Positive affirmations. Affirmations for every day: make your day brighter. To attract health

“You need to think positively!” Admit it, how many times in your life have you heard this terribly hackneyed phrase. And if you are one of those whose thoughtful face is often mistaken for sad, these words, we are sure, accompany you every day. But for some reason no one is in a hurry to explain what it means to “think positively” and how it can help you. Can good thoughts and optimism really make your life better? We answer: oddly enough, they can. You just need to choose the right affirmation for yourself. Are you wondering what kind of animal this is? Let's talk about everything in order.

Affirmations: what are they?

First, let's talk about thinking as such. Psychologists have long proven that most of our problems (no matter in our personal lives, at work or with health) lie in our heads. We convince ourselves that something is wrong with us. This is called the great power of persuasion. And since its influence is enormous, why not try to use it for good? That is, to convince yourself of the opposite: that everything is fine, that life is wonderful! Scientists conducted several experiments, and it turned out that this is indeed possible! Even in medicine, self-hypnosis is sometimes used (you've probably heard of the so-called “placebo effect”). And all because this method is not only very effective, but also incredibly simple.

And now about affirmations. What is this? Essentially it's simple correctly composed phrases with which you can set yourself up in an optimistic mood. And they don't require any special effort.

Psychologists from all over the world claim that if you use these positive attitudes correctly, you can easily improve your well-being, calm your nerves and change your life for the better.

How do they work, you ask? The fact is that we are very often exposed to negativity in our daily lives. It’s enough to go online in the morning to get a dose of scandals, scary stories in the news, terrible disasters and other human misfortunes. No matter how indifferent and skeptical we may be, we cannot simply throw this information out of our heads. And therefore, without noticing it, we think about the negative and expect a catch everywhere. The situation is complicated by our previous mistakes, which are also difficult to part with. Thus, having accumulated negative emotions within ourselves, we walk through life with a hidden expectation of trouble. And then for some reason we wonder why everything is not as good as we would like, while we ourselves do not allow a single good thought into our heads. This is where affirmations come to the rescue. These are exactly the same ones positive words, which we so lack in this kingdom of negativity. By filling ourselves with cheerful attitudes, we think less about bad things., concentrate on the positive aspects and attract happiness to yourself. It’s clear that every day everything becomes much better for you. But all that has changed is your outlook on life.

Well, are you ready for positive changes in your life? Then look at how to use affirmations correctly.

Rules of application

As we said above, affirmations are a fairly simple way to allow yourself to be cheerful every day. But even such an easy method has its own nuances. So what do you need to know before using affirmations?

The best attitudes for women: a list of specific phrases

What do all women dream about? Of course, about beauty, love, harmony with yourself and the world around you. Career women are also about wealth. We define all this as happiness. What affirmations are suitable for women? We have collected for you the best phrases for all occasions.

For self-confidence

As you know, there is nothing more difficult than working on yourself. But there is nothing more useful. What phrases will help you in this difficult matter? Read below.

To attract love and happiness

In order to become happy, we, girls and women, need to feel loved. And, of course, to love yourself. How can you attract this wonderful feeling of love into your life? It is enough to use a few truly strong and effective phrases.

  1. I was created to be happy!
  2. I am the creator of my own happiness!
  3. I'm filled with love!
  4. I love my life!
  5. I love myself the way I am!
  6. I radiate joy and love!
  7. I love and I am loved!
  8. I attract men!
  9. My heart is open to love!
  10. I am free to express my feelings!
  11. I found the right person for me and I am loved by him!
  12. I have the right to happiness!

To attract finance

There is nothing wrong with wanting a luxurious life. Unfortunately, this is impossible without financial well-being. If you would like to improve your well-being, read examples of affirmations for attracting wealth.

  1. I'm worthy material well-being!
  2. I deserve wealth!
  3. All sources of income are open to me!
  4. I am grateful for my abundance!
  5. Money comes to me easily!
  6. All my investments bring me profit!
  7. I have money for all my desires!
  8. I'm getting richer every day!
  9. I manage my finances wisely!
  10. I am happy that I can provide for myself and my family!
  11. I live in abundance!
  12. I am financially independent!

