Recipes for split ends at home. Homemade hair masks for split ends. From colorless henna

Long hair- this is wonderful. But split strands, thinned, lost their luster, do not look at all attractive. Time-tested homemade recipes will help to return the hair to a well-groomed appearance.

What products are included in the masks for split ends

Almost everything that is in the refrigerator will fit for useful home mask. Fermented milk products have a very good effect on split hair. Effective yolk, honey and mayonnaise. It is advisable to take the latter homemade or with a minimum shelf life: there are fewer preservatives in the composition. Henna and vinegar are added to the masks. And it's impossible to do without healing power natural oils. The active substances in their composition nourish the strands, restoring elasticity, structure and shine.

What recipes will help with split ends

Split ends should be trimmed to make the treatment more successful. It is advisable to use a hot haircut. For soldering ends. It is necessary to cut the strands about once every two months, at least. And this is not a fashion requirement.

The main enemies of the affected hair are beauty gadgets. During treatment, it is recommended not to use them. And after completing the course, it is better to minimize the use of both a hair dryer and tongs.

Be sure to drink in winter and spring. It is desirable to defend or filter water for washing. Wash strands with tap water with chlorine - harm them even more.

Too frequent combing is unfavorable for the condition of the hair, especially if the metal comb has sharp and frequent teeth. Much more advantageous are rare-toothed plastic or wooden ones.

Don't brush your hair when it's wet, as it will damage your hair. Do not rub the strands after washing. Pat them gently with a towel. Tangled curls are gently untangled with your fingers, from the tips from the roots.

Hair needs a rest from hairpins and elastic bands. They harm the strands. It is better to take your hair under a headdress in bad weather.

The main thing in treatment is hydration. It must be systematic and intensive. Therefore, it is important to select only suitable means. It is optimal to use medical or professional lines in care. The use of these homemade masks will give results quite quickly: beauty and a well-groomed appearance will return to the hair.

Hello dear readers of our site. Today we will tell you about masks for split ends that you can prepare at home. Split hair is a real punishment for a woman. If you do not take any measures to improve them, then loss is possible and, as a result, baldness. To prevent such a complication, you should seek help from proven beauty recipes to preserve and improve curls. These are homemade masks for split ends.

  • bad ecology;
  • frequent temperature changes, rain containing toxic substances;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • stress;
  • use in the process of combing plastic or metal combs;
  • frequent hair coloring;
  • curling with chemicals;
  • alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • excessive consumption of sugary foods and coffee;
  • diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lack of water in the body;
  • frequent drying of hair with a hair dryer;
  • unprotected hair from minus or plus temperatures.

Sometimes, it is enough to influence the cause of the hair section, and the problem will be solved. However, this does not mean that curls do not need to be looked after. In order for the hair to please with its radiance and brilliance, they need to be nourished, protected and cared for. This can be done using masks for dry and split ends.

Oils for split ends

Properly selected, can replace a trip to the hairdresser. They can be used as nourishing masks and balms for both treatment and prevention of section. Below are oils that solve a number of problems, and which can be used as the basis of your personal beauty recipe:

Oil name

Beneficial features

Promotes structural restoration of hair; strengthens the root system; protects against breakage and loss; stimulates growth.
Contains fatty alcohols and acids that help cleanse the hair, penetrating quite deep into their structure; strengthens the hair follicle and restores the structure of the hair.
Penetrating deep into the hair roots, it helps to restore overdried and dry hair, and also restores their structure.
avocado oil Acts as a moisturizer for brittle, damaged and dry hair. Thanks to the content of vitamins E, A, B, D, as well as protein, amino acids, copper, iron, folic acid and magnesium, it nourishes and restores the hair structure.
It will become a real salvation for the restoration of damaged, dyed and dry hair. It will make them more obedient and soft.
Mango This oil helps damaged and curly hair. It nourishes, moisturizes and helps retain moisture.
Almond It will become a good prophylactic due to its protective properties. This oil helps to restore hair after various hairdressing procedures (coloring, blow-drying, straightening hair with a hot iron, etc.).
Contains vitamins E and A. Strengthens hair follicles and activates growth. Nourishes, protects and moisturizes.

