Esoteric New Year. Interesting customs and esoteric traditions of the new year. Rituals for the fulfillment of desires

It is believed that any wishes come true on New Year's holidays. Rituals help to realize the plan.

New Year's Eve is one of the most powerful moments when a person can make wishes. Firstly, at the mental level, we associate it with the beginning of a new stage, at which everything planned should happen. Secondly, rituals are performed on New Year's Eve. This is drinking champagne under the chiming clock, and trying to have time to make a wish in this short moment. And the main task of any ritual is to strengthen our belief that the desire will surely come true. And without faith, the dream does not come true. So it's a sin to miss such a chance and not make a New Year's order. And you can do it like this...

Money rituals:

On December 31, wish yourself a Happy New Year - write wishes on a postcard. Should be included in a postcard banknote any merit. Send a letter to yourself by mail.
Get it in the new year. Keep a banknote in your wallet, do not spend it. She will be your talisman, attracting money to you.

- If you decorate Christmas tree coins, sweets, cookies, apples, and on a festive night to eat some of these decorations, you will live in abundance all year.

- On December 31, brew green tea. Add honey. Place a glass of tea on green cardboard (paper). Stir honey into tea with new with a simple pencil while thinking about the amount of money you need.
With this pencil, write the magic phrase on green cardboard: “Tea, there will be money. It will be so!” The drink must be drunk on January 1, before dawn. Put the leaf in the wallet, do not take it out of the wallet throughout the year.

Buy wheat and rye in advance. As soon as the numbers on the clock show 12 o'clock at night, throw up a handful of wheat and rye with the words: - “Out of one, ten will be born, out of ten - a hundred, out of a hundred - a thousand, so that my slave (s) (name) will have money , multiplied and remained in my house.

On the first day, do not collect these grains from the floor, but on the second of January, collect (sweep) the grains and put them in a red cloth. Put this knot behind the icon. In the spring, sow these seeds in the field or in your garden, in the country, so that they will definitely sprout. And in the fall, harvest this crop and use the grains for the rite of next year. There will always be money in your house. Do it all over again next year. The wealth will be even higher (constantly growing) if you use the seeds that you yourself sowed and used them for the ceremony next year.

On New Year's days, all housewives have to cook a lot, so take advantage of this. For starters, a ritual to bring prosperity to the family. Prepare all the ingredients for the dough, knead it. When it begins to rise, crush it 3 times with your hands and say thrice: “As you, little dough, grow, rise up and down, and expand in breadth, so in my house money would be kept, grow and forever and ever never end. My word is fast and for the cause is disputed. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen". Then bake any pastries from this dough. It is important that every member of the family try it.

In a secluded place, light three green candles, after attaching coins to their ends. Imagine money falling into your pocket. And the more clearly you can imagine it, the more money you should have next year.

American magicians offer a more pragmatic approach. On January 1 in the morning, instead of washing your face, rub your face with dollars. Of course, this is not entirely hygienic, but the magicians assure that the technique is very effective.

You also can't meet New Year with empty pockets - a sure way to spend the whole year in need. So, as the clock strikes, hold a glass of champagne in your left hand, and hold a coin in your right hand. Or just put the money in your pocket or shoes. The main thing is that they are with you.

On December 31, you need to write a letter to yourself, put a postcard with wishes and a banknote in it. Having received it next year, save the bill, it will bring you money luck in the new year.

Place a red bag with 3 copper coins on the bottom of the refrigerator, tails up.

Place under the plate festive table coin. The one who eats from this plate will be lucky in money.

At the first strike of the chimes, hold a coin in your hand and make a wish for the New Year material well-being, throw into a glass and drink to the bottom. After that, make a hole in the coin and wear it like a keychain.

Rituals to attract happiness, good luck:

- Before the New Year, open the doors, open the windows. By performing this ritual, you expel negativity from your home, life. After midnight the ritual is repeated. Only now you invite well-being, luck, happiness into your life.

- In the coming year, for 12 days, it is advisable not to do "dirty" work. Every day should be filled with positivity. The first day of the coming year corresponds to the first month of the new year, the second day corresponds to the second month, and so on.
Watch your thoughts, words, actions, behavior these days. These days you lay the program for the whole year.

- Gifts are best presented on January 1st. It is on this day that the law of the cosmos comes into force: "What you gave is yours."

- There should be 12 dishes on the festive table. This is how you appease 12 months of the new year.

