How to use a facial scrub, tips and tricks. Proper cleansing, or how to use a scrub When is it better to use a facial scrub

Perhaps this is the most popular home remedy for exfoliation. And the best part, because everything is perfect in scrubs: a pleasant aroma, at the base, a consistency similar to berry jam.

    cleanse the skin;

    align its texture;

    provide softness and radiance, freeing from dead cells;

    facilitate the penetration of the active substances of the cream or body lotion.

The microparticles in the composition of the scrub can be of both natural and synthetic origin.

  1. 1

    Round silicone less scratch and damage the skin, and therefore better suited for the décolleté, skin on the abdomen and the inner surface of the hands

  2. 2

    Scrubs based sea ​​salt and sugar crystals are also considered non-traumatic

  3. 3

    natural abrasives(from crushed peach or apricot kernels) are tougher. But for skin care on the elbows, knees, feet, as well as for anti-cellulite procedures, they are indispensable.

Scrubs exfoliate dead skin cells. © iStock

In addition to exfoliating particles, scrubs include skin care ingredients.

    Oils: olive, linseed, jojoba

    After scrubbing, the skin is much more susceptible to nutrients, and oils soften, moisturize, smooth.

    Zinc, allantoin, panthenol

    These substances normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and relieve irritation. With a tendency to inflammation (they are often on the shoulders and back), choose products with their content.

    Anti-aging ingredients

    Thanks to extracts of white and green tea and other antioxidants, scrubs not only smooth the surface of the skin, but also partially neutralize the harm from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, and polluted air.

How to use a body scrub correctly

The procedure will be more effective if you first steam the skin (it is enough to spend 10 minutes in the bath or shower). When it comes to exfoliation, each part of the body requires a different approach.


Rub them before getting in the shower. terry towel to improve blood circulation. A bath with aromatic salt and oil will also help enhance the peeling effect. When scrubbing, the main thing is not to rub the skin too hard so as not to injure it.

Apply a small amount of scrub to wet skin, massage in a circular motion. Rinse with warm water, rinse with cool.

Neckline, stomach, inner surface of the arms

When applying the scrub, the movements should be stroking, gentle. No kneading techniques and tapping. And don't forget to scrub the inside of your hands.


Go harder: apply the product, knead your feet well and massage them in a circular motion. Yes, it will be ticklish, but you have to be patient.

Legs and hands

Among other things, the scrub helps to avoid ingrown hairs and inflammation of the hair follicles (for example, in the armpits).

After the procedure (this applies to all areas), thoroughly rinse off the remnants of the product, pat the skin dry with a towel, and apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream. Never use body scrubs on your face, they are too aggressive.

How often should you use a body scrub?

It depends on the type of skin. Normal and oily can be treated up to twice a week. Dry and sensitive - a maximum of 1 time, and use only delicate products.

You should not use a scrub every day, even if the package says otherwise.

In order for the skin of the face to be fresh, toned and glowing with health, it needs regular care. To the daily cosmetic procedures include:, skin toning and moisturizing. Features and rules for the application of each procedure completely depend on the state and. How to use a facial scrub so as not to injure the skin, you will learn from our article.

What is a scrub?

This cosmetic product consists of two components: a base and abrasive particles, which help remove impurities, cleanse and renew the epidermis of the skin. The performed procedure improves blood circulation, helps, the skin becomes smooth and acquires a matte and healthy color.

At regular use scrub, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, it becomes less noticeable.
This miracle cure is.

But, before carrying out the procedure at home, let's figure out in which cases it is impossible to clean the skin using this method.

Contraindications to the use of scrub

The procedure can not be performed in the presence of such skin problems:

  • the presence of a feeling of tightness of the skin on the face;
  • sensation of itching and irritation on the skin during the procedure;
  • lesions on the skin of the face;
  • inflamed and sunburned skin of the face;
  • allergic reactions;

You don't need to use a body scrub to cleanse your face, as it contains abrasive particles of a larger size.

