Beautiful Khokhlushki 13 15 years old. Charming Ukrainian girls. Hollywood also has its beautiful Ukrainian women

Despite the fact that the Ukrainian and Russian peoples are considered closely related, their ethnopsychology differs significantly. The differences are especially pronounced among the female half of the population of these two countries. Ukrainians and Russians differ from each other both in the type of beauty and in a whole set of psychological traits that define such a concept as “the face and character of the nation”.

External differences

Differences in appearance are due to origin, as well as genetic mixing with the peoples living in the neighborhood. The beauty of a Russian woman tends more towards the northern, Finno-Baltic type. it blonde hair(light blond, blond, blond) and eyes (blue, gray, green), correct, but in relation to the type of southern beauties, smaller, more refined facial features.

Ukrainians, on the contrary, are more like southerners. Their facial features are larger and more expressive than those of Russians. The shades of the eyes, skin and hair are dominated by bright contrasts: chestnut or burning black hair ( natural blondes almost none), thick black eyebrows with fair skin, black, brown or rich green eyes.

If the beauty of a Russian woman can be compared with a crystal-cold winter or a shy early spring, then the beauty of a Ukrainian woman is undoubtedly the height of August, the very sun. Each of these types is good in its own way. Regarding the answer to the question, which one is better, here, as they say, who likes what.

national character

In the same way as appearance, the characters of Russian and Ukrainian women also differ. The first is more restrained, flexible and patient. She forgives her man a lot and in some cases is really ready to "stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut." In the character of a Russian woman, traces have been preserved for centuries hammered the norms of Domostroy are in it, so the habit of being “on the sidelines” in the family is quite natural for many Russian women.

Ukrainian women have a more rebellious, obstinate and freedom-loving character, which is due to the strong influence of the cult of the Mother Goddess. It was distributed in the territories that are now occupied by modern Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine. A Ukrainian woman is less inclined to forgive a man for his imperfections and is always ready to defend her rights in a heated argument.

The intra-family relations of a typical Ukrainian family, for example, of the late 19th century, are beautifully described in the story "Kaidasheva Family" by Ivan Nechuy-Levytsky. The writer perfectly captured the relationship between relatives, and the role of women in them. Ukrainian women rarely allow themselves to be driven into the position of a victim, more often they quarrel and defend themselves more actively.

divorce statistics

These differences in national characters are also confirmed by divorce statistics. In Russia in 2012, 1,213,598 marriages accounted for 644,101 divorces, which is 53% of the total number of marriages. In Ukraine, in the same period, 278,356 marriages were concluded, of which 169,797 broke up, which is already 61%. Even with a constant increase in the number of divorces in both countries, the number of divorces in Ukraine is 8% higher.

For comparison, the same figures in other countries: Canada - 48%, USA - 46%, Great Britain - 42%, France - 38%, Japan - less than 27%. Such a high level of divorces in Russia and Ukraine is due, first of all, to material problems and the husband's drunkenness, with which Russian women are more ready to put up with than Ukrainian women.

On the third and fourth places are sexual incompatibility and infidelity of spouses. If the Russians usually accuse the husband of treason (75% of the cheaters are men), then the Ukrainians divided the shares of the perpetrators between the spouses approximately equally (58% of the traitors - 42% of the traitors).

This confirms both the more "hot" temperament of Ukrainian women, and their more free, "matriarchal" views. For a Russian woman, who is much more ready for sacrifice, the preservation of the family is in the first place. Her personal happiness is often relegated to the background by her.

And it's hard to disagree with this, since so many world-famous models and actresses have Ukrainian roots. There are real legends about their unique magnificence, and men all over the world recognize grace and sexuality, many of whom deliberately try to marry women of this nationality. Who are they - the most beautiful Ukrainian women? How was their fate? And what role did appearance play in it?

Rumors, studies and opinions

First you need to figure out why Ukrainian women are considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. And is it really so. Sometimes it is enough to look at girls and women from Ukraine to understand how much their appearance is valued in Europe, Asia and other countries. In addition, the results of independent studies, popular foreign publications, couturiers and other representatives of show business regularly talk about this. For example, a few years ago, one of the most popular publications in America, The Most Beautiful Women, published a book called The Most Beautiful Women of Ukraine.

Moreover, some researchers in this field have gone further. They managed to determine the city in which, in their opinion, the most beautiful Ukrainian women in the world live. According to preliminary data, this is Kyiv. It is here, according to experts, that lives largest number beauties.

According to other studies, Ukrainian women occupy a leading position in the modeling business, since most of the agents and representatives of fashion designers go to this country in search of new faces. So what is the reason for such a frenzied popularity of these "black-browed and white-faced"?

Causes, effects and opinions

According to many experts who believe that Ukrainian women are the most beautiful, the reason is connected with the centuries-old history of the country. The fact is that Ukraine has a convenient geographical position relative to Asia and Europe.

