Lactostasis treatment at home. What is lactostasis: symptoms and treatment. When you need a doctor urgently

Stagnation of milk in the mammary glands in a nursing woman is called lactostasis. Most often, this problem occurs in the first three months after the birth of the baby. Treatment of lactostasis at home takes place using simple, but effective means traditional medicine.

What is the main thing in the treatment of such a delicate problem

In order for the treatment of lactostasis in a nursing mother at home to be effective, you should know a few simple rules:

  1. It is necessary to regularly express milk or often put the baby to the breast.
  2. It is necessary that the child's chin touches the seal during sucking, then the young mother will receive a kind of massage of the gland that is clogged.
  3. Effective help with lactostasis at home is the application of dry heat to the mammary gland. You can simply heat the iron with a napkin from cotton fabric and apply it to the sore spot, repeating this procedure several times a day.
  4. The observance of the drinking regimen will also help to drain the stagnation of milk. Breastfeeding consultants advise women to drink as much clean, room temperature water as possible. Excessive hot drinks are prohibited.

Using the beneficial properties of cabbage

Effective treatment of lactostasis in nursing folk remedies is carried out using a cabbage leaf, selected from the middle of the head. First, you need to rinse it under running water, and then beat off the concave part a little with a wooden hammer so that the juice begins to stand out. If there is no kitchen hammer, you can use a knife, making small cuts over the entire surface.

The prepared sheet is applied to the chest and fixed with a bandage on top.

Important. Such a simple remedy helps relieve pain and will help reduce swelling of the mammary gland. You need to change it every 3-4 hours.

The use of the bow

There is a fairly simple way to remove lactostasis at home using onions. One medium-sized onion needs to be baked in the oven or microwave so that it becomes soft, you do not need to remove the husk. After cooling, cut it into several pieces and attach the cut side to the sealing site. The onion should be warm, but not hot, no discomfort should occur. It must be kept for an hour. Regular use such a tool helps to soften the resulting seal in the gland.

You can also treat lactostasis at home with the help of a cake made from onion and honey. A medium-sized onion must be chopped with a grater or blender, add 1 tbsp to the resulting slurry. l. honey, mix well. After that, gradually add flour, the dough should be elastic.

Note! Rye flour is best suited for this remedy.

When the dough is ready, you need to roll out a cake from it, attach it to your chest and fix everything on top with a bandage. This procedure is best done in the evening, leaving the compress until the morning. Therapy continues until the seal is completely resorbed.

The healing power of chamomile

Treatment of symptoms of lactostasis at home can also be carried out using pharmacy chamomile for this. To get the medicine you need to pour a glass of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. dry flowers of the plant, insist in a closed container for an hour, strain. Moisten a cotton cloth in the resulting infusion, squeeze out excess liquid and apply to the seal, leaving for half an hour. This procedure must be carried out 3 times a day, continuing treatment until the seal is completely resorbed.

Advice! It is necessary to take chamomile infusion inside 200 ml 3 times a day. It will also promote relaxation, which is important for psycho-emotional state nursing woman.

What else does traditional medicine offer

Treatment of lactostasis with folk remedies is often carried out with the help of eucalyptus. Several sheets must be poured with a small amount of clean water, brought to a boil, boiled for 15 minutes, then remove the fire, strain the broth. When the product has cooled to a comfortable temperature, moisten a napkin in it and attach it to the mammary gland, leave for 20 minutes. If you carry out the procedure 3-4 times a day, then you can get rid of the problem in just a few days.

In search of a way to get rid of lactostasis at home, you should pay attention to a raw potato compress. A few medium-sized tubers should be peeled, washed, chopped on a fine grater. Squeeze out excess liquid from the resulting slurry, spread the potato mass in an even layer on gauze and attach to the chest, fixing everything on top with a bandage. After 3-4 hours, the compress must be changed.

Important! A compress of crushed potatoes should be at room temperature, it is better to apply it after decanting or feeding.

What to do in case of milk stagnation in the first place?

To alleviate the condition with lactostasis, you need to know how to strain milk stagnation at home. First of all, you need to take a warm, relaxing shower, the water should be at a comfortable temperature. After a shower, you can wipe your chest with a prepared infusion of chamomile.