You can fill 12 containers with clean water so that every month of the new year is clean and bright.

- On any day, from January 1 to January 14, going out into the street, if it snows, stretch your hands forward, saying: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." With snow falling in your palms, wipe your face from top to bottom three times. This ritual will neutralize negative programs, attract good luck in your life.

In preparation for the celebration, be alone with yourself and determine your most cherished desire for this year and express it in any dish or drink. For example, if you are going to buy a dacha in Crimea, buy Crimean wine. A few hours before the feast, uncork it and whisper your desire into it. And when they beat the chimes, drink not champagne, but it is it. Or, if your desire is connected with some country, you can cook any dish of national cuisine (when preparing it, you need to think about your desire). And again, in a magical moment, under the chimes, eat a certain part of it.

After you have made your most cherished wish on New Year's midnight, do not “splash” it - do not immediately shout “Hurrah!”, “Happy New Year!”. Pause for 1.5 minutes and only then start to break away. If you agree on this with the whole company, then the energy of your desire will increase several times due to this unity.

And another very important point. Wishes come true when a person is grateful for what he has today - both good and not so good. Therefore, before placing an order for the new year, be sure to thank the outgoing one for everything that he brought to you.

Women's rituals:

- Put up a Christmas tree so that it is reflected in the mirror. Stand in the "tunnel" between two trees. You can stay in such a "tunnel" for all new year holidays– from December 31 to January 14.
It is believed that the space between the two Christmas trees is charged with positive energy that restores youth and beauty to women.

- So that all negative events, illnesses remain in the past year, women can put scarves on their shoulders until 12 at night, and after the twelfth strike of the clock, remove them.

Rituals for the fulfillment of desires:

New Year's wish is made in any form. You just need to avoid the "not" particle. Wish not to "do not get sick", but "be healthy."

1. Before the clock starts to beat 12 times, paper and pencil are prepared. With the onset of the New Year, you need to have time to write a wish on paper, burn the paper, stir it in a glass of champagne and drink it while the clock is still striking. Then the wish will surely come true.

2. In the very first second of the coming year, you need to pat the boy on the head. In the absence of such, a boy who has matured significantly will do. And even some animal, but always male. By the way, if a man congratulates the New Year first, then this is also good luck, so if you already celebrate the New Year in a purely female company, then immediately with its onset - run around the neighbors!

In the first minutes of the coming year, open the doors wide open and call good luck into the house, and drive away all the bad.

New Year is one of the most ancient holidays among those that exist today. ancient egyptians It was celebrated during the flood of the Nile, which fell around September. This event was of great importance, because. beneficial effect on the harvest. During the celebration, a boat was lowered into the water, in which there were statues of the god Amon and members of his family. This boat sailed on the Nile for a whole month, and the inhabitants ancient egypt constantly accompanied swimming with festivities, dances and chants.

In ancient Rome The custom of celebrating the New Year appeared even before our era.
Initially, it was celebrated in the first days of March, and later, after the introduction of a new calendar by Julius Caesar, the date of the holiday became January 1. By the way, the month of January got its name in honor of the two-faced Roman god Janus, one face of which is turned to the past, and the other to the future. During the festival, the Romans decorated their homes and gave each other coins, which depicted Janus. And the slaves ate at the same table with their masters. There is even a legend according to which Julius Caesar granted freedom to one of his slaves in gratitude for his cunning wish: he wished the ruler to live longer in the new year than he lived in the previous one.

During New Year's Eve in ancient Babylon the ruler of the city left him so that people could have fun. And after the holidays, the king and his retinue returned to the city, and the activities of the Babylonians returned to their usual, but new course, thus, people began every year new life.

Celts, in turn, celebrated the New Year at the end of October. Some of their customs became the ancestors of those to which we are accustomed. For example, the houses of the Celts were decorated with mistletoe, because. according to legend, she drives out evil spirits that can visit the living on New Year's Eve along with the spirits of the dead. As gifts, it was customary to present gold and jewelry. Husbands gave their spouses money for all sorts of little things.

In ancient Rus' the New Year's holiday was associated with spring and testified to the rebirth of nature and the expectation of the coming harvest. For this reason, the New Year in Rus' was celebrated on March 1. In the XIV century, according to the decision of the Moscow Church Cathedral, the holiday, according to the Greek calendar, began to be celebrated on September 1. However, when Peter I returned from his trip to Europe in 1699, he changed the date to January 1st.

