Sand was brought to the kindergarten site. Serezha (4 years old) began to scatter it. What should the teacher do in this situation? Who should monitor the condition of the playground

The KP correspondent was convinced that sandboxes in Yekaterinburg must be filled every summer!

Photo: Alexey BULATOV

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Recently, my wife told how the head of the kindergarten, where our daughter goes, tried to impose a “sand tax” on her parents.

In general, we have a good manager and we didn’t want a scandal, - the wife explained. - The fact is that on the playground where children walk, there is a sandbox, and in it there are only stones and dried clay. And then the manager somehow asked us to hand over money for sand. And what? It's a good thing. We had already thrown off at the iron door, and this time we were also ready to open our wallets, but then the idea came to clarify the cost of sand in the Education Department. Particularly active mothers came to the officials and found out that they did not know about any such amounts. After this visit, the head of the kindergarten was frightened and asked not to raise the topic again.

Sand, by the way, soon appeared, and absolutely free ...


And the other day, walking in the yard of our house with my daughter, I watched her, climbing into the sandbox, with enviable persistence scrape the "Martian channels" in the petrified sand with a plastic scoop. Nearby her friends swarm - 3-year-old Vanya from the next entrance and 4-year-old Sasha. They tried in vain to fill their toy trucks with something loose.

Yes ... - thoughtfully held out Ivan's mother. - Toddlers clearly do not have enough building material,

Let's go out and buy, shall we? - Sasha's parent suggested. - Let's count all the parents and order sand in the store with delivery!

We began to deliberate, we decided to find out the address of the construction company in order to purchase sand, but at the last moment I thought: “But in my barefoot childhood, sand was brought for free! Has everything changed?

To find out whether officials are obliged to provide free sand happiness to small residents of Yekaterinburg, I call the mayor's office. Egor Svalov, deputy chairman of the Committee for Improvement, picked up the phone.

The city is responsible for those plots of land that are in common use, and as for landscaping in the yards, your management company should be responsible for this, - was the answer.

On the website of my management company I find a phone, call the reception, expecting, from the experience of communicating with the muses from the "communal", a sharp (sometimes on the verge of rudeness) answer. However, on the other side of the wire, having learned that I was not going to make a scandal about tariffs and complain about interruptions in hot water, but only wanted to ask for about a ton of sand, they answered with noticeable relief:

Please, call the production and technical department, landscaping engineer Natalya Boyakova. She will explain everything to you.

I got through to Natalya Boyakova for the fourth time. She dictated to me the address where to go and where to leave a written application. Fortunately for me, the public utilities did not refuse me outright, hoping that I was not registered in their house. The employees of the Criminal Code had enough copies of the contract of employment for an apartment and payments for the last month. Having attached these documents, I left my request for the delivery of sand for children's games.

We'll deliver on schedule! - they promised me. - Expect within a week.

Frankly, I was upset and thought that the public utilities would “lose” my request, limiting themselves to the answer: “There are no funds for this!”

However, three days later (isn't it a miracle?!) a "gazelle" with long-awaited sand arrived in our yard. Exactly six bags. The children immediately occupied the sandbox with a squeal and began to sculpt Easter cakes, dig underground parking lots for cars and build roads.


Inspired by this victory, I decided to organize the delivery of sand to the sandbox, equipped in the park next to us on Mira Street. I remember well how last year I, together with a couple of parents, again wanted to chip in to buy sand. But our conversation was heard by an active pensioner, who assured us that she would arrange everything. And after a few days the sandbox was full. Will I be able to repeat the feat of this old woman?

Again I dial the number of officials from the Committee for the Improvement of Yekaterinburg. At the other end they say that the order in the dendrological park is monitored by employees of the Committee for Ecology and Nature Management of Yekaterinburg. I call there.

Sand was already delivered to the dendrological park last year. Not yet this year, - answered the chief specialist of the Committee on Ecology and Nature Management Galina Novoselova. - But thanks for the info. In the near future, our employees will check everything and, if there is not enough sand, they will definitely bring it.

In parting, to be sure, I was advised to send an application to the administration of the Kirovsky district, on the territory of which the arboretum is located. Without leaving my computer, I filled out a special form on the official website of the administration.

According to the rules, e-mails are just as obligatory for consideration as the applications of citizens on paper, - explained Yegor Svalov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Improvement of the City. - The term for consideration of both those and other applications should not exceed thirty days.

By the way, yesterday the sandbox of the arboretum was also full of fresh sand. Apparently, both communal services and officials willingly respond to such requests. After all, it is easier than repairing a hole in the road or repairing an accident on a pipeline in a short time...

So my experience of knocking out the sand turned out to be successful. Moreover, I called officials and communal services as an ordinary citizen, not to mention my profession as a journalist. And my requests were answered. The main task was to correctly arrange what I want.

Software content. To give children the idea that dad takes care of his family; dad knows how to drive a car, transport cargo and people - he is a driver in his house. Build respect for your dad.

Material. Toy cars, Funtik doll, a picture with a driver and a car, fathers and grandfathers of the guys.

Lesson progress

During a walk, the teacher and the Funtik doll draw the attention of the children to a large pile of sand that was brought to the kindergarten.

Funtik. Guys, look how much sand appeared on the territory of the kindergarten.

caregiver. Funtik, do you know where this sand came from?

Funtik. Well, it must have been a sand shower.

caregiver. Guys, is there sandy rain? Where do you think this sand came from? That's right, the sand was brought to the kindergarten in a large truck. Tell Funtik and me, who drove the car? (Chauffeur.)

The teacher shows a picture of a driver and a car and reads a poem:

Our driver washed the car
He sat behind the wheel and arched his back.
Broken motor and tires
They rustled at the car.

