How to make homemade fabric softener: a profitable solution or a way to ruin your wardrobe. How to make homemade fabric softener: a profitable solution or a way to ruin your wardrobe What can be used instead of fabric softener

You probably already had the opportunity to learn about all the harmful ingredients that are stuffed with fabric softeners that we buy. However, what then should be used as a replacement? What is a safe mouthwash to use if the family has small children or allergies? There is nothing easier! Let's prepare a homemade fabric softener with our own hands.

Homemade fabric softener No. 1 - table vinegar

The most simple natural rinse. Cheap, available, non-toxic, highly effective, and vinegar has antibacterial properties. And as a bonus, the vinegar removes all residue from the detergent used.

Pour approximately 50-100 mg of vinegar into the rinse compartment before washing. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to provide fantastic flavor. The result is excellent! After washing, things become soft, and the colors become brighter!

Homemade fabric softener #2 - baking soda + vinegar

The main ingredient is sodium bicarbonate - common baking soda. It's safe natural ingredient in addition, soda will help to better wash clothes and refresh them. Add 140 ml of 9% table vinegar to one liter of water, add soda there - half a glass of soda will be enough, mix everything and apply 120-240 ml of the resulting product per wash. You can add a couple of drops of any fragrant essential oil of your choice to give things a pleasant scent.

Homemade fabric softener #3 - water + vinegar + hair balm

This rinse recipe with the addition of hair balm is one of the most popular: you need to take six parts of water, three parts of 9% table vinegar, two parts of hair balm. Mix all the ingredients well and use 120 ml (or a little more) for each wash. This fabric softener with hair balm has received the most positive feedback from women who have used it.

Homemade fabric softener is first of all safe for health, which is especially important when there are small children or people with allergies in the family.

Not every housewife knows that fabric softener can be prepared by hand at home, and not just bought in a store. Make it easy. You will have to put in quite a bit of effort. The main thing is to find the right recipe. Homemade rinse aid will cost several times cheaper than a similar store-bought product. At the same time, in terms of quality and efficiency of use, a home-made softener is in no way inferior to an industrial softener and will allow you to achieve what you want - to get perfectly soft, pleasant to the touch, good-smelling linen at minimal cost.

Advantages of home air conditioners

Few of us delve into the composition of store chemicals designed to soften linen. As practice shows - absolutely in vain. More than 95% of rinse aids from different manufacturers contain harmful and even dangerous substances for the human body that can cause not only a mild allergic reaction, but also serious diseases. In such a situation, a completely justified question arises: what can be used instead of store-bought softeners and how to replace such compounds? The right solution is to prepare a homemade emollient for use in washing machine or hand wash. In this case, you will be 100% sure that only safe components are included in its composition, and after washing, the linen will acquire not a caustic chemical, but a light natural aroma, it will be the most delicate and pleasant to the touch.

Other advantages of homemade air conditioners:

  • do not lead to damage to the fabric, do not "eat" the color of the linen,
  • extremely economical
  • can be used not only for adults, but also for children's underwear.

How to make a natural conditioner at home?

Instructions for preparing a home softener will help you quickly prepare the right product. Here it is necessary to adhere to the following rule: do not violate the recipe and proportions indicated in the explanation.

Consider the most popular recipes for homemade laundry softeners:

Recipe 1 - with vinegar

A simple and affordable option. Vinegar is found in the kitchen of every housewife. It is an acid that perfectly dissolves alkaline soaps and perfectly disinfects laundry. Shortly before the start of the rinse cycle, a little vinegar (about 50 ml) must be poured into the conditioner compartment.

Recipe 2 - with vinegar and essential oil

You can mix vinegar with a small amount of your favorite essential oil in the proportion of 20 drops per 4 liters of vinegar. This way we will get the volume for long-term use. At washing white linen should add 250 ml of such a product, washing colored - 100-120 ml conditioner.

Important! Vinegar is forbidden to use together with bleaches, and also to use the amount exceeding the recommendation - this can cause things to shrink.

Recipe 3 - with baking soda

If you're the type of person who doesn't like the smell of vinegar, you can make a conditioner out of baking soda. The latter perfectly softens hard tap water, makes washed things cloudy soft. Like vinegar, soda can be used in its pure form by adding half a glass of soda before the “Rinse” mode at the maximum allowable load of the washing machine. If you wash very few things, then it is recommended to reduce the amount of conditioner used by half.