For success at work

When everything is great at work, success follows you, and all matters are easily resolved, it is much easier to love what you do. Do you want to come to work with pleasure? Do you dream of career growth or prosperity of your business? Remember a few simple phrases.

  1. I embody success!
  2. My colleagues respect me!
  3. I'm a great leader!
  4. My boss appreciates my work!
  5. I have good luck in business!
  6. I'm full of brilliant ideas!
  7. Everything comes easy to me!
  8. I am always ahead of my competitors!
  9. I easily overcome all obstacles!
  10. I'm full of energy!
  11. My business is growing every day!
  12. I love my job!
  13. My work inspires others!
  14. My success is increasing every day!
  15. I'm happy with my income!

For weight loss

You've probably heard that often the problem of excess weight also sits in our heads. We convince ourselves that we cannot get in shape, and all our efforts are in vain. At first glance, it may seem that these phrases do not really help you lose unnecessary pounds, but in fact they relieve you of the main problem that leads to weight gain – self-dislike.

When you learn to love yourself, you can easily get your body in shape.

If you decide that it’s time to change something, take a closer look at weight loss affirmations.

  1. I can easily become whatever I want!
  2. I'm proud of the way I look!
  3. I love my reflection in the mirror!
  4. I get full quickly!
  5. I eat only healthy and wholesome food!
  6. The results of my work on myself are more noticeable every day!
  7. I am becoming slimmer and more beautiful every day!
  8. I am proud of my success in working on myself!
  9. I inspire others to work on their body!
  10. I am feminine and beautiful!
  11. Men like my figure!
  12. I love what nature has given me!
  13. I am a role model!
  14. My body easily obeys me!

On every day

Here are a few more phrases that will make your every day better.

  1. Every moment in my life is happy!
  2. I let go of my past mistakes!
  3. My talents are unique!
  4. I am full of peace!
  5. I radiate goodness!
  6. Luck loves me!
  7. I follow my intuition!
  8. My every wish comes true!
  9. I have achieved harmony with myself!
  10. My work on myself is bearing fruit!
  11. I inspire others!

As you can see, just a few words can change your life. Affirmations are easy to remember and repeating them will not be difficult. This step will allow you to become the best version of yourself. And we wish you success in this serious matter!

We present to your attention affirmations for every day. All affirmations are very simple, practice them every day and after 21 days you will see how your life will begin to change for the better.

In this article we have prepared for you many affirmations for every day (here you will find affirmations by Louise Hay, affirmations for attracting money, love, health and wealth).

Positive affirmations for every day

  • I can do everything!
  • I can do everything well!
  • In my life, everything always happens on time and according to the best scenario.
  • I'm grateful (grateful).
  • Universe for all the material blessings in my life.
  • Today is the best day of my life.
  • I have everything I need to enjoy life here and now.
  • I attract spiritual and material well-being into my life.
  • I'm doing well and every day my life is getting even better!
  • My life blooms in complete harmony.
  • I realize and feel my strength.
  • In any situation I am calm and focused.
  • Luck always accompanies me.

Louise Hay's affirmations

  • I am always safe and God protects me.
  • The truth is revealed to me about everything I need to know.
  • Everything I need comes to me on the right day and time.
  • Life is joy and it is full of love.
  • I love and I am loved.
  • I am healthy and full of vitality.
  • Everything I do brings me success.
  • I want to change and grow spiritually.
  • Everything is already good in my world.

Louise Hay's affirmations for women

  • I constantly discover wonderful qualities in myself.
  • I see my magnificent inner self.
  • I admire myself.
  • I'm wise and beautiful woman.
  • I was determined to love myself and enjoy myself.
  • I am responsible for my life.
  • I am the one and only for myself.
  • I am expanding my capabilities.
  • I have a wonderful life.
  • I am free and can realize myself as an individual.

