Happy Russian Police Day. Congratulations on Police Day. Who keeps our peace

We heartily congratulate our police,
We understand how important and hard your work is!
And thank you for keeping things in order
And the dangers will bypass us!

How important it is for us to feel your protection,
Know that you will not leave the right in trouble!
May you, our vigilant guardians -
Only luck and happiness are met everywhere!

Happy police day, I congratulate
Noble work of a fighter!
I wish you infinite luck
A lot of happiness, love without end!

I wish you patience and strength
Many small stars and big ones,
Thanks, certificates and awards,
New titles, cool finances!

And I wish you health
May your life path succeed!
Let the insidious criminal be afraid
You don't let him rest!

Years go by, people, times and society change ... But the day of the police remains in memory invariably. We wish you not to leave the path of truth and service to man. Let your help be timely, and the desire to observe the laws sincere. I wish you good health, fighting spirit and a decent standard of living!

Happy police day friends
I want to congratulate you!
I wish you inspiration
Strength, courage and luck!

And the tasks are not very difficult,
Executable, possible!
Let the limit rise
Opening cases!

November, the tenth day -
Your holiday is professional!
We are very lucky to have you:
Your moral level is high,

And the mind is sharp, and the eye is accurate -
The police are our stronghold!
So glad we congratulate you:
Such reliable, sensitive, courageous!

Let the work become easier
And safer and quieter!
May the angels protect you -
Heroes deserve it!

Police work is complex and multifaceted. But you also have holidays. We wish sharpness of mind so that even the most difficult tasks can be solved with ease! Never lose your temper and do not lose heart, because you are a worthy role model! We wish you to remember that not only business, but also people close to you are waiting for you!

Congratulations on Police Day.
We wish you success, kindness.
We wish you perseverance and luck.
Let the enemies have empty heads!

And do not need words, too incomprehensible,
To express my opinion to you!
We wish you more pleasant minutes.
There is work - everything winds around it.

Congratulations, may success not leave
And health never fails.
If it seems that malice wins -
Everyone knows that the police will come!

Despite the fact that the law enforcement service has existed in Russia since time immemorial, the servants of the law have acquired professional holiday only in 1962 after the corresponding Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The date of November 10 was chosen because on October 28 (November 10, according to the new style), 1917, the resolution of the NKVD of the RSFSR "On the workers' militia" was adopted. For almost thirty years, from 1962 to 1991, the holiday was called "The Day of the Soviet Police". After the change in the political system, the word "Soviet" left the name of the holiday. From 1991 to 2011, the holiday was called "Police Day". The last changes in the fate of the holiday date occurred in 2011. After the adoption of the new law "On Police" dated March 1, 2011, the name "militia" was replaced by "police". The official name of the holiday also changed and came to its current form. We are currently celebrating the Day of the Internal Affairs Officer Russian Federation". However, in everyday speech, the holiday is often referred to more briefly and simply - "Police Day". On this page you will find poems and congratulations on Police Day, postcards and pictures for the holiday, and you can also send cool audio greetings to relatives and friends of police officers directly to your mobile phone. See also:

On the tenth day of November

Invariably, this happens On the tenth day of November: On the tables, glasses full of mist are not in vain -

Something will wait until tomorrow, Something done yesterday... The holiday came to us suddenly! Happy Police Day! Hooray!


Congratulations to the police officers

We wish the police officers with all our hearts Do not give up positions, May great success await,

Let the career develop, the salary grows faster, Let you want and can Happy holiday everyone, guys!


Beloved Cop

Always on guard my hero! You don't have to fight! With bosses, with life, with mess... But don't fight only with me!

I can always understand you, I always want to hug you. Today I will say loving: "Beloved, happy holiday to you!"


Good poems with congratulations on Police Day

May God save you From all obstacles and from the bad, You boldly move forward, And in life do not know the dashing.

I wish you with all my heart In the police a calm service, May great success await you! Love, hope, true friendship!


Poem to the policeman with a holiday

The police rejoice - Congratulate them, kiss! On this holiday, the whole country is full of gratitude!

Even thieves will congratulate them: Dark deeds will be left! Smile and dance, Policeman, from the heart!


