Do-it-yourself maxi skirt for overweight. Simple summer skirts: patterns with descriptions. Summer is in full swing! Treat yourself to a beautiful update! How to sew a maxi skirt pattern

Vera Olkhovskaya

The floor-length semi-sun skirt is one of the most popular skirts of recent seasons. Keeping the silhouette of the "sun", it is more comfortable to wear and, of course, more economical.

It should be noted that a semi-sun skirt will be more complimentary for figures of medium and large fullness than a sun skirt or a straight skirt. At current trend“to sew for the full what for the thin”, this is important when choosing a style.

In a word, the half-sun skirt is the skirt that all fashionistas, home couturiers and professional fashion designers should pay attention to.

Open half-sun skirts without patterns

The consumption will be about 2.5 m of fabric. We calculate according to the formula:

2 radii + skirt length + 2 bases

Radius = 1/3 waist circumference

On the base (length beating) add 3 cm on each side of the skirt.

You can cut out in a turn (Fig. 1), that is, without folding the fabric, but you can fold the cut in half along the transverse thread.

We start with the fact that along the edge, which is located at the edge of the table, we measure the length of the skirt plus 3 cm, then the diameter (that is, two radii) for the notch and again the length of the skirt plus 3 cm. We outline the center and draw a semicircle from it

mki, and, then, from the semicircle of the notch, draw a semicircle of the bottom of the skirt.

Another point to consider is that the only middle seam of the skirt is at the hem and will therefore look tight. To avoid this, cut off small "triangles" from the side of the edge (Fig. 2).

The cut of a half-sun skirt for beginners can be further simplified if you use a notch pattern for cutting.

As for fabrics, today half-sun skirts are sewn from almost all fabrics of the dress range. The only exceptions are, perhaps, only stretch fabrics with high extensibility and fabrics that are strongly stretched along an oblique thread (for example, chiffon).

From fabrics unsuitable for flared skirts, skirts with wedges, skirts with a difference in length and Tatyanka skirts are recommended.

Patterns of skirts and women's trousers

Simple patterns of boho pants "Pythagorean pants"

Skirts are suitable for absolutely every woman, and age and complexion do not play any role. Skirts that have a maximum length are always in trend. When wearing such skirts, a woman looks attractive and charming, because maxi skirts can emphasize seductive curves. female figure, which makes the male half of humanity look back and stare at the passing beauties in a similar outfit. In our article, we will consider how to sew a maxi skirt with your own hands.

How to sew a maxi skirt?

Tailoring a maxi skirt is not particularly difficult, but in any case, it will take some time and effort. Since the skirt is long enough, you need to sew it carefully, without any flaws, otherwise it will deteriorate. appearance products. The cut of maxi skirts is almost the same, but you can create interesting models, which will be visually quite different from each other.

For sewing this product, it is necessary to prepare the following materials in advance:

  • fabric with a knitted base;
  • elastic band, which is used for clothing;
  • tape measure;
  • scissors that are used for fabric;
  • threads of a suitable color;
  • sewing machine or a needle and thread;
  • sewing pins;
  • pencil or tailor's chalk.

Taking measurements

Before you start sewing a maxi skirt, you need to take the appropriate measurements:

  • We measure the circumference of the hips. To do this, with a tape measure, you need to measure the volume of the hips, which corresponds to the girth of the widest part of this part of the body. The measuring tape should be parallel to the ground when you wrap it around your hips.

Important! At the time of taking measurements, you should put your thumb under the centimeter tape so that in the end the product does not turn out to be too small.

  • After that, you need to measure the waist circumference. To do this, measure the circumference of the waist with a centimeter tape, or, for clarification, find the area where, as a rule, the belt from the skirt is located. You must decide in advance on the model and specify how high the belt of your self-made skirt will be.

Important! The natural waist line runs along the narrowest part of your body, which is usually at the level of the navel. To avoid a tight belt, it is necessary to put your thumb under the measuring tape when measuring the waist circumference.

  • Now you should determine the length of your product. To do this, use a measuring tape to measure the distance from the waist to the ankles or to the area where you will have the end of the skirt.

