Congratulate the baby happy birthday 1 year old. Happy birthday greetings for a year old girl to parents. Funny birthday greetings

Twins for 1 year old

Congratulations on 1 year old girl

Little, wonderful, sweet baby,
May a star shine in the sky for you!
Let a wonderful, very bright flash,
She brightens up your life!

May you be only one year old today
But I just want to wish you
To beautiful, bright laughter ringing
Mom and dad have fun inspiring!

Your daughter was born - and exactly a year has passed,
A parent's dream come true! The table is set today
After all, the baby has an anniversary, albeit a small one -
But many friends gathered on such a special day.

We are in a hurry to wish your daughter the best,
Be healthy, become happy, good luck - from the heart!
Let the beauty grow and please relatives,
And in life he will find joy among any people!

We will not stop congratulating
Your princess girl!
Happy birthday, congratulations
Oh, how he looks with interest!
Another little baby
She's only 1 year old
But she's already wearing earrings
Very stylish, it suits her!
Let it grow healthy, strong,
She has a lot to learn!
Oh beauty, oh sweetie
Will conquer the whole world!

Happy one year, dear daughter!
Let the line run after the line
And brings you joy
Happiness, cheerfulness and luck!
We wish you everything
Happy birthday congratulations!

Let the cheerful Pinocchio
Gives joy, and Malvina
Will light you up with a smile
Good, clean, bright, unsteady!
And let the faithful Artemon
Will make bold like him!

Congratulations daughter
Happy anniversary, by the way.
Well, mom and dad -
With the first important date!
To laugh joyfully
She fell asleep sweetly.
Well, mom and dad
Let the daughter pamper.

Little princess birthday
I would like to wish you health
rich and healthy parents
And learn to shoot with your eyes.
First birthday is happiness
For the parents of a cute girl!
I want your princess to grow
Sweet, smart, gentle and happy!

In a smart dress, in lace socks,
How adorable is your miracle daughter!
The curls are fluffy, the eyes are shining!
She is a year old today - believe it or not!
It seems that yesterday I only cried in a diaper,
And today - what a nice girl!
Congratulations mom, dad and baby,
May you be lucky in life, as in a good book!
Let it grow healthy, smart, beautiful
And, of course, the most-most happy!

We are proud of our birthday girl:
She is one year old today!
While you can ask about the age -
Our girl is only growing
But the line is so convincing
That we should not hide joy:
Birthday girl - happiness! Parents -
Snatch at least a minute to sleep!

The very first birthday is a very important and exciting event! Some parents believe that at this age the child understands little. And most often the holiday resembles a primitive family feast. And very in vain. After all, even the little man wants to feel in the center of attention! At this age, this is the most important thing a parent can give to their child.

On this first birthday surround the baby with care and affection, create for him festive atmosphere so that everything is bright and colorful. Pay attention to the gift. When choosing it, one must take into account individual characteristics child. Observe what your baby likes, what he does most often. And most importantly - the gift should be for the birthday person, not for you. I think it's unlikely that you would like to get a new suit or sandals on your first birthday.

Also, when organizing, do not forget about the character of the girl. Create an environment that is comfortable for her. Let the baby feel like a real hero of the occasion!

Here is your first year
Happy Birthday Baby!
We ran to congratulate from all legs,
And you sleep so beautifully!

We quietly whisper congratulations to you,
We wish you health, love, beauty!
Listen to mom and dad, of course,
So that in life you do not know the poor!

Dear little girl,
A whole year has passed!
Happy Birthday, Sweetie!
Let everything around you bloom
Live, play, have fun!
You'll see, time will fly by so imperceptibly,
What will you become such a beauty,
What will look at you any.
As long as you grow up healthy and diligent,
Obedient, loving and tender.
Do not cry over trifles and sleep sweetly,
Eat well, be friends with the kids.
And cherish: both mommy and dad
And be rich in heart and soul.
Always be the first among all
So that we can hear your perky laughter
And gladly said
Such a gift was expected from late autumn
(that spring, that winter, summer we)
And may every new day
Only in a fairy tale opens the door!

We will not stop congratulating
Your princess girl!
Happy birthday, congratulations
Oh, how he looks with interest!
Another little baby
She's only 1 year old
But she's already wearing earrings
Very stylish, it suits her!
Let it grow healthy, strong,
She has a lot to learn!
Oh beauty, oh sweetie
Will conquer the whole world!

