Where to relax a Muslim family in July. How to relax halal: how undeveloped is the tourism industry for Muslims in Russia? Qur'an and Noble Sunnah on Renting

The very word "hijra" (migration) has just such a meaning, and for this purpose is obligatory for a Muslim. If a Muslim continues to live in the country of the infidels, then this indicates his friendly relations with them, and therefore Allah forbade Muslims to live among the infidels if they are able to make the resettlement (hijra). Allah Almighty said: “To those whom the angels put to rest for doing injustice to themselves, they will say:“ In what position were you? They will say, "We were weak on earth." They will say, “Wasn’t the land of Allah wide enough for you to live in it?” Hell will be their home. How bad is this place of arrival! This does not only apply to those weak men, women and children who cannot manage and do not find a way out. Allah can forgive such people, because Allah is Forgiving, Forgiving! (an-Nisa 4:97-99).

Allah will not accept the justification of those who lived in the countries of the infidels, except for those who were not able to make hijrah, as well as those whose stay there benefits the religion, such as calling people to Allah and spreading Islam among the infidels *.

*[Note]: The words of the sheikh that it is necessary to move from the land of infidels to the countries of Muslims, if there is such an opportunity, is the basis. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I am not involved in every Muslim who lives among the polytheists” . at-Tirmidhi 1604, Abu Dawud 2645. Sheikh al-Albani called the hadeeth authentic.

Also, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah, the Most High and the Great, will not accept from a polytheist who converted to Islam, his deeds until he leaves the polytheists and migrates to Muslims” . an-Nasai 5/83, Ibn Majah 2536. Shaykh al-Albani called the hadeeth good.

Imam as-Sindi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Hijra (migration) from the land of the polytheists to the land of the Muslims is obligatory for everyone who believes. And whoever does not do this is a disobedient who deserves that Allah does not accept his deeds!” See “Hashiya ‘ala Sunani-Nnasai” 6/83.

Hijra in Islam occupies an important place, and it has many benefits, which, among other things: “reducing the number of infidels and increasing the number of Muslims; helping Muslims against enemies; guarding one's faith from temptations; not the contemplation of openly committed vices and depravity in the lands of the infidels, and much more. See “Silsilatul-manakhiy ash-shar’iya” 3/217.

Hijra from the country of infidels to the country of Muslims is basically obligatory, but if a Muslim living in the land of infidels, without fear for his religion and himself, can openly practice Islam without fear for his religion and himself, then hijra becomes desirable for him, but not mandatory. Otherwise, a person who does not perform hijrah, while he has the opportunity to do so, falls under the threats that Allah has said in the Qur'an. Hafiz Ibn Kathir (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Scholars are unanimous that those who fear for their religion and have the opportunity to migrate must do so”. See Tafsir Ibn Kathir 2/389.

An-Nawawi wrote: “A Muslim who is in a country of infidels (darul-kufr) in a weak position and who does not have the opportunity to openly practice his religion in it is forbidden to reside in this country, and he is obliged to make hijra to an Islamic country (darul-Islam).” See Raudatu-ttalibin 10/282.

However, many Muslims believe that the open practice of their religion consists only in performing religious rites, such as prayer, fasting, visiting a mosque, wearing a beard, wearing headscarves, etc. In fact, the concept of “open confession of religion” (izkharu-ddin) has a broader meaning, and this includes, first of all, that a Muslim can speak openly about the true beliefs of Islam, that the disbelief of the infidels is a delusion, that the truth This is only Islam. See “ad-Duraru-ssania” 7/136-141 and “ar-Rasail wa masail al-Najdiyya” 3/30.

Allah Almighty said about this: “Say (Muhammad): “O you disbelievers! I do not worship what you worship, and you do not worship the One whom I worship” (al-Kafirun 109: 1-3).

Sheikh ‘Abdur-Rahman as-Sa’di said that if a Muslim is able to openly pray, fast, but is unable to openly show his monotheism, iman and ‘aqida, then he is the one who is unable to openly show his religion. He said that the land of the infidels is of two kinds: that which fights and oppresses Muslims, and that which does not fight and which is safe for Muslims. An indication of this is that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) allowed his companions to move from Mecca, which was a land of oppression and temptation for Muslims, to the land of Ethiopia, despite the fact that it was also a land of unbelief. However, this land was safe, and it was much calmer than the land of temptation and confusion, and for this reason the Companions could openly practice their religion on it. But the companions did not speak openly about the error of the Christians until the Quraish informed the ruler of Ethiopia that they were saying about ‘Isa, that he was not God, but a servant and messenger of Allah. And only when Najasha, the ruler of Ethiopia, called the Muslims who had resettled to his land and asked about it, they answered as they were, without distorting the truth that ‘Isa is the messenger and slave of Allah. See al-Majmu'a al-kamila 7/68-69, abbreviated.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that the basis of Islam is that a Muslim is obliged to openly manifest his religion, both its rites (prayer, fasting, etc.), and the very doctrine of Islam (as monotheism, hatred of polytheism and infidels ). A Muslim is not obliged to announce publicly about the error of the infidels, if the infidels already know that this Muslim has such a conviction. But if he is asked about it, he must say it. All of the above falls from him only in the absence of the ability. However, in our time, many infidels do not know the true attitude of Islam towards their unbelief and false ideologies. And how will they know if the ideas are spread among Muslims that it is necessary to unite all divine religions, and this is Islam, Christianity and Judaism?! And this is despite the fact that Christians do not consider Islam, Judaism, or any other religion to be true, just as Jews do not consider Islam, Christianity, or any other religion to be true!

