What to do if the powder turned out to be darker. Make It Up Make your powder lighter (Mineral makeup). Problem: The eyeliner is too light and too soft


Now there are a lot of types of powder on the cosmetic market. In this article, we will explain how they differ from each other, which skin types they are suitable for and how to use them correctly.

What is powder for?

The ideal palette for contouring the face should consist of 4 shades.

  • Fixing makeup. Such functions are performed by absolutely any powder when applied to foundation, it can be compact or loose, transparent or tinted.
  • Matting. Here the powders may differ. Matting properties in the composition of the powders have: talc, zinc dioxide, quartz, corn starch, polymer particles. They control the secretion of sebum on the surface of the skin. Powder for problem skin dries up inflammation and has a bactericidal effect. It can be either a transparent powder or a leveling powder.
  • Evening skin tone - tonal powder. The best way to even out is a compact face powder. Such powders are most often talc-based (this provides a soft creamy feel when applied) and contain a lot of color pigment. But there are also loose powders that have the same properties.
  • Giving radiance to the skin. Shimmering powder has a polymer base and has a slight tinting effect. It contains very small light-reflecting particles that scatter light and visually even out the surface of the skin. Radiance powder reduces the visibility of mimic wrinkles, gives the skin a fresh and rested look, works great on aging and dry skin. Photoshop function in real life. Not recommended for oily skin with enlarged pores.

Types of face powder

Cream powder

This is the best powder for dry skin. Cream-powders contain wax or mineral oils, they are warmed up from heat, even out the skin relief and nourish. This format refers more to tonal means. If you do not want to use liquid tonal, but just powder is not enough for you, choose cream powder. You can control the density of the coating. When applied with a dense synthetic brush, the coating will be denser, and with a wet Pro Sponge - translucent. Cream powder can be applied as a concealer and on the area around the eyes. And yet, it does not require powdering, because. already has a matte finish.

Loose powder

Now many powders are duplicated in a compact and loose form. Loose face powder always has a lighter texture and provides the most sheer coverage. The masking ability can be different: from transparent to the most dense. For example, loose mineral powder can cover all the imperfections on the skin, like a dense foundation. It is best suited for fixing concealer around the eyes. Choose it for home use, fix ready-made makeup with a light veil, but, for a handbag, it is not very functional. It is better to have a compact counterpart for such cases. The INGLOT line includes 5 types of loose powder with different effects for any skin type.

Mattifying Powder

It should be chosen by owners of oily skin, which is characterized by the presence of enlarged pores and increased secretion of sebum. Matte powder has not only a decorative effect, but also dries inflammation, prevents their development. Powder microspheres do not clog pores, but trap excess sebum and absorb it. Thus, the durability and dullness of the make-up are prolonged. Recommended powders for oily skin INGLOT: 3S (transparent, compact and loose, Translucent (transparent, loose, drying) and YSM (compact, well evens out skin tone).

Compact powder

It will always be a little more dense than its crumbly counterpart, because. has a lamellar texture. But, it is convenient to carry it with you and update makeup, cover minor imperfections on the face. Many compact powders contain oils to prevent dehydration and soften the skin. At INGLOT you can find any powder in a compact form: classic, transparent (3S), drying (YSM) and shining (HD).

Translucent Powder

Transparent powder does not give a shade on the skin, most often it is white powder, professional makeup artists call it transparent (adjusts to any skin color). It is it that is designed to fix makeup when you have already applied foundation and concealer. Reduces the appearance of pores and instantly mattifies. There are transparent powders of banana, pink or green shades. They are intended for light color correction if the skin is prone to redness, but such a powder does not have a masking ability. INGLOT has 2 translucent powders: 3S is suitable for all skin types, it can even be used as a base for foundation, and Translucent is suitable only for the most oily skin and is applied only to the T zone.

Bronzing powder

It can be a dark powder, with shine or matte, but always with a warm golden undertone. Bronzing powder is more related to color products like blush. Gives the skin a light shade of tan, freshness, slightly sculpting. Lays down very easy transparent layer. Apply with the fluffiest, long-haired brush to all prominent areas of the face that are most prone to tanning (forehead, cheekbones, cheeks, chin, nose, ears, neck). If you're in a hurry or don't like heavy layers of makeup, a tanning powder will suffice.