Scrub selection according to skin type

Let's figure out how to properly use a facial scrub, given the type of skin.

normal skin type after 30 years, most often turns into dry or oily. Suitable for all types of scrubs. It is optimal to use the scrub once a week.

Oily skin looks untidy and has, but wrinkles appear on it later. For such skin, a scrub made on the basis is most suitable. It will help to make the skin of the face more elastic and smooth it. You need to use a scrub 2-3 times a week.

Dry skin sensitive to weather conditions, improperly selected soap and poor decorative cosmetics. With this type of skin, thick and creamy scrubs are suitable. It is enough to use the scrub once a week.

How to use a facial scrub: rules and tips

There are basic rules that must be followed before the procedure:

  1. Skin cleansing- the face is cleansed of makeup with a tonic, lotion or foam.
  2. warm up- before the procedure, the face, using a steam bath or applying a hot towel, warms up. This is necessary to open the pores of the face, then the nutrients and scrubbing substances will penetrate deeper into the epidermis.
  3. Application of the composition. Slowly, smoothly apply the scrub on the face and process for 3-4 minutes. We move like this: from the tip of the nose to the top of the auricles; from the chin to the area of ​​the urine of the ears; from forehead to temples.
  4. Aging. After the surface of the face is cleansed, the composition should be left for 5-10 minutes to saturate the skin with useful ingredients.
  5. Washing off the scrub. The composition is removed from the face with warm water.
  6. final moment. Applying a nourishing or moisturizing face cream that suits your skin type.

It is advisable to apply the scrub before going to bed, at this time the division of epidermal cells increases and the skin of the face becomes more receptive to nutrients and supplements.

Having determined the type of facial skin and understood the rules for applying a scrub, you can purchase a ready-made composition in a specialized store or pharmacy, but it is better to cook it at home.

How to make a scrub at home

The basis of a home scrub can be: sour cream, honey, kefir, eggs, yogurt, vegetable and. They help to nourish, moisturize the skin and protect it from possible damage during the procedure.

Abrasives - sugar, coffee, sea ​​salt, are used for polishing the epidermis, massage and improve blood flow in the skin.

Here are some examples of scrubs that you can easily make yourself.

Clay for oily skin
Mix ½ tbsp. white cosmetic clay and 1 tsp. crushed eggshell. Dilute the resulting mixture with water to a creamy mass. Scrub your face for about 2 minutes and rinse with water.

Honey for combination skin
Mix egg yolk, a tablespoon of oatmeal, a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Apply this composition on the skin of the face and massage for 1 minute.

Coffee for dry skin
Stir 1 tbsp. coffee grounds with a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Apply the mass on the face and scrub for 3 minutes, then rinse with water.

Salty for normal skin
Mix 1 tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. sour cream. Scrub your face with the resulting composition and rinse with water.

Nutty for flaky skin
Combine a few pieces of chopped walnuts, egg yolk and a teaspoon butter. Scrub the skin of the face with massage movements and rinse with warm water.

Mix two mashed strawberries, add a tablespoon of powdered milk and mandarin essential oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the face and massage for 4 minutes. Rinse with water after the procedure.

The use of homemade scrubs will help you radiate youth, make you. Enjoy and be beautiful!

Question answer

Question: How often can I use a facial scrub?

Answer: Conduct this procedure you need no more than 2-3 times a week, taking into account the condition and type of your facial skin. Frequent use of the scrub will adversely affect the water balance and the condition of the epidermis.

Question: What time of day is best to use a facial scrub?

Answer: Scrub is best used before bedtime. The skin rests and renews itself at night, as well as the pores open and the skin breathes, so the action after the scrub will be more effective.

Question: What are the contraindications to the use of scrub?

Answer: Allergic reactions, itching, facial irritation, acne, feeling of tightness, rosacea and others.

Question: What are the most common facial scrubs?

