How to resolve a quarrel with a friend. “I often quarrel with LP”: what to do? How to reconcile with a pen pal

A quarrel with a girlfriend, like any other quarrel, is a cause for sadness and longing. What could be more unpleasant than discord with a person who shares all your problems with you and supports you in everything? Unfortunately, even the strongest friendship is not immune from such phenomena. What to do? You can find answers to this and other questions here.

Reasons for fighting with a friend

Oh, there can be a lot of them! Unfortunately, for the most part, female friendships are not the most durable thing (although there are exceptions). It is precisely because of the ease with which women sometimes quarrel, even on the most trifling occasions, that it is believed that there is no friendship between them. But if it can be spoiled, and a friend can be lost, then they were there after all!

One of the most common reasons for a quarrel between friends is a man. It can be a husband, boyfriend or just someone's friend. In most cases, he does not like the second girlfriend, and she does not like him. The first girl in this situation is rushing between two fires and is very tired of it. In the end, she decides to break off the relationship that brings her so much hassle, and, as a rule, she sacrifices her attachment to her friend.

However, the third wheel in a relationship between two women can be not only a man, but also a third woman. Such quarrels of girlfriends are found all the time, and in many cases this is due to the notorious female jealousy: it seems to one that the other two see each other more often, call up more, relate to each other better - in general, they become friends more strongly. And then the girl begins to nag the one that is closer and more important to her, the result of which is a quarrel with her friend.

This happens in cases where women are initially “three friends”. But this happens quite rarely, and a more frequent case is when there were two girlfriends, and then one of them met a third girl. They begin to communicate more and more, and the first one seems to be losing her friend. It looks like a kind of "friendly" betrayal.

In this case, the owner of two friends must keep a very correct line of behavior, equally dividing her free time and attention between them. You should not allow selfish girlfriends to sit on your neck and act up; but letting them know that they mean a lot to you doesn't hurt at all.

Changes can affect not only quantitative characteristics of friendship, but also qualitative ones. For example, the behavior of the one you considered your friend can change overnight, and often out of the blue (well, or so it seems to you). It is especially unpleasant and sad when the changes relate to her attitude towards your friendship - in particular, a friend may begin to devote less time to your relationship. This can hurt, because it seems to you that your friendship no longer has much value for a friend.

The change may also affect some behavioral patterns or specific actions, for example, a friend may suddenly start talking about her career achievements for two hours. Or the former quiet girl suddenly begins to answer every question in a bold and rude way. Such changes may be associated with some kind of personal restructuring or with serious events in the life of a friend. If the loss loved one- the option is not suitable for you, then try to find out what the sharp changes in the character of your girlfriend are connected with, and try to understand and support her.

We forget about the most materialistic, but, unfortunately, no less frequent reason for quarrels - about money. They can become a very serious reason for conflict: a friend began to earn less or more, did not repay a debt, teaches you how to spend money - all these things can destroy even the strongest friendship.

That is why the financial aspects of your relationship must be discussed directly and openly: for example, agree in advance on the terms of debt repayment, not borrow money at all, or vice versa - turn a blind eye to such things and constantly treat each other in a cafe. In the event that a friend’s income has changed, it will be great if you adjust to each other and choose those leisure options that suit both of you. After all, coffee shops and shopping are not the only basis for a relationship.

Sometimes women can really quarrel over little things: clothes, a misplaced cup, or a badly styled haircut. But often behind this nonsense are hidden much deeper problems, due to which even a quarrel with best friend. Such a problem, for example, can be the envy of a girl - everyone knows many such examples when one of her friends constantly compared herself with another and was upset about this, because she constantly thought that Masha better looks, parents, guys, diploma theme and work.

Envy poisons relationships and is a hindrance to true friendship. If this is about you, then you should either work on it and remove it negative feeling from your relationship, or stop communicating, because building a truly deep relationship on envy is impossible.

Everything happens in life, and one of the girlfriends can simply be unlucky. However, the situation can become much more complicated if one of the girls shows arrogance and selfishness. It's not very pleasant to be friends with a person who is fixated only on himself. You can try to remedy the situation by giving your friend constant feedback.

For example, “it upsets me when you say that only rogue people ride a minibus”, “it hurts me when you choose a cafe for a meeting where I don’t eat anything at all”, etc. ... It is necessary to do this subtly and accurately, but truthfully - then it may have a positive effect (although it happens that people who are fixated on themselves simply do not hear and do not listen to others) ..