Important! For all maxi skirts, the length, which is measured to the ankles, serves as a standard. There are models of maxi skirts, in which the length varies from ankles to calves, which is also the “maxi” length.

Fabric preparation

Consider how not to make a mistake in choosing a fabric for sewing a maxi skirt:

  • The purchase of knitted material is the most ideal option for a simple and comfortable product. Knitted fabric is able to stretch a little, which is important when wearing.
  • Choose dark color scheme or a fabric that is thick enough so that the made skirt does not show through, otherwise you will have to wear another petticoat or make a lining. AT summer period time and hot autumn days it's not very convenient.
  • When you are in the store, then try to determine how stretched your chosen knitted fabric. by the most the best option is a knitted fabric that can stretch 25-40%.
  • When choosing a fabric, pay close attention to an important nuance - whether the canvas can stretch in all directions. This must be taken into account, as over time your product may become much longer, and you will have to shorten it.

Important! You should not collect knitted fabric with a margin at that time if you accidentally made a mistake with cutting or with the calculation of the required amount of material. As a rule, a maxi skirt will require from 1.35 to 1.85 m of fabric.

  • You also need to purchase an elastic band, which should be designed for tailoring. The width of the elastic should be about 7.6-8.0 cm.
  • Before cutting and sewing jersey you need to wash and dry the fabric. This procedure will avoid further unnecessary shrinkage of the fabric during washing.

Important! In order for the sewn maxi skirt to serve you for a long time, you must follow the recommendations for caring for the product from the selected knitted fabric.


Consider the process of cutting and sewing a maxi skirt:

  • It is necessary to fold the knitted fabric in half. In this case, it is imperative to monitor the location of the lobar thread so that the elasticity of the fabric is not disturbed and that the material stretches in the right direction.
  • Fold the fabric with the right side inward.
  • The rows of stitches in the knitted fabric should be laid out horizontally from one end to the other, never vertically.
  • Now you need to set aside the top point and mark the bottom of the future product. The top section of one of the two main elements of the pattern should be equal to the width at half the waist circumference plus 2.5-4.5 cm for seam allowances.
  • The lower part of the product should be 30.5-35.5 cm wider than your waist. Thus, given the folded jersey in half, the bottom of the cut piece should be 15.5-17.5 cm wider than the top.
  • All details of the skirt, as well as the top and bottom lines, must have vertical symmetry.
  • The marking of parts must be done with a washable marker or tailor's chalk.
  • Draw connecting lines between the top and bottom of the product. Thus, the sides of the skirt are formed, which will diverge from the top of the product to the bottom.

Important! If, when cutting, you manage to lay out the knitted fabric in such a way that one side line is located strictly along the fold line of the material, then you can spend less time sewing, since the number of seams is halved. If the drawing cannot be tilted normally to the fold of the knitted fabric, then the product is cut out with two side seams.

  • If the pattern is correctly built, then you can start cutting out the details. To do this, it is necessary to chop off two layers of material and with tailor's scissors, along the drawn lines, cut out two parts that have trapezoidal shapes.

Important! To get more even cuts, you can use a cutting mat and a roller knife. The fabric must be cut very carefully so as not to stretch it. If the material is stretched during cutting, then the cut parts are deformed.


  1. Now you need to flash side seams. With the parts folded face inward, the sides need to be stitched from the top to the very bottom, while it is necessary to deviate from the cuts by about 1.25 cm.
  2. At this stage, you need to check the waist line. To do this, try on the product. If the waist is large, then you need to pin up the excess fabric and lay new seams. If the waist is small, then you need to rip the seams a little and lay new ones.
  3. If you are sewing on a sewing machine, then you need to set the straight stitch. In the absence of a sewing machine, you can sew by hand, using a “back needle” seam for greater strength.
  4. Now it remains to hem the bottom of the skirt. To do this, it is necessary to wrap the bottom edge of the product by 2.5 cm, having previously swept the hem before sewing. You can sew the bottom edge of the maxi on a sewing machine. If a manual hem option is used, then you can use a “back of the needle” seam or use a different stitch to hem the bottom.