As for traditions, during the cleaning on December 31, the girls thoroughly washed under the table, because if there was a grain of bread, it was a sign of imminent marriage. In order to have new clothes throughout the year, it was necessary to put on all the best on January 1, as well as change clothes several times a day. On January 2, the peasants performed a special ceremony - a guardian of the dwelling, from which the tradition began to believe that if something happened to a person on New Year's Eve, then it will be repeated throughout the year. It was also believed that in the first days of the coming year, one should not do dirty or hard work, because. you have to work tirelessly all year long. It was also impossible to repay debts these days, because. then all 12 months you will need to pay.

Spruce as a symbol of the holiday
occupies a special place in folklore. Many people put spruce trees in their houses on the eve of the holiday, but they do not know why this is done. The ancient peoples had a belief that the spruce drives away evil spirits with its prickly needles, which are activated on New Year's Eve. And if there is no spruce in the house, then the evil spirit will creep into the dwelling, and it will be impossible to expel it for a whole year. Another legend says that the spruce protected the Mother of God with its branches when Christ fled to Egypt, for which she was awarded the evergreen color.

Many esotericists are of the opinion that spruce cleans the house of energy waste that has accumulated in it over the year - it transforms negative energy into neutral. Keep in mind that as soon as the tree begins to dry and crumble, it must be immediately taken out of the home. Otherwise, negative energy will be released and remain in the house.

In addition to spruce Slavs decorated their houses with branches of other trees. It was believed that pine branches, on which there are cones, bring peace and tranquility to the family; the palm branch ensures victory in serious undertakings, and the laurel contributes to success in scientific and creative activities.

Regardless of the year of which animal is coming, the interior of the room should always have green color. It can be fruits, candles, decorations, etc. - all this rids the house of negative energy.

Here also New Year's rules of the Slavs:

  • Before the new year, distribute debts and not borrow
  • Prepare the maximum number of treats and dishes for the table
  • Have fun on the first day of the new year
  • On the eve of the holiday, throw out all the garbage, rubbish, old things from the house
  • Wear something new for the holidays

There is another rather interesting a tradition that contributes to the fulfillment of all desires(although, of course, it is more relevant to our time): before you sit down to New Year's table, you need to write on a piece of paper your most cherished desires. During the fight of the clock, the leaf with desires must be burned, and the ashes should be poured into a glass of champagne. This mixture should then be drunk immediately. Moreover, all this must be done before the clock finishes striking twelve.

And finally: prepare 12 small cards before going to bed on New Year's Eve, on each of which, having previously written one wish, and put them under the pillow. In the morning, put your hand under the pillow and take out any three cards at random. These wishes will come true in the new year!

Approach the celebration of the New Year consciously, use the presented rituals or come up with your own - the main thing is that they are filled with meaning - then the coming year will certainly be happy and joyful!

We wish you health, success, harmony, prosperity, prosperity, prosperity and, of course, more esoteric journeys!

Happy New Year and see you in a happy new year!

How to achieve the fulfillment of your desires?
Is it even possible?
What desires are ethical, and it is permissible to make them?
Does any of the entities of the subtle world help in their implementation?
And if so, who?
How to communicate with them, how to state your requests and desires?

These are a little naive, but sparkling questions I hear quite often. Let's try to figure them out.
A person constantly strives for something, hopes for a better fate, often dreams of what seems to be unrealizable. At the same time, he often turns to the Higher Forces of the Subtle World of various levels for help. In general, the whole life passes in anticipation of a certain miracle, which, according to the feeling, is about to happen. And if, at the same time, desires entail a complex of thoughtful actions, then seemingly semi-real, far-fetched events begin to come true, sometimes leading to confusion of the addressee of their own Desires. And often, although an expected, but still almost unreal accomplished gift of fate, a person begins to do stupidity after stupidity. He is psychologically unprepared for the perception of his dreams, requests and desires. And because of this very unpreparedness, he begins to actively cut the branch, which he himself raised with his own intention and on which he seated himself.
Therefore, it is more correct if desires, as the goal of a certain period of life, are internally isolated and in the future serve only as a stepping stone to achieve more global, voluminous and bright goals, their fulfillment should not lead to a state of euphoria or apathy, otherwise the loss of the goal will lead to the loss the meaning of life. And this is already a dead end of all planes of personality development.

