Aesthetic make-up technique. Eye makeup technique "banana" and "bird". Classic horizontal way

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There are so many eye makeup options out there today that it's hard not to get lost in the variety.

website I decided to turn to a professional stylist to tell, and most importantly, show what the main makeup techniques are and which one to choose based on the individual characteristics of the eyes and the reason for going out.

Vertical technique

This technique is most suitable for narrow eyes, as it visually makes them wider. With its help, you can create both daytime and evening makeup, depending on the color of the selected shadows and the intensity of their application. In the first case, colors from the same color group will be relevant, in the second, contrasting combinations are acceptable to create a bright image. The outer corner of the eye should be the darkest.

Horizontal technique

This method of applying makeup will be relevant for owners of round, bulging eyes - it will visually lengthen and stretch them. Shadows are applied and shaded horizontally. With such a make-up, arrows look good.

Classical (mixed) technique

With this technique, shadows are applied simultaneously in a vertical and horizontal pattern. In the classic makeup technique, shades of shadows of the same color range are most often used.

Pencil technique

Using the pencil technique, you can visually adjust the shape of absolutely any eye. Based on individual characteristics, a “framework” is applied with a pencil for future shading, which evens out the lines of the eyes. The shading brush should be sufficiently hard and dense in structure, its surface should be flat. You can darken the mucous membrane of the eye.

Under the influence of fashion, each time one type of makeup is replaced by another, more modern one, for example, bird makeup.

The current fashion trend has led to the replacement of a smoky make-up with this type of makeup, as it is more suitable for owners of eyes with corners down, that is, overhanging eyelids.

How to use a pencil when creating birdie makeup

The pencil makeup technique involves a scheme that boils down to creating an image using a pencil instead of shadows. This technique is more complex than a make-up using shadows. Beginners first need to practice using a pencil. Then the “birdie” makeup will look brighter and more contrasting.

Starting its creation, you should check if there is pearlescent shimmering powder among cosmetics. With its help, you can shade transitions with maximum accuracy.

To create an unusual shimmery make-up, first the upper eyelid is lined with a black pencil, making it in the form of a small arrow. First, the letter “V” is drawn, drawing the arrow to the end, starting from the border of the fixed eyelid with the movable one, namely from its middle.

Taking a brown pencil, create the appearance of shading to the temples. The eye from the inside is covered with a pink pencil. Next, carefully draw the border of the transition between different shades. The next step is to apply pearlescent powder using a wet and thin brush, taking into account the contour of the border. Next, the lower eyelid is emphasized, starting from the middle, and then mascara is applied.

How to apply makeup "bird"

Before applying makeup, the skin of the face is thoroughly cleansed and a day cream is applied to it, which makes it possible to give the cap a more natural and fresh look. Then you need to use a foundation, which is evenly applied to the face, after which the face is covered with powder if it is shiny.

The line from the bottom of the eyelid is drawn to the middle of the eye with a good soft pencil. You can take a brown eyeliner. The second line must be drawn on the folds of the upper eyelids. Taking a cosmetic brush, they begin to shade the drawn line. It is imperative to ensure that the make-up is not voluminous, so you should not draw too high a corner of the eye.

If the eyelid is overhanging, then the makeup technique comes down to starting to draw a line from the inner corner, leading it to the line of the fixed eyelid. Then it is shaded to the temples. Paint over the outer corner of the eye should be in its small part, if the upper eyelid is sufficiently open.

To create a natural make-up, it is necessary to select the appropriate shadows. For example, they can be honey-colored. They should be applied after the line has already been outlined with a pencil. To create a more spectacular "bird", the upper eyelid is painted over with shadows that have a smoky color.

To highlight the visage, shadows are used that have an expressive color that is lighter than the drawn figure itself. Under the eyebrow, you need to apply shadows of a lighter tone. You should not go beyond the eyebrow line.

To create a beautiful “birdie” makeup, you need to make very accurate brush movements.

The arrows are applied using black shadows at the end of the make-up. Upper and lower lashes must be tinted with mascara for greater expressiveness. This technique has a number of difficulties.

Each person is unique by nature and is born with a unique shape. Some are quite satisfied with their appearance, some find some flaws in their appearance. Makeup helps to correct imperfections in appearance, a magic wand for many of the fair sex. Any of the ladies will be able to transform, make the shape of the face close to the ideal, emphasize the dignity, one has only to master the basic techniques of applying cosmetics.

One has only to remember that each area on the face differs in some features. Let's take the eyes as an example, their shape can be easily corrected using various techniques for applying shadows on the eyelid. You can easily reduce or enlarge their cut, give the look a special expressiveness.

All kinds of techniques for applying eye shadow, useful tips, training videos - our review will help you understand all the intricacies of eye makeup. Let's start!

