Denis Samarin (MSC ECB). Lesson: Joyful anticipation of Christmas Christmas. Scenarios of Christmas holidays for children - Scenario of the theatrical performance "Christmas" for children of the preparatory group

How to organize Christmas for children so that it brings joy and is remembered for a long time? In this article, we will look at interesting scenarios holiday.

Every parent wants to arrange Christmas holidays for children in such a way that it brings joy and is remembered for a long time. Let's look at two average children's holidays held on their own at home.

Option one. About a week before the miraculous event, mom begins to create a menu, buy balloons and call guests. A rich table is laid with chops, salads, cake and wine. Up to 2-3 toasts, they still remember what occasion they gathered for and admire the bright holiday and still clean, having fun children. After that, the little guests are usually left to their own devices (as a rule, these are children of different ages of invited relatives and friends, sometimes even unfamiliar with each other).

Option two. Having firmly decided to arrange a holiday more for children than for adults, mother covers them with a separate festive table and during the whole event he is trying to somehow direct the destructive energy of youth in the right direction.

Have you had a similar experience? Then let's try to organize a holiday according to the third option.

The script for the feast of the Nativity of Christ

From Christmas morning to welcoming guests

New Year, Christmas and Birthday are the most fabulous childhood holidays. Remember yourself with what impatience you went to bed, waiting for the onset of a little fairy tale in the morning.

Preparing for Christmas begins long before the holiday itself: children are told about, with older children you can learn (“Christ is born, praise!”). We arrange in a few days. At night or in the morning - in the temple.

On the day of the holiday, let's surprise the child as soon as he opens his sleepy eyes.

Balls are trite, I do not argue. But how amazing it is to wake up and see a colorful garland above you! And sitting in a crib, surprised by a blanket covered with confetti and serpentine? Make a surprise - create the mood of a fairy tale.

It often happens that some of the guests invited during the celebrations have already arrived, and some have not yet. The children who have come are bored stiffly, not knowing what to do with themselves. I suggest this way to pass the time: instead of a beautiful starched tablecloth, we will lay a disposable light paper tablecloth on the table and give the children felt-tip pens - let them draw a fun drawing themselves. Or we will distribute album sheets with a request to write (or draw, if the children are still small) a fun Christmas card. Or maybe ask the children to tell what the holiday is today.

You can put various squiggles and bizarre incomprehensible figures on blank sheets with a marker and invite the children to show their imagination and draw something for them so that these squiggles turn into understandable drawings: turn something into a mysterious animal, something into a fabulous creature, exotic plant.

I would recommend for children from 4 years old (and 10-year-olds are engaged in such entertainment with pleasure) to cut out a Christmas Star for each white cardboard, cut small stars, rhombuses, flowers from colored foil, cut pieces of tinsel, pour confetti and invite everyone to decorate a cardboard blank . If older children - from 6 years old - you can give glue in a cup and brushes, then it is better for kids to prepare the base in advance by applying double-sided tape to the star.

Treat on

You will not surprise your child's guests with a snow-white tablecloth and crystal. Everything that is a pity to get dirty and break is out of sight. Let's look with common eyes at our children: will they be happy with meat and salads? Few parents will answer in the affirmative. What about fruits and sweets? Well, what a stupid question - you might say. Let's spoil our guests with delicious treats. There should be a lot of juices on the table - at the rate of a liter per child, at least, more is better - something, and children, excited by the holiday, drink a lot. Fruits should be divided into convenient parts: grapes (pitted if you do not want to collect them all over the house) cut into branches of 3-4 berries, citrus fruits are peeled and sorted into slices, apples ... well, almost nothing ever eats them, like and bananas, the traces of which leave stains on clothes. In general, avoid soiled fruits, one persimmon is tantamount to a small nuclear explosion.

You can arrange a little surprise: put a leaf with Christmas wishes under the plates!

If you really want to feed the children with essential food - make sandwiches, canapes with meat, sausage, fish, cheese, decorate them more interestingly, serve a cocktail (you can beat milk, a banana and a little sugar with a blender) - very satisfying and nutritious food. But is it worth sticking with the standard cake? I recommend making such an original dessert: buy waffle cakes, ice cream, a can of cream, various fruits. 10 minutes before serving, lay a layer of ice cream 3 cm thick on a waffle sheet, cake, ice cream again, cake, ice cream, now a mixture of chopped fruits, pour whipped cream and stick candles - the cake is ready! Let's call it, for example: "Christmas treat".

