Victoria Bonya: who became her new husband (photo). Culture & ShowBiz Victoria Boni's husband left her with nothing after breaking up Boni's husband who is he

Victoria first decided to try herself as a video blogger six years ago, posting her interview on YouTube on a healthy lifestyle. She did it quite professionally, because a year earlier she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism at the Belarusian State University. The blogger's passion also played a role in her personal life - Victoria Yushkevich's first husband also worked on projects dedicated to fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

Personal life of Victoria Yushkevich

Having registered her first project - the HotPsychologies channel, Victoria did not expect that it would quickly become popular, and this success prompted Yushkevich to develop it further.

In addition to the fact that she began to cooperate with the creative association Karamba TV, Victoria entered the Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow State University them. Lomonosov.

Among bloggers, Victoria Yushkevich met Denis Seminikhin, with whom she began to create joint projects. Cooperation gradually developed into a romance, and Seminihin, who for a long time was considered an avid bachelor, decided to change his status and make an offer to Vika.

In the photo - Victoria Yushkevich and Denis Seminikhin

Yushkevich supported her husband in everything, constantly attended trainings and lectures given by Denis. Victoria began to host a program on CarambaTV, where her knowledge of psychology came in handy - she talked about how to build family relationships.

In the photo - Victoria's first husband

In addition, she became the co-host of the workout videos posted by Semenikhin.

However, family life with Denis did not last long - two years later living together the couple decided to leave, and their divorce went so quietly and imperceptibly that many believe that they are still married.

Victoria received many letters and comments in which everyone who knew this couple was sincerely surprised that she and Denis parted ways, because outwardly their relationship seemed ideal. Even for Victoria's parents, this was a complete surprise.

In the photo - Victoria with her husband

The second husband of Victoria Yushkevich was the Russian tennis player Yegor, whom she married in 2015. Having become a wife and mother, Yushkevich continues to be active and promote healthy lifestyle ideas.

Brief biography of Victoria Yushkevich

Victoria was born on January 27, 1989 in St. Petersburg. Even at school, she showed a special interest in such subjects as mathematics, psychology and physical education, which became the theme of her future projects.

After graduating from the Belarusian University, Yushkevich began her career as a journalist in the media, and in 2011 she was invited to work as a host on the Russia 2 channel. At the same time, she began to upload videos on her own channel, and later, having met her first husband, Yushkevich began to record workouts with him, interview the stars of domestic and foreign sports.

In 2015, Victoria entered the Top 10 most popular girls - sports hosts, taking second place and losing only to Victoria Lopyreva.

The divorce from Seminihin put an end not only to their marriage, but also to their joint work. Now Victoria attends various sports events, and also participates in numerous projects, for example, in the Wake Up program of the Ahe company.

She devotes her free time to her husband and son. Together they often travel and have already visited many parts of the world. Victoria's husband is an athlete and together they cultivate in their family healthy lifestyle life.

Dreams of fairy-tale love are common for young girls, when you expect that for your sake they will take castles by storm, win tournaments, and finally the long-awaited prince will come for you on a snow-white stallion. Times inevitably change, but a girl's dreams of that one and only prince remain unchanged. True, the horse was replaced by a car, but the essence remained - all girls dream of their ideal man. And, you know, wishes do come true. Someone really meets their prince. Like, for example, Victoria Bonya. The story of her relationship with her daughter's father is like a fairy tale with a happy ending.

How it all began

Start fairy tale was laid in Moscow, October 7, 2010, at a party dedicated to the presentation of Topalov's video. Victoria came with her friends, who turned out to be good acquaintances of Alex. Since that evening, they have not parted.

Victoria Boni's husband has always been a representative of the so-called "golden youth". Party goer fashion shows, presentations, before meeting with Vika, he preferred easy, non-binding relationships.

Husband of a young businessman

Alex Smurfit is the son of one of Ireland's wealthiest and most powerful people. His father, Michael Smurfit, is the President of Smurfit Kappa Group, the European market leader in paper packaging. He is also the founder of the Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business, the business school that bears his name.

Victoria Boni's husband was born on March 22, 1985 in Monaco. He received a good European education. In 2008 he graduated from Regent's American College London. He has nothing to do with the family business, he has never worked in it. The young man prefers to achieve everything himself. In Moscow, he opened his successful baking business. His confectionery factory produces for supermarkets hand-made food - cupcakes, cheesecakes, brownies.In addition, Victoria Boni's husband has a business in his homeland, in Monaco.He is also the owner of the Annabel's coffee chain.

The age of love is not a hindrance

Alex Smerfit looks very young, so the question has repeatedly arisen in the press about how old Victoria Boni's husband is. Now he is 29 years old. Vika is 6 years older than her chosen one. But looking at this young, harmonious and happy couple, you simply do not notice. For them, it is completely irrelevant.

Attitude of relatives

As soon as young people began to meet, and especially after the news of Victoria's pregnancy, talk does not stop that Alex's father is against her entering the family.