Congratulations on Police Day for women

Our weaker sex - you are the strongest! In the service, this was proved by deed! In work, sometimes overwhelming, Brilliant victories won!

On your special and professional day, Accept a personal gift from us! We give gratitude and recognition, For courage, for a career and for titles!

We female forces We wish the defenders And we cordially congratulate you on the Police Day!


Congratulations to the husband of the policeman

My husband is a brave policeman, He is on duty day and night. And everyday life is not terrible, And the daughter is proud of her father.

Let the troubles pass, Let the shifts be shorter. Let the police workaholic Be like supermen!

Let your salary grow Like dough with yeast, There will be more servelat, On family revels!


Congratulations to a friend - a police officer

The siren roars heavily: “Wah! Whoa! Whoa! A cap sticks out in the window, In a cap - a head.

And in the head of that thought Not easy at times, And a baton with a holster hung on a belt.

And in the holster, the clip is Stuck in the gun. Live, brother, quietly, Preferably a hundred years!


Police Day in Russia

The police service is the shield and sword of the country, while protecting society from the criminal darkness.

It's the police's job to serve the motherland, And cherish the oath taken sacredly.

Knights brave Rati of peaceful days, According to the laws of the motherland Serve every day.

Training is excellent Standing at posts, Neutralize in time Passion of thieves' brigades.

Great Rus will be More beautiful and mile, Under the protection of the knights - Glorious sons.


Cool congratulations on Police Day

Some people do not want to honestly Live somewhere today, But it is known for certain Who will help us in trouble.

Somebody today is a holiday, Someone is drinking something today. Something big and different They want our people.

Somewhere songs will flow, Something will dance. Sing, law! Crime - crack! What-what your mother!


Congratulations on the day of the cops!

Congratulations on the day of the cops! Let there be no jambs! Respected at work, Shake hands firmly!

Everyone is happy to congratulate you! Let the salary go up! Be severe with crime, You yourself are lucky and healthy!


Congratulations on Police Day to women

Your shoulders are crowned with stars, The shape is to the figure and to the face; And these women know how to repulse any insolent!

Girls, today, on Police Day, Our boss signed the order, And you are all appointed queens! Rule us - we love you so much!


Congratulations on the day of the policeman

Policeman, be strong And in love with the profession. Protect ordinary people, And today - just drink!

Just drink and pour, Celebrate this holiday, Happiness in life wanders around, Nothing else is needed!


Congratulations to the police officer

As a child, it seemed that it was courage, Courage, weapons, strength, deduction ... But it turned out - paper, bodyaga, Crosses, scum, intrigue, corruption.

Of the violators, every second is the godfather of the deputy, major and thieves. And the rest - with them, bribed. Throw shackles on FIG!

Go into business, or into private security... Who then will protect you, unfortunate ones? Save life, save investments? Who, if not a humble police officer?


Happy Police Day Opera!

Hand over the weapons to the base! Turn off the phones And set the tables to receive congratulations right away!

Let the opera rest from work today! Pour already, what's there! Happy Police Day! Hooray!


Wishes for the holiday - Police Day

We honor this day especially - Police Day for us - A holiday of the highest standard It was in the past, and now.

We wish you in deed, in a word, to win the world of crime, to always be strong, healthy, promises to keep

And to serve with dignity From trouble, saving everyone, To believe in sincere friendship And our general success!


Congratulations to the Ministry of Internal Affairs

A rubber club is a reliable tool. Doesn't require petrol, starts right up.

The criminal encroacher Will appear in the distance, And - time !!! – already in bed Chews tetracycline.

Tetracycline tasteless, Flowing down the beard. So in writing and verbally Congratulations to the Ministry of Internal Affairs!


Congratulate on Police Day

Congratulate on Police Day I have been dreaming of you for a long time. Only sincerely glorify, wish you every hour

Just enjoy life, Don't forget about your family, And for your homeland To reduce crime!


Guys, Happy Police Day!

Guys, Happy Police Day I want to congratulate you! Career ambitions Let them come true at once!

Let a minimum of crimes Happen in the country, And only straight lines Lead you to fate!


Rest on Police Day!

All colleagues respect you, Relatives love you, friends appreciate you, All doors are open before you, And your family is proud of you.

