I want magic in the new year. Magic holiday - new year. Magic rituals before the New Year

For children, the New Year is always magic and the fulfillment of desires. But usually, at best, Santa Claus and a gift under the tree are waiting for them.

But what if you arrange a real one for your child? Moreover, it is not at all difficult to do this. All it takes is a little imagination and desire...

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Letter from Santa Claus

Let's start with a letter from Santa Claus! Many children write letters to Santa Claus but never get a response from him. And how happy a child would be if he received a letter from Santa Claus himself!

Of course you will write. The main thing is to issue an envelope in the New Year's style and write from whom: from Santa Claus and from where: Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug. You can easily find New Year's envelope templates on the Internet, but you just have to print the envelope you like.

You can print a real letter from Santa Claus with stamps, choose a letter design and ready-made text, or write the text of the letter yourself. Then simply print out the letter and insert it into the New Year's envelope.On New Year's Eve, put the letter under the tree.

And if you want to make a wish for the New Year or Christmas, then our article will come in handy for you!

New Year's lottery

Arrange a New Year's drawing of sweet prizes. Each member of the family will pull a piece of paper from the festive bag, on which the treasured gift number will be written.

To make it more interesting, it is advisable to prepare various sweet gifts and stick numbers written on holiday papers on them. For example, sweets, chocolate, chocolate Santa Claus and chocolate animals, Kinder Surprise, lollipops, ice cream and everything your child loves.

Looking for a gift for a child? In our store a large selection of toys and goods for children, a search for all well-known brands.

Real Magic

If on a magical New Year's Eve you show a child real magic, he will remember this New Year for a long time.

To begin with, tell your child that New Year's Eve is a time when real magic happens around and almost all objects become magical. And then show him a couple of magic tricks.

magic soda

To perform magic, you will need a transparent glass, soda and a small button.

Pour soda into a glass and put a button in it. When the button sinks to the bottom of the glass, start calling to drive with your hand, saying: “Button, button, get up!” After a while, the button will actually lift up for a while. Immediately begin to conjure with your hand, saying: “Button, button, drop!” And the button sinks to the bottom of the glass. Focus can be repeated several times.

The secret of the trick: When the button is at the bottom of the glass, there are a lot of gas bubbles, and they lift the button up. And when the button is at the top, the bubbles disappear, so the button sinks to the bottom again. Focus will be obtained as long as carbon dioxide is released. But it is better to practice in advance so that the focus is a success!

You will find other interesting magic tricks.

Quest "Find a gift"

You can arrange a fabulous New Year's quest "Search for a Gift" for a child. To do this, you will need to write simple riddles on several pieces of paper and hang them in different places on the tree. The answer to each riddle will lead to another riddle. And the last piece of paper will contain instructions where the gift is located.

Under the tree will lie several gift boxes. And the child needs to correctly guess the riddles and, with the help of pointers, understand in which box exactly his gift lies!

If you have a lot of animal toys, then you can use riddles related to animals or with different Christmas decorations: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowman

Examples of riddles:

1 riddle:

mustachioed muzzle,

striped coat,

Washes often

And I don't know about water.(Cat)

The answer to the riddle: "Cat" means that the next riddle should be looked for next to the "Cat" Christmas tree toy.

2 riddle:

She is dressed in silver with pearls -
The magical granddaughter of the magical grandfather. ( Snow Maiden)

Answer: "Snow Maiden" means that the next riddle should be looked for next to the Snow Maiden on the Christmas tree or next to the Christmas tree.

3 riddle:

We recognize the animal with you

According to two such signs:

He is in a fur coat in a gray winter,

And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)

We are looking for the next riddle next to the squirrel.

4 riddle:

He is kind, he is strict,
All overgrown with a beard,
Hurrying to us now for the holiday,
Who is this? ...(Father Frost)

The next puzzle is next to Santa Claus.

5 riddle:

Round like a ball

Shines like a flashlight

Only he does not jump -

Very fragile (Ball)

Next to the Christmas tree toy "Ball" we find the following riddle.

6 riddle:

rope twists,

Head at the end. (Snake)

The snake has the next riddle.