Knowing beneficial features oils, you can independently make masks for hair from split ends, as well as balms or conditioners.

Recipes for masks for split ends - TOP-20

A properly selected hair mask can correct the problem, saturate the hair with useful vitamins, and even accelerate their growth. Choose the one that suits you best and get going!

Recipe number 1. Mask for split ends "Honey + egg"

Egg masks for split ends are very popular and varied. Below is the most common and effective recipe with egg base.


  • 3 tbsp honey, liquid in consistency;
  • chicken egg in the amount of 1 pc;
  • Juice of 1 garlic clove.

Preparation and application:

Shake the egg until a small foam appears, pour in the honey. By the way, it can be preheated, just a little bit, otherwise the egg may curl! Then add garlic juice. Wash your hair before applying. The sequence of movements from the roots to the ends of the hair. For the best effect, cover with a bag or a hat. In addition, such a measure will protect the mask from drying out, which will make it easy to wash it off. Holding time - from 15 to 25 minutes. After this period of time, wash your hair.

Recipe number 2. Hair mask against split ends "Olive Salvation"


  • quail eggs in the amount of 4 pieces;
  • 1 st. l. cold pressed olive oil.

Preparation and application:

We mix all the ingredients in a ceramic bowl with a whisk, then apply the resulting mass to the hair. The mask should cover only the ends of the hair! Leave for thirty minutes, then wash your head with cool water.

Useful advice! If the egg curled up on the hair, shampooing will only aggravate the situation. It is enough to wash your hair with sour water. Then apply your daily balm. Then wash your hair and comb it with a comb. Washing should be repeated again.

Recipe number 3. "Kefir mask for split ends"


  • 200 ml. kefir;
  • 2 pcs. chicken eggs;
  • 50 ml. olive oil or burdock oil (your choice).

Manufacturing and application:

Beat the eggs until smooth, pour in the kefir and mix. Pour the oil into the prepared mixture. The resulting product is applied only to split hair. Do not touch the scalp. Holding time from 1 to 3 hours. Wash off with shampoo.

Recipe number 4. Nourishing mask for brittle split ends "Burdock Night"

Masks for dry and split ends help to get rid of several problems at once. After their application, the curls are saturated with the necessary components, the hair structure is leveled and becomes elastic.

Ingredients(we take everything in equal proportions, based on the texture, thickness and length of the hair):

  • Burdock oil;
  • olive oil.

With absence olive oil, you can use almost its analogue - castor. Mix both oils, warm them up a little and apply to the hair. We comb along the entire length and wrap something warm around the head. With such a mask, you can go to bed, and only in the morning wash off its remnants.

Recipe number 5. "Natural sulfur + phosphorus"

Don't be intimidated by the name of the mask. These trace elements are found in all the garlic and onions we know. In addition, the hair after such a mask will be resistant, strengthened and immune to external stimuli. Even fungal microbes will flee in panic from such a healing duo.


  • juice of the 1st bulb;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. any of the oils of your choice.

Preparation and application:

Squeeze the juice from the garlic, add the bulbous substrate to it, then the heated oil. It is mixed until a homogeneous composition, and then rubbed into the hair with massage movements. Simple smearing will not work - you should rub the mask into the hairline. Holding time is individual. If you do not pay attention to the specific smell of the ingredients, then you can go through the whole day. It is washed off quite easily with regular shampoo.

Recipe number 6. "Cognac + honey" for hair ends


  • chicken yolk in the amount of 1 pc.;
  • 1 st. l vegetable oil;
  • 1 st. l bee honey;
  • 25 ml. cognac.

When making a mask for dry hair, cognac should be replaced with oak bark tincture. We mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass. Despite the fact that the mask is for the ends, it should be applied along the entire length of the hair. For an enhanced effect, cover your head with something warm and leave for 30 minutes. You can wash your hair with a small amount of shampoo, with the obligatory rinsing with herbal decoction.