Basic principles of eye makeup: the rules for applying shadows and the necessary components

It is important to remember the three basic components of perfect eye makeup:

  • When creating a make-up, you should decide on the accent zone. There are only two of them - eyes and lips. If your choice of lips - the eyes are given less emphasis, if vice versa - then the eye makeup is as pronounced as possible, and the lips are performed using the nude technique.
  • When choosing shadows, you should proceed from the natural skin tone. So, for example, on a pale face, purple tones will create a painful effect, and dark brown shades can age tanned skin.
  • Eye makeup should contain at least two shades, ideally three. The upper eyelid always stands out in the lightest tone. Experiments with the dark option can only be afforded by experienced stylists at thematic shows.

Before touching on the question of how to properly apply eye shadow, you should decide on the necessary components of eye makeup. Again, you will need three important components:

Foundation for shadow

It is also called a base, a primer. Many neglect it, at best, using the usual makeup base. Meanwhile, the quality of eye makeup depends on the base. The base under the shadows, in contrast to the basis for makeup, has a denser texture. Silicone, which is part of its composition, fills all the smallest folds and wrinkles on the skin, thus preventing the shadows from rolling and shedding. So make sure you get a good base.

The second thing you need is brushes

For eye makeup, you will need a set of at least three types of brushes:

  • flat with a long pile for applying shadows;
  • large fluffy for shading;
  • thin with elastic bristles for eyeliner.

Many will wonder, but what about the applicators that are put into boxes with shadows? They are also suitable, but only as a last resort. Shadows with them are applied too densely and it is difficult to shade them with an applicator.

Third - the shadows themselves

Lots of shadow options:

  1. crumbly
  2. Compact
  3. baked
  4. Cream
  5. Stickers
  6. The pencils

You will need at least three eyeshadow colors:

  • Base - the leading shade of makeup
  • Light. It should be slightly lighter than the base, creating a white effect in contrast.
  • Marker (highlighting or accenting pigment). It is necessary that it be darker than the base version.

An important point - the colors of the shadows used should be in harmony with each other.

Using a base under the shadows is an undeniable point. Brushes, on the other hand, are mainly used for loose and compact and baked shadows. Many people have a question - how to apply cream shadows? Brushes won't work here. The best option is to apply pigment to the eyelids with fingertips. An applicator may be used. Shadow sticks and shadow pencils are drawn directly on the eyelid. If the consistency of the shadows is quite dense, you can initially transfer the pigment to the fingertips, and then apply color to the eyelids with them.

How to apply eye shadow step by step (photo)

So, to create high-quality eye makeup, you need a base, shadows and brushes. But about how to apply shadows beautifully, you should talk separately. There are several variations of eye makeup. Consider the basic techniques of how to apply shadows on the eyes and photos for them for greater clarity.

Before choosing a particular version of MakeUp eyes, you should take into account all the nuances of the structure of the face, the shape and shape of the eyes. Incorrectly selected eye makeup can enhance existing imperfections or distort facial features.

Classic eye makeup

This option is considered universal. It fits absolutely any shape and shape of the eyes. And the use of different combinations of shadows will allow you to create different makeup, from daytime to evening.

The technique of applying shadows on the eyes in this embodiment involves the following scheme:

  1. The main color should be applied to the entire moving part of the upper eyelid.
  2. The area under the eyebrow and the inner corner are stained with a lighter pigment.
  3. A marker is applied to the crease of the eyelid, approximately from its middle (releasing pigment, darker than the main one by 1-2 tones). The marker is applied along the contour of the ciliary edge, also starting from the middle of the century. Gradually, it rises and thickens as it approaches the outer border of the eye.
  4. If you need to create a more accentuated makeup, then it is possible to use the 4th more saturated color, which should draw the line of eyelash growth. For the evening version, it is permissible to emphasize the lower eyelid.
  5. All areas of the pigment connection are carefully shaded.

The classic technique of applying shadows is inherently basic. The rest of the eye makeup variations are built according to the same scheme, but with some deviations and making their own adjustments.

Eye makeup in the "Bird" technique

"Bird" or as it is also called "Wings" helps to correct the eye: raise the outer corner and visually increase the size. The shadow pattern is somewhat reminiscent of a bird's wing, hence the name.

How to paint eye shadow in this version? The application technique is a bit similar to the classical one: the moving part of the eyelid is stained with the main pigment; the light area is located in the brow and in the outer parts of the eyes. Only in this case, an increased emphasis is placed on the crease of the eyelid, and the line along the ciliated edge is drawn more strongly. The outer corner is somewhat pulled up.

Makeup is suitable both as an evening option and as a daytime one, only in the latter case, the shades of the pigment are taken lighter.