Finally, a significant problem may be the existence of differences in views on life and moral norms. In general, this is the most serious and deepest conflict, since it is possible to solve all other problems - by compromise or agreement. However, it can be very difficult and inexpedient to make concessions in matters of worldview or morality. Therefore, if such serious disagreements are discovered, it is worth assessing whether they outweigh the value of friendship and whether it is possible at all under the given conditions.

“Peace, make peace, and don’t fight anymore!”

So, the reasons for the quarrels are more or less clear. However, you still face the question: what to do? On the one hand, you do not want to lose a loved one, but, on the other hand, you want to make constructive changes in your relationship. What steps will help you correct the current situation?

  1. Talk to a friend. You may find this hard to believe, but 60% of all relationship problems could be solved with one simple, honest conversation. There are a number of small conditions that must be observed when talking with a friend: be honest, express your feelings, but do not blame your friend for what is happening - try to speak in your own name (for example, not “you made me angry”, but “I got angry when you ... ”). We are ready to argue, you will make a number of interesting discoveries for yourself in your relationship!
  2. Try to understand your friend. Sometimes this is very difficult to do, especially if you are both very different and bright personalities. But still, try to stand in her place and delve into the course of her thoughts. You can try to translate her actions into a language you understand. For example, your girlfriend loves electronic gadgets more than anything in the world, and you love clothes and accessories, and it annoys you when she freaks out because of a “hanging” phone. In order to understand it, imagine that the heel of your favorite shoe has broken, and then it will be much easier for you to imagine the state of your girlfriend.
  3. Work with your own irrational attitudes. Very often our consciousness is clogged with formulas like “you can’t refuse people” or “friends always need help”. Not only do we ourselves turn out to be their slaves, periodically getting annoyed with everyone and everything, we also try to impose similar shackles on other people. But in fact, people don’t owe anything to anyone, and the words “always”, “never”, ” and others are very severely restrictive. Therefore, friends are offended by our expectations, and we are offended that they do not fulfill them. If you do not want to be slaves to your own attitudes, then they must be eradicated and softened, leaving only those that you actually share (or parts of them). For example, “I will be glad if my friends help me.”
  4. Feel free to be the first to approach a friend and offer a truce. The inability to do this is very often dictated by the above attitudes or priorities, for example, “whoever is to blame, let him come first”. What if you both blame each other? There is a chance of losing friendship. Therefore, weigh the importance of these attitudes and the importance of friendship, and make a decision accordingly.
  5. Try to eliminate what caused the quarrel with your girlfriend. Perhaps it will be a compromise, or you will strain your brains so much that you can find a mutually beneficial solution - this is not so important. The main thing is that the problem does not remain hanging in the air and accumulate negative energy– that is why one side should not blindly yield to the other. If the cause is not eliminated, then quarrels will arise again and again, therefore, having reconciled, be sure to discuss the “apple of discord”.

If you do not have enough moral strength to take the first step towards reconciliation, then remember why you are friends with this friend at all: common interests, a common past, support and help, or something else. It may turn out that nothing unites you anymore, and then the question arises of the need for your friendship. But if you still do not want to lose it, then you need to act and, perhaps, it is you.

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Even if you are inseparable from kindergarten, know everything about each other and can finish each other's thoughts, this, alas, does not guarantee the absence of quarrels. And this is normal, even adults do not always manage to avoid conflicts in relationships. The main thing is to be able to smooth out sharp corners and make an effort to maintain your friendship if it really means something to you.


How to avoid a fight with a friend:

  • Be attentive to her

Support her after a fight with her parents or send a cheering text before an important exam. Agree, there is nothing complicated in this?

  • Don't prioritize your relationship with your boyfriend over friendship.

Of course, it's nice to immerse yourself in a new relationship, forgetting about everything in the world. However, remember who comforted you when you cried because of ex boyfriend. She deserves your attention too.

  • Learn to listen to her

Many quarrels happen because you are not serious about what she says, do not remember the information she has told, or get distracted during the conversation. If a friend shares something with you, it means that it is really important for her. Learn to respect your loved ones.

  • Respect her interests

And if she rewatches Twilight from time to time or reads Harry Potter fanfiction, there is no need to laugh at her hobbies or condemn them. You probably have weird hobbies too.


