How much should be the temperature of a newborn baby. Body temperature in infants - the norm and possible deviations. What is the normal temperature for a one month old baby

The temperature in a newborn baby is one of the indicators of the normal state of the baby in the first month after birth. An increase or decrease in body temperature during this period in a child can cause pathology. Therefore, the control of body temperature in the first month of a child's life is very important, as an indicator of his general condition.


Statistics on the spread of the problem of elevated body temperature suggests that this is the most common symptom that makes parents seek help. Regardless of the temperature rise figures, this causes concern among parents. More than 87% of parents consider any increase in body temperature pathological, and only in 65% of cases, fever is a sign of infection. This indicates insufficient diagnosis and preventive work with parents regarding the problem of body temperature in a child.

Causes of fever in a newborn baby

First of all, you need to figure out what body temperature means and when it rises. Temperature norms in newborns range from 36.5 to 37.4. It must be said that the temperature of a child in the first month of his life is very labile and can change under the influence of many factors. A decrease in body temperature, as well as its increase, is dangerous for a child and may indicate a disease.

Speaking about lowering the temperature, you need to know that in small children it can be very often while walking on the street, when swimming. The most common reason for this decrease in body temperature is the cooling of the child. After all, during this period, the center of thermoregulation in the baby's brain has not yet fully matured, so any temperature fluctuations are very critically perceived by the body. Therefore, if during a walk the child is poorly dressed or if he has cooled down during bathing, then the body temperature may decrease. Even in the hospital, immediately after birth, the baby's body temperature may decrease under the influence of hypoglycemia. When a baby is poorly fed or sleeps for more than three hours without feeding, this can cause a decrease in body temperature. This is a protective reaction of the baby's body in response to a decrease in blood glucose levels.

There can be many more reasons for an increase in body temperature in a child, and this does not always signal a disease. Most often, an increase in body temperature in a baby in the region of 36.8 - 37.4 can be due to simple overheating. This happens in summer or winter if the child is not dressed for the weather. It can also be at home when the body temperature in the room is too high without ventilation. It must be remembered that being outside in direct sunlight is harmful and dangerous for a child, as this can cause not only an increase in body temperature, but also sunstroke.

An increase in body temperature to subfebrile numbers in a baby of the first month of life can cause ordinary colic. This is not very typical for such a problem, but given the immaturity of the thermoregulation center, this can be considered normal. The baby also has constipation or diarrhea, which can cause a slight rise in body temperature.

If we talk about an increase in body temperature as a sign of a disease, then we can say that there are different indicators depending on the pathogen. The reason for the increase in body temperature in a newborn may be a viral infection. It can be a simple runny nose or pharyngitis. In this case, there may be an increase in body temperature up to 38-38.5 degrees, which is typical for a viral infection. If the temperature is above these values, then you should immediately consult a doctor, because this often indicates a bacterial infection. Localization of inflammation in this case can be different, but more often the cause is pneumonia, bronchitis or urinary tract infection.

Pathologically high body temperature can be in the pathology of the central nervous system of a congenital or acquired nature. These may be transient fluctuations in body temperature after a birth injury of the brain. Then there may be fluctuations that pass after a while. If a child was born in hypoxia or there were problems during childbirth, this can also be a factor in such a transient increase in temperature against the background of normal health.

The pathogenesis of an increase in body temperature during infection lies in the work of the thermoregulation center. This center is located in the medulla oblongata and is responsible for controlling body temperature. When a mild viral agent enters the child's body, the body temperature rises in order to destroy this virus. After all, this virus can live and multiply normally only at temperatures up to 36.8. Thus, a protective reaction is activated. If the cause is a bacterial agent, then the body temperature must be slightly higher than with a bacterial infection in order to destroy it. Therefore, when a bacterium enters the body, inflammatory factors that are released into the blood at the same time increase the activity of the thermoregulation center and the body temperature rises.

Risk factors

Risk factors for a decrease in body temperature can be identified as follows:

  • low temperature in the room where the newborn baby is located;
  • hypoglycemia or long intervals between feedings;
  • congenital or acquired pathologies of the central nervous system with impaired thermoregulation.

Risk factors for fever in a newborn:

  • overheating of the child or the wrong temperature in the room;
  • hypoxia or asphyxia after birth;
  • viral and bacterial diseases;
  • the presence of chronic foci of infection or other pathologies;
  • concomitant stool disorders or colic.

These factors can, under certain conditions, become the causes of a serious pathology, so you need to correct them in time.

Temperature symptoms in a newborn baby

Temperature symptoms in a newborn baby may be combined with other symptoms, or it may be the only symptom. There are several types of hyperthermia.

Temperature rise types:

  1. subfebrile - 37-37.9 ° C
  2. febrile 38-38.9 ° C
  3. pyretic 39-39.9 ° С
  4. hyperpyretic ≥ 40 ° C.

If the temperature in a newborn child is raised to 37.5 degrees and there are no more manifestations, then most likely this indicates that the child simply overheated. If there is no such reason, then this may simply be such a feature due to the imperfection of the thermoregulation center. In this case, it will go away on its own by the end of the first month of life.

If there are other symptoms, then this indicates a disease. Subfebrile body temperature in a newborn may be due to a viral infection. As a rule, a cold usually begins with a general malaise, sneezing, sore throat, nasal congestion or runny nose, which are well pronounced on the 2nd-3rd day of illness. Often SARS is accompanied by fever, a feeling of ache throughout the body, muscles, joints, headache, chills. Sometimes a cough, hoarseness or a change in the timbre of the voice, stuffy ears join. In children, sleep may be disturbed due to a violation of nasal breathing and a hacking dry cough. When the baby cannot sleep at night, he can snore, cough, eat poorly. All these signs can be with simple rhinitis caused by a viral infection. If the inflammation process extends to the pharynx, then this can be combined with pharyngitis. In this case, symptoms of coughing, sensation of pain or scratching in the throat appear. But the baby cannot complain about this, therefore, with a simple sore throat, he does not eat well and is naughty. It is these viral infections that are most often accompanied by subfebrile body temperature.

A high temperature in a newborn baby, which reaches 39 degrees, is very dangerous and requires immediate action. Most often this happens with a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract, urinary tract, or any other infection. Pneumonia is the most common cause of high body temperature in a newborn baby. In this case, inflammation occurs in the alveoli with a violation of the outflow of sputum due to the physiologically horizontal position of the child. Therefore, along with an increase in body temperature, other symptoms of intoxication quickly appear. The child begins to eat poorly, is naughty, does not sleep, a cough appears. At the beginning of the disease, it may be dry, but then it becomes deep and moist, especially after sleep. Along with these symptoms, there are signs of shortness of breath. Pneumonia is characterized by the first or second degree of shortness of breath. In newborns, this is manifested by pallor of the skin and cyanosis around the mouth, which appears when the child is anxious. In addition, additional muscles take part in the act of breathing - you can notice in a child swelling of the wings of the nose, retraction of the supraclavicular regions. If there is at least one of the symptoms of shortness of breath or cough, which are combined with a high body temperature, then there is a very high probability of pneumonia.

Wheezing in a newborn child without fever can also indicate pneumonia, because it is precisely because of the incomplete development of the thermoregulation center that it may react incorrectly. Therefore, the absence of body temperature against the background of symptoms of respiratory failure or cough does not exclude pneumonia.

Urinary tract infections in newborns have few symptoms because it is difficult at this age to monitor the baby's urination. But any increase in body temperature without signs from the respiratory system can be regarded as a possible infection of the urinary tract. The only symptom that a mother may notice is a violation of the urination process. The child may urinate less or more often, and the color of the urine may be cloudy. But it is difficult to diagnose if the baby is wearing a diaper. There may be a small amount of blood in the urine, which is also difficult to see. If we are talking about a girl, then the development of cystitis of ascending etiology is more likely than other pathologies. Then, against the background of an increase in body temperature, there may be droplets of blood in the urine or discharge from the vagina.

The temperature in a newborn child of 38 without symptoms can be as a transient condition that occurs when a child overheats. But sometimes this can be the first sign of a pathology that has not yet ripened to manifest itself, and then you need to wait for the appearance of other symptoms today or tomorrow.

You need to be aware of another complex condition that in a newborn baby can cause a significant increase in body temperature. This condition includes omphalitis. This is an inflammation of the skin and tissue around the navel caused by bacterial flora. For newborns, this is a particularly dangerous condition, since children are often discharged home and their umbilical wound has not yet healed, or the navel has not fallen off at all. This can be a gateway for infection, which spreads very quickly here. Clinically, against the background of an increase in body temperature, you can see that fluid begins to stand out from the navel or it turns red. If he already begins to suppurate, then this already threatens with sepsis. Therefore, with an increase in body temperature, you need to pay attention to the navel and its condition.

It is necessary to distinguish between two types of fever - white and red. They differ in clinical features and treatment approaches. White fever is characterized by an increase in body temperature of the child and spasm of peripheral vessels. Clinically, this is manifested by the fact that against the background of temperature and a hot forehead, the child has pale and cold hands and feet. This type of fever requires an immediate drop in body temperature. With red fever, on the contrary, the peripheral vessels dilate and therefore the child is all hot and red. This contributes to the fact that the temperature decreases faster than with constricted vessels. Therefore, it is a less dangerous type of fever.

