Congratulations on the day of the defender of the fatherland. Dear residents of the Vladimir region! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! Dear Vadim Vladimirovich

We wholeheartedly congratulate
Happy 23 February to you!
And on Defender's Day we wish
Always be the pride of the country.

We wish to be an example for everyone,
We wish you good luck in business,
Stay first at work
And be picky about your friends.

Let no worries touch you
In the family - everything is smooth, in the house - laughter.
We wish you good health
May success accompany you.

You men are our pride
Our strength, power and become.
On Defender's Day we want
I sincerely wish you
strategic decisions
And the most reliable rear,
Only victories without defeats,
At home for love to wait
The spirit was strong, the body was strong,
A friend was faithful for ages.
Peace over the beloved country,
In the heart - a spark of happiness.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you strength, courage and courage! May every day be successful, every deed worthy, every idea excellent, every word firm, and every action confident. I wish you to be healthy, loved and invincible!

Be strong, irresistible
The most daring and beloved.
Be young at heart.
Let dreams come true!

Happy February 23
We congratulate you, friends!
We wish you eternal peace
And endless happiness.

Health, strength of mind, will,
Love, prosperity in your home,
In matters of success and kindness.
Today we shout to you: "Hurrah!"

Health, peace, light, happiness,
Days of bright, bright, without bad weather,
Cloudless love, great,
Always happy to be fate!

So that everything comes true, it was possible,
There was only joy in life.
Fun, laughter without end
On the day of February 23!

real man
I wish you courage and strength!
Glorious accomplishments and victories,
In all cases, great success.

May health be strong
The mind is alive and the grip is tenacious.
Let everything be with you
Happy February 23rd!

Happy holiday of courage, glory and strength!
We honor you, dear men!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you with love,
So that health was heroic.

Clear skies, only peaceful battles,
Career growth and achievements.
May life be generous for all blessings.
Joy, happiness, love to you, kindness.

On a calendar sheet
February 23,
So there are many reasons
Congratulate dear men.
They are strong, they are brave
They are the defenders of the country!
We wish them strength of mind,
In work - no pen, no fluff.
Only positive in life
And most importantly - goodness and peace!

Strong, loyal and brave,
And in any deeds skillful,
All male humanity
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Congratulations on this day!
We wish to be happy.
Live in a great mood
And do not know grief.

At work prosperity
And increasing income!
Long and happy years
Success, joy, victories!

Greetings defenders of the Fatherland!
You are the stronghold of the world. And today mankind
Thank you all for your peace
Yes, respect for you carefully keeps.
Resolutely rebuff the enemy, let's
And when necessary, get up behind the country with a mountain.
You, only you, are our protection.
Today we will openly say about you:
Cool guys and handsome men anywhere.
Equal, everyone calmly! Regardless of the years
Be successful today and always.

This holiday in our country is rightfully considered a national holiday. The day of February 23 personifies the inextricable link between generations and the continuity of military traditions, embodies selfless service native land and recognition of the great merits of the Russian army before the state. Today we honor all those who bravely fought against the invaders and who, in peacetime, defended and continue to defend their fellow citizens.

The exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland are the great and majestic truth of history, which cannot be distorted or crossed out. This is an example of real patriotism for every decent person and conscious citizen, a clear evidence of the unity of all generations of our people.

We say special words of gratitude to you, dear veterans! For your loyalty to duty, for your valiant service to the Fatherland in difficult periods of its history. We bow before you, we learn from you to love the Motherland. Your military merits are an example and a guide for the rising generations of the defenders of our country.

We sincerely wish all the inhabitants of the region good luck and victories in business, may peace and prosperity always reign in your homes. More optimism and cheerfulness in order to always go only forward - to accomplishments for the good of the Fatherland!

Svetlana Orlova,

Governor of the Vladimir Region;

Vladimir Kiselev,

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly

Vladimir region;

Sergei Mameev,

chief federal inspector for the Vladimir region.

Dear residents Vladimir region!

I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day!

