Vadim badalov skr biography. The son-in-law of the “golden judge” Elena Khakhaleva rose in the Kushchev case. Holiday romance with a sequel

The son-in-law of the “golden judge” of Elena Khakhaleva, Vadim Badalov, at the age of 29, can boast not only of acquaintance with the stars of show business who sang for him at his own wedding. Badalov was awarded a diploma from the Kuban Legislative Assembly "For a significant contribution to strengthening law and order in the Krasnodar Territory", and was also awarded a diploma for impeccable service in the investigative authorities. Now he is the deputy head of the investigative department for the Western District of Krasnodar of the regional Sledkom.

And when Badalov was 22 years old, a young and promising employee was entrusted with one of the Kushchev affairs. In 2010, the future son-in-law of the Krasnodar judge was part of a group of four investigators who unraveled the case of Vadim Palkin. They came on his trail after the murder of 12 people in Kushchevskaya. Then the gang of Sergei Tsapok brutally dealt with the family of a local farmer, the scumbags and children were not spared. And Palkin was one of the suspects in another crime, also associated with hoes - according to investigators, he killed the elder brother of the leader of the Kushchevskaya gang, Nikolai Tsapok, and also attempted on the life of one of the gang's henchmen. He was also accused of murdering the head of the village Boris Moskvich, raping a local resident, hooliganism and illegal possession of weapons.

At first, Palkin confessed to the crimes, but then he told his lawyer that he had slandered himself. And he even complained about the actions of the investigation team to the president. Here is what was in his letter: “They forced me to tell something about the brigade of Sergei Tsapok, and they said that I should take on some of those criminal cases that were considered unsolved ... I was offered a choice - take over the murder of Klimova or the head of the district, Boris Moskvich. After that, they told the details of the massacre of the Muscovite and offered to write a confession.

After the hype with the wedding, Badalov was also reminded of this case. Like, the son-in-law of the “golden judge” climbed the career ladder in a dubious way.

They exerted psychological pressure on my client by police officers of the criminal investigation department. Badalov himself did not touch Palkin with a finger, - lawyer Adrey Rigert told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Investigator Badalov performed purely technical work at first. He brought documents for signature, introduced the results of examinations.

The future son-in-law of the “golden judge” filed and brought papers for exactly a year. And then the head of the investigation team was sent to a new place of work - in Kalmykia, and Vadim Badalov was put in her place. But the future son-in-law of the "golden judge" did not answer for Palkin's case for long. A month later, he was removed and the case was already transferred to the court by another investigator.

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A judge from Krasnodar organized her daughter's wedding for $2 million. In the Kuban, a scandal erupted around the luxurious wedding of the daughter of the regional judge Elena Khakhaleva. Nikolai Baskov, Vera Brezhneva, Valery Meladze, Iosif Kobzon performed at the celebration. According to preliminary estimates, at least $ 2 million was spent on the celebration.

But, they say, it was after this case that his career took off. Badalov was transferred to Gelendzhik, where he worked as the head of the interdistrict department of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory. And then he returned to Krasnodar again and sat down in the chair of the deputy head of one of the investigative departments of the city.

But Palkin was acquitted. He was tried by jurors - so the accused himself asked, and they considered that the stanitsa was not involved in high-profile crimes.

18/07/2017 at 13:28 , 1056 read, 0 commented

Probably, not a single wedding caused such an instant and loud resonance as the marriage of Sofya Khakhaleva and Vadim Badalov. They heard about the feast in the Kremlin! He's being talked about in the Supreme Court! And in the Kuban, the wedding seemed to look into every house. Sources of "MK" in the highest spheres say: the scandal is custom-made. They have long dreamed of compromising Khakhalev, and here is such a chic reason. And the reason for compromising is not simple class hatred, but the conflict around a large agricultural concern. Moreover, one judge in this story has already burned out.

Just a couple of weeks ago, investigators arrested an ex-judge of the Rostov Arbitration Court on suspicion of fraud. Allegedly, for 40 million rubles (it would definitely be enough for a wedding!) She did not re-register the lands of the infamous Nadezhda Tsapok in the Kushchevsky district. Exactly where the son of Nadezhda staged a bloody vendetta, killing 12 people in the farmer's house with his accomplices.

And then Judge No. 2, who, according to rumors, also dealt with the affairs of the concern, got into a scandal. But is the wedding worth the noise that has risen around it?

What are you, two million? It’s funny,” one of the guests of the wedding ball shared with us. - There were a lot of people at the wedding, about 300-400 people, maybe a little more. But it is unlikely that the Khakhaleva family will scatter money. I can say one thing: there was no chic celebration there, black caviar, in any case, I did not notice on the tables. Artists performed, so what? We often invite celebrities to our weddings. Moreover, all the guests and the newlyweds themselves are not from ordinary families. Gifts were also given according to status. I don't understand your surprise. We have here and abruptly weddings are played, a common thing. And cars are given to newlyweds at a higher price.

Bride Sofia Khakhaleva. When the scandal broke out, the young wife prudently closed her pages on the social network from prying eyes. Removed personal photos. Of the available information, only the place of her study remained - the Kuban State University.

On the website of the university, the girl was listed as a student of two faculties - economic (department "Economic security") and legal ("Jurisprudence").

“We study together with Sophia at the Faculty of Law,” shared classmate Khakhaleva. - They did not know that she had a rich fiancé. She didn't really talk to us at all - she came and went. I didn't invite any of the guys to the wedding. The fact that she is from a wealthy family is what the whole of Krasnodar says about it. We are not surprised that the wedding was played on wide leg. And her circle of friends is appropriate, like her parents themselves carefully chose with whom she would be friends and whom she would marry.