The teacher asks: “Why was the sand brought to kindergarten?” (For children to play with it.) Draws the children's attention to the fact that the driver who brought the sand is caring. Then he says: “Why didn’t the driver unload the sand from the car into the children’s sandboxes? (The car is big, it will not pass to the site, a wide road is needed.) Let's see if there is enough sand in our sandbox?"

Children find out that there is not enough sand in the sandbox. The teacher says that they can also be drivers and transport sand to the sandbox by car. Children carry sand, Funtik and the teacher support them with words (“well done”, “skillfully carry sand”, etc.).

caregiver. Tired? Yes, the work of a driver is not easy, it is not at all easy to drive a big car! Guys, remember, who helps your mothers to transport various goods from the store, from the dacha? (Dad, grandfather.) Dad is the driver at home, he is very caring. Dad takes the whole family around the city, to the dacha, to grandma.

The teacher invites the children to look at photographs of fathers and grandfathers, and then talk about their dads (grandfathers), about what they are. (For example: “This is my dad, his name is Kolya, he is skillful, caring, dexterous, strong”, etc.)

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that dad, like a driver, understands the car and takes care of it. He changes a tire if it's damaged, refills the tank with gas, and cleans the car to make it beautiful and fun to drive.

Then the teacher invites the children to wash the cars cleanly and carefully put them in the garage.

Lesson 21

Theme "What do we do in kindergarten"

Software content. Continue to acquaint children with the work of preschool workers - educators; teach to call educators by name, patronymic, address them to "you". To cultivate respect for the educator, for his work.

Material. Gingerbread man (toy), photographs of the children of the group, educators and nannies.

Lesson progress

Gingerbread man (toy) is rolling on the floor. The teacher draws the attention of the children to him. Kolobok sings:

I'm Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
Swept through the barn, scraped through the bottom of the barrel,
Mixed on sour cream, cold on the window.
I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather.

Kolobok asks the children where he rolled. The children answer that he ended up in kindergarten. Kolobok asks the children to explain to him what a kindergarten is. The teacher invites the children to tell Kolobok what a kindergarten is, who lives in a kindergarten.

Children show Kolobok their photos and say their names (“It's me - Katya”, etc.).

Then the children show pictures of the caregivers and nannies who work in their group. Kolobok examines the photos and asks to tell about the teachers. Children tell (for example: “Galina Nikolaevna is kind, beautiful, Galina Vasilievna is affectionate, smart. They conduct classes, games”).

Kolobok asks the children what the teachers taught them in kindergarten. The guys report that the teachers taught them to sculpt, sing and read poetry expressively, and read (if desired) their favorite poems).

Kolobok says that he also loves to sing and expressively read poetry. Offers to listen to a song that he often sings.

I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather.
I’ll get lost in an open field and won’t turn back,
I roll and roll, I roll and roll
I roll and roll, roll and roll.

The teacher asks the children if they liked the song. She reports that her daughter Polina loves very much when she is told a fairy tale about Kolobok, and especially she likes his song.

The teacher shows photos of his family members and talks about them. (For example: “Here is my daughter Polina, and my husband, Evgeny Aleksandrovich, is standing nearby. I love them very much and take care of them: I wash, I clean, I sew, and most of all I like to cook. Yesterday I baked a sweet pie, my daughter helped me. Today I brought a pie to treat you.")

Kolobok. How cool and fun you have in kindergarten! And all this is thanks to your teachers - Galina Nikolaevna and Galina Vasilievna. They hold games, teach you to draw, sculpt, read poetry. I will tell my grandparents that you have kind, cheerful, caring teachers in your group. They manage to take care not only of you, but also of their families. Galina Nikolaevna loves to cook. Here is a delicious sweet cake she made with her daughter. Ah yes, the craftswoman Galina Nikolaevna!

Kolobok invites the children to take a picture together, and give the photo to the teachers - Galina Nikolaevna and Galina Vasilievna.


Lesson 22

Theme "Clay Plate"

Software content. To acquaint children with the properties of clay, with the structure of its surface.

Material. Dry clay, kneading container, sand, earthenware.

Lesson progress

During the walk, the teacher offers the children to collect some clay and sand.

The teacher reminds the children that they brought sand and clay from the site. Offers to compare them (performs all the actions together with the children): the sand is loose, and the clay is hard, it breaks off into pieces. Tells that clay is a natural material; a long time ago, a man found clay in the ground and began to make various objects out of it. Invites the children to take a piece of dry clay and try to mold something out of it. The guys come to the conclusion: nothing can be molded from dry clay.

The teacher asks what needs to be done to make the clay soft, suitable for modeling. Children offer to add water. They take cups, put clay in them and add water. The teacher helps them to make the necessary consistency. Determine what the clay has now become. (Clay is soft and easy to mold.) The teacher brings the children to the understanding that clay can be dry and wet, wet clay is needed for modeling. He tells that people have been using clay since ancient times, making a variety of objects from it: dishes, bricks, toys, whistles; shows some items. Invites the children to consider a deep plate and name a way to use it. (You can use any liquid in it.) He pours water into a plate and finds out what happens to the plate. (The plate is falling apart as the clay has become wet.) The teacher explains: in order for the clay to harden and not let water through, the product is placed in the oven, and then a special glaze is applied to it. Shows glazed dishes. Suggests to check whether such a plate passes water.

The teacher says: “Clay plates, cups, vases are called ceramic. They are made in special factories with large kilns. Artists paint ceramic products with beautiful drawings and patterns. Clay objects break, they are fragile, fragile. Let's compare what clay is raw and what it becomes when a person makes an object out of it.