The parable of King Solomon is indicative and instructive.

When he reached personal perfection, approved the principles of justice, harmony and order in the led state, the Radiant Angel was sent to him by the Creator of All That Is, telling the king about the gift of the Most High. God the Father ordered to convey that he would fulfill any but one desire of the ruler. And Solomon, not in vain famous for his wisdom, answered: - "I want all my desires to be fulfilled!" According to the presentation of legends and tales that have come down to our time - it was so. The state lived in peace with its neighbors, in an atmosphere of inner peace, subjects. were manageable, law-abiding and did not live in poverty. Crafts and arts flourished. The tsar himself entered the historical canons as a wise ruler, philosopher and very versatile educated person. But the reason for his death is still a mystery. Was it not simply that he was bored with life? After all, the goals set must also be achieved by the work of the soul and body, and not just wait for their fulfillment.

So, now closer to desires.

It is believed (and so it is) that on the New Year (for each nation - according to the calendar adopted in the region), the Heavens open and the Gods, Spirits, Angels, Souls of departed ancestors look at people and heed their requests and wishes.
I personally observed how, probably, and many hundreds of others, the unfolded sky on Christmas Day 2004 in the near suburbs of Moscow. Who at midnight went out into the courtyard of the house or into the street could see the starry, bright, cloudless sky, bordered almost above the horizon by a huge, geometrically regular circle, built from some kind of light haze resembling fog. But the visibility was bright and clear. There was a feeling that you were standing at the bottom of a huge, kind, beautiful, internally harmonious well. There was perfect silence, the air was still. There was a sense of belonging, harmony, with everything around. Heaven, as it were, listened with interest and concern to every human thought. It was the first time in my life that I saw such a sight. And only closer to one in the morning the circle began to dissolve. Probably, for those who do not believe in anything, except for the significance of the shell of the material body, the Higher Powers built this beauty. The signs given by the Higher Forces and confirming their presence are constantly manifested in the life of each individual. You just need to want to see them - and they will become tangible and visible, as they say - those who have ears - let them hear.

So, for those who believe in the help and support of the Forces of the Thin Plan, I describe Magic ritual making wishes. Let me remind you that they should be the key goals of the year, sincere and not divorced from the realities of life and the prospective possibilities of a person. Like - "Let N fall in love with me for the rest of his life." In this case, this is already an element of witchcraft.

BEWARE to interfere in the fate of another person with the help of the Higher Forces - this will not lead to good.

Desires can be both on a global scale, such as: "Let the world be kinder", and personal with a request for help in health, material, economic and social issues. Their spectrum is very multifaceted and varied.
Your intentions, ambitions and dreams should be reduced to three main desires in terms of importance and significance. They should be short, concise, each two or three words fixed on paper with a pencil. Choose thinner and softer paper - you will have to drink its remnants. Before the chiming clock, a candle is lit (more effective if it is consecrated). If the company is dominated by believers, let someone aloud or mentally read the prayer "Our Father ..." before the start of the ritual.

With the first blow - pieces of paper with desires are lit from a candle. Do not let them out of your hands to allow them to burn out. In this case, the fingers will burn a little - quite tolerable pain. Further - the ashes are thrown into a glass of liquid prepared for the New Year, whether mineral water or champagne - it doesn't matter if it's stirred and drunk - with the last stroke of the clock.
Wishes made cannot be told to anyone until the next New Year. The ritual is a confirmation of your secret agreement with all four Spirits of the Elements. A person who has told someone about his desire symbolically erases it from the contract, and it is excluded from the possibility of fulfillment.
If you follow this ritual, it turns out that YOU applied:

to earth, using its components - paper and a graphite rod, as symbols of the plant and petrified world;
to Air, carrying his burning creation from a candle to a glass;
to the fire using the activity and all the constituent elements of the flame;
to the water, dissolving the contents in it.

When you drank the contents, it turns out that by your action you united the complex of your desires, the Spirits of the Elements and your own physical body.
If your intention is sincere and really very desirable for you, then it would be more correct to repeat this ritual twice more - for Christmas and the Old New Year. Although the once-performed ritual of meeting the New Year will also "work".