The Smerfit family belonged to the aristocracy. Many envious people said contemptuously that Alex's relatives would not allow him to marry such a scandalous person as Victoria. In fact, the Smerfit family has nothing to do with the aristocracy. In 2005, 75-year-old Michael Smerfit received England's highest award, the order, and can now add the title "sir" to his name. But under English law, this title cannot be inherited, it can only be earned. So Alex, the husband of Victoria Boni, does not belong to the aristocracy.

Often a girl is reproached for being carried away by the young heir to a noble family, seduced by their billions. But even here the information is incorrect. The head of the family is not a billionaire at all. Michael Smerfit's fortune is estimated at 368 million euros. However, Alex himself does not comment on these conversations.

young parents

On March 17, 2012, their daughter Angelina-Letizia was born in Nice. As Victoria says, the question of a wedding with her beloved is not the main thing for her now. She and her husband decided to postpone it until the moment when their little daughter grows up and can carry her mother's train. wedding dress. It remains only to wish good luck to this insanely beautiful young family!

Victoria Demidova became famous after the TV program "Let them talk". Here the girl talked about how she managed to lose weight after giving birth by as much as twenty kilograms! Victoria's success story has been a motivator for many women to get off the couch and get in shape. Today's article is dedicated to Demidova and her personal victory in the fight for the perfect body.

Victoria Demidova: biography

It is known that this woman was born in 1979, and on this moment she is 38. Victoria does not talk about her childhood, she also keeps the city of birth and the names of her parents a secret. Once Demidova said that she had a brother, and the family often moved from city to city until she arrived in Moscow, where Vika lives today.

The mystery woman also prefers not to talk about her nationality, she only mentioned in one of the interviews that a mixture of blood flows in her veins.


As a result of constant moving, Victoria had to change more than six schools. Having received a certificate of secondary education, the girl decided to go to study as a psychologist at Moscow State University, but, without completing her first year, she left the institute.

In 1997, Victoria was admitted to the Moscow State University, where she chose the Faculty of Economics and Management. In 2002, the girl received a diploma, which means that she successfully completed her studies and is a specialist in management and marketing.

In the future, Victoria Demidova began to work as a teacher at the college, where she led the "Analysis of financial and economic activity" and "Finance and Credit".

In 2010, realizing that she was not doing her own thing, the girl entered the Faculty of Fashion Industry at Moscow State University, one of her teachers was Alexander Vasiliev.

Personal life

Victoria Demidova has been happily married for over ten years. She loves to talk about her family, but she does not disclose the names of the most important men in her life. The husband of Victoria Demidova is ten years older than her and was married at the time of meeting her.

Vika met her future husband in a nightclub, the meeting took place already in the morning, and the girl was in a terrible mood because of a quarrel with her boyfriend. A new acquaintance was able to console and even cheer Vika, from that moment they became inseparable. Soon the man divorced and registered a marriage with Demidova.

In 2006, the newly-minted couple had a son. Now the boy is 11 years old, and from an early age he was taught to play sports. You can meet Victoria with her husband and son on a morning run, they also often walk in the park.

Demidova says she is very happy. Her husband supports her in everything, and in the numerous photos posted on Instagram, it is noticeable that her husband adores his beautiful wife. The girl considers her husband a real diplomat in family relationships. According to her, it is she who starts the disputes, but the husband can quickly calm her down, resolve all problems, and resolve the conflict.

Like many women, Victoria Demidova starts the morning by taking Nikita to school, her husband to work. During the day, she does household chores and only in the evening can pay attention to herself, go in for sports, and then relax by watching a good movie.

How did Victoria lose weight after giving birth?

The success story of Demidova's weight loss is very interesting. She says that during pregnancy she gained so much weight that she considered herself a real fat woman. She cried and hated her body. Friends tried to console the girl, saying that after giving birth she would definitely become the same. But the birth of a child made Vika only fatter, the extra pounds didn’t go anywhere on their own. There were people who told the young mother that she was only getting on her nerves in vain, because her body would never be the same. And Vika promised herself that she would never be the same, because her figure would be much better than before pregnancy.

When Nikita was three months old, the girl began to play sports, adjusted her menu. Victoria signed up for a gym, which was located next to the house, ran in the morning, did aerobics at home every day for half an hour. Her husband helped her in every possible way with household chores, stayed with her little son while her wife put her figure in order.

On the way to success

Initially, Demidova was engaged in the Tracy Andersen program. Six months later, she added strength exercises to her usual exercises, but she was no longer engaged in the gym on her own, but under the guidance of an experienced trainer, who gradually increased the girl’s workload.

Soon, the young mother became the envy of everyone only more beautiful. She proved to herself and others that even after childbirth you can look perfect, you just have to try a little, and today she is proud of her body, constantly sharing new photos of Victoria Demidova. The height, weight and parameters of this woman are of interest to many. Victoria does not hide this information: height - 166 centimeters, weight - 45 kilograms, figure parameters - 86/58/86, shoe size - 37.

Now Demidova conducts master classes for everyone who wants to lose weight. She shares her achievements on her personal Instagram page and never refuses advice.