Children conclude: it is easy to sculpt from raw clay, as it is soft; ceramic products are brittle, hard, breakable. Then the teacher invites the children to fashion the dishes, dry them in the oven, take the finished products home and tell their loved ones everything they have learned about clay.

Lesson 23

Theme "Nanny washes the dishes"

Software content. Continue to acquaint children with the work of preschool workers - assistant educators; teach them to call them by their first name, patronymic, address them to “you”; show the attitude of an adult to work. To cultivate respect for the assistant educator, for his work.

Material. Doll Katya, photos.

Lesson progress

Doll Katya comes to visit the children. She brings photos of different adults, shows the children photos and asks them to choose photos of people they know. Children find a photo of the nanny, call her name (Natalia Ivanovna), say what she does (washes dishes, floors, vacuums carpets, cleans sinks, etc.).

The group includes a nanny in an apron, with sleeves rolled up. The teacher asks: “Guys, what do you think Natalia Ivanovna will do now?” Children guess that Natalia Ivanovna will wash the dishes.

Natalia Ivanovna. What good fellows! You guessed it, I decided to wash the dishes. Do you know where I wash my dishes? (In the sink.)

The teacher invites the children to see how skillfully Natalia Ivanovna washes the dishes. Draws the attention of children to the items necessary for washing dishes and drying them; asks to name them (sponge, liquid soap, dryer).

Children observe the sequence of washing dishes, under the guidance of a teacher, they explain and name the actions of Natalia Ivanovna: “What is Natalia Ivanovna doing now? (Pours water into the sink.) What water does she wash dishes with? (The teacher offers to touch the water with a finger.) What is Natalia Ivanovna doing now? (I wet and lathered the sponge with liquid soap.) See how diligently the nanny does the job: she rubs the cup with a sponge inside and out. What was the cup like? (Soapy.) That's right, the cup is covered in soapy foam, the dirt is not visible, but is it possible to drink from it now? Why not? What need to do? (Rinse.) In what water does Natalia Ivanovna rinse the cup? (In another, clean water.) What is the cup now? (Clean, shiny.) Water is dripping from the cup. What should be done? (Dry.) Where can you dry it? (On the dryer.) There, the water will drain, and the cup will become dry. Natalia Ivanovna washed all the dishes. Look how it shines."

The teacher invites the children to tell about Natalia Ivanovna, about what she is (skillful, diligent, caring, hardworking).

Then the teacher asks Natalia Ivanovna to tell about her family, about family members. Natalia Ivanovna reports that she has a son, his name is Artem, and a husband, his name is Ivan Petrovich. She loves all members of her family. The son and husband help Natalia Ivanovna with household chores, and she indulges them with pies, pancakes, and cakes.

Natalia Ivanovna invites children to drink tea from clean cups and treat themselves to pancakes.

Elena Istigecheva
Consultation for educators "Creating conditions for playing with sand in the group and on the site of the kindergarten"

All of us, adults and children, took sand in our hands. It looks like small grains, nothing special, but for some reason I want something with it do: build from wet sand castles, using molds to make cakes, and it's just nice to pour it through your fingers. However, the sand is not so simple. Elementary, it would seem, games can be very useful for the mental health and development of children.

Sand is a wonderful natural material.

The summer period is the most favorable time for improving the health of children. Importance in hardening children's organism activities take place "Playing with water and sand» . For children of preschool age, this is not only an exciting, but also an educational event.

For this it is necessary create elementary conditions for sensory education, since the improvement of vital mental processes, like sensations, perception, are the first steps in the knowledge of the world, plays a huge role in the process of mental education child at preschool age. I. M. Sechenov in his works pointed out that the ability to distinguish one object from others is acquired by a person at an early age. childhood. Children begin to know the qualities of materials, through their sensory difference, and in this they will be greatly helped. "Games with sand and water» . Using them in the process education children realize the creative ideas and abilities of preschoolers.

Basic equipment should be on every area of ​​the kindergarten. Sandboxes filled with dry sand. You can moisten the sand with water for games the night before, or in the morning before the children receive.

caregiver during the game, he must ensure that there is a change in the activities of children. Preferably, after irrigation with water, the sand could be loosened with a spatula so that the surface was uniform, for better modeling. You can attract children to games in the sandbox from the first youngest groups. The kids enjoy playing with sand, but the main condition for a successful game, is the leadership of the adult's game, then the game acquires a different way and the actions of children with objects in the sandbox and is of a cognitive nature, and the planned game actions are comprehended by children.

In the game, an adult helps children to highlight many signs and qualities, children, from their own experience, feel moisture and dryness by touch. sand. Common mistakes in dealing with sand in children - this is an incompletely typed form, it is necessary to explain to the children that only a tightly typed form will form a sap, and it is also necessary to knock on it, then tightly pressed sand forms a beautiful sap. For preschoolers of middle and older age, an exciting game should gradually be mastered and moved to a new level, here the guys should not only apply the skills they have already gained in working with sand but also include your imagination. A variety of games go from simple spilling sand, "pie making" to grandiose buildings "houses for dolls", "building garages for cars", as well as "magic castles".

The main purpose of these games and sand- the formation in the child of ideas about the features of dry and wet sand, about the variability of its shape depending on the shape of the container into which it is poured or applied. Dry sand does not retain its shape, crumbles; sand may be a lot or a little; its amount (volume) can be measured with any vessel (glasses, cups, bowls, jars, etc.); it can be sprinkled with a scoop, spoon, palms. Such games with oversleeping sand from one container to another with the help of an auxiliary object or with their hands, they enable children to establish the properties and characteristics of dry sand.

Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child.

What are games with sand? Classes with sand good for their versatility. They are interesting and useful for young children and adults. There is even a separate method of psychotherapy - sand therapy (sand therapy). deal with sand can be from one year. All sand games must take place in a playful way, where fairy-tale characters are necessarily present.