Happy first year!
Baby Wishes -
To make her life interesting
To have dolls, books.
Ribbons, bows, outfits,
Lots of tenderness and affection!
If mom and dad are nearby -
So life will be like in a fairy tale!

Time flies like a fairy tale
A whole year, an hour after an hour!
And today is my birthday
Your little one for the first time!
May everyone be happier, more beautiful,
Everyone is growing wonderfully!
And in your beautiful family
May happiness always live!

Congratulations daughter
Happy anniversary, by the way.
Well, mom and dad -
With the first important date!
To laugh joyfully
She fell asleep sweetly.
Well, mom and dad
Let the daughter pamper.

Mom for joy, dad as a reward
You have appeared, heir-joy.
Native, unintelligent, buttons-eyes -
You all attention, care and affection.
Grow up, please your mother with excellent health,
And the rest will come by all means.
Weak hands have a lot to do,
And the legs are waiting for a steep road in life.
Not everything will be easy - no need to get lost,
After all, mom and dad will always be there.
You will grow up generous with affection, participation.
To the delight of relatives, to mom and dad for happiness.

Your first holiday
The whole family is having fun!
Everyone is spinning around you
And they want to hug you.

Because this date
Feeling tender all warmed.
With your appearance
The world has become completely different!

The sun got warmer
The sky is clearer and brighter
Life has become sweeter than honey
And more wonderful - all nature!

Be happy, our little one.
Grow up a little more
Learn to read, write,
Songs to sing and dance!

We congratulate you all
We wish you a fabulous life.
Be obedient and beautiful
The kindest, cutest!

Happy first year to the beautiful princess. I wish you, sun, to confidently stomp along the paths of happiness, to hold tightly in your hands a ticket to a wonderful country. Grow obedient and cheerful, the most beautiful and talented, cheerful and brave, sweet and wonderful girl!

There is a reason for congratulations -
Year of your baby.
Let her become
Every day more and more beautiful.

Let it stomp forward
On your path
Where love and happiness await
Sweet little one.

To the whole family we are healthy
We also wish
Games, fun, strength, kindness.
We love. Congratulations!

Exactly one year ago you
Brought in a bag:
Receive, sign
This is your daughter.

Month after month
While growing up.
Exactly one year beauty
Became real.

Happy birthday girl.
Happy birthday, darling.
I wish all my life
You were happy.

Today is a holiday for the baby,
Today is your one year old!
We wish you to grow up beautiful,
Just to be smart.

Already smart eyes
Even the first words.
We wish you joy and happiness
And in the world only good.

Adversity and ailments let him not know
Let the soul fill with light
So that tears and grief do not know,
Health, light and warmth!

Happy birthday princess!
You are still very small.
You are beautiful, interesting
May it always be so.

I wish you more dolls
Just as glorious as you.
Grow to the joy of your mother,
To the joy of dad, you bloom.

Let one concern await you
And a series of adventures.
Be happy and healthy
Happy first year to you!

Your daughter's first birthday
Today is the year since she was born.
Life became immediately brighter and brighter,
There is no other such baby in the world!

May God bless her with health
Her life will be filled with love and kindness,
At night, let her always sleep peacefully
And let your troubles bypass the house.

Congratulations to your baby
Happy birthday.
Let beauty charm everyone
Grows to the delight of the environment!

We wish you not to get sick, not to whine,
Grow obedient and smart.
To be the sweetest, the best,
Endowed with gifts from above!

Let the family please with steps
What only timidly does.
Let boldly walk the earth
Our world decorates with itself!

A whole year to you, baby!
Glad and hare, and bear.
You've become quite big
It is very good!

Be healthy, our baby,
Run fast along the path
Eat porridge, drink compote,
To have a calm stomach.

You grow up and be happy
Kind, gentle, beautiful.
Please mom, dad, everyone,
You bunny are the best!

This year has flown by
You grew by leaps and bounds.
Your look is childish and angelic
Wise beyond his years.

And you already know so much
But there is so much more to come.
You can get around all the roads
You are on the adult path of life.

In the meantime, you're still quite a baby,
Goodness only lives in your heart.
And let in a small warm palm
Infinite happiness grows!

Today is exactly one year of happiness!
With which we congratulate you.
Let the child grow stronger and grow -
We wish from the heart.

May there be joy every day
Let miracles happen
And the beauty of the world always
Let the eyes admire.

Health, happiness and success
May they always be there.
Let it grow to your joy
Parents, consolation.