Affirmations for attracting money

  • I'm always in the right place at the right time.
  • I always receive everything that is the greatest good for me.
  • Money flows to me easily.
  • If others can be rich, I can too!
  • I am a money magnet.
  • I always get what I want for myself.
  • I'm full of ideas to make money.
  • I earn 100,000 rubles a month.
  • Unexpected income makes me happy.
  • Money flows freely and easily in my life.
  • I am a magnet for money, and money is a magnet for me.
  • I'm very successful.
  • My thoughts of prosperity create my prosperous world.
  • My income is growing all the time.
  • My life is filled with love.
  • I am in charge of my life.
  • Love in my life begins with myself.
  • I - Strong woman.
  • I do not belong to anyone: I am free, I strive to learn new things in life.
  • I deserve love and respect.
  • I stand on my own two feet.
  • It's good for me to be alone.
  • I recognize my strength and use it.
  • I enjoy everything I have.
  • I like other women, I love and support them.
  • I love and value myself.
  • I am completely satisfied with my life.
  • I like being a woman.
  • I radiate love in all its diversity.
  • I like that I live here and now.
  • I am a very strong woman worthy of love and respect.
  • I fill my life with love.
  • I feel self-worth and perfection.
  • I perceive life as a unique gift.
  • I'm safe, everything around me is good.
  • I want to see myself in all my glory.
  • My future is bright and wonderful.
  • Now I am independent and independent in making decisions.
  • I am called to carry out a rewarding mission on this planet.
  • I can easily grow and improve.
  • I provide myself with everything I need.

Affirmations to express love for your body

The most important thing for your body is to remember that you love it. Look into your own eyes in the mirror more often. Tell yourself that you look wonderful. Send yourself positive messages every time you see your own reflection.

  • I love my body.
  • My body loves to be healthy.
  • Love is concentrated in my heart.
  • There is life force in my blood.
  • Every cell in my body is loved.
  • All my organs are working perfectly.
  • I admire my wonderful body.
  • I'm healthier than ever before.
  • I know how to take care of myself.
  • My favorite drink is water.
  • I live in complete harmony with the world around me.

Affirmations for health

  • I am well.
  • Happiness surrounds me.
  • My mental health is fine. I am joyful, positive and optimistic.
  • Every cell in my body now vibrates with energy and health.
  • I am free from stress.
  • Every day I feel healthier and healthier.
  • I eat healthy and I feel great.
  • Every day my vision is better than yesterday.
  • I love to exercise every day.
  • I am grateful for my healthy body.
  • Perfect health is my divine right and I claim it now.
  • Every cell in my body radiates energy and health.
  • My the immune system is very strong.
  • Every organ in my body performs its functions to an optimal extent.
  • My body is energetic.
  • I have enough strength, energy and vigor at any time of the day.
  • God's love flows through my body easily and restores it.
  • The light within me has a healing effect.
  • Every doctor that I meet along the way helps me recover.
  • My inner voice leads me to a suitable method for restoring my health.
  • My body heals quickly and easily.
  • My Vital energy is increasing every day.


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A woman is a mysterious and enigmatic creature. She is designed in such a way that she constantly needs to feel beautiful, desirable and capable of achieving her goals. But it doesn’t always happen in life that a woman feels at her best: a loved one has left, the years are rushing forward, and self-doubt has appeared. You never know what circumstances may arise! How to be? What will help bring back the joy of life? In many ways, affirmations for women contribute to achieving these goals.

It is extremely important for a woman to feel loved and desired. And if in this moment On her way she has not met a worthy companion, she may feel inferior: capricious, sad and nervous. Affirmations for women are the best way out when there are many sad stories in life and negative experience. To be able to radically change your destiny, you need to be ready for change. When you wake up in the morning, while still lying in bed, mentally or out loud (but quietly so as not to attract the attention of others), repeat the cherished words. You will be surprised how successful the day will be, how wonderful your relationships with colleagues will be, and how much your mood will lift.