Groom Vadim Badalov. In 2013, the young man held the position of senior investigator for the investigation of particularly important cases (on crimes against the person and public safety) of the regional investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Then he was awarded a diploma of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory "for a significant contribution to the strengthening of law and order and for impeccable service." Soon he was appointed deputy head of the investigative department of the TFR in the city of Gelendzhik. And shortly before the wedding, Badalov transferred to Krasnodar. Now he holds the post of deputy head of the investigative department for the Western District of the regional center.

- We hear for the first time that Vadim Eduardovich got married. Congratulate him on our behalf, - Badalova's former secretary was surprised. “He left us recently, but he never talked about his fiancee. Do you know who he married?

- On the daughter of a judge from your region, Elena Khakhaleva. Have you heard of this one?

“Of course I heard. She is a very influential woman in our region. Everyone here knows her name. Well, her daughter and our former boss are a worthy couple. A good choice made by Vadim Eduardovich.

Have you heard anything about the scandal? They say that the wedding cost the young under 2 million dollars. Famous artists performed.

“This is the first time I hear about the scandal. What surprises you? The wedding is not simple people played, I don't see anything strange. The hype was blown up from scratch. In our region, quite often such banquets are rolled up, this is no longer shocking to anyone.

Meanwhile, rumors about the groom have already spread in social networks. Lawyer Anna Stavitskaya left a comment: “And the fiancé in the photo is investigator Badalov, who actually “created” the case of Sergei Zirinov, the largest businessman in the Krasnodar Territory, from whom they wanted to rob his business through the initiation of a criminal case. The initial evidence, on which the entire criminal case is based, was artificially created, which we will prove in the appeal. A successful family business - a mother-in-law in court, a son-in-law in the UK.

Mother of the bride Elena Khakhaleva- Judge of the Krasnodar Regional Court, is also a member of the Presidium of the Krasnodar Regional Court and Deputy Chairman. How a woman took such a high position, one can only guess. Moreover, until 2010, Elena Vladimirovna was still the head of Prominvestcenter LLC - the organization was engaged in the production rubber products. Judge Khakhaleva herself commented to reporters that all the expenses were borne by her ex-husband.

Father of the bride Robert Khakhalev- an active man. From official sources it is known that he is an individual entrepreneur, his own company is engaged in the cultivation of annual crops. Khakhalev also has a stake in Lombard LLC, is listed as a co-owner of Invest-stroy, Kvadrat-taxi, SEC Kuban-Agro and a microcredit company. According to rumors, Robert Zilkimiani, who took the name of his wife, was once a driver for a very authoritative person in Georgia. The man to this day has maintained friendly relations with fellow countrymen. It is said that the Khakhalevs often travel to Georgia. And each of their visits is accompanied by a meeting almost at the government level. In turn, Elena and Robert provide a worthy welcome to Georgian businessmen in the Kuban.

According to Krasnodar farmers, more than three thousand hectares of land are cultivated in the Novopokrovsky district under the control of Khakhalev.

“He came to our region 15 years ago as an investor who was supposed to raise the agricultural enterprises of the district,” says farmer Alexander Matvienko. - But it so happened that many of them went bankrupt after a few years and, by a court decision, went to a large holding company.

According to Matvienko, all enterprises "burned down" according to one scheme.

- A person appeared who offered to lend money to the heads of farms who were in a difficult financial situation. For development, wages, livestock feed. Then a receipt appeared, according to which it was necessary to return this money already with interest. The farmer could not do this - the land was assigned to the creditor by a court decision, - says Alexander Grigoryevich.

And the agricultural holding, to which Robert Khakhalev is related, has grown to 3 thousand hectares. The main profile of the economy is the cultivation of sugar beets.

- And what, you can make a multi-million dollar fortune on beets?

- If everything is done according to the rules, then no. The fact is that according to the crop rotation, sugar beets can be sown on the same land every five years. This culture sucks all the minerals out of the earth. According to the rules, for four years between the harvest of sugar beets, the land should rest - other crops should be sown in the fields. And in the agricultural holding, about which in question, beets are planted in a year. Our land will soon fonit due to chemicals, as in Chernobyl ...

In the same area, the Khakhalev family has a stable for 44 horses. Horses regularly go to competitions in Krasnodar and Sochi.

- I used to have several horses, our chieftain kept the stable. But then everyone was forced to sell - it is very expensive to keep even a few mares. And they have 44 individuals! - Alexander Matvienko is surprised.

According to the farmer, the entrepreneur does not appear often in the fields.

- If he comes, he moves exclusively in a luxury SUV. The family also has several other cars. Moreover, interestingly, all cars have a complicated license plate - with the lettering ASK. In our region, everyone knows that this series belongs to the judiciary community of the region.

Alexander Matvienko this year was one of the participants in the "tractor march". Farmers, tired of the arbitrariness of local officials, openly calling the situation with the land "raider seizures", decided to go on tractors to Putin. Then they never got to the president. They poured out their problems to the local authorities.

But have they heard? Indeed, in the Kuban, the local authorities, in fact, are the same dragon with one body and ten heads. Let's continue to study the biography of the members of the Khakhalev family.

Brother of the bride Kirill Khakhalev is one of the youngest deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region of the last convocation, was a member of the committee on legality, law and order and legal protection citizens, participates in the formation of the public part of the qualification board of judges.

The bride's brother's wife Anastasia Ryazanskaya is brought by the closest relative to Alexander Chernov, the chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court.

Enough? So it turns out that the celebration served only as a trigger for popular anger. All the comments of local residents are reduced to one context: “It is no secret for hundreds of farmers that the entire land sector in the regional court has long been under a hood.”