How to choose face powder?

  • Decide on the texture of the powder. It depends on what kind of action you expect from the powder (see above).
  • If you use foundation daily, a translucent setting powder will suffice. If you like to update your makeup with powder during the day, choose a compact tint powder, it will mask minor imperfections on the skin.
  • Determine your skin type. If it is dry or dehydrated, make sure the powder does not contain drying ingredients such as quartz or zinc. It is desirable that the powder contains oils and vitamins that will not increase dehydration.
  • If you choose foundation powder, it is better to choose a color slightly lighter than darker. Remember, under the influence of sebum and heat, powders tend to oxidize (darken). Apply a small amount with your finger to the center of your forehead. If the color matches the color of the skin - the powder is yours.
  • When buying, do not choose powder by hand. Ask the consultant to apply it on your face and check what will happen to the skin after 3-4 hours. A good powder should not emphasize the texture of the skin and overdry it.

How to apply powder on the face?

  • After applying foundation and concealers, wait 5 minutes for the creamy textures to adapt to the skin.
  • Apply powder with the largest fluffy brush with long bristles. It will give you the lightest coverage possible.
  • Shining powders are recommended to be applied with circular polishing movements, and matting powders - with slapping, driving in.
  • If you have dehydrated areas on your face (cheeks, for example), do not apply mattifying powder to them. Powder is needed only where oily sheen appears and makeup needs to be fixed. Avoid over-powdering around the eye area.
  • Before you fix your makeup with compact powder, be sure to use matting wipes. They gently absorb excess sebum without damaging the makeup. Only then apply powder. The sponge or powder puff that goes with the powder applies it quite densely, and sometimes with spots. For such situations, it is better to get a small travel brush for powder and blush.

Many of you faced a choice: Powder or foundation - which is better?

The answer of experts: of course foundation. Moreover, there are an infinite number of textures on the market: from the lightest moisturizing lotions with a tinting effect to the most dense ones. But! The presence of any foundation does not exclude the use of powder as a finishing touch, which is no less important. This will affect how long your skin stays matte, how your makeup stays on, and how it looks in photos.

Also, your choice may depend on the season and skin condition.

For example, in the summer, many girls prefer powder, because the skin of almost everyone is prone to oily. During this period, it is enough to use cream concealer, SPF base and powder locally.

In winter and during transitional periods, our skin is stressed by temperature changes and becomes prone to dryness. In this case, give preference to liquid and cream textures, and only bring makeup to the ideal with powder.

If you still prefer only powder, then pay special attention to nourishing skin care and preparing the skin for makeup. Use color-correcting and moisturizing bases, apply cream concealers locally.

With age, the skin condition tends to dryness, for everyone to varying degrees, but this is the place to be. The more dry your skin is, the less powder is recommended. If you have almost no oily sheen during the day, but it is better to give up powders altogether and opt for nourishing tonal products with a satin effect. Matte skin and lifting makeup are not compatible concepts))

It is known that with the help of dark powder or bronzer, you can correct the face.

Do you have a wide face or a narrow one? It doesn't matter - everything can be fixed with a simple make-up.

With the help of dark powder or bronzate / bronzer, you can:

1. Narrow your face
2. Expand
3. Less round
4. Correct the square jaw
5. Narrow your nose
6. Shorten the nose

To properly apply bronzer, you need to know your face and which areas you need to darken. As a standard, bronzers are applied to the sub-cheekbone cavity (for this, it is necessary to stretch the lips with a pipe forward so that the cheekbones can be seen and apply a little under the cheekbone), also to the area from the chin to the neck.

Bronzates are also applied on the forehead, namely, if you apply it a little on the temples and up the sides of the forehead, and blend everything well in the middle of the forehead along the hairline, then you can visually turn a round face into an oval, i.e. narrow it down.

You can apply at the top of the forehead along the hairline and thereby you will make shorter forehead if it's too big.

And this is how we correct a square face: we take our favorite bronzer, pick up the product on a brush, shake it off a little on our hand so that only a light shade remains and go over the contour of the face with a brush

Applying a corrective according to the type of face.

