Congratulations on February 23 by names are cool. Your name means that you are the favorite of the gods

Arthur means "bear" in Celtic.
Just as brave, mighty and strong,
You are near and there is nothing more to want,
What to do with such a brave and sensitive man.
Congratulating the defenders during the day, I will say:
Arthur, you are the best and most devoted,
I cherish you more than anything in the world,
What is with you, I do not regret a single gram!

Your name means that you are the favorite of the gods

Your name means that you are the favorite of the gods,
This means you will be happy, and lucky, and healthy.
Accept, Gleb, congratulations on February 23,
This holiday is celebrated by all defenders not in vain.
Congratulations and wish your dreams come true
The one cherished, the most important, which you dreamed about,
And have faithful, devoted friends with you,
Think, Gleb, only about the good and do not regret the past!

Forget, Oleg, worries

Forget, Oleg, worries,
We are lucky today
Put down your work
The 23rd has come
With what I congratulate you!
Dream fulfillment!
And I also wish you
What you yourself thought.

Congratulations, Nikita

Congratulations, Nikita
Happy February 23rd
My door is always open
As you know, for you.
You are responsible and brave
And a reliable friend
You will help to do everything
If suddenly needed.
Of course I wish
On this holiday of all men
Happiness personal without edge
And luck for no reason!

The earth is still cold

The earth is still cold
And the houses are warm
February 23rd
It has come to us again
Congratulations, Alexey,
Happy big holiday
Smile, dear, hurry up
You are loved by me
My protector dear,
I get lucky,
that we met with you
To spite all enemies!

Happy February 23

Happy February 23rd
Tolik, dear,
I congratulate you
You are my hero.
Frankly speaking,
You are the most needed
I wish for you
Joy and success
Be lucky in everything
Rejoice, live
It's good that we are together
Suddenly love is found!

February teases us a little

February teases us a little,
The earth is still cold
But a holiday has come to us -
February 23rd!
With what I congratulate you
I, Eugene, from the bottom of my heart,
I want to live in peace
And in contentment, and in silence.
I also wish for the sky
blue on you
To have enough butter with bread,
And be happy with your wife!

Personalized congratulations on February 23(and not only) have a special personal connotation and are always highly valued. Thus, you emphasize the importance of the hero of the occasion and show that you are paying increased attention to him.

Suitable for original congratulations to relatives and friends, classmates and work colleagues.

Congratulations on February 23: | in prose (in your own words) | cool | | | | man | boyfriend | | | grandfather | friend | colleagues | boss | uncle | nephews | father-in-law | father-in-law | son-in-law | by name | for all

Congratulations on names from February 23

Congratulations on February 23 in verse by name. Cool poems from February 23 to boys and men.

W ahar
And van Igor Ilya
To irill Konstantin
L ev Leonid
M axim michael
H ikita nikolay
O lay down
P avel peter
R Oman Ruslan
FROM Yemen Sergey Stanislav Stepan
T Imofey Timur
F eater
E duard
YU riy
I roslav

Congratulations on February 23!
And I sincerely wish you, Zakhar,
May fate generously give you
Everything you wish for yourself!

For you to be the happiest
Don't get angry over little things.
Appreciate life and live beautifully
And do not lose success with lovely ladies!

Since February 23, dear Ivan!
Let them go through life next to you,
Like a long caravan in the desert
Joy, happiness and everything you need.
Spread your wings like Pegasus
Far flying on the winds of freedom.
May love accompany you
A whole century, all your years!

Since February 23, Igor, congratulations!
As a defender, I wish you:
A tank that looks like a Suzuki
With onboard computer and sunroof,
Dry ration with black caviar,
Camouflage from "Versace" modest,
A dugout in three rolls on Miami,
Front one hundred grams with friends,
The caress of a fighting girlfriend,
But, Igor, no war!

Eloquent, clever Ilyusha,
You are so interesting to listen to.
A wonderful husband and family man -
You are one of us!

Our dear friend, Ilya,
Congratulations on February 23!
Let dreams come true
We believe you will be happy!

Congratulations, Kirill,
Happy February 23rd!
Our people have won
All enemies have long been not in vain.
Happy Desperate Men Day
Dashing Defenders of the Fatherland!
This holiday is necessary
So take a verse from us.

We have a great reason
On February 23, congratulate Konstantin:
They read about Kostya in a book,
What is constant, steel is harder ...
Yes, we ourselves knew it -
After all, you have never met a better friend!
Reliable, faithful, pure soul,
Our Konstantin is a golden guy!
And we heartily congratulate
You, our friend! We wish you all the best!

