How to sew a spider out of fabric. Master Class. Hairy spider. Flat beaded brooch

The Secret of the Master pays a lot of attention to the recycling of various and seemingly junk and useless materials. Let's make a spider toy for Halloween. The spider will be made from improvised materials - a metal bottle cap and pieces of wire. The toy is simple and does not take much time to repeat.

How to make a DIY spider toy

To assemble a Halloween spider, you will need the bottle cap itself, a thin copper or steel wire with a diameter of 0.3 - 0.5 mm. If the wire is soft, then you can immediately fix the pieces of wire with hot glue under the lid and then bend them into the desired shape. If the wire is not very soft, then it is better to bend the paws immediately and glue them ready. Paws can be short and long, see photo.

For greater expressiveness, eyes are glued to the toy (watch the video), although the spider has 8 eyes), but two are enough. With eyes, the spider will fulfill its role during pranks, for example, at some lesson on September 1 or Halloween.


How to make a movable spider toy

Robot scheme

Although the dimensions of the toy are small, but the availability of some components will make the toy mobile. To do this, you need a battery compartment from a gas lighter with a flashlight, a micro switch and a vibrating alert from cell phone, exactly the same as in the previously published . The movement block of a homemade toy is assembled according to the diagram shown in the photo and glued under the lid with hot glue. The micro switch will perform an additional decorative function.

Tests of the spider toy showed the operability of the design - the robot moves. The nature of the movement depends on the position of the vibration motor relative to the cover and the supply voltage. For testing, a more powerful battery from a car alarm key fob with a voltage of 12 volts was also used. The spider robot showed an amazing speed of movement for a vibrating walker of this design.

Parts for Spider Movement Block

A fascinating master class will help you turn a fluffy pipe cleaning stick into a decorative element.

hand made spider chenille wire suitable for interior decoration and children's games. A cute spider can decorate curtains or a picture frame, a lampshade or a vase. It is believed that spiders bring happiness and prosperity to the house. Kids will like this soft toy, because the insect can bend its legs, it is difficult to break and spoil it. The craft is designed for adults and children.

A simple set of materials and tools

To make a spider from fluffy wire, prepare a simple set:

  • black chenille wire (4 pcs.);
  • red chenille (1 pc.);
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pen.

Flexible fluffy sticks are pleasant to work with and ideal for making a spider. If you have never heard of chenille, we recommend about this type of needlework and the features of creating crafts.

Step by step manufacturing technique

Take a piece of black chenille and a felt-tip pen to help create the body of the spider. Clamp one end of the wire.

Hold it with your fingers, and with the other hand, begin to tightly wind the fluffy material around the tool.

Press the wrapped chenille on both sides and carefully remove it from the felt-tip pen.

For the spider's paws, take two pieces of black.

Bend in half.

Cut in half at the fold.

Once again, bend all four segments in half at the same time.

The place of the fold will become a mark where it is necessary to make two turns for fastening.

Spread all the legs of the spider in different directions.

Cut 2 cm from the red wire.

Take the spring by the two side coils. Press them together.

Thread a piece of red chenille through the hole in the two rings. Connect the two ends together and twist twice. Cut off the excess with scissors.

Scroll the red part inward.

Place the spiral with the red spot in the middle. Attach two rings to it on the sides.

Press the last ring.

Attach the wire to the center of the product between the paws. Leave about 1 cm at the top. Scroll the bottom part to the background and let it come out between the two pairs of right paws.

Bring the end opposite horizontally, moving to the background. From the underside of the craft, return the wire to the starting point.

Cut off a piece of material.

Attach the end of the new chenille wire under the first leg on the left side of the spider. Move to the right. Scroll twice and move to the lower part of the body, where you should scroll the material between the last two paws.

On the back side, scroll the two ends twice and remove the excess part of the length.

Pass the remaining piece through the hole.

Place this part at the bottom of your torso. Scroll the top on the right side between the first paw and the horn.

Bring down and place the wire between the red spot. Bend up and move it to the second horn. Fix it there. Do the same with the other end.

Bend the spider's legs up.

Bend the lower ends of the paws again by 1 cm, and remove the excess length with scissors.

A funny spider made of chenille wire is ready - you will make such a handsome man with your own hands, following our master class!