As a rule, the correction is to give the shape of the face as oval as possible.

Elongated / oblong face visually it can be reduced if light-colored powder or foundation is applied along the entire contour (temporal, zygomatic region and cheeks), and the T-shaped area located in the center of the face is covered with a darker tone.
For a flat face greater expressiveness will be inherent if a bronzer is applied to the cheekbones, which is two to three times darker than the main tone.
With a thin face, large chin and nose, they are covered with a darker bronzer or powder, and a lighter tone is suitable for the cheeks and forehead. Blush is applied to the cheeks and cheekbones, which are shaded to the ears.

Bronzer will help visually reduce the nose if it is too wide, then apply a little on the wings of the nose and on the sides, everything must be carefully shaded.
Flaw short nose Easily concealed if completely covered with powder.
For some "reductions" of a nose that is too long, a tone is superimposed under it, which will be darker than the main tone. If you apply a little on the tip of the nose, you will also visually make the nose shorter.
For evening time, a pale pink shadow below the bridge of the nose is suitable.

In the following way narrow chin can be somewhat visually expanded. To do this, the chin should be completely covered with a light tone, while the lower part of the cheeks is covered with the same tone. In the daytime, a “cut” chin will look better if its central part is under a light tone, lighter than the rest of the skin.
For a wide and heavy chin darker tones are superimposed on its central part, and blush is superimposed on the upper part of the cheeks, located closer to the temporal region.

For a long face it may be better to apply a layer of dark powder all over the cheeks. If there are dimples on the cheeks, then it is better to apply blush on the protrusions around these dimples. To do this, blush is shaded to the auricles and temples carefully, little by little.
For sharp cheekbones you don't have to use blush. Here you can limit yourself to just applying the tone on the cheeks closer to the nose.

Makeup artists advise: Where to put bronzer? Mentally draw the number “3” from the forehead down the face (on the right and mirrored on the left), these will be the areas that should be accentuated with a bronzer.

The "C"-shaped technique makes the shape of the face more oval, and the "U"-shaped technique narrows the wide forehead and elongates the face.

I advise you not to go in cycles in bronzates and not to buy expensive products, sometimes a cheap product is much better than an expensive one. In principle, any powder of dark shades can be a bronzer, I mean so that you don’t rush to shop windows in search of something special, so take a closer look at your cosmetic arsenal, you may not need to buy it at all. If you have a foundation one or two shades darker than your skin, this foundation can also be used as a bronzer.

And some more helpful tips:

1. The best way to apply bronzing powder is with a wide blush brush. If you use a small brush, you won't get the even tone you want. You use more product, but you won’t achieve evenness, there will be divorces and color borders.

2. Apply bronzer in layers, do not try to achieve the desired shade immediately. Color needs to be saturated gradually.

3. If you need a daytime look that is not so dramatic, choose a bronzer without a glow effect. Matte textures look natural and natural.

PS. I think that many people know that bronzers (bronzers) are such blush, powders of brown shades, which are also used in sculpting the face. They must be matte to create a natural shadow on the face. Bronzates are powdery, they are also liquid. The main purpose of bronzers for the face and body is to create a tan effect.

Choose bronzers exclusively according to the color type of your skin, dark shades will look bad on white girls. If the skin is dark, then use a brown bronzer, if the skin is light, then beige.

The habit of powdering the face appeared more than one thousand years ago, and for a long time not the most useful means were used for this purpose: a mixture of lead and chalk, rice starch, rice or wheat flour. Most modern powders are based on talc (one of the softest minerals), and there is no harmful lead in the composition at all, its role is played by zinc oxide. Also, the composition may include white and red clay, flower oils, moisturizing ingredients and vitamins, which allow the product not only not to clog pores and not provoke inflammation, but, on the contrary, take care of the skin.

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Which is better: powder or foundation?

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Powder and foundation belong to the same category (actually, foundation), but at the same time they have different characteristics and properties. At the same time, there is no and cannot be an unequivocal answer to the question of which is better: under different circumstances, both powder and foundation can come in handy.