Drgu is my best, Leva,
Congratulations on February 23!
To make everything in life cool
I wish you today!

So that in the family and at work
Everything was decided by you
To problems and worries
You've had less!

Congratulations on the day of the brave
Happy Defenders Day,
Happy day to all the brave and fearless,
Not fleeing the war!

Beautiful friend Leonid,
May the Lord keep you
Protects and cares for you
May he be kind to you.

Maxim, let me congratulate
Since February 23 you!
Leave a long memory
These are my warm words in verse.

Maxim, I wish you happiness the sea,
Smiles, joy, warmth,
You do not know any troubles or grief,
Health for many years.

Michael, we love you, respect you,
Your friends are not the first day.
Is it possible to congratulate you
Will we be lazy today?
Congratulations, our friend Mishka,
Since February 23 you!
We wish you to live in prosperity,
Loving us and your family!

There are many good and smart guys
But to me, Nikita, you are dearer to everyone!
I love you, kiss you, hug you tightly
Congratulations on February 23 from the bottom of my heart!

I wish that on the path of life
You walked in step with happiness and luck,
And maybe it sounds pompous:
Nikita, I'm yours! And I can't help it.

Our beloved Nicholas!
Stay at home, don't go out!
We are already going to you
Bring wine and cake!
Set the table quickly
It's more fun with friends
February 23 to celebrate
Sing, laugh, dance!
Kolya, dear, congratulations!
We wish you happiness, joy!

Congratulations on February 23 to Oleg: Since February 23 you, Oleg, our dear man! You are a handsome man, With a sense of duty, romantic! We wish you all victories, Let a delicious dinner await at home, Cherished dreams come true, Around all the people smile. Congratulations on February 23 to Pavel:

February 23 was a blizzard day
But, Pavel, we came to you,
To congratulate loudly, together,
And wish you lots of love!

More health, joy, good luck,
Money, loyal friends,
You are a Man, Pavel, which means
That in life everything will be OK!

You are solid and bold
You can be soft and harsh.
Don't take up stamina.
Peter, you can raise the whole world!

Let me congratulate you
From February 23,
To glorify your country
You will not beat all enemies in vain!

Romana, again solid novels!
Life is like a story, a tangle of adventures.
The eternal wanderer has become your friend,
Golden-haired boy Cupid.

Since February 23! good, success
Endless luck!
Let there be more laughter
And never need a doctor!

Since February 23, Ruslan,
Accept congratulations soon!
Be drunk with happiness today
Drown in the ocean of luck!

May hope walk with you
On any slopes, potholes.
You are a brave man, a joker and a hero,
The best friend for all and joy!

We know, Semyon, that you are very vulnerable,
But trust your friends: you appreciate and love!
A more devoted friend than you cannot be found,
You have helped so many along the way!
On the men's holiday, we want to wish -
Be strong spiritually and do not lose heart!

Sometimes, Sergey, you are the center of attention,
Sometimes in the eyes of your sad secret.
Your world is rich, your soul is immeasurable,
It makes you sad, I guess.

On the day of February 23, I know
What do you, Sergey, I wish:
Be healthy, calm, full,
From the sorrows of all vaccinated
And luck is not forgotten!

Stanislav, since February 23
Accept congratulations!
I wish you success in business,
Happiness, joy, fulfillment of desires
And all the best!
May your hands always be
strong, heart - fearless,
fate is favorable
and happy eyes!

Stepan, I wish you
Stay as awesome
Congratulations on February 23!
Trust me, don't be upset
When obstacles are in the way
Feel free to keep going
And never be sad
Problems and troubles do not know at all!

Timothy is a gift of fate!
I flourish with you!
Let the holiday be magnificent, bright!
Congratulations on February 23!
I heartily congratulate you!
You are my protector, my hussar!
I give you my love,
What is my most precious gift!

Where, Timur, is your team?
Where, Timur, is your Horde?
The proud look of the cavalry guard -
That's where grief doesn't matter...

Timur beloved, congratulations
Since February 23!
But I don't want to fight.
Peacefully let the fields bloom.

Fedor is strength, Fedor is class.
Fedor is a guy who lives for us.

We kiss you, we keep you.
Fedor is our happiness, Fedor is our idol.

Fedor, congratulations on the men's holiday.
And we want you to always be like that!

