How to understand that a man likes you psychology. How can you understand that a guy likes you? Attention, you are special

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Many women's minds are tormented by the question: "How to understand that a man likes you?". But one hundred percent answer to such a question is difficult to find. It happens that a man does not show his interest in any way, simply being afraid. However, if you take a closer look, you can notice a number of signs that show that a man feels sympathy for you.

Signs that a man likes you

Carefully observe the behavior of a man and his change. If you like him, he will always strive to look good in your eyes. You can notice that with you he is more talking loudly as if trying to get your attention.


  • Pay attention to what pose there is a man, if you are near. If he likes you, all his gestures will be open in a conversation with you, palms and arms are open. This happens unconsciously, and the man will not be able to control it.
  • He will often throw gliding, wandering glances at you, as if evaluating. He looks at your reaction, at one or another of his actions.
  • Being next to you, he automatically straightens clothes- his desire to look good in your eyes is manifested.
  • When talking, pay attention to the guy's posture: a man who likes a woman often unconsciously puts forward toe of one foot towards the object of your interest.
  • His torso is somewhat tense and the top of his head stretches up - this is how a guy interested in a girl tries to look higher in her eyes.
  • When you look into his face, you will find that his eyebrows slightly raised.
  • In Your presence, he is obviously worried: twists the ring on his finger or pulling the watch strap.
  • How to understand that a man likes you by his posture? If a guy standing with hands on waist, which means that he subconsciously wants to show his physical strength, as well as self-confidence. In other words, he wants to please the interlocutor. And of course, the woman he's unconsciously trying to impress likes him.

The image above clearly demonstrates the poses of men, each of which feels sympathy for a woman.

Signs that a guy needs you

If a woman notices that a guy is looking at her with parted lips and slightly widened nostrils, then she can be sure that her appearance aroused his admiration.

The young man smoothes his hair or, on the contrary, involuntarily shaggy it. This gesture indicates that he is trying to look more attractive to you.

Feeling a cool breeze, the guy carefully offers you his jacket or sweater. Know that he considers you his woman, he is ready to protect and protect you!

The subconscious of a man is arranged in such a way that he definitely needs to touch the woman he loves. If, during a conversation with you, he, as it were, accidentally touches your shoulder or take you by the hand - it means that he is clearly not indifferent; more and do not puzzle over how to understand if a man likes you.

How to know that a man is not indifferent to you?

You can be sure that you are his beloved woman if you are talking with a loved one and during the conversation he begins unconsciously repeat your gestures. For example: You take out a phone from your purse, he immediately mechanically takes his mobile phone out of his pocket, and so on. These gestures are a clear sign that he likes you very much.

A man will try to show himself in all its glory, demonstrating what he is capable of. If he has a good physique, he will dress and stand in such a way as to better emphasize the curves of the muscles. If a man is very smart and understands a topic that interests you, you should contact him for advice. This will be almost equivalent and can serve as the beginning of your future relationship. At Your approach, a man who likes You will start to get a little nervous, which can be easily seen: he blushes, loses his thoughts.


A man's smile can say a lot, just like his eyes. Notice if he starts to smile when your eyes meet, then this is a sure sign of his sympathy. The longer and more closely he looks at you, the greater his interest. The look of an interested man also often stops at your lips.

Tactile sensations

Men basically love everything not only with their eyes, but also crave to touch the object they like. Therefore, he will try to touch You, perhaps by accident. Pay attention if he tries to accidentally run into you, hug in conversation or touch your hand(be it Cancer, Aquarius or Capricorn), then we can say for sure that he likes you. But, it is worth noting that some people generally relate to everyone due to the habit of stroking someone on the arm or shoulder. If you saw that a man touches many people in the hall, then you should not think that everyone is just as attractive to him.

Attitude towards other girls

Pay attention to his attitude towards other girls present. If this man likes you, then he will treat you not like the rest of those present, but as if highlighting you. If he communicates like this with everyone, then accordingly he equates you with everyone.

Violation of personal space

Each person has a personal zone, a comfort zone, it is equal to a meter or an arm's length distance. If a man tries to stand much closer than this distance, then he, as it were, deliberately invades your privacy, thereby emphasizing that you are his, and he wants to be much closer than on friendly terms.

But, even despite all these signs, any woman who liked a man will subconsciously look for all the moments that would indicate that this man really likes her. Here you need to be more careful, you should soberly assess the situation, and look at everything without daydreaming, and then you will definitely notice his attention.

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Orthodox calendar

Saturday, January 18, 2020(January 5 O.S.)
31st week after Pentecost
Saturday before Epiphany.
Eve of the Epiphany (Epiphany Christmas Eve)
Shmch. Theopempta, ep. Nicomedia and martyr. Magus pheons (303)
Rev. Synclitica of Alexandria (c. 350)
Saints' Day:
Rev. Simeon of Pskov-Caves (1960). Prop. Micah (IX BC). Rev. Apollinaris (c. 470). Rev. Fostiria (VI). Rev. Fostiria (VI). Rev. Mines (VI). Rev. Gregory of Akrita (c. 820).
Memorial Day of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Mch. Joseph Bespalov and 37 martyrs with him (1921); mts. Evgenia Domozhirova (1933); ssmch. Sergius Lavrov presbyter (1934); mch. Matthew Gusev (1938).
Lent (Epiphany Christmas Eve - Eve of Theophany).
Marriage is not performed on the eve of the feast of the Holy Theophany (the Baptism of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ).
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In lit.: -Holiday: Ap.: 1 Timothy 3:14-4:5 Ev.: Matthew 3:1-11 Under credit:Ap.: 1 Tim. 1:15-17 Ev.: Luke 18:10-14 At the 1st hour: - Acts 13:25-32; Matthew 3:1-11 At the 3rd hour: - Acts 19:1-8; Mark 1:1-8 At the 6th hour:- Romans 6:3-11; Mark 1:9-15 At the 9th hour:- Tit. 2:11-14, 3:4-7; Matthew 3:13-17
Morning: - Ps.109-111; Ps.118 For eternity: - Ps.1-8

