How to do unedged manicure at home. Step by step for beginners. How to do an unedged manicure at home: the secrets of a professional manicure How to do an unedged manicure at home

There are many types of manicure that will help keep your hands in perfect condition.

Unedged manicure is very popular among girls and women in Europe, because it is the most safe option. It's called European. Without edged manicure is the safest, since cutting instruments are not used for it, which eliminates the possibility of infection. To do this, it is not necessary to visit a beauty salon every time, it is quite possible to learn how to do a manicure correctly at home.

Let's figure out how to go to unedged manicure. You need to start with daily use of a nourishing hand cream and a special emollient cuticle oil. These products prevent cuticle dryness, and with regular use slow down its growth, as well as nourish and moisturize the skin, making the hands soft and well-groomed.

However, you should not expect a quick result, it will appear only after 5-7 procedures. Often, masters combine a trimmed manicure with a European one in the first sessions: they remove the cuticle using gels and other cosmetics, but in some areas you have to resort to cutting manicure tools in order to achieve the perfect result.

Carrying out the procedure at home

So, to carry out the unedged manicure procedure at home, you will need cuticle removers, a nail file to shape your nails. It is better to give preference to glass, ceramic or coated paper files, as they injure the nail the least.

Buff is needed to polish the surface of the nail. You will also need wooden sticks for manicure, which are most often made from orange wood, since it is the same material as the nail in terms of hardness, which does not injure the nail plate.

Having prepared everything necessary tools, you can go directly to the procedure.

  1. We start by giving the desired shape to the nails, using a nail file. If necessary, polish the surface of the nail plate with a buff.
  2. We apply a gel to the cuticle and skin around the nails, which softens it and slows down further growth. We wait 2-3 minutes for the remedy to work.
  3. We remove the excess gel with a napkin and very carefully, using a wooden stick, we begin to push the cuticle to the base of the nail.
  4. We remove the coarsened skin around the nail roller with a file or buff with more abrasiveness.
  5. At the end of the procedure, wash your hands and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream and cuticle oil to prevent the appearance of hangnails.

unedged manicure will do any person: a man, a woman, a child, those who have very thin skin of the hands, blood vessels are close, as well as those suffering from diseases such as diabetes.

AT last case edged classic manicure can lead to inflammation and serious consequences.

This technique can be done in several ways:

  • Dry method without pre-soaking. It is used in cases where there is simply no time for steaming hands. But it is suitable only for owners of healthy and flexible nails. Brittle nails after dry processing will immediately begin to exfoliate.
  • Brazilian spa manicure. Similar to the previous one. The only difference is that before processing, a cream is applied to the hands for a while and gloves are put on. It is much easier to process the skin after that, and softened nails do not break when trimmed.
  • Wet way. Hydrating the skin in water. To soften it and care for the hands, lotions and oils are added to the bath.
  • Hot manicure. Ideal for brittle nails. With this method, the skin is not steamed in water, but in a cream or a special lotion heated to 50C. For the convenience of the procedure, you can purchase an electric bath. With this method, the cuticle softens even without gel, and it can be easily pushed back and cleaned with a stick.
  • Hardware. A special grinder with nozzles is used to process the cuticle and grind the nails. You can also buy it for home use.

Advice! Did you know that after a wet or hot manicure, you can’t immediately apply varnish? Otherwise, it won't last long. After all, moistened nails, absorbing moisture, change size and expand, and after complete drying, they take their original shape. That is why the varnish begins to crack quickly.

Pros and cons of the procedure

This type of manicure has a lot virtues:

  • the absence of even the slightest possibility of infecting - after all, no sharp manicure tools are used during its implementation;
    therefore, it can be done even if you have poor immunity and your wounds do not heal well;
  • it is a real salvation for girls with thin and very sensitive skin;
  • over time, the revelry grows more and more slowly, so the hands will remain well-groomed for more than one week;
  • unedged manicure at home (see photo), unlike the usual one, does not require special skills and takes a minimum of time.

In addition to the advantages, like any procedure, the European manicure has minuses:

  • women with rough skin should not use it, since it will be problematic to completely remove the cuticle;
  • the first few weeks, due to the fact that the skin is accustomed to frequent trimming, the hands will look sloppy, so it is better to switch to an unedged manicure during a vacation or vacation;
  • cuticle removers can cause irritation;
  • at first, you will have to trim the burrs in the corners of the nails;
  • this technique is absolutely not suitable for extended nails.

Advice! To make the manicure last as long as possible, treat your nails with a protective base before applying the varnish, and after it dries, with a glossy finish.