Recipe number 7. "Beer yeast"

Beer for cosmetic and medicinal purposes was used in Rus' in ancient times. Therefore, beer-based masks are not only time-tested, but also a legacy of our grandmothers.

Components of the mask:

  • 200 ml. dark beer;
  • 1 st. l. grated rhizome of calamus and burdock.

Add all the ingredients one by one to the warmed drink and let it brew for 40 minutes. The resulting infusion is filtered and applied to the roots and ends of the hair every half an hour. This procedure should be done throughout the day. The result will be obvious - the hair will be saturated, come to life and become more resilient and elastic.

Recipe number 8. "Honey-wheat mask"


Preparation and application:

We connect all the components one by one. Mix should be until a homogeneous structure is formed. Rub the resulting mixture into wet hair. After application, we stand for 45 minutes, after wrapping the head with a warm towel, and then rinse off. For washing, you need to use a shampoo with a low alkaline balance.

Recipe number 9. "Kefir-yeast"


  • 100 gr. kefir;
  • 2 tsp pressed yeast.

Making a mask is not difficult. We warm up the kefir a little and add yeast to it. Stir them until completely dissolved. We put in a warm place so that the mask fits. Then, the resulting mixture is applied from the roots to the ends of the hair. We cover with a plastic cap, wrapping a warm scarf or scarf over it. Leave in this position for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off with a simple shampoo.

Recipe number 10. "Almond-burdock duet"

The composition of the mask:

  • 1 part burdock oil;
  • 3 parts almond oil.

Preparation + application:

We mix both components and heat up a little. In a warm consistency, the oils penetrate deeper into the hair structure, contributing to a richer nutrition and their restoration. We coat the ends of the hair with the product and hold for 40-45 minutes. After this time period, the remnants of the product are removed with ordinary water. Without harm to the hair, you can use no more than once a week.

Recipe number 11. "Magic trio: yolk, lemon juice and kefir"

For cooking you will need:

  • Yolk of the 1st chicken egg;
  • 100 gr. kefir;
  • 1 st. l. olive oils;
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice.

The preparation is quite simple:

Combine lemon juice with yolk and olive oil. Add warmed kefir to the resulting mass and mix. The resulting product is applied to the entire length of the hair and wait 1 hour. For the best result, it is better to wrap your head with something warm. Wash off the mask with regular shampoo.

Recipe number 12. "Lemon and castor oil"


  • 100 ml. lemon juice;
  • 1 st. l. castor oil.

We combine all the components and rub only into the hair ends. After 20 minutes, remove the mask with a regular wash with shampoo.

Recipe number 13. "Herbal whirlwind"

This mask is suitable before washing your hair.


  • raspberry and currant leaves;
  • mint branches;
  • ½ cup milk cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch.


We grind the vegetable components into gruel, add cream, and then starch. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair and wrapped with a towel. We stand for 40 minutes, and then we perform the usual hair washing procedure using shampoo.

Recipe number 14. "Peach pleasure"


  • Peach in the amount of 2 pieces;
  • 50 ml. milk;
  • essential oil of oregano from 5 to 7 drops.

Manufacturing and application:

We peel the fruit from the peel and grind them to a puree consistency. Add milk and then butter and stir. Apply the product to all parts of the hair: both the ends and the roots. After a 30-minute period, wash your hair.

Recipe number 15. "Carrot + kefir"


  • 2 tbsp. l kefir;
  • 60 ml. fresh carrot juice.

If the mask is for dry hair, then kefir should be taken more oily and vice versa - for oily hair less saturated.

Preparation and application:

We mix 2 components and evenly distribute from the roots to the ends of the hair. You can rub and massage curls. If only the ends of the hair are affected by the section, then we apply the mask directly to the ends themselves. Leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with cold water.

Recipe number 16. "Henna mask"

List of components:

  • 2 chicken yolks;
  • 1 st. l. brewed tea;
  • 1 st. l. henna (colorless).