At a young age, everyone has fantasies, expectations, fears and ideas imposed by TV and the Internet about how boys and girls should behave in communication. This often prevents building a truly harmonious and joyful relationship.

Every girl has been in a situation where a guy likes, but he does not show much signs of sympathy. You really want to attract his attention, as well as be sure that you will not be rejected and you will not find yourself in a stupid situation. So how do you understand that a guy likes you if he behaves with restraint, or you don’t see him as often as you would like?

In contact with


The most important rule that every girl should understand is that guys are quite simple in life. They do not like to complicate anything, come up with complex moves, strategies, intrigues to conquer the object of their dreams. If he likes a girl, he will tell her about it directly, or will provide indirect signs of attention to let her know about his claims.

Often a girl is embarrassed to ask older women (mothers, sisters, aunts) "how to understand if a guy likes me." Peers, due to little experience, also do not know how to win his favor. But there is nothing complicated or top-secret about it.

Many young people are still boys at heart, who make it clear about their sympathy by pulling the pigtails of girls. At an older age, instead of pigtails and blows with a briefcase on the head, sharp jokes, jokes, often offensive and rude, are used. If you see that some guy “does not give you a pass”, trying to “pin up” or somehow pry, understand: he is interested in you and he needs your reaction. You need to understand: he wants you to pay attention to him.

Maybe he hides his feelings?

The most important thing about how to understand if a guy likes you is to look at his actions. Many people can't always understand the non-verbal cues that guys send. Another reason for the difficulty in determining personal likes and dislikes is the fantasies that all young people and girls between the ages of 14 and 20 are prone to.

Many girls draw their ideas about the opposite sex from films, TV shows, books, magazines and other sources where fiction prevails. This is very important to understand. Some stereotypical plots from romance novels have nothing to do with reality, but it is precisely them that girls most often project onto familiar guys.

Let's look at which of these stereotypes are usually always wrong in reality.

Secret admirer, or the real James Bond

Imagine: you like a guy who behaves with indifference to you or whom you see quite rarely. Many girls who like a guy in such a situation tend to come up with an imaginary image of a certain James Bond.

They may fantasize that their subject is with great skill. Outwardly, this looks like indifference on his part.

We'll have to upset you and dispel this illusion: a guy who behaves indifferently, and in fact is indifferent to you. In ordinary life, even the most shy, constrained or insecure young man makes it clear that he is interested in you.

delayed love

This situation is a bit similar to the previous one, except that communication between the girl and the guy is completely absent. For example, a girl may only see a guy in the mornings at the bus stop or in the school corridor among high school students.

Most often, all that makes girls think about how to understand that a guy likes you if you are not communicating is a rare eye contact.

If a girl likes a young man, then she may imagine that he is also interested, but does not dare to take the first step. But in fact, everything is much simpler.

Usually men are attracted to women with whom they have more than eye contact. There should be communication in which the girl shows her best qualities. Most often, romantic relationships occur in the same company. If this is not about you with your object of dreams, then the chances that he secretly dreams about you, but does not dare to approach, are extremely small.

This does not mean that the guy could not appreciate you from a distance. Young people always notice attractive girls, noting the merits of their appearance, figure, etc. Your subject could also notice and appreciate you. But if you know that you are in his field of vision for a long time, but he does not make any attempts to approach you, then you need to understand that you are not particularly interested in him.

So how do you know if a guy likes you or not? When a girl is not indifferent, the guy will try to approach her as much as his self-esteem, upbringing, communication skills with the opposite sex allow. This is the easiest way to understand that a guy likes a girl.

If, after meeting you, a young man began to visit your company more often, often appears in your sight, starts small talk with you, tries to joke, be clever in your presence, then this indicates his sympathy for you.

And vice versa: if a guy doesn’t really try to communicate with you, goes about his business / friends / company, doesn’t distinguish you from other girls he knows, then you need to understand: you haven’t captured his heart yet.

How to understand what you like?

It’s normal for a girl to want confidence that she didn’t imagine, but a spark really ran between her and a new acquaintance. So how can a girl understand if a guy likes her for sure? In different situations, there are different signs of sympathy for you from a guy.

By correspondence

Social networks are one of the popular tools for understanding the attitude of the object of sympathy towards you. There is nothing reprehensible for a girl to write to a guy first, to make a friend request. After all, you do not immediately make it clear about your feelings. It's just an introduction.

You can limit yourself to neutral phrases like “Hello”, “How are you?” or ask something on the topic of conversation when meeting (for example, ask him to throw him the name of the movie he was talking about).