As for living in the countries of the infidels, it carries great harm and temptations for the religion of Muslims. Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Residing in the countries of the infidels contains a great danger to the religion, morals and behavior of Muslims! We saw changes in many of those who lived in these countries, saw how they returned not the same as they left there. They returned wicked, and some even returned as apostates and infidels who mocked religion and Muslims, may Allah save us from this!” See "Majmu'u fatawa" No. 388.

The scholars of the Standing Committee (al-Lajnatu-ddaimah) were asked: “Is Hijra allowed in the country of the infidels for work?” They said: “If you want work and earnings, then go to the country of Muslims for this. The countries of the Muslims are richer than the countries of the infidels due to the fact that when traveling to the countries of the infidels there is a danger to beliefs, religion and morals”. See Fataawa al-Lajna 12/58.

Sheikh Salim al-Hilali said: “I have not seen Muslims weaker in faith (iman) than those of them who lived in the countries of the infidels!” See “Silsilatul-manakhiy ash-shar’iya” 3/218.

However, today one can hear how some Muslims, in response to the arguments given about the importance of hijrah, say: “In our days it is impossible and nowhere to do hijrah!” And they declare such things in spite of the words of Allah Almighty, who says: “O believers of My servants! Verily, My land is vast, worship Me!”(al-‘Ankabut 29:56).

Allah Almighty also said: “Whoever makes a migration in the way of Allah, he will find many shelters and abundance on earth”(an-Nisa 4:100).

As for some of the erring ones, they went even further and called such a great precept of Islam as Hijra as cowardice. Holy is Allah, how they are turned away!

Sheikh Uthaymeen said in Sharh on three bases:

Speaking of resettlement, the author of Al-Mughni classifies people as follows: - For some of them, resettlement is obligatory. It's about about those who can do this and do not have the opportunity to openly practice their religion. Thus, if life among the infidels excludes the possibility of a person fulfilling his religious duties, then he should be resettled, for Allah Almighty said: “Those who are put to rest by the angels who have done injustice to themselves, they will say: 'In what state were you?' They will say: 'We were weak on earth'. They will say: ‘Was not the land of Allah large enough for you to live in it?’ Gehenna will serve as a refuge for such, and this is a bad fate! "Women", 97. This is a serious threat, indicating the necessity of resettlement, since the performance of religious duties is mandatory for those who can perform them. Resettlement, in this case, is a necessary condition for their fulfillment, and that without which it is impossible to accomplish something obligatory, is itself obligatory. See: Al-Mughni, v.8, p.457.

If both of the main above-mentioned conditions are met, then the following possible cases can be pointed out:

FIRST CASE: when a Muslim lives in a country of infidels to carry out the call and instill in people an inclination to Islam. In this case, living there is one of the types of jihad, obligatory for those who are able to carry it out, provided that no one interferes with the implementation of this call and the response to this call. This type of jihad is obligatory because the call to Islam is one of the religious duties, the messengers of Allah used to go this way, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered Muslims to inform other people about it at all times and in any place, saying: "Report about me, even if it is limited to one verse."

SECOND CASE: when a Muslim lives in a country of infidels in order to study their position and familiarize themselves with their vicious views, invalid forms of worship, moral decay and permissiveness reigning among them, in order to later warn people about the danger of being seduced by them and explain to those who admire them the true essence of their position. In this case, living in this way is also one of the types of jihad, since it is associated with the warning of Muslims against disbelief and infidels and implies an incitement to Islam and its leadership, since the depravity of disbelief in itself indicates the good of Islam, which confirms the correctness of the statements that that everything is known through its opposite. However, at the same time, he must carry out his task in such a way that this does not lead to something even more pernicious. So, for example, if a person fails to achieve his goal for the reason that he is prevented from spreading information about the situation of the infidels and warning others against this, then there will be no benefit in his stay there. In the same way, it can be said that if he performs his task, but this leads to an aggravation of the situation, for example, if his actions lead to the fact that people begin to revile Islam, the messenger of Islam and the imams of Islam, then such activities will need to be stopped, for Allah is the Most High said: “Do not revile those to whom they invoke other than Allah, otherwise they will revile Allah out of enmity, without knowledge. Thus We have adorned all men's deeds! Then they will return to the Lord, and He will inform them of what they did. "Cattle", 108.

Similar to this is the case when a Muslim lives in the country of the infidels in order to be a spy for the Muslims, to learn about the intrigues plotted against them, and to warn them about it. So, for example, it is known that at one time, namely before the battle at the ditch, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sent Hudhayfa bin al-Yaman to the polytheists so that he would find out everything he could about them.

THIRD CASE: when a Muslim lives in a country of infidels in the interests of the Muslim state in order to improve his relations with the country of infidels, which applies, for example, to embassy employees. Thus, the cultural attache is there to observe the situation of the students and encourage them to firmly adhere to the religion of Islam and observe Islamic moral principles, thereby achieving great benefits and eliminating great evils.

FOURTH CASE: when a Muslim lives in a country of infidels out of necessity for doing something that is permissible, for example, for trade or medical treatment. In this case, staying in the country of the infidels is permissible as necessary, because the permissibility of visiting the countries of the infidels for trade was indicated by those with knowledge, may Allah have mercy on them, referring to the words of some companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) may Allah be pleased with them.