This holiday brings together different generations. Over a thousand-year history, the defenders of our country, often risking their lives, have reliably stood and are guarding the interests of the state and society. There are countless heroic examples of service to the Motherland, self-sacrifice "for one's own friends."

Residents of the Vladimir region have always served the Motherland with honor. During the years of the Great Patriotic War our compatriots fought on all fronts: from Moscow and Leningrad to Stalingrad and the Caucasus, they took Berlin and Prague, performed a labor feat in factories, factories, and collective farms. Our city of Kovrov has rightfully been called the City of Military Glory for 5 years.

Special words of gratitude on this day go to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in local military operations. Your fortitude, solidarity and fidelity to duty are an example of true patriotism! I wish all the defenders of the Fatherland success in their service, good health, peace and prosperity! To all patriots of Russia - new labor achievements for the benefit of our great Motherland! To all men - family well-being, love and kindness!

Olga Khokhlova,

Secretary of the Vladimir regional branch of the United Russia party.

On this significant day, Russians gratefully remember the heroic deeds of their defenders, bow their heads before the blessed memory of those who gave their lives for their Motherland.

Today, large-scale transformations are underway in the Russian Armed Forces in order to give them a new look that meets the challenges of the 21st century. In society itself and among young people, attitudes towards the army and army service are changing for the better.

The army builds character, gives a huge life and professional experience and turns former youths into real men. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of those who served proudly recall their army days and willingly share their memories with friends and girlfriends. They have something to tell their future children and grandchildren. Any young man, if he wants to be considered a real man - the defender of his native hearth, his Fatherland, must go through army service.

I cordially congratulate the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of other local wars and conflicts, veterans of the Armed Forces, officers, sergeants, soldiers performing combat service, on the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day!

I wish you all success in your service and work in the name of strengthening the defense might of our great Motherland - Russia and in educating the younger generation on the traditions of patriotism and love for your Fatherland, good health, vigor, well-being, a peaceful sky above your head and the fulfillment of the best hopes.

V. Lebedev,

Acting Military Commissar of the Vladimir Region.


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Several options for congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in verse and prose.

The title of a real man must be constantly proved by his actions. One of the men's holidays is February 23, on this day the representatives of the stronger sex need affection and care. You should not forget about congratulations, the best of which are written in poetic form.

Congratulations on February 23 with humor short

During the celebration, give the men an "oath" of allegiance to the women's team. You can give funny gifts while reading funny poems. They will cheer up and are suitable for congratulating employees and colleagues.

The affairs of men are different,
Both amorous and military.
We wish only victories
And on the roads the right color.

So that the heart tremblingly burned,
Love is always warm.
Well, for the sake of completeness,
So that in the wallet everything is rank by rank.
I want to be like Claude Van Damme
Agile, courageous, persistent
And charm all the ladies
With his brisk blow!
Be smart like Johnny Depp
And follow your dream
Play with fate like a lady of clubs
Don't retreat without a fight!
Well, what more could you want?
Of course, a lot of happiness
love me and respect
And avoid adversity!

“Since February 23rd!
Blah blah blah and tra-la-la…”
Repeat to you on this day
There will be all and sundry.
I want to excel
Drink a lot - but do not get drunk,
And don't mess up in the future
Live, love and prosper!

SMS congratulations on February 23 with humor

If you want to congratulate a friend or employee, it is not always necessary to call or meet. You can just send SMS, while you will not distract the man from the celebration, but show your respect and care. It is desirable that the message be short and rhyme well.

Outside the window is warm and clouds,
(or There is a crackling frost in the yard),
Fuck is worth it just in case
And not a ruble in my pocket,
Since February 23!!!

Let on the holiday of the Army and Navy
Bac certainly loves someone,
and let the wrinkles go away
on every man's penis!

Let you not go on the attack,
Don't sit in a trench
But business is the same fight
I know you will win!!!
I wish you a whole bunch of happiness
And so that your gunpowder does not dampen.