We give a hint on how to understand by correspondence that a guy likes you. If the most difficult thing - the beginning of communication - has already been completed, now the ball, as they say, is on his side. According to your communication with him on VKontakte, you can pass a small test - do you like the guy you like.

  • ... the young man willingly asks counter questions (“how are you doing?”, “what are you doing?”);
  • … the ratio of his and your messages is more than 50/50 in his favor;
  • ... he writes first after the previous conversation has exhausted itself, suggests new topics;
  • ... the guy is trying to have philosophical conversations, trying to seem smart, joking;
  • … a young person likes your posts and comments;
  • … dumps music, movies, links on your wall;
  • … tags you in photos with friends;
  • … willingly comments on your posts;
  • ... new people have been added to you - friends of this young man.

If at least four out of ten of these points correspond to his behavior, then the question of how to understand if a pen pal in VK likes you will no longer bother you. And so everything is obvious.

At school

How to understand that a guy likes you at school, any girl seeks to find out. Everyone has an object of sympathy among classmates or high school students. By his actions, you can understand the attitude towards you, just observe. Young people have two strategies for dealing with girls they care about. A guy who is more confident in himself and his abilities will provide positive signs of attention:

  1. say hello first when you appear;
  2. start a conversation on topics that interest you;
  3. sit down with you at the same desk;
  4. come to change;
  5. feed something.

All these are direct signs of his sympathy for you, and in this way the guy wants to establish a full contact with you and makes it clear that he wants more from you than just friendship. He may not say directly “I like you”, but his desire to be there, communicate, somehow help already make it clear about his feelings better than any words.

There are also negative signs of attention that are provided by young people who are not very confident in themselves or who have a past not very successful experience of communicating with a girl. His behavior will be dominated by the desire to show in every way that you are indifferent to him, but he will do it emphatically and even feignedly:

  • diligently avoid eye contact with you (hide your eyes, turn away);
  • talk in a company with everyone except you;
  • shut up and frown if you start talking to him yourself;
  • to speak emphatically sharply and even rudely, although they did not give reasons for this.

This is an easy way to understand that a guy likes you if he hides it. This model of behavior with the object of desire is also familiar to girls who, for some reason, are sure that they will not be able to please. But sympathy is usually stronger, and even an insecure young man wants to see a girl who excites his heart. If a guy is hostile to you, but is still nearby, then you can understand that he likes you, but he desperately resists his feelings.

How to distinguish fantasy from reality?

In connection with the above, girls sometimes have difficulty understanding that a guy likes you, but he hides his feelings. It is important not to confuse non-verbal attentions with negative connotations with indifference. Don't try to see something that isn't really there.

A guy who doesn't care about a girl:

  • behaves in her presence in the same way as in the company of his male friends;
  • does not try to attract her attention, surprise;
  • does not seek her approval through jokes or clever stories;
  • does not show signs of respect for her as a girl (in her presence she can swear, make obscene jokes, even if she knows that she will not like it);
  • does not try to look in her eyes better than it actually is.

In other words, if his behavior does not change in any way with you (in a positive or negative way), then most likely he does not think about you.

If you don't communicate

Many girls are interested in how to understand if a guy likes you if you do not communicate. This may be a high school student or a student from another stream. If you saw him several times, and he saw you, but communication did not happen, then you can understand that the guy is not interested in you. Otherwise, he would approach you or do something to get your attention.

But if you saw a young man for the first time and want to understand what impression you are making on him at the moment, you can check him on several points. To understand everything, you need to catch non-verbal signals.

It is easy to understand how he behaves if a guy likes a girl:

  • eye contact - he looks in your direction;
  • if everyone in the company laughed at some kind of joke, then the guy at that moment is looking at you;
  • his movements become more sweeping;
  • he starts talking/laughing louder, making noise.

Each person always seeks approval from someone who is interesting to him. If someone in the company joked funny, causing laughter, then this is the best moment to see who sympathizes with whom. Each person, while laughing, looks at the one whose approval is important to him - this is the law of psychology and the easiest way to understand that a guy likes you. When everyone laughs, and he looks at you, then this should tell you quite unambiguously: he likes you.

Elements of non-verbal psychology

Psychology gives effective advice on how to understand that a guy likes you by his behavior. There are many non-verbal indicators of overt sympathy.

We offer a small test on how to understand if a guy likes you:

  1. he begins to get involved in the same things as you, and does it in such a way that you see it (for example, he begins to collect information on his VKontakte wall about your favorite musical group);
  2. seeks to match your ideas about how a real man should look / dress / cut / behave (for example, if you announced in a company that you love guys with a fashionable haircut, then the guy makes himself the same);
  3. learns the same skills as you (for example, learns to ride a skateboard, if you are fond of this sport);
  4. in your presence refuses rude and vulgar jokes, even if it is customary in his company to behave this way;
  5. tries to be useful to you (for example, finds and sends you links to materials for an essay).

If at least two of these signs of sympathy are present in his behavior, then everything is very simple to understand: he is secretly in love with you.

Look, eyes

Usually a girl knows how to understand by the eyes that a guy likes you. Everything is quite simple here: each person tends to look at the object of desire as often as possible.

The sight of a girl you like triggers the release of endorphins in the brain, which trigger the pleasure response. Therefore, a guy who likes you will involuntarily look at you more often than at other people.

