Nose strips for blackheads. Nose strips for blackheads Adhesive strips

Adhesive strips Steri-Strip (Steri Strip), manufactured by 3M.

Strip size: 6mm*75mm. In an envelope: 3 pcs. In a box: 50 envelopes.


3Mt Steri-Striptm are made of porous non-woven material. Adhesive tapes are reinforced in the longitudinal direction with nylon threads, which provides a simple, fast and reliable way to close the wound.

It is used to close the edges of the skin wound and incisions instead of sutures with threads or together with sutures, or after early removal of sutures.

A variety of ways to use in domestic and clinical settings (on their own or with the help of a doctor) provide convenience and safety.

Advantages of Steri-Strip compared to conventional wound suture methods: greater (more than 2 times) resistance to infection.

Perfectly reduces the edges of the wound without the use of conventional sutures and staples.

Using the Steri-Strip after removing stitches or staples allows you to remove them much earlier, on the third day.

At the same time, an improved cosmetic effect is achieved and skin injuries are reduced.

Assortment Steri - Strip:

R1541 Adhesive strips 3Mtm Steri-Striptm 6 x 75 mm x 3

Elastic bands(used on moving or relief areas of the body, bulges and places of probable edema):



1. Steri-Strip closure on skin is contraindicated where adhesion cannot be obtained. A potential cause of poor adhesion is the presence of exudate, skin oils, or hair moisture.

2. The use of Steri-Strip (Steri Strip) for closing infected wounds is contraindicated.

3. Steri-Strip is contraindicated for closing large wounds that cannot be easily approached with fingers or tweezers.


1. The development of postoperative edema may cause skin shear irritation, loss of tape adhesion.

2. A small percentage of people may experience hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation after removal.

4. Isolated cases of mild acne and folliculitis were observed when tested on healthy volunteers.

Precautionary measures:

1. Skin must be clean, dry to ensure good adhesion.

2. Do not use skin closed under tension. Skin shear or loss of grip can lead to excessive stress.

Instructions for use

1. The skin must be clean and dry.


Clogged pores can cause various problems: gray color face, inflamed pimples and comedones. Strips from black dots allow not only to effectively clean them, but also to improve the condition of the epidermis and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Operating principle

Any strips for the nose from black dots (Garnier, Propeller and others) consist of two sides: one is smooth, the other is sticky. The adhesive is covered with a thin strip of glossy paper, due to which it retains its properties for a long time. Various chemical and natural substances are applied to it, which provide its “exciting” qualities.

During gluing, the strips cling to various irregularities on the skin due to the adhesive layer. If you look closely, you can see that the dark dots are nothing more than contaminated pores, where the top of the accumulations of fat and dust has darkened. Due to the depth of the hole, it is rarely possible to completely clean it mechanically the first time. But the strips act more gently. By sticking to the top of the contamination, they pull out the blockage in an almost natural way.

Many manufacturers enrich their products with various additives that help narrow pores, accelerate their healing, and prevent them. At the same time, some types of strips (for example, carbon ones) contain absorbent components. They not only clean out clogged pores, but also help to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, significantly reducing secretions. This has a positive effect on the epidermis, improving its color and turgor.

Photo - Stripes against black dots

How to use the strips

Despite the rather tenacious adhesive side, often, the blackhead patch is attached exclusively to wet skin. If you act in this way, then various additives are activated, which in a dry form are in a "sleeping" state. It is also recommended to pre-steam the skin thoroughly - this will significantly improve the result.

Photo - The effect of stripes

How to use sticky blackhead face strips:

  1. You need to thoroughly wash and scrub the skin. It is not recommended to rub the face strongly with a towel, it is enough to get it slightly wet;
  2. After that, you need to steam the epidermis so that the pores open and are easier to clean. For this, a bath of chamomile or sage is perfect. If suitable essential oil cumin or tea tree - something for problematic skin better take it;
  3. There are different strips: for the nose, T-zone, cheeks and forehead. You need to use them only in the designated areas, otherwise, they will not be fixed with sufficient strength and will not give the desired effect;
  4. The patches are applied exclusively to wet skin. After gluing, they need to be thoroughly smoothed and pressed against the pores to ensure a strong adhesion of the “heads” of dirt and the adhesive surface;
  5. You don’t need to keep the strips for long - 10 minutes, in most cases, is enough. Some patches need to be removed when wet, while others need to be left to dry. Therefore, be sure to read the instructions before use - depending on its observance, the result may vary significantly;
  6. After use, be sure to additionally wipe the face with a cotton pad dipped in micellar water. This will eliminate the invisible remnants of the adhesive surface.