Classes in kindergarten with sand perfect for playing on cold winter days. For children, this is a great opportunity to plunge into the fascinating world of fantasy and creativity.


To avoid confusion around the tray, you must first

discuss with the children the order of work and establish for them several

rules. There aren't any "legislative rules", but desirable

AT kindergarten sand tray must always be in a specially designated place for him.

It is desirable that children work standing up - so they will have more freedom of movement.

Do not place the tray in the corner of the room. The tray must be freely accessible from all parties: only in this case, children will be able to choose the format of the future image at will (horizontal or vertical).

All supplies for activities should be placed in small baskets or drawers at eye level of the child.

It will be more convenient for children to work if they have at their disposal a rack designed to store auxiliary materials: colored paper, corrugated cardboard, holographic film, which can be used as a background for the figures drawn on sand.

With children it is useful to arrange a kind of "brainstorming", during which you can discuss, for example, what other materials are suitable for games and drawing in the tray.

The use of objects and materials that can scratch the glass bottom of the tray should be prohibited.

Even if children work very carefully, sand can wake up on the table or on the floor. In such cases, children should independently sweep the floor with a broom and collect sand in a dustpan.

Sand should be cleaned from time to time. It is useful for children to do this on their own, sifting sand through the smallest sieve: all impurities will remain in it.

Require that before starting classes with sand and after the children washed their hands - these are the hygiene standards.

Periodically, the tray needs to be replenished sand.

Children can learn a lot by playing in a tray with sand, and it depends on the nature of their play and work behavior. Some children can work independently and calmly, others like to start something, but they do not like to finish the work. Sometimes children like to work together, for example, doing some tasks and discussing it with the children in advance. Completing tasks with a partner (especially with a teacher) brings great benefits and is liked by many children.

Please note that free access to the tray with sand to conduct classes in children's garden depends on the rules established in this institution.

Pedagogical aspects of use sand it is difficult to overestimate - this is both a wonderful sensory material, and an object-play environment unsurpassed in its capabilities, and an excellent material for visual activity, experimentation, construction.

Sand is child's play, because it is sometimes impossible to tear children away from sand activities. And it would seem why? And the answer is very simple: children develop rapidly in the process of playing with sand, they learn this world in the sandbox. But the child's ability to master the sand drawing and develop his mental and creative abilities by drawing on sand is our know-how which we put into operation.

The priority goal in this work is the emotional and personal development of the child. This is the formation of creative potential; the ability to understand one's feelings and express them constructively; development of creative thinking; research interest, cognitive activity.

All classes are held in the form of a fairy tale and a game. Through a fairy tale and a game, a child discovers the world of feelings more easily, learns to communicate harmoniously with adults and peers, and understands himself.

Drawing technique sand is simple. We saw it at the master class. The main thing is to turn on your imagination and not be afraid to experiment.

Exercises and games with a lot of sand, for example:

An exercise "Extraordinary Footprints"

"Bears are coming"- the child presses the sand with fists and palms with force.

"Jumping Hares"- with the fingertips, the child hits the surface sand moving in different directions.

"The snakes are crawling"- the child makes the surface with relaxed / tense fingers wavy sand(in different directions) .

"Spider bugs run"- the child moves all fingers, imitating the movement of insects.

What are the benefits of games sand?

Develop perception, thinking, memory, attention, speech, skills of self-control and self-regulation, creative thinking, imagination and fantasy;

Form the child's ideas about the world around;

Develop fine motor skills, eye

Soothe and relax, relieving stress;

educate feeling of accomplishment and self-confidence (that's how i can)

They help to know the outer and inner world.

What do you need to play sand?

And, in fact, it is necessary few:

Love, desire, kindness,

To Faith in Childhood is not gone.

The simplest drawer from the table -

Paint it blue

handful of golden sand

There will join a marvelous fairy tale.

Small toys set

Let's get into the game.

Like God

We create your own world of wonders,

Passing the Knowledge Road.

Situation. Vitya first came to the kindergarten, and everyone immediately caught the eye: he did not seem to notice other children. If he needed any toy, he took it without asking anyone, without considering anyone. The boy acted as if he was alone.

? What features of the development of the child's psyche does this behavior indicate?

Solution. Viti is dominated by egocentrism, there is no ability to reckon with other children.

Situation. Sand was brought to the kindergarten site. Sasha (6 years old) began to scatter it, paying no attention to the remarks of adults. Then the teacher suggested that the children be drivers and transport sand, and Sasha was appointed his assistant in organizing the transport of sand. The boy immediately changed his behavior and did a good job. In the future, he often asked for the role of assistant.

? Analyze Sasha's behavior and the actions of the teacher. On what motives of Sasha's behavior did the teacher rely in this situation?

Solution. Sasha has a pronounced desire to be in charge, to deserve praise. The teacher acted correctly, taking into account the motives of Sasha's behavior.

Situation. A preschooler is very sensitive to norms and rules. He is happy to copy the rules of behavior, but in his desire to imitate he is uncritical: he reproduces both good and bad social patterns.

2 What can an adult do in such situations?

Solution. An adult must help the child to comprehend his own experience and compare it with the general requirements of moral behavior. By the age of 5, the child can already critically evaluate the behavior of peers, and by the age of 6 - take an independent position in relation to the mistakes of peers and adults.

What the first sprouts of such social independence will result in depends largely on the reaction of the adult. A controlling assessment of the correctness of the implementation of social norms is an important step in the social development of the child.