“I’m not going to comment on my personal life,” Khakhalev quickly interrupted the conversation when he heard what was going to be discussed. We agree with you, dear Robert Onikovich. And the truth is that personal life is inviolable. We also agree with our sources: the scandal is most likely inspired by the judge's ill-wishers. Only now, unfortunately, the authority of any government in Russia today is so low that such scandals are very much expected. They are willing to believe. And if you have already decided, while working in the civil service, to widely celebrate your daughter's wedding, be prepared for questions. Unpleasant, and sometimes even indecent. Such is the fate of the Russian official.


We called 6 wedding agencies and found out that it is not so difficult to invite an artist to a wedding - it all depends on the size of the budget.

The most accessible are the participants of the Voice project. The cost of their services starts from 100 thousand rubles. For example, the invitation of Dina Garipova to the celebration will cost 300 thousand, while the performance of Alexander Panayotov will cost 1 million rubles. From one to two million rubles will have to be given to such musicians as Yolka, L'One, Yegor Creed, the Hands Up! group. It is noteworthy that in one wedding agency we were offered the performance of the singer Yolka for 1.5 million, and in another - as much as 2.5 million. Further, the fees are calculated not in rubles, but in thousands of euros. Valery Meladze, Nikolai Baskov, Timati, Vera Brezhneva, the Mushrooms and Leningrad groups will cost from 30 to 70 thousand. Beats all records Stas Mikhailov, who requests 100 thousand euros for his performance in Europe. Also, wedding agencies told us that each artist has a list of conditions and requirements. For example, in the rider of Polina Gagarina, a special item is wine of a certain brand, the cost of which is 18 thousand rubles per bottle.

Everyone read about the wedding of a daughter for $ 2 million, which was committed by "Elena Khakhaleva, a judge of the Krasnodar Regional Court, who is also a member of the Presidium of the Krasnodar Regional Court and Deputy Chairman. More precisely, this servant of Themis married her daughter Sophia. The girl's chosen one was an employee of the Investigative Regional Committee Vadim..."
In the same place:
“Kakhaleva, according to unofficial data, has a well-off husband. Therefore, it is quite possible that the banquet was at his expense. Colleagues say that his name is Robert Khakhalev (Zilkimiani) and he is related to one of the largest agricultural enterprises in the region, he is also called the owner of a microcredit organization in Krasnodar and a car pawnshop in one of the regional centers.

Sophia is a beloved daughter. For which, of course, nothing is a pity. Considering that the groom is a good promising guy, but not from such a wealthy family. Vadim Badalov recently transferred to Krasnodar from Gelendzhik, where he was deputy head of the department. In the resort city, he worked with youth, for example, before the New Year, at a meeting with students, he spoke about extremism and cybercrime. He was recently transferred to the regional center. Now he is the deputy head of the investigative department for the Western District of the city of Krasnodar ... "
There is a caste marriage - the child of the judge marries an investigator of the TFR (it turns out a "closed production cycle": we accuse - you sentence). Casta and in another way: the 27-year-old son of Judge Khakhaleva (the wife of a usurer-"micro-financier" and, apparently, a latifundist).
"My son is 27 years old, he is a deputy of the regional legislative assembly from United Russia, he is also a member of the committee on legality, law and order and legal protection of citizens"..."

In a word, the entire neo-feudal system of the Russian Federation is like a drop of water. Kuban brought it to its apogee. So, we are gentlemen and tribute collectors, and with whips in our hands (courts, regional authorities, police and TFR), you are a subject to a beggar cattle. We are tribute collectors, not businessmen. We walk in a big way, we can throw out 2 million dollars (almost 120 million rubles) for a wedding. Even the owner of the plant cannot afford this, but they can. An entrepreneur in the Russian Federation to pull such funds out of circulation (production) is death, but nothing to them.
I immediately recall the testimonies of the protesting Kuban farmers (Volchenko and his comrades) that the Kuban judges are part of a gang of large landowners who take "legally" (with the use of the court, the prosecutor's office, the police, the UK) land shares from ordinary people. So they were right, right? What about Citizen Putin? That is, the Kuban - as the personification of the entire Erefia - is a region where corruption has turned into power. Moreover, this is not bourgeois power (we are sending away the insane leftists), this is precisely feudal hegemony. As in Turkey of the century before last, as in Zaire of the times of Mobutu, as in Haiti in the 1960s. Yes, with such a system, the Russian Federation obviously will not last long. The cancer of the new feudalism, the cancer of looting, struck her, and no Syria will cover it up. It is as if the Sicilian Camorra had set up their government in Italy and taken possession of the whole country. But even in Italy this did not happen.
This once again suggests that not only the Kuban - the entire Russian Federation must be cleaned. The judicial system - to the dump and create a new one, and all the current judges - away! We know from Judge Krivoruchko ("case" IGPR "ZOV") how they "judge". It's like an operation in oncology: the entire tumor is cut out so that it does not give metastasis and is not reborn. Putin would at least arrange a demonstrative purge in the Kuban - yes, he would drift off. For such a thing emerges that everyone will grab their hearts. The picture of the incurable disease of the "Edorossovskoy" Eref will be clarified.

Today a "sentence" may be passed (in the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow, Krivoruchko is a judge) to Mukhin, Barabash, Parfyonov and Sokolov. Most likely with timing. Just for trying to organize a referendum. as "extremists". Getting ready for a possible protest rally! General!

Maxim Kalashnikov's appeal to everyone - for the release of the activists of the referendum under the law "On the responsibility of power" (IGPR "ZOV"). Mukhin, Barabash, Sokolov, Parfenov. The trial of them in the Tver "district court" is leading to a verdict, our comrades can be thrown into dungeons for 8-10 years. Wave of posts needed!
We need a common front - no difference in political views. It is necessary not only to save the guys, but to give battle to the whole vile system of corruption-raw material feudalism, the entire sadistic "vertical".