Be sure to check out ours to prevent boredom from settling in the house! We are waiting for you on the site "Women's Hobbies" tomorrow.

Stuffed Toys liked by all genders and ages. They return adults to a carefree childhood, and children become best friends and companions in fun games.

Therefore, we have prepared for you a selection of simple lessons from which you will learn how to sew a toy with your own hands. Homemade dogs, bunnies and bears carry a powerful charge of love and positive energy. And it is also a wonderful and bright element of the decor of the children's room and a win-win gift.

Does your child love soft toys? Please him with a cute teddy bear, which will become his favorite friend and partner in mischievous fun.

For work you will need:

  • soft fleece;
  • pins;
  • needle and thread;
  • a piece faux leather for the nose;
  • 2 black beads for pupils;
  • filler.

Print the teddy bear pattern or redraw it in the desired size on cardboard. Cut out the detail templates.

Cut out 2 blanks for the body, 4 for the legs from the fleece. From white fleece, prepare circles for the eye, from leatherette - a spout.

Attach the eyes to the body and fix them with pins. Sew by hand or with a sewing machine.

Connect the blanks for the paws in pairs. Sew along the outline, leaving the bottom unsewn. Turn out the received blanks.

Align the parts of the body front sides inside. At this stage, insert the bear's paws between them. Secure the workpiece with pins.

Sew the toy, stepping back from the edge by 0.5 cm. Leave a hole at the bottom for eversion. Turn the product right side out.

Fill with filler. Sew up the bottom of the teddy bear with a hidden seam.

It turns out to be a cute little animal. It remains to turn it into the declared bear. Embroider the outline of the mouth with black thread.

You can start making a large nose. Pass along the edge of the circle with a “forward needle” seam. Tighten the thread and fill the workpiece.

Sew the nose to the muzzle. Sew beads-pupils to the eyes.

Our cutest teddy bear is ready. He will happily settle in the children's room.

By the same principle, it is easy to sew him a whole company of cheerful friends: a mischievous kitten, an eared hare and a surprised dog. You will get a whole troupe of artists for home puppet theater.

We invite you to download working patterns funny toys right now, without postponing this matter indefinitely.




Volume hippo

Are the shelves in the nursery already bursting with soft toys? Are there hippos among them? If not, the mistake needs to be corrected immediately. Cheerful and friendly hippo really wants to visit you. Thanks to step by step lesson needlework even a beginner handmade lover can make it.

For work you will need:

  • thick cotton fabric in two colors;
  • filler;
  • eyes or black beads;
  • 3 small buttons for nostrils and ponytail;
  • a piece of string.

Print or redraw the toy pattern. By printing it on A4 format, you will get a pet with a size of 22*15cm. Details are drawn without seam allowances.

Cut out the resulting patterns and cut out the details of the future toy from the fabric. The material for the body is better to take dense and elastic, so the toy will look more neat.

The belly and back of a hippopotamus can be cut from the same fabric or made different color. If you settled on a one-color version, cut out a single piece. To do this, connect the two parts of the pattern in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muzzle.

First of all, sew the ears and paws, connecting the parts with the right side inward. Sew circles-feet to the bottom of the paws.

Turn the blanks inside out, stuff the legs, leaving a free space on top for sewing.

If you took a not very dense fabric, stick a piece of non-woven fabric in place of the eyes on the reverse side.

If using two parts for the body, sew them along the muzzle.

Baste the side parts to the body, starting to sew from the ear to the back. Then again from the ear to the bottom of the muzzle. By the way, at this stage, do not forget sew your own ears and paws.

In the place of the inflection of the muzzle, the fabric needs to be slightly gathered. It is better to fix it with a pin, and then flash it.

As a result, you should get a blank with one unsewn seam at the back (where the priest is).

Sew on a typewriter or manually all seams, except for the left opening at the bottom of the back. Turn out the toy.

On the muzzle, make incisions in place of the eyes and secure them. You can get by with beads or glue half beads.

Fill the toy with padding polyester.

Sew up the hole left earlier. Sew a loop of braid in place of the tail and a button on it.

Don't forget the button nostrils. As you can see, making this cutie is not difficult at all.

unusual pet self made ready to move into your home. He will also become great gift close people. They will definitely appreciate your efforts and care.