FIFTH CASE: when a Muslim lives in a country of infidels for the purpose of getting an education. This case is similar to the previous one, however, in this case, the Muslim faces greater dangers for his religion and his morality than when he is engaged in commercial affairs, because he feels the superiority of his teachers over himself, and this leads to the fact that he begins to revere them, agree with their views, ideas and ways of acting and imitate them, which happens to everyone except for those who are fortunate enough to be saved from it by the will of Allah, but there are few of them. In addition, the student feels the need for his teacher, and this leads to the fact that he begins to seek his favor and curry favor with him, despite all his deviations and delusions. In addition, any student has fellow students, from among whom he chooses his friends, starting to love them, seek intimacy with them and learn something from them. Given the danger of all this, a Muslim needs to be more careful than in previous cases, and therefore, along with the two basic requirements mentioned above, he must also comply with a number of additional requirements:

FIRST: the student should be distinguished by great mental maturity, with the help of which he could distinguish the useful from the harmful and foresee events. As for sending young teenagers and those who have not yet reached the necessary mental maturity to study, this is a huge danger not only for their religion and morality, but also for their people, because when they return back, they will spread around them the poison that will inevitably be collected from the infidels, which has been repeatedly confirmed and will continue to be confirmed in the future by real facts. Thus, for example, many of those who were sent there to study immature returned back, having lost what little they had before, and deviated from their religion and moral foundations, which brought both them and the society to which they belonged one only obvious harm. Thus, sending immature people to study with unfaithful people is like giving sheep to be torn to pieces by predators.

SECOND: a person who acquires knowledge from the infidels must be knowledgeable in the field of Sharia so that it allows him to distinguish the true from the false and fight lies with the help of truth. This is necessary in order not to be deceived by the false things that the infidels hold and not to take it for the truth, or not to be confused about it or not to be so weak as not to be able to resist it, as a result of which a person falls into confusion or he himself begins to follow the false.

It is reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) addressed Allah with the following supplication: “O God, make the true appear before me in the true light, and give me strength to follow it, and make the false appear before me. me also in the true light, and give me the strength to distance myself from it, and do not make it obscure to me, so that I do not fall into error!

THIRD: the student of the infidels must adhere to his religion so firmly that it can protect and save him from unbelief and deviations, since a person who does not adhere firmly enough to the institutions of his religion cannot be saved from all this by living among the infidels, only if it pleases Allah, for the attacker in this case will be strong, and the one who resists will be weak. It is well known that in the countries of the unbelievers there are many things that persistently encourage people to disbelief, and therefore if the resistance is weak, all these factors immediately begin to work.

FOURTH: the need for that knowledge, for the sake of acquiring which a Muslim lives in the country of infidels, the usefulness of what he studies for Muslims and the lack of the possibility of acquiring such knowledge in the countries of Islam. If such knowledge is superfluous and will not bring any benefit to Muslims, or if the same can be learned in any of the Muslim countries, then the stay in the country of the infidels for the purpose of education becomes inadmissible for a Muslim in view of the danger that it represents to his religion. and morality, and the useless waste of large material resources associated with this stay.

SIXTH CASE: when a Muslim moves to the country of infidels for permanent residence. Likewise is the most dangerous of all the above and entails constant association with infidels and makes a person feel like a citizen of one country or another, obliged to love what others love and seek closeness to it. In addition, among the infidels are members of his family, who begin to adopt the customs and customs of the infidels and may even accept their views and forms of worship, and that is why the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is reported in one of the hadiths, said: The one who unites with a polytheist and lives with him is likened to him.

There is another hadith narrated from the words of Qais bin Abu Hazim, who referred to the reports of Jarir bin Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) that once the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I am not involved in any of those Muslims who live among the polytheists." He was asked: “Why, O Messenger of Allah?” He said, "None of them should see the other's fire." So can the soul of that Muslim who lives in the country of the infidels, where their rites are openly performed and where the decision belongs not to Allah and not to His Messenger, come to the good, if he sees this, hears this and agrees with this, and, moreover, belongs to to this country and lives in it with his family and children, despite the great danger that all this represents for his religion?! This is what we can say about the stay of a Muslim in the country of the infidels, and we ask Allah that our words do not diverge from the truth and do not contradict common sense. Source commentary on the book "Three Foundations". [End note].

Aisha-Galina Babich - about the peculiarities of Islamic holidays and the problem of burkini

In recent weeks, nature has not pleased the inhabitants of central Russia with sunny days, and many rush to the warm sea shores. There are more and more Muslims among vacationers. However, in our country, the halal industry, no matter how much they talk about it, remains undeveloped. Journalist and columnist of Realnoe Vremya Aisha-Galina Babich in today's author's column shares her thoughts on the tourism segment for adherents of Islam and dwells on such a detail as a burkini - a Muslim swimsuit.

“I swam in a dress, trousers and a scarf ...”

Many years ago, in a mountainous village in Dagestan, several of my Muslim friends suggested that I go to the river for a swim. I was extremely surprised, because until that moment I believed that a Muslim woman was not destined to swim in a cool pond in this life, since a man was around, a swimsuit was not allowed, and there were no more ponds and rivers on the planet where no man had set foot.

But then they took me to the river: it was narrow, so you could jump over it, and not deep. I bathed in a dress, trousers and a scarf: all this outfit immediately stuck to my body, stretched out, began to drag me along the bottom, the scarf slipped down, clogged into my eyes, sleeves and trousers were braided into each other ...