From interesting publications:
“... The document was prepared jointly by human rights activists and experts in the field of criminal law. In general, Russian courts stated the lack of competition and defenselessness of the defendants and their lawyers in the face of unfair sentences.

For example, court forgery, experts pointed out, is hidden by falsifying the minutes of court sessions: “They do not write what people said, they do not let witnesses in so that they do not check how their testimony is recorded.” Therefore, the most priority change is mandatory audio recording, because many courts are already equipped with the necessary equipment, “only a line in the law is missing.”

However, for now, the Ministry of Justice is proposing bills to introduce mandatory video recording with entry into force from 2018 or 2019. Therefore, human rights activists note, their Code of Criminal Procedure has an alternative solution - the preparation of protocols should take place within three days. “Their untimely issuance creates conditions for the falsification of evidence, which is manifested in the mass complaints of citizens and defenders participating in the processes,” the experts said.

They also recalled the powerlessness of lawyers in the face of the so-called accusatory link between law enforcement agencies and the court. In order to break it, it is planned to force the prosecutor to prove the accusation, and not just present it, as it is now, that is, to equalize it with the defense, which substantiates its evidence. At the same time, the criteria of truth in litigation should be common sense and public opinion. It is also proposed to supplement the Code of Criminal Procedure with the provision that, simultaneously with the indictment, the conclusion of a lawyer may be submitted to the court.

It is also planned to restore the institution of the public defender. Moreover, his participation in the process should not depend on the presence or absence of a lawyer. The fact is that after the entry into force of the verdict, the agreement with the lawyer is usually terminated, and the convict has difficulties in representing his interests. And in reality, there are already public defenders - they are usually some kind of relatives of the convict who collect all kinds of certificates for him and take on other chores.

The reform of the Code of Criminal Procedure should also affect judges. For example, studying judicial practice shows that judicial control in criminal proceedings is very lacking. It is proposed to prescribe the duty, and not the right of judges to issue rulings on established facts of human rights violations. And introduce punishment for judges for evading this duty.

It is also necessary to raise the significance of international verdicts against Russia. In particular, we are talking about the fact that each decision of the European Court of Human Rights should become the subject of extensive discussion in the legal environment. And for each of them, an appropriate explanation of the plenum of the Supreme Court or orders of the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs should follow.

In general, Russian justice continues to suffer from an accusatory bias, experts emphasized. In order to reduce it, in their opinion, it is necessary to “expand the list of grounds for returning the criminal case to the prosecutor in order to eliminate obstacles to its consideration in court.” In fact, this is a step towards returning to the Soviet past - to the institution of additional investigation. Its liquidation, says the preamble of the draft Code of Criminal Procedure, has led to unresolvable situations, “when judges are faced with the need to make knowingly unjust decisions, knowingly apply criminal law incorrectly.”

The document sets out in detail the grounds for the removal of a judge. For example, this is his malicious evasion from the preparation of the protocol, as well as the creation of various conditions for the prosecution and the defense. The reason may also be the judge's refusal to answer questions regarding his qualifications or relations with the participants in the process. “It is necessary to achieve courtesy and culture of judges, providing that this is part of their professional ethics,” the experts noted.

“To eliminate the deliberate accusatory bias in court, providing that the abolition of the sentence and the rehabilitation of the convict are not a negative indicator of the work of the judge,” their draft also says.

Another blow to the accusatory bias is the expansion of the competence of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation to correct judicial errors. It is proposed to give the Ombudsman the right to lodge a protest against a judicial act that has entered into legal force, as well as appeals to the Chairman of the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor General for review of the verdict ... "
Maxim Kalashnikov: all this was very lacking in the ZOV case, as well as in the case of Yura Ekishev and Vladimir Kvachkov. Like all political prisoners.

China is knocking Russia out of the CIS space, destroying the failed Eurasian Economic Community. Moscow, with its idiotic policy of raw-material monetarism, has done it up to its ears. And then the Kremlin with its HPP failed everything. It is clear why he is silent here, clogging the information space with the struggle of GDP with landfills and useless trips around the country. Erefia is losing its sphere of influence and is increasingly turning into a rump of the PRC.

"Chinese economic expansion could not but lead to the displacement of Russia from the post-Soviet space - especially from the EAEU countries, as well as from some non-member states of the Caucasus and Central Asia. The process of displacement is described in the report of the Institute of Economics the fate of the Eurasian Union”, prepared by Svetlana Glinkina, Madina Turaeva, Artem Yakovlev.

“There is an increase in the dependence of the economies of the EAEU countries on China through the build-up of imbalances in trade and debt to the eastern partner. All members of the EAEU, except Kazakhstan, have a significant negative balance in trade with China. In Kyrgyzstan, over the past three years, it has accounted for 93-95% of the total trade turnover, in Armenia - about a third, in Belarus - almost a half, ”according to the experts of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

As one of the proofs of Chinese expansion, the authors cite IMF data on exports and imports of the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia for 2000–2012. It turned out that, for example, agricultural and raw material exports to China from the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia increased over the specified period from 0.8 to 3.3% of the GDP of the region under study, and to Russia decreased from 4.7 to 0.8% of GDP . Another example: imports of finished products from China to these countries increased over the same period from 1.3 to 6.2% of the region's GDP, while from Russia it decreased from 14.5 to 8.5% of GDP.

To this we can add more recent data from the IMF report on the regional economy on the Middle East and Central Asia. The share of Russia in the exports of the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia, which are classified as oil importers, for 2000-2005 averaged 17%, and China - about 3%. And in 2010-2015, the share of the Russian Federation was already on average about 10%, the share of China was about 5%. If we take the total exports of oil exporting countries from the region under consideration, then in this case the share of Russia from 2000–2005 to 2010–2015 decreased from 15 to 7%, the share of China increased from 9 to 20%.