Reviews claim that many blackhead removal strips do not give the desired effect after the first time. In fact, the reason lies in the rapid re-contamination of the pores. After the rubbish is taken out of the hole, a void will remain in its place, which will immediately begin to fill. Therefore, as soon as you remove the patch, you need to make sure that the pores are closed as much as possible.

To do this, you can use special masks, wipe the epidermis with an ice cube or apply a cooling wipe with an antibacterial effect to the skin. For problematic skin, it is recommended to first wipe the face with a sponge with a drop lemon juice, and then apply "Zinerite". Cleansing strips are used at least 3 times a week. Then you will ensure not only regular cleaning, but also high-quality prevention.

Brand overview

Consider the most popular brands of blackhead strips. They are classified according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse and additives in them.

- These are budget strips for acne and blackheads, which are very popular. They come in two varieties: with charcoal and green tea extract. Depending on the problems of the epidermis, the desired type is selected:

  1. Green tea will help relieve inflammation, remove redness of the pores and reduce swelling of the glands. Due to this, a natural cleansing process takes place. They are aggressive agents and are often prescribed by specialists for the treatment of problem skin in puberty;
  2. Activated charcoal is softer strips than green tea. They are designed to deeply cleanse the skin and accelerate its regeneration. Reviews claim that they cleanse the epidermis even from deep points that cannot be squeezed out.

The second most popular company is Nivea (Nivea Visage), which suggests using strips with fruit acids of the same name to clean the nose and T-zone. This is a universal remedy, suitable for the treatment of oily skin, as well as for the prevention of normal and even sensitive. Due to fruit acids, of which there are a huge number, blockages from the pores are not only removed, but often dissolved right in the holes.

Bon Voyage Agiotage- These are cleansing strips for acne and blackheads, which can be bought either at a pharmacy or in large cosmetic chains. They have a higher cost than those offered by the Nivea brand, but are considered to be of higher quality. It is noteworthy that these patches are able to remove even the largest and oldest blockages. Enriched with special additives that help shrink pores.

Cettua with hazelnut extract are used to clean young dots not black, but gray. They also apply to budget funds, such as Via Beauty. Will not help with deep acne. They have a very sticky adhesive side. Often on the forums they write about them that they clean out the dirt almost with the skin.

Photo — Cettua

Essence Pure Skin- an analogue of the Propeller, but they cost a little more. They qualitatively clean not only from dark spots, but also small pimples. They contain acid, which helps to provide a preventive effect. Designed for the nose, but if desired, they can easily be used on the chin. Unlike many analogues, Essence is allowed to glue no more than 1 time per week. As an alternative for problematic sensitive skin, Tian De Clean Pores patch is suitable.

korean stripes off Tony Moly Egg Pore Nose Pack have not only an affordable price, but also excellent reviews. The egg series of this brand almost entirely consists of products designed to cleanse problematic and combination skin. Tony moth strips contain herbal extracts and vitamin supplements. Soft adhesive base allows you to gently cleanse even sensitive skin.

Purederm Nose Pore Strips choco cacao contain natural cocoa extract and witch hazel extract. High availability and efficiency. They are a cheaper analogue of Tony Moli (by the way, they are also produced in Korea). Can be applied to both wet and dry skin.

For deep cleansing of pores on gentle and sensitive skin fit strips Skinlite Nose Pore Strips from black dots. They are enriched with aloe extract, due to which they immediately have an antibacterial and regenerating effect.

Video: making a mask from black dots with gelatin

Preparing home remedies

It is not always possible to buy special strips from black dots, because often their price is unreasonably high. Can be easily done at home special agent for cleansing pores completely from natural products.

The most famous do-it-yourself mask-film for cleaning pores from black dots is gelatinous. You need to take an activated charcoal tablet, a spoonful of gelatin and half a spoonful of water. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and insist for 20 minutes. Apply only on steamed skin with soft in a circular motion. Leave on the face until it hardens, then carefully remove the film. In no case do not rinse, otherwise the result will not be.

The same is done egg mask. It is necessary to separate the protein from the chicken egg, then beat it well. Add a crushed tablet of activated charcoal or ascorbic acid to the mass (if acne bothers you, then ascorbic acid is better). If desired, you can mix a teaspoon of milk with the egg. Apply only after a bath or shower. Leave until completely dry, then carefully remove without rinsing.

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