That is why it often became an object of attack and capture by nomadic tribes and representatives of the most different peoples. As a result of such raids arose mixed families. Therefore, a chaotic mixture of Tatar, Turkish, Mongolian, Greek, Polish, Persian and other blood flows through the veins of Ukrainian women.

Kindness, openness and sincerity

However, the most beautiful Ukrainian women are famous not only for their impeccable external data, but also for their easy disposition, goodwill, sincerity and openness. According to some representatives modeling agencies, there is some special warmth in Ukrainian women. It is present in them everywhere: in the look, demeanor, gait and even gestures.

In addition, many representatives of this nationality put in the first place not career and financial wealth, but family well-being. For the same reason, Ukrainian women are often the desired wives of foreign nationals. Of course, among women from Ukraine there are also those who easily combine both a well-paid job and a family. We will talk about them further.

The most beautiful Ukrainian women: top 50 (Marta Kholod)

Headwear designer Marta Kholod is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and successful Ukrainian women. A native Kharkov woman dreamed of becoming a fashion designer since childhood. With the same thought, she entered the art school. The director of this educational institution. By pure chance, the designer forgot the sketches at the school, where the director saw them. It was he who considered a talented master of headdresses in a fragile student.

Today Marta is a sought-after and promising designer in Ukraine and in the world. She sews hats for domestic and foreign show business stars. Her hats are ordered by designers for their clothing line, worn by models, TV presenters, businesswomen and politicians. Among the star clients of Martha, you can meet the actor Andrei Danilko (the image of Verka Serduchka), Natasha Koroleva, Tina Karol, Alla Pugacheva, Lara Fabian, Svetlana Volnova, Barbara Brylska. There are other famous (beautiful) Ukrainian women among them.

Charming and imperturbable Nadezhda Vasina

The second most popular Ukrainian woman with a bright and memorable appearance is the gymnast Nadezhda Vasina. She was born in July 1989 in the glorious city of Kyiv. From childhood she was fond of sports and led an active lifestyle. So, from the age of three, the girl was engaged in figure skating, dancing and swimming. While studying at school, she enrolled in a gymnastics circle.

When Nadezhda was 12 years old, she was invited to the Ukrainian national gymnastics team. And a year later she became the Honored Master of Sports of her country, and after a similar period of time she achieved the title of "Master of Sports of International Class". Later, Vasina was lucky enough to perform at the European Championships, the World Universiade and the gymnasium, at the stages of the World Cup and other honorary championships and competitions. At a more mature age, she leaves the sport, tries herself as an actress and organizes her own shows. Here they are - the most beautiful Ukrainian women.

Unsurpassed and charming Ani Lorak

The third Ukrainian beauty in our ranking is a popular pop singer, model, composer, TV presenter and actress Ani Lorak (Karolina Kuek). She was born into a poor family in the small provincial town of Kitsman, located in the Chernivtsi region. She was brought up together with her brothers in the Sadgorsk boarding school. From an early age she dreamed of being a singer. And her dream came true in 1992, when she won the Primrose song contest, where she was noticed by producer Yuri Thales. Many years have passed since that moment. Today Karolina is a successful businesswoman, a famous Ukrainian singer, a loving wife and mother.

Liberated and daring Daria Astafieva

The fact that Ukrainian women are the most beautiful (the photo is a direct confirmation of this statement) is also evidenced by the unique appearance of the member of the NikitA group Daria Astafieva. This daring and sexy girl was born in August 1985. Her native city- Ordzhonikidze, located in the Dnepropetrovsk region.

Immediately after school, Astafieva entered the directing department, where she realized that she was more interested in vocals. She began to deal with them professionally. A little later, Dasha decided to take part in local music competitions, where she not only managed to win prizes several times, but even made a promising acquaintance with producer Yuri Nikitin.

Even later, Astafyeva was noticed in the modeling business, where the most beautiful Ukrainian women often fall (the top presented in this article indicates exactly this). The founder of the magazine for adults (Playboy) Hugh Hefner drew attention to her. On the this moment the girl took up painting, and also continues to act for popular foreign and domestic photographers.

Gentle and refined Vera Brezhneva

The fifth Ukrainian worthy of attention is Vera Kiperman (nee Galushka), better known as Vera Brezhneva. This dazzling and long-haired blonde was born in February 1982. Her hometown is Dneprodzerzhinsk, located on the territory of the Dnepropetrovsk region.

Vera studied at high school No. 41. At this time, she became interested in foreign languages, played basketball, rhythmic gymnastics, handball and karate. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming a lawyer. However, fate decreed otherwise and the girl became a singer, successfully mastered acting.