How do you know by looking that a guy likes you? Eye contact can occur in different ways:

  • the young man stares at you;
  • when you speak, he looks at your lips;
  • when he speaks, he looks into his eyes.

There is another simple way to understand by looking that a guy likes you. Sometimes shy young people begin to “play peepers”: you see with peripheral vision that he is looking at you, but as soon as you turn your head in his direction, he quickly looks away / lowers his eyes or turns away. Usually only this gives a sure hint that the guy likes you.


There is one simple secret of how to understand by gestures that a guy likes you. Loud speech, as well as sharp and sweeping movements of a guy in the presence of a girl, are manifestations of the ancient instincts of procreation. Male primates, in order to attract the attention of a female, perform a kind of dance during mating games, moving sharply and actively.

In men, this also often works at the subconscious level. When you see that in your presence a guy starts waving his arms, makes various somersaults, makes sudden movements, accidentally drops something, and his speech becomes louder, then everything can be understood without words. He is instinctively trying to get your attention.


On a subconscious level, we always strive to hug and touch the one we like. If a guy likes a girl, then you can understand this by the position of his body.

The main signs of sympathy at the level of the body can be called:

  • the desire to reduce the physical distance (the guy tries to get as close as possible);
  • standing or sitting next to you, the young man spreads his arms wide (for example, puts his straightened arm on the back of the sofa at the level of your neck);
  • during the conversation, the guy leans with one hand on the wall, blocking you.

All poses with arms wide open make it clear that the guy on a subconscious level wants to hug you.

Test: do you like the guy you like

Young guys 14-19 years old are not always able to express their feelings directly, but they never miss a chance to prove themselves in the presence of a girl they like and make it clear about their sympathy. How to understand that a guy likes you? A simple test will help you with this.

Answer "yes" if the statement is true:

  1. A guy after meeting is more often in your field of vision. For example, he comes to the same bus stop as you, although before that he got on at a different stop, or, under some pretext, seeks to join your company.
  2. The young man finds pretexts to ask you something, calls on some issues that theoretically he could solve himself.
  3. The guy is trying to make you laugh, telling jokes, anecdotes and carefully watching your reaction.
  4. He is trying to "pin" you, just for the sake of causing a reaction, even if it is negative.
  5. The guy is trying to attract the attention of the whole company, doing some bold (in his opinion) actions, although under normal conditions it is not common for him to be in the center of events.

If you answered “yes” at least in three cases, then everything is obvious: you are clearly not indifferent to him.

The simplest thing is to be in his field of vision, to communicate in the same company with him. In informal and relaxed communication, each of us has every chance to express ourselves and our personal qualities that attract people.

As the experience of generations shows, the more naturally and naturally a woman behaves, the more chances she has to win the sympathy of her object of dreams. That's all there is to understand about relationships. Drop any pretense, do not try to pretend to be someone that you really are not - all this is visible from the outside and usually repels people.

For a guy to fall in love with you, you don't need to do anything special to get his attention. Enough:

  • be friendly, smile, not be silent, joke in the company;
  • do not do too bright makeup, look natural;
  • not be constrained, overly clamped, shy;
  • have your own interests, hobbies, hobbies - you must live your interesting and eventful life, and not be in the waiting mode that someone will find and love you;
  • show interest in the guy, his affairs and hobbies, try to understand his problems and sorrows, but do not overdo it.

Useful video

If, after reading everything, you still have some doubts about what a guy feels for you, then the video below will help to completely dispel them:

In contact with

Have you got your eye on the guy? Not sure if he feels the same? Finding out that you like someone of the same sex as you is not easy, confusing and a little scary...

But if you, on the contrary, wait for such signals - or check the situation - then you can find out everything!

Method 1. Bearing signals!

He mirrors your gestures
When people listen intently to each other, they subconsciously imitate the body language of the interlocutor. The next time you engage in some interesting discussion, cross your arms, rest your chin on your hand, bow your head slightly, take a sip from your glass, and so on. If he does the same, it means that his attention is focused on you.
Don't waste this experiment on mere chit-chat, unless his mind is engrossed in what the two of you are saying, the method may not work.

He smiles and maintains eye contact
Boy buddies platonically loving each other smile at each other. They also maintain eye contact. But if your guy looks at you for a long time while smiling widely, he behaves much more intimately than most straight people with each other.

He averts his eyes
Okay, let's say he doesn't stare into your eyes, but if you catch him turning away sharply as soon as you look in his direction, it means that he is looking at you until you see it. Of course, if there is no food sticking to your cheek, then his game of staring may mean that he is interested in you.

He wants to know everything about you
Guys do not have the ability (and desire) to unravel the threads of the personal lives of their buddies. If your boyfriend asks a lot of questions about your life, interests, hobbies, friends, and, most importantly, feelings, it means that he is not content with chatting and wants to get to know you on a deeper level. Or you are just his best friend.

He touches you unnecessarily
Straights may greet each other with a high-five clapping, squeezing each other, and may even slap their butts in a playful manner, but most of them will not feel comfortable with touching outside the "rules of the game".
If your guy allows himself to touch your arm, put his hands on your shoulders, stand behind you, hug you, or find an excuse to pull a speck out of your hair, he is probably trying to penetrate your intimate space - or even checking how you react to his advances.