Answer: Clay, salt, honey, coffee, fruit. It all depends on your preference and skin type.

The face is always open and in direct contact with environment. Dust, dirt, sweat clog pores, preventing the dermis from breathing, which causes the skin to become painfully gray and sluggish. Therefore, periodically it is necessary to cleanse the skin on the face, thereby healing it.

The upper layer of the dermis periodically becomes keratinized due to dying cells, and they must be replaced by new ones. But naturally this layer is not removed, turning into a kind of shell for the face. And this, combined with clogged pores, makes the skin sore and accelerates its aging. Peeling will help correct the situation, and the means by which cleansing is carried out are called scrubs.

Special cosmetic products can be purchased at the store or prepared at home using some food. Scrubs contain in their composition rounded small particles with abrasive properties. Grinding the epidermis helps to gently remove the upper, already keratinized, layer, under which smooth, young, fair skin is exposed.

If you regularly use scrubs, removing dead cells, the division of those located in the deeper layers of the epidermis will go more actively. Such a delicate renewal of the skin will help to preserve youth for a long time.

Having a cleansing ability, scrubs free pores, allowing other cosmetic products (creams, masks) to penetrate deep into the subcutaneous layers, nourishing and healing cells.

How to apply scrubs

With the help of peeling, you can invigorate and refresh the skin in a matter of minutes. But you need to know how to properly use the belongings for the face. Each process has its own algorithm of actions, and peeling is no exception.

Rules for using scrubs

  • First, the skin is cleansed by washing with a gel or foam.
  • The product is applied to wet skin in circular motions in the direction from the center of the face to the periphery and up.
  • After massaging the skin a little, the scrub is left on the face for 2-3 minutes. This will help the active substances to be better absorbed.
  • Now the product can be washed off the face with warm water.

When choosing a peeling agent, you need to take into account the age of the woman - than older skin the more it needs to be sanded. But use scrubs only on healthy skin. The slightest disease, the presence of acne can provoke not only irritation, but infection.

Abrasive effects are also undesirable on too sensitive skin - here scrubs can be replaced with special gels and creams that have a delicate cleansing effect.

Regularity of procedures

When resorting to a peeling procedure, many women specify how often they can use a facial scrub. First you need to once again understand the principle of the tool. Scrub removes dead skin particles, under which there is more soft skin and there is no need to exfoliate.

If you often use belongings, abrasive particles can injure the new upper layer of the epidermis that has not yet become coarsened. When deciding on the regularity of the peeling procedure, attention should be paid to the type of skin.

Dry and thin skin requires more gentle treatment, so scrubbing should be done no more than 1 time in 2 weeks. At the same time, it is not recommended to use products with sharp particles - scrubs based on exfoliating creams containing wax are more suitable here.

Normal skin does not cause problems, but this does not mean that it does not need cleansing - a scrub should be used every 7 days.

Oily skin requires more thorough care, so you can safely apply the product 1-2 times a week.

Purchased peeling products contain both natural and artificial abrasives - sand particles, crushed nuts, pieces of grape or apricot kernels, etc. Most scrubs contain healing mud, some contain cleansing wax.

For use in home recipes, you can use the contents of jars from the kitchen cabinet. Perfectly grind the skin semolina, rice, sugar, honey, coffee grounds, eggshells, etc. There is no need to worry about how to use a face scrub prepared in the kitchen - the procedure is practically no different from that described above. But the recipes for the preparation of funds should be given attention.

"Sweet" cleansing

One option is to use sugar. In a glass of whipped cream, stir 5 tablespoons. sweet product, and then the scrub is applied to the face with massage movements. More interesting is a honey remedy, and you need to act here in the sequence described below, but first cleanse and moisturize the skin:

  • honey (2 tablespoons) must be melted in a water bath;
  • wheat bran (1 tbsp) and juice from half a lemon are added;
  • the composition is applied to the prepared skin in an even layer and left to dry;
  • you need to remove the honey scrub with massaging circular movements;
  • the face is first rinsed with warm water, and only then washed with cool.