The same trends with imports of the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia. If we talk about the countries - oil buyers, then in their total imports, the share of Russia decreased over the indicated periods from 20 to 15%, the share of China increased from 3 to 33%. And in the total imports of countries - oil suppliers, the share of the Russian Federation decreased from 33 to 15%, the share of China increased from 5 to 20%.

In a number of post-Soviet countries, China is not only one of the three largest suppliers of goods, but also takes first place there, ahead of Russia. For example, according to the CIA Factbook for 2015, in Kyrgyzstan, the share of China in total imports is almost 57%, Russia - about 17%, Kazakhstan - 10%. In the import of Tajikistan, China accounts for more than 42%, Russia - 18%, Kazakhstan - 13%. In the import of Uzbekistan, the shares of China and Russia are equivalent - 21% each, the share of South Korea is about 12%.

“In 2001-2015, the role of China as an investor and as a supplier of machinery, equipment and vehicles for all post-socialist countries, especially Central Asia, has grown,” experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences also report. “As a result, China is becoming a source of modernization for the newly independent states. The role of Russia in this matter is declining in a number of states.” They add: "Mutual trade between the PRC and the post-Soviet states is largely based on Chinese trade credits, the scale of which, up to the crisis of 2008-2009, significantly exceeded the Chinese direct investments accumulated by the countries"..."

News from the military fields. As Maxim Kalashnikov predicted, the idiotic capture of Crimea without the rest of Novorossia (the entire Northern Black Sea region up to Transnistria) led not to an improvement, but to a deterioration in the military situation of the Russian Federation. After all, now NATO fleets can freely operate in the waters near Odessa and Ochakov, from where it is possible to strike at Crimea and at Moscow (with cruise missiles). If airfields for the NATO Air Force appear there, then it will turn out to be even more "fun". In addition, the Russian peacekeeping group in Transnistria (PMR), which is being strangled by the economic blockade, is already in a state of siege. Its supply is completely blocked by the "pro-Russian" regime of Dodon in Moldova, the peacekeeping battalion is recruited from local citizens of the Russian Federation and is fed from local warehouses of the former 14th Army.
The complete triumph of HPP is evident. And then everyone shamefully blew it, and then the Russian Federation will soon be kicked out of the banks of the Dniester.
"American "Poseidons" set their sights on the submarines of the Black Sea Fleet

The submarine fleet of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) has been taken under close supervision and control by US military aviation. This aspect is being worked out at the international naval exercises Sea Breeze-2017, which started on July 10 in the Black Sea. According to the press service of the Ukrainian General Staff, two of the latest American reconnaissance aircraft P-8 Poseidon (“Poseidon”) arrived in Odessa at once. Their main purpose is to detect and destroy enemy submarines in patrol areas.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) emphasizes that “this is the first visit of such equipment not only to Odessa, but also to Ukraine. All previous Sea Breeze-2017 exercises involved base patrol P-3 Orions, which have recently been removed from service and replaced by Poseidons. Such openness of the Ukrainian side, apparently, is connected with the tasks of information counteraction. "Poseidons" are equipped the latest means radars, anti-ship missiles, torpedoes, sea mines and air bombs, that is, they are really equipped with serious weapons. Almost weekly, taking off from the Sigonella air base in Sicily, they previously patrolled the Eastern Mediterranean near the Russian naval grouping and logistics center of the Russian Navy in Tartus (Syria), as well as in the Black Sea off the coast of Russia.

As former submarine officer Captain 1st Rank Oleg Shvedkov told NG, American anti-submarine patrol aircraft, especially the latest modifications, "pose a certain threat to the Black Sea Fleet, mainly to diesel submarines that are deployed here." They are able to detect submarines by bubble plumes, oil stains, magnetic radiation, as well as using radio sonar buoys and other means capable of detecting the passage of submarines under water.

Oleg Shvedkov connects the appearance of Poseidons in Odessa with the fact that "the American command, apparently, wants to bring the areas of deployment of these aircraft closer to the borders of Russia." He does not rule out that in the coming years a decision may be made to base them in Ukraine. “This will reduce the cost of their operation and provide Kyiv with greater military support. Ukraine is unlikely to refuse such an offer," the expert is sure..."
fully -

Maxim Kalashnikov: peppy official articles that the Russian Navy from Crimea can shoot down Poseidons with the help of S-400 systems, and sink NATO ships with the help of Bal coastal defense missile systems - this is an attempt to cover up the failure. The fact is that in order to destroy ships at a distance of 300-400 km, missiles need space target designation (the complexes cannot look beyond the horizon). The Soviet system of naval reconnaissance and target designation "Legend" has already died, and its Russian counterpart "Liana-Pion" is still unknown if it works. But on the coastal defense, the enemy can strike from the sea, as well as on the positions of the S-400 air defense system. Yes, they can bring down the Poseidons. But the Boeing P-8 Poseidon is a dangerous adversary. In fact, this is a flying destroyer, it is armed with Harpoon anti-ship cruise missiles capable of destroying ships from a distance of 220-280 km, and Mk.54 anti-submarine torpedoes. It carries bombs and mines. The Russian Federation no longer has an analogue of such aircraft. The combination of R-8 operations with NATO fighter-bombers and surface ships of their fleet is extremely dangerous. Especially if the enemy aircraft appears on the airfields of Moldova, strangled by the PMR and in the already hostile Ukraine, which is not deprived of the Black Sea region.

If a large Novorossiya would have been created, such problems would not have arisen. But - HPP and "we need all of Ukraine" ...