Recipe 4 - with vinegar, soda, essential oils

Another popular recipe: mix baking soda, vinegar and warm water in equal proportions in a plastic container. Mix the main ingredients intensively and add 2-3 drops of essential oil. The resulting softener must be added when washing in a small amount. You can store the conditioner in the refrigerator in a glass container for no more than six days. By increasing the amount of oil in the composition, you can achieve a more or less intense aroma.

Important! Vinegar, mixed with soda, gives a reaction, so proceed carefully. Also, make sure that the essential oil (especially citrus fruits: lemon, lemongrass, bergamot, orange, tangerine or grapefruit) does not get on the skin of the hands in its pure form. - this may cause an allergic reaction.

Recipe 5 - with borax

It will help not only to soften the laundry during washing, but also to get rid of stubborn stains. During washing, add a quarter cup of borax to the compartment of the washing machine.
Outwardly bura - it is a powder of crystalline structure, natural mineral. It is used both in cosmetology and in cooking. household chemicals. Known for its emollient properties, it is used in creams, balms, conditioners, rinses and bath bombs. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered from an online store that sells components for natural cosmetics.

Recipe 6 - with table salt

The tool will improve the color of the fabric, make things after washing more pleasant to the touch, smell good. In a glass bowl, mix 4 cups of table salt with a few drops of essential oil and stir the mixture vigorously with a wooden spoon or stick. Add 3-4 tablespoons of softener when rinsing. This natural home remedy can be stored in a sealed container in a cool place away from sunlight.

Most housewives who have tried home-made air conditioning at least once in their lives forever abandon expensive store options. At the same time, they note that in terms of their qualities and action, home softeners really benefit in many ways. First of all, in matters of safety for the body.

Now you know how to soften clothes without conditioner at home. To do this, you will need inexpensive and affordable tools that are in every kitchen. Try our recipes and leave your feedback on their effectiveness in the comments.

It is always nice if the washed things and bed linen have fresh fragrance and easy to iron. For this, people have created fabric softeners and fabric softeners. Manufacturers of household chemicals offer on the market wide selection laundry detergents, different in their properties and aromas. Unfortunately, these products, as a rule, contain many chemical components that do not benefit health, and very often cause harm. This is especially true for people suffering from allergies. Young mothers would also like to use the most gentle products for babies' clothes that do not harm delicate baby skin. For such opponents of chemistry, there is an option to use natural remedies. After all, you can make your own fabric softener at home.

1 option. food vinegar

The most popular homemade fabric softener recipe is known to many housewives. Food nine percent vinegar and water are taken at a ratio of 2: 1, for example, 2 glasses of water and one glass of vinegar. Mix these two simple components and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. It will kill the pungent smell of vinegar and give things a wonderful aroma. It is best to make the solution immediately before washing and in the necessary this moment quantity. If you still get more, you can store the solution in a glass, hermetically sealed container.

Option 2. soda and salt

We mix baking soda with warm water in the following proportion: 3 tablespoons of soda are dissolved in a glass of water (250 ml). And just like in the first option, you should add a few drops of essential oil to add flavor. It can be sandalwood, orange, ylang-ylang, jasmine and many others to your taste. You can also add a spoon to the solution sea ​​salt. And you can also use one salt instead of soda, also mixed with water and adding fragrant drops. Store rinse aid in a closed plastic bottle.

3 option. Hair balm

For this recipe, the most common and inexpensive hair conditioner is suitable. It perfectly softens the fabric and protects it from static electricity. You can make both the usual liquid version and dry, in the form of a powder, or, more precisely, a paste. So, to prepare fabric softener, mix 2 cups of water, 1 cup of vinegar and 2/3 cup of hair conditioner. The amount can be taken less, but be sure to respect the proportions. It is not necessary to shake the solution, just mix gently until smooth. Dry conditioner is very simple: 5 tablespoons of salt (preferably sea salt) are ground with 3 tablespoons of hair conditioner. Store-bought hair balms may vary slightly in consistency depending on the manufacturer. Therefore, if necessary, add or reduce the amount of salt so that a thick dry paste is obtained. When washing, put about 3 - 5 tablespoons of the product into a special compartment of the machine. And in both cases, do not forget about the flavor - a few drops of essential oil.