A woman should take a comfortable position for her and do a light breast massage, kneading the gland in a circular motion. With your thumb and forefinger, you need to begin to knead the stagnation, performing alternate movements from the nipple and back. The procedure must be done until the seal begins to soften at least a little.

Note! Hand prying is considered the best option with lactostasis. Using a breast pump can injure the mammary gland.

What to do if the temperature rises?

Treatment of lactostasis with fever at home begins with the mandatory three-time pumping. After this, the baby must be attached to the chest so that he must touch the seal with his chin. When feeding is over, a cold compress can be applied to the affected area, using eucalyptus decoction or chamomile infusion.

In folk medicine there is effective methods how to deal with lactostasis at home, the effectiveness of such therapy directly depends on its timely start. Using folk remedies you need to follow the recipe for their preparation and the rules for use.

Every nursing mother knows that there is such an unpleasant phenomenon as breast lactostasis. It must be avoided and, if possible, avoided. But is lactostasis so terrible and what is it in general?

Laktostasis - stagnation of milk in the breast of a nursing woman.

This is literally what it is: with lactostasis, the movement of milk through the ducts is disrupted and the so-called "milk plug" is formed.


Causes and symptoms of lactostasis

Perhaps, lactostasis has not bypassed any nursing mother, however, someone is faced with stagnation of milk every month, and someone once in the entire experience of breastfeeding. The most popular causes of lactostasis can be identified:

  • Rare change in body position. For example, a mother can feed her baby in one position for a long time or constantly sleep on one side. At the same time, some lobes of the mammary gland may be pinched and not emptied in a timely manner;
  • Squeezing the ducts with underwear. Many mothers, especially at the stage of lactation, when milk flows out of the breast during hot flashes, constantly wear a bra, including not taking it off at night. In underwear, some milk ducts can be pinched, which causes difficulty in the movement of milk in them;
  • Stress and accumulated fatigue can also affect the condition of the ducts of the mammary glands. The ducts spasm and the outflow of milk in this place is disturbed;
  • The cause of lactostasis may be an increase in the viscosity of milk. This occurs after eating certain foods (such as nuts), or from not drinking enough fluids (especially in the heat);
  • You can provoke stagnation of milk by constant pumping. Some mothers seeking to establish natural feeding are confused by the recommendations of grandmothers, and sometimes pediatricians, that it is necessary to pump the breast to the end after each application. Since milk is produced in response to sucking, or, in other words, in response to the emptying of the breast, pumping additional volume is regarded by the body as a signal for additional milk demand. As a result, by the next feeding, there is already much more milk: the volume sucked by the baby is replenished, and on top - the volume of expressed milk. Baby with it huge amount not coping, the chest overflows. Mom, in an attempt to correct the situation, pumps again and falls into a vicious circle with constantly overfilled breasts and stagnation of milk;
  • Sometimes milk stasis occurs as a reaction to a change in the weather. It's hard to explain, but breastfeeding consultants have noted a spike in lactose intolerance cases during these periods.

Video: reasons. symptoms, remedies, prevention of lactostasis

Symptoms are not difficult to recognize:

  • Localized swelling of the mammary gland, inside which you can feel the seal;
  • Soreness of the site of blockage of the ducts;
  • Redness of the chest in the place where the stagnation occurred;
  • Temperature rise. If the temperature on the thermometer approaches 39, this is a dangerous sign that may indicate the onset of purulent-inflammatory processes in the chest. At this temperature, you definitely need to see a doctor.

(clickable. REMINDER)

Causes, signs, what to do and what is important to remember about lactostasis for a nursing mother


With the treatment of lactostasis, (if this process has not yet reached a critical point), any mother can handle it on her own at home. All actions with this problem are designed to restore the movement of milk in the clogged duct - that is, it is simply necessary to drain the stagnation.


The best assistant in decanting the breast is the baby himself. The child should be applied as often as possible to the sore chest, including at night (). Most often, this is where the treatment ends. However, if suckling is very painful for the mother, first you need to alleviate her condition by manually expressing some milk:

  • With the help of heat, you need to improve the outflow of milk. You can apply a warm compress (for example, a towel soaked in hot water), take a bath or stand in the shower for 10 minutes, directing water to the chest area;
  • With very careful movements, massage the chest in the place of stagnation. Can be used massage oil or cream;
  • We express a little milk only until the condition is relieved and the pain is relieved;
  • At the end, we remove tissue swelling with a cold compress applied to the chest for 5-10 minutes.