Eye makeup "Loop"

Another name for the technique is "Wave". An ideal option for a narrow cut of the eyes, and will also interest those who are concerned about the question of how to apply shadow on an impending eyelid. The arcuate accent helps define the eyelid. In this embodiment, the zone of the outer corner is additionally highlighted, forming the so-called loop or wave. The outer edge rises slightly and becomes more rounded. Otherwise, everything is the same as in the classic version.

"Smokey eyes"

The most popular shading technique. Consider how to beautifully apply eye shadow in this case.

For this option, eyeliner with dark shadows near the ciliary edge, both upper and lower, is very important. You need a very thick, which is carefully shaded. Makeup is done both in a horizontal layout (light shadows are applied to the inside of the eye, and then the tone becomes darker), and in a vertical one (dark pigment is applied near the eyelashes, rising to the eyebrow, they brighten).

The effect of haze will depend on how the shadows are shaded on the eyes. The more thorough the shading, the more effective the makeup. And do not forget about mascara, there should be a lot of it.

This technique allows you to create both a luxurious evening make-up and a nude version, if you choose a pigment that is close to natural skin tones.

Nude eye makeup, despite its naturalness, requires more makeup and more time. It's a paradox, but "natural beauty" requires more "decorations".

How to apply shadows on the eyes using the highlight technique

Pretty rare technique. In this version, the outer and inner zones of the eyes are painted over with accent shadows. The main part of the century is filled with a base shade. The upper eyelid is the lightest pigment. Further, with the help of a highlighter or light pigments, a small highlight is placed on the moving eyelid above the pupil.

This technique is ideal for women with deep-set eyes, because it visually makes the eye more voluminous. Also, this technique will help correct wide-set eyes, as internal darkening will help hide the large distance between the eyes.

Rules for applying shadows in the "Cat's eye" technique

The name is not accidental. If you apply the shadows correctly, you get the effect of a cat's eyes. This option makes the eyes very expressive, visually rounds them and at the same time stretches them, makes them a little slanted.

How to paint eyes with shadows in this technique? Everything is very simple. Shadows are placed in the same order as in the classic version. Only accent shadows highlight the inner and outer corners of the eyes. In this case, the inner corner is pulled down, and the outer corner is pulled up. Underwater is required.

This option, due to its brightness, is more suitable for evening makeup. Considering that the eyes are maximally emphasized, the lips should not be highlighted so as not to overload the makeup.

Double Arrow Technique

In this version, two lines are really drawn with accent shadows - one along the natural crease of the eyelid, the other repeats the line of the upper eyelashes. Then both lines join at the outer corners of the eyes. This technique helps to highlight the eyes and lift the overhanging eyelid.

The presented version is more like an evening one, but if you use neutral shades of shadows, it is also suitable for daytime makeup.

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These methods of applying makeup are firmly established in the daily care of beauties. They are as sophisticated as they are affordable. But you must admit, how nice it is to trust an experienced makeup artist. Even such well-known things in his hands will turn out to be more stylish, refined.

The banana eye makeup was named so because one of its main elements - a line of a darker shade applied to the upper border of the movable eyelid and a little higher - just resembles a banana. It is the same curved and uniform in width throughout its entire length.

The banana technique is well suited for correcting narrow eyes. Your personal stylist will easily apply it on the still eyelid, just above the crease of the upper eyelid. An illusion will be created that the fold is located higher. Because of this, the movable eyelid visually increases.

See how simple it is. But this is only the basic part of the technique. It underlies several of your images at once. The image maker stylist, having competently communicated with the client, will always select several original options. Immediately identify two main directions - daytime and evening. Further, everything will depend on the color palette of the shadows. An experienced stylist and makeup artist will also appreciate the color of the eyes, hair, dark skin and even physique. That is why it is important to turn to a specialist - he will select a successful color palette of shadows. But you can order pastel colors for yourself if you want to look natural. If you want a more extravagant look, order brighter colors.

And now

Step-by-step instructions for applying banana makeup.

1. Most masters, especially wedding stylists, apply white or other light shadows to the eyelid. Then, using the applicator, they are evenly shaded both on the fixed and moving parts of the eyelid.

2. The main dark line is applied along the crease between the fixed and moving parts of the eyelid. An experienced make-up stylist will definitely make this line visible with open eyes, but not too contrasting. If you do your makeup yourself, ask someone close to pay attention to this line. If it is not visible with open eyes, it needs to be drawn a little higher. In addition to shadows, you can use a pencil of a suitable shade. But the "pencil" line needs to be shaded.

In general, determine the intensity of the "banana" line in accordance with your goals: during the day - more modestly, in the evening - brighter and darker.

3. To fix the color, apply a little powder on the eyelids. For more emphasis on the eyes, apply eyeliner along the upper eyelid along the lash line.

