How to crochet ribbon lace patterns. Ribbon lace crochet video

Ribbon lace is a type of openwork that is used to finish finished products, as well as to create products from strips of this lace. As the name implies, it is a long lace ribbon.

This type of lace weaving has been known since ancient times. If you think carefully about the description of ribbon lace, you can easily recognize in it such world-famous openwork as English lace honiton, marvelous Bruges lace, as well as brussels lace, made using the duchesse technique.

Ribbon lace can be bobbed or needlepointed, but crocheted ribbon lace is more common. Crocheting is both easier and faster, and besides, it is enough to know only the basics of knitting in order to be able to create a great product.

Ribbon lace knitting begins, like any other needlework, with the choice of materials. The thinner threads and hook you take, the more elegant your creation will be. But if you are a complete beginner, you do not need to take too thin threads. It is better to take threads of the “crochet” type - it will be easier for you to work with them. All your mistakes are clearly visible on them, and it will be easier to dissolve such lace.

Let's look at what exactly knitted ribbon lace is. Mostly it consists of round motifs - flowers, stars, snowflakes, which seem to be layered on top of each other. As a whole, you knit only the first motive (and even then not always), and then incomplete motives follow, making up about 2/3 of the main one. Thus, the width of the ribbon lace is about one to one and a half the width of the main motive, but the length can be almost infinite - you can continue to knit until you get bored.

Ribbon lace for beginners may seem complicated, but this is a deceptive impression. If you have learned to read knitting patterns well, if you have mastered even chains of air loops and double crochets, you will definitely succeed. And if you add knitting with decorative elements like rings or complex posts, then you should not doubt the result.

Crochet ribbon lace

Not confident in your skills? Then let's look together at the example of a simple pattern of how to crochet ribbon lace. Take the thread, hook, sit back and knit a small piece.

First we will knit a small round motif. It is simple - there are only loops and columns with one crochet. This will surely work for you. Did you manage?

So, your hook has stopped between the petals. With the help of blind loops (half-columns), you will transfer it to the center of the petal. Now we will knit a chain of air loops - a new middle. We will have to knit the next rows not in the round, but by turning the knitting either with the face or with the wrong side. Please note that the motifs are connected by petals - do not skip these connections, otherwise the result will not be very beautiful.

If you have coped with the second motive, proceed to the third. Noticed? This motive is connected not only with the previous one, but also with the very first motive - our basis. Each subsequent motive is connected with the previous two.

If you like this scheme, you can tie a rather long ribbon - you can then decorate something with your first lace.

Ribbon lace knitting

What if you don't know how to crochet? Is it possible to knit ribbon lace with knitting needles? Can. Unlike crochet, lace knitting can be either longitudinal (in width) or transverse (in length). The latter is more suitable for those cases when you knit lace for the finished product and know exactly their total length. Longitudinal knitting is suitable for knitting in reserve. Want to try? Here is an example diagram.

Ribbon lace connection

It's time to start decorating or even creating products. And here the question arises - how to connect ribbon lace? The question is not idle - it is not so easy to do. Three hundred years of experience of Belgian needlewomen teaches that there are two main ways to connect lace - with and without jumpers. Since we have knitted lace in front of us, the connection of ribbon lace is thus obtained by knitting jumpers from air loops or using blind loops. At the same time, jumpers can be both simple and complex - for example, mesh. In this way, you can get not only wide ribbon lace, but also entire products: tops, dresses, tablecloths.

Today I will learn to crochet a simple ribbon lace ... I have never knitted it before. And then, my mother, perestazhivaya my needlework magazines, saw a cape, knitted in a similar way, poked her finger and said: “I want this!” Well, how can you refuse a loved one?

But in order to knit any thing, you first need to understand how to knit it ...

So first of all I will try to understand how to crochet ribbon lace, and then I will think about a cape from it ...

I must say right away that in the mentioned magazine there is both a pattern of the pattern and what - no description of the knitting of the cape. Therefore, I immediately bought strings for the entire future product and began to try to make out the scheme

Crochet ribbon lace - scheme

from Special issue No. 6 of the magazine "We knit ourselves"

I don’t really understand why rows of double crochets are needed at the beginning of knitting ... Probably in order to align the edge ... but in this case, on the other side of the ribbon lace, it will also need to be aligned in some way ... and if you look at the model from the magazine, then I don’t see this strip of double crochets ... the first inconsistency ...