A low temperature in a newborn baby may indicate hypothermia or hypoglycemia. If a child’s body temperature drops sharply against the background of full health, then you need to make sure that he is not cold and he is not hungry. Then after eating and dressing, everything can return to normal.

Complications and consequences

The consequences of elevated body temperature in newborns can be very serious. Hyperpyretic fever (> 41 ° C) - increases the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, the respiratory center, the need for oxygen in organs, sodium, chlorine and water are retained, edema develops, vasospasm occurs, and blood circulation is centralized. There is hypoxia of the myocardium with a decrease in contractility, hypoxia of the brain with its edema, convulsions.

The most common complication of high fever can be convulsions. Since the child has not yet fully mature neural connections in the brain, too high a jump in body temperature can lead to increased activity of the cerebral cortex and the development of seizures. These may be just simple muscle twitches, or they may spread throughout the body. As a rule, this does not cause any complications, just parents are very scared. Therefore, lowering the high body temperature is mandatory for the newborn.

As for the complications of pathologies that cause an increase in body temperature, there may very often be other infectious complications. Pyelonephritis or cystitis at such an early age can be complicated by the development of kidney abscesses, dysfunction of the bladder in the future. Pneumonia can cause a lung abscess or pleurisy. Sepsis is considered the most common complication of omphalitis, since bacteria spread very quickly from this focus of infection. Therefore, any inflammation of the navel with fever is very dangerous and requires immediate treatment.

Diagnosis of temperature in a newborn baby

Diagnosis of temperature in a newborn child should begin with the correct measurement. It often happens that there is no reason for a decrease or increase in body temperature, but the thermometer shows the opposite. Then you need to make sure of two things: that the measurement process is correct and that the thermometer itself also shows correctly.

How to measure the temperature of a newborn baby? To answer this question, you must first understand what thermometers are. The most commonly used mercury thermometer, which is considered the most accurate. The main mechanism of its action is an increase in the concentration of mercury vapor with an increase in body temperature, which is determined by the gradient of values. Such a mechanism provides an almost perfect temperature measurement, but with the right technique. To measure with a mercury thermometer, it is necessary that the child does not move and fixes the handle with the thermometer as much as possible. The duration of the measurement must be at least ten minutes. With such a correct technique, the result is considered the most correct. In addition to the armpit area, you can measure the temperature in newborns in the groin. To do this, you also need to fix the leg for at least ten minutes. This thermometer can also measure the temperature in the rectum. But you need to be very careful when doing this, because the child can spin and damage can be easily done. It must be remembered that the temperature on the mucous membranes is 1 degree higher than on the skin. This must also be taken into account when measuring temperature in the oral cavity.

Electronic thermometers are now gaining more and more popularity because of the ease of measurement. Such a thermometer can be held for only a minute and it will show the result. But it is very important that after the beep the thermometer remains in place for at least 10 seconds. This is a very important rule, which is not always observed, but which greatly affects the result. There is also one disadvantage of such thermometers - they often give an error, so they need to be calibrated some time after use. Therefore, it is better to measure with an ordinary mercury thermometer and be sure of the result.

An infrared thermometer is considered the fastest and most accurate. This device is able to capture infrared radiation from the skin or mucous membranes, which increases with an increase in the temperature of the child's body. It can simply be applied to the skin or to the eardrum area, then you can immediately see the result in a few seconds. But the cost of such a device does not allow every family to purchase it. Therefore, the main thing is that the measurement technique is correct, then you can not worry about the correctness of the result.

When it is known for sure that the temperature is elevated, then it is necessary to further diagnose and look for the cause. The doctor should carefully examine the child and listen, because more often the cause may be a pathological process in the bronchi or lungs. If there is inflammation of the lungs, then crepitus and asymmetric moist rales in the lungs can be heard during auscultation. Percussion marked dullness of sound. In severe pneumonia, oxygen saturation may decrease. If there are auscultatory signs, then further examination is necessary. A blood and urine test must be taken at the onset of the disease before the start of treatment. With pneumonia, there may be changes in the blood test - an increase in the number of leukocytes in dynamics and an increase in rods, an increase in ESR. Instrumental diagnosis in the confirmation of pneumonia is the main method. For this, an X-ray of the organs of the chest cavity is performed and inflammatory foci in the lungs can be seen in the form of infiltrative shadows.

If there are no symptoms from the respiratory system, then another cause of an increase in body temperature may be pyelonephritis or cystitis. Therefore, the main diagnostic method here is urinalysis. Now there are special containers for collecting urine for newborns. They have a convenient clasp and are sterile for accurate analysis. Therefore, it is better to collect urine in this container. A general urine test for urinary tract infection can determine the following changes: cloudy color, mucus, increased white blood cell count, bacteria, and a specific pathogen can also be determined. This allows you to suspect a problem with inflammation of the urinary tract, and for confirmation, instrumental diagnostics are performed. For this purpose, ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder is used. If there is an expansion of the pelvic system, then this indicates pyelonephritis. Dependence or additional inclusions in the bladder indicate cystitis.

Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of temperature in the first place should be carried out between two types - "red" and "white" fever. This is necessary to determine the tactics for lowering the temperature. Next, you need to differentiate the reason that caused such an increase. It is very important to decide in time on additional research methods in order to say about the pathology.

Treatment of temperature in a newborn baby

If the temperature of a newborn child has risen above 38.5 degrees, then it must be brought down to prevent the development of seizures. It is important to determine the type of fever - red or white. Medicines to lower the temperature are given for both types, but then the treatment tactics are slightly different.

To understand medicines and how to give them, you need to know about the main principles of increasing body temperature. There are successive stages of temperature decrease:

  1. the stage of increasing body temperature is the period when the temperature rises;
  2. the "plateau" stage is the stage when the temperature reaches its maximum values. It is at this stage that drugs should be given to reduce body temperature, because if the value is above 38.5 degrees, then the temperature cannot decrease on its own.
  3. stage of temperature decrease - this can happen on its own if it is below 38.5. Therefore, lowering subfebrile temperature is not used, since this process is controlled by the body itself.

Antipyretic drugs are in the following dosage forms:

  1. Tablets - but not all patients can swallow, slow effect, irritation from the mucosal gastrointestinal tract, allergy from ballast substances.
  2. Quick-dissolving - effervescent tablets.
  3. Capsules with microgranules.
  4. Syrups / suspensions.
  5. Candles / suppositories.

Usually, the use of antipyretics is started when the body temperature rises above 38 ° C. For children of the first 3 years, antipyretics are prescribed at 38 ° C, if they have experienced convulsions before. For infants, the use of drugs in the form of suppositories is more acceptable, but in the presence of diarrhea, suppositories are not used. Before the introduction of the suppository, it is necessary to clean the intestines with an enema.

Drugs that can be used to lower body temperature in children are limited.

  1. Paracetamol- This is a drug that belongs to antipyretic analgesics from the group of non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. The main mechanism of action of paracetamol is the inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis. These substances potentiate the inflammatory response through the synthesis of inflammatory substances. The drug blocks the release of these substances and reduces the temperature and other symptoms of inflammation. Also, in addition to lowering body temperature, paracetamol has an analgesic effect. For newborns, the best way to use is in the form of a syrup. Dosage 10-15 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per dose. You can repeat the reception no less than 4 hours after the last time. The syrup is available in a dose of 120 milligrams in five milliliters, which is then calculated on body weight. Side effects - from the gastrointestinal tract in the form of dyspeptic disorders, erosions and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, there may be bleeding and perforation.
  2. ibuprofen- This is the second antipyretic drug that can be used in pediatrics. The antipyretic effect of ibuprofen is detected only with fevers, the drug does not affect normal body temperature. Like any of this group of drugs, ibuprofen has analgesic properties. The dosage of the drug is 5-10 milligrams per kilogram of the child's body weight. It is available in syrup of 100 milligrams in 5 milliliters. Side effects of the drug - it can have a direct effect on the structure of the kidneys, cause interstitial nephritis. Precautions - do not use in children with kidney pathology.
  3. For the treatment of rhinitis, which may be accompanied by low-grade fever, it is very important to properly care for the child, then medicines to reduce body temperature may not be needed. A mandatory procedure for the treatment of rhinitis in children is the washing of the nasal passages with saline solutions or infusions (decoctions) of medicinal herbs. The use of a decongestant is permissible only in cases of severe nasal congestion, especially at night. Preference is given to solutions in the form of drops, spray and in a concentration corresponding to the age of the child. Newborn babies are not recommended to inject oily solutions into the nasal passages, as this can lead to the development of pneumonia as a result of getting into the lungs.

Nazol baby is a drug that constricts blood vessels in the nasal cavity. The active substance of the drug is oxymetazoline. For newborns, oxymetazoline 0.01% nasal drops are used. Dosage - one drop no more than three times a day, but it is better to use this drug only at night. Side effects - possible development of addiction and atrophy of the mucosa with prolonged use.

  1. Antiviral drugs can be used to treat a viral infection, even if the temperature is subfebrile, then the course of the disease will be milder.