After manual pumping, be sure to attach the baby to the breast so that he suckles to finish the job. This sequence of actions can be done 2-3 times a day.

Video: how to express breasts with lactostasis


You can relieve the pain of lactostasis with the help of compresses or ointments. The most effective are compresses from very affordable products:

  • Cold cabbage compress. The leaf needs to be beaten off a little so that the juice goes, and attach to the place of compaction in the chest;
  • Honey compress. Honey is mixed with flour to the consistency of a tight dough, a cake is formed from this mass and applied to the chest;
  • Compress from cold low-fat cottage cheese.

Any of these compresses with lactostasis is applied to the chest for 15-20 minutes.

Video: how to treat lactostasis folk methods at home


From medicines the cream "Traumeel S", the ointment "Arnica", the solution "Malavit" helps well. It is better for a nursing mother to always have any of these products in the first aid kit.


If massage, pumping and compresses help solve the problem, then some actions can only aggravate it. Mom does not just need to warm her breasts, not before pumping, or smear with warming ointments, alcohol. Camphor-based ointments are strictly prohibited - even when applied externally, this component can greatly inhibit lactation.

Whether to feed with lactostasis

The answer is unequivocal - yes. With any barely noticeable signs of stagnation of milk, the mother should often apply the baby to the "diseased" breast. No amount of pumping, even after a massage, can deal with breast emptying like a baby.

In order for the baby to effectively resolve the stagnation, it can be applied to the chest in different positions, based on which part of the mammary gland formed "milk cork". There is such a rule: in which part of the breast the chin of the suckling child rests, from that part he best sucks milk. Based on this rule, you can choose one in which the baby will actively suck "problematic" shares.

Prevention of lactostasis

The best prevention of lactostasis is properly established breastfeeding. The rules are very simple:

  1. Periodically change your feeding position (link to various poses above).
  2. Don't wear tight bras" past life". Many mothers after childbirth, for aesthetic reasons, continue to wear the same underwear that they wore before. However, the breast size of a nursing mother usually increases, in addition, ordinary underwear has hard seams and bones. When feeding, it is better to wear special bras. As a rule, they have a soft cup, no bones, they gently support the chest without constraining it.
  3. Do not deny yourself rest. Household chores can be postponed for later, because overwork is an important factor in the occurrence of many health problems.
  4. Stick to those recommended by a nursing mother and drink enough fluids.

The occurrence of lactostasis is a common “working” situation for a nursing mother. You should not be afraid of this, because timely actions help to solve the problem that has arisen quickly enough. What is really worth focusing on is your own feelings. With any hint of induration and pain, it is worth considering restorative measures, then there is practically no chance of serious problems.

When to See a Doctor

Basically, all mothers successfully cope with the elimination of lactostasis on their own, but you need to be on the alert, and in some cases be sure to consult a doctor:

  1. If a heat does not fall for more than 2 days.
  2. If in a few days the seal in the chest does not decrease.

Most women, having been discharged from the hospital, face a lot of problems, one of which is lactostasis. If you recall the history, then in ancient Greek, “stasis” means motionless, and “lactum” means milk. It turns out that lactostasis is the stagnation of milk.

The mammary gland consists of several lobules, each of which has its own duct for secretion to the external environment. Usually there is a blockage of one of them, then several segments may be involved in the process. The severity of the symptoms of lactostasis depends on this.

lactostasis is the most common problem breastfeeding

Milk accumulated in the lobules of the mammary gland leads to increased pressure on the surrounding tissues. Due to this, swelling, compaction and soreness are formed. Then systemic manifestations develop in the form of fever and general weakness.

Ultimately, a secondary infection joins and purulent mastitis develops, in which, as a rule, antibiotic therapy is performed or surgery is performed. All these signs of lactostasis can be caused by several reasons.

External causes of the disease lactostasis

1. If the shape of a woman's nipple is not ideal (flat, inverted), then it is much more difficult for the baby to take the breast, so you often have to use pads or express.

2. The narrow ducts of the mammary glands can contribute to lactostasis, since plugs form more easily in them, especially if the milk is high in fat.

3. Among the preventable factors in the development of this disease, in the first place is the incorrect attachment of the child to the breast and hourly feeding. Especially often this is faced by women who have no one to help and suggest.