7 riddle:

The man is not simple

Appears in winter
And disappears in the spring

Because it melts quickly.(Snowman)

The well-worn proverb “As you meet a year, so you will live” ceases to evoke a premonition of magic with age. Especially now, in the era of total Instagram with its ultimate trend to clearly and publicly demonstrate that life is good. Quite accomplished women suddenly have a fear before the new year not to justify, not to meet and not to set the necessary “bar” for the start of the new year. And in the most mysterious way during this period, every second of my clients, to one degree or another, begins to doubt the success and uniqueness of their own lives.

The scenario is roughly the following. So, just yesterday, she was completely satisfied with her New Year's Eve scenario: everything went well, literally at the last moment they rented an excellent house in Suzdal, agreed with friends, prepared a menu, thought out interesting program… And the joy persisted exactly until the minute until I went to Instagram. And there in the tape - photos of a friend from the Maldives ... And that's it. Well, how is it? Does it mean it didn't make it? Miserable provincial Suzdal! Fool's house! Banal dishes! The mood is at zero, goes, of course, to loved ones.

It is impossible to explain to them and to myself the reason for the sudden change of mood, but it does not work out to defeat the strange annoyance either. And ashamed, and envy, I don’t want to admit it, but I can’t be happy for my girlfriend. Because, in fact, the results of the year are somehow very expressively different.

A lucky friend, just like the daughter of the American billionaire Vanderbilt - Ellochka, smiles triumphantly from the Maldivian photos, provoking the search for a symmetrical answer. How can he be on the merciless field of the Instagram feed? And "Ellochka" constructs reality, diligently conveying simple messages to the audience: everything is fine with me, just wonderful, and no worse than others! It’s a paradox, but her personal holiday, joy, happiness are not in focus at all, for nothing that she builds it so carefully, and then also polishes it with all kinds of filters. Focus on what others think and say. Holidays and vacations are not lived, but presented, and even with a restless constant check, who saw how they commented and whether they liked it.

In the depths of her soul, she understands that, in theory, she should not care who rides the subway there, and who flies on her own plane. It’s normal to be happy with what you have, because there will always be someone who has better, more and more expensive. But the glossy reality inexorably orders to accept the challenge and enter the competition.

Inside, "Ellochka" has an unbearable hunger that cannot be appeased. Who loves opera? She immediately becomes a regular in the theatre. Someone purposefully takes care of their body? She exhausts herself with fitness and diets. Is someone preparing for a serious international exam? And she is right there. However, here's the problem: her achievements do not impress her at all.

Why? It's simple. Because none of this is hers. Internal competition with someone else's joy and someone else's success completely devalues ​​efforts. But in order not to compete, you need to feel well and love your own. And once and for all decide for yourself: “Am I racing or building independent achievements and joys?”

By the way, the second option is more than real, just right now she doesn’t really want to see it and believe in it. Meanwhile, the incredible, purposeful and effective energy that she demonstrates in an endless competition testifies precisely to the fact that she has a gigantic, simply inexhaustible resource. In fact, her hunger is fraught with not only the desire to live someone else's life and endlessly run after the departing locomotive. He harbors a colossal unconscious desire to express himself and create a life for himself that will give joy.

It’s just that the energy and own resources of creativity can be spent on imitation, or you can spend it on revealing and finding yourself. Your real self.

It's a pretty difficult path, but costly no more than obsessing over comparisons and perfectionist alignment with the latest Instagram trends. And if she decides to embark on this path, then changes will not take long. To do this, any actions and projects should proceed from the principle: "I want it, I love it, I really like it." And the principle “what Marya Aleksevna will say” will have to be decisively forgotten. And ask, very strictly and meticulously ask yourself: “Is this really mine?”. You will need to learn to appreciate, and not devalue your own, close, important and unique, and ask the question “why” instead of “why”. And we still have to set priorities and introduce gratitude into life - to the world, to God, to ourselves, to everyone we meet: let gratitude for what comes into life gradually replace the habit of complaining, being capricious and never being satisfied with anything.

The magical, unusual, unique magic of the New Year - everyone knows that something truly impossible can happen in solemn moments. You may not believe in the magic of New Year's Eve, but every time, on December 31, everyone ceases to doubt the existence of supernatural forces: New Year's magic begins!