How to choose a cuticle remover?

Such products (removers) are available in the form of sticks, liquids or gels. They may contain alkaline potassium or sodium hydroxide, with the help of which the dead skin of the cuticle is quickly destroyed. More gentle are the products made on the basis of plants with alpha hydroxy acids. They do not destroy the skin, but only remove the adhesive-like substances that hold it from it. According to reviews, unedged manicure at home is best done with high-quality products such as El Corazon and Shillak.

After treatment, the keratinized skin around the nail is removed very easily and painlessly with a special wooden stick. In addition, the substance contained in them prevents cracks from forming on the skin, so over time you will no longer suffer and cut off the hangnails. Since such products are potent and can affect the condition of the skin, they should be applied no more than once a week.

Important! Alkaline potassium and sodium hydroxides can cause dry skin, so keeping such compounds on the skin for a long time is not worth it. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly under running water after handling.

What tools and resources will be needed?

Believe me, the technique of performing unedged manicure at home is simple even for beginners. We need a minimum of tools:

  • regular hand cream
  • nail scissors;
  • scissors with rounded ends;
  • nourishing oil to give the skin elasticity;
  • pusher (metal tool with blades at the ends) or orange
  • stick for moving the cuticle;
  • cuticle remover;
  • nail file with a larger abrasive;
  • a special soft nail file with a fine abrasive or buff for polishing nails;
  • biowax for polishing.

Advice! If you do not have a complete manicure set, for starters, you can use the usual disposable set of sticks and files.

Orange stick for manicure

I would like to talk about this wonderful instrument, invented in France, separately. Outwardly, an unpretentious, modest stick made of orange wood is an ideal tool for processing cuticles. After all, the wood of this type is very dense, but it does not exfoliate at all, therefore it does not injure even sensitive skin at all.

Outwardly, such a tool resembles a thickened toothpick and is also pointed, however, only at one end. It is inexpensive, so we advise you to definitely take it into account. After all, some procedures without it, especially unedged manicure, are hard to imagine. Another important advantage of such a stick is the presence of antiseptic substances contained in its wood.

Advice!For herself sensitive skin you can buy orange sticks with rubber tips.

This tool is used to:

  • cuticle shifting: it is the main tool for processing nails without trimming;
  • removal of a softened cuticle treated with a special gel or cream;
  • cleansing the inner surface of the nails;
  • a sticker of tips (plastic parts imitating nails) when building;
  • laying out acrylic material and biogel;
  • removal of extended nails;
  • decoration: artistic painting or applying small details, applications, sparkles and rhinestones.

Advice! After the procedure, orange sticks should be thrown away immediately and not reused. After all, soft wood quickly absorbs dirt and residues of fat deposits..

Execution steps

We will describe in detail and step by step the implementation of unedged manicure at home:

  • Before the procedure, the old varnish must be removed.
  • A cream or gel is distributed at the cuticle locations. A drop is enough for one nail.
  • Now gently rub the product with an orange stick. It is more convenient to use the widest one (they are numbered by thickness).
  • Its exposure time on the nails is always indicated on the package. As a rule, it is no more than 5 minutes.
  • Gel or varnish is washed off with running water.
  • Any nourishing oil is applied to the cuticle.
  • With gentle movements of the orange stick, the cuticle moves to the very edge of the nail.
  • The skin around the nails is cut off or filed with a diamond file.
  • It remains only to process the nails with a nail file, and then sand.

Advice! Do not apply nail polish immediately after treatment. First, lubricate them with any nourishing cream or essential oil and leave for a while. Let your nails be supported by useful substances.

Polishing nails with buff or wax

Nails filed with a soft abrasive, buff or wax look healthier and well-groomed. Even to the touch they become smooth. A similar procedure helps to even out nails that have grooves and bumps.

A tool for leveling them before applying varnish is no longer needed.

Remarkably keeps on nails and varnish after such a procedure:

  • Naturally, before polishing, the varnish must be removed.
  • Outwardly, the buff looks like a small bar, each side of which is covered with abrasive - from medium to very fine (micro). As a rule, the sides are numbered for convenience.

  • You can also polish your nails with a special nail file. Since it is much softer than usual and very often performed on a paper basis, it should not be wetted.
    The movements of the tool should be directed only in one direction from the center of the nail plate to its sides. You should not work in different directions, otherwise the nail will be frayed.
  • After polishing, the nails are treated with a biowax containing silicone and paraffin, as well as nutrients. A small amount of the composition is applied to each nail and gently rubbed with small movements of the nail file or buff.
  • Since the biowax fills even the smallest cracks, the nails after treatment look just perfect.