Decided! I’ll “reinvent my own wheel” :) I’ll connect, and then I’ll see what happens ... I suggest that you, friends, join me)))

If we consider the scheme carefully, we will see that the ribbon lace consists of repeating elements. It is these elements that we will knit with you now ...

Yarn "Olga", hooks No. 4 and 5

How to crochet ribbon lace - Master class

The first element of lace

Dial 10 air loops with crochet No. 4, close them into a ring using a connecting column and change the hook to No. 5. You can postpone the four - we will no longer need this tool until knitting the next strip of ribbon lace
1 row - 4 VP lifting, 11 columns with 2 crochets (CC2H) in a ring of air loops. Knitting turn
2 row - 3 VP lift, 2 VP, double crochet (CCH) in the first loop of the bottom row, then repeat the combination * 1 VP + 1 CCH *, skipping one loop of the bottom row 4 times, 2 VP + 1 CCH in the fourth loop lifting the first row
3 row - 3 lifting VP, * 2 CCH under the arch of two VPs of the bottom row + 1 CCH in the loop of the double crochet of the second row *, ** repeat to the end of the row
4 row - 3 VP for lifting, 2 VP, double crochet (CCH) in the first loop of the bottom row, then repeat the combination * 1 VP + 1 CCH *, skipping one loop of the bottom row 8 times, 2 VP + 1 CCH in the third lifting loop of the third row. In fact, this row is an exact copy of the second row, only more repetitions of the combination **
So we knitted the first element of the pattern, which still does not look like ribbon lace at all. But everything is ahead! We continue ...

The second crochet lace element

Turn knitting...

4 VP, 1 SSN in the loop of the first double crochet of the bottom row, 4 VP, connecting column in the loop of the second double crochet.
2 VP, connecting column into the loop of the third double crochet of the bottom row. Please note that these two chain stitches, attached with a connecting column to the previous row, will always be lifting loops for the next row and, in addition, they will replace the first column of the next row ...
Turn knitting

1 row - 9 SS2H in the arch from the first 4-VP, 10 SS2H under the second arch, turn

2nd row - 3 VP lifting, 2 VP, double crochet (CCH) in the first loop of the bottom row, then repeat the combination * 1 VP + 1 CCH *, skipping one loop of the bottom row 9 times, 2 VP + 1 connecting column into the loop above the double crochet of the first element (see photo below)
2 VP, SS into the loop of the next SSN of the first element.
Turn knitting

3 row - similar to the third row of the first element with a slight difference ... - 1 dc under the arch of two VPs of the bottom row + 1 dc into the loop of the double crochet of the second row - remember, the attached loops replace the first column of the row?

Next, * 2 CCH under the arch of the two VPs of the bottom row + 1 CCH in the loop of the double crochet of the second row *, ** repeat to the end of the row, the last column in the lifting loops of the previous row

4 row - 3 lifting VP, 2 VP, then by analogy with the second row of the second element. Do not forget to attach the last 2 VP rows to the first element of ribbon lace.
We turn knitting.

The third and subsequent elements of crochet ribbon lace

Again 4 VP, 1 CCH in the loop of the first double crochet of the bottom row, 4 VP, connecting column in the loop of the second double crochet.
Turn the knitting and tie the arches with double crochets (VP ​​+ 9 SS2N, 10 SS2N), 2 VP, SS
1,2,3,4 rows of the third and subsequent elements fit in exactly the same way as the second element. The pattern is well remembered ...

After knitting three elements, ribbon lace is already beginning to emerge
Well, well, indeed, crochet ribbon lace is a repetition of the same element shifted when knitting the ribbon either to the right or to the left ... The exception is the first element ... In a good way, this tape should have started with a round motif, and not with a half ...

Well, it's okay, I won't bandage it - I'll think of something later, maybe I'll just tie a circle, or maybe not ... we'll see.