Before weight loss

Victoria Demidova, whose weight loss is discussed by thousands of women, says that she has never been as slim as she is now. On the television program of Andrei Malakhov, she brought photographs in which she was depicted as pregnant. Many believe that the woman there is not at all fat, but rather sweet, and the tummy stands out, and not excess kilograms.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to find pictures of Demidova before pregnancy and see what her figure was like. It remains to believe only Victoria herself, who looks amazing in her age.

Success in everything

Victoria Demidova is a very active person. She admits that since childhood she cannot sit still. She, along with her father, went in for sports, attended sections of wushu, boxing and athletics, performed in these forms for the school and the institute. Having suffered a knee injury, the girl abandoned classes and returned to the sport only after giving birth.

Victoria gets up very early and goes to bed late, such a daily routine allows you to do large quantity affairs. She runs a business, tries to devote a lot of time to raising Nikita. Every day, Vika visits the gym and fitness, devotes several days a week to drawing, taking lessons from a professional artist. Demidova is interested in fashion, draws sketches herself, dreams of creating a personal collection of clothes.

A diversified and very busy woman does not forget about caring for her skin. She visits a beauty salon, where the master makes her combined and ultrasonic facial cleansing, a variety of nourishing and moisturizing masks. Victoria Demidova also has a personal masseur and stylist.

Diet from Victoria Demidova

The girl after giving birth revised her menu, and now her diet consists only of balanced and healthy food. In order to regain her former figure and become attractive again, Victoria Demidova refused a lot of goodies. She regulated her nutrition for a year and now she can live without her usual dishes.

First of all, Vika refused all sweet, delicious buns and bread, and began to consume large amounts of water. Demidova cooks her food exclusively by steaming and grilling to eliminate excess fat found in oils. The girl learned to eat fractionally, avoiding large portions. She says that you need to eat several times a day, but little by little.

Traditional Victorian menu today:

  • breakfast: two boiled eggs, 150 grams of oatmeal boiled in water, black coffee with a spoonful of sugar, some dried fruits (a handful);
  • snack: you can eat some fruits or nuts;
  • lunch: vegetable salad, a portion of meat or fish, any cereals for garnish;
  • dinner: the last meal should be no later than seven in the evening and consist of meat or fish with a side dish of vegetables;
  • during the day it is recommended to drink plenty of clean water (up to two liters) + three cups of coffee (latte, americano, espresso).

Victoria Demidova says that you can return bread and sweets to the diet only after the extra pounds are gone. She herself does not deny herself the pleasure of enjoying a sweet dessert and chocolate until twelve o'clock in the afternoon. The girl advises to use your favorite desserts in small quantities and only until noon. She herself considers herself a sweet tooth and says that at first she simply went crazy without chocolate, but a great desire to lose weight stopped her from eating even a small slice.

Victoria Demidova: training

Now this fragile woman is engaged in crossfit and functional training, at least two days a week she devotes an hour to cardio. Vika devotes four days a week to fitness. She says that she, like all people, has bouts of laziness, when she absolutely does not want to get up from the couch. Only Demidova does not allow herself to relax often, only a couple of days a month, on the other days she works hard.

Victoria advises to fight laziness, discipline yourself, motivate. Get up early in the morning, say: that's it, enough wallowing, it's time to work! Set a goal and work hard to achieve it.

Today, every iPhone owner can buy an application created by Victoria, it is called Demifit - a guide to achieving perfect figure. The program has everything to put your body in order in the shortest possible time. It includes a whole system of training, sets of exercises in the gym, a proper nutrition system. The application costs only about one and a half thousand rubles, but it will lead to the desired result faster.

Victoria Bonya is a Russian TV presenter who gained popularity after participating in the Dom 2 project. Her common-law husband, Alex Smurfit, is the son of one of the richest Irish businessmen involved in the production of cardboard. On the day of the first meeting, Victoria did not even pay attention to the young man, and there were rumors about him as an experienced Casanova. But Alex really liked Bonya, and he began to communicate with her. After some time, the guy realized that he should call the girl on a date, which he had been trying to achieve all evening.

Finally, Vika agreed, but did not show Alex her interest.

During their first date, the girl constantly corresponded with friends on the phone. This made Alex very angry, but at the same time, it awakened in him the desire to win the heart of his beloved.

Victoria Bonya with her husband Alex

His courtship was very beautiful. After a couple of months, Victoria gave up, which she almost regretted. But then new problems appeared: the groom's parents were against his relationship with an ordinary Russian girl, who, moreover, was 5 years older than her son. In addition, Vika participated in the Dom 2 project, which will definitely not please an intelligent family. But Smurfit Jr. was madly in love with Vika and did not listen to anyone. There were many terrible rumors about the girl, which she refuted. The Irish guy trusted Bonya and did not pay attention to dirty gossip.

Victoria Bonya with her husband and daughter

It soon became known that Victoria was pregnant. As the couple says, the birth of the baby was planned, and Vika did not at all want to tie the noble groom to herself in this way. The young were insanely happy, but even a child did not force them to create a marriage union. The parents named their daughter Angelina Letizia. The husband's parents became more supportive and fell in love with their granddaughter and Victoria. Besides, the girl became a citizen of Monaco, where she lives with her family.