Situation. Vitya (4 years 5 months) was noisy during daytime sleep and interfered with other children. The teacher told him several times that he needed to lie quietly in his bed, but Vitya was still naughty. When all the children got up, got dressed and left, the teacher did not allow Vita to get up, motivating it like this: “You didn’t want to rest with all the children, you were naughty, now the rest of the children will play, and you lie in bed, you haven’t rested yet.”

Vitya cried, asked permission to get dressed, then calmed down and lay quietly for an hour. Subsequently, he did not disturb the order during the rest.

? Analyze the motives of Vitya's behavior and the actions of the educator.

? Based on what motives for Vitya's behavior, the educator was able to achieve success?

Solution. The change in Viti's behavior was influenced by the boy's desire to be with everyone and earn their approval. The teacher relied on these motives for his behavior.

Situation. It is positive emotional experiences that have become one of the deficits of our century.

? What activities of the child should parents pay special attention to?

Solution. First of all, the lack of communication between the child and the mother and the lack of play affect the loss of emotionality. The game, due to its conventionality, gives children the necessary freedom and the opportunity to show, try, test themselves at their own peril and risk. In the game, the child learns to be independent, to master the situation, to control himself.

Situation. Six-year-old Seryozha and Petya often forgot to feed the birds while on duty. The teacher drew the attention of all the children to this, who were indignant at the behavior of Petya and Seryozha.

On their next watch, the boys arrived early and with special care and diligence coped with all the necessary matters. In the future, they also responsibly performed the duties of duty officers. After some time, the boys embarrassedly asked the teacher: "Nina Vyacheslavovna, tell everyone that we are good guys."

? Analyze the actions of the educator.

? What motive prompted Seryozha and Petya to ask the teacher to tell the children about their good work?

Solution. The teacher in his actions relied on the desire of the boys to be with everyone and earn their praise. The motive for self-affirmation of Seryozha and Petya prompted them to ask the teacher to confirm in the presence of all the children that they had corrected themselves.

§four. The value of the site, its layout and landscaping

A properly planned and well-landscaped area is one of the most important conditions for organizing work with children on their environmental education. Of particular importance is a good site in a city kindergarten, since it is often the only place for children to communicate with nature for a long time.

At the kindergarten site, the teacher organizes daily observation of nature, during which children learn a lot about the life of plants and animals, admire the beauty of nature in all seasons. The vivid impressions that children get from communicating with nature remain in their memory for a long time, contribute to the formation of love for nature, a natural interest in the world around them.

Children of all age groups have the opportunity to work in the flower garden, in the garden, in the garden. At the same time, they learn what conditions must be created for the normal life of animals and plants, acquire the necessary skills and abilities, learn to treat nature with care and concern.

The site is also a place for a variety of children's games with sand, water, clay, etc., which must be provided for when organizing it.

The site of the kindergarten must meet certain hygienic and pedagogical requirements. Its size depends on the number of children attending preschool. The norm of the area per child is 35-45 m 2. In rural areas, the size of the plot can be reduced. In this case, the nature of the relief, as well as the climatic zone in which the kindergarten is located, should be taken into account.

On the site there are playgrounds for each age group, a common sports ground, a paddling or swimming pool, an economic area; a place is allocated for a vegetable garden, a flower garden, a garden and for keeping animals.

The site is fenced or a hedge is created from tall trees and shrubs planted in 1-3 rows.

Landscaping of the site creates a favorable microclimate, reducing its dust content, gas contamination, noise level. Favorable air temperature, humidity, solar radiation are created on the landscaped area.

When planning the site, it is necessary to take care of the existing green spaces, save them, combining them with new plantings. Trees should not be cut down or uprooted. If the trees are obscuring the building, it is best to replant them elsewhere. With the permission of the local nature conservation society, trees and shrubs can be removed from the site if for some reason (poisonous, have thorns) they are dangerous to the health of children.

When selecting trees and shrubs for landscaping the site, the following requirements should be considered:

For planting, it is necessary to select the most typical plants in the given geographical conditions;

They should be varied in height, leaf color, timing of flowering, ripening of fruits and seeds.

Such a selection of trees and shrubs ensures the formation of children's ideas about the diversity of plants, develops aesthetic perception.

Trees are placed in groups, alleys or in single plantings. Groups of trees and shrubs are best placed on an open lawn at the intersection of paths, near the splash pool. Trees planted by the group provide shade throughout the day and protect children from the sun.

Single trees are planted so that they create shade on the paths, near the canopies. At the same time, it is necessary to think over a convenient place for trees, which children will observe throughout the year. There must be a convenient approach to these trees and a place where all the children can be positioned during the observation.

Trees recommended for planting in the middle lane: birch (fluffy, warty), maple (holly, ash-leaved, Tatar), small-leaved linden, fragrant poplar, oak, ash, mountain ash, spruce, European larch. In the southern regions of the country - poplar (silver, pyramidal), beech, forest oak (Austrian, sessile), common hornbeam, mulberry, horse chestnut, maple tree, etc. Birch, honey locust, red turf grow well in the southeastern regions , elm, etc.; in the north - birch (Fluffy, winding, subarctic), Siberian spruce, poplar (Berlin, blackening), smooth mountain ash, juniper, Kola willow, Dahurian larch, etc.

In addition to trees, various shrubs are grown on the kindergarten site: lilac (common and Hungarian), garden jasmine, warty euonymus, sea buckthorn, common viburnum, honeysuckle (common, Caucasian, Tatar, honeysuckle), spirea, forsythia, etc.

When planting, take into account the orientation of the windows of group rooms, verandas. In the middle lane, where the premises do not require protection from sunlight, as well as on the southern, southeastern and southwestern sides, it is necessary to plant deciduous trees at a distance of at least five times their height; when the windows are oriented to the east - at a distance of the height of the full growth of the tree.