Tea for the preparation of the mask should be black and freshly brewed. Dilute henna in a drink and add the yolk there. Mix and rub the resulting product into the ends of the hair. If necessary, it can be applied to the entire length. Leave on the strands for 2 hours, then wash the hair with water.

Recipe number 17. "Aloe and jojoba oil"

Required components:

  • 30 ml. jojoba oils;
  • 30 ml. aloe juice.

The preparation is quite simple - you just need to combine and mix both components. We heat the resulting mass in a water bath and distribute it through the hair from roots to ends. After half an hour, the remnants of the product are removed with a regular shampoo.

Recipe number 18. "Sea buckthorn blow"

The mask requires a long exposure time - from 24 to 72 hours.


  • 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn berries;
  • Alcohol based calendula tincture.

We grind the berries until a gruel is obtained, add a little tincture and mix. We distribute only along the split ends and leave it like that for the specified period of time. For convenience, the hair can be rolled up or pinned up.

Recipe number 19. "Rowan"


  • 1 cup (200 ml) rowan fruits;
  • 300 ml. curdled milk;
  • chicken egg in the amount of 1 pc.

Manufacturing and application:

Grind the berries to the consistency of gruel. Add the egg and curdled milk to the resulting mixture, mix. On the clean hair Apply the mask and keep it on for 25 minutes. After exposure, wash your head with water.

Recipe No. 20 "Tropical Paradise"


  • 30 ml. coconut oil;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 30 ml. olive oils.

Peel the avocado, remove the pit and grind it with a blender. Add the remaining ingredients there and mix. Apply to split ends and leave for thirty minutes. At the end of the exposure time, wash off the mask with plain water.

Any of the above masks can restore and heal the hair structure. When choosing a mask, you need to be guided by the problem, type of hair and their color palette. Consider everything - your capabilities, and your willingness to undergo a whole course of medical therapy, and your desire. Together, all this will restore healthy shine and beauty to the hair.

Split ends will spoil the impression of even a very beautiful hairstyle. Curls split at the ends look dull, untidy, difficult to style.

A variety of styling products, frequent washing, dyeing and curling only exacerbate the problem. Proven homemade recipes will help improve the condition of the hair. The most popular remedy for restoring the beauty of curls is masks.

A section is called splitting or delamination of the hair shaft. The tips are most often affected, but the structure can be damaged anywhere.

The keratin scales covering the rod rise, the internal fibers diverge. Creases and white nodules appear on the surface of the hair, indicating a violation of the texture. In the place of damage, the rod breaks off.

The strands lose their natural shine, become dull, the ends become shaggy and electrified. Constant breaking off reduces the density of curls, the hairstyle takes on a sloppy look.

The cause of splitting of the hair shaft can be

  1. Too aggressive care. Combing, daily straightening or curling make the strands brittle, the hair begins to delaminate not only at the ends, but also in the center or even at the roots. Shampoos for deep cleansing can dry out curls, the same effect is given by hard chlorinated or too hot water used for washing.
  2. Wrong choice of styling products. Preparations containing alcohols dry out the already fragile rods, increasing fragility.
  3. Abuse of foams and waxes makes the hair too heavy, weakening it.
  4. Frequent dyeing, bleaching, use of electrical styling tools. Daily stretching of strands with an iron, monthly dyeing with preparations containing ammonia is a direct path to split ends.
  5. Rare visits to the hairdresser. Only a timely haircut will help get rid of exfoliated tips. A good effect is obtained by processing with hot scissors, as if sealing split ends.
  6. Wrong nutrition. The condition of the hair is badly affected by too high-calorie dishes, poor in vitamins and fiber. The lack of vegetable and animal fats increases the cross-section and fragility, the same effect is given by the lack of moisture.
  7. Bad habits. Smoking negatively affects the condition of the curls. Tobacco tar and combustion products worsen the blood supply to the scalp, the roots weaken, the hair grows brittle and weak.