He gets nervous when you are around
Does his palms sweat, does he laugh out of place, or does he stutter when you are around? This means that he is concerned about what you think of him - which means that he is trying to impress you.

He gives you a nickname
In a male company, it's common to give a nickname to someone who does something memorable, but if your boyfriend comes up with a nickname for you just because, especially if you haven't done anything outstanding to earn this nickname, then he shows how meaningful your relationship is.

He tries to cheer you up
Everyone has a buddy who is a perpetual prankster and a lover of crowd attention, but if a guy makes a special effort to make you laugh, then he is either trying to cheer you up (are you feeling sad lately?), or he flirts with all his might.

He treats you differently than other guys
Not all guys are open in the manifestation of feelings. Gays, in particular, may hold back until they are satisfied that it is safe to do so.
If he does not give you any hints at all, then you should go from the opposite. Avoids looking you in the eye? Does he talk to you quickly, briefly, or in monosyllables? Never-ever touches you? And so he behaves only and exclusively with you and no one else?
Well, then he either really doesn't like you (however, if he can't find an excuse not to be in the same room with you, then he probably isn't) or is struggling with his feelings for you.

Method 2. Reconnaissance in force

Try light touch
Try to touch his hand as if "by the way", by chance. If he quickly pulls away, then he is not interested - watch his facial expression. But if he does not move away immediately, slowly, or does not remove your hand at all, then he may be interested.

Move over to him
When you're sitting on the couch, move closer to it, just like in the movies when a guy tries to put his arm around a girl's shoulders. Don't turn to him right away. If he moves away from you, it reduces his chances of being attracted to you. But if his reaction is subtle or non-existent, and even more so if he repeats your gesture, then this increases the chances that he is interested.

Ask directly
Well, not literally - don't ask him to marry you. But at this stage, if he responds to "accidental" touches and obvious interest on your part with the return of these gestures, you just need to make assumptions out loud. Say something like, "You know, I think you're sending me some hints, and I'm wondering if I understand everything correctly. Are we just friends, or is there something more?" Give him a chance to think about the answer - don't rush him. Maybe he is not sure about his feelings, or maybe this is his first experience. He may not have a clear idea of ​​how he feels. If you are still in doubt, then you must say that you find him attractive and do not hide it. If he smiles or nods, that's a good sign.

Give it time
After you have openly indicated your interest in him, wait. If he's interested in you, he'll show up very soon. If he doesn't show up, then he's probably starting to avoid you. If it's enough for you to stay just friends with him, give him some time, and then get in touch yourself. But don't flirt with him at all - show him that you wouldn't mind more, but "just friends" is OK too. If he's straight, there's nothing you can do about it. But if he's interested, give him some more time to think things through. Don't write him off if he doesn't immediately ask you out on a date. Keep in touch and be patient.


1. If you are at work, and he looks at you, constantly walks around, makes some sounds or starts talking with other people, but ignores you, this means that he wants to attract your attention, that is, he likes you, but he doesn't know how to show it.

2. If he often teases you, grabs your things and runs away, forcing you to chase him, then he probably likes you. If you are in a vehicle and he sits opposite you and shoots his eyes, then he probably likes you. But, the biggest mistake that you should not make is not showing any interest in him in return. You make him feel bad...

3. If he sits next to you and cuddles, then he likes you, but if he is a touchy boy, then he will tease you, so do not be upset.

4. Try to remember the first time you met him. If he behaved unusually (his pupils suddenly dilated, spoke strangely, etc.), and still behaves like that, then he still likes you, but he does not know how to tell you or does not want you to know for one reason or another (for example, because of internal homophobia).

5. If you are fooling around and he likes to look at you and smile and then walks away, this is a definite sign of interest.

6. Pay attention to whether he starts acting flirty when guys are around, or he flirts with girls. Most guys who love you will try to make you jealous of the other.

7. If you're sitting alone on the couch in the living room and your crush comes to take a seat, take note if he sits right next to you or touches you.

8. If you are at a pool party, pay attention to whether he looks in your direction all the time and looks away immediately, as soon as he notices that you burned him. Any guy who deeply cares about you will be nervous, wondering if you're gay or not. Look for signs - like when you're watching TV and he's staring at you all the time, but immediately turns away as soon as you notice his gaze.


1. Don't act like you don't like him! It's painful and confusing, and he may fall behind you altogether.
2. Keep in mind that he may actually be straight and you have misinterpreted his signals.
3. If you yourself are straight, and you became aware of his homosexuality, then respect this fact. Don't tease or bully him as this is homophobic behavior.

The difficulty of starting a relationship lies in the difference in perception between the male and female genders. There are times when a young man has been in love for a long time and is embarrassed or afraid to show his feelings first, and she does not suspect that she is the object of adoration. And sometimes a lady may perceive a simple flirting as a real interest and will mistakenly try to build a relationship. In order not to make mistakes, you need to study the behavior of a man gradually and carefully, you need to know how you can understand that a guy likes you. Of course, no guesswork can replace a direct heart-to-heart conversation, but it's not always convenient to ask about feelings.

Revealing sympathy

Pay attention to the following points:

  • Courtship and care are the main components of the love beginning. If a representative of the opposite sex gives you flowers, sweets, chocolate, invites you to a cup of coffee or to the movies, these are unambiguous signs of his serious intentions.
  • Another clear manifestation of feelings is an increased interest in business: interest in work, study, hobbies and empathy for failures or problems.
  • Also, the stronger sex personalities try to touch their companion, give a hand in transport, slow down with a light movement when crossing the street, open the door to the car.