Choose affirmations that will give you strength and confidence. Repeat at least one of them daily and wait for the result

  1. I constantly discover wonderful qualities in myself!
  2. I see my magnificent inner self!
  3. I always admire and admire myself!
  4. I am a wise and beautiful woman!
  5. I am responsible for my life!
  6. I am the one and only for myself!
  7. I'm expanding my capabilities!
  8. I have a wonderful life!
  9. I am free and can realize myself as an individual!
  10. My life is filled with love!
  11. I am in charge of my life!
  12. Love in my life begins with myself!
  13. I am a strong woman!
  14. I don’t belong to anyone: I’m free, I strive to learn new things in life!
  15. I am worthy of love and respect!
  16. I stand firmly on my feet!
  17. It's good for me to be alone!
  18. I recognize my strength and use it!
  19. I enjoy everything I have!
  20. I love and appreciate myself!
  21. I am completely satisfied with my life!
  22. I like being a woman!
  23. I radiate love in all its diversity!
  24. I like that I live here and now!
  25. I am a very strong woman worthy of love and respect!
  26. I fill my life with love!
  27. I feel my own worth and perfection!
  28. I perceive life as a unique gift!
  29. I'm safe, everything around me is fine!
  30. I want to see myself in all my splendor!
  31. My future is bright and wonderful!
  32. Now I am independent and independent in choosing decisions!
  33. I am called to carry out a grateful mission on this planet!
  34. I can easily grow and improve!
  35. I provide myself with everything I need!

Everyone dreams of being happy. How can we make this a reality? Affirmations will help to develop feminine qualities, raise self-esteem, and achieve desired goals. It is enough to change the initial thought, a limiting belief, to another one that allows you to concentrate your energy on important things. By laying down a new program, the subconscious begins to work, thinking changes, confidence in decisions made and actions. The world around us is getting better. Ordinary formulations can bring joy and satisfaction.

Sergei came to me after another session at the rehabilitation center. He has been mired in debt for a long time. Scandals with his wife because of his drinking ended in divorce, and now she is raising their common son alone.

We live in a small town, with all the ensuing consequences: it’s hard to find work, wages are below the subsistence level - the best place to blame others and circumstances for your weaknesses.

So Seryoga constantly found a reason to have a drink. He devoted 2 months of his life to heavy drinking, and one to work. Then someone took him to the hospital, where an IV was placed. My friend flatly refused to be coded.

On the day his friend arrived, a certain form of determination was felt in him, different from the standard behavior of alcoholics immediately after sobering procedures.

– Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I’ll start drinking again. You're somehow brainwashing yourself, look how you've changed. But I also want to live normally. How do you do all this? Maybe I'll improve too? – asked Sergei.

I really changed my way of thinking. But what exactly should I recommend? Techniques for working with the subconscious require long-term detailed study and application for changes to occur. And judging by his confidence in tomorrow’s binge, I don’t have time to help him.

And then I remembered about positive affirmations. A person is convinced that the future inevitably brings negativity, which means he needs to be convinced. And it’s better to convince yourself. The result will be visible in a month, but the first results will come from the first session.

After a long conversation, we found out what was really bothering Seryoga. I advised saying: “I am in control of my life and prefer to always look at what is happening soberly.”

These events happened 2 months ago. Sergei did not lose his temper during this time. If using this technique it is possible to give up alcohol, then what prevents people without addiction from changing their way of thinking? Just attitude and beliefs.

The brain makes decisions based on accumulated experience. The circumstances and their outcome are clearly imprinted in the memory. This forms a belief system in us. Sometimes it is life-saving, but often it prevents you from moving forward and requires correction. The correction involves replacing negative thinking with positive thinking.