Imunoflazid- This is an antiviral agent, the main active ingredient of which is proteflazid. This is a substance that is obtained from herbal extracts of pike soddy and reed grass. The drug has a direct antiviral property and immunomodulatory. The method of application is in the form of a syrup, and the dosage is 0.5 milliliters for newborns twice a day. Side effects - headache, allergic manifestations.

Vitamins can be used after the child has recovered in order to prevent respiratory and other diseases.

Folk temperature treatment

Alternative methods of treating fever in adults are used very widely, but it should be remembered that in children such methods are very limited.

When a child is sick, it is necessary to follow a nutritious diet for the mother if she is breastfeeding. It is very important to comply with sanitary standards (twice a day - wet cleaning, constant ventilation).

  1. If the child has a "red" type of fever, then at the height of the temperature, you need to open the child or wipe it with water at room temperature. This will help bring down the temperature until it comes to medication.
  2. With "white" fever, the child's hands, on the contrary, need to be rubbed with their own hands until they become warmer. This will help improve blood flow in the peripheral vessels of the skin. Such actions must be carried out even when giving medicines.
  3. At a temperature, the child should be given plenty to drink. For a newborn, it can be a special baby chamomile tea or baby water. It should be given from a teaspoon every twenty to thirty minutes in the acute period.

Herbal treatment can be used in the acute period with an increase in body temperature, as well as in infectious diseases. Herbal medicines can be taken by a child or mother if she is breastfeeding.

  1. Linden is a well-known tree that has antiseptic and antitoxic properties, so it can be used for colds, bronchitis or pneumonia. To prepare a tincture for a glass of hot water, you need to take 20 grams of dry leaves with inflorescences. After insisting, you can give the child to drink a teaspoon several times a day.
  2. Chamomile tea should be drunk for colds, rhinitis or pharyngitis. It has antiseptic properties, thanks to which it can kill viruses in the oral cavity. To prepare tea for a child, it is better to take children's chamomile tea and dilute it with boiled water. You need to give half a teaspoon every half hour.
  3. Marigold herb infusion also has antiseptic properties and contributes to the normalization of local immunity in case of a viral infection of the respiratory tract. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 50 grams of grass and add 250 grams of boiled water. After the solution has been infused for two hours, the mother can take a teaspoon in the morning and evening if she is breastfeeding. Exceeding the dose can cause allergies.

Homeopathy for the treatment of body temperature in the acute period is not used. It is possible to use antiviral and immunomodulatory agents for viral infection.

  1. Aflubin is a complex antiviral drug that contains an extract of aconite, bryonia and other substances. The drug has antiviral activity and immunomodulatory. Method of application - in the form of drops. The dosage for children up to a year is 1 drop seven to eight times a day. Side effects - dizziness, drowsiness.
  2. Vokara is a complex homeopathic remedy that can be used in young children with pharyngitis with severe hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall. Dosage - one drop three times a day. Side effects are very rare, there may be increased salivation.
  3. Viburkol are complex homeopathic suppositories with pronounced antiviral activity. The drug is used to treat acute pathologies and prevent their complications. Dosage - one suppository twice a day, and with the elimination of acute symptoms, you can use it once a day.
  4. Influcid is a complex six-component homeopathic preparation with antiviral activity. It is used in the acute period for the treatment of colds, and also reduces body temperature due to the immunomodulatory effect. The dosage of the drug is one tablet five times a day. Method of application - for children it is better to grind the tablet into powder. Precautions - use in newborns only on the advice of a doctor.


The prognosis of elevated body temperature is favorable, with the right tactics for its reduction and control throughout the course of the disease. As for convulsions: if a child had an episode of convulsions against the background of a temperature, then there is a 95% chance that such convulsions do not recur and can be completely without consequences.

The temperature in a newborn child is the indicator that parents must control and prevent it from decreasing or increasing. Of course, an increase in body temperature may indicate a child's illness, but this is not always the case. Therefore, you should always take into account all the symptoms and consult a doctor.

The body temperature of a newborn baby is an important indicator of his health, and it is important to be able not only to measure it correctly, but also to correctly evaluate the result. What is the normal temperature of a newborn and how to measure it correctly?

What is the normal temperature of a newborn

When a baby is born, its normal body temperature is 37.5-38.2 degrees Celsius, which is slightly higher than the temperature of a healthy adult. Then, over several hours, the baby's temperature gradually drops, since its thermoregulation system is still imperfect - the lower the temperature in the room, the more it drops in the child (up to 35.5 degrees and even lower). Premature babies react especially strongly to low air temperatures, which is why they are nursed in very warm rooms.

In the first few days after birth, the body temperature of the newborn gradually rises. from the fifth or sixth day after birth and onwards it is 36.3-37.5 degrees.

Approximately on the third or fifth day after birth, in some children, the body temperature rises sharply to 38-39 degrees Celsius. This phenomenon in medicine is called transient hyperthermia (transient, or transitional, are the states of the infant that accompany its adaptation to the outside world). This temperature is not normal temperature of a newborn- the increase can be caused by overheating of the child, dehydration, violation of the regimen, violation of the bacterial environment of the intestine. Usually, with transient hyperthermia, physiological methods are used to reduce the child's body temperature, for example, wet compresses, additional drinking (glucose solution) is introduced to combat dehydration.

What determines the normal temperature of a newborn?

As mentioned above, the normal temperature of a newborn is between 36.3 and 37.5 degrees. What does this value depend on?

Firstly, normal temperature of a newborn varies depending on the degree of activity of the child. When the baby sleeps, his body temperature, as a rule, decreases, during wakefulness and, especially after a loud cry or crying, it rises significantly.

Secondly, the normal temperature of a newborn depends on the biological cycles of the baby and the time of day. The highest temperature in babies is observed at 17-19 hours, and the lowest - at 04-07 hours. In the first weeks of life, these cycles are not yet established, and during the day the temperature can change in a rather unpredictable way. If the changes are minor, don't worry.

There are four ways to measure the temperature of a newborn:

  • in the armpit;
  • in the inguinal fold;
  • rectally (in the rectum);
  • orally (in the mouth) – only if you are using a pacifier thermometer.

It will be different, depending on how (at what point of the body) you measure it. Therefore, measure the temperature either always in the same way, or exactly how the measurement was taken.

The normal temperature of newborns is on average:

  • 36.6 degrees - in the armpit and in the inguinal fold;
  • 37.1 degrees - oral;
  • 37.6 degrees - rectal.

How to measure the temperature of a newborn?

To find out what temperature is normal for your newborn baby, you need to measure it at a time when the baby is healthy, full and calm. The temperature should be measured several times during the day and recorded in a special journal, be sure to note the time of measurement.

It is preferable to measure the temperature of a newborn baby rectally, with a special electronic thermometer, the tip of which should be lubricated with baby cream. This method will give the most accurate results in the shortest time.

You can most conveniently measure the temperature of a newborn in one of the following positions:

The child lies on its side, with legs pulled up to the stomach

The child lies on his tummy on his mother's lap, legs hanging down

The child lies on his back, with legs raised up.

The tip of the thermometer is inserted no more than 2 cm into the child's rectum. The baby should be gently held during the entire measurement time to avoid the risk of damage to his intestines by the thermometer. You also need to take out the thermometer slowly and carefully, 3-5 minutes after the start of the measurement (or after the beep that some electronic thermometers give).

Why can a newborn's body temperature rise?

If your baby's body temperature is much higher, this can be both a symptom of the child's illness and a sign of overheating. Overheating of the child can occur if the air temperature in the room is significantly higher than 24 degrees Celsius (22-24 degrees - the most comfortable temperature conditions for newborn babies), or if the child is too warmly dressed.

Also, the temperature of the newborn may increase after some vaccinations - this is a normal immune response of the baby's body to the vaccine. The vaccinating doctor warns parents in advance of the possible consequences and explains how to behave in case of a fever.

An increase in body temperature in some cases may indicate a newborn's illness - especially if it is accompanied by continuous crying, loss of appetite, vomiting, impaired stool and other symptoms that are not typical for a healthy child.

How to help a newborn in case of fever?

It should be clearly understood that an increase in body temperature is not a disease, but only one of its symptoms. Therefore, it is simply unacceptable to deal with the high temperature of the baby on your own! With a significant deviation in the temperature of the baby from normal temperature of newborns you should immediately consult a doctor!

It is the doctor who will tell you how best to help the baby. Usually, to lower the temperature, newborns are prescribed medications in the form of rectal suppositories, syrups or suspensions.

While waiting for the doctor, you can use the following techniques to lower the temperature of the newborn:

Provide comfortable conditions (18-20 degrees) and air flow into the room. To do this, ventilate the room well by moving the baby to another room;

Supplement your child with clean drinking water (high temperatures can lead to dehydration);

So that the baby does not overheat, he should not be wearing warm multi-layered clothing. And in no case do not put a disposable diaper on a child with a fever - this also entails a high risk of overheating!

The normal temperature of newborns may vary depending on the time of day, the activity of the child and the method of measurement, but in any case, it should not significantly exceed 38 degrees. Find out your baby's normal temperature by measuring it several times at different times of the day - this will help you monitor his health. We wish your little ones the best of health!