Dear parents, today we want to wish happy birthday to your baby and, of course, to you, because thanks to you, a small wonderful miracle was born, which is 1 year old today. We wish you to grow, flourish and develop. Health to your treasure, let joy be his friend, happiness, a faithful companion, love, protection and support.


Year is turning
Today, baby
I congratulate you on the holiday
Parents, hurry.

happy and healthy
Let the child grow
Let it be filled with happiness
Your home from year to year.

Warmth, love and tenderness,
Enough for a lifetime
I wish fate
The kid is happy.


Happy birthday congratulations
The first year has arrived!
We wish the child not to get sick,
To love mom and dad.

Let it grow big and strong
Protects you from adversity.
Are you proud of his life?
Let the example give you.

We wish you happiness in the house,
May the days be clear
And love overflows
And dreams come true!


So a year has flown by
The angel grew up
Words are heard in speech
It's time for you to stomp...

Good luck to you parents
Drive away failures ...
Let your baby grow
The world is beautiful to know!

Personally, you don’t know worries
A worthy child to raise
Live a happy family
Until the wedding golden!

Congratulations to parents on 1 year old girl / boy


Congratulations to the happy parents on the birthday of a glorious baby! A year is so little and there is a great future ahead, and let it be the brightest and most joyful of life, bright colors and interesting discoveries. We wish you well-being in the family, great love, family happiness and sincere care for each other.


A glorious holiday in your house -
Baby's first year.
Happiness, joy, smiles
And good luck to the big guy.

Let the baby cry less
And growing healthy
Surprise mom and dad
Day after day, year after year!


All in worries and in diapers
The first year has flown by
How many sleepless nights
Poor dad tried.

How many experiences
Fallen to the lot of mom -
It's the whole story
For Brazilian melodrama.

Difficulties are behind
Happy anniversary to you now!
Be full of tenderness
If your baby is whining.

Rest sometimes
From routine and from life,
May love and warmth
Your whole house will be full.

And the health of the whole family,
Happiness, strength, good luck.
Know it's no coincidence that God
You have been assigned paternity.


Congratulations on your first significant date from the first year of your beloved baby. I wish parents great patience, sensitivity of the heart and kindness of the soul, great opportunities, determination and good prosperity in order to raise a kind and wonderful little man. Well-being to your family, good health your child, peace to your home.


Congratulations to the happy and wonderful parents on the first year of their beloved and wonderful child. I wish you well-being and love, prosperity and good luck, joy and light, warm hopes and true good luck. Let the baby grow and explore the world with interest. Good health to your sun, beautiful life and good luck.

Touching birthday greetings 1 year for parents


Your child's year
Let him laugh out loud
Let dad and mom please,
Let the smartest one be
May he be healthy
Don't let him wake you up early!
And parents - patience,
Strength, health, inspiration!


Congratulations! your child
Raised from his diapers.
Will go far now
After all, he is one year old today!

Let the path be smooth
Let the legs stomp on it
More and more confident
Luckily for you.


The year went by so fast
How the child has grown!
We wish you that he
Growing up as a healthy baby
To laugh, have fun
Learned everything new
To listen to mom and dad
And in everything he was the best!


How quickly time has flown by
Your little one is one year old today!
Let him walk boldly through life
It goes without slowing down.

And may it always sound to your joy
Happy, sonorous children's laughter.
May the burden not know grief,
Lives without any obstacles!


Congratulations, wonderful parents, on your child's first baby. I wish that your family is always happy and strong, that your miracle is healthy and cheerful, that your every day is filled with kind smiles, fun fun, vivid photos, vivid emotions and memorable moments.

Poems for parents happy birthday child for 1 year


Baby is one year old!
How time flies!
Here he is smiling
He babbles and frolics.

Let the little one grow
Pleases with himself.
May he live with a smile
Sunny, dear!

Let love reign in the house
Happiness and peace.
Let the baby grow
Smart Golden!


All year round, all year round
Your baby lives!
He has grown three times
And his family is happy with him!

Congratulations mom and dad
Happy this important birthday!
And we wish you good health
To the younger generation!


Today your precious beloved child is 1 year old, than congratulations from the & nbsp; soul! Let it grow to the joy of mom and dad, health, smiles on small lips. Let the little angel have everything you need for a happy childhood! Happy first holiday daughter (son) you!


Today is your child's year
And it seems like yesterday
In such a beautiful envelope
Mom brought from the hospital.

Now manyunya is a miracle,
And your baby began to walk.
I wish you well, patience,
You will always live in harmony.

Let the baby grow up healthy
He does not know troubles, problems and evil,
The bad will recede from him,
His good deeds will be!