All men in whom the brain is not dry,
Black, fair, red, bald,
Bearded and mustachioed, lop-eared, hairy,
Rough, strong, gentle, difficult,
Soft, affectionate, boring
congratulations on your day -
Happy February 23!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues and employees with humor

From the very morning on this day at work, the atmosphere of a holiday is in the air. Women rush to say beautiful words to their employees. This can be done without words, by preparing comic postcards or summons to the army. In such messages, write a few congratulatory lines.

I would like to congratulate my colleagues soon -
Today is the 23rd of February!
May luck warm each of you!
Health, happiness in life and kindness!

May all wishes come true
Dreams and goals will enter your life!
And do not experience disappointment in life,
And let all sorrows go away!

The office is festively shining,
The sun shines through our window
Congratulations to everyone today -
The twenty-third has arrived!

To all, colleagues, happiness, faith
I want to wish again
To lead a career up
And everything was on the shoulder!

Light, friendship and fun,
Peace, warmth, kindness,
On this day, you certainly!
And a postcard from me.

SMS congratulations on February 23 to men

Nice words and congratulations always bring a smile. Please your friends and relatives, prepare a poem for the Defender of the Fatherland Day. If it is not possible to call, send SMS.

I am with this holiday for men,
February, congratulations!
To be in life on a horse, dashing,
Well, in my heart I wish to be an angel!
What does a man need to be happy?
Very beautiful wife
After all, life without love and without passion
Sometimes it's not nice.

I wish you a good job
I'm on the day of real men,
Let's leave worries today
After all, there is only one such holiday.
Let dreams come true
Today every man
stay happy you
After all, there are good reasons for that,

Everyone deserves to have everything
And achieve a lot in life
I want to sing with happiness
And have fun with all your heart!
Congratulations today
The most expensive
The most-most awesome,
The very best ones.

We are very proud of you
And we want to wish you
Like always anytime
Never lose heart!

Congratulations on February 23 to boys from girls

Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated not only at work and at home. Even in children's groups, girls try to congratulate the boys. Short quatrains and small congratulatory poems will help with this. They can be written on a postcard. a good gift is a book, at the very beginning of the edition, write a few beautiful lines.

Our young men
We hasten to congratulate you.
We wish you health
Friendship is strong, a lot of strength.

To in sports and studies
They have always been the best.
And in all matters from now on
It was a well-deserved success.

We wish you good luck
And wishes of fulfillment.
All girls don't hesitate
They send their congratulations to you.

Happy Defender's Day, guys!
Be strong always.
Like brave soldiers
You go through the years.

May you have more fun
Every moment, every day.
There are no braver guys in the world
May you be lucky in everything.

May good luck accompany
May success come to you.
Every day let, not otherwise,
There will be happiness, joy, laughter!

Children's congratulations on February 23

Children delight with their sincerity and spontaneity. Usually, girls congratulate the boys who sympathize with them on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Below are some children's greetings.

From February 23
I congratulate you.
Here are sweets and flowers,
Let dreams come true

Let the sun shine
Forever in your window
Let them go only into the distance
Dullness, boredom and sadness.

Lots of money and candy
And live two hundred years.
I congratulate you, love
Happy Defender's Day!

You are already big and strong
Grow up a little more
You will become invincible
All in the awards will be the chest.

And of course many times
You will protect the world and mother.
The beauty of brave eyes
You will conquer all the girls.

We want you to become
A very brave hero
To win all the time
And he was awarded medals.

Congratulations on February 23 in kindergarten

AT kindergarten also do not bypass Defender of the Fatherland Day. Usually educators prepare a festive matinee. Girls' mothers should try to make their princesses learn short quatrains for the celebration and be able to congratulate the boys.

February 23 is a holiday for the boys,
Girls give many, many books,
Sweets wagon big,
Here is a funny poem.

February 23 - raises the flags.
Mom congratulates dad on the holiday today.
I'll celebrate too, there's a reason
After all, I'm no longer small, because I'm already a man!