Advice! Regular polishing of nails helps to stimulate blood circulation, improves their condition and accelerates growth. However, you should not abuse such a procedure and remove too much of the nail layer, otherwise you will get the exact opposite effect.

How often should you do an unedged manicure?

Skin regeneration is different for every person. It depends on the general condition of the body. However, in any case, an unedged manicure needs to be done less often than a regular one - about once every 2 weeks. For delicate skin, a treatment once a month will suffice. So just watch your hands. They themselves will prompt that it is time to repeat the procedure.

Advice! So that after removing the bright varnish, the skin does not stain, apply any, preferably greasy, cream on your hands before the procedure.

  1. As part of the cuticle remover, there are components that slow down the growth of the cuticle. Accordingly, the manicure procedure over time can be repeated much less frequently.
  2. With a classic manicure, during the removal of the cuticle, the root of the nail may be injured, and then its growth will slow down. With unedged manicure, this does not happen.
  3. During the procedure of unedged manicure, there is no pain or other unpleasant sensations.
  4. Unedged manicure is an excellent tool for dealing with burrs.

Unfortunately, such a manicure is not suitable for owners of rough or thick cuticles. In this case, a classic manicure or mixed media is recommended. But beautiful and well-groomed nails can be seen only after 5-7 procedures.

European manicure technique

To perform an unedged manicure you will need:

  • a special gel or liquid for removing cuticles (“cuticle remover”);
  • cotton balls or discs;
  • nail file (paper with mineral coating, glass or ceramic - they least injure the keratin layers of the nail);
  • cuticle pusher. Better take silicone or plastic - such a stick can be disinfected before each use. If you use an orange tree stick, then you need to use it no more than twice - in beauty salons, such sticks are considered disposable;
  • cuticle oil, which slows down its growth;
  • a bath with liquid soap (if desired, you can add herbal decoction to it, sea ​​salt, lemon juice or essential oils)
  • small hand towel
  • softening hand cream.

How to perform an unedged manicure

  1. Shape your nails with a file. So that the nails do not exfoliate and do not break, the movements of the file should be from the center to the periphery of the nail. Moreover, you need to move in one direction, without filing the edges strongly.

Manicure should be not only beautiful, but also safe! It was this condition that was the main one for the masters who invented the European unedged manicure! This technique is especially necessary for girls and women who have delicate and delicate skin which is easily injured.

For a long time classic version was considered a cut manicure, involving cutting the cuticle with scissors. As a result, cuts and injuries appeared on the skin, as well as blood smudges, which could become inflamed and cause pain. The risk of infection was quite high. Most often, the skin was injured due to treatment at home, when the girls tried to do a manicure on their own. Clients in the salons were worried about whether the instruments were well disinfected, is it possible to completely exclude the transmission of infection from all previous visitors?

Now the majority of women in Europe prefer unedged manicure. Now it is successfully used in our country. Here he received the second name - European. What are its advantages?

This technique is very hygienic. It helps to avoid infection.

The main features of the technology include:

  • the cuticle is not cut off, it softens and moves away;
  • often chemicals are used to remove the cuticle. Cosmetics also slow down its growth;
  • cuticle treatment can be carried out with an orange stick, a special device with a rubber tip. This stage can not be carried out with iron tools that can injure the skin.

Pros and cons of unedged manicure

The benefits of the procedure are quite significant!

  • Unedged manicure is safe. The risk of infection is excluded, since sharp cutting instruments are not used in the technology. The method is hygienic and bloodless.
  • Assumes a mild effect, therefore it is suitable for delicate and delicate skin with a close location of blood vessels.

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  • The procedure is simple and you can do it yourself.
  • The execution technology contributes to the fact that the growth of the cuticle slows down significantly, the nails retain a neat and well-groomed appearance for a longer period.

It is necessary to know the disadvantages of technology.

  • European manicure is recommended for women with thin skin. If the cuticle is neglected, the skin has a dense structure, then the coarsened sections of the cuticle often have to be cut with scissors.
  • It will take some time to switch from trimmed to unedged manicure. You will have to remove the burrs that have appeared with special tweezers.
  • The first procedures can cause discomfort. Cuticle removers can cause irritation. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur.