In southern areas, where the room needs to be shaded to protect it from overheating, trees and tall shrubs should be placed closer to the building.

The hedge should be dense, impenetrable. The width of the hedge strip is 0.75-1.0 m. For this, shrubs are planted in two rows. For hedges, it is recommended to use the following trees: beech, spruce, poplar, thuja, wild apple, etc .; shrubs: acacia (yellow, white), silver sucker, privet, medium spirea, juniper (red, common), hawthorn, brilliant cotoneaster, etc.

Group plots are also separated from each other by a green fence.

In the design of the site, vertical gardening is of great importance. For this, climbing plants are used near buildings, fences; create special lattices, galleries, arches (pergolas) to secure these plants. Vertical gardening is decorative and at the same time helps to shade places for children to play and work, to protect them from the wind.

For vertical gardening, grapes (wild, Amur), honeysuckle (capricole), clematis, as well as herbaceous plants - sweet peas, morning glory, garden beans, nasturtium are widely used.

Flower garden at the kindergarten. Selection of plants for the flower garden. For a flower garden, it is necessary to select plants that could bloom from early spring to late autumn. Continuous flowering brings joy to children, allows you to admire and care for plants for a long time. Plants should be unpretentious, i.e., do not require complex care. In order for these conditions to be met, annual, biennial and perennial plants should be selected for the flower garden.

Annual plants grow, bloom, produce mature seeds and die off in the year of sowing (marigold, petunia, fragrant tobacco, kosmeya, lobelia, poppy, nasturtium, calendula, snapdragon, etc.).

Biennial plants when sown (spring, summer) winter in the ground and bloom in early spring of the next year. These include pansies (viola), Turkish carnation, daisy, forget-me-not, etc.

Perennials are plants that live for several years. They are most often unpretentious, many of them bloom in early spring even before the emergence of annuals (crocus, muscari, tulip, narcissus, primrose). They easily propagate vegetatively. Perennials include phlox, peony, rudbeckia, dahlia, iris, lupine, gladiolus, etc.

In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, crocus appears on sun-warmed areas - a perennial corm plant from the Iris family. It can be planted in rockeries (among stones), on lawns or ridges. Domestic types of crocuses are recommended for planting: Alatavsky (white), Michelson (blue), Korolkov (yellow-brown), etc. Crocuses are the most popular corm plants that do not require complex care. They are planted in autumn, in early September, at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other (tightly). Transplanted once every 3-4 years. Care consists in watering, loosening the soil.

Colorful spots can be planted with muscari (mouse hyacinth, or viper onion). It belongs to the Lily family. The stems are 10-20 cm high. The flowers are small, white, blue, purple, collected in a dense inflorescence - a brush. Blooms in May - June. Muscari can be planted under trees and low shrubs, as well as in rockeries. Care consists in watering, careful loosening. Autumn and spring cleaning of the leaves should be carried out carefully, do not remove the foliage from the plants, so as not to disturb the ecological environment.

Tulip (lily family) and daffodil (Amarillis family) can be grown in separate groups or in combination with other bulbs. They bloom from late April to late May. Narcissus should be transplanted once every 3-4 years. Tulip bulbs are dug up after the plants have faded and the leaves have turned yellow, dried well, and then, in September, they are planted again in the ground (in a permanent place) to a depth of three bulb heights. Bulbous plants can be planted anywhere in the garden.

In early spring, the kindergarten site is decorated with a multi-colored primrose, or primrose (primrose family). It seems like a multi-colored carpet on a green lawn. With a monochromatic border, it can be planted on discounts. Primrose is unpretentious, tolerates transplant well. Propagated in spring and autumn by dividing the bush, seeds. Grows in full sun and partial shade.

To prolong the decorative effect of April and May flower beds, a group of plants should be used in landscaping: daisies, pansies, forget-me-nots, etc. They are unpretentious, bloom even without special care, and are not afraid of spring frosts.

Pansies, viola, tricolor violet (Violet family). This perennial plant can be sown with seeds in June - July on a shaded bed, then transplant seedlings with 3-4 leaves to a place not too lit by the sun, and water them systematically. Seedlings will be ready by autumn. In spring, the plants will be fresh, with large buds. Mass flowering will last until July-August. Care consists in watering, timely pruning of bushes (do not allow to stretch), sprinkling with earth. If you need to plant other plants in place of the viola, you should not throw it away. The plant can be transplanted into pots and put on the veranda, on the porch. It is not afraid of transplantation and will please the eye for a long time.

Daisy (Asteraceae family). In the middle zone, this perennial plant is grown as a biennial. Blooms profusely in the middle lane from May to July in open places and in shading. A fresh white-pink plant is elegant on discounts, lawns. Winters well, not afraid of getting wet. The agricultural technique for preparing seedlings is approximately the same as for pansies. You can divide the overgrown bushes in the fall and plant small plants immediately in a permanent place. They take root well and bloom early in spring. In the process of flowering, it is important to cut off (cut off) wilted inflorescences that spoil the appearance of the flower garden.

Blue forget-me-not (borage family). This perennial plant delights the eye in a spring flower garden between colorful tulips and white daffodils. In ornamental gardening, marsh, alpine and forest forget-me-nots are used. They bloom in almost any corner of the garden, but turn pale (fade) in the bright sun. Forget-me-nots decorate the flower garden until the end of June. They look good under old trees (including fruit trees). The plant gives abundant self-seeding. Forget-me-nots, pansies, daisies adorn the site until the flowering of annual plants.

If biennials are left in their original place and are not replaced with other plants the next year, then in the spring they should be fed. The second top dressing is necessary during the budding period.