Compilation rules:

  1. Specificity and brevity. A sentence of 3–6 words is enough. But it must reflect the whole essence of what is desired, literally come from the heart.
  2. The subconscious will not believe that you are healthy if you repeat “I am healthy and energetic” with a temperature of under 40 and other symptoms. When the real state of affairs is bad, positive affirmations are used for every day with words indicating improvement: “I feel healthier, more energetic, more beautiful every day.”
  3. Use only in relation to yourself. They influence their subconscious; you cannot change someone.
  4. Talk about a completed action. Even if you want a private jet, you need to imagine that you already have one. In this regard, the word “want” is prohibited. For example, it is correct to say: “I purchased a new beautiful private jet.”
  5. Elimination of negative particles and other negativity (not, no, never, etc.).
  6. The use of intensifiers - words indicating emotional condition: “easy and simple”, “with great joy”, “delightful”, etc.

Reading rules:

  1. Attracting emotionality while reading (if the phrase is repeated during the day). A positive affirmation should provoke a storm of emotions. The more positive impressions, the higher the chances of success.
  2. Speaking out loud. But when you say phrases at night, they should not interfere with falling asleep. If this happens, switch to silent repetition.
  3. Belief in the power of words and thoughts.
  4. The number of repetitions of positive affirmations to lift your mood per day is not standardized. The effect occurs after pronouncing one phrase at least 1000 times. Some methods suggest reading 70 times a day. It turns out that the more, the better.
  5. It is recommended to read in an alpha state (without showing emotions). It occurs in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening just before bed, and is also achieved by running. During the day, the thought that needs to be replaced is driven away by repeating the corresponding affirmation.

Reasons for lack of effect:

  1. Irregular use. Repeat daily until old thoughts no longer enter the mind.
  2. Phrases contain the words “can”, “will”, “want”.
  3. Changing attitudes: today one, tomorrow another.
  4. Simultaneous suggestion of several attitudes.

Use affirmations for a positive attitude at any age. The main thing is that the words are familiar to the person for whom the phrases are composed. Vocabulary and accumulated experience are taken into account.

Before you start using it, you need to develop a strategy or simply decide what is important now. The minimum time to work with one expression is a month.


Select the most appropriate phrase from the list below. You can also create your own positive affirmations for every day, taking into account the above requirements.

  1. I calmly let go of all my fears and anxieties, I cleanse myself of negative thoughts and images.
  2. I love life!
  3. I radiate positive energy.
  4. My radiant smile fills the hearts of those around me with light.
  5. I am in my place, doing what I love.
  6. I always make the only right choice.
  7. I get rid of any tension in my soul and body.
  8. In my life, everything always happens on time and according to the best scenario.
  9. I am at peace and at peace with everyone and with myself.
  10. There is joy, peace, love in my soul!
  11. Every day my thoughts become cleaner, more harmonious, clearer.
  12. I do everything that depends on me. I'm doing everything well!
  13. I am grateful (grateful) to the Universe for all the material blessings in my life.
  14. Today is the best day of my life.
  15. I have everything I need to enjoy life here and now.
  16. I attract spiritual and material well-being into my life.
  17. Every day my life becomes easier, more comfortable.
  18. I am filled with enthusiasm and energy.
  19. I see positivity in every event in my life.
  20. My life has improved. My life is in complete harmony with my mind and others.
  21. I am free from fear, melancholy, anger, irritation.
  22. I realize and feel my strength.
  23. In any situation I am calm and focused.
  24. Luck always accompanies me.
  25. Every day I feel better in every way.
  26. I live in best time for myself.
  27. Every cell of my body radiates joy.
  28. I love the whole world, and the world loves me back!
  29. I wish everyone happiness, love, health, and the best of life!
  30. Every day I bring people joy, happiness, good mood.
  31. I am surrounded by streams of absolute love!
  32. I am peaceful and calm.
  33. My soul is filled with joy and peace!
  34. I can easily cope with all the obstacles in my path!
  35. I am absolutely happy and I am surrounded only by positive people!
  36. I accept the energy of luck!
  37. I always accept my life. I'm at peace with myself.
  38. I am a magnet of luck, positivity, happiness.
  39. All events in my life lead to the better.
  40. Every day is unique and I take advantage of all its gifts.

