And elegant style that does. Elegant style in clothes - sophistication and restraint. Elegance every day

Elegance is a very multidimensional concept. This is the cut of clothes, and the style of the wardrobe, and the manner of behavior. And yet - a special state of mind.

Elegance is charming. Always attracts attention. She is admired and admired. She is always remembered.

At the same time, not everyone manages to look elegant, and this is not a question of big money. Elegance does not depend on the degree of ideality of the figure, on the cost and even on the style of clothing.

What is the essence of elegance? What does she characterize?

Very interesting and unexpected definitions of elegance are given by great fashion designers. For example, the famous fashion designer Giorgio Armani argues that "Elegance is one of the manifestations of the mind." In his opinion, only a smart woman can look elegant, which is hard to argue with. Yves Saint Laurent believes that the secret of elegance is in personal, but rather in spiritual qualities: "Elegant is the one who has an elegant heart ...". And this is the opinion of the great couturiers, according to whose “golden” patterns they create the best in the fashion world! That is, the question is not even in clothes?

The etymology of the word "elegance" is even more interesting.

The French word "élégan" translates as "refined, graceful, refined, graceful." Pretty abstract definition. Sophistication, like sophistication, is perceived very subjectively. After all, each person has their own ideas about grace.

But from the Latin language, the word "elegance" is translated as "to choose." This is something more specific. After all, to look elegant, you need the ability or even talent for a harmonious combination of things. You need to be able to choose and combine all the details of your image correctly.

In the dictionary of foreign words that became part of the Russian language in 1907 (Pavlenkov F.), you can see the following definition: "Elegance - grace, beauty combined with simplicity." This definition is even closer to the truth. In an elegant look, simplicity is masterfully combined with elegance. Luxurious minimalism… aristocratic simplicity is a paradoxical combination, but the closest characterizes elegance as a concept. This is because elegance is the product of the aristocracy, which every minute had to comply with an infinite number of protocols and rules. Under these conditions, that impeccability of style and manners crystallizes, which causes admiration and delight among others.

A much more complex definition of elegance is given by the modern Wikipedia encyclopedia: “Elegance is an ethical and aesthetic category that expresses civilized beauty with a conservative reference to the classics of the 18th–19th centuries. It is characterized by noble simplicity, calmness, relaxation, rigor and smoothness.

As you can see, with elegance, everything is not so simple. Simple grace, austere beauty... An incredibly complex concept. And this despite the fact that elegance is not taught anywhere! Is it only in the model school, which is attended by a few out of millions. And in everyday life, a woman has to learn all the “laws” of elegance on her own, starting almost from childhood. In many ways, the presence of this quality is determined by education. And most often, innate qualities and talents help us, women, independently learn how to correctly combine colors and shapes, create exquisite images and compositions. Elegance is closely related to the sense of style and taste, which begins to form in childhood under the influence of various arts. Classes of classical music, classical dances and fine arts form a sense of style and that same sense of taste, without which it is impossible to look elegant.

Real, authentic elegance comes with age and experience. Every time we meet in life with a stylish and elegant woman in a given situation, we note for ourselves all the advantages and disadvantages of her image, characteristics of behavior and manners. What you especially like is sure to be remembered. In such a way, imperceptible to us, that very “piggy bank”, that “eye”, which always suggests the most harmonious combination of shades, wardrobe elements and accessories, is created. Creating our own image, each time we gain our own experience, noting the mistakes and the most successful options. The farther, the more we master this magical art - the art of elegance.

Elegance - morning, afternoon and evening

It is impossible to be elegant only in the evening, and in the afternoon to be tastelessly dressed and look casual. Elegance penetrates our life in everything, in every movement, in the manner of speaking, in the look, in the walk, in the hairstyle ... In fact, elegance is a lifestyle. Do you want to be elegant? Then be ready to work on yourself 24 hours a day!