There, there is a mark on the door, by the day and by the hour,
I try to grow up. I want to do everything myself.
A little time will pass, I will grow up again,
And together with dad, we will protect mom!

Twenty third of February!
I got out of bed for a reason.
Without an alarm clock, at lunchtime,
Frozen, as if the whole world.

But the clue is clear
Look, you can see your mother in the kitchen.
Standing by the stove in the morning
Everything is ready in a hurry.

Here I am not far behind
I take it out from behind the closet
Your gift for your father
It has face lotion!

Congratulations on February 23 in verse

The main advantage of congratulations in verse is conciseness. In just a few lines, you can fit a congratulatory speech and cheer up a loved one. Such works can be sent in the form of SMS.

From February 23
Congratulations, men!
This calendar day
Holiday of courage and strength.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Happiness, joy, good luck,
favors of fate
And a lot of love to boot!

Accept congratulations in verse
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, men!
We wish you feats of arms in business,
Only tenderness is more important to us than your strength.
May there be victories in life and success,
And the decisions are wise and fair.
Congratulations on this holiday to all of you!
Be happy, desirable and loved!

We rush to congratulate you with verses!
Today is your day, men!
Let joy sparkle in the radiance of the eyes,
There are reasons for that!
Without you - we will go nowhere, without you - we will be lost,
You are our reliable rear, support.
And this, mind you, we all recognize.
Love you, good luck, enthusiasm!

"I want to wish men"
I want to wish men
I am only happy in this life
Respect your loved ones
And be funny, real,

I want to sincerely tell you -
Worthy of happiness and success.
And don't put your hands down
Obstacles - happiness is not a hindrance!

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

Despite the popularity of congratulatory speeches in verse, many want to respect men in their own words. For this, there are congratulations in prose. Learn a few lines and cheer up the representative of the stronger sex.

Men, colleagues!
On this holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day - we want to wish you health, no matter how trite it may sound, but it is so important, and no wealth can replace it for you! Be healthy, our beloved, in body and soul! And the rest will follow!

Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, I praise you for your courage and courage, readiness to go only forward - to victory and at the same time, to know the boundaries! Let me wish you peaceful, but no less worthy and wonderful victories, dizzying achievements at work, at home and on the personal front!

In a warrior, not only the power of muscles, but also the strength of the mind, kindness and honour! All this you have, you just perfect compilation values ​​of a real man! Accept my congratulations on February 23 and may luck always smile on you and dreams come true!

Congratulations to all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
I wish you to be strong and kind, gentle and loving! Health and happiness to you!

Congratulations on February 23 by name

Gifts for men are usually purchased in advance. But most women remember congratulatory words at the last moment. An excellent option for congratulations are nominal verses. Mentioning a name in a greeting will make it unique.

Happy men's day, Andrey!
Come to me quickly
I want to tell you -
Worth living and prospering
Only strive for the best
And let the dream come true.
Let luck come
And luck will bring!

Tolya, on the holiday of all men,
I'll tell you that you're the only one
You are an amazing person
For me, it's actually the best.
I want to wish today
So that you do not think to lose heart.
You always be the happiest
And forever forget about the bad!

February 23
Congratulations, Ilya.
And I want to wish you well
Never lose heart
Every day my love
It just grows stronger again and again.
You know this for sure
And don't hate me!

Petya, I congratulate you,
I wish you happiness and peace
Stay like this forever
And don't be afraid of anything.
Let everything be good
Let you, dear, do not judge.
Like a perfect person
This, believe me, is commendable!

Denis, I love you madly,
And on February 23
I want to stay smart
And the most tender for me.
I want everything to always come true
So that everything about life succeeds,
So that you are always lucky
And find happiness in life!

Congratulations on February 23 to your beloved

On February 23, special attention should be paid to the beloved man. On this day, do not skimp on smiles and pleasant words. Don't forget about little gift and supplement it with poetic congratulations.

I want to congratulate my beloved
I am from February 23,
I can't leave you -
You are the best for me.
Let your salary grow
I don't want to be sad at all.
I don't need much in my life
I just want to be around!