We congratulate you today
We wish you a happy family!
May your wonderful angel
Knows the whole world of our magic.

May it grow for the joy of all of us,
No failures, no tears, no problems...
Let only happiness circle around
Caresses the child with a gentle look!

And the first year of your life
Fill your cup with happiness
Love, wisdom and kindness,
Magic and fairy tale!

Congratulations for parents on a 1 year old boy / girl


Exactly one year ago suddenly the sun
Illuminated your life:
Appeared in this world
Wonderful baby!

Let it grow healthy, smart,
Bold, affectionate, kind.
May you always be sure
That we love our family!


Dear young parents, today your baby is celebrating his first birthday. We congratulate you on this significant event, we wish you to fully enjoy all the joys of fatherhood, feel pride in the achievement of your child, may he grow up strong and courageous, happy and healthy.


Today your beloved baby turns one year old ... It seems that just recently you & nbsp; were waiting with trepidation for his & nbsp; birth, and & nbsp; today this miracle is a year old and & nbsp; it gives us all smiles and & nbsp; a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness. We wish you many joyful moments together, patience and strength to raise a child and may he be healthy and happy relatives and friends for joy!


Parents, I congratulate you with a smile,
After all, your sweet child is already a year old!
I wish her to grow up healthy, I wish her to laugh,
And let fate completely take away the clouds of sadness,
Family - love, prosperity, to live comfortably,
You have a lot of patience - after all, there is a lot to come,
To rejoice your baby every minute,
In care, affection, so that they can raise her,
So that you do not know the need, appreciated the gifts from heaven,
We wish you an atmosphere of goodness and love,
Loving you to play with the baby and feed,
Grow her very strong, you gently helped!


Happy first birthday
Your child,
All of you moods
To laugh out loud.

kindness, patience,
Kindness and admiration,
And luck in everything
And success for a long time.

Let dreams come true,
Let love not melt.
Let the world smile at you
Fills you with happiness.

Funny, funny and comic birthday greetings for 1 year old child for parents


Congratulations baby
Happy first birthday
We've been waiting for this day
Long look forward.

I want you to grow
Smart and healthy
And he became beautiful himself,
The very kindest.

Congratulations mom and dad
With this great joy
Be happy together
To the whole wonderful family!


Congratulations on your baby's first birthday. The year has flown by imperceptibly and a festive Candle is burning on a huge cake. I wish that all the wishes that will be made on this mischievous light come true. I wish your angel to grow up healthy and gain strength faster. I wish him to please you every day, because his appearance exactly a year ago is a real miracle.


When you join the ranks of parents, happiness overwhelms your soul, and looking at what development a child goes through from the first breath to the first year of your life, your heart trembles with love, warmth and joy! I sincerely congratulate you on the most important date. Inspiration, patience, victories, be fascinated by the smile of a child, laugh, be an example. May fate keep you and give good health to the baby and the whole family.


It seems like quite recently
You have replenished
But a whole year has gone by since then.
And the child has a birthday
Congratulations to you, mom and dad,
Your baby has grown, changed,
And a year ago, on that wonderful day,
You have the meaning of life!


Today is a huge holiday!
Today is your anniversary!
After all, you didn’t close for a whole year,
His attentive eyes:

Didn't sleep on dark nights
You did not rest even the other day,
Walked home without breathing
Afraid to wake up the baby ...

Now almost everything is behind
And joy is in your chest.
But it's too early to relax:
He is not yet twenty!

Funny birthday greetings for 1 year old child for parents


Congratulations, dear parents, on your baby's first baby - such an important birthday! We wish you patience, kindness, joy from the achievements of the baby, let him grow big, healthy, obedient and happy! Blessings to your family!


Happy birthday, congratulations
Daddy and Mommy!
Be happy without end
Along with your paw.

The baby is already a year old -
The sun is rising
nature gave you
Baby - just gold!


congratulations all year round
The baby brings you joy in the house!
And even though sometimes it is so difficult with him,
It's impossible to live without it!
May he know the joy of childhood:
Laughing, jumping and playing
I wish you great health,
Grow your diamond with love
And also on the first birthday
All of you in a cool mood!


Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy birthday to us first.
It's been a year already
And your baby has grown up.
Likes to have fun playing
And something to talk about.
I wish you this joy
Save and let fatigue
Won't touch your shoulders
Save your energy.
Let the smile visit
Your house is lit up with light.
Develop and grow
And you keep each other!