I was completely desperate, lay down on the water, arms outstretched, and watched the boys throw stones at us from a distance and laughed: now it was necessary to imperceptibly jump out onto the shore and, dressed in a wide bathrobe, run to the nearest fence. Water flowed from the clothes, it was cold and disgusting. Truly, it is unforgettable.

So when Lebanese designer Aheda Zanetti invented her first burkini, a Muslim swimsuit whose name comes from the witty combination of the European "bikini" and the Muslim "burka", it created a mini-revolution in the Muslim world. Convenient model - sleeves and trousers with elastic bands, tight hood, quick-drying fabric, everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

But before Muslim women, following the rule to cover the whole body from prying eyes, except for the face and hands, and could not dream of swimming, surfing, aqua aerobics, diving, regatta ... However, most of them are still about this and does not dream.

When Aheda Zanetti invented her first burkini, it created a mini-revolution in the Muslim world. Photo bbc.com

Burkini discord

The Muslim swimsuit remains the subject of fierce controversy between adherents of strict traditions and democratically minded modern followers of Islam. Trousers and a short tunic, in the opinion of the former, is an impermissible liberty, for the whole body must be carefully covered in such a way that it is impossible to guess how many Muslim women are actually hidden in such a spacious abaya.

Supporters of the burkini, on the contrary, consider the model as comfortable and convenient for swimming as long dress making somersaults in the water is virtually impossible, and dangerous. But, frankly, this can be called swimming only conditionally, since high-speed swims in such clothes are impossible, but only leisurely cruising on the surface of the water is possible. But, say, for surfing and regatta burkini - just right.

But representatives of Islam in Arab countries do not think about water sports in principle. The sea is a place where you need to splash around the shore, watching the frolicking children. And no newfangled models will change the age-old tradition. Conquering a wave or exploring the depths of the sea is not about women. As, in fact, not about women running, cycling, tennis or snowboarding. European Muslim women, on the contrary, strive to overcome these stereotypes.

High-speed swims in such clothes are impossible, but only a leisurely cruising on the surface of the water is possible. But, say, for surfing and regatta burkini - just right. Photo by Maxim Platonov

beach landing

The dreams of active Muslim women about water sports in Russia end exactly where deserted water bodies end and crowded beaches begin with inevitable attributes in the form of naked bodies and uncontrolled alcohol consumption. This spectacle is heavy and useless for Muslims, and it is also forbidden.

However, other desperate heroines in black spacious dresses manage to squeeze into the crowd of sunbathing fellow citizens and sit for a couple of hours in the sun, along the way swearing at overly curious passers-by who point their fingers at them and make offensive remarks. And then we read about the infringement of the rights of Muslim women and the discontent of vacationers.

Even in countries where they try to be loyal to the presence of Muslim women on the beaches and in hotels, incidents happen. After all, some women jump into the pool in no bathing suits, but in exactly the same clothes in which they clean the yard and visit establishments with sewage. Sometimes these women are combined into large families, and the rest of the visitors are forced to retreat. It’s stupid to write off the indignation of tourists on Islamophobia when elementary hygiene rules are not observed.

Demonstration of absence

While more and more Muslim-oriented hotels and resorts are opening around the world - with separate pools, mosques inside, halal food, a special women's zone, in Russia, only in selected regions will they calmly treat the hijab and provide a halal menu. With this menu, it’s also not easy: it’s rare for a hotel to refuse to sell alcohol and pork in the summer, so there are some doubts about halal meat on the next plate.

While more and more Muslim-oriented hotels and resorts are opening around the world - with separate pools, mosques inside, halal food, a special women's zone, in Russia, only in selected regions will they calmly treat the hijab and provide a halal menu. Photo gid.turtella.ru

Initiatives to arrange a separate beach for Muslim women have not met with support for many years: it is expensive, difficult, and there is great resistance from society. After all, a certain part of the followers of Islam in Russia is also categorically against Muslim women's beaches, because they are convinced that it is unsuitable for a woman to have fun in water bodies, relax in resorts and in other ways become like an idle crowd of unbelievers.

We will find in this "camp" and women who are literally horrified at the thought that a Muslim woman will appear on the shore. It doesn't matter if she's wearing the wrong burkini, tight wide dress or the classic niqab: it should not be shown in public at all and demonstrate its existence. Moreover, “anyone who wishes” can take to the air by helicopter and from there admire the bathing sinners to their heart's content. So it's better without the beach.

Koran before bed

But on Muslim swimsuits alone, of course, the world did not converge like a wedge. If beaches with sun loungers are not available, there are, after all, catamarans, jet skis, "bananas", water trampolines. Rest by the water can be alternated with a hike in the mountains or in the forest, where women are accompanied by men. While traveling, enjoy the scenery, sightseeing, camel riding and tasting the local cuisine.

Halal hotels are not cheap. Photo oae-tut.ru

All this can be done without using the services of halal hotels, which, by the way, are not cheap. Muslims only need to observe simple rules: dress in accordance with the requirements of Sharia - and this also applies to men who should cover the area from the navel to the knee; consume permitted food and non-alcoholic beverages; continue to pray five times and not make “easy” acquaintances with the opposite sex.

However, all these resort delights are for spoiled gourmets and those who have been suffocating for a whole year in industrial everyday life. Rural residents have no time for traveling, it is the season of working in gardens: mowing, sowing, watering, the first harvest ... So reading the Koran before bedtime is still the most popular type of recreation in religious families. Although it is unlikely that anyone will refuse a halal barbecue in a summer cottage in a pleasant company, and for this you do not need to buy vouchers and put on a burkini.

