Universal congratulations for the son. Universal congratulations for the son Wish to the son from mother on September 1

September 1 is a special day in the life of every first-grader, because a new stage in their life begins - school years. Of course, on this day, moms, dads, grandparents experience unforgettable excitement, sending their child to school for the first time. On this day, a first-grader will be very pleased to receive congratulations from parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, and other relatives. A beautiful congratulation on September 1 to a first grader in verse can be written on a postcard, sent in instant messengers or social networks. Choose beautiful poems for the first grader from September 1 and congratulate your child on this unforgettable day.

Bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new satchel behind,
In the eyes of excitement and delight,
You squeeze your mother's hand tightly.
Today is your main holiday
You are walking to school for the first time
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.

In September, the first bell will ring,
And you will step for the first time on the school threshold!
And the teacher will lead you to class by the hand,
And the first school lesson will begin at the desk!

Happy First September! Step towards knowledge!
First class worries with bated breath
First time in such a huge building
First time getting homework!
The first acquaintance with the class and teachers,
The first time they did everything themselves,
First grade, first best friend
First time so interesting around!

First grader, first grader
You have a holiday today.
He is serious and funny -
First meeting with the school.
There's nothing to be done here.
They called you a preschooler
And now they are called first-graders.
And not a single question arose

But do you get discouraged by them?
From Monday to Saturday
You will gain knowledge.

The road to knowledge is a difficult path,
Full of fun and adventure.
You, first-grader, do not forget
You are in control of everything around
A little work, a little patience -
And everything you can learn
We wish you more magic
In your notebooks and albums,
Fun, happiness, mischief
At parties, at school, at home.

Are you going to school for the first time?
You worry a little.
And you choose at this hour
You are the road to knowledge.

A briefcase, and a form, and a bouquet -
Everything is solemn, new.
Wishes and advice
We are ready to give you everything.

Read also:

You will remember this day forever
The school will accept you for the first time.
Will open wide its doors -
And the school week starts
And after it the second, quarter, year ...
Your school period will flow,
Walks, runs, rushes,
Just have time to study for "five"!
It's still in the future now
You will go to first grade for the first time.
Knowledge is still a small reserve,
But over the years you will overtake us.

Dolls, cars and bears have been put aside.
And stacked in bags notebooks and books.
Skirts, shirts and trousers ironed.
Rulers and pens are ready to go.
Today is Knowledge Day - a solemn day!
And we congratulate our beloved children,
That they go to school today in the first grade
And they will sit at their desks for the first time!
Congratulations to all schoolchildren, their fathers and mothers
We wish you success in your studies!
We will give bouquets to teachers,
We congratulate them on the first day of September!

Here comes the desired hour:
You are enrolled in first grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We will give you an order:
Tell everyone about school
Treasure the honor of the school!
Keep always in order
Books, copybooks, notebooks!
Must learn in school
You read, count, write.
Not allowed to be lazy
You need to do everything on the "five"!
You should know perfectly well:
Fighting at school is indecent!
So that you are always cheerful
Sing more good songs.
To be always healthy
Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf!
Listen to dad, listen to mom
And the teacher too...
And learn the program
If so, we can help!
If you follow orders
Get ready for class two!

So you became a first grader,
Put on a new uniform.
Let it be a holiday for everyone
This first day of school.

The school called for the first time
The first time you carry a briefcase,
And in the ears - words-verbs:
What you sow, you will reap!

We believe you will learn
With interest and diligence,
And brag about marks
You will definitely be too!

Hello school! The path to success people!
Call for the lesson, call, come on,
We can't wait to get into first grade.
I really want to be a real student!
I want to plunge into the school bustle,
We can't bear to know everything in the world,
We are tired of sitting at home with mom,
We want to study, and then fly into space!