Any of us is happy to congratulate
Every friend is happy
Since February 23, Eduard!
You are our reward in life!

Mood, strength and vigor,
And filled with long years
Feelings of inner lightness
And confident glorious victories!

You are both sad and ringing with laughter.
You to face and cheerfulness and fatigue.
Let it rain, fall quietly snow -
With you, Yura, even a blizzard is a joy! Wait...


Alexander, since February 23,
Congratulations, my dear, you!
And I want to wish you
Never forget about me.

May your dreams come true
You stay the best
In life, never knowing problems
And hug me more!

Our dear and dear Sasha!
Accept our poems as a gift!
Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
We are in a hurry with the men's holiday!

We wish you joy and happiness
Be young up to a hundred years
Let bad weather bypass you
Let there be only light in life!

We wish you love, mood,
Reliable friends full house,
Health, strength, love, patience
Excellent toasts at the table!

Alexander, I want to congratulate you!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you love
So live to rule in life,
And be happy, to spite the enemies!

You always keep flatterers close,
To know who not to trust.
Let the smaller people be low -
More those who will respect!

On the twenty third of February
Congratulations I love
Dear Alexey!
Hug me soon!

I wish you happiness
And with me - stormy passion,
Don't hate me
And hug tight!

Alex, today is a holiday! Congratulations!
And I wish you with all my heart:
Let everything work without problems,
Whatever you want, it suddenly comes from somewhere.

In your endeavors, let everything go well,
Your life goes on comfortably and slowly.
I wish you carefree joys,
Masterfully avoid the problems of everyone you meet!

I want to wish you
Only loyal friends
Today I will congratulate
I am you, Alexey!

Be happy, joy to you
And a life without worries
Always victorious in any fight,
Without grief, without adversity!

Happy men's day, Andrey!
Come to me quickly
I want to tell you -
Worth living and prospering

Only strive for the best
And let the dream come true.
Let luck come
And luck will bring!

The official holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day has been celebrated in our country for many decades as a common holiday for all men, regardless of whether they were directly related to the defense of the borders of our homeland or not. At family holidays, this event is most often limited to giving gifts and preparing something tasty, but in work teams or cheerful friendly companies, female colleagues or girlfriends try to come up with something else, albeit inexpensive, but original, funny or unusual, such that will create a festive mood and allow literally every hero of the occasion to pay attention. The best option for such surprise congratulations are various kinds of comic diplomas, medals, souvenirs or

We offer our material to help the organizers - Congratulations to men on February 23 with comic nominations "My beloved name!", in which we combined several similar game moments at once: nominations, diplomas, funny personalized pictures and poems (thanks to the authors whose ideas helped come up with these new congratulations). The peculiarity of congratulations is in the combination of accessibility (it is very easy to make such a diploma according to a ready-made template) and uniqueness (the text and nominations are nominal and are written for each separately, without repeating anything with others).

Conduct the presentation of the diplomas we offer better in a team or company where there are no problems with a sense of humor, where they love jokes and fun. However, there is nothing offensive in the poems or nominations themselves (on the contrary, they contain only kind and pleasant words for the heroes of the occasion), diplomas are made cool by the pictures included in the template, so if you want to give the nomination procedure a more solemn and neutral look, then do your own registration of diplomas or use the form of verbal congratulations. This kit includes congratulations to the 35 most common male names, ready-made templates for them are also offered (you just have to print them and enter the last name / first name of the corresponding hero of the occasion). But, if it so happened that the male names you need were not included, or you would like to make individual changes to the ready-made options, you can contact our authors and they will make additional templates for you with a suitable name or text.

An eyeliner for congratulating men on February 23 "My beloved name!"

An excerpt to illustrate:

Our dear men, we sincerely and very cordially congratulate you on the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! We congratulate all the men gathered here and those who served, and those who are far from military duties and skills, because for us, it is you who are the Defenders (!), because it is you who guard our good mood, protect the boundaries of our desires, carefully, like sappers, stepping through the minefield of our whims…................................................

Perhaps you yourself did not suspect the presence of some of the virtues we found, but we women look at you differently and see our own. So, we proceed to the procedure for awarding nominal nominations to employees .... (Company name) under the very symbolic title "My beloved name!" This name was not chosen by chance, because today each of you is our hero, which means that the name of each of you sounds to us like music for which we experience invincible love!

For each presentation, a beat is heard - an excerpt from the song “My beloved name, yours!”