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If you don't feel elegant, it's fixable. There would be a desire. At first, self-control and discipline will be required. Gradually, elegance will become your favorite habit, and the art of always looking elegant will become your inner essence. That is, in any situation and in any place, you will feel elegant, look elegant and behave elegantly. One of your main assistants will be the reaction of others.

On the path of delight

An elegant woman always receives a special reaction in her address - to one degree or another admiration, charm, approval, location. This is what makes her different from ordinary women. Elegance is a higher quality level that everyone aspires to, but not everyone reaches this pinnacle.

An elegant woman is always looked at in a special way! Instantly highlighting her among the crowd, discovering a surprisingly harmonious image, a person with a developed sense of taste will certainly be fascinated and experience aesthetic pleasure. Elegant beauty immediately disposes to itself, attracts like a magnet. An elegant lady always feels such a peculiar reaction and perceives it as a signal that her sense of style and endurance do not fail her, and the image is still elegant and harmonious. If the lady stops catching enchanted glances on herself, then the harmony of the image is lost.

Elegance to the tips of the nails

An elegant lady is elegant from head to toe. Every part of her body looks flawless. Well-groomedness is the most important "base" of elegance. Groomed hands or unkempt hair instantly negate the elegance of the whole image. There can be no primary and secondary elements here - absolutely everything is important, every centimeter of your appearance. Only this approach allows you to create that magical aura that will captivate everyone who would not look at you. An elegant woman wants to be admired without taking her eyes off her! Everything in it is beautiful, everything is thought out and selected with taste and in accordance with a single style. An elegant woman lives in some other dimension, in another world - in a world of perfection and sublime beauty.

It is on grooming that the main feature of an elegant woman is based - complete self-confidence, which is built not on emotional self-confidence, but on thorough and daily work on oneself. An elegant woman always strives for perfection. She is a perfectionist to the marrow of her bones, a tireless and very demanding person. Such a lady will never allow herself a frivolous choice in clothes, a sloppy hairstyle and inappropriate accessories. Elegance is built on the little things.

elegant manners

Being elegant is the natural state of a woman. This is a certain cultural and mental level that does not allow a woman to look sloppy, communicate rudely, be unrestrained and aggressive. "Elegance itself" - so they say about a well-mannered person, an intellectual person. An elegant lady is highly diplomatic. Her opposite is a rude, sassy, ​​not neat enough, not stylish enough, and sometimes tastelessly dressed woman, challenging everyone and everything, enjoying imaginary victories in endless conflicts, which she herself is the cause of. Elegance against such an unsightly background looks emphatically feminine and aristocratic, diplomatic and friendly.

Elegance is a cultural code that permeates your whole life with seemingly imperceptible little things: your walk in ordinary everyday life, your wardrobe at home, the ability to move, approaches to doing household chores, talking with loved ones, etc. And, most importantly, what do you think about! With what mood do you go through life! In turn, your mood is dominated by your everyday thoughts. You need to control what your head is doing. Elegant mood is a special mood. “If you want to change your life, change your thoughts” is an old wisdom, which is an excellent formula for working on yourself and developing such an important quality characteristic as elegance.

  1. Elegance is the slowness of movements, their accuracy.
  2. Elegance is courtesy and tact, balance of statements.
  3. Elegance is a sense of proportion in everything.
  4. Elegance is your individuality, expressed through the classics.
  5. Elegance is a respectable image that inspires confidence.

An elegant image has several components. As we noted above, elegance is the ability to behave elegantly, to present oneself correctly. And, of course, these are elegant clothes.

One of the most common misconceptions is that an elegant woman's wardrobe consists of very expensive items. This is not true. Of course, a stylish lady should always have stylish designer items in her arsenal, but it is not at all necessary that all items be purchased in elite branded boutiques. This is the art of being elegant - the virtuoso ability to dress with taste and affordability.

The talent of elegance is manifested in the ability to select individual things in such a way that it is possible to create different ensembles that are appropriate in certain circumstances. Elegance allows you to make purchases on an intuitive level, which will subsequently be harmoniously combined with each other.