You can use this ritual in any company - it will be more fun, more mysterious, and your collective hopes and subsequently table wishes to each other will accelerate the implementation of your plans.
At one time, when I was conducting seminars, in one of the groups of listeners I advised to celebrate the New Year according to this ritual. The majority followed him. When I later met with most of them a year later, I found out that most of my wishes were fulfilled, even, from the point of view of logic, very unlikely desires. As a non-typical, even a little mysterious fact, I can give such an example. From a survey of the rest, I found that, on average, at least two out of three wishes were fulfilled. At the same time, often there was no need to perform the third by the end of the year.

New Year holidays always create a special atmosphere of waiting for magic, and to a large extent this is due to the unusual decoration of a house or apartment. However, if you really want to achieve the fulfillment of your cherished desires in the New Year, you should think in advance how exactly you will decorate your house for the New Year, and New Year's Feng Shui will help you with this.

Space for love and passion

Under the midnight chimes, each of us makes wishes and believes that they will certainly come true in the New Year. If in the coming year you want to meet your soul mate or strengthen existing relationships, then maximum attention should be paid to the southwestern part of your apartment. Well, if just in this sector there is a bedroom or living room. It is best to place candlesticks here and do not forget to light them every evening during the entire festive period. It is better that there are a pair of candlesticks. Do not allow candle stubs to remain in them for several days.

Fire in Feng Shui is one of the effective activators of the energy of the sector you need. But what if it is in this area of ​​​​the apartment that you, for some objective reasons, cannot place candles? Perfectly replace their electric lamps and garlands. But the rules remain the same - light them every night for all holidays.

You can also put a Christmas tree in the southwestern sector of an apartment or house. But in this case, by all means make sure that there are paired decorations on the Christmas tree or under it, symbolizing relationships. Bird figurines or hearts are your choice here, but the main thing is that the decorations are new and are associated with feelings and romance.

Feng Shui Money Corner

Those for whom financial matters are a priority can also activate the necessary sectors of the house to attract good luck in monetary and professional matters. Two sectors of the house at once - north and southeast - will help those who are most puzzled by the question "where to get more money." In principle, you can not skimp on the scenery and activate two sectors at once. Moreover, there are still nuances between them: the northern sector of the house is more responsible for luck in a career and professional growth, and the southeast is directly related to money. If your workplace is just in this place, make sure to decorate it with garlands and unusual lamps. Candles are unlikely to look convincing in this place, so it is better to give preference to artificial light sources. But here to put a new piggy bank for money in the northern or southeastern sector of the house - great idea. Just do not forget to put one coin into it every day during the entire festive period.

A Christmas tree placed in the north or southeast sector of the house will help activate the most ambitious plans in terms of money and career. Traditional Santa Claus with a bag and gift bags are good symbols that the coming year will bring you both long-awaited and unexpected gifts - valuable and important for the future.

Bring back lost happiness

But what if the holidays are already “on the nose”, and you don’t have a drop new year mood? Do not be afraid, because this happens quite often and indicates that you are working to the last of your strength and are already quite tired. In this case, we have a couple of tools in store that will not only help you recharge your festive energy, but also return a sense of calmness and comfort that has gone astray to your home.

First of all, think about what is in the eastern sector of your apartment. If there is an opportunity to put a Christmas tree - by all means take this chance. A Christmas tree in the eastern sector of the house will allow you to quickly recover from stress and trouble throughout the year, be in great shape and use your energy reserves wisely.

But what if it is in this part of the house that you have a kitchen or a toilet? Why not put a tree right there?

In this case, find the east corner or side in the room where you are relaxing - in the bedroom or living room. And feel free to put a Christmas tree there. By the way, buy some toys yellow color and hang on the Christmas tree - they will be great activators of the energies of health and peace of mind in your home.

Tired of coping with everything alone, you should pay attention to the northwest of your apartment. In traditional Feng Shui, this is the sector of helpers. In life, the influence of this sector is manifested in an unexpected and favorable combination of circumstances at the right time. If you are in desperate need of someone's help, then it is in the northwestern sector of the house or main room that you place the activators of the energy you need - candles, electric lights or a Christmas tree. You can decorate this sector with sparkling Christmas balls, rain, tinsel and periodically light sparklers in it.

Feng Shui rules help to activate certain energies in order to achieve the most cherished desires in the coming year. But it is worth remembering that activation will only create favorable circumstances, and you personally will also have to make efforts to make the wish come true.

Good luck, love and happiness in the coming year!

New Year...