The normal body temperature in an infant in the first days of life is measured in the armpit - 37.0-37.5 ° C. After a few days, the temperature can fluctuate from 36 to 37 ° C. (In general, the usual temperature of 36.6 is set only by the end of the baby's first year of life.)

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Normal chest temperature

  • 36 - 37.3 ° C - in the armpit;
  • 36.6 - 37.2 ° C - oral temperature;
  • 36.9 - 38 ° C - rectal temperature.

In newborns, the process of thermoregulation is not completely formed and heat transfer prevails over heat production (heat generation), children often freeze, which is expressed in hiccups, cooling and blue hands and feet. Therefore, infants are easily overheated or overcooled.

Video consultation: why newborns have a temperature of 37.1-37.3

Parents should be aware that in conditions of constant swaddling, thermoregulation mechanisms “do not start”. This delays the child's adaptation to the natural environment and makes him susceptible to colds.

Maintaining a normal temperature in the youngest children is achieved through the usual care of the child.

Body temperature is not the same for all children and varies, as indicated above, from 36 to 38 degrees (depending on where we measure), plus it depends on many factors in the development and physiology of the child. To determine the optimal (normal) body temperature for your baby, you need to measure it for several days in the morning, afternoon and evening. Thus, parents will be able to establish an average stable temperature for their newborn child.

We read how to measure the temperature (in what place and with what thermometer)

Video: how to measure the temperature of a baby

Ways to maintain normal body temperature in a newborn

The smaller the child, the more he needs to create a special thermal regime. There are simple ways to create a comfortable environment for the child.

  1. Children's room should be well warmed up from 20º to 24ºС.
  2. An infant should be dressed one layer more / less (depending on the season) than an adult is dressed in these conditions.
  3. Make sure that the child does not freeze at night. Cover him with a natural blanket (wool, cotton), which retains heat better, while at the same time ensuring proper thermoregulation.
  4. For walks on the street, the baby must be dressed according to the season and in accordance with the weather. It is important that the baby's head is warm to avoid hypothermia, because. almost 30% of heat is lost when the head is open.
  5. At first, it will be wise to use a simple wall thermometer in the room to determine the temperature in the room (See the article on the optimal temperature in the newborn room).
  6. To make sure the baby is warm, touch the back of the head with your palm. If the back of the head is cool, then the baby needs additional warmth.

How to prevent overheating of the baby

At the same time, parents should be careful not to overheat the baby, because. overheating infants tolerate much more severe hypothermia.

Normal body temperature is determined by a warm body, pink skin, and the activity of the child. If parents notice a decrease in the child's activity, lack of appetite, fever (especially if such signs occur in the warm season) - the baby may have overheated. (In severe cases, overheating can even be fatal.)

To prevent overheating, use the following methods:

  • The baby should be appropriately dressed (in summer, a cotton shirt and a sheet for covering will suffice).
  • Provide your child with plenty of fluids.
  • In the heat, do not take the newborn out into the open sunny space, try to walk with him in the shade.
  • Put a panama hat on your child's head.
  • Do not leave your child unattended in the stroller for daytime sleep in the summer, because the sun can heat up not only the stroller, but also overheat the child.
  • NEVER do not leave an infant alone in a closed car.

Each child is individual and the temperature norm for each infant may be different. If the child is active, healthy, eats well and does not experience any discomfort, then there is no reason for concern!

Well, if your child has a high temperature, then check out the articles:

  • What to do and how to bring down the temperature?
  • How to bring down the temperature of an infant at home with folk remedies
  • The baby has a temperature of 37 - should I be worried?
  • Temperature after vaccination
  • Temperature medications for children

Temperature in newborns and infants

The condition of a newborn child can be determined by several criteria: appetite, sleep, behavior. Among the main indicators of a healthy body is the normal temperature in the baby. It is not the same as in an adult, and depends on many factors.

What indicators are considered normal

The processes of thermoregulation continue to form in children until the end of the first year of life. Accordingly, the temperature by this time will be the same as in adults (36.6 degrees).

In the first month, the child's body temperature is in the range from 37 to 37.5 degrees. In the following months, the normal level decreases and can range from 36 to 37 degrees.

The temperature in children can be measured in several ways and various thermometers (electronic, infrared, mercury) can be used. The answer to the question of what temperature is considered normal in children under one year old depends on the place where the measurement takes place.

  • In the axillary region, 36–37.3 degrees is considered the norm.
  • Oral temperature ranges from 36.6 to 37.2.
  • Rectal temperature can be higher - from 36.9 to 38. This method of measurement is used when the baby can lie quietly for several minutes. Otherwise, you can damage the walls of the intestine. The number 38 on the thermometer is considered the norm if the child feels well.

Since the heat exchange process has not yet been established, the baby is very easy to cool or overheat. It is very important to monitor the temperature and humidity in the room.. Don't over wrap your baby. All these factors affect the temperature level of the body.

To determine what temperature is the norm for a child, it should be measured daily for several days at the same time. It is not necessary to measure the temperature immediately after waking up, after eating, crying or after the baby is active. You can keep a diary of observations.

How to measure temperature correctly

If a mercury thermometer is used, then it should only be used for measurements in the axillary region. After the sixth month of life, the temperature can be measured in a sitting position. Be careful not to drop the thermometer. Mercury is dangerous to the human body, damage to the thermometer should be avoided. It takes 5-7 minutes to get a reliable result.

The electronic thermometer is simple and safe to use. They can be used from the first month of a child's life. The sound timer will signal the end of the measurement procedure. This takes up to 3 minutes. Accurate readings can be achieved by oral or rectal administration. If you install it in the armpit, the result will fluctuate within a few degrees.

For oral use, the tip of the thermometer is placed in the mouth under the tongue. 1 minute is enough.

Rectal insertion will require more preparation. The child is laid on the side, legs are bent to the tummy. The tip of the thermometer is lubricated with baby cream. After that, gently and carefully injected into the anus, no deeper than 2 cm.

The temperature indicator is a small strip with divisions, which is applied to the child's forehead for a few seconds.

Dummy thermometer. This thermometer is very convenient for measuring temperature in children who are under one year old. But it can be used if the baby is used to a pacifier.

How to keep the temperature of the baby at the same level

In order for the baby's body temperature to be equally normal - 36.6 degrees or slightly higher, you should follow simple hygiene rules.

  • The temperature in the room where the baby is located should be 20-24 degrees. It is better to hang the thermometer directly above the baby's bed. If the child was born prematurely, or he has a cold, then the temperature norm of the air rises. In hot weather, the temperature should be slightly lower (up to 18 degrees).
  • Do not wrap your child too much. Clothing should be of high quality, breathable.
  • During the walk, the head of the children must be covered. Most of the heat is lost from this part of the body.
  • To determine that the child is hot or cold, you can by his condition. Skin color (red or vice versa, marble), tactile sensations (cold hands or the presence of sweat), the appearance of hiccups or goose bumps.
  • In the hot season, children should be fed as much as possible to prevent dehydration.

What causes the rise in temperature

An increase in temperature is a consequence of some provoking factor. Children who are under 3 months old should not bring their body temperature down below 38.2 degrees. You can disrupt the process of thermoregulation. But this is the case if the baby feels relatively well. If convulsions appeared, he became lethargic, his appetite disappeared, you should seek the advice of a doctor.

The reason for the increase in temperature can be:

  • Viral and bacterial infections. In this case, there will be other symptoms: cough, redness of the throat, runny nose.
  • stressful situations.
  • Overheat. Long exposure to the sun, improper dressing.
  • Active games or prolonged crying.
  • The cause may be teething.
  • A high temperature may be due to an intestinal infection or a cold.
  • The temperature in children under one year old may increase after vaccination.

In the event that an elevated body temperature lasts for three days, if it reaches 39 degrees and above, is not knocked down by antipyretics, you should immediately seek medical help. When the body tissues are hot, they stop receiving oxygen, the defenses weaken, which is a very dangerous condition.

An ambulance should be called in cases where the following symptoms appear:

  • There is a fever in a child under three months old.
  • The temperature of the baby is above 38.5 degrees.
  • There were convulsions.
  • Tension of the cervical region, there is no way to bend the head forward.
  • Breathing becomes noisy, frequent.
  • The child constantly cries, while he is lethargic and apathetic.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • There is frequent vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Violation of urination or color of urine.
  • The appearance of a rash on the skin.
  • The presence of chronic diseases.
  • Inability to bring down the temperature with antipyretics.

Before the doctor arrives, you should follow a few simple recommendations.

  • The baby should be given as much liquid as possible.
  • Children's room needs to be ventilated. The child should be moved at this time to another place.
  • The light must be dimmed. No harsh sounds.
  • You can do compresses on the legs. The towel is moistened in water (about 20 degrees) and applied to the feet.
  • You can not wrap a child.

If in children the body temperature drops, but slightly (up to 35 degrees) and at the same time they feel good, then you should not worry. Perhaps this is an individual feature of the organism. If the value falls below 35, they speak of hypothermia. You should consult a doctor. He will order additional examinations. You will need to consult a pediatrician, endocrinologist, immunologist.