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In order to hit the bull’s-eye every time when buying a wardrobe, you need to be constantly “in trend” and periodically get acquainted with the latest fashion and its trends. Which does not mean at all that you need to dress in the latest fashion and update your wardrobe every season. Blindly following the canons can make a woman ridiculous and ridiculous.

Accessories and decorations

Jewelry plays an important role in creating an elegant image. Without jewelry, elegance is absolutely unattainable! No matter how amazing the outfit is, without jewelry it will look unfinished. The minimalism and laconic beauty of the clothes are emphasized by small but very precise touches - earrings, brooches, rings, necklaces. Jewelry gives the image the very charm that will captivate and turn heads. One of the most elegant jewelry is considered to be a brooch. The brooch is a real Queen in the realm of jewelry! For example, the British Queen Elizabeth II literally does not leave her private apartment without a brooch. This inspirational and romantic fashion touch is only for a truly elegant lady.

What do you prefer from jewelry?
As already noted, an elegant image is built on aristocratic simplicity, so you should pay attention to jewelry made of natural stones made in a classic style. The usual gold chains, gold earrings and rings, which are so fond of a wide mass audience, alas, will not add elegance to your look. The decoration should be special and stylistically match the classic look. The most important criterion is that the jewelry must be of high quality. Today, elegant ladies can choose from a huge arsenal of high-quality jewelry with semi-precious stones: luxurious amber of various shades, pearls, corals, as well as fantastically beautiful jewelry with various types of enamel coating.

In addition to the academic classics, Art Deco jewelry will become a very elegant touch to your appearance, in the style in which the inimitable Coco Chanel worked, recognized throughout the world as a standard of elegance. This is a special kind of jewelry that you will not confuse with any other. Some art deco pieces may be a bit too chic and luxurious, but when paired with a minimalist wardrobe, they look fantastically elegant!

Art Nouveau (modern) jewelry is more than appropriate in an elegant look - a real feast of color and floral ornaments, smooth lines and stunning picturesqueness. The main feature of jewelry in the Art Nouveau style is the abundance of shapes and images of animals, birds, insects (butterflies, dragonflies, cicadas, spiders). Of course, it is important to use such noticeable jewelry in a single copy! If an amazing butterfly-brooch appeared on the collar of your suit, then there is no need for other types of jewelry.

As for the color of natural stones, there are no restrictions. It all depends on the color palette of your image. It can be juicy scarlet zircons, and golden ametrine, and pale green jade, and romantic rose quartz. The main thing is to always stay in the wake of aristocratic restraint and not overdo it with an abundance of strokes and nuances. By the way, the British Queen Elizabeth II sets a perfect example of modern elegance. She prefers suits with an extremely minimalistic cut, but at the same time she skillfully “plays” with shades and uses jewelry very selectively. Probably, everyone remembers her dazzling lemon outfits and brooches of amazing beauty. Aristocratic simplicity! It is impossible to see Queen Elizabeth II “in public” without jewelry, because without them it is impossible to create an elegant image.

The same goes for accessories. Without accessories, any look will look incomplete and, of course, inelegant. The harmony and completeness of the composition plays a huge, in fact, decisive role. “How elegant you are in this hat!” Stylish ladies hear in their address. Designer gloves, elegant handbags and clutches, stoles and scarves are all essential attributes of an elegant style.

Some rules of elegance

An elegant image is built not only on the style, intelligence and energy of a woman, but also on the correct geometry. Your image should be harmonious and holistic.

Elegance squared

In striving for perfection and achieving the heights of elegance, you should not go to extremes and go against your nature. A woman, whom nature has awarded with large and magnificent forms, can also look extremely elegant! To do this, it is not at all necessary for her to destroy herself with exhausting diets and comply with other people's canons of weight and proportions. The world knows many luxurious beauties, striking in their elegance and charming fullness of nature. The best "connoisseurs" of such elegance are men. A huge number of men in the world regularly admit that ladies with large forms drive them crazy! Solid charm - elegance squared! It is important for owners of a non-standard figure to evaluate all the pros and cons of their figure as objectively as possible. Choosing the right styles, emphasizing the advantages and hiding the flaws, observing the balance and harmony in the color palette and everything, you can create an inimitable elegant image.