Examples of poetic congratulations and ready-made templates


Diploma of Defender of the Fatherland

is awarded

(To Ivanov Artem)

Artem - bright and cheerful,

Balagur, the king of feasts!

He will easily quench all sorrows,

We would all be bored without him.

You are one of us


At the presentation - a beat sounds


Diploma of Defender of the Fatherland

is awarded

(to Pavel Smirnov)

How Atlanta is hardy Pasha,

He is our hope, he is our support.

Not afraid of any work

You conquer all the heights!

You are one of us




Diploma of Defender of the Fatherland

is awarded

(Sidorov Nikolai)

You are a tough guy too.

Talented in every business

We saw it in Kolya!

And therefore for us today you are a hero

You are one of us



To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to deposit a small amount (400 rubles) into the site development fund - conditions and details on the page AUTHOR'S SCENARIO

35 ready-made comic diplomas are included

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to get the full version of this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)

If you want to give real pleasure to a man, give congratulations on February 23 by name, not forgetting to emphasize his personality, referring to a specific addressee.

Thanks for adding to:

Congratulations, (name) you
Since February 23rd!
Let strength and will grow stronger,
The heart will beat with love!

Defender of the Motherland and women,
Our (...) dear!
Let there be fewer mistakes
And more earthly joy!

Short congratulations on February 23 by name

You stand guard over the world
(...) my favorite!
On the day of the Defenders of the Fatherland
I wish you a glorious life!

(...) don't you dare retreat!
For the sake of peace and children.
Native guard the borders,
To see the laughter on these faces!

You were named, (...), like a warrior,
You reinforced the name in actions.
On the day of the Defender, you deserve
We wish everything to be cool!

(Name), you always stand guard over our family, love, and are also infinitely devoted to your Motherland, like a true patriot! Since February 23, you, my praiseworthy man!

(Name), even if today you are not in a military uniform, but you cannot hide an army bearing, willpower in your eyes behind civilian clothes. Even your smile is the fanfare of a winner. I wish to be the first in peaceful life and see not bombers in the sky, but free-flying birds!

(Name), you are a hero for me always and in all situations, because I feel that there is a man next to me. It’s calm behind your back, securely on your shoulder, and warm in your arms! Happy holiday, dear!

Congratulations on February 23 by name in your own words

On the day when real men are glorified, first of all I send greetings and wishes to you! You are for me an example of honor, courage, valor and responsibility. You are not afraid to make decisions and defend your opinion. Hold on, (name), the road ahead is long! Happy holiday to you!

Protecting someone is not an easy task that requires inner strength and courage. You (name), apparently, are a born warrior and strategist. Difficulties are not terrible with you and troubles do not threaten. From 23, my hero!

Several options for congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in verse and prose.

The title of a real man must be constantly proved by his actions. One of the men's holidays is February 23, on this day the representatives of the stronger sex need affection and care. You should not forget about congratulations, the best of which are written in poetic form.

Congratulations on February 23 with humor short

During the celebration, give the men an "oath" of allegiance to the women's team. You can give funny gifts while reading funny poems. They will cheer up and are suitable for congratulating employees and colleagues.

The affairs of men are different,
Both amorous and military.
We wish only victories
And on the roads the right color.

So that the heart tremblingly burned,
Love is always warm.
Well, for the sake of completeness,
So that in the wallet everything is rank by rank.
I want to be like Claude Van Damme
Agile, courageous, persistent
And charm all the ladies
With his brisk blow!
Be smart like Johnny Depp
And follow your dream
Play with fate like a lady of clubs
Don't retreat without a fight!
Well, what more could you want?
Of course, a lot of happiness
love me and respect
And avoid adversity!

“Since February 23rd!
Blah blah blah and tra-la-la…”
Repeat to you on this day
There will be all and sundry.
I want to excel
Drink a lot - but do not get drunk,
And don't mess up in the future
Live, love and prosper!

SMS congratulations on February 23 with humor

If you want to congratulate a friend or employee, it is not always necessary to call or meet. You can just send SMS, while you will not distract the man from the celebration, but show your respect and care. It is desirable that the message be short and rhyme well.

Outside the window is warm and clouds,
(or There is a crackling frost in the yard),
Fuck is worth it just in case
And not a ruble in my pocket,
Since February 23!!!

Let on the holiday of the Army and Navy
Bac certainly loves someone,
and let the wrinkles go away
on every man's penis!