Three types of European manicure

  • Unedged dry manicure. It is notable for the fact that neither water nor cuticle softeners are used to treat the cuticle. But it is recommended to carry out only in cases where the nails are strong and healthy, do not have visible mechanical damage. Dry manicure does not require special preparations, so it can be done anywhere: at home, while traveling, and on the road. This method contributes to the fact that the varnish on the nail plate lasts longer. The procedure does not include steaming nails, there are no temperature differences, so the varnish cracks less often.

  • Wet unedged manicure. The technology involves the use of hand baths. Added to the water are products that soften the skin. The cuticle becomes supple and soft. It's easy to move it away. Therefore, experts recommend that beginners carry out a wet manicure at home.

  • Hot European manicure. If the nails are very brittle and weak, the cuticle is injured, then the technique changes slightly. A bath is being prepared with a lotion heated to 50 degrees, into which hands are lowered.

Read also: Manicure with mica - luxury and shine

In beauty salons, another version of unedged manicure is carried out - hardware. Cuticle treatment is carried out using a special apparatus with rotating nozzles for grinding. The procedure can be entrusted only to experienced craftsmen who know all the secrets of technology.

What tools for unedged manicure do we need?

The set consists of a small number of items:

  • file for processing the edge of the nail;
  • cuticle remover and softener;
  • nutritious cream;
  • buff for polishing the surface;
  • bath for soaking the cuticle (with wet or hot manicure);
  • napkins or cotton pads;
  • nail scissors for deburring. In most cases, European manicure does not involve the use of sharp objects. But if, as a result of insufficiently thorough care for the cuticle, burrs appear, then there is nothing left but to carefully cut them off.
  • nourishing oil. Cosmetic stores have special products. But they can be replaced with peach or almond oil.

Now that you've learned the pros and cons of an unedged manicure, it's easy to decide which method is right for you.

How to make an unedged manicure with your own hands?

Consider the technique of performing a European manicure step by step.

  • Using a file and scissors, give the edge of the nail the desired shape. File your nails in one direction. Hold the nail file at a 90 degree angle. Polish the surface with a buff.
  • Soften cuticles by special means. Excellent results can be achieved with creams based on fruit and lactic acids. Alternatively, you can use lemon juice, which is great for softening the skin. Another reliable way is to hold your hands for 5-10 minutes in a soapy or soda solution. This will soften the skin and clean the subungual space from dust and dirt. When performing a dry European manicure, this item will not have to be performed.
  • After the bath, apply a vitaminized cream or gel to your fingers to remove the cuticle. The exposure time is 2-3 minutes. Remove the remaining substance with a napkin.
  • Push the cuticle back with a wooden stick. You don't need to cut it! Clean the side rollers.
  • Apply to the skin around the nail cosmetic oil, which prevents the appearance of hangnails, makes the skin even more elastic. The tool will relieve irritation, soothe the treated areas. Apply moisturizer to fingers and hands, massage lightly.
  • Now you can start applying nail polish. Do not forget to degrease the surface with acetone or alcohol, otherwise the design will not be strong enough and will not last long!

Each of us wants to look beautiful and attractive. An important role in maintaining the image of a well-groomed woman is played by the way our hands look. After all, no matter how good and wonderful a girl looks, if she has untidy and not well-groomed hands- it will spoil all the positive impression.

Therefore, today we will talk about European unedged manicure - and how to make such a manicure at home easily and quickly, without resorting to the help of specialists.

Benefits of an unedged manicure - how to switch from an edging manicure to a manicure without cutting the cuticle?

To begin with, it must be said that the whole of Europe has long switched to unedged manicure, and not only the fair sex, but also men too.

Handles look more natural and well-groomed, without burrs, wounds, redness and inflammation around the nail, as is usually the case after a classic cut manicure.

Let's take a look at the benefits of such a manicure together:

  • This is the safest manicure : there is no risk of infection with various diseases, since the cuticle is not trimmed.
  • No redness and inflammation around the nail , due to the absence of mechanical action on the cuticle.
  • The effect of such a manicure lasts longer than from a cut one, and after a while, the cuticle practically stops growing.
  • No need to bother with steam baths : unlike the classic edging, this type of manicure is “dry”.
  • The procedure takes a minimum of time.

Video: How to switch to unedged manicure?

The transition from a trimmed manicure to an unedged one will take about a month:

  1. The first thing you need is in last time make a good, high-quality edged manicure, and on this forget about your scissors and tweezers.
  2. The second is be patient! After the last time you do a regular manicure, the cuticle will begin to grow mercilessly, and will look unaesthetic. During this period, it is extremely important to constantly use oily hand creams, as well as purchase cuticle oil - and rub it twice a day.
  3. And of course, regularly carry out the procedure unedged manicure.