On this festive day, I wish that all desires, dreams come true, And career growth, and titles, On Police Day, you rest!


Police day for us

Police Day means a lot to us: Every day and every hour, Day and dark night

Our police peace Protects dispassionately! Let life be great, Service - safe!


Thank you police officers

You are on guard of our life, guard the peace, serve the Fatherland with honor with your heart, body and soul,

Even if you can’t say everything in words, But thank you for what you are on guard, What keep our peace!


Good Wishes for Police Day

The policeman - the guardian of order - This is the pride of Russia always! Let the service sometimes not sweet - You cope with it without difficulty!

On Police Day, let the commanders reward you with a new rank! And let new stars suddenly shine on the shoulder straps of the uniform!


Who keeps our peace

Who guards our peace, Guards the hooligans, And guards the order, Protects the defenseless - All the police - vivat! Everyone is happy to congratulate you! We wish you success, Happiness, joy and laughter, And love your work, Give care to all people, We now congratulate you all on Police Day!


Happy holiday! Happy Police Day!

Police Day is celebrated by the whole country from year to year, This holiday is celebrated very joyfully by the people.

We heartily congratulate the wonderful guys, We wish you easy service And high salaries for you!


Happy Police Day!

Happy Police Day! Today you have a big holiday. And from the bottom of my heart I wish you to be happy and believe in yourself,

I wish you success at work, In your personal life - love and warmth! And let everything that you dream of Come true in life always!


There is the tenth number in November, We must not forget it, And the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a wonderful date It is time to congratulate.

You are strong, brave people And you are not afraid of anything, You are doing an important thing And thank you for it!


To all the cops - hip hip hooray!

To all the cops - hip-hip cheers, Your holiday, today! Happiness to you - for all the years, Excellent service!

Titles, honors, awards, Many bonuses, Eternal cheerfulness charge, Auspicious days!

Let the money in the house rustle, Life will be great, And the criminals are in a hurry, Come to you with a confession!


Today you are elegant, beautiful ...

Today you are elegant, beautiful, Let crime fall asleep forever, We say to you for everything: “Thank you!”, We are grateful to you, gentlemen!

You are the protection of the people, You stop crimes, And you are engaged in solving cases, You are in perpetual motion ...

And on your day - from the bottom of our hearts we wish that it becomes calmer in the country, that you are at home more often, that you are appreciated in your family!


Short poem Happy Police Day

Happy Police Day! May the service and fate be successful. All crime will disappear like smoke, so that you are happy, loved and loved!

All In verse In prose SMS

Police officer, we are always calm with you,
Our homes and cities are safe.
The silence of peaceful streets and distant roads
You save from troubles and unexpected worries!

Happy police day today we congratulate you,
Years quickly rush, rushing fate,
Be firm and strong, worthy of epaulettes,
Protect our order, peace and law!

Your appearance is strict and severe
Brings self-confidence
You get up again every day
For us in a responsible fight!

And against many currents
The flowing river of life
Go straight without a doubt
Just clenching your fists!

Sometimes, working in two shifts,
You protect our home
Let luck, cops,
Gives support to you in everything!

Happy Police Day! I wish you proudly and faithfully carry your title, honestly and faithfully serve for the benefit of people. May your work be appreciated and rewarded. I wish you to achieve unrealistic heights at work and in life, and conquer more than one unattainable peak.

Your service is not jam
And, of course, not honey.
Let at least congratulations
Will bring a drop of sweetness.

I wish the chief
On planning meetings only praised!
Thanks personally
Today on a holiday announced!

Fulfillment of all desires!
Let the good news await
Police rising ranks
Together with salary!

Let the nerves be steel!
Defeat all villains!
So that the country can medal
And reward money!

I wish you peaceful days
And the rustle of banknotes in my hand,
Let work be heaven
Where everything comes easy!

Let the routine not destroy
And the heart sings joyfully
Friends let them please and love
And the people are celebrating!

I wish, my friend policeman, that you have big stars on your shoulder straps. So that all criminals are exposed and, under your strict guidance, embark on the right path. Confidence in your abilities and always bring the work you have started to the end.

The police today by all the people,
Greetings and congratulations.
So that over your happy sky,
The sun always shone, we wish.