Let you not go on the attack,
Don't sit in a trench
But business is the same fight
I know you will win!!!
I wish you a whole bunch of happiness
And so that your gunpowder does not dampen.

All men in whom the brain is not dry,
Black, fair, red, bald,
Bearded and mustachioed, lop-eared, hairy,
Rough, strong, gentle, difficult,
Soft, affectionate, boring
congratulations on your day -
Happy February 23!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues and employees with humor

From the very morning on this day at work, the atmosphere of a holiday is in the air. Women are in a hurry to say beautiful words to their employees. This can be done without words by preparing comic postcards or summons to the army. In such messages, write a few congratulatory lines.

I would like to congratulate my colleagues soon -
Today is the 23rd of February!
May luck warm each of you!
Health, happiness in life and kindness!

May all wishes come true
Dreams and goals will enter your life!
And do not experience disappointment in life,
And let all sorrows go away!

The office is festively shining,
The sun shines through our window
Congratulations to everyone today -
The twenty-third has arrived!

To all, colleagues, happiness, faith
I want to wish again
To lead a career up
And everything was on the shoulder!

Light, friendship and fun,
Peace, warmth, kindness,
On this day, you certainly!
And a postcard from me.

SMS congratulations on February 23 to men

Nice words and congratulations always bring a smile. Please your friends and relatives, prepare a poem for the Defender of the Fatherland Day. If it is not possible to call, send SMS.

I am with this holiday for men,
February, congratulations!
To be in life on a horse, dashing,
Well, in my heart I wish to be an angel!
What does a man need to be happy?
Very beautiful wife
After all, life without love and without passion
Sometimes it's not nice.

I wish you a good job
I'm on the day of real men,
Let's leave worries today
After all, there is only one such holiday.
Let dreams come true
Today every man
stay happy you
After all, there are good reasons for that,

Everyone deserves to have everything
And achieve a lot in life
I want to sing with happiness
And have fun with all your heart!
Congratulations today
The most expensive
The most-most awesome,
The very best ones.

We are very proud of you
And we want to wish you
Like always anytime
Never lose heart!

Congratulations on February 23 to boys from girls

Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated not only at work and at home. Even in children's groups, girls try to congratulate the boys. Short quatrains and small congratulatory poems will help with this. They can be written on a postcard. A good gift is a book; at the very beginning of the publication, write a few beautiful lines.

Our young men
We hasten to congratulate you.
We wish you health
Friendship is strong, a lot of strength.

To in sports and studies
They have always been the best.
And in all matters from now on
It was a well-deserved success.

We wish you good luck
And wishes of fulfillment.
All girls don't hesitate
They send their congratulations to you.

Happy Defender's Day, guys!
Be strong always.
Like brave soldiers
You go through the years.

May you have more fun
Every moment, every day.
There are no braver guys in the world
May you be lucky in everything.

May good luck accompany
May success come to you.
Every day let, not otherwise,
There will be happiness, joy, laughter!

Children's congratulations on February 23

Children delight with their sincerity and spontaneity. Usually, girls congratulate the boys who sympathize with them on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Below are some children's greetings.

From February 23
I congratulate you.
Here are sweets and flowers,
Let dreams come true

Let the sun shine
Forever in your window
Let them go only into the distance
Dullness, boredom and sadness.

Lots of money and candy
And live two hundred years.
I congratulate you, love
Happy Defender's Day!

You are already big and strong
Grow up a little more
You will become invincible
All in the awards will be the chest.

And of course many times
You will protect the world and mother.
The beauty of brave eyes
You will conquer all the girls.

We want you to become
A very brave hero
To win all the time
And he was awarded medals.

Congratulations on February 23 in kindergarten

In kindergarten, too, they do not bypass the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Usually educators prepare a festive matinee. Girls' mothers should try to make their princesses learn short quatrains for the celebration and be able to congratulate the boys.

February 23 is a holiday for the boys,
Girls give many, many books,
Sweets wagon big,
Here is a funny poem.

February 23 - raises the flags.
Mom congratulates dad on the holiday today.
I'll celebrate too, there's a reason
After all, I'm no longer small, because I'm already a man!

There, there is a mark on the door, by the day and by the hour,
I try to grow up. I want to do everything myself.
A little time will pass, I will grow up again,
And together with dad, we will protect mom!

Twenty third of February!
I got out of bed for a reason.
Without an alarm clock, at lunchtime,
Frozen, as if the whole world.