This remedy is quite nutritious, and also helps to refresh and brighten the skin. The presence of bran stimulates skin cells to regenerate. You can even risk applying this recipe on a face covered with acne, using the product no more than 2 times a month.

Coffee variations

Coffee grounds are a fairly popular remedy for peeling at home. You can try various recipes using this component, and they all turn out to be effective.

The easiest option is to drink natural coffee, and apply the thick on your face, and wait until it dries. Then a light skin massage is performed and the thick is washed off.

A scrub based on coffee grounds and homemade cottage cheese has an excellent nutritional effect. Components are taken in equal parts.

To 1 tsp. coffee grounds add 2 tbsp. grated apple and diluted a little with warm milk. This tool immediately perform massage movements for 2-3 minutes.

The combination of ground rice with cottage cheese, grated carrots with semolina, healing clay with ground eggshell and many other variations can be offered to women who want to be beautiful. It doesn't matter how old they are - it's not just aging skin that needs exfoliation. Even young girls need to periodically clean their faces with abrasive products - without this, the process of cell regeneration will not start.

Scrubs have their own rules of application. If neglected, they can significantly harm the health and beauty of the skin.

About how to use a facial scrub correctly, what are the contraindications, how many times a week to use a facial scrub, and what we think about daily scrubs, read in this post.

Scrubbing technique

We will figure out how to apply a scrub on the face and how long you need to keep the scrub on the skin.

    Spread a small amount of scrub over wet skin with light movements.

    Be careful not to get the scrub in your eyes.

    Massage gently for one minute.

    Do not press or rub the skin.

How often can you use a facial scrub?

Use scrubs depending on your skin type:

  • from once every two weeks (for dry skin);
  • up to twice a week (for thick oily skin).

Never use a scrub (even the softest) more than four times a week.

Daily Facial Scrub

Scrub use daily - The best way bang the epidermal barrier. This is a direct path to irritated, inflamed, rough, dry skin, red spots, hypersensitivity, peeling, rashes, burning, painful sensations, hypersensitivity to sunbeams, pigmentation and sunburn. Daily facial scrubs are evil.

The main problem with using facial scrubs is that they are used too often. Exfoliation is not a daily routine, and a scrub is not a daily remedy. Not to be stated by the manufacturer. Know the measure.

Benefit of the remedy

The word "scrub" in translation from English means "rub, scrape." The very first type of peeling was an ordinary washcloth. Initially, these products included a neutral base, but gradually they turned into a full-fledged cosmetic product with a mass of useful and caring components.


Body scrub is the release of the skin from dead particles of the epidermis and impurities, as well as for preliminary cleaning before cosmetic procedures. Its use gives an instant refreshing effect, and regular cleansing with this cosmetic polishes the skin, making it smooth, elastic and radiant, as it improves blood circulation and the condition of the epidermis of the whole body, promotes intensive breathing and fights the natural aging of the skin, has a tonic effect on the entire body.

Regular body exfoliation helps fight cellulite and prevent ingrown hairs, but fat deposits may not be removed immediately. The special texture contains hard abrasive particles that help unclog pores and remove dark spots. They can be either natural: crushed apricot kernels, coffee, salt, plant seeds, cellulose, pumice, or synthetic. Usually, coarse-grained scrubs are used for the legs and body, and products with small particles are used for the face.