Adult, self-confident men, resolute and not shy, rarely waste time on romantic hints, they immediately offer the girl to meet.

The main signs indicating youthful sympathy

It is much more difficult to know how a member of the opposite sex feels about you when it comes to young teenagers. Inexperienced and modest, they skillfully hide and disguise their feelings, emotions, afraid of being exposed, misunderstood or facing non-reciprocity. However, there are signs that a guy likes you.


It most clearly expresses the inner world and mood of a person. In any case, the young man will consider the girl he likes. Rarely will he look openly, smiling funny and not taking his eyes off. Usually this happens quietly, furtively. If he glances askance at you, even during a conversation with others, or peers intently, thinking that you do not notice him, all this speaks of indifference. Another factor of interest is wide pupils when studying the object of adoration. In some cases, this is not only a banal interest, but also falling in love.


Sometimes words are not as important as body movements. After all, if the conversation can be controlled, then the behavior of a lover is much more difficult to hide.

  • If during communication the interlocutor put his foot forward, then he created protection and support for himself, and this indirectly speaks of his uncertainty in the personal presence of a lady. The toe of the shoe is also considered an arrow pointing to the subject of sighing.
  • Near a woman, a young man wants to look slimmer, more solid and taller. Therefore, most likely, he will begin to straighten his shoulders, straighten his posture, retract his stomach or strain his biceps.
  • A young man in love often automatically repeats your movements. You straightened the strands - he touched the hair, you looked at the clock - he glanced at the dial.
  • How to understand and determine if a man likes me or not? Watch his manners, gestures - when in a personal conversation he often arches in your direction, does not cross his arms, on the contrary, he is open and ready to listen to you for a long time - tender feelings are clearly born between you.


If you know each other well, talk to each other for a long time, but discuss only general topics. There is no hint of feelings. How, then, to understand what the guy liked by his actions and behavior?

  • Analyze whether he often looks into your eyes, how long he holds him or, on the contrary, looks around, avoids you. Remember, shy people are embarrassed by direct eye contact, even if the companion is beautiful and charming.
  • See if he easily interrupts you, gets distracted by others, forgets what you were talking about, mid-sentence and looks at the phone without apology. This behavior indicates the fact that communication with you is not a priority for him, and interest is minimized.
  • How to understand that a guy likes you? The conversation itself is also important. Watch for the semantic meaning of phrases, an abundance of compliments, personal questions, interest, and a number of questions about past relationships. If a partner talks to you about problems or troubles, a bad mood, he values ​​​​you, because such information is not discussed with unpleasant people.

View the correspondence. A young man interested in a relationship is not rude, jokes and tries to be nice, polite, does not point out flaws, rarely criticizes, but supports, is interested in being active in social networks. networks.

How to understand if a guy likes you or not, by his manners and behavior

Any girl should be extremely careful when choosing a partner, it would not be out of place to ask for advice from her friends, close relatives, those who sincerely desire happiness and will not envy. You can read a lot of books on how to check if a man likes you, but you should not rush to the first one who shows interest. If you are confident in his integrity and want to establish a long-term relationship with him, take a closer look at his mannerisms, gestures and emotions.

  • Listen to him: if he says he has already seen you, it is often flirting and only 10 percent of the time he means that he has already met you.
  • How to recognize a look and determine that a man likes you. Modest, shy - he will be afraid to look into your eyes, become nervous, absent-minded and inattentive. However, it is important to understand that excessive indifference, ignoring the conversation can indicate indifference.
  • A provocative question will confuse the interlocutor, but immediately open all the cards. Invite your companion to go to the cinema or cafe, go out into nature together. If he does not need you, he will start looking for excuses in the form of being busy at work, feeling unwell, or having meetings scheduled for this time.
  • And the most effective method of how to find out if a man likes you is to ask to do something. If he willingly agreed, this is already 50 percent certain that he cares about you. But then you need to be imbued with his topic of conversation. Try to avoid unnecessary questions, and listen to the subject of adoration.

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How to understand that he likes me: signs of sympathy for a stranger

If, constantly communicating with a person, you get to know him more and more and can guess about the existence of feelings, then with a complete stranger, it is much more difficult to understand interest.

  • Guys are afraid to take the first step. The fear of disappointment that a girl will not share feelings with him sometimes stops a man. But eye contact, smiles and winks can indicate interest. Modest representatives of the stronger sex blush if they see that you are looking at him.
  • Sometimes a guy can find out about you through acquaintances, be interested in your life, ask for a phone number. If you received a message from a stranger - most likely, he was not just mistaken.
  • When you are nearby, and he is standing in a crowd of acquaintances, he will want to prove himself, seem witty, make jokes, and skillfully maintain a conversation.
  • You can always ask for help, even from a stranger. Hold the bag, find the right audience at the institute, office at work. A person in love with you is unlikely to refuse such small services.
  • Politeness. If you are not indifferent to a man, he will give you a seat in transport, let you go ahead in line, he can say an unobtrusive, light compliment.

Well, the main method is to ask or talk about feelings directly. To do this, you can ask him to walk you home. Thus, if a guy is shy, help him open up.