Let me also wish
More health heroic.
Increase your wealth all the time,
And live, of course, as long as possible.

All cops are right today
Celebrate this celebration loudly.
Thank you, honor and glory,
May there be many happy days.

I wish you strength, patience and health,
Welfare, prosperity at home.
Let the family hearth burn with love,
Success accompanies any business.

Let safety surround you every minute,
When you keep order and peace.
I congratulate you again with respect,
May your age be like golden.

Happy police day friends
I want to congratulate you!
I wish you inspiration
Strength, courage and luck!

And the tasks are not very difficult,
Executable, possible!
Let the limit rise
Opening cases!

Fighting and serious-faced,
You are good at dangerous work,
With your day - Valiant Police Day
We congratulate you wholeheartedly.
May God grant you good luck, health, perseverance,
Understanding and love in the family,
So that there are as few sorrows as possible,
Evil and crimes on earth.

We used to sing about you
Very true words
your service really
Both dangerous and difficult.
you soldiers of order
Magnified since October.
Although not everything is going smoothly,
But without you, it's impossible.
We count police day
Common holiday of the country.
We heartily congratulate you -
The Fatherland needs you.

Happy Police Day!

Today we heartily congratulate
Those who keep order in society,
Those who know firsthand about the trouble
And at night he does not sleep at his post.
May there be more in the life of the world,
May there be more kindness
And let the police have more
In the hard life of their love!

Honesty, loyalty and courage
We celebrate today.
Let's not forget your glory
Your good for the country.
Let the banners fly
And the victorious march thunders -
Everyone is celebrating today
Your police holiday.

Police Day - poems and wishes

Police Day is a special holiday -
Day of all guardians, guardians of the country.
Those who strictly observe all laws,
Those who both with the right and with the truth on "you".

They catch criminals, they protect life,
Peace and tranquility saving in the country.
The better the police do their duty,
The easier and more joyful it is to live on Earth!

Glorious employee of internal affairs!
You are impeccably honest and brave,
Our support, protection forever,
Wise, always worthy man!

We select the words of congratulations,
So grateful for your work without laziness,
Happiness, good luck, less work -
Let only worries be pleasant!

Congratulations on the holiday police day

These people are our pride.
Our peace is in their hands.
Keeping firm will,
Loyalty and honor in the hearts,

Serve proudly, boldly,
Every day and every hour.
They have troubles at gunpoint,
So let's congratulate them now!

On Police Day we wish
Don't lose your spirit
All affairs are excellent,
Evil stubbornly win!

Police day today
The whole country celebrates!
Your service to the state
Definitely important!
Happy holiday!

Let's remember today together
Those whose work is synonymous with honor.
Who does not seek an easy life,
Shines with courage, dexterity,

Who keeps the peace of the people
From sunset to sunrise.
Happy Police Day
We honor and praise your honest work!

On the day of the police, I want to wish you
To bring joy to the service.
Never give in to enemies
This is your pride, your strength!
Always keep your honor
Guardian of the law, conductor of order,
Let trouble not touch you
May you live happily and sweetly!

Congratulations on the day of the district police commissioner

At any time of the day or night
You rush to help people
Do you remember the importance of authority
You will always solve the problem!

I wish you, precinct, -
Sometimes there is no need for you -
To sensible assistant
You stayed for the people!

Happy Police Day! We waited!
This holiday has come to us!
Undoubtedly, all the heroes
He congratulated and found!

Congratulations to all involved
Generals, privates!
We wish you success
And more weekends!

And we also wish you
Happiness, joy, kindness,
To the envy of all villains
Never get old!

Congratulations on the day of the police officer

From crazy bullets and from deceit
May the Lord save
Serve faithfully, without flaw -
Let the Fatherland lead you!

I wish on police day
Fatherland to the best sons,
To live honestly, prospering,
May fear be unknown to you!

Your work is hard, we all know
On Police Day, congratulations.
We wish you to work without loss,
Fortune will knock on your door.

You do not have the courage at all,
We wish well-being to all.
To your families of kindness and tender warmth,
So that your life would be only good.

Congratulations on the birthday of the police

It's not easy being a cop
Everyone in the world knows about it
For harm you need milk
Give and award in an envelope.