4. Another reason may be squeezing the excretory ducts with a tight bra or your own body if you sleep on your stomach. Some breastfeeding mothers hold their breasts with their hands, which may interfere with the outflow from some lobules of the mammary gland. The same thing happens under the influence of gravity, that is, milk from the lower areas departs worse.

5. Injury or hypothermia of the breast can be provoking factors for milk stagnation.

6. A cracked nipple makes feeding painful and uncomfortable, makes it difficult to latch on and leads to poor drainage.

Internal causes of lactostasis disease

With hyperlactation, secretion is significantly increased. More milk is produced than the baby can eat. In this regard, a large volume of unused fluid constantly remains in the mammary gland.

With dehydration, stress and lack of sleep, milk can become thicker, and, therefore, the likelihood of blockage of the milk ducts increases.

How to understand that lactostasis has developed: symptoms of the disease

As with any disease, the success of treatment depends on early diagnosis. Therefore, every woman needs to know the main symptoms characteristic of lactostasis:

  • Soreness of the mammary gland;
  • Compacted areas that can be felt;
  • Tubercles and irregularities protruding above the surface;
  • Redness of some areas of the chest;
  • Discomfort that occurs during feeding;
  • With a common process - weakness and fever, as with a viral infection.

What to do if a woman has lactostasis

At the first signs of lactostasis, it is necessary to try to empty the slice with stagnant milk, as the symptoms increase very quickly. The stronger the swelling and inflammation in the mammary gland, the more difficult it is to drain the required area.

Urgent Action

First aid for lactostasis is carried out on its own and includes several algorithms.

the child is a good helper in the fight against this disease
  • Frequent breastfeeding helps a lot. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that not only the nipple, but also the areola is in the baby’s mouth, there are no various sounds indicating that air is being sucked in. For drainage of certain areas of the breast, special postures have been developed to help the milk drain under the influence of gravity. It is necessary that the chin or nose of the child is on the side of the affected lobule. It is also desirable that the seal be higher than other parts of the chest. For example, with stagnation of milk in the upper lobes, it is good to use the jack position.
  • A light water massage with a warm (not hot!) shower before feeding will expand the milk ducts and facilitate the removal of milk from a sore breast. During feeding, you can also lightly stroke the hard area from the periphery to the nipple, helping the baby drain it. Do not forget that there is a danger of overdoing and damaging the chest.
  • A cool (not cold!) compress after feeding will relieve swelling and pain.
  • Before giving the breast to the baby, you can express some milk from other lobules of the gland. This will make it easier for the baby to empty the painful area. In no case should you express after feeding. In this case, milk production will reflexively increase, which will only worsen the situation.
  • You need to carefully consider the choice of underwear. It should be supportive, but not tight.
  • It is advisable to sleep in such a position so as not to squeeze the chest.

What not to do when signs of lactostasis appear

Experts do not recommend limiting fluid intake, because milk will become more viscous from this, and its excretion will worsen. It can also be dangerous to use compresses with camphor alcohol. First of all, because of the unpleasant smell, which is unlikely to please the child. In addition, camphor can impair lactation.

stopping feeding is not always right, doctors say

Many inexperienced young mothers stop feeding the baby from a sore breast. This is completely false. Child - the best remedy in the fight against lactostasis. Just do not let relatives dissolve stagnation due to the high risk of infection.

It is categorically wrong to stop breastfeeding in a state of lactostasis. Firstly, it will negatively affect the baby, for whom there is nothing more useful than the milk of his own mother. Secondly, stopping feeding can increase intoxication and most likely lead to the development of purulent mastitis.

You can not express at night. At this time, in response to stimulation of the nipple, prolactin is produced - a hormone responsible for the amount of milk.

You should consult a doctor if there is no improvement within a day and at the first signs of mastitis.

Laktostasis: medical care

There are special obstetric teams that provide pumping services at home. If you cannot soften the pathological area on your own, then you should trust the professionals.

In some situations, physiotherapy is prescribed to improve the outflow of fluid. Usually this is an ultrasonic effect on the compacted area. To accelerate the healing of cracks in the nipples, you can use electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory drugs that promote regeneration.

In extreme cases, with infectious complications, it is possible to prescribe drugs that suppress milk synthesis.

Self-administration of such pills can be potentially dangerous.