But the clue is clear
Look, you can see your mother in the kitchen.
Standing by the stove in the morning
Everything is ready in a hurry.

Here I am not far behind
I take it out from behind the closet
Your gift for your father
It has face lotion!

Congratulations on February 23 in verse

The main advantage of congratulations in verse is conciseness. In just a few lines, you can fit a congratulatory speech and cheer up a loved one. Such works can be sent in the form of SMS.

From February 23
Congratulations, men!
This calendar day
Holiday of courage and strength.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Happiness, joy, good luck,
favors of fate
And a lot of love to boot!

Accept congratulations in verse
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, men!
We wish you feats of arms in business,
Only tenderness is more important to us than your strength.
May there be victories in life and success,
And the decisions are wise and fair.
Congratulations on this holiday to all of you!
Be happy, desirable and loved!

We rush to congratulate you with verses!
Today is your day, men!
Let joy sparkle in the radiance of the eyes,
There are reasons for that!
Without you - we will go nowhere, without you - we will be lost,
You are our reliable rear, support.
And this, mind you, we all recognize.
Love you, good luck, enthusiasm!

"I want to wish men"
I want to wish men
I am only happy in this life
Respect your loved ones
And be funny, real,

I want to sincerely tell you -
Worthy of happiness and success.
And don't put your hands down
Obstacles - happiness is not a hindrance!

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

Despite the popularity of congratulatory speeches in verse, many want to respect men in their own words. For this, there are congratulations in prose. Learn a few lines and cheer up the representative of the stronger sex.

Men, colleagues!
On this holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day - we want to wish you health, no matter how trite it may sound, but it is so important, and no wealth can replace it for you! Be healthy, our beloved, in body and soul! And the rest will follow!

Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, I praise you for your courage and courage, readiness to go only forward - to victory and at the same time, to know the boundaries! Let me wish you peaceful, but no less worthy and wonderful victories, dizzying achievements at work, at home and on the personal front!

In a warrior, not only the power of muscles, but also the strength of the mind, kindness and honour! You have all this, you are just an ideal collection of values ​​​​of a real man! Accept my congratulations on February 23 and may luck always smile on you and dreams come true!

Congratulations to all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
I wish you to be strong and kind, gentle and loving! Health and happiness to you!

Congratulations on February 23 by name

Gifts for men are usually purchased in advance. But most women remember congratulatory words at the last moment. An excellent option for congratulations are nominal verses. Mentioning a name in a greeting will make it unique.

Happy men's day, Andrey!
Come to me quickly
I want to tell you -
Worth living and prospering
Only strive for the best
And let the dream come true.
Let luck come
And luck will bring!

Tolya, on the holiday of all men,
I'll tell you that you're the only one
You are an amazing person
For me, it's actually the best.
I want to wish today
So that you do not think to lose heart.
You always be the happiest
And forever forget about the bad!

February 23
Congratulations, Ilya.
And I want to wish you well
Never lose heart
Every day my love
It just grows stronger again and again.
You know this for sure
And don't hate me!

Petya, I congratulate you,
I wish you happiness and peace
Stay like this forever
And don't be afraid of anything.
Let everything be good
Let you, dear, do not judge.
Like a perfect person
This, believe me, is commendable!

Denis, I love you madly,
And on February 23
I want to stay smart
And the most tender for me.
I want everything to always come true
So that everything about life succeeds,
So that you are always lucky
And find happiness in life!

Congratulations on February 23 to your beloved

On February 23, special attention should be paid to the beloved man. On this day, do not skimp on smiles and pleasant words. Do not forget about a small gift and complement it with poetic congratulations.

I want to congratulate my beloved
I am from February 23,
I can't leave you -
You are the best for me.
Let your salary grow
I don't want to be sad at all.
I don't need much in my life
I just want to be around!

You are my protector not only today,
I'm behind you like behind a stone wall!
You are very strong, noble,
My dearest and favorite hero!
My love, I know
You are for me - a wall!
Congratulations with hope
To be always with me!
My favorite protector
I kiss you and congratulate you on the 23rd,
You are the best and unique
I want you to stay the same!

Congratulations on February 23 to classmates

This day is looked forward to at school. Thus, you can attract the attention of a boy who has long been liked. Usually boys are given pleasant little things that can be supplemented with beautiful words.

I ask my sister
Tighter me to weave pigtails.
Because I know in advance
Who will undo my hair.

classmate in retaliation
I don't answer tests.
But in honor of the men's holiday
Ready to write off for you.
Classmate, Happy Holidays!