Affirmations to increase energy are a reliable tool on the path to changing the way you think. But it is not Magic wand. For years, the subconscious has shaped our views on the world. You won't be able to change them in one day. Let a short poem by Omar Khayyam help you:

“You are a mine, if you go in search of a ruby,

You are loved if you live in the hope of a date.

Delve into the essence of these words - both simple and wise:

Everything you are looking for, you will certainly find in yourself!”

Choosing the mindset to change outdated beliefs requires patience. Every day, spend at least 10 minutes repeating one expression.

But this is one of the simplest and most accessible techniques for working with the subconscious. Take your time now. Choose any of the proposed positive affirmations. To do this, read each paragraph carefully. Which one did you choose? What's wrong with this phrase? Does it need to be improved or supplemented?

With the help of answers to these questions, you reject what is alien to you, and create the desired attitude specifically for your subconscious. Supplement, but don't overdo it. Remember: brevity is the sister of talent.


Positive affirmations are used to replace negative thinking with positive thinking. This is a method of self-hypnosis based on words. But words must be supported by emotions and experience. Therefore, it takes at least a month to achieve results. Don't waste time, start now.

Affirmations are positive attitudes that help change your habitual train of thought and create the desired future. By repeating affirmations every day, you can change yourself, the world and fulfill your desires.

With the help of positive attitudes, you can attract money, improve your personal life, achieve career growth, change your character, and so on.

The main thing is to believe in the phrases being spoken. Then your success is guaranteed.

Choose affirmations that suit your personal goals and desires and say them every day!

Affirmations for money

  • I like money.
  • I enjoy it when I have money.
  • My financial situation is getting better and better.
  • I have a lot of opportunities to make money.
  • I deserve wealth.
  • Abundance comes easily into my life.
  • I am happy when I have a lot of money.
  • I am determined to achieve prosperity.
  • Every day money comes to me.
  • Money helps me do good in the world.
  • Money, I invite you into my life!

Affirmations for love

  • I love myself and accept myself for who I am.
  • The universe loves me.
  • I am worthy to love and be loved.
  • My heart is open to feelings.
  • Love for me is a joyful and positive feeling.
  • I feel love flowing through my veins.
  • I am ready to give love free of charge.
  • I am ready to receive love and reciprocate.

Affirmations for success

  • I create my own reality.
  • Everything I think about today will shape my future.
  • Today is the happiest day of my life! I am loved and beautiful. I choose success. I'm doing well and it will get even better!
  • I create my own success.
  • My achievements make me happy and I want to continue moving towards success.
  • I always expect success.
  • I let go of all doubts and fears.
  • My goals and dreams are already coming true.
  • I - happy man because I create my own destiny!

You can come up with affirmations yourself based on your goals and desires.

How to use affirmations correctly every day

Affirmations do not always give the desired result. Very often people say them day after day, but, alas, nothing happens. There are certain rules and conditions under which positive attitudes begin to operate.

You must believe in what you say. To do this, it is recommended to choose an affirmation that most closely matches your desires and inner feelings.

Say affirmations only in a good mood. If you sit with a sour grimace and, slouched, repeat: “I am beautiful and successful. I am the happiest person in the world,” then nothing will happen. Smile while saying the instructions! Let positive energy come not only from your words, but also from your inner state.

Visualize. Visualize what you are talking about. This will help you achieve good results in the shortest possible time.

Don't get carried away with affirmations. Many people make a big mistake when working with positive attitudes. All they do is utter phrases about their success, but forget to do something in practice. Remember! Affirmations are not magic pills that, once taken, will change everything around you. You are the creator of your destiny, and positive attitudes only tune your subconscious to a wave of success.

If you use affirmations correctly every day, you will soon be able to get the desired result. The main thing is to believe in your success, and then everything will work out! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.05.2014 09:00

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