Improve appearance hairstyles will help eliminate all negative factors.

Masks for split ends and principles of their application

- one of the most affordable and fast-acting means even if the curls are cut. Pharmacies and cosmetic stores sell ready-made formulations, but it is much cheaper to prepare them in your own kitchen.

In the buffet and refrigerator you can find all the necessary ingredients, the missing ones can be easily purchased at the nearest pharmacy.

Homemade mixes do not contain preservatives, dyes and artificial fragrances, and a variety of recipes allows you to choose an option for various types hair.

Masks for split ends at home can be prepared from the following ingredients:

  • fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, curdled milk, yogurt);
  • eggs;
  • natural oils;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • Rye bread;
  • gelatin;
  • fruit and berry juices.

Advice. Homemade masks are prepared immediately before use. Mixing them for the future is not recommended.

Oil-based masks are applied before shampooing, moisturizing formulations can also be used on clean curls. Viscous and liquid mixtures are conveniently distributed with a flat brush with long synthetic bristles.

After rubbing, the head is wrapped with plastic wrap or protected with a shower cap. A thick terry towel will help provide the necessary warmth.

The procedure lasts 20-40 minutes, but some especially nutritious formulations recommend keeping up to 2 hours. The course depends on the condition of the strands. Usually, cosmetologists recommend making a mask once every 3-4 days for 1-2 months, followed by a break.

The best recipes: simple, affordable, effective

To prevent hair splitting, it is better to use the selected recipe for a month, and then replace it with another suitable option. Choosing the right mask you need to take into account the type of hair and scalp, the presence or absence of dandruff and other important points. If the desired effect is not observed, it is worth trying another composition.

Oil recovery: from split ends

Various oils - real find for hair prone to splitting. They are used singly, mixed and added to other products.

Oily and viscous textures smooth out bulging keratin scales, prevent breakage and split ends.

They are especially good for fragile, overdried hair, but they are also quite suitable for preventing the section of normal strands.

Coconut, argan, soybean, corn, almond, burdock, castor oils can be used as the basis of a mask against split ends.

For additional nourishment and flavoring, natural esters are added to the base. Remove split ends and prevent splitting of the rod is capable of lavender, chamomile, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, neroli, orange, lemon, cypress, pine.

Quickly restore damaged strands a warm wrap will help. A mixture of equal amounts of almond and corn oil is heated in a microwave oven, 2-3 drops of rosemary, lemon, neroli ether are added to it. For very long and thick hair the amount of ingredients can be increased.

The mass is distributed over the strands in an even layer, the head is covered with a thick towel. Hair can be lightly treated with a hairdryer set to warm air. After 40 minutes, the composition is washed off with a mild shampoo, the strands are rinsed with cool water and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

very effective warm coconut mask for hair from split ends.

She will save overdried, fragile, dehydrated hair, give them shine, revive the color.

For the procedure you will need 2 tbsp. l. natural coconut oil and 6 drops of sandalwood.

The warm mixture is kept for 30 minutes, then washed off.

Carefully. Oily homemade masks for split ends should not be used by women with dyed curls. The greasy texture contributes to the rapid washing out of the pigment.

Egg hair mask

Quickly restore strands that are split, hair masks with an egg will help. Collagen, which is part of the protein, smoothes the hair shafts, eliminating brittleness and preventing split ends.

The yolk is rich in lecithin, which strengthens the roots, stimulates the follicles and gently cleanses the hair. egg masks especially useful for overdried and thin curls, but also suitable for the treatment of oily roots. It all depends on the additives provided for by the recipe of a particular mask.

Hair damaged by curls and frequent dyeing will be saved by the original yolk-beer mask. The composition penetrates deep into the rod, making up for the lack of carotene, making the strands elastic, shiny, healthy.

1 glass of natural light beer (preferably without preservatives) is mixed with whipped egg yolk until a smooth emulsion.

1 tbsp is added to the mass. a spoonful of refined olive or corn oil.