Happy Knowledge Day, our dear kids!
Take out a primer, notebooks, pens and pencils,
We will begin to learn slowly with you,
Let's find out what's going on in the world!
We will study letters, numbers with you,
We will learn with you to listen to elders and respect,
At school, there is one law for everyone,
Achieve the most unattainable peaks in your studies!

Congratulations to first graders from September 1 in verse

Dear first grader,
We wish you
Many joys in fate.

Knowledge is power, that's clear.
To make life beautiful
Know, read, learn
Be bold, don't be lazy!

Be smart and cheerful.
Let the school teach you
Think, argue and make friends,
Bright, interesting to live!

With today we are glad to see you
Congratulations on September 1!
You seek to know more
Easy and happy to learn
Succeed in all subjects
Always "excellent" get!

Dear first grader,
You have a holiday today:
The first bell rang
The first lesson is waiting for you.
Long school life way.
Remember, don't forget
That he will be successful
Who lives his dream.
Boldly go to the goal,
And luck is ahead!

Congratulations on the first of September!
Long awaited calendar sheet
Finally, today, announced:
“A school year has come at school!”

A noisy flock of boys and girls,
All are dressed strictly in black and white.
Lined up exactly on the line
At this hour at the school doorstep.

And went with huge bouquets
In a new class, holding hands in pairs.
All hushed, confused, modest.
And already a little tired.

From speeches, flowers, portfolios with books,
Unfamiliar noisy high school students.
They were moved along the "line" today,
Congratulations to the first-graders on the holiday!

Girls and boys paired up.
The first bells have rung!
Only yesterday you were preschoolers,
Now they are students!

We wish the kids patience
Hard gnaw sciences granite!
After all, from year to year their growing up
We have to watch at school.

Every day they are almost until the evening
They will think, think and create.
Well, in the evening - they will have nothing to do.
You just need to convince your mom.

That the lessons have all been learned long ago,
All tasks are correctly solved.
And the seas with volcanoes are studied
Even the furthest side.

We wish them the pursuit of knowledge.
May there always be enough strength for everything!
So that everyone for their efforts
I finally got my certificate!

Put books and a diary in a school backpack,
Pens, notebooks, notepad, paints, pencils,
Put on your school uniform
We are going to school! Today is Knowledge Day!
Forget the way to kindergarten now,
Your path to school will now be trodden,
You are now a first grade student
We wish. So that you penetrate the soul to study!

Now you're off to school
And you will be a student.
You might also be afraid
After all, you are not familiar with the school!

With you your friends learn
Coming to first grade today
Baby try not to be lazy
After all, you are the best with us!

Do not be afraid of the difficulties of knowledge,
Do not be afraid of difficult roads!
After all, there is great knowledge ahead
Life is already preparing for you!

Short congratulations to the first grader in verse

You have a holiday today.
You will take a bouquet of flowers
And you will go to school with a bouquet.
Here, the costume is ready.
Will you study at school
Draw, read, write.
Even the notes you recognize
You will sing songs.
And we congratulate you
We firmly shake your hand.
And with all our hearts we wish

Be excellent in everything.
* * *
On the day of the beginning of September,
And everyone knows about it
Knowledge school time
Meet all students.
Around joy, tears, laughter,
Everyone dreams of their own.
After all, this holiday is for everyone,
Who loves learning.
The bell rings for the children
Classes are greeted as always.
They have to study
Everyone is waiting for her.
On this day they wish you
Happiness, joy, kindness.
Well, I want to congratulate
With your first of September
* * *
Remember this day, my friend
He is the first in school;
The bell sings loudly
Calling to do business.
Even if it's only first class
But it is considered the main
The road to knowledge is
From here it starts!
* * *
Congratulations, first-grader, you are a student today!
In a knapsack book, in a shirt, our yesterday's mischievous.
You came to school today to get a lot of knowledge,
A serious stage has begun, you can study everything!
Make friends soon, figure out what's what,
The school is great and cool, and you will understand why.
You meet September with a smile, and bolder - first class!
You will remember him furtively many, many times!
* * *
Until recently, they went to the garden,
You taught me memory rhymes,
The school is in a hurry to open the door for you,
And the bell rings loudly for you!
Reminds that the day of knowledge,
It's time for victories and beginnings.
Today you are participants in the action,
You are beginners, you are first graders!
* * *
First grader, first grader
You have a holiday today.
He is serious and cheerful - The first meeting with the school.
Yesterday I was only a child
There's nothing to be done here.
They called you a preschooler
And now they are called first-graders.
Everything is in exemplary order,
And not a single question arose
There is not a blot in the notebook.
Pure as blue sky, a diary.
Let the worries fall on the shoulders
But do you get discouraged by them?
From Monday to Saturday
You will gain knowledge.
* * *.

