June 21 is the day of the summer solstice rituals. Summer solstice: traditions, signs and origin of the holiday. Signs for the Summer Solstice

The summer solstice occurs at the moment when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation in the direction of the Sun takes on the smallest value.

It is more obvious to those living at high latitudes that the summer solstice occurs on the longest day and shortest night of the year, when the height of the sun's rise in the sky is at its highest. Since the summer solstice lasts only a brief moment in time, other names are used for the day when the summer solstice occurs, for example: "midsummer", "longest day" or "first day of summer".

Depending on the calendar shift, the summer solstice occurs on June 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and on December 21 or 22 in the Southern Hemisphere.

Summer Solstice 2018: what date

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, lasting 17 hours and 33 minutes.

Usually this day falls on June 21, and only in leap years - on the 20th of the same month. So, in 2018, this event will take place on June 21 at 13:07 Moscow time.

But why exactly the solstice? The fact is that on June 21, an ordinary observer gets the impression that the Sun seems to freeze at its zenith and does not move anywhere throughout the day.

The longest day of the year 2018, how long does it last, date

The Summer Solstice is the longest sunny day of the year. As a rule, it falls on June 21, and in leap years a day earlier - on June 20. And since 2018 is not a leap year, this year the longest day falls on the 21st of this month.

The name solstice arose because people who observe the Sun on this day see a picture of a star frozen on the horizon. Another name for the Solstice is the Solstice, also on this day it is customary to celebrate a folk holiday associated with these phenomena and there are traditions.

History of the Summer Solstice

The sun has always played an important role in people's lives. This explains the fact that the solstice began to be celebrated long before our era. According to scientists, at the dawn of mankind. True, at what exact moment of the "dawn of mankind", historians have not yet figured out.

Meanwhile, it is known that the holiday of the summer solstice was revered in the cultures of many peoples. Moreover, he was especially loved by the inhabitants of the north, who, after a long winter, had more reasons to enjoy the sun, summer and warmth than others.

The Slavs, on the day of the summer solstice, celebrated the main holiday of summer - Kupala (however, after the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, it ceased to coincide with the longest day of the year).

In general, during the time of the pagans, the summer solstice holiday was at the peak of its popularity. The rituals adopted on this day were so important that few people dared to ignore them: it was believed that these rituals determine what a person’s life will be like for the next year (in particular, happiness, health, and luck depended on them).

But after the advent of Christianity, pagan traditions were not held in high esteem. The church tried to ban them in every possible way, but it failed to make people forget about the summer solstice. Until now, this day is celebrated in many countries around the world. And in Finland, the longest day of the year (they call it Juhannus) is even an official public holiday.

Signs for the Summer Solstice

There are many signs for the summer holiday. Here is some of them.

If there is a lot of dew in the morning, the harvest promises to be plentiful. Dew, by the way, was collected in a vessel, as they believed in its rejuvenating and healing properties.

Bad weather for crop failure.

If the sky is starry on the night of the solstice, mushroom abundance is expected in early autumn.

For those who meet the dawn in nature, health and strength are provided for the whole year.

If a guy pours on a girl that day, they will soon get married.

Born June 21 - carriers of the "evil eye", can jinx anyone. Now, however, it is believed that these children were lucky - nature endowed them with strong energy and magical abilities.

If you make a wish on this day, it will certainly come true.

What to do on the summer solstice

To get the most out of this day, you need to:

June 20 to 23 are the strongest energy days. If you are self-development, use this time to cleanse and practice what you are doing. If you do everything right, the results will be good.

On the night of June 20-21, you need to swim in the pond. At this time, water has healing properties.

Start the morning of June 21 with a greeting to the Sun. A very good greeting will be yoga gymnastics Surya Namaskar (Salutation to the Sun). It is desirable to spend the whole day in Nature.

Prepare yourself sun tea. Brew the tea you like and expose it to the sun. Drink it with honey.

Take water in the morning. On this day, the water is considered healing.

On this day, wear yellow clothes and jewelry.

Take time to be aware and clear your emotional realm. We look into all corners of our consciousness and clear it of everything negative. In return, we are filled with love and joy.

Forgive all your offenders, mentally thank them for the lessons they taught you.

Rest as much as possible on this day.

If you can, find a group of people who celebrate that day. At the festival in round dances and through rituals you will receive purification.

However, listen to your intuition. Not all holiday groups will be useful to you.