... By the way - as one of the entertaining entertainments, guests can be invited to cook and eat canapes themselves (using plates with chopped products) and decorate their cocktails with chocolate chips, colored sugar dragees and straws.

Sequence of activities

The room is decorated, the table is set, the treat is ready. What should follow what, so that it is not boring, but not oversaturated? The guests began to arrive. While we are waiting for the full turnout - the children need to be occupied with a calm game - this is exactly what painting the festive tablecloth is very well suited for. All in the collection - sit down at the table. We congratulate the children and eat sandwiches with drinks, fruits. It is not worth sitting up for a long time for a treat - as soon as the noise began - they ate, it's time to play.

Games - only under the organization of an adult presenter, otherwise the uncontrolled baby will simply walk on his head, arranging a real doomsday. All planned entertainment behind? Back at the table! And after - quiet games (the children are tired and overexcited). At parting, each guest needs to be presented with a small gift - this will be a very pleasant souvenir.

And what about the parents of the invited children, you ask? Who will take care of them. When will I celebrate? Who will serve-clean cutlets and Olivier? Our holiday is for children. If you can bring your child and leave, great! If this is not possible, warn in advance that you will have to participate as your assistant. In the meantime, the children will eat, you will have time to eat a cake and drink a glass of wine.

Entertaining and occupied: contests for Christmas

On the Internet you can find many different competitions, as well as ready scripts holiday. Be careful! Fast, energetic activities (relay races, tags and other running and jumping entertainment) must be alternated with calm games (drawing games, riddles and other sedentary tasks). It is permissible to arrange several active games in a row at the very beginning of the holiday, but at the end of it it is better to combine a couple of quiet ones so that the children calm down. If noisy competitions follow one after another, the children will quickly get tired, get overexcited, the rest of the evening will no longer be a joy. And vice versa: too many sedentary activities will make active kids get bored and they will start looking for violent games on their own. It is desirable that your holiday scenario does not repeat the type of game: if the relay race, then only once, if the dance game, then also only once, the dexterity competition should also not be held twice.

Be sure to break the guests into two teams, the competitive moment adds spice to the competition. Let each team choose its own name and come up with a slogan. For each contest she wins, she will receive a point in the form of something substantial. It could be a little Christmas star. There must be more of them than the number of contests, in case of a draw.

What else can you do with your little guests?

Relay races and hide and seek are all great, of course, but it would be nice to surprise children with an unusual entertainment for such a holiday.

Children are completely delighted when they are offered to make something interesting from ... real yeast dough. You can buy it frozen at the store or make your own. I emphasize - the dough should be just yeast! Their works are ridiculously inflated and enlarged when finished goods begin to approach, which simply amazes the little guests! Each child is given a piece of parchment paper, the size of a notebook leaf, on which they need to make their own pie. This is necessary so that the figure of a man or animal made of dough is transferred without deformation to a baking sheet, and from a baking sheet in a baked form - back to a plate. For decoration, you can offer saucers with kernels of nuts and seeds, raisins. These baked souvenirs are handed out to guests at the end of the holiday, and she happily takes them home. You can suggest making the Christmas star again, now not from cardboard, but from dough.

I remind you that calm games must alternate with active games. If two quiet activities go on in a row, more active children will lose concentration and begin to be distracted and noisy. If two energetic and noisy competitions are held without a break, the children will quickly overwork and begin to act up.

I'll tell you the relay game, which we invented and tested first at a children's and then at an adult holiday, it turned out to be so fun and win-win-funny. Blanks: two sheets of Whatman paper pinned to the wall, two markers, two containers with the same set of notes indicating body parts. Since our task was to portray the "Russian beauty", we wrote: crown, braid, eyes, nose, mouth ... boots. The main thing is not to skip a single part so that the drawing is as complete as possible. All notes are mixed and placed in a box, which is placed under each Whatman sheet. When the START command is given, the first player runs up to the wall with a marker, pulls out a piece of paper, reads what to draw, depicts it on the sheet, runs away and passes the relay marker to the next participant, and he himself becomes at the end of the queue. The player who received the marker also runs to the wall, reads, draws and returns. IT IS VERY FUNNY! Our operator could not shoot the competition on camera - my hands were shaking with laughter, and I, as the presenter, was unable to comment on the resulting "Beauties" - disproportionate parts of the body, skewed facial features ... Tears flowed in a stream from laughter. We also held the same competition among adults: they drew Miss Beauty - it was even more great than on children's holiday. The team with the prettiest drawing wins.