The road is open for you
Meet the school at the gate.
Crossing its thresholds
You will enter the academic year.

Backpack, teacher, class, lesson...
But you be brave
Until the bell rings!

And let your knowledge multiply
The teacher admires the grip
Parents are pleasantly surprised!

The road to knowledge is a difficult path,
Full of fun and adventure.
You, first-grader, do not forget
That you are not recognized, but a genius!
You are in control of everything around
A little - a little work, a little - a little patience -
And everything you can learn
Suddenly turn into achievements.
We wish you more magic
In your notebooks and albums,
Fun, happiness, mischief
At parties, at school, at home.

Congratulations, dear first-grader,
How much meaning is hidden in this line!
On the carpet path of fallen leaves
You walk importantly to school with a bouquet in your hand.
You are from us, already adults, accept the wish
On the first school wonderful solemn day:
Let study bring you the joy of knowledge,
Let insidious laziness not be familiar!

Congratulations on the day of knowledge to first graders

Happy Knowledge Day, congratulations, kids!
Finally, school time has overtaken you,
Finally, you will not go to kindergarten,
Finally, you can be an adult!
You are now an independent and adult person,
You will study the location of the seas and rivers,
You will visit cities in a book, and not in one,
School is now your home!

For the first time the bell rings for you
Calls and beckons along the new road!
Your first lesson is about to begin.
And the first date with the school!
We want to wish you today
Always strive for the heights of knowledge
And never give up in life
And just enjoy learning!

Going to first grade today
You will be a student now.
Your home school
In Knowledge Day opened the door.

Will you study now
And "five" to receive,
Well, dolls and cars
The output will be expected.

You act like
Don't talk in class
Love knowledge immensely
Get to school first!

Golden autumn inspired many children,
And she invited me to the school country of knowledge.
Today, first-graders are your main holiday,
You are going to first grade today!
Get more knowledge in the classroom,
And use them more often in your life!
Rejoice parents and teachers,
Becoming smarter, healthier, more fun!

We know you're not laughing today
You are serious and important as ever.
Going to school is not fun for you,
This is serious. Of course!

Yesterday you were a very little prankster,
Today you are already a big first grader.
You will be wise now
After all, the door to knowledge in school is wide open.

How elegant you are, with a bouquet in your hand,
You go with a briefcase, not light.
You are at school, try not to let us down
And always get a lot of fives.

An important day, you have been waiting for it for a long time,
Finally today has arrived
First graders, we wish you good luck,
Joy, health, a lot of strength,
May learning bring you joy
Brings knowledge and success
We are glad to congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
May you always be lucky in everything!

* * *
The first day - meets the school,
You are now a first grader!
A lot of discoveries await you
Interesting, believe us.
You sit at a desk with a book,
And around you friends.
Congratulations to all the kids
Happy September 1st!
* * *
Kindergarten behind,
Ahead of the Day of Knowledge,
And you come to class
Shy steps.
Smiling lightly
First day of September
This holiday will be for you
Remember often.
First time to call for you
There will be school bells.
Congratulations guys
You are now students.
* * *
With the very first of September
Congratulations first graders
With a new book Primer
Among asters, carnations, daisies!
With the trill of the first call,
In the class that invites:
Unfamiliar world yet
The miracle of knowledge promises.
First let the lesson now
It will be a joyful discovery
Every moment and every hour
Expectations will not deceive!