Engage in creativity on this day: sing, embroider, express yourself.

Have fun with friends or like-minded people in Nature.

On this day, it is customary to purify the body (bathing in a pond), purify the soul (jump over a fire) and purify the spirit (walk barefoot on hot coals).

The Universe gives us another great chance to change our lives for the better. And do not say that you do not have it, because absolutely everyone has it! The most powerful sunny day awaits us, when it becomes the longest throughout the year. It is believed that the day of the summer solstice has special magic, magic, power and energy, and this influence will last until June 23. At this time, each person can influence his life and literally change the course of events, no matter what exactly you want to change: personal life, work, move to a new place of residence or find the happiness of motherhood or fatherhood ... On the day of the Solstice, all forces of nature, which enters into a real astronomical summer!

The peak of the summer solstice will be at 13:07 Moscow time. time on June 21 (20:07 Khbr.time). Consider that at this moment the door between the past and the future will open. You can enter this door and make a revolution in your reality, touch the space of changes, positive changes and new opportunities. This is a time of conscious changes, important choices and a meeting with your destiny, with the support of the Higher Forces!

Be sure to think about the good these days, as all your thoughts will materialize in the future. If you still do not believe in this, then I want to remind you that scientists have already proven this experimentally. So arguing about this is pointless. This is a fait accompli that makes everyone think about their thoughts. They make your reality! Therefore, think positively and wish only for the good.

This holiday has many names among the people: Ivan Kupala, Ivan the Herbalist, Yarilin Day, Suncekres, Solstice, Spirits Day, Dew Holiday - these are all the names of the summer solstice at different times among different peoples. Today, the day of Ivan Kupala does not coincide with the summer solstice due to the transition to a non-Gregorian calendar.

The night of June 20-21 is especially powerful in terms of energy and if you have a desire to burn all the mental garbage out of your head, jump over a fire or walk on hot coals)). Such rituals were performed by our ancestors. Not everyone will like this practice, but if you are brave, you can try). After such cleansing, it is good to perform water rituals and ablutions by plunging into a living water source 3 or 9 times. On the evening of June 20, it is desirable to be in nature and absorb the cosmic energy of the Universe. The herbs collected on this day have great power, and the tea brewed from them has miraculous properties. Walk barefoot on the ground, ground yourself!)))

If you have a desire and a need, turn these days for support to your ancestors, to the clan that stands behind your back. On this day, it can be done without special rituals. Just remember that you are the descendants of a large number of people who are connected to you by invisible threads of the Universe through time. Thank them and ask for help and support in difficult cases.
Who has Meditations from our Ancestral Courses - use them to Purify the genus and to fill yourself and your descendants with ancestral energy.

The day of the Solstice is a day of male power, when the yang energies are especially active. Those who like to wake up early should definitely meet the dawn on June 21st. He will be special in his influence. Wash your face with the rays of the sun and make your most cherished wishes. If they are sincere and yours, then the Sun will accelerate their fulfillment and give them the most powerful impetus in development.

People born under the fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, must certainly use the power of their main planet, which gives a charge of creative and vital energy for all life on our Earth. And also it will be relevant for everyone who has the Sun in the chart is strong and active.

On the day of the summer solstice, everyone can do solar and fire rituals, those whose power you have already tried on yourself. In the next post, I will share with you those that have been tested by many people and you may want to use them too.

(According to Arina Shirokova)

The solstice is one of the two days of the year when the Sun is at its greatest angular distance from the celestial equator, i.e. when the height of the sun above the horizon at noon is minimum or maximum. This results in the longest day and shortest night (summer solstice) in one hemisphere of the Earth, and the shortest day and longest night (winter solstice) in the other.

The day of the summer solstice is the day of the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and the beginning of winter in the southern hemisphere, that is, if the inhabitants of the Northern part of the Earth from this moment are at the beginning of astronomical summer, then for the inhabitants of the Southern hemisphere astronomical winter will begin in the same period of time.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs on June 20, 21 or 22. In the southern hemisphere, these dates are the winter solstice. Due to various inequalities in the movement of the Earth, the epochs of the solstice fluctuate by 1-2 days.

In 2017, astronomical summer in the northern hemisphere will begin on June 21 at 04:24 UTC (UTC, 07:24 Moscow time).