  • Don't criticize her

So what if your friend loves clothes with a holographic effect and antenna bundles, this is still no reason to call her an alien and slip fashion magazines.

  • Don't refuse help

Friends are known in need, so if a friend really needs your help, then it's more important than watching the new episode of Scream Queens. Believe me.

  • Find time for her

We believe that with your study-boyfriend-family schedule, it is not always possible to set aside a whole day for shopping with LP. But find time to have a cup of tea with her and discuss last news not so difficult. Otherwise, you risk being left without a girlfriend.

  • Do not forget about important dates and events for her

Of course, she and her Misha already know when to celebrate their anniversary, but your congratulations will definitely make your friend happy. Let's not even talk about birthdays.

  • Don't look at her boyfriend

It usually doesn't end well.


If you still have a fight...

It is necessary to understand the causes of the quarrel and, based on this, develop a plan of action.

Because of the lies

What happened?

You cheated on your friend and she found out about it. In such a situation, it doesn't really matter what your lie was. You didn't go to the club with her, and then she found out that you just stayed at home. Or, for example, she learned from mutual acquaintances that you really don’t like her new dress. The most important thing here is that she learned it from others! Not from you!

How to fix everything?

Do you understand that from now on there is no trust between you?! And don't you dare make excuses! Just apologize. It will be fair. So tell your friend that you didn’t want to offend her, you were afraid to upset her, etc. And reassure her that this won't happen again. But convincing her of this is half the battle - it is much more important not to really repeat the mistakes.


Because one of you is better than the other

What happened?

  1. You try to be better than her in everything. Yes, there is certainly nothing wrong with striving for perfection. But only if you don't demonstrate it every day at every opportunity. Your boyfriend is probably prettier, your parents are richer, and your hair is better, but why remind your friend of this?
  2. This is your girlfriend every day at school in every way shows that she is cooler than you, and you just remain in the shadows.

How to fix everything?

  1. First of all, get down from the throne. And remember, friendship is not a competition codenamed "Who's cooler?". If you nevertheless went too far with self-affirmation, and this hurt the vanity of a friend, first of all apologize. And if you really succeeded in something, then help her to do the same. Advise her good mask for hair, pull her up on the most difficult subject, go shopping and pick her something cute! Let her understand that you are doing everything to help her become better.
  2. First, analyze the situation. Why is she more popular with classmates? Maybe there really is something special about her? You know, and you have it! It's just hidden somewhere very deep. Be bold. And your friend will definitely notice.


Your bond is weakening


You have drifted away from each other. You don’t see each other every day anymore, you don’t talk on the phone at night and you don’t write to each other about every little thing. It's just that you've grown up and can't spend every minute together. And one of you doesn't like it.

How to fix everything?

Everything is simple! Find time to write a short message. Yes, we are all very busy, but you can still find 10 minutes a day! Start sharing your news again, remember the funny moments, which certainly have accumulated a lot. And, of course, do not neglect meetings in a cafe, cinema or in the nearest park - after all, no messages, even the nicest ones, can replace live communication.


You gave away her secret


You blabbed a friend's secret to someone. Of course, in the ideal model of the universe, you should not have committed such an offense, even on pain of death. But the word is not a sparrow, but one must somehow put up with a friend.

How to fix everything?


Because of a guy

What happened?

Oh it's the best a difficult situation. You went to a party together, met him, and now each of you is thinking over a scenario for a future wedding. Well, how can you step back and let your friend get closer to your destiny?!

How to fix everything?

Here the guy has to decide and choose. This is the only way to save friendship. If HE likes you, he will choose you. Or her! It's hard to predict anything here.

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Friendship between women is a rather insidious thing. And often the ladies quarrel with each other. Then they suffer and do not understand how to make peace. We offer 8 options for solving the problem, choose yours depending on the situation.

Take the first step

If you want to make peace, you need to take the first steps. Don't wait for her to call or write. If it is difficult to come to visit or dial a number, write an SMS or on a social network.

The message or communication should begin in a friendly tone, do not be reminded of disagreement in views.

You can write trite things: “Hi, how are you?”, Or simply: “Hi, let's have coffee tonight.” If the offense is not too great, after such words she will forgive.

You can even pretend that nothing happened and just continue the conversation. Usually, if the friendship is strong, everything will go by itself.

Because of the conflict, it hurts not only you, but also your friend. She also wants to take it all back. In this case, the main thing is not to be silent. If you want to be friends - suppress your pride, call, talk to her and the relationship will improve.