Belt sewing

Consider step by step how to sew a belt on a maxi skirt:

  1. Cut out the fabric for the belt. The material for the waistband should be exactly the same length as the waist, plus an 2.5 cm seam allowance.
  2. It is necessary to check that the share thread coincides with the share thread on the product.
  3. The piece of material for the belt should correspond to a width of about 25.4 cm. If you fold the part in half, you get 12.7 cm.
  4. We sew an elastic band into the belt. We pin the elastic to the inside of the belt. To fix it, we sew along right in the middle.
  5. The length of the elastic should be about 2.0-2.5 cm shorter than the waist circumference, but when stretched, it will reach the size of the waist. If you take an elastic band of the same length with the waist, then when worn, it will not stay on the waist, since the product will be very loose.
  6. When sewing on an elastic band, it is necessary to stretch it so that its ends coincide with the ends of the belt material.
  7. Now fold the belt in half and sew. After that, we bend the front half of the belt to the side to which the elastic was sewn. We lay a line along the sections of the material, after which we connect the belt with a line into a ring.
  8. When folding the belt in half to form a ring, the wrong side should be out. The line should be laid at a distance of 1.25 cm from the edge of the cut. After that, you need to turn the belt on the face, thus hiding the seam allowances.
  9. Then you need to sew the belt to our product. To do this, on the wrong sides, you need to attach the belt to the top of the skirt and sew on a sewing machine.
  10. The connecting seam of the belt must be positioned so that it is even with some side seam of the product.
  11. When laying the lines, do not forget to make an allowance of 1.25 cm.
  12. We turn the product on the front side, while the belt must be turned up.

We sew a fluffy and voluminous maxi skirt

Consider how to sew a fluffy and volumetric model maxi skirts.

First you need to take measurements:

  1. measure the circumference of the waist;
  2. step back from the waist 5 cm and measure the girth along the bones in exactly the same way;
  3. measure the length of the garment being made, which corresponds to the length from the starting point located on the waist line to the bottom of the future skirt.

Consider the manufacturing process of the future product:

  • We cut out two rectangular pieces of fabric from the material, which corresponds to the front and back. The length of the piece of fabric is the length of your piece plus seam allowances.

Important! On both sides of the two parts, we cut out semicircles, which will later be pockets. In direction, they are located slightly below, and their size should be sufficient for the location of the hands. Basically, pockets are placed 20 cm lower than the waistline.

  • Next, mark the center point of the pattern along the width to draw the folds. There should be 4 pleats on each side of the skirt. First you need to lay 2 folds in one direction, and then two in the other direction.

Important! The folds should be slightly sloping and even, but not parallel to each other.

  • After that, you should draw exactly the same folds on the second part, which corresponds to the back of the maxi skirt.
  • We sew the folds very close to the edge of the product, in this case the seam looks neat.

Important! If you are using a sewing machine, use a slow speed.

  • Folding both patterns front sides and stitch along the edges, we also sew pockets. We do not sew a seam over any pocket, as there will be a secret lock in this place.

Important! First you need to try on future clothes, so as not to be mistaken in the size of the waist. Only then can a zipper be sewn into the cut.

  • In order for the product to lie neatly on the bones and not bulge, it is necessary to pay attention to the lines of the hips and the width of the belt being made.
  • We cut out a strip from the base material that corresponds to the length of the waist circumference and plus allowances of about 10-15 cm. We attach the front side of the cut part to the front side of the product and sew from one edge of the secret lock to the other. Next, fold the belt inward along the seam and iron it. Sew up the edges near the zipper. On the wrong side, this piece of material is simply left free, or it can be fixed on the tucks of the formed folds so that it is not visible from the outside.
  • We bend the bottom of the manufactured product, iron and sew on a sewing machine.

Your self-sewn maxi skirt is ready.

How to sew a maxi skirt from an old dress?

Consider a variant of a sewn product without a preliminary pattern. Any novice needlewoman without special skills can sew a maxi skirt very easily and quickly, while she does not need to purchase special fabrics.