On the day of the summer solstice at the latitude of Moscow, the Sun rises above the horizon to a height of more than 57 degrees, and in territories located above the latitude of 66.5 degrees (the Arctic Circle), it does not set below the horizon at all, and the day lasts around the clock. At the North Pole of the Earth, the Sun moves across the sky at the same height around the clock. At the South Pole at this time there is a polar night.

During several adjacent days of the solstice, the noon heights of the Sun in the sky are almost unchanged; hence the name of the solstice. After the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, the day begins to wane, and the night gradually begins to increase. In the southern hemisphere, the opposite is true.

For millennia, the summer solstice was of great importance to our ancient ancestors, who obeyed the cycles of nature. In the times of the pagans, the sun had divine power over all living things, and the summer solstice meant the highest flowering of all the forces of nature.

In the old days, even before the advent of Christianity, the Kupala holiday, dedicated to the ancient pagan god Kupala, was timed to the day of the summer solstice.

On this day and night, they wove wreaths, drank surya (honey drink), jumped over fires, made sacrifices to water and fire, collected healing herbs, performed rituals that called for the harvest, and "cleansing the soul and body" ablutions in rivers, lakes and streams. The central place among the vegetation that night was occupied by a fern. It was believed that the fern flower, blooming only for a moment at midnight, would indicate exactly where the treasure was buried.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

This is the day when all natural energies are activated and are able to support and renew the energy of a person. There is simply no better time for natural, natural balancing with the forces of this world!
The period from June 20 to 23 is the strongest in terms of energy. This is the time of magic and magic. This is the time of reality transformation. This is the time when everyone can influence his life as much as he is ready: internally, personally, spiritually, sincerely.

During this period, try to avoid bad thoughts, negative wishes, and if you feel that your mood is spoiling, just wash yourself. If this is not enough, wash your feet to remove low and heavy energy from the level of the body.

And remember that from June 20 to June 23 - you with your thoughts especially brightly influence your own destiny! IT'S POWER TIME! This is the time of special energy, natural vibrations, the natural Flow of interaction of all Natural Forces.

The night from 20 to 21 (just before the Summer Solstice) is the most powerful period. At this time, there is an awakening, activation of the process of interaction of natural forces, and it is at this time that it is good to jump over the fire - 3 or 9 times, and if there is preparation, then walk on the coals. For this is one of the best moments for cleansing energy, “burning out” mental debris.

Having cleansed with fire, it is good to cleanse with water, having also performed ablution 3 or 9 times. Quantity is connected with the Trinity and its part - the law of Cyclicity, and by performing ablution in this way - you synchronize with the laws of the Universe and prepare yourself for a new Path, a new level of spiritual development, a new life.
This is especially good for those who need to start a “new life from scratch”, a new business, before getting a new job.

At least on the evening of June 20, it is good to be in nature, to stand near large and mature trees, and it is very desirable to weave a wreath. A wreath can be woven even from birch twigs. And then let go into the water with gratitude for all the good that is in your life. The energy of Gratitude is healing, and the sincerely you thank, the better for your energy and your soul.
If it is not possible to weave a wreath, you can simply release the flowers into the water. This simple ritual is a sign of respect before the forces of Nature, and therefore before the Forces of the Universe.

It is good to drink herbal tea, light candles at home. Collect herbs - collected on this day, they have more power.

It is good to walk (and even better - to run) barefoot on the grass. It is good to do this in the morning and in the evening throughout the period from June 20 to 23.

June 21 and 22 - it's good to get up early, at dawn, and taking the rays of the dawn, think about what you want to happen in your life in the near future. And ask for support from the energy of the Sun, in your own words, from the heart, sincerely. NOT AS A SLAVE OR A SLAVE, but as a Daughter or Son, a descendant of the Higher Forces, a worthy representative of the human race.

In the period from June 21 to 23, it is good to remember the people who have passed away with a kind word, and especially those who were dear to you. If you need, you can ask for support from the deceased representatives of your Family. The summer solstice is perhaps the only period when you can turn to the Power of the Family for help and support without special rituals.

If health is important to you, then when eating food, concentrate on the fact that it nourishes your body and heals it.
Drink water, insisting it in crystal containers (even if it is a vase - crystal is important), wash your face with water that has stood overnight in crystal.

If love is important to you, give the opposite sex something small but beautiful. Women need to weave a wreath and release it into the water with a request to the Higher Forces - to grant you mutual love and personal happiness.