The first rule of elegance is that a woman should be clean and tidy. Before thinking about choosing a wardrobe, make it a habit to observe and take care of yourself. You should have a neat hairstyle, clean clothes and shoes, and an unobtrusive scent of perfume. Makeup should be moderate. If you want to emphasize your eyes or lips, make sure that it suits you and is appropriate where you are going.

Color matching

You need to understand that an elegant woman cannot be colorful and sparkling like a Christmas tree. For a wardrobe, you need to have 3 primary and a couple of interchangeable colors. Choose natural tones. It is very important that the clothes naturally complement your image. Therefore, try to avoid fashionable acid tones, overly bright colors and incomprehensible inscriptions.

Simple fit

Avoid any excess. When choosing a coat, give preference to a simple cut, fitted models with a classic collar. Buying a dress gives more room for imagination. But even here you can’t overdo it, avoid vulgar and aggressive options. Even if you really liked the model, but your shortcomings became apparent, refuse to buy. Clothing is just a tool that should show you from the best side. However, this does not mean at all that you should pick up dull, inconspicuous costumes.

Pay attention to the material. It is better to buy one thing from natural, but more expensive material, than several options from economical synthetics. Clothing made from such a fabric, of course, has the right to life, but it is unlikely to look elegant and sophisticated in it.

The choice of shoes also needs to be approached seriously. To look elegant, you need to be able to combine attractiveness and convenience. Try to choose the golden mean. If you buy shoes, immediately discard options in which you will be uncomfortable. Of course, you need to give preference to natural materials, a medium-heeled heel and a comfortable shoe. Avoid decor in the form of rhinestones, sequins and assorted beads, as well as large flowers and appliqués.


Perhaps you have a question, what is elegance, if everything is as simple as possible. Remember that your strength is in accessories. On an overly bright outfit with defiant makeup, an interesting brooch or belt will simply be invisible. And with the right look, an unusual scarf or elegant gloves will produce an unsurpassed effect.


Never put on all the jewelry at once. This does not give the impression of high prosperity, but rather will be remembered for the lack of taste. Remember that any jewelry should be a kind of pearl and the completion of your image. Pay attention to elegant silver products and stud earrings.

The only direction in clothing that is out of the power of time, fashion trends, moods and trends of world podiums is elegant style. After all, its basis is sophistication, sense of proportion and impeccable taste. And these qualities will never go out of fashion. Today on the pages you will receive all the answers to questions related to this style.

Lady elegance

Often speaking a word "elegance”, we don’t even think about what it really means. Try to answer this question for yourself. You get something like: well, elegant is ... just elegant. However, let's take a look. It turns out that in translation from Latin, this word literally means - "choose". Everything turns out to be so simple ... and not very at the same time.

Between what and what you need to choose, preferring an elegant style? And generally speaking, what to wear in this direction of clothing because we choose every day. And every day we are safely convinced that two problems are invisibly present in our lives: there is nothing to wear and nowhere to hang. So, what does lady elegance wear?

And then, maybe, it seems to us that we put on this exquisite and, but in fact, those around us look and think: “This young lady scattered around the world - the taste is separate, the brain is separate.” And this did not "scatter" us, it's just that we have such an image.

In a word, in order not to get into such an unpleasant story , keep the following points in mind.

I choose elegant style

A girl who prefers an elegant, refined style should definitely fill up with such things. Or rather, the whole arsenal of clothes should consist exclusively of such "rags":

- dresses of the following styles:, or other options, but with a fitted cut.

- classic blouses and shirts;

- pencil skirts. This is generally the "holy of holies" of this material direction;

- fitted trousers, it is possible with "shooters", trouser suits. Models a la "men's style" look very impressive;

- jackets, coats, jackets of the same fitted cut.