You are my protector not only today,
I'm behind you like behind a stone wall!
You are very strong, noble,
My dearest and favorite hero!
My love, I know
You are for me - a wall!
Congratulations with hope
To be always with me!
My favorite protector
I kiss you and congratulate you on the 23rd,
You are the best and unique
I want you to stay the same!

Congratulations on February 23 to classmates

This day is looked forward to at school. Thus, you can attract the attention of a boy who has long been liked. Usually boys are given pleasant little things that can be supplemented with beautiful words.

I ask my sister
Tighter me to weave pigtails.
Because I know in advance
Who will undo my hair.

classmate in retaliation
I don't answer tests.
But in honor of the men's holiday
Ready to write off for you.
Classmate, Happy Holidays!

On February men's day
I want to be the boss
How do you grow big.
Be healthy and diligently
Without laying hands
Inquisitive and attentive
Bite the granite of sciences!

Congratulations to classmates
Since February 23!
We want to live in truth
Keeping kindness in my heart.
To be true to the word
And honest in their deeds.
Anyone could be protected.
Take care of your loved ones!

Congratulations on February 23 are cool

This day should be taken seriously and do not forget to congratulate your beloved men and colleagues. Don't forget about good mood and fun. Cool poems will help you with this.

Get to work today
Leave everything for tomorrow
And the body is ready for flight -
We were offered a holiday in February.

Now we don't need to listen to the ladies,
They still have everything ahead of them.
And the 23rd day is the reward
Because we are all men!

On February 23
We are not going to the table in vain,
As a holiday to celebrate
It's better if you raise a glass.

Yes, everything will always be fine,
And let there be no waste,
And let health shine with light
And let the wife give bouquets!

Our holiday decorated our evening
Twenty third of February.
Wish men happiness
We thought for a reason...
May happiness be with them
Everything goes like clockwork
Let them buy gifts for themselves
The age of men is coming!

Twenty third of February
It became a weekend not in vain -
Celebrating for no reason
Real men.

Courage, health, strength,
Enough for a whole century
So that along the road of life
Success would go with you.

So that army skills
Can't wait for implementation
And in our big country
There was always peace and tranquility.

There are a lot of options for congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can use congratulations in prose or in verse, as long as they are sincere.

Cool congratulations on February 23 for women

Without women, men will all be lost,
They won't find their socks in the apartment,
They will flaunt in crumpled shirts
And for lunch, only one noodle to chew.

They barely survive
Temperature 37.2.
And the Earth is not sweet to them without women.
So, girls, from February 23!

On this day they are accustomed to praise
For the most part, men
But to congratulate a woman,
There are hundreds of reasons too.

Cooks, steams, cleans
For your dashing soldiers
The family hearth guards,
Well, just mom-combat!

For the family of its threat
She can smell a mile away
In the heat and in severe frosts -
Like on a battlefield.

Nekrasov wrote about such
And he didn't write in vain.
Women, persistent and beautiful, -
Happy February 23rd!

VIDEO: Congratulations on February 23

Congratulation of the Head of the Republic of Mari El Leonid Markelov on the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Dear veterans of the Russian Armed Forces, servicemen

Yoshkar-Ola garrison!

Dear residents of the Republic of Mari El!

I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day!

February 23 - significant date in the history calendar Russian Federation, symbolizing the best traditions of a strong, independent state.

We sacredly honor the glorious military history of all generations of Russian soldiers, based on patriotic values ​​and loyalty to military duty.

Epochs have changed, but the great traditions of the Russian army - courage, heroism, fortitude of soldiers and officers - are carefully passed down from generation to generation, they are always a source of pride and a guarantee of the security of our state.

On this solemn day, we celebrate the merits of those who have dedicated their lives to defending our country and its national interests, we especially honor the memory of the heroes who fulfilled their patriotic duty, as well as all citizens who consider the defense of the Fatherland a matter of honor.