Prevention of symptoms of lactostasis

In order to protect yourself as much as possible from the possibility of such an unpleasant condition, it is necessary to properly attach the baby to the breast, feed on demand and try to change positions.

It is also advisable to wear a special bra and sleep in a comfortable position. Using these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing lactostasis.

I want to talk about lactostasis. It so happened that several times I had to seriously try to solve this problem. The first time it came to mastitis and abscess, and I even had a small operation.

The problem of lactostasis, unfortunately, does not bypass any nursing mother (with rare exceptions). But it is necessary to warn and overcome it as soon as possible so that the whole process of breastfeeding is not upset. Of course, there is enough information on this issue, but I want to talk about the knowledge that was useful to me - I read a lot of literature and forums, and chose what was close to me, and, thank God, I solved the problem of lactostasis.

Lactostasis is a blockage of the milk duct, the cause of which is poor emptying of the breast or part of it. The breast consists of lobes (according to various sources - from 12 to 20), and each lobule has its own duct in the nipple. When it is felt that some kind of breast lobule is thickened and hurts, sometimes there is redness and swelling. If you express the breast, it is clear that milk is pouring from the nipple in a smaller number of streams or from some part of the nipple it drains a little, while from the rest of the parts it can still flow in streams.

Causes of lactostasis

To prevent lactostasis, you need to know the reason why it occurs.

Also, mastitis can be a complication after an illness. For example, if a woman was sick, she may develop infected mastitis in about 2 weeks - you need to keep this in mind and take extra care of your breasts.

Infected mastitis is already an inflammatory process and its treatment should be medical and timely. As a rule, a course of antibiotics is prescribed that are compatible with breastfeeding - do not stop breastfeeding at this point, otherwise you may never return to it. There is no need to be afraid of antibiotics - the disease is much more dangerous for both you and the child. In addition, you must definitely continue to express. Without pumping, medical treatment will not be effective.

Pumping should not be done manually - so that the infection does not spread to neighboring breast lobes. It is better to use an electric breast pump for this. It is impossible to do warm compresses with infected mastitis, as they can provoke an abscess. If all measures of treatment of mastitis are effective, then pumping is completed on the 10th day.

And I still had an abscess. Lumps of stagnant milk did not disappear in any way, and a purulent sac appeared inside. The main thing with an abscess is not to panic about the fact that you can only feed on one breast. You will be able to feed the child with this one healthy breast - and the right amount of milk will be produced, you may just have to feed a little more often.

Drainage is placed on the sore chest to remove pus from the purulent sac, plus, again, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. Medicines are also selected compatible with breastfeeding. Pumping continues with a breast pump (in order not to affect the purulent sac, manual pumping is not recommended). Pumping is also needed so that lactation in the affected breast does not fade away, and after the end of treatment, you could return to feeding the baby from both breasts.

Self-treatment of mastitis is unacceptable, but it is quite possible to cope with lactostasis on your own, the main thing is to carefully monitor your breasts and take action in time.

I wish all breastfeeding mothers never experience this problem! But forewarned is forearmed!

I congratulate all-all with the coming New Year! May our children be healthy and happy!

What is breast lactostasis in a nursing mother, many know firsthand. This unpleasant disease is caused by stagnation of milk. For a number of reasons, one or more milk ducts become clogged. In this case, milk cannot find a way out, accumulates in the milk lobules, stretches them. That is why the tissues surrounding the crowded lobule swell, inflammation occurs, and painful sensations appear. What causes milk stasis and how to get rid of it?

Causes of lactostasis

Most often, lactostasis occurs during the first two weeks of breastfeeding. During this period, lactation has not yet been debugged, milk does not come "on request" baby.

There are many causes of lactostasis, but among them it is customary to single out three:

  1. Wrong application. Often, inexperienced mothers do not pay attention to how the baby eats. As he took the breast himself, he sucks. It is not right. Follow the correct grip, if necessary, consult with more experienced mothers. To this reason, long breaks between feedings are often added, most often at night.
  2. Compression of the chest. This can be facilitated by tight and not very comfortable underwear or an uncomfortable position during sleep. If you are a big fan of sleeping on your stomach, give up this habit for a while while you feed your baby.
  3. Stress and physical activity. Constant stress takes a toll on the body. Get out of this state as soon as possible. Physical activity is good for the body, but in reasonable "doses". Do not overdo it.