Aisha-Galina Babich


Aisha-Galina Babich- journalist, writer, blogger.

  • Born and raised in Moscow.
  • Graduated from the Faculty of Informatics of the Russian State Humanitarian University and the Graduate School of Journalism of the International University in Moscow.
  • Worked as an editor of the site Islam.Ru, published in various Muslim publications (in the newspaper Islam-info, magazines Islam, Muslim, Rosary), as well as in the newspapers Moskovsky Komsomolets, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, collaborated with " Russian newspaper". Columnist of Realnoe Vremya.
  • Ex-producer of Russia Today TV channel.
  • Headed the editorial board of the Muslim Magazine.
  • Author of the books "Polygamy: advice and comments" and "40 stories about Islam."
  • Converted to Islam in 2002.
  • Married, has a son.

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, dear sisters!
In today's article, I want to talk about how we visited the Maldives a couple of weeks ago. Usually I write about the hotel, public places and places of interest. But today I want to write about something completely different.

I was 6 years old when I first watched the program "In the world of animals", they showed the Maldives and the living creatures of the underwater world of this place. How I was surprised by these shots, subhanallah! Time passed, and the dream to visit these islands did not leave me. Pictures from the Maldives have always been fascinating, and I wondered if there are such places on Earth created by Allah? And now my dream has come true, thank God!

What kind of country is the Maldives?
Just imagine, a state in which more than 99.66% of the territory is occupied by ocean waters. The remaining 0.34% of the land is 1190 coral islands, and only 1/6 of them are inhabited by people.
Such a unique geographical location could not but affect the development of infrastructure and culture. After all, the Maldives is nothing more than a cluster of isolated territories surrounded by water. Each (!) inhabited island, even if it is the smallest, has its own mosque, power plant, sewerage treatment system, water desalination system, television tower and a huge refrigerator for storing food supplies.

By religion, 98% of the inhabitants of the Maldives belong to the Sunnis, the largest and most traditional Islamic movement, that is, almost all the inhabitants are Muslims.

So, we arrived early in the morning by plane, flew through Dubai. This time the children stayed with their beloved grandparents, so my husband and I enjoyed the flight and the views from the porthole window and did not think about anything. Arrived in the capital of the Maldives - the city of Male. I can’t say anything about it, since we immediately left for the island that we had chosen in advance for a weekly stay - the island of Maafushi.

In general, there are two types of islands for tourists: resort islands and islands where the local population lives.

The resort island is a small island that can be slowly walked around in 15-20 minutes around the perimeter, and there is only one hotel on this island. And service areas. Everything. In general, for the majority of non-Muslim Russian tourists traveling to the Maldives, the fact that the country is deeply Muslim comes as a big surprise. But another fact becomes even more surprising - there are no alcohol import standards at all, that is, it is impossible to bring alcohol to the Maldives, as well as buy it already on the island where the local population lives. Except for these resort islands. There, alcohol is served freely - just for tourists. There are also animation programs and musical discos. There are a lot of Russian tourists on such islands.

And the second type of islands are the islands where the local Muslim population lives. On one such we lived - the island of Maafushi.

SubhanAllah, frankly, for the first time I experienced incredible surprise from everything I saw. I'll start in order:

1. White sandy beaches, coconut palms and crystal clear water, greenery of juicy green color - all this left a tremendous shock in my memory. Mashallah, looking at all this, my heart was literally “bursting” with delight. It is impossible to describe, these miracles of Allah must be seen with your own eyes at least once in your life! "Allahu Akbar" - all I could say, looking at all this beauty.

Of course, having arrived from a country where -15C, we immediately wanted to swim, but the most interesting thing happened when we asked where the Muslim beach was.
We were told that the beach for Muslims is everywhere, and for non-Muslims there is a separate area with a high opaque fence. And the fact that you can swim in an open swimsuit only on this beach, and on another territory it is prohibited - only in a burkini.

Mashallah, I'm used to the fact that Muslims are fenced off separately, I was surprised that on this island I can swim wherever I want and I won't be afraid to meet women with naked awrah, subhanAllah!

The water in the ocean is very warm, and the shores seem to be created for the convenience of human bathing. The sun is high, almost always at its zenith. The air is warm, the wind is pleasant. The weather is very comfortable, mashallah.

2. Approximately 2,500 indigenous Muslims live on the island of Maafushi. And 2 mosques were built for 2500 people. Azan is heard everywhere: in the hotel, on the beach, in the shop, on the street. I didn't even open the app with prayer times, it's just not needed there. Only the deaf will not hear the azan, which comes from the minarets of two mosques at the same time.

I want to tell you about mosques separately. These are the most beautiful and clean buildings on the island. Nowhere else have I seen such a reverent attitude towards the “house” of Allah. In mosques, people go barefoot, even in the toilets (!). Toilets are a separate story. The cleanest, with all the amenities. This was a revelation for me, caused incredible respect for the inhabitants of the Maldives, and I became incredibly ashamed of the state of our toilets in the mosques of Kazan.
It smells delicious everywhere on the whole island, whether it's air fresheners, or whether it's flowers and greens that smell so fragrant, I still don't understand.

There are a lot of people in the mosques, 3-4 rows of believers for the morning prayer. We went to prayers in mosques, they beckon to themselves, with their beauty, cleanliness and peace.