At the same time, all men are congratulated on this day. After all, February 23 is not only a day of military glory, but also a universally recognized men's holiday, which encourages every man to think about his moral duty and civic purpose.

Dear men!

I wish you good health, happiness, peace and prosperity, professional success in the noble cause of serving the Fatherland! Let the holiday inspire you to achieve new goals, become the starting point for further achievements, victories and joint good deeds.

Congratulation of the Mayor of Yoshkar-Ola Evgeny Maslov on the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Dear Yoshkaro residents!

On behalf of the administration of the urban district "City of Yoshkar-Ola" and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

February 23 is a national holiday associated with the victories of Russian weapons on land and at sea, with the traditions of military brotherhood that are passed down from generation to generation, with the courage and valor of those who honorably fulfilled their military duty and who are today in the ranks of the Armed Forces of our country, this is the day of real men, defenders in the broadest sense of the word.

The authority of our army and navy has recently increased, an increasing number of young people are linking their lives with service in the Armed Forces, and the profession of “Defending the Motherland” is still honorable, respected and in demand.

Military service has always been a matter of the strong and brave, and in order to prepare a worthy shift in Yoshkar-Ola, much attention is paid to military-patriotic education, work with pre-conscription youth, new cadet classes are opened, and sports competitions are held.

I would like to say special words of gratitude to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military operations in zones of local conflicts, military personnel for their help in educating the younger generation, for passing on the glorious traditions of serving the Fatherland.

Happy holiday to you! Good health for many years, happiness and well-being in the family, all the best in life, in the service and in work for the good of Russia.

Mayor of Yoshkar-Ola E.V. Maslov

Congratulation of the head of the urban district "City of Yoshkar-Ola", chairman of the Yoshkar-Ola Assembly of Deputies Alexander Printsev on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Dear Yoshkaro residents!

On behalf of the Assembly of Deputies of the City of Yoshkar-Ola urban district, I sincerely congratulate everyone on the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Dear citizens, we grew up with this holiday, matured and matured, taking the example of the history of our people and its best representatives. Despite the change of times and political systems, at present this holiday is associated, first of all, with the courage and resilience of the human character, fortitude and devotion to the Motherland.

February 23 is an outstanding date for all men who once had the honor of wearing epaulettes and military uniform, as well as for all the women who anxiously and proudly awaited the return of their sons, brothers and loved ones from the ranks of the Armed Forces. Through military service millions of citizens have passed, and for most of them it has become a real school of life. It is in the army that young people learn to be collected, achieve goals, endure hardships and hardships. On their shoulders are the fulfillment of combat missions, the daily difficult service in distant garrisons, campaigns and exercises, and strict military order. Serving the Fatherland for them is not just a military duty, it is a vocation, the meaning of life.

The current generation of people in uniform serves in difficult conditions - new tasks are being set, military equipment is being updated. The armed forces are becoming more mobile and stronger, demonstrating a growing demand and efficiency. Military affairs again becomes prestigious.

With all my heart I wish you, dear residents of our capital, health, endurance and new professional heights, happiness and family comfort! May we never again have to pay the highest price for our life and peace of mind. May the sky above our Motherland be clear, may children laugh carelessly every day, and may the selflessness and heroism of the Russian soldier never be erased from people's memory.

Head of city district

« City of Yoshkar-Ola» —

Chairman of the Assembly of Deputies A.N. Princes

Congratulation of the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Svetlana Solntseva on the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Dear residents of the Republic of Mari El!

Dear Veterans and Servicemen

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation!

Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day!

This holiday is rightfully a symbol of courage, valor, honor.
and fidelity to duty, personifies the inseparable connection of times and generations, embodies the continuity of military traditions and selfless service to Russia. It unites those who, through peaceful labor and military prowess, strengthen the glory and power of our country, stand guard over its territorial integrity and national interests.

With all my heart I wish the defenders of the Fatherland health and good spirits, success in their service and professional activity, family well-being, happiness and a peaceful sky above your head.

Deputy of the State Duma

Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, member of the United Russia faction