Ask for forgiveness

Sometimes a petty quarrel doesn’t even require the word “sorry.” Disagreements and quarrels, different views - this is something that does not require an apology.

But if there was some action with which you touched the feelings of the girl, you must apologize. And do it in person.

No need to write SMS, Facebook, or call and throw two words "forgive me." Buy your favorite treat, come to visit her without an invitation. When she opens the door, smile, hug her and ask for forgiveness. Girls are melting from all sorts of cute things. And behind a delicious cake or sweets, you will laugh together at your grievances.

The main thing is to apologize sincerely. And during the conversation, find out all the contradictions so that there are no omissions.

Plead guilty

If you are at fault, be sure to say so. This will melt the heart of a friend and allow you to look at you with different eyes. After the girl says she's wrong, the relationship gets better. After all, she remained the leader and formally “won” your quarrel.

Even if your girlfriend is wrong and guilty, but you want to keep the friendship, say that you made a mistake. This is how you resolve the conflict. But do not overdo it: a friendship in which one is always "puffing" for the other and takes the blame cannot last long.

Remove the cause of the quarrel

You will fight with as long as there is a reason.

The most common causes are: jealousy, envy, conflicts over boyfriends and husbands.

Try to make sure that she is not jealous of you for her boyfriend, do not give her any reasons. Do not flirt with him, behave as discreetly as possible. If you see that a girlfriend is jealous of your wealth or career, never tell her about it. Do not emphasize your status, do not brag.

Smooth, friendly, clean relations, sincerity on your part will help you maintain friendship.

The quarrels that have arisen because of husbands and young people are difficult. Sometimes after them friendship never returns. But here you do not need to choose: husband or girlfriend, but clearly set your priorities and talk with her. You need to explain to her about your feelings, be as sincere as possible. She must understand if a real girlfriend.


If your friend was wrong, but you don't want to lose the friendship, sincerely forgive her. Then everything will become clear to you: you will know that you need to make peace with her. Because that's what the heart says.

Without resentment towards the girl, you can easily renew friendships.

Make a surprise

If you want to make peace, and your girlfriend is not easy, you can’t take her with an apology and come to visit - arrange a surprise for her. Buy the gift that she dreamed of, invite her to a good cafe, to the cinema, to shopping. But all this should be arranged very nicely, girlishly, so that she not only agreed, but melted away.

Get back the trust

For example, you know that a friend has a sick grandmother in the hospital - visit her; she does not have time to pick up the child from the garden - warn a friend and pick up the baby.

Female friendship- a fertile topic for numerous articles, films and talk shows. Most are skeptical of her, believing that friendly relations between women can end at one moment - it is enough to flare up even the most trifling quarrel. Is this true? Let's find out from the women themselves. What can put an end to even the strongest friendship, and is it possible to try to avoid problems?

The first reason is envy.

Anna : " Katya and I have been friends since 1st grade. As they sat down together at the same desk, they spent all 11 years, and then they also entered the same university. In her second year, Katya got married, went to correspondence courses, she had a child. I graduated from high school, found Good work in a bank, a career took shape. Business trips, seminars, trainings, meetings with people - all this was an element that I really liked. From any trip, I tried to bring Katya a souvenir, a gift, I went to her directly from the train or plane - to tell what I saw, found out who I met. And if at first she listened to me with interest, then recently she began to rudely cut off or refuse to meet at all. The reason was discovered by the mother of a friend - Katya was jealous. At the age of 26, her life closed in on her husband and child, all she saw was cooking, washing, cleaning ...»

Envy is the leader of the rating. It is she who is the most important destroyer of any relationship, but especially female friendship. AT male friendship this caustic feeling is unlikely to be able to make a breach, rather, it can become an impetus for creation, an attempt to surpass, since “competitiveness” is characteristic of men. She will bury the relationship between her friends, because envying her friend, a woman would rather just stop communicating with her than try to act and create something “her own and better”. Any fact can cause envy - from buying a new dress or going on vacation to a successful career and good luck on the personal front.

What to do if friendship is dear: there are no options here but to fight envy. If you are jealous, sit down and take your time to analyze why your friend is doing well. Perhaps she is more hardworking, more persistent, more purposeful than you? Then it makes sense to cultivate these qualities in yourself, set your goals and achieve them. If they envy you, then you need to talk to your friend. Perhaps behind your successes you do not notice that she is in desperate need of help.