In the meantime, this is how a strip of lace looks like for a future cape ... 22 elements
At the moment, I already have two such ribbons connected ... Crochet ribbon lace is not difficult to knit and quite quickly ...

And I am firmly focused on knitting a cape and I hope that this product does not fall into the category of mine.

This section of needlework is one of the most fascinating, but also quite difficult crochet techniques. Its essence is the formation of ribbons from motifs, as a rule, round and openwork. An intricate and sophisticated pattern is achieved by tying one petal to another, and the petals themselves are formed as follows: two thirds of the circle are knitted and attached to the next element. Below we will briefly introduce crochet ribbon lace, diagrams and models will help you navigate this fascinating needlework.

Knitting always begins with a full motif, and there is always an odd number of rows in the petal. You can make a ribbon not only in the form of circles, but also square, hexagonal motifs.

Ribbon knitting is used to make clothes, trim elements, and also as a beautiful finishing border - to decorate the bottom of a product or correct an unsuccessful edge.

We connect motives

It is important to connect the tapes correctly. Two connection methods are allowed:

  1. Sew finished tapes with a needle for a picot (the method is simple and convenient, although it forms a seam);
  2. Connect the ribbons at the time of knitting (there is no seam, however, the method is rather complicated due to the asymmetry of the edges of the ribbon lace).

Tip: you need to place the ribbon on the pattern from the bottom up, starting from the full (round) motif, to form a beautiful edge. It is better to start with the longest possible tape - say, from the bottom to the shoulder.

The narrowing of the tape fabric is achieved due to the fact that one of the tapes is knitted shorter, and the following are interconnected.

A small master class on crochet ribbon lace here:

Starting simple

The choice of a scheme for ribbon lace depends on the skill of the knitter, while the technique itself presents almost unlimited possibilities for creativity.

For those who are starting to knit a lace ribbon for the first time, we advise you to start with a simple border. She knits simply: starting with the air ring. loops, tie it st. b/n. Then continue knitting with arches from the air. loops and st. s2n, tied with st.b / n.

Ribbon lace patterns:

The presented schemes are taken from the magazine "Doublet".

Suitable Models

Now that you know how to crochet ribbon lace, photos, diagrams for them will help you decide on the models.

Blouse "Temptation"

snow white suit

This suit with an openwork top and an asymmetric tight-knit skirt will suit a young and slender girl. Before starting knitting, you need to make a pattern and make all decreases and increases according to it. Skirt knit in a circle.

You will need: 46 balls of white "Iris" (knitted in 2 additions), hook number 2. Size: 38-40.


We start the top by knitting a strip according to the first scheme, consisting of a whole motive, six right and six left halves of motives. Next, we knit the strips according to the second scheme and connect them as shown in the third scheme.

The skirt is knitted top down in the round. In accordance with the pattern, increases and decreases are knitted.

You need to start with a set of chains from the air. loops of the desired length. Next, close it in a ring and knit the fabric according to scheme No. 3. Make additions on the sides according to scheme No. 4. Tied to the bottom, close the edge.

That's all! We hope that now knitting ribbon lace will not be a problem for you.

Video on the topic of the article

Ribbon lace lives up to its name: it consists of individual ribbons of various widths and shapes, from which all kinds of garments or their edging are formed. A wide choice of different patterns of such lace allows you to create interesting design forms and models of clothing.

To learn how to crochet ribbon lace, you need to watch a series of suggested video tutorials and carefully copy the movements of the embroiderer, adhering to the scheme proposed by her. You can choose any of the patterns you like and use it in your knitting practice.

Lace looks like a knitted ribbon laid out in zigzags, forming a neat snake. Crochet lace, for which 12 air loops are recruited. The dialed loops are closed into a ring, into which 23 columns are knitted without crochets. Two such rows are knitted, this is the initial element of the snake.

Then a series of air loops is dialed and looped on the fifth loop of the row. This ring is also tied in a circle with two rows of columns. Air loops are recruited again, and another half ring is formed. Further advancement forms a structure of snakes that look the same from any side.