In order to make your own interesting outfit, we will need:

  • a dress that has long gone out of fashion;
  • an old t-shirt that matches the color scheme;
  • fabric scissors;
  • sewing pins;
  • pencil or tailor's chalk;
  • sewing machine or needle and thread.

Consider the manufacturing process:

  1. In the dress, you need to cut off the upper part, which corresponds to the length of your future skirt. If the model of the dress has darts, then you need to cut it off below the darts line.
  2. Next in old t-shirt cut off the bottom finished edge.
  3. Then you need to cut off the middle part of the shirt, which is approximately 25-35 centimeters wide.
  4. After that, you need to measure the size of the waist. In the case of wearing a skirt on the hips, it is necessary to use the size of the hips, which should be divided by two and set aside on the workpiece. A line should be drawn with a pencil or chalk, then chopped off with sewing pins and sewn on a sewing machine. Cut off the rest of the material.
  5. Thus, you have formed a belt for the future product. Next, fold the workpiece in half so that the front side is outside.
  6. After that, you need to put the top of the future outfit inside the belt and connect it in such a way that the raw edges of the belt and skirt are in a circle. The side seams of the future skirt should be aligned with the side seams of the belt.
  7. In this article, we gave you several ways to sew a maxi skirt, and you had to make sure that they are all simple. Other options are also not particularly difficult, so you can choose the model of your choice and go ahead, creating new things for yourself!

A skirt is one of the oldest items of women's (and in some countries, men's) wardrobe, the basis of which is a rectangular piece of fabric fastened at the waist. Simple Models skirts require minimal effort and time in order to turn a piece of fabric lying around in the closet into a stylish new thing.

Tutu - dancer's skirt

Unusual for our ear word tutu in English language called a ballet tutu, as well as puffy tulle skirts that have gained great popularity. You don't need a sewing machine to make this outfit. Everything you need to create a spectacular skirt for children's holiday, dance classes, photo shoots, and if desired, for a ballroom or even a wedding dress - this is about an hour and a half of time, a sufficient amount of tulle cut into strips, an elastic band for a belt (2-3 cm wide) and jewelry.

It is best to use narrow tulle in strips 15 cm wide. In its absence, a fabric of ordinary width is cut into strips. The easiest way to do this is with a cardboard template. The length of such a template should be equal to the length of the skirt plus 1 cm.
Creating a skirt starts with a belt. Slightly pulling, determine the desired waist size, add 4 cm and sew (Fig. 1).

After that, using a template, strips of tulle are cut, the length of which will be equal to twice the length of the skirt plus 2 cm. For a decorative effect, their ends can be cut off with a corner.

Then the rubber band is put on the back of the chair and tulle strips are fixed on it (Fig. 3). To do this, the strip is folded in half and both ends are passed through the resulting loop. All knots must be made the same, in no case should the elastic be pulled together, otherwise the skirt will slide down.

For greater beauty, several colors alternate in the skirt. Approximately for a waist circumference of 60 cm, 70 strips are needed. The finished skirt is decorated with ribbons, artificial flowers and other decor (Fig. 4)

Romantic "Tatyanka"

The Tatyanka skirt is well suited for thin women with narrow hips. This model does not require the construction of patterns and fitting to the figure, it can be sewn, being able to perform only a straight line.

For "tatyanka" you will need a wide elastic band and a dress fabric (not too dense). First, measure the waist with a thick elastic band, slightly stretching it. Two centimeters are added to the measured length and cut off.

The ends of the elastic are cut off, the resulting ring is stretched as much as possible and the resulting length is measured - this will be half the width of the finished skirt (in ordinary patterns, the width of the “tatyanka” is equal to one and a half volume of the hips). The fabric is folded in half along the measured width (Fig. 5).

Then the sewn belt is fixed at the waistline and the desired length of the skirt is measured. Add allowances for the hem and attachment of the belt, and cut out a rectangle of the desired size.

The cut out rectangle is folded in half with the front sides inward, the side seam is cut off with pins and sewn.

Next, they tuck and process the bottom, after which they proceed to the most difficult operation - attaching the belt. To do this, on the skirt and on the elastic, he marks 4 main points with pins - 2 lines of the side, the middle of the back and front, after which they are combined.