3. Lack of music on the island. Generally. We were in a "halal" hotel in Turkey a couple of years ago, loud music gave me a headache, almost every day. Immediately I was surprised at my calmness and peace. There is only one "music" on the island - adhan. There are no discos, animation programs, musical evenings in hotels, even non-Muslims have no music on the beach.

4. Complete absence of alcohol and "halal" food. The importation of alcohol and pork is prohibited on the island. All meat on the island is halal. Separately, I wanted to talk about food. Basically, the menu has a lot of fish - tuna, fish from reefs and seafood. Wonderful, tasty fish and cheaper than beef or chicken. We have the opposite in Russia, such fish is very expensive, so for almost a week I ate only fish, for the future. Lots of vegetables and fruits. Very tasty fruits: mango, papaya, coconut. Exotic fruits are inexpensive (when compared with prices in Russia). Everything else - clothes, souvenirs, cosmetics are expensive, it's better to take your own. The food is fresh and looks like it's been cooked to perfection. There were no stomach upsets, alhamdullilah.

5. Excursions. The main entertainment in the Maldives is to travel to different islands. We went to the island of Biado and Vado. These are resort islands.

Biadu is a beautiful island with large quantity greenery, rich in various birds, crabs and other animals. With a very beautiful underwater view. There I had to do snokling for the first time.

Snokling is swimming with a mask and snorkel above the water. Incredible views open up, mashallah! I swam next to such beautiful fish! Purple, pink, black, silver and even light green! What only creations of Allah I did not see there, subhanAllah! It's such a beauty!

Vadu Island is a typical resort island, with a small area, but with a large fresh water pool.
You arrive on a tour early in the morning by boat and are picked up in the evening, after sunset.

6. Locals. In general, all week I was engaged in watching them. Calm, measured, smiling and hospitable. All women are wearing hijabs, and even girls aged 7-8 are already wearing headscarves. Every day I watched schoolgirls who ran to classes in multi-colored scarves and for the first time regretted that my daughter was not with me, she would see that there are schools where all the girls are in hijabs, and even on the street in the 30C heat, they play and run around with their heads covered. Women are mainly engaged in raising children and at home, mostly men work.

In general, for the first time I saw how people live and rely on Allah. We are running somewhere, trying to earn more money, buy a bigger apartment, a dacha, better than our neighbor's, a more expensive fur coat, a more modern car. And somewhere people live on a small island and thank Allah 5 times a day all together, for the fact that they were not flooded, for the fact that they have fish, tourists who bring at least a small, but income. Women protect their awrah, avoid unfamiliar men, give birth a lot, bring up conscientiously. Men work diligently, behave very restrainedly with tourists (unlike Turks or Egyptians), they do not cheat. Everyone prays 5 times a day, avoiding the forbidden as much as they can, SubhanAllah. Living there, I was once again convinced that happiness is living according to the laws of Islam. The laws of Islam are the most correct laws established by God. It's impossible not to love them. And the inhabitants of the Maldives once again proved it to me.

After a trip to the Maldives to the island of Maafushi, where local Muslims live, I realized that this is Shariah rest. There you can relax not only with your body, but also with your soul! Once again you are convinced of the greatness of our Creator! After all, no one else could create a more harmonious and beautiful world! This place cannot be compared with Turkey, Egypt, or Dubai! This is a completely different vacation.

I didn't write anything about the hotel where we lived. Just because it really doesn't matter what hotel you live in, it becomes so secondary. But our hotel was very clean, the breakfasts were delicious and plentiful, and the staff very friendly!

Many write to me and ask how we went there, because ordinary operators do not sell vouchers to local islands, but only to resort islands? I answer: we went through. Now, a ticket for one person costs 59,900 rubles, this price includes:

- accommodation in a 3* hotel;
- buffet breakfast;
- meeting at the airport.
- transfer to the hotel after arrival.

A boat comes for you directly to the airport and takes you to Maafushi.
Why I advise you to go to Maafushi, and not to the resort island:
- no alcohol and pork, all food is "halal".
- lack of entertainment events with music.
- two mosques.
- Muslim beaches.
- few Russian-speaking tourists.
- women in closed awrah.
- beautiful beach and nature.
- many restaurants with inexpensive and fresh food (lunch or dinner on the ocean will cost you around 500 r per person).
- Friendly locals. An opportunity to see and study the life and everyday life of ordinary Maldivians. Indeed, in the Qur'an (49:13), it is said: “O people, Verily, We created you from a man and a woman and made you peoples and tribes so that you recognize each other, and the most honored of you is the most God-fearing Truly, Allah is the Knower , Knower.

©Rimma Kashapova specially for Maidenly

People have a rest in different ways: whether it is active or passive rest, the main thing is that it brings pleasure and gives a surge of strength until the next vacation season.

Resting, of course, is good, but it is worth discussing its availability in terms of “halal”. It is known that for Muslims there are several requirements regarding rest: permitted food, a place to pray, for women - a deserted bathing area, but here are perhaps the main ones. It seems that everything is not so bad: about halal food, I think you can go without meat for several days and eat fish and vegetable dishes, or kosher food, a place for reading namaz is all the free space, as long as it is clean and the right direction , and a Muslim woman can swim by looking for a deserted place or in a special bathing suit - “burkini”, now they are, fortunately, for every taste and budget.

And the spirit of the fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us ...