Elena Khakhaleva has long wanted to set up

Probably, not a single wedding caused such an instant and loud resonance as the marriage of Sofya Khakhaleva and Vadim Badalov. They heard about the feast in the Kremlin! He's being talked about in the Supreme Court! And in the Kuban, the wedding seemed to look into every house.

Sources of "MK" in the highest spheres say: the scandal is custom-made. They have long dreamed of compromising Khakhalev, and here is such a chic reason. And the reason for compromising is not simple class hatred, but the conflict around a large agricultural concern. Moreover, one judge in this story has already burned out.

Just a couple of weeks ago, investigators arrested an ex-judge of the Rostov Arbitration Court on suspicion of fraud. Allegedly, for 40 million rubles (it would definitely be enough for a wedding!) She did not re-register the lands of the infamous Nadezhda Tsapok in the Kushchevsky district. Exactly where the son of Nadezhda staged a bloody vendetta, killing 12 people in the farmer's house with his accomplices.

And then Judge No. 2, who, according to rumors, also dealt with the affairs of the concern, got into a scandal. But is the wedding worth the noise that has risen around it?

What are you, two million? It's funny, - one of the guests of the wedding ball shared with us. - There were a lot of people at the wedding, about 300-400 people, maybe a little more. But it is unlikely that the Khakhaleva family will scatter money. I can say one thing: there was no chic celebration there, black caviar, in any case, I did not notice on the tables. Artists performed, so what? We often invite celebrities to our weddings. Moreover, all the guests and the newlyweds themselves are not from ordinary families. Gifts were also given according to status. I don't understand your surprise. We have here and abruptly weddings are played, a common thing. And cars are given to newlyweds at a higher price.

Bride Sofia Khakhaleva. When the scandal broke out, the young wife prudently closed her pages on the social network from prying eyes. Removed personal photos. Of the available information, only the place of her study remained - the Kuban State University.

On the website of the university, the girl was listed as a student of two faculties - economic (department "Economic security") and legal ("Jurisprudence").

We study together with Sophia at the Faculty of Law, - shared classmate Khakhaleva. - They didn’t know that she had a rich fiancé. She didn't talk much to us at all - she came and went. I didn't invite any of the guys to the wedding. The fact that she is from a wealthy family is what the whole of Krasnodar is talking about. We are not surprised that the wedding was played in a big way. And her circle of friends is appropriate, like her parents themselves carefully chose with whom she would be friends and whom she would marry.

Groom Vadim Badalov. In 2013, the young man held the position of senior investigator for the investigation of particularly important cases (on crimes against the person and public safety) of the regional investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Then he was awarded a diploma of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory "for a significant contribution to the strengthening of law and order and for impeccable service." Soon he was appointed deputy head of the investigative department of the TFR in the city of Gelendzhik. And shortly before the wedding, Badalov transferred to Krasnodar. Now he holds the post of deputy head of the investigative department for the Western District of the regional center.

We hear for the first time that Vadim Eduardovich got married. Congratulate him from us, - Badalova's former secretary was surprised. - After all, he recently left us, but he never spoke about his bride. Do you know who he married?

- On the daughter of a judge from your region, Elena Khakhaleva. Have you heard of this one?

Of course I heard. She is a very influential woman in our region. Everyone here knows her name. Well, her daughter and our former boss are a worthy couple. A good choice was made by Vadim Eduardovich.

Have you heard anything about the scandal? They say that the wedding cost the young under 2 million dollars. Famous artists performed.

This is the first time I hear about the scandal. What surprises you? The wedding was not played by ordinary people, I don’t see anything strange. The hype was blown up from scratch. In our region, quite often such banquets are rolled up, this is no longer shocking to anyone.

Meanwhile, rumors about the groom have already spread in social networks. Lawyer Anna Stavitskaya left a comment: “And the fiancé in the photo is investigator Badalov, who actually “created” the case of Sergei Zirinov, the largest businessman in the Krasnodar Territory, from whom they wanted to rob his business through the initiation of a criminal case. The initial evidence, on which the entire criminal case is based, was artificially created, which we will prove in the appeal. A successful family business - a mother-in-law in court, a son-in-law in the UK.

Mother of the bride Elena Khakhaleva- Judge of the Krasnodar Regional Court, is also a member of the Presidium of the Krasnodar Regional Court and Deputy Chairman. How a woman took such a high position, one can only guess. Moreover, until 2010, Elena Vladimirovna was still the head of Prominvestcenter LLC - the organization was engaged in the production of rubber products. Judge Khakhaleva herself commented to reporters that all the expenses were borne by her ex-husband.

Father of the bride Robert Khakhalev- an active man. From official sources it is known that he is an individual entrepreneur, his own company is engaged in the cultivation of annual crops. Khakhalev also has a stake in Lombard LLC, is listed as a co-owner of Invest-stroy, Kvadrat-taxi, SEC Kuban-Agro and a microcredit company. According to rumors, Robert Zilkimiani, who took the name of his wife, was once a driver for a very authoritative person in Georgia. The man to this day has maintained friendly relations with fellow countrymen. It is said that the Khakhalevs often travel to Georgia. And each of their visits is accompanied by a meeting almost at the government level. In turn, Elena and Robert provide a worthy welcome to Georgian businessmen in the Kuban.

According to Krasnodar farmers, more than three thousand hectares of land are cultivated in the Novopokrovsky district under the control of Khakhalev.

He came to our region 15 years ago as an investor who was supposed to raise the agricultural enterprises of the region, - says farmer Alexander Matvienko. - But it so happened that many of them went bankrupt after a few years and, by a court decision, went to a large holding company.

According to Matvienko, all enterprises "burned down" according to one scheme.