Gels, emulsions and creamy formulations are used as the basis, and caring components are also added:

  • honey, coffee and various algae, they tone the skin, help maintain its elasticity and strengthen and contain many minerals and vitamins;
  • healing clay, which cleans pores well, absorbs and adsorbs impurities and removes toxins;
  • essential oils that soften, nourish and moisturize the skin, in addition, they stimulate the production of the skin's own collagen, which is necessary in the fight against aging;
  • extracts of medicinal herbs such as calendula, chamomile, green tea, string, aloe, which have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

How to choose

These funds must be selected according to the components in the composition, and also be sure to take into account the condition of the skin:

  • Oily skin requires thorough cleaning with coarse-grained hard granules, so saline or coffee scrubs, which tone the skin well and clay in the composition, which, in addition to good cleansing, also tightens pores.
  • For skin prone to irritation and allergic reactions, recommended herbal remedies such as calendula and chamomile, which relieve skin irritation and soothe it.
  • normal skin- the most unpretentious in care, almost any moisturizing and toning scrubs are suitable for her, after which the body looks good, for example, sugar or salt scrubs with honey.
  • Dry and thin skin with closely spaced dilated vessels many types of scrubs are contraindicated; for such skin, only homemade, very soft scrub masks made from natural gentle ingredients are recommended.

We use it correctly

The effect of use will be higher if cleansing procedures are applied correctly. It is better to do this before going to bed: in the evening, the process of cell division slows down, the skin relaxes without being stressed. In addition, it is necessary to do this after a hot shower, bath or bath procedures when the skin is most steamed out, and the pores are enlarged. Then the keratinized particles are more easily exfoliated.

After the cleansing procedure, the peeling is applied to the moistened body with slow movements around the circumference for about 10 minutes. massage lines, especially intense - in places of cellulite deposition. Cleansing of the legs and hands should be done carefully, without touching the cuticles.

Using a scrub will give the best result if, after a light massage, the product is left on the body for a while so that the beneficial components are absorbed, having a caring and renewing effect. Then it can be washed off with warm and then cool water and a moisturizer applied.

Do it yourself

In order to take care of your body and get perfect satin skin, it is not necessary to purchase expensive products. Body care products are easy to make with your own hands, especially if you have a blender. It is important to prepare the mixture immediately before use and to maintain hygiene.


One of the most popular products in body care products is coffee, which, in addition to its tonic effect, perfectly fights orange peel in problem areas. The only condition is that coffee must be natural, medium and finely ground, and in no case should it be soluble. Coffee grounds left after brewing coffee, which will be an abrasive, are mixed with cream, sour cream or honey or fruit purees. For sensitive skin it is recommended to add olive oil to the mixture.

If you mix coffee with crushed grape seeds and add a few drops of citrus essential oil, the scrub will have a tightening effect and at the same time a means of spa aromatherapy. And if you put black pepper in a mixture of coffee and sea buckthorn oil, then you will get a powerful warming effect not only for tone, but also as a prevention of colds. If you have no time to prepare the composition, in the end, you can simply take coffee grounds and apply it to the body along with any cream or gel. The only condition is that the thick must be wet.


Salt peels cleanse the body well and contain many minerals that have a tonic effect on the skin. For home cooking, coarse sea or table salt is suitable, which is best used for thorough cleansing of pores, and for gentle cleansing- use a fine grind. Salt is recommended to be mixed with sour cream, vegetable or essential oil. If you add more turmeric and milk powder to the mixture and leave it on the body until dry after rubbing, you will get a good exfoliating effect plus a caring mask for nutrition and tone.


This oriental spice is used in the fight against cellulite and to improve blood circulation. The easiest recipe is cinnamon with honey. Cinnamon is also added to various fruit purees, clay and even raw rice along with vegetable oil. And if you add cinnamon to a mixture of warm milk, oatmeal and oil, massage it and leave it on the body, you will get not just a caring scrub for sensitive skin, but also a softening mask.

For home scrubs, yogurt and milk can also be used as a base, and as abrasive fillers: sugar, bran, chopped fruit pits and nuts.

Trying not to hurt

To make the body smooth and velvety, we use all precautions so as not to cause harm. First, before using a new product, it is advisable to first test it for an allergic skin reaction. Contraindicated deep peeling for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as the dry method of application, you can also not use scrubs daily.