How to congratulate a first grader on September 1

School, backpack, first class

This is a new step for you.
A new home, in a way.
In it you will be in business!
Today you, first-graders,
Wonder kids and cuties!
Let everything be easy for you
Happiness let you smile.
Letters, numbers and notebooks
May they always be well.
Strive more for knowledge
On the "five" just learn!
* * *
The road is open for you
Meet the school at the gate.
Crossing its thresholds
You will enter the academic year.
Your first year is the most important:
Backpack, teacher, class, lesson...
But you be brave
Until the bell rings
And let your knowledge multiply
The teacher admires the grip
And relations with the class will develop,
Parents are pleasantly surprised!
* * *

* * *
Who is walking to school?
There is a briefcase and there is a bouquet.
Who is walking so cheerful?
There is my answer to this.
First graders at school
They stand in a friendly crowd.
Full of new expectations
Their uneven noisy build.
We wish the first-graders
Diligence and victories.
We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
Productive school years!
* * *
Happy knowledge day, dear first grader!
Aspirations, joys of victories!
May this bright, eternal holiday
Leaves a mark on your soul.
May this day be with you
Shared by relatives, friends,
Let the songs sound today
For the whole country and for you!

Congratulations to first graders on September 1

First graders, Happy Knowledge Day,
Joy on your way
I wish, and efforts,
And gain patience
Congratulations let aspiration
Wisdom to know the source
- It will inspire you
Let everyone have a lesson
It will be something new for you
Many benefits you reap
You can, and the main reason
To attract you to knowledge,
In the future they are successes
They will bring to your life
Help to resolve obstacles
And show you the right path!
* * *
The door to knowledge has opened
Bolder first grader
You are our student now
And your holiday today!
So congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
We want to stand out
Hurry towards knowledge
To be something to be proud of!
To "five" your diary,
Always attacked
And "couples", "unsuccessful", "cola"
They ran away in fear!
* * *
Special holiday today:
You came to school for the first time.
On the Day of Knowledge, we wish you good luck
Learning to be super kids.
You boldly go to knowledge,
The teacher will help you.
And make new friends.
Here happiness and joy lives.
* * *
The road to knowledge is a difficult path,
Full of fun and adventure.
You, first-grader, do not forget
That you are not recognized, but a genius!
You are in control of everything around
A little work, a little patience
And everything you can learn
Suddenly turn into achievements.
We wish you more magic
In your notebooks and albums,
Fun, happiness, mischief
At parties, at school, at home.
* * *
To know a lot
Need to go to school
And not just sit
And have twelve!
You need to study well
To be able to read, write,
Think more, don't get angry
And solve all the problems.
And read more books
write essays,
Knowledge is a cool thing
Very fashionable - a lot to know!
* * *
The first time you went to school
And everything is new here for you
Saying goodbye to mom, dad,
Run together in the first class!
Teacher, desk and textbook,
Friends can't be counted.
The bell is ringing, what happiness
Be able to write and draw!
I wish you five sea,
To the board - do not be afraid to go out.
Let it be interesting at school
New subjects to learn.
* * *
With the first school bell
We congratulate you
Happy first day of school
Let the class fill up.
Let's get a little excited
This first call
But no one will forget
First lesson ever!