Rinsing with a few drops of water will help give your hair a pleasant aroma. essential oil chamomile.

A very effective mask is a mixture of 1 yolk with soybean oil, honey, cognac and lemon juice (1 tablespoon of each product).

All ingredients are whipped and applied to curls with a flat brush. You can wash off the composition with warm water with a baby or other mild shampoo.

And in this video, the recipe for an even simpler but effective egg mask:

Kefir therapy

Nutrient formulations with kefir will help smooth hair shafts and prevent brittleness. For oily strands, it is better to use one percent; a product made from whole milk will help restore dry hair. Instead of kefir, you can use homemade yogurt without additives or yogurt.

For gentle cleansing and hair nutrition, you will need 0.5 cups of the product of the desired fat content and a slice of rye bread. Kefir or yogurt is slightly heated.

The bread is broken into pieces, poured with a small amount of boiling water and pounded into gruel. Warm kefir is poured into the bread mixture, the mask is distributed over the hair and lightly rubbed into the roots.

After half an hour, the mask is removed with warm water and shampoo. The procedure is done once a week for 2 months.

A light nutrient mixture will help revive dull, weak, exfoliated curls. Egg yolk is ground with half a glass of kefir, 1 teaspoon of burdock oil and the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. The mass is distributed over the strands and scalp and aged for half an hour. You can wash it off with warm, but not hot water.

Herbal decoctions and fruit purees

For the treatment of oily exfoliated hair, choosing a recipe is not easy. Fruit masks, which include essential vitamins and amino acids, will help improve the condition of the strands. They compact the hair shafts, give curls elasticity and elasticity.


An overripe banana is pounded into gruel, combined with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey and whipped egg white. The mass is abundantly applied to the curls, a small amount is rubbed into the roots. After half an hour, the composition can be washed off by rinsing the head with a cool decoction of hops or lime blossom.

Colorless henna mask

To improve the appearance of very thin split ends, a mask from colorless henna. It restores hair shafts, makes curls elastic, lively, obedient.

A handful of chopped dried chamomile is poured into 0.5 cups of water, heated in a water bath for 5-7 minutes and infused for half an hour.

Then the broth is filtered through cheesecloth. 2 tbsp. spoons of colorless henna are diluted with chamomile decoction to the state of gruel. The mixture is infused for 20 minutes, after application, the mask is closed with a film and aged for 30-40 minutes.

You can wash off the composition with warm water without using shampoo.

from peach

Fresh peach mask will help to refresh and moisturize overdried split ends. It is especially good for combined strands with oily roots and overdried ends.

Ripe peach is peeled and chopped on a grater or in a blender. In the mass, you can pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid honey. The resulting puree is distributed over the strands and rubbed into the skin.

After half an hour, the remnants of the mixture are thoroughly washed off. A moisturizing mask can be made from apples, pears, melons or persimmons.

Gelatin mask

To restore the keratin layer and ensure the smoothness of the strands in powder.

A quarter cup of gelatin is diluted with warm water and mixed thoroughly. To completely dissolve the granules, the mixture can be slightly heated without boiling.

1 tbsp is added to the gelatinous mass. a spoonful of castor oil, the same amount of warm chamomile decoction and a few sandalwood or bergamot essential oils. The procedure lasts 40 minutes.

After washing off, the curls are rinsed with a cool herbal decoction. blond hair chamomile is suitable, dark - an infusion of hop cones or black tea.

Split hair is a phenomenon that is quite possible to deal with on your own, without the involvement of specialists.
. By supplementing your daily care with weekly nourishing and moisturizing masks, you can return your hair to a well-groomed and healthy look, prevent further splitting, and strengthen the roots.

split ends- a problem that has not bypassed most women.

Even if in appearance the curls seem quite healthy and shiny, often upon close examination, their division into two is striking.

The saddest thing- that the section is progressing. And the method of cutting the ends (when the hair is twisted into a flagellum and the hairs sticking out to the sides are cut off) does not bring the desired results. The hair gets worse after a while.