From December 25 until the end public holidays, heavenly forces begin to treat people and their desires in a special way. strong energy accumulates around us, as the thoughts of many people are directed in the same direction: everyone is preparing, inventing gifts, believing in a miracle.

Festive fuss causes a pleasant thrill in the chest. Do not ignore the opportunity to get what you have wanted for so long - turn to the Higher Forces.

Magic rituals before the New Year

  • paper
  • pen or marker
  • rye bread (a small piece is enough)
  • refined sugar
  • red rose (do not be lazy and buy it yourself)
  • thread (color choose either green or red)

On the night of Thursday to Friday (about a week before the holiday), describe your three cherished dreams. Of course, they should relate to love matters.

Remember that in desires we are talking about you and about your fate - you should not ask for someone. When the list is ready, end it with the phrase “So be it!”. Put everything you have prepared on the sheet. Gently lift the paper and quietly say: "All you wish will come true next year."

Roll up the paper sheet. All contents should be inside, as if in an envelope. Tie the bundle tightly with a thread and drip a little wax, thus sealing the message of the Universe.

It should be placed under the mattress of the bed. For two weeks, forget about the wish list. When the time is right, place the folded sheet on top of your own photo. For her, you pre-select a place inaccessible to other family members. The bundle should be kept away from prying eyes.

In the New Year, you need to take advantage of the amazing energy that reigns in the air. Those who listen to magical advice will be lucky:

  • If on a festive night the sky is full of bright and beautiful stars, admire them, count them. And next year you will have a rich harvest.
  • Do not overwork, otherwise employment and worries will accompany you for the next 365 days.
  • You should not immediately take up a rag and clean up the consequences of the feast on the very first day of the new year. Similar actions you will wash away your own wealth.
  • Sounds outside the window can say a lot. For example, a dog barking excitedly will bring you new friends, a bell ringing warns of something important, and if titmouses gather at the windows and chirp gently, they promise good changes in love.
  • To move only forward and develop, do not cook dishes that include crabs and crayfish.
  • A New Year's toy, broken into pieces, has a magical effect. Therefore, when you remove its pieces, think about something cherished.
  • The Christmas tree usually stands in our apartments and houses for quite a long time. Naturally, some needles crumble and fall to the floor. Don't throw them in the trash! Carefully collect and brew with boiling water. This infusion will become your lifesaver for colds and viral infections.
  • A beautiful talisman is the last decoration taken from the festive tree. Its energy will protect your home and will serve as a talisman for it for a whole year.
  • Within 24 hours, the place from which the Christmas tree was removed turns into a healing one. It is enough to sit in this place for twenty minutes and the diseases will recede, and the immune system will be strengthened.

How to make a wish for the New Year

Probably everyone at least once in his life tried to make a wish on a festive night. The most popular way: burn a dream written on paper and drink the rest of the ashes mixed in champagne in one gulp.

The main condition is to have time to drink the contents of the glass before the twelfth strike of the clock strikes. And the method really works. But many perform all the necessary actions incorrectly, so the dream does not come true.

Remember, the paper must burn without a single residue, and you must have time to perform the magic for twelve resounding strokes.

Simoron New Year's rituals

Below you will find 2 rituals from Simoron's game psychotechnics.

Ritual with cookies

This New Year's Simoron technique will appeal to all the sweet tooth. And not only them. In China, this ceremony has long become a tradition that is mandatory for New Year's Eve.

Prepare the most delicious pastries following the step-by-step recipe. In the process of cooking in a cookie (do not skip a single one), put a thin piece of paper with a prediction for the future. When all the guests gather for a festive meal, offer to treat yourself to sweets. As everyone knows what the upcoming period will bring, the leaflet (with the help of an ordinary cracker) is released up - to heaven.

Ritual "New Job"

This New Year's Simoron ritual will perfectly help everyone who is tired of looking for a job.