The foundation has a liquid or creamy texture. It allows the product to merge with the skin, providing an even coverage. Due to this texture, additional useful components can also be added to the composition: caring oils and anti-aging ingredients.

Different tonal creams provide different coverage density, so they are suitable for girls who almost do not need tone correction, and for those who need to hide noticeable flaws: mask pimples, acne marks or scars.

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Powders tend to be dry in texture (creams are not as common yet) and have less coverage. It is unlikely that she will cope with serious shortcomings, but she does not face such a task: powder can make the tone of the face more uniform, matte the skin and even out its relief. Also, when using powder in its "pure" form, be sure to apply a moisturizer first and let it absorb properly.

Foundations adapt to the needs of different skin types, cosmetic brands produce versions for dry, oily, normal and even aged skin. But with powders, not everything is so simple: most of them are not suitable for girls with very dry skin, but there is a solution for them. For example, the NYX Professional Makeup brand came up with Hydra Touch powder, which includes moisturizing ingredients - extracts of chamomile, cactus, chlorella algae and wheat germ.

Most often, you don’t have to choose between powder and foundation. If you don’t have any special skin problems, use foundation to correct the tone, and apply powder on top, which will prevent the appearance of oily sheen and fix makeup.

6 main types of face powder

The first image that arises at the mention of powder is compressed dry powder in a beautiful package with a mirror. Indeed, compact powders are the most popular, but far from the only ones. We talk about each type of face powder in more detail.

Compact powder

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The same powder with a mirror and a powder puff (or sponge), which can definitely be found in any women's bag, backpack or evening clutch.

Loose powder

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The second most popular type of powder. Loose powder is lighter in texture than compact and more like fine flour.

Cream powder

In its properties, it is more like a light creamy foundation, but a little more dense - so much so that it can be placed in a compact powder package. Cream powder is also convenient to take with you, you need to apply it with a sponge or, on local areas, with your fingers. Such a powder has the highest degree of overlap, so in some situations it can even replace foundation. An ideal solution for girls with dry skin who are not suitable for regular compact powder.

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Mineral powder

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Unlike dry powder, cream powder cannot be applied with a powder puff or brush - most of the product will simply be absorbed into it. As a result, it will not work to distribute the powder in an even and even layer. Use a special sponge or brush, or apply cream powder directly with your fingers, like a foundation.

In general, when using cream powder, you should follow the same rules as when using any cream textures. The most important thing is thorough shading: cream products look more natural on the skin than dry products, but on the condition that there are no stains or streaks left on the skin. Therefore, pay special attention to shading and do not forget to apply powder on the temples and along the hairline.

Apply cream powder with a dry sponge for light, weightless coverage and a slight touch of tone. Or use a dewy tone to get fuller coverage and hide imperfections.

How to use powder in balls?

Powder in balls is also dry in texture, so it is best to apply it with a wide fluffy natural bristle brush. Preliminarily mix the balls in the package with a brush in a circular motion (if they are colored, this will help to mix the colors), and then apply the powder on the face with a translucent layer in the same circular motion.

Powder brushes

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When choosing makeup brushes, buy the most expensive option you can afford: good brushes, alas, cannot be cheap. This rule is true for any brush, regardless of its purpose. We will tell you more about the specific characteristics of powder brushes.

How to choose a powder brush?

  • A brush for mineral, loose and any other dry powder should have sufficiently long, soft and fluffy bristles that perfectly distribute the powder without weighing down the makeup. The best option is a wide, dense, but fluffy brush with a rounded tip.
  • For loose, compact, mineral and any other dry powder, buy a brush made of natural bristles, while cream should be applied with a sponge.
  • Sometimes separate brushes for mineral powder come across on sale - they look almost the same, but have a denser structure: in this way, the villi literally impress useful minerals into the skin.

What is better to apply powder - with a sponge or a brush?

Dry compact, mineral, loose and ball powder (i.e. any powder with a dry texture) are best applied with a natural bristle brush. As a rule, goat hair is used in their creation. Cream powder is applied with a sponge - dry, to create a translucent coating, or wet, to make the tone more dense.

How to apply powder with a brush?

To learn how to apply powder with a brush, watch our video tutorial.