By the end of June, annual plants begin to bloom profusely. The most unpretentious, recommended for landscaping areas of the kindergarten, are calendula (marigolds), Petunia, antirrinum (snapdragon), nasturtium, marigolds, lobelia, cosmea, purslane, etc.

Antirrinum, snapdragon (Norichnikov family). Perennial plant, but in the middle lane is used as an annual. The corolla of the flower resembles the mouth of a lion, the shape of the flower attracts children. Decorates flower beds, rabatki. Small spots of multi-colored antirrinums look good against the background of green lawns. Grows well in open sunny places. Blooms until late autumn. Propagated by sowing seeds in the ground. In the middle lane it is better to plant seedlings.

Marigolds, tagetes (Aster family). An annual plant. It happens short and tall, different golden-orange hues. The flowers are small and large. There are terry forms. The leaves are dissected, pinnate. The leaves and flowers have a strong pungent odor. Grows quickly, blooms until frost. Propagated by seeds.

Sweet peas (legume family). One of the best flower annuals for vertical gardening. Grows fast, blooms profusely, for a long time. The flowers are varied in color, fragrant, cover the entire plant. Seeds are sown in the ground in early May in nests of 5-6 pieces on the sunny side. For long flowering, faded branches are cut off.

Sweet peas need support. Pegs, wire pyramids, trellises are suitable for this. It can be used to decorate walls, fences, windows, hedges, creating cozy corners for children to play.

Calendula, marigold (Aster family). An annual plant that blooms profusely and for a long time until frost. Grows well in open sunny places. It got its name for the peculiar shape of the seeds, resembling marigolds. It grows into strong tall (up to 60 cm) branched bushes with a large number of flowers from light yellow to orange. There are terry forms. Propagated easily by seeds (self-sowing).

Cosmos, space, beauty (Aster family). It is a tall graceful annual plant with star-shaped white, pink, burgundy flowers. Blooms profusely until late autumn. Propagated by seeds. Grows well in sunny areas with relatively poor soil.

Lobelia (bellflower family). A perennial plant cultivated as an annual. Lobelia Erinus is widely distributed. Blooms from June to October. It grows well in sunny places on humus soils. Planted seedlings. Used as a border plant.

Nasturtium, tropeolum, capuchin (Nasturtium family). A very decorative heat-loving, light-loving annual plant with bright velvety flowers (from pale yellow to maroon). The flowers are simple and double, fragrant. The plant resembles the ancient weapons of a warrior: the leaves look like shields, and the flowers look like helmets. It is used as a border plant for decorating verandas, vertical walls, decorative vases. Seeds are planted in the ground in April-May. Blooms until late autumn, especially abundant in the sun; in partial shade forms large leaves. The soil needs loose, but not very fertile. Abundantly watered. Does not tolerate transplant well.

Petunia (nightshade family). An annual plant that has a variety of colors: cream, white, lilac, purple, different shades of red. There are terry forms. Prefers open sunny places. Blooms until frost.

Purslane (purslane family). Perennial plant cultivated as an annual. Shoots creep along the ground. The flowers are simple, semi-double, terry with a bright multi-colored carpet cover the flower bed. Open only on sunny days. The plant flowers from June to October. In the south, they sow seeds in the ground in a permanent place. Seedlings are planted in the middle lane.

By the end of summer, perennials bloom: phlox, rudbeckia (golden ball), gaillardia, etc. Many annual and biennial plants continue to bloom (aster, viola, daisy, Turkish carnation).

Aster (family Asteraceae). A perennial plant that blooms from June until frost with white, pink, lilac, lilac flowers. It grows on any soil and in semi-shaded places, tolerates transplanting well, even in a flowering state.

Gaillardia hybrid large-flowered (Asteraceae family). A beautiful tall (35-70 cm) plant with 4-10 cm inflorescences. The flowers are variegated, in yellow, orange and brown tones. Blooms from July until frost. Propagated by dividing the bush. It grows in one place for 4-5 years, after which a transplant is necessary. Grows in fertile sunny places.

Dahlia (Aster family). Blooms from the second half of summer until frost. Inflorescence - basket. The flowers are varied in shape and color. Height from 40 cm to 1.5-2 m. Propagated by division of root tubers. After frost, the tubers are dug up. Store in an unheated dry room until spring.

Carnation Turkish, bearded (Carnation family). A perennial plant that is used as a biennial. The flowers are simple, rarely double, collected in an inflorescence-shield with a diameter of 10-15 cm. Coloring from white to dark red. Blooms in June-July. Propagated by sowing seeds or cuttings. It blooms well in sunny areas on loamy fertilized soil.

Iris, iris (Kasatikovye family). It blooms in June with large flowers of various colors. The plant is tall. The xiphoid leaves remain green until late autumn. Grows in full sun on sandy soil. Propagated by division of the rhizome.

Rudbeckia, golden ball (Asteraceae family). A perennial plant about 2 m high. It blooms with large bright yellow (lemon hue) flowers from August to late autumn. The stems are straight, the leaves are split. Propagated by dividing the bush. Varieties are used: red rudbeckia, split-leaved, winter-hardy.

Summer Phlox, Drummond (Cyanide family). Perennial plant, blooming profusely from late June to October. Inflorescences, collected in an umbrella, are located at the ends of long stems. Flowers of various colors, fragrant. Unpretentious to the soil. Propagated by cuttings (summer) and division of the bush (spring and autumn), prefers sunny places.

Flower garden layout. When planning a flower garden, you need to make the most of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, leaving room for free activities for children: games, observations, entertainment, sports.

When laying out a flower garden, one should take into account its importance in the aesthetic education of children: think over a combination of plants by color, decorative placement in space. There are various types of plantings of ornamental flowering plants, many of which can be used in landscaping areas of kindergartens. Flowering plants are best placed in decorative groups along the paths leading to the kindergarten building, to group plots. Borders are broken along the paths - framed strips - 30-50 cm wide and discounts.