The reasons listed above are the most common, but this does not mean that there are no others. Breast lactostasis can occur due to the following factors:

  • flat nipple, in which the correct grip is complicated;
  • too much milk production, which the baby can not cope with;
  • excessive pumping after each feeding;
  • narrow milk ducts, which prevents the normal exit of milk;
  • too thick or fatty milk;
  • sluggish sucking of a child due to prematurity or illness;
  • cracked nipples.

About the reasons:

Not always lactostasis occurs due to problems associated with breastfeeding. It can begin to develop with various injuries, bruises of the chest, or due to hypothermia, which causes narrowing of the milk ducts. No wonder even our grandmothers had such a concept as "to chill the chest".


The first symptoms of lactostasis - a nursing woman feels discomfort and pain in the breast area. The chest becomes dense, edematous. Moreover, the seal will appear where the stagnation of milk occurred. Also among the first signs are reddening of the chest. At this stage, there are still no tangible changes in well-being. Therefore, at the first symptoms, you need to start decanting and massage the mammary glands.

If at the initial stage it was not possible to cope with the disease, the chest quickly swells and turns red. The gland becomes hot, painful. A nursing mother begins to feel weak, her body temperature rises, chills and nausea appear. Expressing milk by hand becomes a painful procedure.

At this stage, the baby refuses breastfeeding. It is already uncomfortable for him to grab a hard chest.


Exclude any alcohol compresses, ichthyol and Vishnevsky ointments are also prohibited. No warming effect is needed unless you want to treat later .

If after 2-3 days the disease has not receded, antibiotic treatment should be started. Most often prescribed augmentin or amoxicillin.

In any case, the treatment regimen should be selected only by a specialist.


After you have ensured the outflow of milk from the overflowing lobes, it's time to resort to breast massage. It is important to follow certain guidelines. Basic rules for breast massage with lactostasis:

  1. The main goal is to relax the existing seals, so we massage the chest without forceful pressure.
  2. When massaging, the hand should move from the base of the breast to the nipple. This will help the milk to come out.
  3. Movements should be spiral, they must be performed clockwise.
  4. If massage causes pain, you can do it in the shower. The water should be warm, not hot.

How to express with lactostasis

We have already talked about the benefits of pumping. But not everyone knows how to do it. Proper priming involves the following:

  1. Grab your chest with your hand. In this case, the thumb should be on top, and the rest to hold the chest from below.
  2. Grasp the areola with thumb and forefinger. In this position of the hand, a bumpy surface should be felt.
  3. We begin to massage this unevenness, making movements towards the nipple.

If you did everything right, the milk will come out in “friendly” trickles. You don't need to pull on the nipple itself. By pumping with this technique, you will experience a minimum of pain. Or maybe you won't feel it at all.

Before pumping, you can briefly make a warm lotion. It will help the milk to come out more freely.

See how to massage your breasts and express milk:

If you feel that you cannot cope with the disease on your own, it is better to consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

If you were unable to get rid of the disease with the help of pumping and massage, you can start using the advice of traditional medicine. All this together will not leave lactostasis a chance.

It has long been considered a good remedy for this disease. cabbage leaf. The leaves should be washed well and cuts should be made in them to extract the juice. A cabbage leaf is fixed on the sore chest for about three hours. This method reduces chest pain and helps to reduce fever. Cabbage leaf compresses are recommended to be changed every 2 hours.

Can also be used chamomile decoction. To do this, pour 2 tbsp. spoons of boiling water collection. We insist an hour and start making lotions. You can repeat up to three times a day. You can use the infusion only in the form of heat. Hot lotions will only accelerate the formation of pus and the development of mastitis.

Another way to "drive" lactostasis - onion cakes with honey. We take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped onion, mix with honey in the same amount and form cakes. We apply to the sore breast no more than three times a day.

To treat the breast before feeding, you can use decoction of eucalyptus. It is easy to prepare it: pour the eucalyptus leaf cold water and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.


The main measure in the prevention of lactostasis is frequent feeding. If you feel that your breasts have filled up, and the baby refuses to eat, it is better to express milk a little. Only not completely, but to the state of softness of the chest.

Feed the baby in. Then different lobes of the breast will be emptied and you will not leave the disease extra chances for development.