A person appeared who offered to lend money to the heads of households who were in a difficult financial situation. For development, wages, livestock feed. Then a receipt appeared, according to which it was necessary to return this money already with interest. The farmer could not do this - the land was assigned to the creditor by a court decision, - says Alexander Grigoryevich.

And the agricultural holding, to which Robert Khakhalev is related, has grown to 3 thousand hectares. The main profile of the economy is the cultivation of sugar beets.

And what, you can make a multi-million dollar fortune on beets?

If everything is done according to the rules, then no. The fact is that according to the crop rotation, sugar beets can be sown on the same land every five years. This culture sucks all the minerals out of the earth. According to the rules, the land should rest for four years between the harvest of sugar beets - other crops should be sown in the fields. And in the agricultural holding in question, beets are planted in a year. Our land will soon fonit due to chemicals, as in Chernobyl ...

In the same area, the Khakhalev family has a stable for 44 horses. Horses regularly go to competitions in Krasnodar and Sochi.

I used to have several horses, our ataman kept the stable. But then everyone was forced to sell - it is very expensive to keep even a few mares. And they have 44 individuals! - Alexander Matvienko is surprised.

According to the farmer, the entrepreneur does not appear often in the fields.

If he arrives, he moves exclusively in a luxury SUV. The family also has several other cars. Moreover, interestingly, for all cars the license plate is not easy - with the letter designations ASK. In our region, everyone knows that this series belongs to the judiciary community of the region.

Alexander Matvienko this year was one of the participants in the "tractor march". Farmers, tired of the arbitrariness of local officials, openly calling the situation with the land "raider seizures", decided to go on tractors to Putin. Then they never got to the president. They poured out their problems to the local authorities.

But have they heard? Indeed, in the Kuban, the local authorities, in fact, are the same dragon with one body and ten heads. Let's continue to study the biography of the members of the Khakhalev family.

Brother of the bride Kirill Khakhalev is one of the youngest deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region of the last convocation, was a member of the committee on legality, law and order and legal protection of citizens, participates in the formation of the public part of the qualification board of judges.

The bride's brother's wife Anastasia Ryazanskaya is brought by the closest relative to Alexander Chernov, the chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Court.

Enough? So it turns out that the celebration served only as a trigger for popular anger. All the comments of local residents are reduced to one context: “It is no secret for hundreds of farmers that the entire land sector in the regional court has long been under a hood.”

“I am not going to comment on my personal life,” Khakhalev quickly interrupted the conversation when he heard what was going to be discussed. We agree with you, dear Robert Onikovich. And the truth is that personal life is inviolable. We also agree with our sources: the scandal is most likely inspired by the judge's ill-wishers. Only now, unfortunately, the authority of any government in Russia today is so low that such scandals are very much expected. They are willing to believe. And if you have already decided, while working in the civil service, to widely celebrate your daughter's wedding, be prepared for questions. Unpleasant, and sometimes even indecent. Such is the fate of the Russian official.


We called 6 wedding agencies and found out that inviting an artist to a wedding is not so difficult - it all depends on the size of the budget.

The most accessible are the participants of the Voice project. The cost of their services starts from 100 thousand rubles. For example, the invitation of Dina Garipova to the celebration will cost 300 thousand, while the performance of Alexander Panayotov will cost 1 million rubles. From one to two million rubles will have to be given to such musicians as Yolka, L'One, Yegor Creed, the Hands Up! group. It is noteworthy that in one wedding agency we were offered the performance of the singer Yolka for 1.5 million, and in another - as much as 2.5 million. Further, the fees are calculated not in rubles, but in thousands of euros. Valery Meladze, Nikolai Baskov, Timati, Vera Brezhneva, the Mushrooms and Leningrad groups will cost from 30 to 70 thousand. Beats all records Stas Mikhailov, who requests 100 thousand euros for his performance in Europe. Also, wedding agencies told us that each artist has a list of conditions and requirements. For example, in the rider of Polina Gagarina, a special item is wine of a certain brand, the cost of which is 18 thousand rubles per bottle.

Probably, not a single wedding caused such an instant and loud resonance as the marriage of Sofya Khakhaleva and Vadim Badalov. They heard about the feast in the Kremlin! He's being talked about in the Supreme Court! And in the Kuban, the wedding seemed to look into every house.

Sources of "MK" in the highest spheres say: the scandal is custom-made. They have long dreamed of compromising Khakhalev, and here is such a chic reason. And the reason for compromising is not simple class hatred, but the conflict around a large agricultural concern. Moreover, one judge in this story has already burned out.

Just a couple of weeks ago, investigators arrested an ex-judge of the Rostov Arbitration Court on suspicion of fraud. Allegedly, for 40 million rubles (it would definitely be enough for a wedding!) She did not re-register the lands of the infamous Nadezhda Tsapok in the Kushchevsky district. Exactly where the son of Nadezhda staged a bloody vendetta, killing 12 people in the farmer's house with his accomplices.

And then Judge No. 2, who, according to rumors, also dealt with the affairs of the concern, got into a scandal. But is the wedding worth the noise that has risen around it?

What are you, two million? It's funny, - one of the guests of the wedding ball shared with us. - There were a lot of people at the wedding, about 300-400 people, maybe a little more. But it is unlikely that the Khakhaleva family will scatter money. I can say one thing: there was no chic celebration there, black caviar, in any case, I did not notice on the tables. Artists performed, so what? We often invite celebrities to our weddings. Moreover, all the guests and the newlyweds themselves are not from ordinary families. Gifts were also given according to status. I don't understand your surprise. We have here and abruptly weddings are played, a common thing. And cars are given to newlyweds at a higher price.

Bride Sofia Khakhaleva. When the scandal broke out, the young wife prudently closed her pages on the social network from prying eyes. Removed personal photos. Of the available information, only the place of her study remained - the Kuban State University.