In principle, almost all things that “preach” an elegant style have a fitted cut. For the most part, thanks to him, an image of perfection is created. A lady dressed in such a thing gives the impression of impeccability, because wardrobe items, as if poured, sit on her.

As far as colors are concerned, considered elegant: gray (that's the "new" black, just a little more fun), blue, scarlet, fuchsia, and naturally black.

Fabrics - textures- exclusively natural, because expensive. After all, elegance is now synonymous with the word "respectability". An elegant style simply does not tolerate negligence and non-aesthetics, which unnatural materials often possess, or, more simply, synthetics. In a word, the girl in this image is "an expensive pleasure." If you want to be, be.

Shoes- Definitely heels. No ballerinas-walkers, and other old lady options. All in good time, girls. But, let's hope, we will not get to this “bright” hour yet. Give your preference to the hairpin. It will perfectly complement the created ensemble and make you a 100% representative of an elegant style. A wedge is an alternative, but not recommended. Is that from "hopelessness". But we will have to completely abandon our beloved “platform”. She will absolutely ruin the image so carefully created.

Accessories. And where without them, darlings. The main rule is a minimum of jewelry. Only a string of pearls is allowed, as well as thin, almost weightless items made of gold and silver. No massive rings, hanging earrings, chains. Massiveness and heaviness are the main enemies of elegance. But there is a strong trend towards clutches, gloves (elongated options are in favor), various hats and hats, stoles, neckerchiefs.

Here he is elegant dressing style. Capricious and demanding, alluring and inaccessible, refined and luxurious. But, you see, good, rascal! You immediately feel - "brand", and the text from the song comes to mind: "Dear woman, too expensive!".

It's easy to be stylish!— Website for women

Ten things for an elegant look. Each of us wants to be elegant and attractive, regardless of occupation and circumstances. At work, on a date, while meeting with friends in a city cafe and at a celebration - we always want to be irresistible. Is it that easy to do? Some will say it's impossible.

If fashion is fleeting and style is subjective, what is left for us? Classic? Or an elegant style of clothing that has stood the test of time? Just ten things will help you maintain the elegance of your image on top. What are these things?

How to create an elegant style in clothes

1. Coat

This is a classic attribute of a variety of styles: French, English and others, where at the top, first of all, natural beauty without outrageousness and elegance. Choose a coat of medium length, fitted cut. Natural materials are a must - nothing makes the look cheaper than synthetics. Of course, it is also practical, it can be worn, but it is far from true elegance. What you need to refuse: trendy colors, unusual cut and everything that fits into the word "too" - too short, too long, bright, defiant, and so on. The coat can be either with a belt in the color of the main product, or without it. The length of the sleeves should be standard - not three quarters, and not a short sleeve. To look elegant in it, choose a coat in sand, brown, beige. If you want a drop of spring and holiday, pay attention to coral, blue, yellow shades.

2. Scarf

A silk scarf, carelessly thrown around the neck, is so elegant in French style that one cannot do without this accessory. Try to match its shade so that the scarf fits not only with your new coat, but also with other clothes. For an elegant look, you will need one or two silk scarves, and one cashmere or wool for cool weather. How to choose a color? You can afford not only plain scarves of noble shades, but also colorful, with a pattern - this is allowed.

Closed, figure-hugging dress, the key to elegance in any situation. This dress needs no further introduction. Choose a dress that fits you in size, give preference to a medium length and lack of decor. The color, of course, should be black. Everything goes well with this dress. If you do not like this color or it does not suit you, pay attention to another universal shade - beige.

4. Pumps

How to choose the perfect shoes? They should be made of expensive quality leather, with a comfortable shoe, the heel height should be medium. Shoes with a small heel or without it at all, as well as shoes with a huge hairpin are excluded. Elegance is always the golden mean. The quality of shoes must be impeccable. You should walk easily and calmly in them, because painful calluses and elegance do not combine at all. Make sure that there are no decorations on the shoes: ridiculous gold buckles, rhinestones, and gaudy leather flowers. The color of the shoes can be black or beige. You can also follow the experience of Coco Chanel and get classic two-tone shoes. They combine black and beige, which will not only visually reduce the size of the foot, but also allow you to wear shoes with almost any outfit.