Elongated strips from 0.5 to 1 m wide - rabatka - are planted with one type of plant or several located strips. Plants in the composition are selected taking into account the compatibility of their requirements for soil, moisture and light. In order for the plants not to shade each other, tall ones should be placed in the background or on the north side. The lowest ones are placed in the foreground.

It is necessary to provide for a combination of flower colors of simultaneously flowering plants. It is recommended to avoid the combination of pink and crimson with red and orange, blue and blue with lilac and purple. We should not forget about the shape and color of the foliage: plants with split leaves are best interspersed with large solid or linear leaves.

Planting of flowering plants in the form of stalls is recommended. (This is a flower square or rectangle planted with the same flowers.) A combination of annual or biennial undersized plants with climbing plants is practiced. It can be clematis, wild grape vine, morning glory, sweet pea, climbing rose.

You should not strive for a wide range of plants, especially with a limited size flower garden. It is better to choose several species that grow well in a certain climate, are not too whimsical and retain their decorative effect throughout the season.

Flower garden care. Caring for ornamental plants consists of tillage, irrigation, fertilization and other agricultural practices. The use of these techniques creates the necessary conditions for plant growth.

Digging the soil is a method of tillage, which ensures its wrapping and loosening, as well as the incorporation of fertilizers. In the upper soil layer there are a large number of seeds, weed rhizomes, eggs and larvae of pests. When digging, the sod turns over and is covered with a layer of loose soil, as a result of which the weeds die. The average depth of digging should be at least 24-28 cm. The time of digging depends on climatic conditions, soil conditions. If digging too early, the earth will be lumpy, if it is too late, the soil will be crushed unnecessarily. Digging is carried out in autumn and spring.

Harrowing - loosening the soil without turning over the layer. It is used to destroy the soil crust, to level the soil after digging, and also to destroy weeds.

Craft beds. The beds can be raised above the soil level (level with the soil) and deepened, depending on the composition and moisture content of the soil.

Raised beds are made if groundwater is close, or if the soil is cold and heavy, and also if there is a lot of precipitation in the area. The beds are raised to a height of 5 to 18 cm. Raised beds drain the soil, have better aeration and drain excess moisture.

In areas with light soils and low rainfall in summer, in areas with high moisture permeability, it is recommended to arrange negative (buried) beds. In them, the plant does not dry out and does not get wet. The beds are deepened by 5-15 cm. The bottom is made even, without depressions and slopes. The orientation of all beds should be from north to south.

Soil loosening. After heavy rain or watering, a crust forms on the soil surface, which leads to its drying out, makes it difficult for air to reach the roots, impairs plant nutrition, and inhibits their growth.

Loosening is called dry watering. It is carried out on the 2-3rd day after heavy rain or abundant watering, after the soil dries out and is combined with weeding.

Weeding is one of the obligatory methods of care. During weeding, the roots and rhizomes of weeds are carefully removed, since each segment of the rhizome (wheatgrass, bindweed) gives a new plant. Weeding is best done after watering or rain, when the soil becomes loose. Especially it is necessary to ensure that the weeds do not have seeds.

Mulching - covering the soil between rows with peat, leaves, humus, manure, chopped straw, perforated with a film with a layer of 2-4 cm.

Under a layer of mulch, the soil remains loose and retains moisture. The growth of weeds is suppressed, gas exchange and absorption of heat rays are improved. It is possible to use tree bark mixed with mineral fertilizers as mulch: for 1 m 2 2.5 g of urea and 3.5 g of superphosphate.

Planting plants in the ground. The normal development of plants depends on compliance with the rules for their planting. 1-2 hours before picking seedlings from boxes, it is watered abundantly. This will help to keep the roots, the plant will be easily removed with a clod of earth. Seedlings are planted in cloudy weather in the early morning or evening. If this is not possible, the plant must immediately be shaded with mowed grass, spruce branches.

Pits for seedlings in the beds are made with a scoop (along a stretched cord) so that the roots are freely placed, not bent up or to the side. The roots are covered with earth, which is slightly compacted. Immediately after planting and watering, the soil is mulched with peat, sand or other materials.

Irrigation includes the following types of irrigation: sprinkling (watering from above), spraying, furrow irrigation, etc.

Sprinkling- splashing water over the surface of the soil and plants. Spend in the morning or evening. When irrigating on a hot or windy day, strong evaporation occurs and burns are possible. The rate of irrigation depends on the biological characteristics of plants, their development, the mechanical composition of the soil, weather conditions. Young plants need less water than adults. More water is needed during flowering and seed formation. On loose sandy soils, watering should be done more often and more abundantly than on heavy ones.

Plants need to be watered in several steps. First, the ridges are moistened with a small amount of water, then watered more intensively. Most plants need abundant but infrequent watering.

spraying promotes rapid saturation of air with moisture, cools plants, reduces transpiration, restores turgor by absorbing water through leaves and stems. As a result, a microclimate favorable for the growth and development of plants is created. Spray plants in the summer several times a day.

Soil fertilization is a technique that improves plant nutrition. Ornamental plants, especially perennials, greatly deplete the soil, as they have a limited feeding area. For normal growth and development, they must be periodically fed - fertilize the soil. Pre-sowing fertilizer is applied when digging the soil in autumn or spring. Fertilizer consumption 50 g per 1 m 2. Sowing or planting fertilizer is applied simultaneously with planting 2-4 cm deeper than seeds, which provides plants with nutrients, especially phosphorus, in the initial period of life. Superphosphate is recommended, as well as nitrogen and potash fertilizers in small doses.