Reasons for lowering the body temperature of a child up to a year:

  • In children born prematurely.
  • During sleep.
  • Against the background of a long-term illness, the body's defenses are weakened.
  • Avitaminosis, anemia.
  • Violation of the hormonal background.
  • Against the background of taking antipyretic drugs.
  • malignant formations.
  • Hypothermia.
  • after severe poisoning.

If the decrease is associated with hypothermia, then the child should be warmed up (warm drink, warm clothes, you can attach a heating pad to the legs). It is important to harden and increase immunity.

When to take your temperature

Do not once again, without reason, measure the body temperature of children up to a year. This is stressful for them. But the procedure will be necessary if alarming symptoms appear:

  • Excessive anxiety, lethargy, capriciousness.
  • Increased need for fluid.
  • There is dryness of the mouth and lips.
  • Pulse and breathing become frequent, intermittent.
  • Cheeks become very red or vice versa pale.
  • There is a chill, the look is blurred.

A child under one year old requires increased attention from adults. Any non-compliance with hygiene standards can lead to a malfunction of the body. This causes various diseases.

A child in a family is always a great joy. Caring for him is a whole science. In the modern world there is a lot of literature on this subject. But young parents do not always understand everything about their own kids. Is the baby cold or hot? What is the normal body temperature of a newborn?

Our article will reveal all the secrets of thermoregulation in babies. Together with you, we will find out what is the normal temperature for children under one year old.

The concept of thermoregulation

The human body is designed in such a way that our body temperature also changes under the influence of the environment. This process is called thermoregulation. Its main center is located in the brain. In infants, this mechanism does not work quite smoothly, so the baby is easily cooled or overheated.

In the body of a child, two processes always occur - heat production and heat transfer. Heat production in babies is very active. A child produces much more heat than an adult, but babies can hardly give this heat away, since the sweat glands are underdeveloped.

Komarovsky, pediatrician: “If the parents are warm, then it may well be that their baby is hot. Touch the back of the baby's head, if it is cold - the baby is cold, if, on the contrary, it is wet, then it is hot. The normal temperature in the baby fluctuates.

In children of the first months, the source of heat is brown fat, which babies accumulate from the end of fetal life. The crumbs also do not know how to tremble, so when they freeze, they begin to actively move their arms or legs.

The subcutaneous fat layer is too thin. Because of this, the ability to retain heat inside the body is reduced. Sweating is poorly developed. The baby can not properly give away excess moisture.

Indicators of the state of heat or cold in infants are the nose, hands and back of the head.

How to measure temperature?

To know the normal body temperature of a child, three measurements are needed - in the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon. You need to choose the average value.

body temperature can be measured:

  • in the armpit - the most common method;
  • in the inguinal fold;
  • in the mouth;
  • in the anus.

A thermometer is required for measurement. It is necessary to place it in the armpit, fix it with your hand for 5-10 minutes. If the child does not allow to measure, then at least for two minutes. At high temperatures, this time is enough for a mercury thermometer to heat up.

In the inguinal fold we do the same.

When taking mouth temperature, never use a mercury glass thermometer. The child may break the tip.

When measuring in the anus, the thermometer must first be dipped in petroleum jelly. Then raise the baby's legs and gently insert the thermometer into the anus by 2-3 cm. Measure for three minutes.

Normal temperature in the chest

The temperature in an infant can change under the influence of environmental conditions. The number 36.6, to which we are all accustomed, cannot be attributed to children under one year old.

The body temperature of a newborn is normal:

  • in the armpit - 36-37.5 degrees;
  • in the anus - 1 degree more, that is, 37-38 degrees;
  • in the mouth - 37.2 degrees.

As a result, the normal temperature range for a newborn is 2 degrees - 36-38 ˚С.

Types of thermometers

  1. Electronic. Safe to use. But he is not always accurate in his readings, there are errors of half a degree. After the end of the measurement, it emits a sound or light signal.
  2. Mercury. The most accurate. The mercury ball heats up and expands under the action of high temperature and cools more slowly. The disadvantage of such a thermometer is that it is easy to break. Or a child can chew on it, and mercury is toxic.
  3. Infrared(rectal, ear, frontal). They measure the temperature tactilely, in the ear or pressed to the forehead. His readings can be overestimated by half a degree.
  4. Dummy thermometer. A nipple thermometer will be useful for those babies who suck on pacifiers and are naughty during the temperature measurement procedure. It happens with various funny drawings on the ring.

Dr. Komarovsky: “In Russia, the main thermometer is a mercury thermometer. It's like a tradition passed down from generation to generation. The main thing is that the thermometer shows the exact temperature.

Temperature rise

If the baby has a temperature in the armpit of 37.5 degrees, but at the same time he feels good - eats, does not cry, then worries are in vain.

If such a temperature is accompanied by mucous discharge from the nose, coughing, apathy of the child and poor appetite, then most likely an infectious process begins.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

  1. The child is warmly dressed. The rule for dressing babies in cold weather is “+1 layer from an adult”. This means that one more layer must be mentally added to the clothes that you are wearing now. In the heat, the “-1 layer” rule applies.
  2. It's hot in the children's room. The optimal temperature regime at home is 20-24 degrees.
  3. Dry air, heaters on. They can also artificially overheat indoor air.

Age-related changes in body temperature

A newborn does not move much, so his temperature is higher than that of an adult. As mentioned above - 36-37.5 ° C. In a two-month-old child, the temperature is also close to these figures. At the age of 3 months, an active life activity already begins in a child - the baby rolls over on his stomach, rises on his arms.

Its temperature should be up to 37.3 degrees. A child at 4 months may have the first tooth, which is able to give an increase in temperature.

At 6 months, the baby begins to sit, the processes of heat transfer are already more pronounced, he can sweat during active games, so for him the upper limit is 37 degrees.

So, we found out that for children of the first year, the nature of temperature fluctuations. We also figured out what temperature a newborn should have.

To avoid overheating or hypothermia of the baby, take a few steps.

  • Humidify the air in the children's room.
  • Ventilate the room several times a day for 20 minutes.
  • When dressing for the street, adequately assess the weather and the clothes that you put on your child.
  • Do not wrap the baby in several diapers if the house is hot.
  • If the general well-being of the baby changes, contact the doctor.

There are various reasons for a rise in temperature in a newborn. Many diseases, including infectious ones, cause high fever. The condition of the baby can be alleviated if you give him a baby antipyretic. Moms should remember that antipyretic does not cure the disease itself - for treatment it is necessary to call a doctor who will make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary medications.

Do not be afraid in advance of a high temperature in a newborn - usually it is a sign of the body's struggle with an external pathogen

It is also necessary to understand that the body reacts to the disease with a severe fever for a reason. Dr. Komarovsky noted that this activates the child's immune system, accelerates biochemical reactions, and increases the production of antibodies in the blood that fight infection. It is necessary to take antipyretic tablets only at a very high temperature or with a concomitant unfavorable diagnosis (for example, heart disease), which was made by a doctor.

A strong fever also plays the role of a signal about the illness of the baby. Parents should correctly respond to such a signal - contact the clinic. It is not worth prescribing an antipyretic for an infant. Now there are many drugs, and which one is right for your child, the pediatrician will decide. In addition to pills, there are other ways to reduce body temperature, without taking medication.

Temperature measurement for newborns

Newborn children can measure the temperature in different areas - in the armpits, in the rectum, in the mouth, in the groin or elbow folds, in the ears, and so on. There are some features of temperature measurement for children.

The temperature of the baby in different areas of the body may vary. Under the armpit, thermometer readings up to 37.4 degrees can be considered normal. In the rectum and in the ears, they are higher - the norm is up to 38 degrees. The temperature should be measured when the baby is calm and lies motionless. If at this time he sucks his mother’s breast, cries, actively moves, the mercury in the thermometer will reach a higher mark than it actually is.

A newborn and a baby can measure the temperature with a special ear thermometer. What temperature should a child have?

The rate depends on the age of the child. For a one-year-old baby, the thermometer readings from 36 to 37.4 degrees are considered the norm. By the end of the first year of life, they are set in the range from 36 to 37 degrees.

If it is hot outside, the child is dressed too warmly, it is stuffy at home, the baby screams and worries, the mercury of the thermometer can reach up to 37.8 degrees. While this is not a reason to see a doctor. Ventilate the room, calm and change the child's clothes according to the weather, repeat the measurement in half an hour - an hour. The readings should go down.

When there are no other symptoms of the disease, one should try to create comfortable conditions for the baby, and everything will return to normal. If the thermometer shows 38 degrees, you need to call a pediatrician at home. When the body temperature is above 39 degrees, it's time to call an ambulance. The ambulance doctor who arrived will make a primary diagnosis and send a call to the district pediatrician the next day.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

The reasons can be very different. If there are no other symptoms of any disease, a high fever in an infant is possible from:

  • overheating in summer from hot weather or in winter from too warm clothes;
  • conditions after vaccination;
  • teething;
  • infectious disease, the symptoms of which do not appear immediately.

Depending on the cause of the fever, measures are taken to eliminate it. Every parent should know what measures are needed in a particular case.