4. Your favorite mascara will complete the banana makeup. Also, do not forget to shape the eyebrows: comb with a brush, if necessary - bring it with a pencil.

If you are a fashion stylist, advise your client to use shades of beige, pearlescent or matte. This color usually suits everyone. It can be both the basis of daytime and the basis of office makeup. For the main line above the skin fold, use red, brown or gray shadows.

The evening one differs from the day one in that we use darker shadows, and we apply the main line more intensively. You can choose colors based on your vision. By the way, some clients ask to extend the main line right up to the inner corner of the eye.

But others do it only to the middle of the eye.

It is important not to be afraid to experiment here. Only in this way you can choose the most successful and unique combination for a particular client. And she will definitely leave your salon with pride and satisfaction.

Banana makeup successfully alternates with "Bird" - the same original and accessible technique.

Step by step instructions for applying makeup "Bird".

Before applying make-up, apply a tonal foundation to the skin of the face after shaping the eyebrows and the foundation for the shadows.

1. Underline the upper eyelid and inner crease with a pencil.

2. Break the eyeliner along the lash line without reaching the upper arrow.

3. In the direction up and towards the temple, blend the outer edge of the eyeliner on the upper eyelid.

4. Cover the moving eyelid with colored shadows. Make a more saturated color of the shadows closer to the eyeliner line. Remember that colored shadows do not overlap with a pencil line.

5. Highlight with white shadows and / or a white pencil the outer corner of the eyes at the point of interruption of the eyeliner.

6. Duplicate eyeliner on the lower eyelid according to the color of the pencil. Now blend towards the temple.

7. Draw with a kayal (soft white pencil) the ciliary edge of the lower eyelid from the mucosal side.

8. Make a highlight under the eyebrow.

9. Apply the shadow of the same color (shade) as the pencil line. Blend up to the temple. It is very important that the upper border of applying dark shadows is visually perceived parallel to the bend of the eyebrow.

10. For evening make-up, use glitter or mother-of-pearl.

Every woman works on her image every day, choosing the type of makeup that best suits her face. The technique of applying cosmetics can be varied:

  • Banana;
  • Pencil;
  • birdie;
  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • Classic.

Classic bird

It is worth highlighting the bird makeup separately. It got its name due to its appearance. The color is superimposed on the eyelids in the form of bird wings. Bird makeup technique involves a combination of contrasting colors.

Black and Silver

Makeup bird in the selected colors is quite easy to create with your own hands at home, with a certain skill. Otherwise, you will have to practice on your own in order to look stunning by the appointed time.

  1. Bring the upper eyelid with a black pencil, drawing an arrow.
  2. Apply silver eyeshadow to the inner corner of the eyelid.
  3. On the outer corner of the eye, draw the so-called bird. Perhaps this is the most difficult thing in creating this image for yourself.
  4. Choose a point on the border of the mobile and fixed eyelids, approximately in the middle of the eye. From there, start a smooth line running along the border to the drawn arrow.
  5. On the created contour of the arrow, apply black shadows with a brush and blend towards the temples.
  6. Finish off your make-up with black mascara.

purple wings

A cold light purple shade of shadows, framed by a dark one, looks very festive and unusual.

  1. Apply purple eyeliner to the upper eyelid.
  2. Put a cold light purple color over the entire area of ​​​​the moving part.
  3. Outline the created shade darker along the border of the mobile and fixed eyelids. Then make a “bird” with the same color.
  4. The created wing should have a light color on the inside and almost black on the outside. An important condition is the smoothness and smoothness of all transitions.
  5. Blend the transitions carefully.
  6. Underline the lower inter-ciliary contour with a black pencil.
  7. On top of the applied shadows, draw a small arrow with black eyeliner.
  8. Finish off the look with lash extensions.

Bird makeup pencil technique

The scheme for creating this option in the pencil technique is that eye makeup is done with a pencil, not shadows. It is worth saying that the instructions for applying a pencil make-up are somewhat more complicated than when working with shadows. Therefore, if you are new to this matter, it makes sense to initially practice.

cold eyes

The bird makeup technique created with a pencil looks a little brighter and more contrasting. When creating it, it is worth having mother-of-pearl shimmering powder on hand. It is she who will help to make the shading of transitions as correctly as possible.

  1. Bring the upper eyelid with a black pencil, making a small arrow.
  2. From the middle of the border of the movable and fixed eyelids, draw lines to the end of the arrow, thereby, as if drawing the English letter "V".
  3. With a brown pencil, create the appearance of shading towards the temple.
  4. Line the inside of the eye with a pink liner.
  5. Carefully draw the transition and the border between the colors step by step.
  6. Apply pearlescent powder along the contour of the border with a thin, damp brush.
  7. Underline the lower eyelid slightly from the middle.
  8. Apply mascara.