This hair problem may occur for different reasons. Here are the main ones:

  • dry hair, which is not eliminated in any way;
  • frequent stress;
  • violation of staining technology, for example, if the paint was overexposed;
  • malnutrition;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • high chlorine content in water;
  • perm.;
  • frequent use of a hair dryer, ironing, curling irons;
  • sometimes it can be the cause medication;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • bad care;
  • frequent staining or use poor quality paint.

As you can see, take into account and correct all factors almost impossible, although it is within your power to minimize more than half of them.

The best option the impact is internal: with the exception of obvious external damage like poor-quality staining, most often the problems are inherent in the body itself.

So if you use masks, effect can be fast, but to maintain it, you will have to do them often and without long breaks.

If you decide health problems, then the result will not appear immediately, but it will be long-term.

Perfect if you combine actions aimed at improving hair.

Start better from taking vitamins. You can buy a vitamin-mineral complex and drink it as a course (do not forget that there should be a break between courses!).

You can also purchase various vitamins separately: for example, take several kinds vegetable oils in a pharmacy.

The second option is better because the body will receive natural, not synthetic substances. But in this case, it is better to first take tests to find out which vitamins are missing.

Proper nutrition- the second step to improve the health of the hair. Review your diet: what is clearly lacking in it?

Must attend proteins (meat, cottage cheese, eggs, legumes, nuts), fruits and vegetables, more raw salads. Very often people neglect something from this list.

Reduce if possible harmful effect on hair: use less curling iron, straightener, hair dryer; use quality paint.

Use hair care products, balms and masks. The best thing buy them in professional stores: although the price is much higher, the result from them is much better.

Masks for split ends and brittle hair at home

One from the popular "among the people" since the days of our grandmothers' youth, the mask has been made like this:

  • A tablespoon of honey, the same amount or any vegetable plus one yolk, mix thoroughly. Honey can heat up a little in a water bath if it is thick and does not mix well.
  • Apply mixture on the ends of the hair (5-15 cm, depending on how cut they are).
  • Rub the rest into the scalp.
  • Cover with a bag, wrap with a towel.
  • Keep at least 20 minutes Ideally- one hour. After that, rinse with shampoo.

With regular use, this mask not only relieves from split ends, but also stimulates hair growth. It is enough to apply 1-2 times a week.

Another option - oil mask. To do this, you will need any pharmacy oil: sea buckthorn, burdock, and so on.

Last resort can do without ordinary vegetable, but the effect of it is noticeably weaker.

Heat a jar of oil - for this just a couple of minutes hold it under hot water.

Take a piece of cotton wool or a cotton swab. Apply a little oil to it and, moving the parting on the hair (as when dyeing), smear the scalp. movements must be slightly rubbing.

The rest must be applied to split ends. Wherein no need to "override" hair, otherwise you can only exacerbate the problem. Cover with a film or bag, top with a towel. You need to keep an hour. Wash off with shampoo. Most likely, you will have to wash your hair for 2 or even 3 times.

If you make masks for split ends of hair with any oil, you can get rid of the problem pretty quickly. But it is important that the frequency does not exceed once a week, otherwise you run the risk of encountering a new nuisance - increased fat content of the strands.

Another a good option- this is yeast mask:

  • Mix a quarter cup of kefir and about 20 g of solid yeast (pressed).
  • Leave in a warm place for 15 minutes.
  • Apply to the ends of the hair, wrap or cover with a film and a towel.
  • Wash off after 30-60 minutes.

You can make such a mask every two days, at least once a week.

Home rinses


In fact, a home rinse is a decoction of some kind of herb. Its use is very efficient method for the health of curls.

If you have split ends of your hair, useful mouthwash made from rose hips or chamomile flowers.

For this you need Throw them in boiling water and boil for another 3-5 minutes. After cooling, the rinse aid is ready.

It can be slightly diluted with hot water, but stored in the refrigerator not worth more than two days.

With the help of simple folk remedies you can bring your hair in great view without resorting to the services of expensive salons.