Teething is one of the most common causes of fever.

Measures for overheating

Overheating occurs in children of all ages when the weather is too hot or they are dressed too warmly. Newborns can be excessively insulated at home. Overheating manifests itself in the anxiety and whims of the baby. Parents understand that something is wrong with the child, put their hand to his forehead, find that the baby is hot. The thermometer can show more than 37.9 degrees. What to do:

  • bring the air temperature in the apartment to 22 degrees by thorough ventilation of the rooms;
  • in case of overheating on the street, take the baby home or take him to the shade;
  • undress the baby, leaving the lightest clothes on him or hold him completely without clothes;
  • offer him a plentiful, slightly warm drink throughout the day.

In the case when overheating really took place, the child's body temperature will drop in half an hour or an hour. If this does not happen, then there was no overheating, the reason is something else.


This reason is very common. There are additional symptoms of teething that suggest that the child is not sick:

  • thermometer readings do not rise above 38 degrees;
  • a child from 6 months to 2.5 years (just at this age, milk teeth are cut);
  • the little man pulls all the objects into his mouth and tries to scratch his gums with them;
  • the gums are swollen, the edge of the tooth is slightly visible from above;
  • thermometer readings are increased no more than 3 days, after which they become normal.

Parents consider increased salivation and poor appetite to be a sign of teething. This is wrong, in the third month the salivary glands actively develop in a child, and teeth are cut only at six months. Poor appetite occurs at elevated temperatures, which appeared for various reasons.

In case of heat during teething, the doctor will recommend keeping the baby at home and not bathing him entirely. It is also necessary to maintain a comfortable climate in the room and give the baby more to drink. If the values ​​on the thermometer exceeded 37.9 degrees, you can give the baby the children's antipyretic Nurofen (ibuprofen and paracetamol), which is also an anesthetic. It will reduce itching and relieve pain in the gums. To anesthetize the gums, there are children's ointments and gels that are used during teething.

Applying all these measures, it must be borne in mind that in most cases a strong fever is a sign of an infectious disease - SARS, influenza, intestinal infections, and so on. To exclude these causes, you must contact the children's clinic. The infection can also become active during teething.

Reaction to vaccination

When a newborn is three months old, you should be vaccinated against pertussis, tetanus, and diphtheria (DTP) or tetanus and diphtheria alone (DT). Which of these vaccinations to do, the pediatrician decides. Some children develop a fever after vaccination. Because of this, you should not worry if the temperature drops to normal the next day.

A one-year-old child is vaccinated against measles and mumps. This vaccination can cause fever on the 5-6th day after vaccination, and on the 8-10th day, the thermometer readings can be much higher than normal. Do not sound the alarm and call an ambulance. If the baby has no other signs of illness, nothing terrible happens. There are also vaccinations that should not cause fever in children - vaccination against polio and against tuberculosis (BCG).

Throat infections

It is necessary to learn how to look the baby in the throat and distinguish its redness from the usual state of the pharynx. Small sores, pimples may appear on the throat. Since throat infections are characterized only by a high fever and sore throat, which a small person cannot yet tell his mother about, such skills will come in handy for parents. These infections do not have other symptoms.

Not only a doctor, but also parents can examine a child’s throat

  • Acute pharyngitis is very common. All of the above signs - redness of the throat, sores, pimples - speak of this disease.
  • A fever can begin in a baby with herpangina. With it, bubbles also appear on the tonsils, the arches of the throat, on the back wall of the larynx.
  • Children who are three years old often have tonsillitis. It is characterized by the appearance of a white coating on the tonsils and the back of the throat. The fever starts. One-year-old and younger children do not have this disease - they are protected by their mother's immunity, from 1 to 2 years of age, angina is also very rare.

Treatment depends on the diagnosis. With angina, antibiotics are prescribed. Pharyngitis can be viral or bacterial. To prescribe a medication, the diagnosis is first clarified. Herpangina is a viral disease and does not require antibiotic treatment.

Acute stomatitis

Children who often put dirty objects in their mouths may develop stomatitis. With stomatitis, the baby begins to salivate profusely. His temperature rises, his appetite decreases. Treatment of the disease requires specialist advice. Before the arrival of the doctor, the child should be put on a diet of liquid and pureed foods. The mouth can be rinsed with infusion of sage and chamomile or furacilin.

Acute otitis media

When bathing, water is sometimes poured into the ears of a newborn, which the parents did not wipe off in time. In a draft, the ear is supercooled, the infection in it is activated, otitis media begins. A thermometer in acute otitis media can show up to 40 degrees, the baby's ears hurt. He teases them and cries in pain. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic for instillation into the ears or an antibiotic through injections. Sometimes you can get by with taking pills rather than injections.

Acute otitis in a child requires medical intervention Roseola (roseola rash)

Roseola (sudden exanthema) affects young children aged 9 months to 2 years. The disease begins with a rise in temperature to 38.5-40 degrees. The baby has swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Fever can last up to 5 days. Then it subsides, a patchy pink rash appears on the body. Then the rash disappears. The disease brings a common type of herpes. About 70% of children get it in early childhood.

SARS, influenza, colds

The common cold can cause a high fever. This means that the child's body fights the infection with the help of its immune system. Without pills, the disease should go away on its own in 7 days. You can give the little man tea with honey, boiled milk, raspberry jam and antipyretic in extreme heat. This will help you get rid of a cold. The thermometer readings exceed the norm for ARVI and influenza. Treatment in such cases is prescribed by a doctor, based on the general condition of the patient and his personal characteristics of the organism. Only a doctor can understand what disease your cub has started.

Infections of the urinary system and intestines

Urinary tract disease may be characterized only by significant fever. The most attentive parents notice that the baby hurts to urinate, that his legs or face are swollen. The diagnosis is made by the doctor, for which he prescribes tests. The urinary tract infection is bacterial in nature. When sick, the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment.

Intestinal infections cause initially only a high fever. Other manifestations - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting - do not appear immediately. Before these signs, sometimes it takes several hours, or even a day after the onset of the disease.

How to alleviate the condition of a child with a high fever?

Pyretic is a temperature from 38 to 40 degrees. If the marks on the thermometer scale are as follows, you should call a doctor. The child should be given a baby antipyretic, non-drug methods of treatment can be used. It is desirable to give an antipyretic in the form of a syrup, it acts faster and more efficiently.

If the nature of the disease is viral, the fever will last no more than three days. When it does not subside further, this indicates the bacterial nature of the disease or a latent inflammatory process. You need to contact your pediatrician immediately. He will give directions for urine and blood tests, for x-rays and ultrasound, and based on the results, he will make a diagnosis.

How to bring down the temperature without drugs?

If your baby is less than 13 weeks old and has a fever, and the thermometer reads above 38 degrees, you can try the old ways to relieve the fever. An older baby can try to bring down the temperature above 39 degrees.

  • Do not cover a baby with a fever with a warm blanket. On the contrary, it must be cooled down. To do this, wet the gauze pads with warm water, put one of them on the baby’s forehead, the others on the bare arms and legs. The water will start to evaporate and the body will cool down. You can wipe the entire body of the baby with such a napkin from time to time. Pediatrician Komarovsky advises using warm water for wiping, and not vinegar or vodka, since it will not harm the baby's body and will not cause intoxication.
  • In extreme heat, the baby must be given plenty of fluids, because he sweats, and the fluid from the body evaporates. If the mother is breastfeeding, during a fever, you should offer him to eat more often than usual. For drinking use children's tea, boiled water or rehydration solution. Plentiful drink will be prescribed to the baby by the attending physician.
  • The patient should be at rest, observe bed rest. The air temperature in the room should be comfortable - 20-22 degrees. If you just undress the baby and hold him naked in the room for 10-15 minutes, the body will cool and the fever will subside.

Air baths give a good effect - the body temperature immediately drops

Sometimes when the baby is hot, the extremities remain cold. In this case, the legs and arms should be warmed by covering them or putting on socks and mittens. Such cooling of the extremities indicates poor circulation. It is necessary to give the baby a warm drink and carry out warming procedures.

Medicines for high fever

After parents carry out non-drug measures to eliminate elevated temperature, the effect is achieved in half an hour. In the case when the measures did not help, it is necessary to give an antipyretic.

At the age of up to 3 months, medications are prescribed when the temperature has exceeded 38 degrees. Children who are already 3 months old are given an antipyretic after 39 degrees on the thermometer. There are exceptions - if the baby feels unwell, turns pale, feels chills, the medicine is given immediately, regardless of the thermometer reading.

There is a group of children who need to be given an antipyretic at temperatures above 37.5. These are sick children who have been diagnosed with heart disease (cardiomyopathy or congenital malformation), kidney disease, and pathology of the nervous system. There are children in whom fever leads to convulsions. If the baby has heart disease, fever can lead to serious malfunctions in its functioning. Nervous diseases lead to convulsions in intense heat.