Short poems for first graders on September 1

Dear first grader,
On the very first school holiday
We wish you
Many joys in fate.
Knowledge is power, that's clear.
To make life beautiful
Know, read, learn
Be bold, don't be lazy!
Be smart and cheerful.
Let the school teach you
Think, argue and make friends,
Bright, interesting to live!
* * *
First graders guys
The holiday of knowledge has come,
You were once small
But there was enough strength for everything:
To run and have fun
Jump fun, walk,
And now to study
You will have to keep up!
* * *
You are new here today.
The door to the world of knowledge is open.
They will teach you everything at school
Not only the alphabet.
Your first holiday call
Happy Knowledge Day.
For the first holiday lesson
He invites everyone to the class.
* * *
Going to first grade today
You will be a student now.
Your home school
In Knowledge Day opened the door.
Will you study now
And "five" to receive,
Well, dolls and cars
The output will be expected.
You act like
Don't talk in class
Love knowledge immensely
Get to school first!
* * *
Congratulations guys - you are now students!
September and we once
Together in the first class came!
Let the enthusiasm in the eyes shine
Hearts beat in unison
- The school welcomes
All who are faithful to the end!
We wish you five
receive in class,
Know textbooks to the core,
Smart books to read!
* * *
When did you grow up?
After all, it seems recently
They asked to be carried in their arms,
Rocking incessantly.
And now they are beautiful
In smart school uniform
Stand very mature
With a pretty smile.
So let it be as joyful
Yours will be every day
And master the path to knowledge
Laziness won't hurt!
* * *
You grew up, the road led to the first class,
There is no time to be bored at school, because there is a lot of work!
You need to learn all the letters, learn to count,
To study well, to be always held in high esteem!
Many congratulations from us to first graders,
We wish you strong strength, memory, patience!
Do not be lazy, and you will be lucky in your work,
Let complex problems be solved easily!
* * *
All beautiful, with flowers,
You are on the threshold of the school. First graders!
The Day of Knowledge! We want to congratulate you!
Let it be easy for you
Gnawing all the granite of science,
Well, time remains
To be friends with the guys!
We wish that each of you will remember the lesson,
And today is the most important
Your very first call!
* * *
Guys, you today
Go to first class.
School door opened
Now for you.
We wish that study
It was easy for you
For you to find friends
Among the students.
Let the interest in knowledge
Never goes out.
Happy Knowledge Day, first graders!
Break a leg!
* * *
New shoulder bag
And in the hands of a bouquet of flowers
- The school welcomes
In the first class of students.
You are at school today
The most important visitor
Looking forward to the lobby
Your very first teacher.
And now you'll go together
You are in the land of useful knowledge.
Let you be interested!
And brilliant beginnings!
* * *
You are all good guys
There used to be preschoolers
And now you've grown up
School uniform
And you all came with flowers
Who is in a suit, who is with bows
Get knowledge in school
Answer in class.
We wish you success
Congratulations on the day of knowledge.
happy day when you first time
Let's go to first grade!
* * *
Happy first school holiday
Congratulations first graders
Day of knowledge before you
Opens the doors
Yesterday's babies
- Girls and boys
To my family today
The school accepts.
I wish, first graders,
You are good at studying
To easily standouts
You managed to become
So that parents can
Proud of success
And the school taught you to know and know everything.

Above was a large collection of beautiful congratulations on September 1 to a first grader in verse. These short poems for a first-grader can be written on a postcard, sent in instant messengers, social networks, or congratulated verbally. Add a selection of poems to bookmarks, share with friends using the buttons of social networks.


The sun rejoices in the morning -
It's time for a new school!
A wonderful bell will ring for you,
Invite to the desk, to the first lesson.
Much for the first time will be for you -
First successes, new friends.
Only on the "five" at school you study!
Do not be too lazy to become the best student!
May the school welcome you with warmth,
It will become the lightest, the most expensive!
So that only eyes are filled with happiness,
So that you go through life like a cute princess! ©

Let school be like home for you
Like a bright castle where dreams come true!
Learn diligently, be the first in everything -
And only you will receive a diploma!
Congratulations on the start of the school year!
Congratulations on September 1st!
On this September cheerful day,
Let the first bell ring for you!
My student, congratulations
Be the first in everything and always!
May a good teacher smile you
Love will send you to the world of bright knowledge!©