Types of powders by color and properties

Mattifying face powder

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There are many matting agents, they often contain polymer particles, clay, corn starch, tapioca. As the name implies, the main task of such a powder is to rid the skin of oily sheen. For dry skin, this powder is not suitable, but even if you have oily skin, it is better to look for a product with a reliable composition. For example, NYX Professional Makeup's Stay Matt But Not Flat Powder contains vitamin E, so the skin will feel comfortable. Choose the compact option to keep a reliable mattifier close at hand.

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Translucent Powder

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Transparent white powder is used to mattify the skin, as well as fix makeup - it will not be able to hide acne, redness and other skin imperfections. Using translucent powder can create a natural look, but if you overdo it, your face will look like you powdered it with flour.

Bronzing powder

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Can be used for and also instead of . For a natural look, choose a bronzer shade that is one or two shades darker and warmer than your foundation. If you have light skin, choose peach, honey and beige-pink shades, for medium skin tone - bronze with pink undertones, for dark skin, terracotta, copper or amber options are suitable. Girls with very light porcelain skin should not use bronzing powder, it will create the effect of dirt on the face.

© armanibeauty

To learn how to quickly get a tanned face with makeup, watch the video below.

Moisturizing powder

A powder that contains caring and moisturizing ingredients. As a rule, such a powder has a creamy texture and is great for dry skin. Apply with a sponge for a natural look.

Face Powder Rating: Editors' Choice

PURECOLORS INC Mineral Powder Guide.

Which powder is best for you? ?

To answer this question, you must first determine your skin tone, as the color of the mineral base should be closest to your skin tone.

Makeup artists distinguish two basic skin tones: warm and cold. There are several more obvious combinations of these basic tones. Peach skin tones come from an equal combination of rather bright shades of pink and gold. Olive sheen in skin occurs when added to pink-peach tones with gray-green tones. When none of the colors outweighs, then it can be said that this is a skin of a neutral tone.

Below are a few simple steps to help youdetermine skin tone.

1. Vein test.

In natural light, look at the inside of your wrist, if your veins have a slightly greenish tint, this indicates the presence of yellow, warm undertones in your skin, and therefore you have a warm or peach skin tone! Veins that look bluish or purple indicate a cool skin tone. If you can't tell for sure what color your wrist veins are, then your skin has a neutral tone. Olive tones may also work for you.

2.Test - Ponytail.

Again, in natural light, remove all hair back from the face into a ponytail, thoroughly cleanse the face. Now either wrap your neck and shoulders with a white cloth, or hold a thick white sheet of paper to your forehead or chin. Look carefully, and even better, call your husband or girlfriend to help, and determine which shade of color prevails in your skin compared to white. If it is yellow, then you are the owner of a warm skin tone. If the shade is bluish - cold skin tone.If, in addition to clearly yellow, greenish shades also appear, then you should try olive mineral powders.

3. Silver/gold test.

What suits you best in jewelry? White metals like silver or platinum or are you a fan of yellow gold. Attach to your face, as in the previous test, first a sheet of gold foil. Does your complexion look healthy or has it taken on an ashy hue? Now attach the silver foil, which shade prevails in your face, yellow or blue?

If after doing all of the above tests, you still can't determine your skin tone, you most likely have a neutral skin tone.

Congratulations! This is the most comfortable skin tone! To him, powder manufacturers make the largest number of shades, it is easiest for you to choose a powder! Since almost all shades from warm to cold can suit you.

Determining the color gradation from light to dark of your skin is usually much easier. Moreover, this can change, with a tan, for example. But mineral makeup is good because you can experiment with it. If you bought yourself too light powder, just add a little bronzer to it when using - and that's it! If you bought a powder a little darker than you would like, you can dilute it with the addition of a small amount or the lightest foundation or white shadows, and you will also achieve the desired effect.

Purecolors Inc. mineral powder is divided into nine subgroups:
- four skin tones: neutral, warm, peach, cool and olive

- four in gradation from light to dark: light, medium-light, medium and dark skin tones.
By skin tone.