The second reason is jealousy.

Lera : " I dated Vovka for five years. And all this time, my bosom friend Tanya was itching that we were not a couple. Tanya did not like everything about him - appearance, manners, and character. At first, I tried to explain to her that he was different, and Vovka peacefully endured all her nit-picking. Then she simply stopped paying attention to her words, trying to make them less common. It probably helped, because at our wedding she was Miss Goodwill herself - she told me and the groom a lot nice words and at the end even apologized for her behavior».

The end of female friendship, even the most long-term and strong, at one moment can be put by a man. Moreover, this situation may have several options: both friends liked the man, or liked one of the girlfriends, and the second is categorically annoying, the man is annoyed by one of the girlfriends. As a rule, a man never becomes a victim of such dramatic "triangles", but one of his girlfriends - easily.

What to do if friendship is dear: it is not easy to give any specific advice in such cases. Perhaps a man can resolve this situation by making his choice in favor of one of the women. It may be necessary to somehow make sure that the betrothed and dear friend simply do not intersect, so as not to once again give rise to conflicts with their participation. Or maybe you will turn out to be a flexible diplomat and settle everything through negotiations.

Reason three - friendship "for three"

Irina : " At the university, the three of us were friends - me, Nastya, and Alena. Only I was a "local", and the girls - visitors, lived in a student hostel. But that never bothered us. In my fifth year, for some reason, they suddenly began to move away from me, rarely came to visit, and avoided me in pairs. They answered my questions evasively - they say, we live in different parts of the city ... It turned out that Alena, for some unknown reason, decided that I wanted to invite Nastya to live in our apartment and, offended, decided to "tear" her friend away from me. I'm glad that we had the sense to sit down and clarify the situation, and not cut our friendship in the heat of the moment.».

In such a situation, jealousy also serves as a reason for quarrels, only here it doesn’t smell like a man. As a rule, another girlfriend becomes the “stumbling block”. After all, the format of female friendship is not necessarily two friends. There can be three or four of them (as in adored TV shows like Desperate Housewives). And one day someone will definitely imagine that the rest are “more friends” - they meet more often, call each other, etc.

What to do if friendship is dear: in order to avoid such scenarios for the development of the situation, you need to make sure that none of your friends feel deprived of your attention. Spend your free time with both friends, don't shy away from one behind the other's back, and give them your attention equally.

Reason four - different character or interests

Victoria : " By nature, Anka and I are like fire and ice. I am calm, balanced, Anya is expressive, with a violent temperament. We have been friends not so long ago, maybe three years, but at first the difference in characters did not frighten us - we got along well, complemented each other. But lately it has become more and more difficult for me to endure Anya's super-emotions - they suppress me, irritate me. Anya more and more often tries to “blow up” my calmness, change my perception of life. And it comes to outright quarrels. Attempts to explain that this is not in my nature, she does not care. I don’t want to change myself, I simply won’t change my girlfriend, there is only one way out - probably the best thing is to stop talking ... »

They say that opposites attract, and the difference in characters, attitudes and interests can become a cementing basis for strong and lasting relationships. But this is possible only if both sides are ready to accept and understand this difference, respect not only personal opinion and hobbies, learn from each other something new. Otherwise, quarrels on the basis of a difference of interests cannot be avoided. Especially if one of the friends will also try in every possible way to “re-educate” the other, impose her opinion, try to act as an omniscient critic.

What to do if friendship is dear: remember the good old advice - treat people the way you want them to treat you. Accept close friends as they are - with all their hobbies, advantages and disadvantages. If something does not suit you, try to convey your opinion reasonably and calmly, in no case becoming in a pose and expressing your wishes in a mentor tone.

Reason five - finances

Julia : " I am a designer, my friend Dasha is a primary school teacher. I work a lot, because I can’t afford to “idle” idle, but the income, unlike Dasha’s, is many times greater. A friend often uses this - she asks to throw "before the salary." And everything would be fine, but it’s just that the debt is not always returned. Of course, if I insistently ask, she gives, but at the same time she makes such a face that I feel terribly uncomfortable - as if I was taking the last thing from her. She has already promised a hundred times not to lend her more, but she always finds good reasons - either she gets sick, or her mother. Well, how to refuse such a disaster?».