"To the boy"

I congratulate you on the day of knowledge,
And with all my heart I wish:
entertaining events,
Only joyful discoveries
wonderful accomplishments,
And wonderful hobbies
Faith, joy, good luck,
Solve complex problems!
May knowledge be given to you
The path to goodness and prosperity!
Be diligent, diligent,
To be successful in life!©

Since September 1st! -
With the start of the school year!
May it be full of success
And happiness is your way!
Learn to grow up every day
Never know defeat!
Be the first in everything,
I wish you great achievements! ©

The school year will begin with a ringtone.
May it bring you smiles and warmth!
And let it give joy and sunny success,
For you to be the best
And the first among all!©

Congratulations on the first of September,
On this bright day of the calendar!
Be cheerful, learn with joy,
The road to knowledge is not easy,
Do not be lazy to comprehend science,
Everything will come in handy, for sure!©


September 1 - a solemn day,
You are a first-grader son now,
Get knowledge successfully
Granite of science diligently dare.
May you be sure to be lucky
Let life put questions correctly
Always be able to answer them
May your fate be happy.

My dear, dear and beloved son,
Today you will return home as a schoolboy.
For the first time you hear your first call,
And proudly go to the first lesson!
Immerse yourself in the world of smiles and knowledge,
Acquisition of skills and fulfillment of desires.
Let excellent grades live in the diary,
And we hear compliments from you!

The road to the garden no longer lies,
School fun time is coming.
Everyone is happy and a little excited,
After all, the road to knowledge is not always easy.
But you, son, do not succumb to difficulties,
Succeed in your studies as soon as possible.
Now you have to work hard
To achieve good grades and praise!

A first-grader son is a proud title,
Today you have special attention.
Today you will go to school
where you can find many new things.
Hear the magic first call
You will get to the first interesting lesson.
May you enjoy the world of knowledge
And everything is just fine!

Well, this moment has come and you have already become a student,
We congratulate you and your mother, we wish you an easy study
Let you go to the temple of knowledge for the first time to study,
Don't be afraid to be curious and funny there
Study diligently, always be calm,
Don't be arrogant and always obey your teachers,
And we will always support and help you
Son, with the first of September you!!!

Beautiful congratulations to the son of a first grader from September 1

Bells are ringing all over our district,
And rivers flow from little first-graders.
With flowers, bows, cheerful steps,
They fly to school, they want to learn more.
Son, I congratulate you now
You have already become quite an adult, with us,
You learn easily, enjoy the days,
And if something is wrong, tell dad and mom.

How merrily they ring outside our windows,
The voices of children flying to first class,
Ahead of what will be they do not know at all,
And that's why it's so interesting to know.
You are a son - a first grader, and everything is ahead,
You only expect the best from your studies,
Respect teachers, behave with dignity,
And then your parents will be calm for you.

On the first day of autumn
Joyful, cheerful,
With a cheerful mood
You run to school.
See you after summer
There are swirling friends,
And everyone in bouquets
Festive asters.
Will be until May
You now work hard.
We wish you
Study well!
Mom is very dear
Every step of yours
bring fives
More for her, son!

Congratulations, (Son's name), you
Happy First September!
Sit down at the desk,
Do well in school!
Find a lot of good friends
It's always more fun to live with them
Listen to your teacher
And eat school lunches!

Today is the day for all the guys
The special one has arrived.
And every first grader is happy
That immediately became an adult.
Let it be interesting here
Learn and grow!
To a world where I'm waiting for you to open
Have a good trip!
We've been waiting for this day for a reason
With great excitement
We are you from September 1st
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
Good luck, joy to you!
With friends to be lucky!
Let the school be like a family -
Calm and warm!

I congratulate you on the day of knowledge,
And with all my heart I wish:
entertaining events,
Only joyful discoveries
wonderful accomplishments,
And wonderful hobbies
Faith, joy, good luck,
Solve complex problems!
May knowledge be given to you
The path to goodness and prosperity!
Be diligent, diligent,
To be successful in life!