Home rinses can be used both for hand washing and in the washing machine, pouring the solution into a special compartment for rinses and conditioners.

These simple, and most importantly harmless and economical recipes for making rinse aid at home can easily replace harmful and expensive household products. Cooked with your own hands from simple ingredients, they will help you save the family budget and the health of you and your children.

Cooking technology:

Let's get started.
The amount of ingredients is calculated for 400 ml. conditioner. You can always recalculate the recipe for the amount of funds you need. We take a cationic emulsifier - it is cationic emulsifiers that are resistant to washing off and give antistatic properties, which is what is needed for our linen - 2% (1.5% is possible - just the product will be more liquid) - 8g. Trilon-B and citric acid - soften water - 0.5% each - 2 grams each. Flavoring agent (perfume, little essential) - 2% - 8ml. Water up to 100%, I have 380 gr. We measure out our "loose" - emulsifier, Trilon-B and citric acid.

We measure the required amount of water and pour it into different containers in approximately equal parts.

Pour into one part of the water and stir Trilon-B and citric acid. We remove it to the side - we will need it later.

We heat the second part of the water in a water bath for about 10 minutes, then remove it from the bath and pour in a pre-measured amount of cationic emulsifier, in our case DEHYQUAR (Degiquart).

Mix with a mini mixer for 1-2 minutes. We get white milk. We leave it until it cools down to about 45 - 50 degrees C (without a thermometer, you can periodically touch the container with the emulsion until the temperature feels "so that the hand endures"). Stir occasionally to cool evenly.

Pour the rest of the water into the resulting emulsion with citric acid and Trilon-B. We mix.

Add preservative and flavor. IMPORTANT!!! Preserve and aromatize the emulsion at a temperature below 40 gr. C. Here we have such an emulsion at 2% Degiquart.

We pour our fabric softener into a convenient container and use it with pleasure;-)

Note: for washing 2 kg. linen I add 2 tbsp. spoons of conditioner, there is both softness and freshness)

Very often, after washing, our linen becomes hard, unpleasant to the touch. What can be done to enhance the effect of detergents and get rid of harsh fabrics and at the same time not use household chemicals?

To help us solve this problem:

  • table vinegar
  • borax or borax

Best natural remedies to soften the fabric

Before we start describing how to soften the fabric during washing, it should be noted that you will need to find the optimal remedy for your individual case. The thing is that there is no universal remedy, since the effect and result of using any means, both chemical and natural, directly depends on the chemical composition of water. Therefore, we suggest that you try in turn all the ways we offer to soften laundry during washing and find the most effective one for you.

1. Add 125 ml of table vinegar (9%) to the rinse compartment of your washing machine.

Vinegar is the most versatile fabric softener. It not only helps to remove detergent residue from laundry more effectively, but also refreshes the fabric, eliminates odors and, of course, softens it.

2. Add half a 250 ml glass of baking soda to the drum of your washing machine

Before loading the laundry into the drum, pour the right amount of soda into it. Soda will enhance the effect washing powder and soften your laundry.

Tip: Use baking soda and vinegar only if you are washing without bleach, otherwise an unwanted chemical reaction may occur!

3. Baking soda and vinegar together

We add half a glass of soda to the drum as described above, pour 125 ml of vinegar into the air conditioner compartment and get perfectly clean, soft linen. An added bonus is no static electricity!

By the way, soda and vinegar can be used when washing in a different way:

We add a glass of soda and a glass of water to the container, then pour 6 glasses of vinegar there - there will be a violent chemical reaction, wait for it to end and add another 6 glasses of water. If you want your homemade fabric softener to have a pleasant fragrance, add 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil to the container. Pour the resulting mixture into an empty and clean bottle with a cap and add 125 ml of the product to the conditioner compartment before each wash.

4. Add half a 250 ml glass of borax (borax) to the detergent drawer (along with the detergent)

Borax softens hard water and enhances the action of your detergent. As a result, you get clean and fresh laundry, pleasant and soft to the touch. Borax (borax) can be bought at household chemical stores.