Pulling the belt evenly, fasten the skirt and belt with pins at intermediate points, after which they stitch them, stretching the elastic as much as possible. It is best to do this with a zigzag stitch.

For children's and beachwear, you can simply stitch the folded top of the skirt and thread the elastic into the resulting tunnel.

Pleated skirt

Bell skirts

Flared skirts suit any figure. They look simple and elegant, are often built directly on the fabric, have a minimum number of seams and require only two measurements - waist and length. The design of such skirts is based on a circle (sun), with a central hole for the waist. This circle, in turn, is cut out from a square, which, with a large length, requires a large amount of fabric. More economical are skirts that are sewn from part of a circle, such as the quarter-sun skirt. It is based on a square, folded twice diagonally (Fig. 9)

The top cut of the skirt corresponds to the waist line. Its length should correspond to the waist, so the radius of the upper circle is defined as twice the waist, divided by three. For example, with a waist volume of 60 cm, this radius will be 60 * 2/3 \u003d 40 cm. To this value you need to add the length of the skirt, for example, with the desired length of 110 cm, you need a fabric with a width of more than 150 cm and the same length.

On a folded piece of fabric, mark with chalk the boundaries of two partial circles. It is convenient to do this with a braid fixed with a pin in the upper left corner of the fabric. The radius of the first part of the circle corresponds to the volume of the waist, as calculated above, the radius of the second is equal to this value plus the length, add allowances for the seams.

Since the fabric can stretch when cutting, it is recommended to take the length of the upper radius a little less and adjust the size when sewing and trying on. This skirt has a small extension downwards, so you need to control the length of the arc corresponding to the volume of the hips, its radius will be 20 cm larger than the radius of the upper cut. If the hips are wide, you need to lower the line of the upper cut by 1-2 cm, and when sewing, attach it. The skirt is connected along the back seam, into which a zipper is sewn, a belt is sewn on top, the length of which is 4 cm longer than the waist.

The semi-sun skirt is easy to cut and sew, it fits any figure and looks simple and elegant.. Its basis is half a circle (Fig. 12), and the radius of the upper semicircle is calculated as the volume of the waist divided by 3, that is, with a waist of 60 cm, the radius of the upper semicircle is 20 cm. To determine the radius of the lower semicircle, the length of the skirt is added to this number. That is, for a skirt 110 cm long, you need a rectangular piece of fabric, the width of which is more than 130 cm, and the length is more than 260 cm.

You need to cut such a skirt on a piece of fabric folded in half in half of the pattern or by marking directly on the fabric.

The flying sun skirt is very effective, it is suitable for slender women. It is cut on the basis of a full circle. The radius of the inner circle is calculated as the volume of the waist divided by 6 (10 cm for a waist of 60 cm), for the radius of the outer circle, the length of the skirt is added to this value.

A short skirt can be cut from a square of fabric without side seams, in which case its top is put on an elastic band. Long skirts are cut from two semicircles; in this case, it is possible to determine the consumption of fabric only by placing the pattern on it in the most dense way.

Owners of a thin waist can simplify tailoring by gathering the top with an elastic band (as in a Tatyanka skirt). However, in this case, for the radius of the upper part, it is necessary to take into account not the volume of the waist, but the volume of the hips, which, accordingly, will increase the consumption of fabric.

A maxi skirt made of thin cambric is very fashionable this summer, it is sewn in just an hour. The maxi skirt is flared to the bottom, a wide frill goes along the bottom of the maxi skirt and a stitched belt along the waist of the maxi skirt.

The maxi skirt pattern is modeled after. A distinctive feature of this maxi skirt model is that the maxi skirt fits the figure from the waist to the hips and flares from the hips to the bottom.

Maxi skirt pattern

Fig.1. Maxi skirt pattern

Fig.2. Maxi skirt pattern

Maxi skirt pattern modeling

On the pattern - the basis of the front and back of the skirt along the bottom, set aside 5-7 cm for flaring.

Draw a line from the hip line to points 5-7.