Sympathy for a colleague

We spend most of our time at work. Therefore, novels with employees are rather a natural manifestation of frequent communication. However, family ties, reputation, company charter force many to keep their emotions to themselves and carefully hide feelings. How do you know if the man you're working with is interested in you?

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  • Being alone with you, the young man will flirt, try to touch you, ask uncomfortable questions.
  • A colleague in love wants to see you more often, comes up with questions, gifts, invitations, finds any excuse, just to be near your workplace.
  • An interested interlocutor will support you at meetings and planning meetings, shield you in front of your superiors, try to help you cope with the tasks, cheer and inspire.

Showing affection through email

In the age of modern technology, many young people meet on the Internet or chat a lot during the day, maintaining a recent acquaintance. Sometimes the chosen one delays with a meeting proposal. Therefore, naturally, a girl is interested in the question of how to determine whether a man likes you or not, by analyzing electronic messages. Here are some clear signs:

  • With your “online” icon, he immediately starts typing, writes regularly and often.
  • In general, it is not so easy to get a guy to constantly correspond, but if a phone with a messenger becomes his favorite pastime, he is in love.
  • If we talk about social networks - in addition to constant messages, he likes photos, posts, constantly appears in the chronicle, comments on posts.

Sympathy test

If a guy likes you, then a few simple tests will help you understand this. These are rather small experiments that do not give a 100% result, but add up the assumption of the presence of sympathy. Try to use several of them, but not in a row, but after waiting a little time.

Test #1

It's very simple. Break a pencil and talk about your problem, show your helplessness when opening a water bottle or closing a zipper. Pretend that you accidentally twisted your leg - if the guy rushes to your aid - this may indicate interest.

Test number 2. Direct look

Such a test is purely psychological in nature or a mirroring effect. Catch the gaze of the man you are interested in, and after a few seconds look at the chronometer or look at the phone, and then again look at him. If he duplicated your actions, he is definitely interested in you.

Test number 3. "Provocation"

What you won't do to find out if a man likes you. Think of a situation about going to the theater or cinema with a friend who refused at the last moment, leaving you without a companion. If the chosen one willingly offers his company, then he is not indifferent to you. Don't go overboard with "trials" or he'll catch the test.

It is necessary and important to draw competent conclusions

There are many signs by which you can determine that a guy likes me. Often girls perceive banal politeness or responsiveness for the manifestation of tender feelings, and modesty and silence for indifference. Therefore, it is worth considering specific examples, perhaps in one of them you will find your own, similar situation.

  • In a chance meeting, your friend will find out how you are doing at work and how your studies are progressing. Most of the time, it's just an attitude and nothing more.
  • If a potential boyfriend releases hot compliments in your direction, tries to flirt or ask uncomfortable questions, but does not hurry with confessions, this is a sign of gallantry. Perhaps this is his highlight. Often men admire the beauty of girls without attaching much importance to it.

Remember, no tests and checks, conjectures, guesses will replace a heart-to-heart talk. If your relationship has a future, they will begin with this conversation, and if not, you will stop hovering in the clouds, leave illusions, dreams and switch to a new object of adoration.

Reading time: 2 min

How to understand that a guy likes you? This question arises in many girls after meeting an interesting guy with whom it is pleasant to spend time. Suddenly, the young lady begins to understand that she feels for the young man not only a friendly feeling, but something more. I would like to tell the guy about this, but there is no certainty that he will share this feeling. And of course there is a desire to know, but what is a friend experiencing? How can you understand that a guy likes you if outwardly he does not show it in any way? Male communication with a young lady can actually tell a lot. Psychologists identify a number of signs that help determine that a young man has a certain sympathy for the fair sex.

Signs that a guy likes you

To understand whether a guy perceives a girl as a friend or has tender feelings for her, you should pay attention to the following signs: how the guy talks, what he does, you should analyze how often meetings occur with him and much more.

Psychologists highlight the following points that allow you to understand that a guy likes you:

It is important to focus on whether the young man is making eye contact. If yes, then this indicates that he likes the young lady. It often happens when you like a girl, but because of his timidity, the guy looks away. It also indicates love;

You should focus on whether the guy is easily distracted by those who approach him. If he easily and immediately forgets what they were talking about, then the girl herself is not so important to him;

It is important to fix attention on what the young man says, because what he brings up in conversations can be a good indicator of a favorable attitude;

If a friend is teasing or joking, then this is a good sign that the guy wants more and is thus sympathetic;

If a young man shares personal information or talks about his experiences, family problems, then perhaps he would like to move on to a more serious relationship;

If a guy makes subtle compliments to the female mind, admires his appearance at a meeting - this also indicates deep sympathy;

If a young man tries not to look brutal in the presence of a girl, but jokes with his friends, expresses himself in obscene words, but behaves correctly and refined in front of his chosen one, this means that the girl is dear to him;

If the chosen one asks about his personal life and tries very carefully to find out if the girl is dating someone or talking to other guys, then this is a likely sign that he would like the girl to dream about him;

It is important to pay attention to how a young man speaks about other women, this can make it clear if he has one girl that he needs;

If a young man asks for advice on how to win the heart of another girl, then this indicates that he perceives his girlfriend as a good friend;

If he is always skeptical of all females or says that he cannot find a suitable girl, then this may imply that, in his opinion, the right girl is the one who is now next to him;