The end of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ for children

This wonderful day has come to an end. I would like to end it in such a way that it is not sad that it ended, but good at heart. If you filmed a holiday on a camera, then you can play the video on the TV screen at the moment when the guests eat the cake. Children are already tired, they don’t really want to talk and have fun, and such viewing will amuse them. If the children are already schoolchildren and know how to write, having cleared the table, bring a huge postcard and felt-tip pens bought in advance, let everyone leave a review about the holiday and a congratulation-wish to all those present. It would be nice to make a simple letter on the computer and give it to each guest as parting: the most dexterous, the most cheerful, the most resourceful - they will proudly show it to their parents, remembering the past fun.

... And how nice, saying goodbye to your child's friends, to hear: “Thank you! Thank you very much for the holiday! We have never had so much fun! …Will you invite us next time?!”

Jesus coming is expected

Topic: joyful anticipation

Target: Tell the children why people look forward to Christmas with joy

Golden Verse:

Practical goal: Encourage the children to look forward to the holiday of Christmas and thank Jesus for His birth

Preparing for the lesson: You can decorate the room in advance with fir branches or garlands, New Year's toys or crafts made by the children themselves. Put a spruce branch (20-30 cm) on the table, you can artificial, decorate it and attach one candle. Hang an advent calendar on the wall. It can be done like this: draw 24 windows on a large sheet of drawing paper and sign the number from 1 to 24 on each (these are the numbers from December 1 to December 24). Windows cut through on three sides, and the fourth side will then be bent. Behind these windows, glue sweets or small souvenirs with adhesive tape. On every Sunday before Christmas, several children, according to the number of days that have passed in December, will open windows and take a gift for themselves. The teacher writes down the children who received gifts and makes sure that all the children get one.

During the classes

Friends, I greet you. Did you like our class? Can you guess why it's so decorated? (Children's answers) During this month, we will study with look forward to Christmas. And what is this holiday - Christmas? (children's answers)
Once an angel said to people these words: “I proclaim to you great joy, which will be to all people: for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord” Luke 2:10-11.
The birth of Jesus is a joyful event for all people, and therefore we will rejoice and thank God for the birth of Jesus.

Game "Treasure"
The teacher attaches several drawings and objects to the board (or selects such objects that can be put on the table, approximately 9-10 pieces), where the “treasure” can be hidden, for example: in a vase, box, spruce branch, toy, flower, etc. .P. Then, on a piece of paper so that the children do not see, the teacher writes down the name of the object in which the “treasure” is hidden, and removes this piece of paper.
The conditions of the game are as follows: the teacher divides the children into two groups, he reads the question to each group in turn. If the group answers correctly, then they name one object where the “treasure” can be hidden. The teacher is writing. If one group cannot answer the question, then the other group answers and names the location of the “treasure”. Groups can repeat the same subject.
When all questions are answered, the teacher invites one of the students, barks him a hidden piece of paper, and he reads where the "treasure" is hidden. "Treasure" can be "found" by both groups if they both named the item that was written on the piece of paper. The group that "found" the "treasure" wins.

1. Who gives you health? (God)
2. Who said about Himself that He is the good Shepherd? (Jesus Christ)
3. What happens in heaven when a sinful person asks God for forgiveness on earth? (angels rejoice)
4. Who can help you be obedient? (Jesus Christ)
5. Who gives you the ability to study at school? (God)
6. When you are visiting, is it possible to take anything without permission? (Not)
7. What words can hurt a person? (Offensive, nicknames, ridicule)
8. What does the word "truth" mean? (what really happened)
9. What is theft? (When a person takes what does not belong to him and keeps to himself)
10. What is conscience? (This is a voice from the Lord that can be heard in our heart)
11. Who cannot be deceived? (God)
12. What is the main thing in a person's life? (Be reconciled to God and love Him)

Mom said to her children: “Wait a little in the nursery, dad and I will prepare a pre-Christmas surprise for you.” The parents went into the hall, closing the door behind them.
Tanya drew, Yasha played with the typewriter. And Olya, pushing the toys aside, capriciously and sharply said: "I don't want to wait." Tanya asked her: “Why are you angry? And I like to wait. After all, waiting is so interesting, you can already rejoice at something good in advance!