If well-being and prosperity are important to you - throughout the entire period, from June 21 to June 23 - treat those whom you can with sweets. Children, beggars, acquaintances and friends. During this period, it is simply vital for men to pamper their women! You can have fruits if a woman is on a diet or follows the principles of proper nutrition - and you will follow the trend of the period, and the woman will not scold you that you spoil her figure)))

And right from this moment - think about how you want to see and feel your life. Remember that during this period your thoughts have a particularly powerful influence on your life.

All happiness, love, prosperity!
(article from VK)

This is the day when all natural energies are activated and are able to support and renew the energy of a person.
There is simply no better time for natural, natural balancing with the forces of this world!

The period from June 20 to 23 is the strongest in terms of energy.
This is the time of magic and magic. This is the time of reality transformation.
This is the time when everyone can influence his life as much as he is ready: internally, personally, spiritually, sincerely.

During this period, try to avoid bad thoughts, negative wishes, and if you feel that your mood is spoiling, just wash yourself.
If this is not enough, wash your feet to remove low and heavy energy from the level of the body.

And remember that from June 20 to June 23 - you with your thoughts especially brightly influence your own destiny!
IT'S POWER TIME! This is the time of special energy, natural vibrations, the natural Flow of interaction of all Natural Forces.

The night from 20 to 21 (just before the Summer Solstice) is the most powerful period. At this time, there is an awakening, activation of the process of interaction of natural forces, and it is at this time that it is good to jump over the fire - 3 or 9 times, and if there is preparation, then walk on the coals. For this is one of the best moments for cleansing energy, “burning out” mental debris.

Having cleansed with fire, it is good to cleanse with water, having also performed ablution 3 or 9 times. Quantity is connected with the Trinity and its part - the law of Cyclicity, and by performing ablution in this way - you synchronize with the laws of the Universe and prepare yourself for a new Path, a new level of spiritual development, a new life.
This is especially good for those who need to start a “new life from scratch”, a new business, before getting a new job.

At least on the evening of June 20, it is good to be in nature, to stand near large and mature trees, and it is very desirable to weave a wreath. A wreath can be woven even from birch twigs. And then let go into the water with gratitude for all the good that is in your life.
The energy of Gratitude is healing, and the sincerely you thank, the better for your energy and your soul.

If it is not possible to weave a wreath, you can simply release the flowers into the water. This simple ritual is a sign of respect before the forces of Nature, and therefore before the Forces of the Universe.

It is good to drink herbal tea, light candles at home. Collect herbs - collected on this day, they have more power.

It is good to walk (and even better - to run) barefoot on the grass. It is good to do this in the morning and in the evening throughout the period from June 20 to 23.

June 21 and 22 - it's good to get up early, at dawn, and taking the rays of the dawn, think about what you want to happen in your life in the near future. And ask for support from the energy of the Sun, in your own words, from the heart, sincerely. NOT AS A SLAVE OR A SLAVE, but as a Daughter or Son, a descendant of the Higher Forces, a worthy representative of the human race.

In the period from June 21 to 23, it is good to remember the people who have passed away with a kind word, and especially those who were dear to you. If you need, you can ask for support from the deceased representatives of your Family. The summer solstice is perhaps the only period when you can turn to the Power of the Family for help and support without special rituals.

The summer solstice of 2013 is perhaps one of the most energetically strong days that can fulfill secret and explicit desires. During this period, the Moon passes the sign of Scorpio - one of the energetically strong signs, and EVERYTHING you do takes on a special Power, a special meaning.

If health is important to you, then when eating food, concentrate on the fact that it nourishes your body and heals it.
Drink water, insisting it in crystal containers (even if it is a vase - crystal is important), wash your face with water that has stood overnight in crystal.

If love is important to you, give the opposite sex something small but beautiful. Women need to weave a wreath and release it into the water with a request to the Higher Forces - to grant you mutual love and personal happiness.

If well-being and prosperity are important to you - throughout the entire period, from June 21 to June 23 - treat those whom you can with sweets. Children, beggars, acquaintances and friends. During this period, it is simply vital for men to pamper their women! You can have fruits if a woman is on a diet or follows the principles of proper nutrition - and you will follow the trend of the period, and the woman will not scold you that you spoil her figure)))

And right from this moment - think about how you want to see and feel your life. Remember that during this period your thoughts have a particularly powerful influence on your life.

Happiness to you and prosperity in everything!