To eliminate fever, babies are given drugs of 2 groups - paracetamol, on the basis of which Panadol and Eferalgan are made, and ibuprofen, which Nurofen consists of:

  • The dose of paracetamol is calculated based on the fact that 15 mg of the drug is given per 1 kg of weight at a time, and 60 mg per 1 kg of infant weight per day. The daily dose is divided into 4 doses. The doctor can increase the dose of the drug to 90 mg per 1 kg per day.
  • Ibuprofen is given in smaller doses - 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight per dose or 30 mg per kg of body weight per day.
  • Paracetamol and ibuprofen can be given in turn.
  • Adult medicines - Analgin and Aspirin, children should not be given!

Antipyretic syrups for children effectively solve the problem of high temperature Antipyretic syrups and suppositories

There are certain rules on how to give medicinal syrups to children. First of all, they relate to the dosage. The dose is calculated according to the weight of the child, and not according to his age group. The syrup should not be given after taking it out of the refrigerator. You need to warm the bottle in your hand or in warm water. Different drugs help different children. If you have given ibuprofen and there is no result, you can give paracetamol after 2 hours.

Medicines for fever in suppositories act more slowly than in syrups, since a suppository in the rectum touches the baby's body with a smaller area than syrup in the stomach. In some cases, it makes sense to treat with candles. At elevated temperatures, some babies slow down the process of absorption of the medicine from the stomach, then there is only hope for a candle. In addition, many children vomit when they have a high fever and cannot swallow the medicine. There are children who are not helped by drugs taken by mouth, but a candle will help. If you gave the baby medicine, but the fever did not subside, you need to put a candle. And if you gave paracetamol syrup, then put a candle with ibuprofen.

Some nuances of relieving fever in a baby

  1. It is impossible to constantly “feed” a child with an antipyretic. Conduct a course of medication. If you give an antipyretic longer than the period prescribed by the doctor, you may not notice the complications from the disease, which also begins with a rise in temperature. This leads to the fact that the moment when it is necessary to start treatment of the complication will be missed.
  2. Antipyretics are not intended to prevent fever. They are prescribed prophylactically for some children only after DTP vaccination, which can cause severe fever. In this case, the drug is prescribed for a single dose.
  3. When a doctor prescribes an antibiotic to treat an illness, the antipyretic drug must be stopped, otherwise it will blur the picture of treatment. The antibiotic itself should cause a decrease in the thermometer readings, which is one of the indicators of its effectiveness.

So the baby got sick, but he can’t say anything. Only whimpers, eats badly. And sleeps the same. All hot though. What to do? We will talk about this in the article.

No panic!

The baby is sick - this is already clear. Sluggish, capricious, flushed ... Some mothers measure the temperature literally at the slightest hint of malaise in the baby. Others will simply press their lips to his forehead - and this is how they determine the temperature. It turns out very roughly, of course.

But I wonder what body temperature in infants is considered normal? It is customary to call it numbers from 36.3 to 37.3. If a boy or girl has 37 and does not change for a long time, but there are no obvious indicators of the disease (the baby sleeps well, eats just fine), then you should not panic. It will take several months, and the thermoregulation of the child will begin to "work" correctly. The temperature will return to normal.

The smallest

Here you brought your miracle from the hospital. Laid down in bed. And he suddenly began to hiccup, his arms and legs turned blue. What's this? Just frozen. In newborns, the regulation of body temperature has not yet been established at all, therefore the release of heat prevails over its production. That is why babies are quite easy to both overheat and overcool.

Body temperature in infants (1 month old) should be 37 or 37.5 degrees. And in just a few days, she can start jumping from 36 to 37. Don't be scared. The habitual, "traditional" at 36.6 will appear in the child only by the end of the first year of life.

Thermoregulation in infants is still imperfect, so it instantly reacts to all changes in the air. Both in the apartment and on the street. That's why the body temperature of the baby (2 months) and until the age of three months is unstable. Either the child quickly overheated - and she jumped, then cooled - she fell.

And there are several reasons for this (besides colds). Here the baby cried for a long time and became hot. Or his mother wrapped him too warmly - again the thermometer shows above the norm. Or a baby who is less than one month old has colic, plus gases have accumulated in the tummy. Here is the temperature again.

While the little organism has not yet adapted to life outside the mother's tummy, it cannot cope with thermal stress.

Another moment. If the baby is constantly swaddled, wrapped up, not allowed to breathe even a little in lightweight clothes, then the mechanisms of its heat exchange do not start. He, as they used to say, does not harden, becomes unstable even to the slightest colds. The most common care is needed for the baby: do not dress him either excessively warm or very light. The golden mean is also important here.

Don't miss out on the thermometer

Up to six months of age, the temperature of the baby should be taken every day. This is definitely the ideal. But hardly anyone will follow our advice - to run to the crib with a thermometer every morning. But you shouldn't pay attention to anything either.

One thing young parents must understand: your new family member has not yet got stronger immunity. The thermal mechanism has not yet been fully developed. That is why a baby (up to six months) overheats so easily and quickly. And always - with an active game or strong crying. And a breeze will blow a little, a draft will sweep through - it is already supercooled.

But if you notice that in a baby, for example, it has dropped to 35, then the reason for this may be the antipyretic drugs that you gave the baby the day before during an illness. And their effect just after recovery lasts for some time. After all, the body of children is not the same as that of adults.

Rare case

This symptom is not common. And although the baby does not necessarily say that he is very ill, parents are still obliged to pay attention to this.

You also need to know that this can be seen in premature babies. Or in children of the first two months of life, which can quickly become cold when the air gets colder.

Also, the temperature tends to change over a cycle of 24 hours. A slight decline - at night, somewhere around 2-4 hours, when everyone is fast asleep.

In a situation where the baby was ill for a long time and seriously, the general weakness of his body also causes a decrease in temperature. Add here and anemia with beriberi. They also affect the thermoregulation of babies.

Everyone's different

To the question of what is the norm of body temperature in infants, there is no unambiguous answer. It cannot be the same for all children, because each is individual. Indicators "float" from 36 to 38 degrees.

They also depend on where the temperature is measured. Influence data and other factors characteristic of both the development and the physiology of a particular child.

If you want to know what your child's usual temperature is, then you will have to measure it for several days in a row - in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening.

What does it depend on?

As we have already found out, the normal body temperature in infants is usually from 36 to 37 degrees. And scientists, meanwhile, have established: even each organ has its own! So, in the liver - the highest. In other organs - a little lower. But the skin in the armpits is usually the hottest: (36-36.8 degrees).

On the neck - always lower than the normal body temperature of the baby. Only 34 degrees. This must also be remembered, since parents sometimes take into account the one that was measured here, in a fold of skin.

Very few degrees show the feet and hands of babies (24-28). In the mouth - a little higher compared to the rectum.

The temperature also fluctuates throughout the day. In children, the lowest is in the early morning (4-5 hours). And the highest is at 16-17. She also jumps after eating, especially if there were meat dishes on the plate.

A well-fed, very excitable toddler, always on the move, is always a few tenths of a degree hotter than an apathetic child who does not like noisy games.

In healthy children (the first years of life), energy is in full swing. If they do not sleep, they do not sit still for a minute: they crawl, spin, run. And they accumulate a lot of heat. And they have a problem with heat dissipation. Here they sweat a lot.

When to measure

Knowing what is the personal norm of body temperature in a baby, parents may not abuse its measurement so often. This is despite the fact that the baby does not have any hints of the disease. But if you see that the baby has calmed down, does not eat well, is pale, the hands are cold, shivering, then this is a signal that the temperature must be urgently measured.

Some mothers, in the old, folk method, put their lips to the baby's forehead. Of course, the method is proven, but very much subjective. And with a chill in a baby, it doesn’t say anything at all. This is where a powerful tool is needed.

Most often, the situation when the norm of body temperature in the baby is violated is the first sign of a cold or some kind of inflammatory disease. So, a call to the pediatrician at home is required to be made immediately.

All kinds of thermometers are needed

To find out if the body temperature of infants is normal or not, parents most often use a traditional thermometer (mercury). Its main advantage is accuracy. But the error is small - only 0.1 degrees.

There are also disadvantages. First of all, time. It is necessary to keep it in the armpit for 7 minutes and 5 minutes. - in a child's ass, which is a lot for a little fidget. He can't stand such a long stay in immobility.

This thermometer is also unsafe. It is filled with mercury and requires very careful handling. So it's hard to use it for a little man.

The electronic device is very convenient. At the same time, you can measure the temperature in the mouth, under the arm (but here the most inaccurate data) and rectally. All it takes is three minutes. In addition, there is a signal about the end of the measurement.

Such thermometers are still in the form of a pacifier. Suitable only for babies who are still passionate about the pacifier.

The downside is that it is somewhat more mistaken compared to mercury. Up to one degree. Also the battery needs to be changed.

The latest infrared is a good invention. It is both non-contact and ear. The first one instantly gives out how many degrees the sick person has, one has only to bring it to the baby. But he can not boast of high accuracy. However, it is convenient if the child is moving.

And with the help of the ear, you can quickly and easily see what the body temperature of infants is. All it takes is five seconds while the baby sleeps. There is only one drawback - the thermometer is expensive.

There is also a disposable thermometer. It is presented in the form of stripes. They need to be applied to the skin of the child or taken under the tongue. Time is just a minute. However, they are not very accurate. But they are essential when traveling.