Parents' holiday
Baby's first year.
Already with you
Walks along the path.

small feet
They stomp after you
small hands
They keep mom and dad.

May these moments
Time won't erase
May in love and joy
Your baby is growing.

Wishes for parents for 1 year


Happy dad year, mom year!
Happiness, sun baby.
Cake, fireworks, balloons - in the program,
Announcement greeting:

Let the child grow cheerful
Smart, affectionate, big!
From worries, the image is free,
With a pure sincere soul.


So happiness, anniversary,
The very first year
Your baby is already big
Walks slowly
Let it grow cheerful
Without the whims of others
The world will know faster
Sleep sweetly at night
Always smiling
Everyone without exception
And brings joy to you
Every moment!


Baby for a whole year
I hasten to congratulate him!
Wish You happiness and health,
So that the house is full of love.

Parents should wish
All dreams come true
To make you happy baby
He was funny, tough guy.


year for your son
Accept congratulations,
I want to wish the boy
Fabulous birthday!

To execute instantly
He has any whim,
To make him laugh merrily
And he was favored by fate!


Other people's children grow up quickly, and that's a fact. Recently, the baby was just lying and looking at everything around with surprise, and today he is already a year old! Let him please you more often with his cute antics, grow big, strong, healthy, smart and understanding.


Happy birthday to your child! We want to wish you great strength in raising a baby. Definitely health and love of relatives. This is your angel, may he always be lucky in life and good luck will be on his side.


Dear our parents,
Your child is already a year old!
You, as life givers,
Get a cake as a gift.

May it grow as a strong support,
May success please you.
You yourself live - with a hitch,
Even in the most difficult times!


Happy birthday baby!
Warmth, kindness, health,
Let the soul sing louder
Illuminated with love.

Happiness in the house all year round -
Smile more often
Let joy live in the soul
Weekdays making everything sweeter.

Let it be filled with comfort
In every corner of the heart
And minutes merge
In bright joy stream!


Celebrate one year
Today we baby
We wish him and you
Only peace, beauty!

May you be happy in life
May God always be with him
To avoid whims,
And love to keep warm!

Good health
Let your baby
To make the baby grow faster
And funny pranks to you!


Happy birthday to your little miracle that has been shining in your family for a whole year now! We wish you, happy parents, more patience and energy, indulge completely in your little and precious treasure, strong love, unshakable happiness and abundance in home circle. Let the baby grow strong and happy for your joy, give sweet smiles and incomparable emotions.

Performed today
One year old daughter dear,
This angel is like the sun
Gives us love, peace!
We wish her a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blaughter,
Life is bright, without worries,
Happiness, health, success,
Do not meet a hundred years of adversity!

Today my daughter turned one year old.
And in the bathtub a steamboat floats on the waves,
And after him a flock of yellow ducklings -
As if they want to congratulate the hostess.
Like the sun in the sky, the eyes shine -
And immediately forgotten: fatigue, diapers.
Worries, worries and sleepless nights -
A smile alone made up for it.
And the mother's daughter murmurs so smartly
That she does not want to wear this bow,
That music should be turned on sooner
And go dancing with a bear and a doll.
And the guests are about to knock on the door,
But the baby does not want to dress up in any way,
Runs away from mother's hands with laughter ...
So let the whole family rejoice in success
Clever little ones! May she be lucky!
May your daughter grow up healthy and beautiful!
May the sun always shine on her way
And great happiness will help to find!

Here is a little princess
The year is coming true!
Let the scarlet flower
Smiling more often!
Let it be healthy
Let it grow beautiful.
Good people let her
Meet along the way!...

One year old for you, baby!
Accept congratulations.
The first candle on the cake
With dad, blow with mom.
Let them walk confidently
little feet,
Unexplored yet
There are paths in front of you.
Be cheerful, mischievous,
But don't be naughty
To have an angel behind
Walked through life with you.

Today is the birthday
The little princess.
Today is exactly one year old
The girl has one.
We wish the princess
Grow only healthy
And listen to mom and dad
Loving the whole world is big.
smile more often
Get less upset
And be with mom and dad
Beloved, dear.
Be brave and skillful
Beautiful and obedient.
Be a good girl
Beautiful and native.

Our little daughter
Today is a year old!
Happy birthday, sweetie!
May you always be lucky!
Grow healthy and diligent,

Our little daughter
Today is a year old!
Happy birthday, sweetie!
May you always be lucky!
Grow healthy and diligent,
Obedient, smart and gentle!
Do not cry over trifles and sleep sweetly,
Eat well, be friends with the kids!
And may every new day
Only in a fairy tale opens the door.