The most popular among Russians, since Soviet times, are the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory: these are the cities of Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik. This is explained by the fact that the climate there is subtropical, the sea remains warm for a long time, and small sandy beaches traditionally attract tourists with children, and a passport is not required. This summer I managed to relax in these parts, namely in the city of Adler, I also managed to visit nearby Abkhazia, which met with its famous resorts Pitsunda and Gagra. I will compare all the pros and cons of the Muslim holiday in these regions. In Adler, we rented a room with a bath and a toilet in a huge house, because at the hotel I was not satisfied with the prospect of nighttime festivities and noisy music until the morning, as well as drinking alcohol by its inhabitants. The sea is two minutes from the house, but the beach is completely strewn with vacationers, and no matter how much we tried to find a secluded place, it did not work out. Resigned, I bathed in a special suit. It turned out not so bad! The suit dries easily Sun rays, and most importantly, there are no sunburn on the skin. It is very easy to endure the heat there, because the climate is not humid, and even at 38 degrees you feel good in clothes. I must have been exotic in my attire for tourists, vacationers, practically naked and even walking around the city in bathing suits! The attitude of the local population is respectful, everyone strove to get to know and talk about my religion. As for food: despite the neighboring North Caucasus and its local extensive range of halal products, in Adler, I didn’t even find it in large supermarkets. The only thing that was there was a Sochi-made sausage called "Muslim" marked without pork, but we all know that not everything is "halal", that with the name "Muslim". So I spent the fish and vegetable days of my vacation, which I do not regret at all.

Abkhazia. To get there, you need to cross the border between Russia and Abkhazia, and - this is a little, a lot from an hour to three, or even more. The very arrival on the territory of this country is striking in its beauty! This is the most wonderful corner of the earth with the cleanest sea and gentle sun. Charming nature, architectural monuments and beautiful places make the rest in this country simply unforgettable. And these mountains, crashing into the clouds and with swift rivers piercing them, are extraordinarily breathtaking.

Rest here is much calmer than in noisy Sochi, the sea is the cleanest and calmest on the entire Black Sea coast, the climate is milder. If you try, you can find a remote place for Muslim women to swim, which, by the way, can be found on the street. Prices are inexpensive, but you will have to fork out for souvenirs, since the main income of the local population is tourism, which lasts from May to October. As for food, everything is not so sad. One of my Muslim friends, who had a rest here in one of the boarding houses, said that the administrator made sure that she was prepared a separate meal, it turns out that they already had cases of rest from Muslim women. Most of all, I was struck by the mixture of two religions: Muslim (because the North Caucasus is beyond the mountains) and Christian, but, of course, the latter prevails today. The country is very ancient, there are few new buildings, a lot of post-war destruction, and there is not even a functioning railway station and airport, but even this will not overshadow the truly pleasant pastime there.

In Russia it's good, but abroad it's better!

My friend decided to spend her holidays abroad - in Turkey, they say, a Muslim woman is better and more comfortable there. And indeed! While I was “steaming” in search of a secluded place for swimming, Aliya was basking and sunbathing on the beach of the pool equipped in the hotel, protected from the views of men, which is surrounded by a fence, where there is no alcohol, men, discos, etc. Not all hotels there are like that, but it was this one called "Caprice" that fully corresponded to the Muslim lifestyle, the rooms even have a mat for reading namaz and indicating the direction of Qibla.

“For me, during the holidays, there were no problems either with food, since everything in Turkey is halal, or with the language, since Turkish is similar to my native Tatar, and although it’s not easy, I understood and could express myself. I sunbathed as much as I wanted, though near our pool, and in the sea I swam in a burkini, as the beaches here are also clogged with tourists, but there were a lot of girls in similar clothes ", - shares Alia.

“And I rested in Egypt, in Hurghada. I liked everything very much, halal food is not everywhere, but there are cafes and restaurants. There are a lot of Muslim tourists, we had an ordinary hotel, but I also heard that there are hotels with closed beaches where you can sunbathe”, Diana said.

And here is what another friend of mine, who has been living in Dubai for several years, told me: “Only for the female population on the beach, we have specially allotted days - this is Monday, where all Muslim women can safely sunbathe and swim without being afraid of the views of men. And in general, it seems to me that the most wonderful vacation for Muslims who love comfort and novelty is in Dubai, everything is created here so that Muslim women feel good!” Aida said.

Every year, Muslim holidays are in greater demand, and many travel companies seek to create certain conditions for those who wish. So, Muslim women will soon be able to comfortably relax in Italy. According to the Legend travel agency, in the city of Riccione, local authorities decided to make specialized beaches for Muslim women. A special bay on the coast of this resort will be fenced and closed from men, and only women will be lifeguards. This initiative is due to the fact that over the past few years, Riccione has become a favorite holiday destination for tourists from the Arabian Peninsula.

Diniya Gelmutdinova

It often happens that the acquisition of some kind of movable or immovable property for a person or an entire organization is unprofitable. Sometimes prices may “bite”, in some cases the purchase of an object does not make sense due to the constant volatility of the market situation. And here such an economic and legal instrument as rent comes to the rescue. Islam, being a system that helps people in all spheres of life, imposes its own framework on this form of property relations between the parties.

In Arabic, rent is denoted by the word "ijar" , which can be translated as "sale of the right to use", "benefit". The Shariah definition of this phenomenon is as follows: the conclusion of a deal between the parties for a certain time regarding some property, aimed at deriving benefits, on the basis of mutual agreement.

In fact, in Islamic law, rent is divided into two types: 1 - rent aimed at extracting some benefit (we are talking about real estate, vehicles, clothing, household appliances, and so on); 2 - hiring a person to perform certain work (for example, construction, tailoring, website development, writing texts, etc.).