Video lesson:

This is a complex interweaving of patterned ribbons, forming a beautiful and complex pattern, consisting of arcuate arches, interconnected by knitted columns. It seems that obtaining a pattern is fraught with great difficulties, but if you strictly adhere to the scheme described in the video tutorial, you can achieve good results.

The sequence of the pattern is repeated as many times as you need to obtain a ribbon pattern of the required length, with which you can sew along the edge of any knitted item, giving it a very beautiful look. The pattern is made in one color, so it is not difficult to choose a thread to match the color of the base item.

Video lesson:

If ribbon lace is used not for edging knitted items, but for obtaining a whole lace item made up of several separate patterned strips, these strips must be connected to each other. This can be done by simply sewing the strips together with a thread using a needle, but there is a technique for crocheting them together.

We will consider this technique. If the tapes have protrusions, lay them out with protrusions to each other. A connecting loop is formed on the matching ledges, in the same places where the distance between the spliced ​​tapes is greater, a connecting column with a large number of crochets is knitted. As a result, the open space between the tapes is filled with neat jumpers.

Video lesson:

Ribbon lace is knitted from arcuate openwork elements, passing one into another. It seems that such a complex pattern cannot be connected without getting confused, but a detailed scheme for the formation of a pattern and a detailed description of how to use this scheme are offered. You just need to carefully follow the instructions to get a beautiful and correct pattern.

The yarn used is quite thick, so that the pattern is fluffy, suitable for decorating a warm knitted item. Subsequently, these patterns can also be interconnected, so that a continuous patterned field of a plaid or cardigan is obtained.

Video lesson:

This is a way to knit a large piece of lace, such as a dress, from narrow strips of ribbon lace. It details how to form a narrow pattern of small bows connected to each other, repeat it many times, and then connect subsequent ribbons to each other, and how to connect the first ribbon to the last.

Everything is told, starting from the very first loop. The pattern that is formed in the tape is not difficult to create, you just need to do everything carefully, following the instructions of the knitter. Linking the resulting patterns together, one must not make a mistake which loops of adjacent patterns should be connected together.

Video lesson:

Ribbon lace consists of interconnected small knitted shells. If you are learning new crochet patterns from ribbon lace, this video tutorial will allow you to master a very simple knitting technique. Small knitted shells are knitted one after another, the sequence of actions is repeated each time.

The length of the resulting pattern can be whatever you need. With this ribbon lace, you can trim the edge of any knitted item or tie several patterned ribbons together to get a whole lace, for example, to create a plaid or stole.

Video lesson:

Lace in the form of half-flowers, woven together, has a width of 20 centimeters. It is quite easy to knit, despite the apparent complexity. It all starts with the first flower, which has eight petals. The first flower is the only one that has a full shape.

It is created starting from the center, for which five air loops are made, connected into a ring. The sequence of the formation of flower petals is explained in detail, and it remains only to repeat all the movements after the knitter in the video. Further, semi-flowers are docked to the flower, forming the whole beautiful and neat pattern.

Video lesson:

The ribbon is connected from small half-arches, joined to each other. In the video, you can carefully consider the sequence of execution of such a pattern. It all starts with air loops closed with a ring. Further, columns are knitted into the loops, successively forming a knitted half-arch.

Knitting from several simple tricks is repeated many times. The length of the ribbon depends on your needs: you can tie any number of such half-arms.

It is convenient to use the pattern to create a border for knitted items: it will decorate the edges of a blouse or sweater, giving the item an exceptional beauty.

Video lesson:

A winding path goes along the lace, to which beautiful flowers adjoin. The whole pattern is delicate and beautiful. It looks like a very intricate work, but in fact, creating using crochet, ribbon lace is quite simple if you follow our video tutorial.

Starting with air loops, both the track section and the loops that form the flower petal are immediately knitted. This pattern is repeated an arbitrary number of times, forming an openwork ribbon of a given length.

Such lace will make an excellent edging for a knitted thing, and by joining several of these ribbons together, you can create, for example, an openwork plaid.

Video lesson:

A winding knitted path runs along the entire tape, made up of semicircles joined to each other. On the convex sides of the semicircles, columns are knitted, closed on the outside by a jagged border. It turns out a complex pattern, smoothly flowing from one arc to another, which is actually quite easy to connect.