Congratulations for a year to your beloved daughter

On this day so beautiful
Happiness has come to you forever -
Your daughter was born
Another life has begun.
Happy birthday baby!
Let it not be a naughty
Be smart and beautiful
Charming and sweet.
To grow up healthy
And bloomed like a rose.
Respected mom and dad
Never forgot!



We celebrate one year for you

We will all protect you.

Your princess is one year old.
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
We wish you health
Patience, kindness.
Now for your daughter
You need an eye for an eye.
Let there be less
Caprices and leprosy.
Let it grow beautiful
Cheerful, mischievous,
With parental love,
With back support.

Dear daughter, I will kiss you
I will give you a beautiful, big doll,
And I will put on a dress sewn in fashion,
Happy birthday, sunshine! You are one year old today.
I wish you always listen to mom and dad,
To learn, by all means, to eat porridge with a spoon,
It's good to walk and run, to speak clearly,
Be healthy and happy, my beloved baby doll!

Our little daughter
Today is a year old!
Happy birthday, sweetie!
May you always be lucky!
Grow healthy and diligent,
Obedient, smart and gentle!
Do not cry over trifles and sleep sweetly,
Eat well, be friends with the kids!
And may every new day
Only in a fairy tale opens the door.

Happy first year!
Baby Wishes -
To make her life interesting
To have dolls, books.
Ribbons, bows, outfits,
Lots of tenderness and affection!
If mom and dad are nearby -
So life will be like in a fairy tale!

Our little daughter
Today is a year old!
Happy birthday, sweetie!
May you be lucky!
Grow healthy and diligent,
Obedient, smart and gentle!
Do not cry over trifles and sleep sweetly,
Eat well, be friends with the kids!
And may every new day
Only in a fairy tale opens the door.

Happy birthday greetings to a daughter for a year

A year ago you were born
Gave happiness to mom and dad.
You - life together compliment,
Our favorite man!
We value you so much
Our delight, our sweetness,
Our daughter, our earthly angel,
Grow up for the joy of everyone!

Go baby, just go ahead
Joy and luck awaits you!
Grow healthy, love
For joy and fun to us!
May your life be happy
Like a fairy tale, miracles!
Thank you, dear daughter
For what you are in the world!
We wish you happiness
And dreams come true!
The year has gone by like a dream.
birthday, this is it
I knocked on your door today
A year has gone by like a day.

Our little daughter
Today is a year old!
Happy birthday, sweetie!
May you always be lucky!
Grow healthy and diligent,
Obedient, smart and gentle!
Do not cry over trifles and sleep sweetly,
Eat well, be friends with the kids!
And may every new day
Only in a fairy tale opens the door.

You are already a year old, our beauty,
There is no better than you in this world and more beautiful.
Looks like dad, a little bit like mom,
Our beloved angel, the only one!
We all congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you great health and happiness.
You are our long-awaited and rare flower.
May all be well with you, daughter!

We congratulate you, our beloved angel,
After all, you are for us, as if a gift from heaven,
So dear, so necessary,
Appeared like a miracle of miracles.
We celebrate one year for you
We want you, daughter, to wish
Always be smart, grow big
We will all protect you.

A year ago, a miracle happened -
The daughter was born in the family.
Life then turned upside down
Everything is very happy for the daughter.
And today I wish
She is successful and good,
Be healthy and obedient
Always be smiling!
Be cheerful and happy.
Troubles, problems, longing do not know.
Be good, be the best
Help mom and dad!

Happy first birthday
Congratulations for the little one.
Be more beautiful than all flowers
Mom and dad are happy with their daughter.
Eye gentle radiance,
The girl is charming
Bunny sleeps in a bed
The nose is tiny sniffles.
Be funny, of course
We sincerely wish
To eat well
She was smart and pretty.
Mom, dad, you have patience,
And love and respect.
May the holy angels
Protect your daughter!

A year ago, grandmothers did not know yet,
Grandfathers, and even mom and dad,
That a cute girl will appear,
Immediately becoming the beloved in the family itself.
Will suck porridge with milk,
Sweet smacking, smiling happily.
It will sulk, showing its character,
Fall asleep crying and swaddling.
We wish her to grow up beautifully,
Affectionate, obedient, neat,
To be a smile like the sun
Pleasant for relatives and non-natives.
Be sure to be the happiest
The smartest and most beautiful,
So that everyone wants to be proud of you,
Not just mom and dad!