On February men's day -
I want to be the boss
How do you grow big.
Be healthy and diligently
Without laying hands
Inquisitive and attentive
Bite the granite of sciences!

Congratulations to classmates
Since February 23!
We want to live in truth
Keeping kindness in my heart.
To be true to the word
And honest in their deeds.
Anyone could be protected.
Take care of your loved ones!

Congratulations on February 23 are cool

This day should be taken seriously and do not forget to congratulate your beloved men and colleagues. Do not forget about good mood and fun. Cool poems will help you with this.

Get to work today
Leave everything for tomorrow
And prepare the body for flight -
We were offered a holiday in February.

Now we don't need to listen to the ladies,
They still have everything ahead of them.
And the 23rd day is the reward
Because we are all men!

On February 23
We are not going to the table in vain,
As a holiday to celebrate
It's better if you raise a glass.

Yes, everything will always be fine,
And let there be no waste,
And let health shine with light
And let the wife give bouquets!

Our holiday decorated our evening
Twenty third of February.
Wish men happiness
We thought for a reason...
May happiness be with them
Everything goes like clockwork
Let them buy gifts for themselves
The age of men is coming!

Twenty third of February
It became a weekend not in vain -
Celebrating for no reason
Real men.

Courage, health, strength,
Enough for a whole century
So that along the road of life
Success would go with you.

So that army skills
Can't wait for implementation
And in our big country
There was always peace and tranquility.

There are a lot of options for congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can use congratulations in prose or in verse, as long as they are sincere.

Cool congratulations on February 23 for women

Without women, men will all be lost,
They won't find their socks in the apartment,
They will flaunt in crumpled shirts
And for lunch, only one noodle to chew.

They barely survive
Temperature 37.2.
And the Earth is not sweet to them without women.
So, girls, from February 23!

On this day they are accustomed to praise
For the most part, men
But to congratulate a woman,
There are hundreds of reasons too.

Cooks, steams, cleans
For your dashing soldiers
The family hearth guards,
Well, just mom-combat!

For the family of its threat
She can smell a mile away
In the heat and in severe frosts -
Like on a battlefield.

Nekrasov wrote about such
And he didn't write in vain.
Women, persistent and beautiful, -
Happy February 23rd!


Andrey, on a wonderful holiday, let's smile!
Today is a good reason, walk and have fun.
I wish that good emotions - over the edge,
Recharge with healthy positive, come on!
Let everything go well, let it be lucky in everything.
And despite doubts, always go forward!

Tolya, on the holiday of all men,
I'll tell you that you're the only one
You are an amazing person
For me, it's actually the best.

I want to wish today
So that you do not think to lose heart.
You always be the happiest
And forever forget about the bad!

Let love spread its wings
And let happiness cover with your head.
I wish you joy and peace
On a special holiday - Men's Day.

You, Tolya, always be as brave
And you confidently go to the goals,
I wish you sincerity, strength,
And just do not be afraid of obstacles on the way!

Tolya, congratulations on the holiday
I'm hurrying you now!
All that I sincerely wish
In SMS I will write:
May the service be successful
And love lives in the family,
Let the income please
And let it be lucky again and again!
I wish you a lot of happiness
fulfillment of a dream,
Let everything be wonderful -
the way you want it!

I want to congratulate you, Anton,
Today from February 23rd,
Please be in love with me
And I will never betray you.

I want to wish you a lot of health
May every dream come true
Doubt is not to be trusted.
After all, the most important thing in the world is kindness!

I want to congratulate Anton on the 23rd,
And wish you only happy days!
What to add to the general congratulations?
To become stronger and bolder

To be ready to face change
They only happen for the better!
So that you do not forget your dear walls,
Happiness, health, luck, love!

Anton, congratulations from the bottom of my heart
You with this holiday!
We don't know such wonderful people.
what you will not find in the daytime and with fire!

Stay the same beautiful
And a kind soul man!
Every day will be joyful, clear,
Filled with happiness forever!

If you want to give real pleasure to a man, give congratulations on February 23 by name, not forgetting to emphasize his personality, referring to a specific addressee.

Congratulations, (name) you
Since February 23rd!
Let strength and will grow stronger,
The heart will beat with love!

Defender of the Motherland and women,
Our (...) dear!
Let there be fewer mistakes
And more earthly joy!