The school year will begin with a ringtone.
May it bring you smiles and warmth!
And let it give joy and sunny success,
For you to be the best
And the first of all!

Bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new satchel behind,
In the eyes of excitement and delight,
You squeeze your mother's hand tightly.
Today is your main holiday
You are walking to school for the first time
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.

Best congratulations to the son of a first grader on September 1

Summer left behind
From the calendar to us

Tomorrow is first grade!

Summer left behind
From the calendar to us
September looks like a colored leaf,
Tomorrow is first grade!

My son! You keep growing
Are you going to school now?
Be diligent, student
Keep your diary clean!
Strive to grow every day
Learn only in joy!
Replenish your baggage of knowledge
Don't forget to use them!

The son does not sleep, and the father does not sleep,
Tomorrow is their day...
All the boys will gather
Friendly children's crowd.
Papa kisses hard
Look tenderly and lovingly
And then quietly says
Son, with the first of September!

Today is a holiday in our house:
Our son Dima is a first grader!
We have been waiting for this day
The son was taken to school.
The first day of school has come
Joyful for us.
Happy holiday, son!
Our son, good luck!
We believe you can do it at school
Lots of new things to learn.
I want in your notebooks
See the number five more often!
Together with your friends
You went to class to study
But also with the new guys
Be good friends!
Let it be every school day
For you, like a holiday.
Good luck, joy to you
Our cute first grader!

Beloved son, hope and support,
Today we congratulate you
We wish you a great career and success
To make the whole family proud of you.
More love, good luck, inspiration,
Doors open and straight roads,
Friends who won't spit in the back:
In everything to rely on them could.
A faithful, reliable girlfriend - such,
To want to live with her all my life,
Children to raise, love, dream and build,
Flowers are not only given on holidays.
All the best to you, luck, prosperity,
Good health to master the path,
Stingy tears from joyful emotions,
So that he could shake it off unnoticed.

What to wish for your bloodline?
Good and faithful to have friends,
Meaning and strength, love to find,
Joy and impressions on the way.

Let the wish come true!
Hold on tight to the best,
Be kind, smart, brave and unique,
Dear man, beloved son!

My son, protector, mother's pride!
You know that my very best!
I just adore you
I wish you a great holiday!

Salute let it be in your honor,
Gifts can not be counted!
Fun - the sea without end!
All for the native tomboy!

In the sea of ​​life's collisions, find your island,
May he, son, become a stronghold of happiness for you.
Be a fighter, be a true friend, always be yourself.
Let the daring not fade, always be the first, hero.

Let the stars always patronize you in everything
And let love live in your little world,
Let fortune smile, there will be positive nearby
And let fate provide an arsenal of alternatives.

Son, kiss, congratulations,
I hug you tightly by the shoulders.
I love for kindness, truthfulness,
For a daring mind and justice.
I'm proud of you, I'm sorry
I accompany you on a long road
Foggy shadow behind
I keep from troubles, my son.

Happy birthday my son
The sun's light and heaven's gift.
I remember a little lump
How did you make your first cry...
You are already an adult, my angel,
Let life pamper you.
Happiness lasts like a boomerang
Never see tears.

Happy birthday son!
Mom's scarlet flower!
Be healthy, smart, strong,
Let happiness from all sides

surrounds your life!
The birds are singing for you!
The way in the soul does not fade the light!
Long and happy years!

When you were born my son
He became the main among all men!
The main reason for happiness!
Happy birthday to you, my glorious!

Good luck, joy, victories,
Let the souls warm and light
They just keep multiplying over the years!
Also, don't forget your mom!

My dear son!
Clockwork and crazy!
Happy Birthday! Be healthy,
Get ready for adult life!

Choose your friends wisely
Build a spacious, bright house,
Find a wife to suit you
To respect your mother!