It is good when children know how to expect something with joy.
Over 2,000 years ago in Palestine, people were also waiting. God, through many prophets, promised to send the world a Savior who would free people from their sins and give them new life. Much was known about the coming of the Savior, and people were expecting the Messiah. He came in an amazing way, and all the prophecies about His coming were fulfilled. On the day of His birth, the sky rejoiced and rejoiced, as well as the people to whom God announced this.
Nowadays, people are also special looking forward to Christmas. In some countries, the waiting time starts four weeks before the holiday. This is a time of joyful anticipation.
Adult people who love God during this period check their actions, words and thoughts. For everything that was done and said wrong before God, they ask for forgiveness, because sin takes away joy, but God cleanses from sin those who repent of it. This is how people prepare their hearts for the joyful expectation of the Christmas holiday. Sometimes, for interest and clarity, children make a wreath of spruce branches or just take a sprig of spruce and decorate it, and then gradually attach four candles to the wreath or branch. On the first Sunday, one candle is lit, this indicates that one week of waiting has already passed. On the second Sunday, two candles are lit, as two weeks of waiting have passed. Three candles are lit on the third Sunday, and four on Christmas Day itself.
In the family where Olya lived, they also began to prepare for the Christmas holiday in four weeks and teach their children joyful expectation. Olya was still unhappy when the parents invited the children to the hall. But at the door of the hall the children stopped in surprise. The room was unrecognizable. On the table lay a wreath with a burning candle, and next to it were three beautiful packages. In a large vase stood fir branches, the same branches with decorations lay on the piano. A shining star hung from the window.
- How beautiful! Tanya admires. Mom started playing the piano and singing a Christmas song. Olya, Tanya and Yasha also knew this song and happily sang along with their mother. They sang a few more songs together. Then dad invited the children to open three packages lying on the table, but at the same time he said:
First, guess what's in them. This is what makes the anticipation of Christmas enjoyable.
Why does this Christmas holiday take so long to wait? Olya asked, because she does not like to wait. “Today is only the first Sunday, and only one candle is lit. It's still so long before Christmas!
- But why? Tanya asks. And everyone talks together.
“Maybe because Christmas is very good holiday? Olya says.
What happened on Christmas Day? Dad asks.
- Jesus is born! - said four-year-old Yasha.
“That’s right,” Dad confirms. “Jesus was born, and this is the best event in the entire existence of the earth. The Feast of Christmas is the birthday of Jesus. And adding a candle every week, we rejoice even more and say: "Christmas is coming soon!"
“But don’t you want to guess what is in your bags?” Mom asks now. What makes the anticipation of Christmas enjoyable?
“Candles,” Tanya says, but mom and dad shake their heads.
“Candles make waiting pleasant, but they are not in packages,” said dad.
“Maybe spruce branches?” Olya asked, although she had no idea how spruce branches could be packed in a bag.
“Cookies or nuts,” Yasha suggests.
But he didn't guess either.
“They look at him every morning,” Dad says.
Oh, how could they not have guessed!
- Advent calendar! they all shout in unison.
And then all the packages were unpacked.
- Oh, oh, what a delight! Olya admires.
We have never had such beautiful ones! - Tanya was happy
Each of the children received an advent calendar with a picture of a small village with twenty-three houses and one church in the center. House number one can be opened immediately. Tanya finds a beautiful pencil sharpener in it, Olya finds a hair clip, and Yasha finds a small typewriter.
When after that they sat at the table, cracked nuts and ate cookies, Olya had already forgotten that she did not like to wait. “No, it’s nice to wait for Christmas!” she thinks now. At the end of the day, mom suggests:
- Children, do you want the wait for the second Christmas Sunday not to be so long for you? Then prepare for next Sunday every surprise you have.
Olya immediately had a great idea. Yes! She will definitely do it.
Friends, how do you expect the Christmas holiday? Do you rejoice in the coming of Jesus to earth? Or maybe you are waiting only for gifts, not thinking about the holiday itself? It's good when gifts are given, but even better is what Jesus gives to those who love Him - joy and eternal life with Him. Thank God for the coming of Jesus to earth, for His Christmas. And look forward to this holiday with joy.