Qur'an and Noble Sunnah on Renting

In the Holy Quran, in two places, it is said about the lease relationship between the parties, but in these cases the references are episodic.

Surah At-Talaq says:

“Provide for a certain period of time a place for divorced women…” (65:6)

In the sura, rental relations are mentioned in the context of the story of the prophet Musa (a.s.):

“One of the daughters of Shugaib said: “Father, hire him as a shepherd! He will be the best among those who can handle it." To this Shughaib replied: “I would like you to marry one of my daughters. As a bride price, you can offer me hired work on my behalf for 8 years…” (28:26-27)

In the collection of hadiths of Imam al-Bukhari, one can find the saying of the Final Messenger of the Almighty Muhammad (peace be upon him) about how he told his companions about his past. His labor activity in the form of hiring did not stand aside either: “Whoever was sent by Allah to this world, he still tended the sheep. And me too. I did it for the people of Mecca, they paid me several carats for this work.

Terms of rent in Islam

Lease relations imply the presence of two fundamental points. As in the case, we are talking about offer(ijab) and consent(Kabul).

The conditions for concluding a lease agreement boil down to several points:

1) The person must be reasonable, that is, he must be at least 7 years old. At such a young age, he can act as a subject of such property relations only after obtaining permission from the guardian.

2) The leased property must have an owner. Lease is not made in relation to those things, the owner or guardian of which is unknown.

3) The agreement should detail the essence of the leased person, the time of the lease or hire (if we are talking about people invited to carry out some type of work). There should be no understatement between the parties in order to avoid related conflicts.

4) The rented thing or service must be such that it really has the properties that the tenant expects. In addition, these qualities must be in accordance with Shariah. For example, if the mosque administration is looking for a cleaner and finds her, then she must be in a clean condition at the time of the work (lack of menstruation). Otherwise, she will be forbidden to enter the mosque, and she will not fulfill the terms of the concluded contract of employment.

5) The benefits of renting or hiring must fully comply with Islamic law. In this sense, it is forbidden to hire people to commit some kind of crime or produce haram products and services.

6) You cannot hire a person if it is expected that he will perform actions that are obligatory for him, according to Islamic law. For example, it is unacceptable to take money for prayer. However, if we are talking about conducting classes, for example, on Islamic law, on the construction of Muslim temples, then this prohibition does not apply.

7) A person who is hired to do some work should not directly benefit from the result of the work, since the latter does not apply to him, but to the employer. Lawyers interpret this case as saying that a worker should not be paid as a result of his work. For example, if a person had to produce wooden figurines, then he should not be paid with the same toys.

8) If the rental object is movable property, then the landlord must provide it to the tenant personally.

9) The object of the lease relationship must not have any flaws that make it impossible to use all the available properties.

Cases of cancellation of lease agreements:

  • in connection with the death of one of the parties to the contractual relationship;
  • if the parties agree that it is necessary to terminate the agreement for any reason;
  • if, under certain circumstances, the rented thing has lost its essence (was, for example, destroyed);
  • The lease agreements expired and the parties decided not to renew them.

To whom Muslims cannot surrenderproperty for rent

The lease conditions listed above differ in that their implementation is relatively simple in a homogeneous Islamic environment, where the issue of compliance with Shariah business is not so acute. But what to do when Muslims are forced to do business in a secular society, in regions where representatives of Islam do not dominate? What if the tenant intends to open a strip bar, a credit institution or a store that sells liquor in a Muslim-owned premises?

The answer to these questions, according to Islamic law, is not as simple as it seems. Students and founders of other madhhabs of Sunni Islam believed that leasing property for such purposes was prohibited. Abu Hanifa believed the same, but with some reservations, which will be discussed below. Economic benefit as a criterion in the above situations is not taken into account at all. Banking institutions, microfinance organizations, which, as a rule, do not have problems with money, can offer an attractive price for rented space, but a devout Muslim is obliged to resist the temptation and refuse such a potential tenant.

The ban also includes classical Western-style insurance companies that deal with uncertainty. What does it mean? Insurers take contributions from the client, the return of which, even in the case of the conditions specified in the contract, may not occur. As a result, a person pays money to the insurer, and he can, thanks to his own legal resourcefulness, do nothing at all and subsequently avoid material payments in favor of the insured. In addition, it is very risky to rent premises for hotels, massage studios, saunas and baths, which in certain areas are often used, in addition to their direct purpose, as a place for committing carnal sin.

At the same time, it should be noted that the owner of the premises may not be responsible for the actions of the tenant if the latter intentionally misleads the owner of the property. For example, it was initially agreed that in the same massage parlor women would serve only women and vice versa, but in fact it turned out that the tenant regularly arranges a “zina festival” - in this case, the owner does not bear any responsibility to the Almighty. The situation is interpreted similarly if the store initially agreed on a ban on the sale alcoholic beverages, but the tenant does not comply with this clause of the agreement. However, of course, it is better to prevent such a situation and keep the tenant's activities under control for compliance with the contract.

Imam Abu Hanifa believed that in conditions when a Muslim lives in a country where his fellow believers are a minority, renting premises or some items to open a liquor store is not forbidden. However, doing this in a Muslim country is strictly prohibited.

Entering into lease relations with representatives of other religions, for example, Christians or Jews, is allowed by all reputable scientists. Imam Abu Hanifa believed that they could even open their own temples and other religious facilities in rented premises, while his students and imams of other Sunni madhhabs considered such agreements contrary to Sharia.