If you want to lose a friend, give him a loan, the famous saying goes. Indeed, financial issues are often the cause of serious disagreements between loved ones. Moreover, not only negligence in debt obligations (late payment of a debt or return of not the entire amount) can cause acute displeasure. Cases can be called frequent when a girl frankly takes advantage of her friend's higher financial position. For example, she takes situations for granted when she pays for her bills in a cafe, expenses in joint walks and even shopping, citing the fact that "she earns more."

What to do if friendship is dear: when lending money to a friend, clearly stipulate the terms and amount of the return, especially if she is going to return them in installments. Do not rush with the phrases “you will give it back when you can”, “I’m in no hurry”, otherwise the occurrence of such situations cannot be avoided. If you notice that a friend is abusing your kindness financially, explain to her that money does not fall from heaven to you, it is payment for your work, knowledge, and qualifications. Offer her, in such a case, entertainment within her means, so as not to put yourself or her in a difficult situation. Do not be afraid to offend your friend, because by her behavior she offends you much more, right? Well, if you don’t understand, then maybe you shouldn’t waste your time and life on such a relationship?

Women's friendship is a value that needs to be protected. Who, if not a friend, will support you in a difficult situation, tell a funny story in moments of sadness, rejoice at your successes? However, even with the best friend with whom you are in fire and water, a quarrel can occur. What to do if you had a fight, how to solve the problem? Let's keep a secret in the girl's circle.

What to do if you have a fight with a friend?

Many men believe that female friendship does not exist, and only they know how to be friends for real. However, we girls know that this is not the case. A woman's friendship can be just as strong as a man's. True, quarrels among girlfriends occur more often than among men: female psychology is so arranged that squabbles and misunderstandings among girlfriends are not uncommon. The fair sex is very emotional, so even best friends quarrel at least once in their lives. There is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is to make peace in time and not to transfer grievances into the future.

A quarrel between friends can arise for various reasons: with your best friend, you can simply disagree, be jealous of her boyfriend (or she is you), take offense at criticism, and so on. It is important to find out the cause of the quarrel and try to sort out the situation. Of course, at the time of the scandal, it seems that nothing could be worse, but when the emotions subside, you can take a sober look at what happened and draw conclusions.

Friendships can fade away years later, because people change and don't always follow the same path. However, if a person is dear to you, you need to make every effort to restore the old relationship. Faithful friend- this is wealth that cannot be scattered, so look for methods to overcome a quarrel and be sure to put up with a loved one.

Forgive your friends for minor offenses, do not be categorical in your judgments - this will help to avoid quarrels. Ideal people do not exist, no matter how much we would like it, but people who are close in spirit can be forgiven for small flaws.

What to do if you quarreled with your best friend: methods for overcoming a quarrel

If a girl quarreled with her best friend, then she always asks questions: what to do next, who should compromise. In any relationship, no one owes anything to anyone, everything is guided by the desire to be with a person. If you understand that you do not want to lose your best friend, then be prepared to lend a hand first. The strongest alliances collapse because no one wants to take the first step, but it's easy. Even if your girlfriend is to blame for the quarrel, then ask for forgiveness from her. During the conflict, you probably said a lot of unnecessary things to each other, so there is always something to apologize for. The first step in our time is very simple to do, you can call a friend, write her a message on social networks. However, never start to sort things out remotely, because this can only aggravate the situation. Invite a friend to straight Talk over a cup of coffee. Only in a personal conversation, seeing the eyes of the interlocutor and his reaction, you can dot the "i".

If the fair sex had a fight with her best friend, then the first thing she should do is find the cause of the conflict. Most often, this can be done by analyzing the situation. However, sometimes each side of the conflict sees the problem differently. If a friend is offended by you and you don't understand why, don't speculate, just ask directly.

The main rule of overcoming conflict is not to leave the problem unresolved. A good relationship can recover after a while, but if there are unanswered questions, then the sediment after a quarrel will constantly remind of itself. Accumulated resentment can cause conflicts to recur regularly. An unresolved problem is a time bomb, an explosion of negative emotions can occur at any moment and will be so strong that you will quarrel with your best friend forever. Don't want it? Then always find out all the questions to the end.

The resumption of peace after the conflict depends on the willingness of the two sides to compromise. However, this does not mean that you need to transgress through your own principles, otherwise it is highly likely that in the future you will always have to do so as not to offend your girlfriend. Concede only in those matters that are not fundamental to you, learn to listen to your girlfriend and put her interests on a par with yours, and expect the same from her.