Gray bear in a vest

Do you want to make a sincere gift for a child and not only? Sew a cute voluminous teddy bear. This textile toy is sure to become a favorite - on a subconscious level, children feel positive energy from things made with love by their mother's hands.

With our step-by-step beginner's guide, you will be able to sew a cool bear yourself.

For work you will need:

  • gray linen;
  • needle, pins and threads;
  • filler;
  • embroidery threads;
  • beads for the eyes;
  • scissors;
  • pattern.

You can choose the size of the legs of a giraffe. When cutting out the details, allow 0.5 cm for allowances.

Sew spots on the body, and those that go on both halves of the toy, cut in half and place symmetrically on both parts. When combining the halves of the body, common spots should be obtained.

Stitch the legs, turn them inside out and stuff them, leaving some free space on top. Baste the blanks to the wrong side of one of the halves of the body.

Baste the rope tail and sew the body of the giraffe by folding the halves right sides together. Don't forget to leave a hole in the neck for eversion.

Make notches in the convex places of the toy and turn the workpiece inside out. When stuffing the toy, fill the neck as tightly as possible so that the giraffe proudly holds its head. Sew up the left hole.

Embroider eyes and nostrils on the toy. The new pet is ready. Make it your own: add decorative elements, tie a bow, use an unexpected combination of colors and textures. Any experiments are welcome.

Is it scary to start a toymaking career with a giraffe? You need to make a bunny. It is easy to perform: complex techniques and work skills are not required.

Cut out the details for the toy. Sew a decorative heart on the belly. Sew and turn the ears, sew them to one of the halves of the body.

Sew the workpiece, combining the parts with the right sides. Leave room for turning underneath. Make notches on the bulges of the toy. Turn the bunny inside out and fill with stuffing. Embroider eyes and a mouth with a spout.

The optimal toy for a beginner is a whale. It is so easy and quick to perform that you can entrust this activity even to children.

Cut out the parts, align them with the front sides and sew. Leave room for turning the workpiece. Notch the fabric in convex places and turn the workpiece inside out. Stuff the toy, sew the left hole, embroider or draw eyes.

Such funny and cute little animals will decorate the children's room or sincere gifts to your loved ones.

Master classes with photos

We present you a number of ideas for implementation. These crafts are so easy to repeat that they do not need additional description. Look at step by step photo instructions and act.

Felt elephants will be an excellent Christmas decoration:

elephant scheme:

A cat and a cat in love will delight your soul mate on Valentine's Day!

Kitty scheme:

And the little terrier is, in general,. Prepare gifts in advance and with love.

Coffee taxes:

Animal patterns for download

Do not limit the flight of your imagination. We have selected for you patterns of various toys. Download, print and create. A little effort and you yourself will create a whole zoo at home.

Pattern of a cat and kitties:

Bunny Kostikova Natalia:


We will need:

piece of fur

4 pieces of wire 30 cm each

Black threads

Glue "Moment"

small pliers

A little holofiber

2 black beads for the eyes

We take 4 pieces of wire 30 cm each, bend in half and twist the feet at the legs at the ends.

This is how a pair of legs should stand.

When all the blanks are bent, we fasten them together with a small piece of wire.

Then we start wrapping each foot with black thread, wrap it from top to bottom and back, in two layers.

It is not necessary to break the thread, so we continue to wrap all the paws.

When the winding is finished, we push through the middle in order to sew the body there.

We cut out two oval blanks for the calf - 10 cm long, 6 cm wide.

We sew with a hidden seam to the middle, then turn it inside out - we do not break the thread, we fill the sewn part with holofiber.

We put the blank on the skeleton of the spider and begin to sew in a circle with a hidden seam, dividing the paws, without sewing up to the end - we fill it with holofiber.

It should turn out like this.

Now it's up to the head, what it will be, big or small, it's up to you - I have these circles with a diameter of 3 cm.

We also sew 2/3 of the head, then turn it inside out, stuff it with holofiber and finish with a blind seam.

Already on the finished head we sew eyes from black beads, having previously placed them on two small white leather circles.

I thought that he was missing a tongue and cut it out of felt.