Learning the golden verse
(The words of the verse are made up of letters.)
Friends, today we have the first Sunday before Christmas, and we will also learn to wait for this holiday with joy. Let this Bible verse help us with this:

“But my soul will rejoice in the Lord, it will rejoice in salvation from Him” Psalm 34 verse 9

After learning the golden verse, the teacher lights a candle on a branch
Friends, have you already noticed that we also have a pre-Christmas calendar? Some of you will be able to open the first windows today. Who will have this opportunity, we will find out so.
The teacher prepares pictures of cones according to the number of children who came, and according to the number of days of December that have passed, he marks these pictures with an asterisk on the reverse side. For example, there are 15 children in the class, and on Sunday the number is December 3rd. The teacher prepares 15 cones (according to the number of students) and marks three of them with stars. Then he shuffles them and invites each child to take one picture. Those children who got the marked cones can open the first 3 windows in the calendar and take their prizes. The teacher writes down the children who have received prizes, and at the next lesson these children do not receive cones and do not participate in the opening of the calendar windows. In a week, children can open seven more windows, in another week, the next seven.
When all children receive 1 prize, the teacher distributes the remaining prizes at his discretion.
If there are more than 24 children in the group, then 2 advent calendars can be made.


Performed with parents
1. Learn the golden verse. Psalm 34 verse 9
2. Fill in the worksheet of the notebook.
3. Prepare a pre-Christmas surprise. It may
be a learned Christmas poem or song,
Christmas card craft.

Final Prayer
Our lesson is over. With the peace of God, goodbye.

for children 2-3 years old

Introduction. Children, there will soon be a wonderful holiday "Christmas". Houses are decorated with beautiful Christmas trees with toys, snowflakes are made, and gifts are given to each other. Soon you will also receive a gift from mom and dad (show a picture showing a Christmas tree and children, or prepare a Christmas tree yourself from cardboard, Fig. No. 1). And what do you want? (refer to 2 children).

Read the verse to the children

Christmas means peace!

Christmas means you have to

Bible story. (show the children's Bible to the children, have them repeat the word "Bible" or fig. Bible).

Do any of you have a little brother and sister? Look at this picture - the baby has just been born. He still does not know how to talk, walk, eat like an adult. He is small and helpless. Mom and dad take care of him. Small children are carried in their arms or carried in strollers.

Little Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, far from the city of Moscow, where we live. Jesus' mother's name was Mary, and his father's name was Joseph. show fig. No. 2 or show the dolls). At that time, people dressed differently than your moms and dads. Mary rides on a donkey to the city of Bethlehem, and Joseph walks beside her. It's hard for her, because she is due to have a baby soon.

The place where he was born is called a barn, where they kept pets ( show picture number 3, name the animals).

How did this happen and what was surprising about the birth of Jesus? One of the miracles is that the shepherds saw angels in heaven. Shepherds are those who tend sheep (show picture #4) (show picture)

Jesus is the name of all above

Wonderful Savior, glorious Lord.

Emmanuel - God is with us forever

Liberator, forever alive.

Prayer. And now we pray to God. Have the children stand and in silence have an adult pray out loud like this:“Dear God, thank you for Christmas. On this day, many years ago, Jesus Christ, our Lord, was born. Bless me and my parents. Amen".

Ask questions to children

Where is baby Jesus pictured?

- Where is his mother?

- What was her name?

- Show me an angel

Who gave gifts to Jesus?

Crafts. On the feast of the Nativity of Christ, people give gifts to each other. Now we will make gifts for our mothers and fathers (Fig. No. 5). Prepare in advance carved figures for children - Angel, stars. Have the children glue them on a dark blue background. Explain to the children where the stars, angels and baby Jesus are.

2 Lesson with children on the topic "Christmas"
for children 3-5 years old

Introduction. Children, there will soon be a wonderful holiday "Christmas". Houses are decorated with beautiful Christmas trees with toys, snowflakes are made, and gifts are given to each other. Soon you will receive a gift from mom and dad . And what do you want? (refer to two children).

Read the verse to the children.
Christmas means joy
Christmas means peace!
Christmas means you have to
Forgive everyone as Jesus forgave!

Bible story. The birth of Jesus was described in the Bible (show the children's Bible to the children, have them repeat the word "Bible" with you).