Make two copies of the last page of the work book. Enter the desired position yourself in a copy of the document. Turn over a sheet of paper and describe how grateful you are to fate and the universe. Place the first copy along with Christmas decorations, and place the second in the northwest of your apartment. When you take apart the Christmas tree, put the first option in your wallet as a talisman. Others should not see either this copy or the other - otherwise there will be no result.

Rite to attract love (video)

New Year's magic for good luck and money

There are several effective New Year's rites based on esoteric ones, the magic of which brings good luck and material well-being:

  • In America, on the first morning of the new year, everyone goes to the bathroom, wash their face and dry it. But not with a towel, as usual, but with a dollar bill.
  • On a festive night, you must have money in your pockets - both coins and paper bills. This will bring you money luck.
  • When you hear the first strike of the chimes, throw a coin into the glass. Drink all the champagne to the bottom. Make a material wish, and the coin will become your money talisman for the whole year.

Happy New Year to you!

Alena Golovina- white witch, psychic,site author


Magic holiday-New Year!
The long-awaited and very favorite holiday among the Russians is certainly. After all, it is with him that we associate all the best, good, hopes for the best, that the cherished dream, made under the chiming clock, will certainly come true.
There is very little time left before the holiday. And it is already worth starting to prepare for his meeting. Think about what to buy for the new year, how to please and surprise loved ones, friends. All this is pleasant chores, but requires a certain amount of time. So go ahead - prepare for the holiday.

interior decoration

To create an atmosphere of celebration, fun, you must first decorate your home or office in new year style. The sooner you do this, the longer you will feel the holiday feeling. Mandatory New Year's attributes for many years have become: Christmas trees, garlands, tinsel, balls, tangerines, snowflakes on the windows. If you can install a Christmas tree at home, then the composition of spruce branches with cones will look beautiful in the office. New Year's posters made in the family circle or with work colleagues will also complement the holiday atmosphere.
Transformed the interior, made it magical. What's next?

What to give for the New Year?

No holiday is complete without gifts, and even more so the New Year. It is especially pleasant that you give and are given to you. Even at first glance, an unpretentious trinket can make an adult very happy. First you need to make a list of all the people you are going to please. new year surprises. This is of course your family, parents, friends, work colleagues. But the New Year is a holiday of magic, and you might want to give a piece of this magic to kids from orphanages and shelters. To see how people around you are happy with your souvenir made from pure heart, with love - this is even a greater joy than receiving gifts yourself.

Having decided on the list, you need to understand what gifts he gives to. To do this, you need to take into account some points:
age, gender, marital status of your loved ones. Older people will appreciate gifts with practical benefits that help health, perhaps some kind of family heirlooms. Young people will be surprised and delighted by a fashionable gadget, and children will be delighted with new toy;
preferences or wishes. Perhaps one of the relatives, friends has long been sentenced about the thing he needs so much. It may be an insignificant trifle, but it is she who will make him happy;
symbol of the year. Relevant and an interesting gift can become a souvenir in the form of . She may be soft toy, magnet, ceramics, glass, postcards and much more;
Package. A beautifully and effectively designed gift will complement the holiday feeling. It's so nice to take off the bows, rustle the opened wrapper and finally see the long-awaited surprise.
All these nuances will help you choose the right and nice gifts for your relatives and friends

New Year's outfits

Everyone on this night wants to look attractive and irresistible. 2015 is the year of the wooden green sheep (goat), and she is a big fashionista. It is better to give preference in clothes to colors: green, yellow, blue and their halftones.

Recommendations for ladies
It would be appropriate to look like a pendant or a brooch in the shape of a lamb. You can complement your outfit with wooden beads, bracelet, earrings. A lot of beautiful and exclusive gizmos are now on sale. You can style your hair with curly curls, make mischievous curls, paying tribute to the goat.
If you plan to celebrate the holiday on the street, then choose from wool, cashmere - all this will please and win over the hostess of the year.

Recommendations for men
It will be convenient to celebrate the New Year at home in a knitted sweater or a simple plain shirt. It is worth paying attention to expensive and status things, a little fashion.

carnival outfits
If you are planning a themed party, then you should think about the costume in advance. Girls can dress up as a white, fluffy sheep, an angel, or snow queen. Men can appear in the form of a knight, king, shepherd. Everything is limited only by your imagination.
It is not necessary that the New Year's Eve be the most expensive and fashionable, the main thing is that it should give you pleasure, be festive and cheerful.