Cold tone

You have a cool skin tone if: Your skin is pink, beige, brown. Your hair: soft shades of brown or ash blonde can be dark brown or black. Your eyes: blue, gray or black-brown. In such a skin, pink color will prevail with bluish (not greenish!) veins. You will look better in white metal jewelry (silver or platinum). Your wedding dress should be the color of bright, white snow. When it comes to clothing or makeup, the best colors for you are pinks, berry mixes and spring shades (but you're not limited to pastels!).

The following colors are also suitable: fuchsia, blue, silver, white, black, green, blue-purple. A cold tone is most often present in a person with fair skin, who instantly burns out in the sun, and only then tans and his skin acquires a bronze tint.

If you think you have a cool skin tone, check out these mineral powders: Light. strawberry biscuits, Mocha

You have a warm skin tone if: Your skin golden, yellow color.Your hair is golden blonde to copper reddish brown. ATyour eyes: green or brown, may be warm shades of gray. In such skin, a yellowish color with greenish veins will predominate. You will look better in yellow metal jewelry (gold). Your wedding dress should be (should have been!?) a delicate cream or ivory color. When it comes to clothing or cosmetics, the best colors for you are sunset colors and all autumn hues.

The following colors are also suitable: peach, orange, olive, green, brown, copper, bronze. People with warm skin tone, if it is fair, can tan without burning, and when they tan their skin takes on a distinctly golden hue.

If you think you have a warm skin tone, check out these mineral powders: Super Light, Butter, Peach Skin, Iris, Coffee, Rich

You may have a neutral skin tone. This means that you look equally good in cool and warm colors of clothing and makeup. You have a balance between warm and cool undertones. Most women have neutral undertones. If you have a neutral skin tone, then you should choose eye shadow, blush and lipstick in one of the neutral shades. Mauve and all berry colors are considered neutral. Plum, lilac, and cranberry are also neutral. Coral and red colors are also considered neutrals. Coral and red colors include: peach, orange, brownish red, apricot.

Olive tone
Yellow-pink and greenish tones predominate in such skin. Such skin may look slightly ashy or have a grayish tint. Olive tones of mineral powder can be tried if you have a neutral skin tone.

Graduated from light to dark.

If you are a fair-skinned beauty with transparent skin, if your skin can be called "porcelain" or "ivory", then choose light shades of powder. The most important thing for you in makeup, on the one hand, does not look too pale, on the other hand, the danger of overdoing it increases. Because it is on fair skin that excess makeup looks worst.

Most people fall into this category. If you can't determine what type your skin is (light or dark), then most likely you belong to the average type. On such skin, a tan fits well, almost does not burn.

Bronze skin (tanned): These people have a lot of pigment in their skin. They never burn. This type of skin is found among Europeans, most often among Spaniards and Italians. Very common among Indians or fair-skinned African Americans.

Dark powder is not an unfortunate choice in a cosmetic store, but an excellent tool for emphasizing or correcting facial features. It is ordered quite often from us, as experienced makeup artists make purchases here. When applying makeup professionally, dark powder is indispensable, so if you decide to take it seriously, we recommend that you place an order now.

What is dark powder used for?

There are questions on the Web about what to do if the purchased powder turned out to be too dark. But what if you initially set a goal - to buy a product of this shade? What can be done with it:

  1. Highlight cheekbones
    Beautiful cheekbones are very seductive, but if they are not emphasized by nature, we can fix them with cosmetics. A little dark powder, blend everything with a light brush and observe a stunning effect.
  2. Correct the silhouette of the face
    The powder in question also allows you to make the face visually narrower. It looks attractive, your image will be inimitable. It is enough to apply the product on the skin and shade it properly.
    By the way, you can also expand the oval of the face with the help of this bulk product, so it is almost universal.
  3. Remove square jaw
    The effect of the so-called square jaw is easily removed with the same dark powder. Cover the corners of your face with it and enjoy the result.
  4. Narrow your nose

If necessary, it is required to apply the product on the wings of the nose. But you have to be careful with this, otherwise the powder will be very noticeable.

In any case, when using dark powder, you need to consider the shape of the face. Ideally, the product should not cover the entire skin, concentrate shading only in certain areas.

Our online store sells quality cosmetics that will last all day on your face and make you feel amazing and look exactly the way you want.