Short congratulations on February 23 by name

You stand guard over the world
(...) my favorite!
On the day of the Defenders of the Fatherland
I wish you a glorious life!

(...) don't you dare retreat!
For the sake of peace and children.
Native guard the borders,
To see the laughter on these faces!

You were named, (...), like a warrior,
You reinforced the name in actions.
On the day of the Defender, you deserve
We wish everything to be cool!

(Name), you always stand guard over our family, love, and are also infinitely devoted to your Motherland, like a true patriot! Since February 23, you, my praiseworthy man!

(Name), even if today you are not in a military uniform, but you cannot hide an army bearing, willpower in your eyes behind civilian clothes. Even your smile is the fanfare of a winner. I wish to be the first in peaceful life and see not bombers in the sky, but free-flying birds!

(Name), you are a hero for me always and in all situations, because I feel that there is a man next to me. It’s calm behind your back, securely on your shoulder, and warm in your arms! Happy holiday, dear!

Congratulations on February 23 by name in your own words

On the day when real men are glorified, first of all I send greetings and wishes to you! You are for me an example of honor, courage, valor and responsibility. You are not afraid to make decisions and defend your opinion. Hold on, (name), the road ahead is long! Happy holiday to you!

Protecting someone is not an easy task that requires inner strength and courage. You (name), apparently, are a born warrior and strategist. Difficulties are not terrible with you and troubles do not threaten. From 23, my hero!

Happy Defender's Day, Andrey,
Strength, courage, prosperity,
Be more determined, be more cheerful
Let everything be smooth in fate.

Let the career run up
Increasing your income
And rapid success
Expects in all areas.

All conceived peaks
Reach without delay
I wish on the day of men -
Power, courage, luck!


Congratulations, Alexey,

I wish you cloudless days
In your good and joyful life.

Always be so positive
And at work - the most beautiful frame,
Reach all heights without difficulty,
Receiving honors and awards.

Let sorrows go beyond the threshold
And luck will knock on the window
And along hundreds of worldly roads
Huge happiness rushes to you!


Alexander, a brave man,
This holiday is really yours
Let everything come true in life, what is important,
And adversity will pass by.

I don't have a better colleague
You will definitely come to the rescue,
May good luck, luck and happiness
It will fall into your hands like rain!

Strength and courage will be in abundance,
And let health always grow stronger,
Life is easy, heady and sweet
I wish you years!


Anatoly, congratulations
Happy Defender of our Fatherland Day,
Let luck always complement
Every step in your valiant life.

Let work bring pleasure
And the authorities respect you
And there will be no defeat in matters,
Only victory is expected in everything!

May luck, prosperity, determination
On the way to you they will not get lost,
Income is growing rapidly
And all plans in your destiny will come true!


On the day of the Defender of the Fatherland
I wish Anton
More happy days in life
A million pleasant words.

Reach career heights
And help colleagues
Barriers on the way
Just overcome.

For luck to follow
Succeeded in everything
And the dangers and troubles
We didn't find the way to your house!


Happy Defender's Day, Arseniy,
Be brave and strong
More happy moments
A million happy days!

wonderful colleague,
He deserves great respect
May success be like snow flakes
It will suddenly fall on you!

Friendship strong, indestructible,
wonderful family,
For you to be invincible
Lived in prosperity and love!


Artyom, this day is for you
Salutes, flowers, congratulations,
And on the feast day of February
Let joy reign in the mood.

Like a lion always be brave
And proud as a mountain bird,
Let troubles go without a trace
And the best in life will happen!

In work there is no equal to you,
You are the most valuable employee
Let luck live in fate
And everyday life will be happy!


On the great day of the Defender, Bogdan,
I wish you to live easily and boldly,
You are undoubtedly given by heaven,
To protect their countries.

And the team really needs you,
We appreciate your work, and we love you,
May your dreams come true on this day
And all the people close to you will be nearby!

Be brave, be confident
Set goals, achieve them by playing,
May only joy await you in fate,
Good luck, happiness and love big!


On the beautiful day of the Defender of the Fatherland
I want to congratulate you, Arthur, warmly,
And wish good and eternal happiness,
The family to be needed and native power.

You are pride, you are undoubted protection,
The wall, for everyone who is nearby, is indestructible,
Let life be filled with warm moments
And there will be a beloved companion!

You are in a team like a clear sun,
With a smile you come to the rescue,
May life be worthy and beautiful,
And the weather will be rainbow in the heart!