Take a baby doll to class, wrap it in a blanket and pick it up. Or show a picture."Very much years ago a little boy was born, a baby named Jesus. He was special. He was God and man at the same time. He was born to help people, save them from sins. God loves you and every person on earth."

How many of you have little brothers and sisters? Look at this picture - the baby has just been born. He still does not know how to talk, walk, eat like an adult. He is small and helpless. Mom and dad take care of him. Small children are carried in their arms or carried in strollers.

Little Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, far from the city of Moscow, where we live. Jesus' mother's name was Mary and his father's name was Joseph (show fig. No. 2). At that time, people dressed differently than your moms and dads. Mary rides on a donkey to the city of Bethlehem, and Joseph walks beside her. It's hard for her, because she is due to have a baby soon.

The place where he was born is called a barn, where they kept pets .

(listen to answers


(show picture #4). At night they saw many angels praising God, saying "Hallelujah!" and sang songs. Angels (show picture) serve God and help people. They also take care of each of you.

Play the song "Jesus is the name of all above" or sing it yourself.

Let's imagine that together with the angels we are praising Jesus, we will sing this song.

Jesus is the name of all above

Emmanuel - God is with us forever
Liberator, forever alive.


Our Father who art in heaven!
hallowed be thy name;
let your kingdom come;

and forgive us our debts,

and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom

Ask questions to children
Where is baby Jesus pictured?

If the children cannot answer these questions, you can help them.?
- Where is his mother?
- What was her name?
- Show me an angel
Who gave gifts to Jesus?
What did people see unusual in the sky?
What is the name of the book where you can read this story?

crafts. On the feast of the Nativity of Christ, people give gifts to each other. Now we will make gifts for our moms and dads (Fig. No. 6) (fig. 7 and 8) or a garland of stars (each garland needs 5 to 10 stars different colors, cut them out in advance, then glue them to the thread with tape).

3 Lesson with children on the topic "Christmas"

for children 5-7 years old

Introduction. Children, there will soon be a wonderful holiday "Christmas". What kind of holiday is this (listen to the children's answers). Add - houses are decorated with beautiful Christmas trees with toys, snowflakes are made, and gifts are given to each other. Soon you will receive a gift from mom and dad (show a picture of a Christmas tree and children or prepare a Christmas tree yourself). What do you want your parents to give you? (refer to two children).
Read the verse to the children.

Christmas means joy

Christmas means peace!

Christmas means you have to

Forgive everyone as Jesus forgave!

Bible story. The birth of Jesus was described in the Bible (show the children's Bible to the children).

Take a baby doll to class, wrap it in a blanket and pick it up. Or show a picture.“Many, many years ago, a little boy was born, a baby named Jesus. He was special. He was God and man at the same time. He was born to help people, save them from sins. God loves you and every person on earth."

How many of you have little brothers and sisters? Look, the baby has just been born. He still does not know how to talk, walk, eat like an adult. He is small and helpless. Mom and dad take care of him. Small children are carried in their arms or carried in strollers.

Little Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem, far from the city of Moscow, where we live. This city is in Israel. Maybe someone rested there with their parents? This country is very far from us. The winter is short, there is almost no snow, and the summer is very hot. Palm trees grow there.

So, the mother of Jesus was called Mary, and the father was Joseph. (show fig. No. 2). At that time, people dressed differently than your moms and dads. Mary rides on a donkey to the city of Bethlehem, and Joseph walks beside her. It's hard for her, because she is due to have a baby soon. The place where he was born is called a barn, where they kept pets (show picture number 3, name the animals).

How did this happen and what was surprising about the birth of Jesus? One of the miracles - an unusual star appeared in the sky. She was very bright and beautiful, different from other stars. Children, have you seen the stars in the sky (listen to children's answers). The star that appeared in the sky showed the way to the wise men who wanted to see the baby Jesus and give Him gifts. They traveled for a long time through deserts and mountains. At that time, people rode camels. When the sages met the baby, they were happy and gave him gifts.

Another miracle happened when the shepherds saw angels in heaven. Shepherds are those who tend the sheep (show picture #4). At night they saw many angels praising God, saying "Hallelujah!" and sang songs. Angels (show picture) serve God and help people. They also take care of each of you.

Play the song "Jesus is the name of all above" or sing it yourself. Let's imagine that together with the angels we are praising Jesus, we will sing this song.