How to do it

If the baby has already learned to sit a little, then take him on your knees. Put the thermometer under your arm. Hold the baby's hand. Knowing what the body temperature of the baby should be, compare with the one on the thermometer.

If you have a baby, then you can put a thermometer on him only when he lies on his back. Raise its handle and then hold the thermometer firmly against your body. Watch in seven minutes.

Rectally also measure the temperature of the baby, many. Just remember to grease the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly or baby cream. Insert it very carefully, and no further than two centimeters. Remove slowly. Be sure to sanitize afterwards.

And it’s also good to measure in the child’s ear. Gently insert the thermometer (ear), while slightly pulling back the lobe and the droplet up. Insert the probe into the canal. Then take it out slowly.

Only calmness!

Remember that you can take the temperature of a tiny baby when he is calm. If before that the baby was actively moving, you swaddled him or he cried, then wait a bit. Let him calm down. And then - please, carry out all the manipulations.

Do not forget that in the evening the temperature always rises a little in any person. Therefore, if you know what the normal body temperature of the baby is, and in the morning it was just that, but you still suspect that the baby is sick, then by all means measure it both during the day and just before bedtime.

Do not show your child that you are very worried. Children, including the smallest ones, always feel the mother's mood and adopt it. They will begin to act up more, feel even more discomfort.

Rest assured that everything will work out. The baby will get better if he is sick, and everything will be fine with you.

The birth of a baby is always the most exciting moment in the life of his parents, because a tiny and fragile newborn needs their affection, love and care. New moms and dads have a lot to learn to keep their little one comfortable and well cared for.

What to pay special attention to parents of a newborn

As often as possible, monitor the body temperature of a newborn in the first month of life.

Parents pay special attention to the health of the child, noticing the slightest changes in his condition, and this applies primarily to the body temperature of the baby.

And the main questions that worry young mothers are what temperature of the newborn is considered normal, and at what thermometer readings the alarm should be sounded.

What parameters determine the normal temperature in an infant

In an adult healthy person, the temperature regime of the body varies within 36.6–36.9 degrees. When this indicator rises above 37 degrees, this is the first signal for a person that his body has been attacked by pathogenic bacteria and thus is trying to overcome the infection.

But in newborn babies, physiological processes, including thermoregulation, responsible for body temperature, have not yet had time to form, so they have these indicators can differ significantly .

As soon as the baby is born, the temperature of his body corresponds to the temperature regime of the mother, that is does not exceed 36.6 degrees. But in the following days, due to a non-adjusted thermoregulation mechanism, this indicator may increase or decrease depending on environmental conditions. Thus, the baby adapts to the outside world and the main task of his parents is to help the body of the newborn adapt to new conditions.

Temperature norms for a newborn baby at 1 month

The upper limit of normal body temperature in a newborn baby.

The body temperature of a baby in the first month of his life can range from 36.3 to 37.5 degrees.

Both indicators are considered normal, provided that the baby feels good, is not naughty, does not refuse food, and has a sound healthy sleep.

Daily regime

The body temperature of a child in 1 month may vary from the regime of the day.

In addition, the temperature regime of the newborn may change throughout the day and the thermometer depends on the day and night time and the activity of the baby. For example, immediately after walking, eating or bathing, the body temperature will be slightly elevated. Conversely, during sleep and calmness, this indicator may be slightly underestimated.

If the body temperature of the baby fluctuates slightly in the direction of decreasing or increasing, this is normal and there is no reason for parents to worry.

If the thermometer indicator for several days in a row shows a mark of 37 degrees and above, then it is necessary see a doctor urgently .

What causes a fever in a baby

Overheating and dehydration can cause an increase in body temperature in a baby at 1 month old.

As noted above, the temperature regime of a newborn depends on several factors, including the temperature of its environment. Therefore, if the thermometer, when measuring the baby's body temperature, showed a mark 37–37.5 degrees, This does not mean that the child has a cold or is ill. Maybe its just wrapped too warmly or placed near a hot battery.

Hyperthermia (overheating)

In a hot unventilated room or in direct sunlight, the baby may be exposed to hyperthermia(overheating). To avoid this, mothers should know what can provoke such a condition.

What can cause hyperthermia

  • Too hot air in the room where the newborn spends most of the time.
  • Overheating also happens if the child is put on lots of warm clothes and covered with a thick blanket on top.
  • Long walks in hot summer weather under the open rays of the sun.
  • Bathing water too hot the baby can also raise his temperature.
  • Hyperthermia is also possible with the absence of a cap on the head of a newborn while walking under the scorching sun.
  • Stay in the car during a long drive on a warm summer day.
  • You can't leave the baby in a wheelchair under the sun or near the battery , as not only the stroller heats up, but the baby himself.
  • Dehydration also one of the common causes of hyperthermia in infants.

How to prevent overheating

Maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the children's room.

To prevent a state of overheating in a newborn, parents need to control the temperature and humidity in the room , and also do not dress the baby in numerous vests if the room is warm.

Other causes of fever

Prolonged crying or colic can cause a fever in a newborn.

But not only hyperthermia can cause an increase in temperature in an infant. Some processes occurring in his body during development can also provoke an increased mark when measuring the temperature regime.

Possible causes of high temperature:

  • prolonged crying newborn;
  • colic accompanied by pain and cramps in the tummy;
  • allergic reaction, for example, on an artificial mixture;
  • body's response to vaccination, for example, vaccination against hepatitis B or tuberculosis.

If the temperature rise in the baby is associated with crying or colic, then parents should not be worried, this is normal for all newborns and in order for everything to return to normal, it is enough to calm the baby or give him tea to relieve pain symptoms in the tummy.

In the event that the temperature of the infant has increased due to an allergic reaction, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

With the above symptoms, it is unacceptable to give the child antipyretics! Infants are treated with medications if their temperature is 38 degrees or higher, and treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a qualified doctor.

For what reasons does the temperature of a child decrease in 1 month of life

A condition in which the thermometer mark falls several divisions below the accepted temperature (35.5-35 degrees) called hypothermia, and it may indicate that the baby is cold.

What can cause hypothermia

  • Not enough warm clothes while walking in cold weather. This is especially true during the winter season.
  • Decreased temperature in an infant may be related to sleep, when all processes in the body slow down. At night, it is advisable to cover the baby with a warm blanket so that he does not freeze.
  • Lack of a headdress on the head of the baby . The cap must be on the head of the baby, even in summer.


Blue lips and nose are the first signs of hypothermia in a newborn baby.

How can parents understand that the child is overcooled? The main symptoms that the baby is cold are hiccups, blue tip of the nose or lips, or a cold back of the head. In this case, you should change the baby into warmer clothes or give him a full body massage, which will improve blood circulation.

Particular attention should be paid to the body temperature of infants who were born prematurely. For premature babies, hypothermia can adversely affect the cardiovascular system or the development of the cerebral cortex.

Devices and methods for measuring temperature in a newborn baby

To monitor the body temperature of the baby, parents should purchase a special thermometer.

Types of thermometers

  • The most common and familiar thermometer is mercury. Its advantages are that it shows the most accurate temperature. But it also has many disadvantages. To measure the temperature, such a thermometer is held for at least 10 minutes, and it is very difficult to withstand such a time with a baby. In addition, the mercury thermometer is made of brittle glass, and it breaks easily, and the mercury leaked from it poses a serious health hazard. Therefore, such a thermometer is not suitable for a newborn.
  • Considered safe and easy to use Digital Thermometer . After measurement, it beeps, which is very convenient. The disadvantage of a thermometer is that it shows an inaccurate temperature if they measure the temperature in the groin and for more accurate data, close contact with the body is needed.
  • Increasingly popular among moms dummy thermometer . It is made in the form of a pacifier from a safe material and shows a fairly accurate temperature. To use it, it is enough to let the baby suck for 3-5 minutes.
  • Another safe and easy-to-use thermometer - infrared non-contact. Among the disadvantages of such a meter is the inaccuracy of the data and the high price.

Another question that worries young parents is how to correctly determine the temperature in a newborn baby. This can be done in several ways.

Correct measurement of temperature in a newborn

  • The thermometer is placed in the armpit or in the groin . For this purpose, an electronic or mercury thermometer is used. This is easiest to do when the baby is lying quietly or sleeping.
  • Measure temperature and orally, that is, put a thermometer in the baby's mouth. But this is difficult to do, as the baby may bite the thermometer or try to push it out of the mouth.
  • The most accurate indicator of the temperature regime of a newborn can be obtained by measuring it rectal method. To do this, the thermometer is placed in the baby's anal passage, after lubricating the device with petroleum jelly. You can use both an electronic and a mercury meter, but it is best to opt for an electronic one.

The temperature of a newborn should be measured only when the baby is in a relaxed state, for example, after eating or taking a warm bath. If the baby is naughty and cries, this procedure must be postponed for a while.


In order to always keep the temperature regime of the newborn under control and notice the slightest changes occurring in his body, the temperature should be measured several times throughout the day, including morning and evening. If the baby has a high temperature for a long time, and at the same time he constantly cries and eats poorly, parents should not postpone a visit to the children's clinic.

Video about the norms of temperature in children and how to measure it