If a young man behaves like a womanizer, this indicates that he is either trying to make him jealous or he is really chasing victories on the love front;

You should pay attention to how the guy speaks when talking on the phone. If a young man is shy in real life, and expresses emotions more freely on the phone, in this way he shows sympathy;

You can understand that a stranger likes you on the phone if his voice is excited and he is extremely polite, so he is trying to impress;

You can understand that a pen pal likes you if, when communicating by e-mail, the young man tries to impress with spelling and wit, so he tries to seem smart;

If in messages a guy tries to be funny or polite, sends emoticons, nice words, then most likely he wants to develop relationships in the future;

If none of the signs is noted from all of the above, then this does not mean at all that the guy does not like the young lady. Most likely, the young man prefers not to openly declare his feelings yet;

It is necessary to focus on what the guy is doing, this will help to understand that the guy likes you; gestures are body language that can really make it possible to understand that he wants to cuddle with you, and not just communicate;

It is important to notice whether the young man often "accidentally" touches the girl;

When young people sit nearby and the guy touches his knee, or his fingers linger on the female fingers while passing something, this indicates that the girl evokes far from friendly feelings in him;

If a girl catches a glance at herself from head to toe, then this means that the young man is in love and admires;

If a young man looks away when suddenly the girl noticed that he was looking at her, then this is a sign of interest and a desire to hide this moment;

Understanding that a guy likes you can tell the guy's body, which is also involved in the conversation. If a young man often leans towards a young lady to say something; if the body is turned towards the girl, and the arms are not crossed on the chest and are free, then this is a sign that he is open to his interlocutor and is happy to communicate;

You can understand that a familiar guy likes you by what he does for a young lady. For example, he tries to be a good friend, pleases in small things, pleases with insignificant gifts;

A sign that a guy is falling in love is the provision of any kind of service;

If a young man takes care, pampers his girlfriend with sweets, buys whatever the girl wants, comforts her when she is upset - this;

If a friend really cares, then such a young man will always be there to listen to problems and help solve them;

You should pay attention to how a young man behaves in the company of other ladies. If he communicates with other persons in the same way as with his girlfriend, if he also touches them, teases them, then perhaps he is a womanizer;

If a guy is reluctant to tell his girlfriend about interacting with other females, this implies that he already imagines her as his girlfriend;

You need to pay attention to whether the guy is trying to be with the girl and whether he wants to move to a new stage in the relationship. This can be judged from how often the young man invites to meet, whether he tries to be close in the company of peers, whether he wants to sit at the same desk at school, whether he wants to be a partner in the game;

You can understand that a guy likes you by conversation from how often he says "passed by, decided to come in?" If a young man explains why he wants to see you, then this indicates that he is embarrassed by his feelings and is strongly attracted to his girlfriend;

You can understand that a guy likes you by behavior by analyzing how often meetings take place and what leisure young people do on dates;

If a couple does what is typical for married couples - shopping, cooking, then this means that these relationships go beyond friendship and the young man sees his future chosen one in his girlfriend;

If, while walking, a young man invites other friends, then this indicates that he sees a friend in a girl;

If, when meeting, he invites other couples, then this means that he wants to build a relationship with a girlfriend;

If a young man invites his sisters, brothers, closest friends or introduces his parents, then this is a sure sign that he is serious about the girl;

A lot can be gleaned from what a young person is really thinking, considering how long and often the couple communicates. If not a day passes without communication, then most likely the young man is in love, but if meetings with him occur once a month, although he lives nearby, then it is likely that he has no feelings, except for friendly ones;

It is important to pay attention to how long the meetings last, and if the young man cannot end the conversation and leave on a date, then this is a sure sign that he has something more than friendly feelings for his girlfriend;

To understand that a guy likes a girl, it allows where the guy invites you to dine together (noisy bar, restaurant or student canteen). The last institution clearly does not inspire romantic experiences. Of course, you should not attach great importance to the place where you were invited. This will only suggest an attitude towards a girl, but it is not able to tell about everything;

Meeting time is also of great importance in order to understand how much a guy likes a girl. It can be the key to resolving the issue of how seriously a young man takes a girl and whether he wants to continue the relationship. It is important to pay attention to what time of day meetings take place: in the afternoon or in the evening, and on what days of the week: weekends or weekdays. If meetings take place during the day, then the relationship is at a friendly level, but this does not mean that he does not want more. Meetings on weekdays can also indicate friendly relations;

You can carefully casually ask your friend's friends what they think about your relationship, this will help to find out how much the guy likes the girl;

You can understand that an ex-boyfriend likes you by the following signs: he finds far-fetched reasons to call a girl, these conversations last longer than usual, he ends the conversation on a positive note, says that he is pleased to hear a voice;

If the guy is shy, then you need to show yourself first: kiss the young man, hug, take the hand. Such behavior will help the young man to prove himself;

To understand whether a guy likes you, you must first confess your feelings. This must be done casually. If a young man does not share feelings, you should not make a tragedy out of this, as this will bring suffering, so it is better to reduce everything to a joke. Having lost the hope of a romantic relationship, you can keep a good friend for life.

If necessary, then you should take a break in the relationship. It happens when falling in love develops into true love. In this case, you should take a break in friendship, because it will be too painful. After the girl cools down to the guy, you can start seeing each other.