Air loops, closed in a ring, are tied in a circle with columns. It turns out an openwork pattern resembling a flower. Then the knitting unfolds, and another similar pattern is formed. This is repeated until the resulting pattern reaches the required length.

Video lesson:

The method by which you can knit lace stripes of different lengths and widths is called ribbon lace. Ribbons can be different: oval, square, triangular.

The shape of the tape depends on the sector and pattern. You can use narrow and wide ribbon lace when finishing and when creating individual household items.

Most often, simple ribbon knitting is varied. Initially, if you knit any piece of clothing, you need to make the desired pattern of the finished item. You can also take a finished product for a pattern. For knitting ribbon lace, you need to take and use special yarn, in the composition that will be cotton.

What tools will be required for work:

  • Hook of the right size.
  • Needles.
  • Scissors.

Before knitting decide on the pattern and lace. After choosing a lace pattern, you can start knitting. The first step in creating ribbon lace is knitting a chain from air loops.

Then the chain is transformed into a circle and tied with a single crochet. After creating the base, you need to work according to the drawing scheme. Choose the length of the ribbon and knit according to your need.

If a certain length is reached, the thread can be broken and a new ribbon can be knitted. When all tapes are ready, they need to be merge into a single piece.

Connect them with needles or hook. But before that you need related place the ribbons on the pattern in order and with pins fasten the ribbons on the patterns.

If you connected the motives with a needle, then you need sew them together from the inside out. For expansion, it is better to use a hook, because of its convenience. How to make a connection with a hook: we knit several air loops, then grab one and then the other side of the finished part.

Gallery: crochet ribbon lace (25 photos)

Now we will analyze the best method for knitting ribbon lace, that is, a master class on creating a dress.

  • First, we need to take 550 grams of yarn, of which there should be 300 grams of pistachio color and 250 olive.
  • You also need a hook number 1.1 - 1.25 for work.

To make a beautiful product that will lie exactly on the figure, you need to create sirloin inserts that connect the ribbons. Initially, you need to make a pattern of all parts of the dress in full size, while adjusting the pattern according to your own standards. After that, you need to study the patterns of ribbon lace for the dress.

According to scheme No. 7, it is necessary make a tape sample, which then needs to be checked to ensure that the dimensions correspond to those shown in the figure under No. 8.

If necessary you can increase or decrease the width of the strip. To do this, take a hook with the thickness you need. For the back, you need to make two strips, each should be 99 cm long, two more strips 97 cm long. All this is knitted from olive-colored yarn.

To make a front, you need to tie two strips 99 cm and 85 cm each.

Finished back pieces going up and down using pistachio-colored threads. The stripes should be unevenly spaced in relation to each other.

The distance from the shoulder to the very waist must be connected using a sirloin mesh, which will be 2 cm wide.

Then from the waist we continue knitting wedges- inserts with a special mesh. The silhouette line is created due to the fact that the number of mesh cells increases according to the pattern.

The connection of the strips occurs in the course of work. A sample can be taken from scheme 7B. It clearly shows how to connect and expand wedges. The front strips are connected in the same way.

Further all seams are connected on the sides with fillet mesh. Do not forget that you need to leave the armholes of the dress open with a height of 20 cm. The main point in knitting is that when creating a dress, you need to often try on and see how the product sits.

The finished canvas needs to be continuously sew with a knit stitch along the lines of the shoulder. Using the knitting pattern at number 8, we knit the sleeves, after which we sew them into the armholes. The neckline is also made according to the scheme No. 8. Now our gorgeous dress is ready. It is not so difficult to make a connection of parts and make your dress.

Ribbon lace, models

Every beginner in this business needs to study the models of ribbon lace, at first you can just go over the photo with your eyes and choose the option that suits you. Next you need view diagrams, video materials, and then you will definitely decide on the choice. Most importantly, remember that you need to read all the descriptions for the circuits!


Needlework will always be highly valued, so it's better to make a thing yourself rather than buy it in a store. Appreciate your creativity and maybe one day you can even make money from it. Well, advice for beginners: after reading the description, you can ask the opinion of people with experience in this matter.