Wishes to the son in prose

Our dear beloved son! Please accept our congratulations and sincere wishes. Good luck to you always and in everything, open doors, true friends, support and support, attention and respect from others. Be brave and bold, a little daring and decisive, persistent and fair. May all your dreams come true, even those that are more like Napoleonic plans. Good luck in all your endeavors and great all-consuming happiness.

All the best features of generations were embodied in you: strength and courage from your grandfather, perseverance and intelligence from your father, kindness and responsiveness from your mother and grandmother. Let, son, there will be more joyful events in your life, let your cherished goals be realized, and there will be faithful and reliable people nearby. Know that your family will always support you and help you find the right path. We wish you a sea of ​​sincere feelings, an ocean of energy and a universe of happiness!

My blood, my son! I love you madly! I wish - let everything in life be successful and easy for you! Success in your studies, real friends, fun pastime, interesting holidays! Let dreams come true, and new desires appear! Grow, mature, try, everything and always achieve yourself!

Son, I wish you to be a fighter in the business of life in order to overcome obstacles and achieve success. In love, become a noble knight to win and keep the favor of your lady of the heart. In friendship, always remain a reliable ally in order to receive support yourself in a difficult moment. But the main thing is to be honest with yourself so that in any life situation you don’t have to blush before a capricious fate.

Dear son, congratulations! Time passes faster for parents than for children. It seems like yesterday your hedgehog hair was soft, your shoes were tiny, and your eyes were naive. Today you are a support for me, a man with a firm look and a confident step. But that little boy remained in your heart and shows himself as kindness, caring, and a heightened sense of justice. I love you son.

Son! Happy birthday! I want to wish you all the very best: useful acquaintances, kindness from people, respect from colleagues, love and devotion from friends and your girlfriend! Let the days bring many pleasant moments, and let the fire burn in the soul and the desire to move forward, despite the obstacles! Be the best at what you do!

On the first day of autumn
Joyful, cheerful,
With a cheerful mood
You run to school.

See you after summer
There are swirling friends,
And everyone in bouquets
Festive asters.

Will be until May
You now work hard.
We wish you
Study well!

Mom is very dear
Every step of yours
bring fives
More for her, son!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge of the son - the eleventh grader

For you one last time
The first bell will sound -
You are in the eleventh grade
Hurry now, my son.

May this last year
It will be easy and wonderful
Brings a lot of knowledge
Interesting impressions!

Congratulations on September 1, son - first grader

Congratulations, (Son's name), you
Happy First September!
Sit down at the desk,
Do well in school!

Find a lot of good friends
It's always more fun to live with them
Listen to your teacher
And eat school lunches!

Today is the day for all the guys
The special one has arrived.
And every first grader is happy
That immediately became an adult.

Let it be interesting here
Learn and grow!
To a world where I'm waiting for you to open
Have a good trip!

We've been waiting for this day for a reason
With great excitement
We are you from September 1st
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.

Good luck, joy to you!
With friends to be lucky!
Let the school be like a family -
Calm and warm!

Congratulations to the son of a first grader on the Day of Knowledge

I congratulate you on the day of knowledge,
And with all my heart I wish:
entertaining events,
Only joyful discoveries
wonderful accomplishments,
And wonderful hobbies
Faith, joy, good luck,
Solve complex problems!
May knowledge be given to you
The path to goodness and prosperity!
Be diligent, diligent,
To be successful in life!

The school year will begin with a ringtone.
May it bring you smiles and warmth!
And let it give joy and sunny success,
For you to be the best
And the first of all!

Son, congratulations
Happy Knowledge and Smile Day!
And I sincerely wish
Learn without mistakes!

Congratulations on the first of September,
On this bright day of the calendar!
Be cheerful, learn with joy,
The road to knowledge is not easy,
Do not be lazy to comprehend science,
Everything will come in handy, for sure!