration of the Victory in 2019,” Golikova said at the meeting.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War

1. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War are persons who took part in hostilities to defend the Fatherland or provide military units of the army in combat areas; persons who have passed military service or who worked in the rear during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (hereinafter referred to as the period of the Great Patriotic War) for at least six months, excluding the period of work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, or who were awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service and selfless work during the Great Patriotic War war.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War include:

1) participants of the Great Patriotic War:

a) military personnel, including those who were transferred to the reserve (retired), who did military service (including pupils of military units and junior officers) or who were temporarily in military units, headquarters and institutions that were part of the army in the period civil war, the period of the Great Patriotic War or the period of other military operations to defend the Fatherland, as well as partisans and members of underground organizations operating during the civil war or the period of the Great Patriotic War in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR;

b) military personnel, including retired servicemen, private and commanding officers of the internal affairs bodies and state security bodies who served in the cities during the Great Patriotic War, participation in the defense of which is counted in the length of service for assigning preferential pensions conditions established for military personnel of military units of the army in the field;

c) civilians of the army and navy, troops and internal affairs bodies, state security bodies, who during the Great Patriotic War held full-time positions in military units, headquarters and institutions that were part of the army in the field, or who were in cities during the specified period, participation in the defense of which it is counted in the length of service for the assignment of pensions on preferential terms established for military personnel of military units of the army in the field;

As you can see from the previous entry, the most important criterion by which a WWII veteran differs from just an old man or an old woman, since 1985, is the presence of a WWII order of any degree. But we must remember that an important criterion for belonging to the number of veterans is also a completely obvious and objective circumstance - age.

According to Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 (as amended on July 22, 2008) "On Veterans", in Russia WWII veterans are considered "persons who took part in hostilities to defend the Fatherland or provide military units of the army in combat areas; persons who served in the military or worked in the rear during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (hereinafter referred to as the period of the Great Patriotic War) for at least six months, excluding the period of work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, or who were awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service and selfless labor during the Great Patriotic War" (Article 2.1.1).

- "disabled since childhood due to injury, concussion or injury associated with military operations during the Great Patriotic War" (Article 2.1.1.i).

Persons employed in the construction of military facilities during the Second World War, regardless of the period of work (Article 2.1.2).

- "persons awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad" (Article 2.1.3)

Thus, in order to be a veteran, one had to have time to fight, or serve for 6 months, or work selflessly until September 2, 1945, or become disabled since childhood as a result of hostilities.

An exception to the terms was made only for the employees of the NKVD and the NKGB, who were chasing various kinds of "forest brothers". Among them, WWII veterans are considered to be "military personnel, including those who have been retired, private and commanding officers of internal affairs bodies and state security bodies, soldiers and commanders of fighter battalions, platoons and people's protection detachments who took part in military operations to combat enemy landings and combat operations together with military units that were part of the army during the Great Patriotic War, as well as those who took part in military operations to eliminate the nationalist underground in the territories of Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the period from January 1, 1944 to December 31, 1951.

In this way,
- himself young man, who, according to Russian laws, can be considered a veteran of the Second World War, should be now without a few months 70 years old , provided that he born in the summer of 1945, managed to become a disabled child as a result of the deceit of the Japanese military;
- Withthe youngest veteran of the Great Patriotic War should now be at least 82 years old provided that he served in the NKVD and did not fight a single day with German or Japanese troops;
- the youngest participant in the Second World War who fought with Germany or Japan this year should turn 87 years old , provided that at the time of joining the Red Army in 1945 he was 17 years old.