Now she is a Goodwill Ambassador to the UN, takes part in various advertising photo shoots, and perfectly copes with the role of mother and wife. In addition, thanks to her unique appearance, Brezhnev often becomes the heroine of various shows and ratings. For example, recently she was included in the list "The most beautiful Ukrainian women: top 30", organized by one of the most popular Ukrainian publications. By the way, in addition to her, such Ukrainian celebrities also got into this rating:

  • Taisiya Povaliy;
  • Eva Bushmina;
  • Santa Dimopoulos;
  • Ekaterina Buzhinskaya;
  • Geitan;
  • Anna Poslavskaya;
  • Anastasia Kamensky;
  • Snezhana Onopko;
  • Natalya Yarovenko;
  • Oksana Marchenko;
  • Tatiana Navka;
  • Olga Kurilenko;
  • Anna Sedokova and others.

The winner of the contest "Miss Internet" Irina Zhuravskaya

The sixth beauty, who at one time received the title of "Miss Internet", was Irina Zhuravskaya. She was born in 1990 in the city of Kyiv. At one time, she graduated from the School of Acting in Los Angeles. At the same time, the girl became interested in the modeling business. By chance, employees of the Karin MMG agency noticed her and invited her to their place.

Later, the beauty successfully passed the exams and entered the faculty of the Karpenko Karogo Theater Institute. Simultaneously with her studies, Irina participated in photo shoots and led the weather forecast on one of the Kyiv TV channels. Zhuravskaya became famous during the Miss Donbass Open-2007 beauty contest, where she received the honorary title of vice-miss. Even later, she won the national contest "Miss Ukraine - 2008", where other most beautiful Ukrainian women (top 35) were also presented.

Alena Shcherban - top model with a worldwide reputation

Another girl who took seventh place in our mini-rating is Alena Shcherban, a native of Dnepropetrovsk. Beauty was born in December 1983. She studied at a regular high school and went in for sports, dancing. At some point, Alena became interested in advertising and a modeling career, which is why she began to turn to various agencies. The miracle happened. The girl was not only noticed, but also included in the honorary top 10 from Miss World 2000.

Even later, Alena won an unconditional victory in the Ford supermodel of Ukraine-1999 competition. After she was awarded the titles of "Miss Dnepropetrovsk 2000" and "Miss Ukraine 2000". At the same time, she signed a long-term contract with WWW World Wide Women and an agreement with Elite Milan. Behind Alena - participation in shows of famous foreign designers, shooting for the covers of popular foreign and domestic magazines, participation in the clip of J. Depardieu. Her name was included in the top 50 most beautiful and top 100 most influential women in Ukraine.

Model and TV presenter Alexandra Nikolaenko

Eighth place in our ranking, perhaps, will be given to Alexandra Nikolaenko. Despite the fact that the girl was born in Hungary, she has strong Ukrainian roots. Therefore, she often came to Ukraine. She received her higher education at the Odessa National Law Academy, receiving a specialist diploma in the direction of "Civil Law and Entrepreneurship".

In early 1996, she got into the Odessa modeling agency Savrox Models, which became a reporting step in her career. Later there were victories in the contests "Best Model of Odessa 2001", "Miss American Dream of the World - 2001" and "Miss Ukraine - 2011". In early 2001, Alexandra was in the top 10 most beautiful women on the planet at Miss World. At the moment she is the wife of one of the American billionaires and lives in the USA.

As you can see beautiful girls and there are many women in Ukraine. Moreover, the most beautiful Ukrainian women are the national treasure of the country.

10 sexiest Ukrainian women according to the American version (Complex magazine)

10. Yulia Timoshenko

The Prime Minister of Ukraine is known throughout the world for her great sense of style and unsurpassed mind.

09. Dasha Astafieva

The dark-haired beauty is a member of the Ukrainian pop group Nikita. She was also a Playboy Girl in 2009.

08. Ruslana

She not only sings, but also dances "wild dances". Gained worldwide fame thanks to the victory at the Eurovision Song Contest.

07. Tina Karol

There are many young pop singers with sexy figures in Ukraine, but Tina Karol is very different from them. In addition to her attractive appearance, the girl has a gorgeous voice.

06. Lyuba Shumeiko

The star of erotic photography is known not only for her amazing body, but also for her marriage to the famous erotic photographer Peter Hegre. Note that Peter is so fascinated by his beloved that he published a book dedicated exclusively to her beauty.

05. Daria Verbovy

Canadian model with Ukrainian roots Daria Verbovy over the past few years has acquired contracts with such global luxury brands like Lancème, Louis Vuitton, Gucci and Chanel. In addition, she opens shows of the best designers in the world.

04. Karina Smirnoff

The star of the American version of the TV show "Dancing with the Stars" has become one of America's most beloved dancers. Karina also pleased the Americans with an advertisement for the famous animal protection organization PETA, in which she appeared completely naked.

03. Milla Jovovich

The Kyiv-born American actress has become not only a successful movie star, but has also established herself as a professional model and designer. AT last years Milla devotes more and more time to her collections fashion clothes, writes Oboz.

02. Olga Kurylenko

Having played the Bond girl in the Bond movie "Quantum of Solace", the Ukrainian model Olga became world famous. She is increasingly invited to photo shoots for the best publications in the world, and also offers roles in big movies.