Jesus is the name of all above
Wonderful Savior, glorious Lord.
Emmanuel - God is with us forever
Liberator, forever alive.

Prayer. Read the prayer "Our Father" with the children. Ask the children to stand and pray in silence. First, the adult says two words, then all the children repeat together until you read the entire prayer.

Our Father who art in heaven!
hallowed be thy name;
let your kingdom come;
may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
give us our daily bread this day;
and forgive us our debts,
just as we forgive our debtors;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom
and power and glory forever. Amen.

Rebus. Divide the group into teams of 2 people. Give each team an envelope with the letters O E F R D S W T O. They have to guess what the word is (Christmas).

Ask questions to children

Where is baby Jesus pictured?

- Where is his mother?

- What was her name?

- Show me an angel

Who gave gifts to Jesus?

What did people see unusual in the sky?

If the children cannot answer these questions, you can help them.

Crafts. On the feast of the Nativity of Christ, people give gifts to each other. Now we will make gifts for our moms and dads (Fig. No. 6). Prepare in advance carved figures for children - a Christmas tree, angels, stars (instead of candles), figures of Mary, Joseph and the Baby. You can make angels (fig. 7 and 8) or a garland of stars (for each garland you need from 5 to 10 stars of different colors, cut them out in advance, then glue them to the thread with tape).

There is a certain tradition in our church. On the evening of December 24, we celebrate the so-called children's Christmas. What does this mean? Everyone is welcome: both adults and children. But the children sit on the first benches, and the adults take a seat behind the children. All ministry is dedicated to children. Games, stories, questions and gifts are prepared for them.

About a month before that, we in the church begin to remind of the upcoming holiday. We invite all children. That is, not only those who go to the meeting, but in general everyone: grandchildren, nephews and just acquaintances. The only condition: if someone brings a "non-church" child, then you need to inform us in advance so that we correctly calculate the number of gifts.

This year we made 110 gifts. Our, church, children - 55. So, another 55 came to visit us :)

By the holiday we usually decorate the House of Prayer. Every year is different. This year, the youth decorated according to the story that they would later tell - one part of the house represented the streets, the other - the living room of the apartment, where the action unfolded.

We avoid theatricality, but some elements (decoration, division into roles, as in recitations) are present.

This year there was such a program.

1. Prayer.

2. General singing of the anthem "Silent Night".

3. Christmas story.

In general, telling a Christmas story is not an easy task. On the one hand, it is imperative to tell it, since unbelieving children are present at the holiday, and in general, what is Christmas without a Christmas story, and on the other hand, many children already know it well, and they may be bored. That's why we try to come up with something every time. This time my old friend Andrei gave me the idea.

I started like this:

Children, I want to tell you a Christmas story. Once, a very long time ago, in Palestine, shepherds guarded their flocks in the field ...

At that moment, someone knocked hard on the side door of the House of Prayer. Then, as it turned out, almost all those present decided that it was the neighbors who had come to swear. A brother came in (not from our church - a guest, so the children do not know him). He was all frozen.

You have a letter, - holds out the letter.

What letter, - I ask in surprise, - you made a mistake ...

No, a letter to you, here is your address...

I take the letter. He's leaving. I open and read. It turned out to be a letter from the shepherds. You can read the text of it (as well as the texts of other letters) at this link.

So we told the Christmas story while reading the letters.

3. Participation of the children themselves.

4. Games.

Made this game. Characters from the Christmas story were drawn on whatman paper. The children had to choose a character and answer questions about that character that I asked. Each child received as a gift a small picture with a biblical character, which he can then stick on the refrigerator or desk.

One more game. The brother was called ahead. They blindfolded him. 10 children were placed in front of him. He had to grope to determine which of them was his son. Then they did the same with the sister and the girls. It's been very fun.

5. Story.

The youth told a story (in faces, but without theatricality) about a young man who returned from prison and was in poverty. One day he was invited to a Christmas service and he recognized the inviter as his father.

6. Gifts.

This is the most intriguing part of the holiday. Children are looking forward to this moment. This time the shepherd and the donkey brought gifts. The donkey was made three nights in a row - sewn from different materials. It turned out to be a very natural donkey, which even "hakal" from time to time :) You should have seen how he walked! The kids (and adults too) loved it! Of course, there was a brother in the donkey :) Then they took pictures with him :)