On the website of the university, the girl was listed as a student of two faculties - economic (department "Economic security") and legal ("Jurisprudence").

We study together with Sophia at the Faculty of Law, - shared classmate Khakhaleva. - They didn’t know that she had a rich fiancé. She didn't talk much to us at all - she came and went. I didn't invite any of the guys to the wedding. The fact that she is from a wealthy family is what the whole of Krasnodar is talking about. We are not surprised that the wedding was played in a big way. And her circle of friends is appropriate, like her parents themselves carefully chose with whom she would be friends and whom she would marry.

Groom Vadim Badalov. In 2013, the young man held the position of senior investigator for the investigation of particularly important cases (on crimes against the person and public safety) of the regional investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Then he was awarded a diploma of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory "for a significant contribution to the strengthening of law and order and for impeccable service." Soon he was appointed deputy head of the investigative department of the TFR in the city of Gelendzhik. And shortly before the wedding, Badalov transferred to Krasnodar. Now he holds the post of deputy head of the investigative department for the Western District of the regional center.

Read also: "Juicy chop", or who framed Zolotov

We hear for the first time that Vadim Eduardovich got married. Congratulate him from us, - Badalova's former secretary was surprised. - After all, he recently left us, but he never spoke about his bride. Do you know who he married?

- On the daughter of a judge from your region, Elena Khakhaleva. Have you heard of this one?

Of course I heard. She is a very influential woman in our region. Everyone here knows her name. Well, her daughter and our former boss are a worthy couple. A good choice was made by Vadim Eduardovich.

Have you heard anything about the scandal? They say that the wedding cost the young under 2 million dollars. Famous artists performed.

This is the first time I hear about the scandal. What surprises you? The wedding was not played by ordinary people, I don’t see anything strange. The hype was blown up from scratch. In our region, quite often such banquets are rolled up, this is no longer shocking to anyone.

Meanwhile, rumors about the groom have already spread in social networks. Lawyer Anna Stavitskaya left a comment: “And the fiancé in the photo is investigator Badalov, who actually “created” the case of Sergei Zirinov, the largest businessman in the Krasnodar Territory, from whom they wanted to rob his business through the initiation of a criminal case. The initial evidence, on which the entire criminal case is based, was artificially created, which we will prove in the appeal. A successful family business - a mother-in-law in court, a son-in-law in the UK.

Mother of the bride Elena Khakhaleva- Judge of the Krasnodar Regional Court, is also a member of the Presidium of the Krasnodar Regional Court and Deputy Chairman. How a woman took such a high position, one can only guess. Moreover, until 2010, Elena Vladimirovna was still the head of Prominvestcenter LLC - the organization was engaged in the production of rubber products. Judge Khakhaleva herself commented to reporters that all the expenses were borne by her ex-husband.

Father of the bride Robert Khakhalev- an active man. From official sources it is known that he is an individual entrepreneur, his own company is engaged in the cultivation of annual crops. Khakhalev also has a stake in Lombard LLC, is listed as a co-owner of Invest-stroy, Kvadrat-taxi, SEC Kuban-Agro and a microcredit company. According to rumors, Robert Zilkimiani, who took the name of his wife, was once a driver for a very authoritative person in Georgia. The man to this day has maintained friendly relations with fellow countrymen. It is said that the Khakhalevs often travel to Georgia. And each of their visits is accompanied by a meeting almost at the government level. In turn, Elena and Robert provide a worthy welcome to Georgian businessmen in the Kuban.

Read also: In the Poltava region began trapping pigs, which were free three months ago

According to Krasnodar farmers, more than three thousand hectares of land are cultivated in the Novopokrovsky district under the control of Khakhalev.

He came to our region 15 years ago as an investor who was supposed to raise the agricultural enterprises of the region, - says farmer Alexander Matvienko. - But it so happened that many of them went bankrupt after a few years and, by a court decision, went to a large holding company.

According to Matvienko, all enterprises "burned down" according to one scheme.

A person appeared who offered to lend money to the heads of households who were in a difficult financial situation. For development, wages, livestock feed. Then a receipt appeared, according to which it was necessary to return this money already with interest. The farmer could not do this - the land was assigned to the creditor by a court decision, - says Alexander Grigoryevich.

And the agricultural holding, to which Robert Khakhalev is related, has grown to 3 thousand hectares. The main profile of the economy is the cultivation of sugar beets.

And what, you can make a multi-million dollar fortune on beets?

If everything is done according to the rules, then no. The fact is that according to the crop rotation, sugar beets can be sown on the same land every five years. This culture sucks all the minerals out of the earth. According to the rules, the land should rest for four years between the harvest of sugar beets - other crops should be sown in the fields. And in the agricultural holding in question, beets are planted in a year. Our land will soon fonit due to chemicals, as in Chernobyl ...

In the same area, the Khakhalev family has a stable for 44 horses. Horses regularly go to competitions in Krasnodar and Sochi.

I used to have several horses, our ataman kept the stable. But then everyone was forced to sell - it is very expensive to keep even a few mares. And they have 44 individuals! - Alexander Matvienko is surprised.

According to the farmer, the entrepreneur does not appear often in the fields.

If he arrives, he moves exclusively in a luxury SUV. The family also has several other cars. Moreover, interestingly, for all cars the license plate is not easy - with the letter designations ASK. In our region, everyone knows that this series belongs to the judiciary community of the region.

Alexander Matvienko this year was one of the participants in the "tractor march". Farmers, tired of the arbitrariness of local officials, openly calling the situation with the land "raider seizures", decided to go on tractors to Putin. Then they never got to the president. They poured out their problems to the local authorities.