The process of switching from one type of manicure to another may seem like a long one - but it's worth it!

List of tools and tools for performing unedged manicure at home

To perform the European manicure procedure, you will need:

  1. Cuticle Remover . It is used to soften and easily remove the cuticle. Choose bottles with a brush or a narrow spout for easy application.
  2. Glass file or diamond file - to shape the nail plate. Experts advise using diamond-coated files with abrasives above 180 grit. The higher the grit number, the less rough and smooth the file, which causes the least damage to the nail plate and prevents delamination of the free edge of the nail. If you chose the second option, a diamond-coated nail file, remember that it should be for natural nails, because European manicure is done only on natural nails.
  3. Antiseptic or antibacterial soap . Kills unwanted microbes. An antiseptic is most convenient to use if it is in a spray bottle.
  4. orange tree stick to push back and remove cuticles. The orange tree has antiseptic properties, as well as a high density, which allows the sticks not to exfoliate and not injure the skin.
  5. Polishing file or buff - Aligns the nail plate, making it smooth and well-groomed. When choosing such a tool, give preference to one that looks like a thick, wide nail file, and has only two working surfaces. Such a nail file is much more convenient to use - and at the same time it is excellent for both polishing and grinding the nail plate.
  6. Cuticle oil - nourishes, moisturizes and saturates with vitamins, which makes the skin around the nail more beautiful, well-groomed and attractive, and also has an important property - it slows down the growth of the cuticle.

Step-by-step implementation of unedged manicure at home - video tutorials for beginners and recommendations from specialists

So, let's consider all the stages of European unedged manicure at home:

  1. The first thing to do before starting work is to treat your hands with an antiseptic. If not, wash your hands with soap and dry thoroughly.
  2. The second stage is to give the nails the desired shape. When filing nails, make sure that the movements are in the same direction: from the edge to the center of the nail, since when working with a nail file "back and forth", nail plate injured, which will lead to the inevitable delamination.
  3. At the third stage, using a cuticle remover, we soften the skin around the nail plate. To do this, carefully apply the remover on the cuticle and side rollers - and wait 2 minutes for the product to work. After that, it's time for the main stage.
  4. Fourth stage. With an orange stick, first carefully push the cuticle away, and then slowly, carefully, clean it off in the direction from the center to the edge of the nail, not forgetting about the side ridges. Movements should be light, without strong pressure, in order to avoid injury to the nail plate. Do not forget that the orange stick is an individual tool, no one but you should use it! After you have processed the cuticle, the remover must be washed off.
  5. The fifth stage is the polishing of the nails. You need to start polishing from the hardest part of the nail file, it removes all the bumps from the nail. The other sides smooth the surface of the nail and add shine. This stage is not mandatory, but without it you cannot achieve a perfectly well-groomed appearance of nails. Experts recommend using a polishing nail file no more than once every three weeks.
  6. After completing all the above steps, The last and important action is the application of caring oil. . And there is one secret: after you have applied the oil to the nail and the skin around, do not rub it with your fingers, as most of the oil will be absorbed into the fingertips. Just let it soak in. After a while, your nails and skin will absorb as much oil as they need, and remove the excess with a cotton pad or napkin.

Video: European classic manicure: features and technology - unedged manicure

After an unedged manicure, subsequent hand care is extremely important.

  1. The skin around the nail should not dry out. As often as possible- especially after contact with water. For this purpose, creams with a light texture that are quickly absorbed are NOT suitable. On the contrary, choose fatty creams with a thicker consistency - they will be more effective. Hand cream should always be on hand, so don't forget to toss one tube into your purse.
  2. A good remedy is nail and cuticle oil. Oils contain many different vitamins and useful substances. Daily use This tool will get rid of burrs, heal small cracks, eliminate inflammation and improve the structure of nails. The oil restores and also helps to increase nail growth. Now there are many varieties of this product on the market, so choose which one you like best and enjoy the beauty of your hands.
  3. Another great way to keep your hands beautiful and well-groomed is sealing with wax. This procedure very useful for brittle and fragile nails, as it restores, nourishes and strengthens. You can purchase a ready-made sealing kit in the store, which will already include: a sanding file with a fine abrasive, a wax brush - and, of course, the wax itself. The procedure is simple: apply wax with a brush, then rub it with a polishing nail file.

Regularly carry out the procedure of unedged manicure, while not forgetting about the subsequent care - and your hands will have a well-groomed and neat appearance, and you will feel more confident and comfortable!

Share your experience and impressions about European unedged manicure in the comments.
All beauty and goodness!