New Year's table

This is perhaps one of the main components of the New Year. Delicious treats, original snacks, tangerines, champagne. Well, of course, nowhere without the traditional Olivier salad and aspic fish.
Each family has its own preferences and traditions of this holiday. But most housewives have a question: “What to buy for New Year's table? After all, you want to surprise your guests with something new and original.
Now many interesting things can be seen in culinary programs, the Internet, books, magazines. Choose the one you like and please your family and friends.

You can treat yourself to unusual products such as caviar, turkey, pineapple. There is a proverb: "What is on the table in the New Year, that will be the whole year." So, try to diversify your menu so that the whole year is successful and generous for you.
The hostess of the next year will like the abundance of greens on the table, you can make an original salad with cabbage. And of course, not where without champagne, the main drink of New Year's Eve. It is under him that the most cherished dreams are made.
Tangerines are one of the symbols. Let their pleasant aroma decorate your festive table. Pick up beautiful sets of plates, forks, spoons. Wipe the glasses to a shine. The tablecloth can be picked up with New Year's symbols. Decorate the table with sprigs of spruce.

Create around you the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday. This is a very pleasant activity that will make you smile and energize other people. Happy New Year 2015!

New Year- this is a magical holiday that is eagerly awaited, prepared for it. The holiday comes from our childhood. Waiting for a miracle, fabulous gifts from the kind Santa Claus, an elegant Christmas tree, the smell of pine needles and delicious sweets .... How can you not love all this? The New Year is about to knock on the door and our house will come to life.

Let the blizzard outside the window.

But the house is so warm!

It remains to wait a little

So that a miracle comes to us!

Open windows, doors!

You hear? Goes!

Everything we believe in

Give New Year!

The holiday unites people, gives hope for a bright future, new, interesting. Everything bad, everything old and unnecessary is left behind.

Everyone wants to believe that their deepest desire will come true.
On New Year's Eve we see off old year, we remember all the best that happened to us, about our achievements, about the places we managed to visit. Someone found a soul mate, others became parents, giving life to a little man.

In order for us to be lucky in the new year, we need to make room for good luck and pleasant moments. So, get rid of everything bad and unnecessary.

We get rid of resentment, guilt, from everything negative.

New Year is celebrated in different countries differently. We are used to celebrating the holiday with family and friends, so that there is an elegant Christmas tree in the house, there are various delicious dishes on the table, and also with our favorite films and

In the new year, we make wishes and hope that they will come true. Children write and wait for treasured gifts. adults also want fairy tales, because adults in their hearts are the same children who believe in miracles. Therefore, make wishes, believe and they will surely come true. Indeed, in the New Year, our most secret desires come true.

In the new year, it is customary to wish each other health and happiness!

And what is happiness? Everyone understands it in their own way.

Happiness- this is:

  • when there is peace and tranquility in the family,
  • happiness in our children and grandchildren,
  • when all relatives and friends are healthy,
  • understanding,
  • love,
  • favourite buisness,
  • faithful and devoted friends,
  • smile and joy.

Please write in the comments what happiness is for you.

May the sun always shine in your house, clouds never gather, may kindness and understanding reign in the world, so that there are no wars and people never cry.

I wish you to find your love so that your house is constantly filled with children's laughter. Good health to all, joy, smiles! Faithful and devoted friends! Good luck and good luck in the Year of the Rooster!

Let there be more pleasant moments in the new year, live, learn new things, make discoveries, travel and believe in miracles! If you believe strongly, then miracles come true

Happy New Year, my dear readers! I love you all!

More smiles, more fun

Let the New Year bring you with a blizzard

Good luck, delight, pleasant troubles

And a lot of joyful deeds.

Good stories, confident friendship,

Wealth and happiness, good luck in the service,

Family dinners and a star from the sky -

This is what we want this year.

Health, hope and big plans,

Attention, tenderness of the most dear ...

May it bring a hundred times more

Wishing you a wonderful new year!

Sincerely, Olga.