We all love this holiday very much. Meeting the New Year from time immemorial was considered a sacrament, a rite, important event. It is not for nothing that the saying goes: "as you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it." However, the tradition of celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1 appeared relatively recently. In ancient Rus', the new year, as such, began in March - meaning the new sowing year (winter was considered "dead time"). That is, when Christians celebrate Maslenitsa. However, one of the important holidays in the year - the Winter Solstice, Slavic carols or Yule for the Scandinavian and Germanic peoples. On December 22, a day is added for the first time - the ancients perceived this phenomenon as the birth of a new Sun-God - a new year, and welcomed him with joy.

Here I want to make a small digression. The ancient Slavs timed their holidays to the astronomical cycles of the year, and Christianity, being a religion much later than the Native Faith (as we now call, alas, the reconstruction of the original beliefs of the Slavs), copied their holidays, giving them other names and giving them a little different, characteristic of this religion. Therefore, the Nativity of Christ is nothing more than Kolyadas altered in a Christian way. And the difference in dates is due to the difference in the Gregorian and Julian calendars. Europe lived according to the Gregorian, and Rus' - according to the Julian.

In the future, the New Year in Rus' was celebrated on the first of September, that is, they celebrated not the beginning of the sowing year, but its completion, and only in 1700, when Peter I decided to keep up with modern (at that time) Europe, this date was moved to January 1 . But it had nothing to do with the calendar (Rus' continued to live according to the Julian calendar), as well as with something sacred. This explains the difference in the celebration of Christmas (according to the Gregorian calendar on December 25), and in the Julian calendar (read, modern Orthodox, 2 weeks later - January 7). And only in 1918, after the revolution, a decree was adopted introducing the Gregorian calendar in Russia, and then we began to celebrate NY on the same day with all of Europe. So, as a result of the change of calendars, in addition to the New Year itself, we also have a favorite holiday for everyone - the Old New Year :)

However, the moment remains unclear why the European peoples celebrate New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1. The ancients celebrated Yule for 12 days (according to some sources 21). According to the modern calendar, this holiday begins on the night of December 19-20 - this is the Initial Yule Night ("zero" night in a row). Then comes the 1st Night (Maternal), 2nd (Night Winter Solstice), 3rd ... and so on until the final most magical 12th Yule Night (New Year's).

These thirteen nights, from the first sunset to the last dawn, are a gap between two years, a sacred period during which there is neither usual time nor usual boundaries, when the lot of the gods is made and the spindle of the goddess of Fate, Urd, turns.

Zero night is named so because at this time all relatives gathered and gathered.

Mother Night is traditionally a dark, feminine time, when Goddesses and women are praised, and the Great Mother opens the gates of the Other World to let new life into our world. On this night, they praise and honor Makosh, the goddess of fate, and ask her to “spin” the wheel of fate in the direction they need, because it’s not for nothing that Yule has the Indo-European root Yule, which means to rotate, spin, and symbolizes the annual circle, which the Slavs call Kolyada.

By the way, the traditional Christmas wreath (pictured at the beginning of the blog) originally symbolizes Kolo - the Annual Circle.

The second night of Yule - the night of the Winter Solstice itself - is one of the most important. On this night, they burned a fire, in which they burned everything unnecessary and obsolete, asked for deliverance from everything that interfered with the new and happy life. That night it was impossible to be alone, since the gates between the worlds opened as wide as possible, and the person was left alone with the dead and the spirits of the Other World.

All subsequent nights of the Yule holiday, endless fun feasts were replaced by the performance of rituals, and rituals - by feasts and festivities. The time of sleep and wakefulness of the participants in the festivities lost their usual order.

And finally, the 12th night of Yule came - the most sacred and magical. Night from December 31 to January 1, which was perceived by the ancients as the Day of Fate. Everything that was said and done on January 1 before sunset determined all the events of the coming year (hence our “as you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it”).

It is believed that there are no more true signs and signs of fate than those received on Yule, so now you should be especially attentive to what is happening. And now all the peoples of Europe, including the Slavs, retain a special "magic" perception of the meaning of magical New Year's Eve- which came to us from the deep antiquity of the pagan Twelfth Night of Yule.

On January 2, all those gathered, wishing each other happiness, dispersed. Some distant relatives could meet only once a year - during this holiday. So Kolyada, Yule and modern Christmas are not in vain considered family holiday, strengthening the unity of the Family and friendly ties.