Maxi skirt length (without frill) - 70cm. The length of the frill is 30 cm. The length of the finished maxi skirt is about 100 cm.

Additionally, cut out a frill for a maxi skirt: frill width 30s. The length of the frill is equal to the length of the lower section of the skirt multiplied by 1.4-1.7 cm.

In addition, cut out a stitched belt for a maxi skirt - the width of the belt is 7 cm (in finished form 3.5 cm), the length of the belt is equal to the waist circumference by the measure of +3 cm (advance to the fastener).

How to sew a maxi skirt pattern

It is necessary to cut out:

Before the skirt - 1 piece with a fold

The back of the skirt - 2 parts

Frill - 1 piece with a fold

Belt - 1 piece with a fold

Important! Strengthen the outer side of the belt from the inside with a glue facing. Cut out the facing from a thin thermal fabric 3.5 cm wide.

Work description:

Baste and stitch the darts on the front and back halves of the maxi skirt.

Baste and stitch the side seams on the maxi skirt.

Sew a hidden zipper into the back seam of the maxi skirt.

Stitch the frill in short sections. Process allowances. Tuck the frill on the bottom, stitch.

Lay a line along the top of the frill with a stitch width of 4mm. Pull the frill down to the bottom of the maxi skirt.

Baste the frill to the maxi skirt, stitch, process the seams together.

On the tail section of the maxi skirt, perform.

Sew simple skirt to the floor will not be difficult even for a novice craftswoman. After all, you can do without a pattern, it will be enough to make just a few measurements. In this article, we will analyze in detail what and how to measure, how to cut out details and sew. For those who do not want to bother with building a drawing, I offer ready-made free patterns of a long skirt, which can be downloaded at the end of the article.

How to build a skirt pattern to the floor

First we need to decide on the fabric. It is desirable that it be stretched in the transverse direction. Otherwise, the skirt will hinder movement.

Required measurements:

  • Waist,
  • Hip circumference (optional measurement, needed for verification),
  • Length from waist to outside of foot.
  • Step length (needed so that the skirt does not hinder movement).

With the first three measurements, I think there should be no questions. But in order to measure the length of the step, or rather it would even be to say the circumference, you need to take your usual step and measure the circumference with a centimeter tape, clasping the ankles.

On a fabric folded in half, set aside a quarter of the OT on top, for example, if your waist is 68 cm, then you will need to set aside 17 cm + a seam allowance.

Set aside the length along the fold line, for example 90 cm. From the point obtained, lay off a quarter of the step circle to the side. So, if your measurement of this value was 88 cm, then you will need to postpone at least 22 cm. Of course, you can measure more, but if you take a smaller segment, keep in mind that walking in a skirt will not be very convenient. To remedy the situation, you will have to make an incision, but we sew without it.

Finally, check if the skirt is tight at the hips. To do this, measure about 18-20 cm below the waist and measure the width in this area, it should be at least a quarter of the circumference of your hips. If you have a narrow waist and very wide hips, you will have to slightly increase the waist mark, and increase the width of the lower segment by the same amount.

Method number 2. According to the method of Marlene Mukay.

Marlene Mukay suggests building a long skirt pattern based on the circumference of the hips. Below are drawings of such skirts. We see that a rectangle is initially drawn, the width of which is a quarter of the OB. We measure a quarter of OT from above, and another quarter of OB is deposited along the bottom from the edge of the rectangle. The edges of the skirt need to be slightly rounded. In my opinion, Marlene Mukai's patterns are one of the most accurate and at the same time simple. By the way, all measurements in the drawings are indicated taking into account allowances. Size chart below.

How to sew a maxi skirt

Cut out the pattern pieces. Lay them right sides together and sew the side seams. Perform a bottom hem.

To process the top, cut a strip of fabric, the length of which will be equal to OT, the width is about 20 cm. Fold it in half and sew it to the top cut of the skirt. If you have very wide hips, and the fabric is not elastic, then you can cut a longer strip, and then insert an elastic band into it or stitch rubber veins.

Other maxi skirt options

Here are some more options long skirts. The size chart for these drawings is the same as for Marlene Mukay's patterns.