And if there is no milk,
Well, that's what fate means.
Let the hand not tremble,
Another drink spilling.

You're on the day of the police now
Raise your glasses together.
Bandits will even understand you
And you celebrate your holiday.

On Police Day, we praise lovingly,
Gathering a feast here
General, sergeant, we
For hard, but righteous work!
With you next to me - calmness, silence,
Let the path of struggle with the lads only be begun,
You will protect mothers from punks,
From rapists - our girls;
Establish order in the country
Know a lot about victories over the mafia! ..
Be loved and completely happy
Fulfilling your duty to us!!!

Congratulations to your beloved on Police Day

Always on guard my hero!
You don't have to fight!
With bosses, with life, with mess...
But don't just fight me!
I can always understand you
I always want to hug you.
Today I will say lovingly:
"Beloved, happy holiday to you!"

You are at work late
You catch bandits every day.
And I'm sitting all alone
And on the face of sadness a shadow.

I want police day
Arrest yourself.
My dear, I'm not kidding
And you should know about it.

I will tie you to me
And without steel handcuffs.
I want to prove to you
Your holiday is just for the two of us.

And there will be dinner, conversation,
I congratulate you loving...
In short, listen to the verdict:
I will give you myself.

On your day, on Police Day, I wish:
May there be fewer dangers.
Health and strength, so that colleagues are like brothers,
To meet family hugs at home.

So that they don’t forget to raise you in rank,
Salary and bonus were not cheated.
Be honest and brave, be smart and resourceful.
Let life unfold the way you want.

About the service, which is very difficult and dangerous,
Much has been sung and much written.
Civilians are never clear enough
What a titanic work is truly.

I wish you, police representative,
So that luck does not leave in life.
Honor, medals, career ambitions.
And so that you rise to the rank of general!

Happy Russian Police Day. I wish you always to have a bright mind, incredible strength, brilliant ingenuity, excellent intuition, strong character and undoubted professionalism. Good luck and success in your work, as well as health, patience and personal well-being.

Happy Police Day!
I don't want to give up
Be an example for everyone
real officer,

I want to open all the capercaillie,
Do not lose agility over the years,
Always be on top
Succeed always, everywhere.

There is an important day in the calendar -
It's called police day.
Let everyone who serves in it
The sun will smile today!

Order, honor, law of the Russian Federation -
All this is your life credo.
So let the service bring
Peace, prosperity from the fatherland!

Health, ease in everything
Today we wish you
And Happy Police Day dear
We sincerely congratulate you!

People in uniform and epaulettes
You are our honor to Russia!
And we are proud with all our hearts
With all your soul that you are.

Happy professional holiday
Happy Police Day to all of you!
We express gratitude
We are at your service now.

Let him bypass
Bullet fool and trouble
We know that we are in order
Save you always.

Let the underworld shudder
And gives up positions:
Clean up your uniform
Holiday, Police Day!

Protecting the world around
Don't forget about rest.
Let there be a friend
And incomes are growing!

Thank you for your courage, faith and strength.
Thank you for protecting Russia!
Let the service be difficult and sometimes dangerous,
Your efforts are not in vain.

Peaceful skies and sunny days to you,
The road through life is longer and smoother.
May pain, loss not meet you,
Let the stars on your shoulder straps shine!

I wish you a long, bright service,
It was lucky that every hour,
Be the most needed at work
Happy Policeman's Day, you!

In a family of love and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness,
Serenity and kindness.
Maintain health and strength
Selfless soul!

May everything that brings joy
A cheerful whirlwind around you
Spinning. Smile more often
And everything will work out, without embellishment!

The cop is awesome!
Cop is awesome!
Did you ever make a choice
And, of course, not in vain.

After all, the Russian police
Brave people are needed
To serve bravely
For the people of the whole country.

We congratulate today
Police from the heart
We give our admiration
We are in a hurry to wish you all:

To keep the sky clear
To keep crime from rising.
And so that in your personal life
Spring ruled the ball.

Happy Police Day to you!
Congratulations, no kidding.
I wish you happiness
And, of course, smile.
All obstacles to pass
Find the best in life
Be on guard and in order
Run away from evil and without looking back.
Good health, I wish you courage.
All in all, congratulations.