5. Clutch

This elegant piece is a must have in your wardrobe. Remember, it has to match your ensemble, and the best way to do this is to get a clutch that doesn't stand out. Choose a classic palette and a classic model.

6. Tippet or cape

This accessory can be made not only from textiles, but also from natural fur. A good cape will decorate your dress or other outfit. As with a scarf, you can choose intricate or bright colors, prints, but avoid trendy colors and aggressive prints such as animal skins (zebra, leopard, etc.). A cape and a stole are usually included in an evening ensemble, but an elegant piece is also suitable for everyday wear.

7. Gloves

What could be more elegant than gloves? All recognized ladies of the last century wore them, and continue to wear them now. Gloves can be not only made of dense fabrics, for winter or autumn, but also for evening dresses, or summer, for everyday wear. You should have several pairs in your wardrobe: matching the color of the coat, for an evening out match them with a sheath dress or a little black dress, and get lace gloves for the summer. Remember: gloves above the elbow are worn exclusively for a solemn event.

8. Thin leather belt

It will perfectly complement your look complete with a dress, trousers or a skirt. An elegant belt must match the color of the thing with which you put it on - no contrasting shades. High-quality leather, a modest buckle and the absence of shiny decorations in the form of sequins and rhinestones are the key to an ideal choice.

Elegant style attracts with the fact that it allows you to feel truly feminine. With a touch of royal dignity, intrigue, riddles.

Let's not talk about who it suits. Elegant style suits everyone. Is it possible to be elegant in today's world? How to dress smart every day? What are the nuances in the selection of clothes and drawing up images in this style? And how not to add to your age?

Is it possible to bring elegance into everyday life?

In ordinary life, elegance is often sacrificed in favor of the high speeds of modern life. But it is possible to look elegant every day. Let's highlight the main features of this style. For casual, there are a few simple recommendations. Stick to them if you choose this style.

1. Elegance is laconic femininity

In other words, Elegant style combines classic and feminine. The basis of such a wardrobe - clothing, classic styles and solid colors. These are dresses, trousers, skirts, jackets. Simple and even a little strict.

Femininity is brought by soft lines of cut, cutouts, non-standard cut - asymmetry, draperies, folds, smell, pleating, peplum. Soft lines are primarily needed in tops, blouses, accessories (stoles, hats, scarves)

Blouses and tops will add variety and color accents so that the image is not boring. For the same purpose, we add accessories.

Rule of accessories in elegant style:

2. Accessories - noticeable, but not numerous and always of high quality.

Without accessories it will be bland and too simple. Wear hats, shawls, stoles, snoods and scarves (which should also be used as headwear), straps, handbags, sunglasses and regular glasses, watches, jewelry.

The general mood is soft, gentle, romantic. Just don't go overboard with the flowers! Remember that Elegance is femininity that knows its worth. In this style, less is always better. One eye-catching accessory completes the look.

It is important to pay attention to those practical accessories that you use every day. Watch, glasses frame, umbrella, hair clips, phone case- this is what you will use, even if you do not like costume jewelry and hats.

Style them with these things! Choose quality. and feminine models.

When creating a basic wardrobe in this style, there is a great danger of looking older. Or old-fashioned, like from a magazine of the last century. If you want to make this style everyday, add fashion trends and more casual elements to your wardrobe.

For example, jeans. If all other items are kept in an elegant style, jeans will perfectly reduce the degree of pathos and you will look appropriate in any environment.

Shoes and bags will also help. Sports shoes today can also be elegant. And a backpack made of smooth leather will fit perfectly into this style.

The third rule of elegant casual:

3. At least one element in the image must be modern.

In trend! It could be:
- Colour. Keep track of what colors are in fashion right now.
- Materials. Dress made of suede fabric, leather. Unusual use of denim, for example for a light coat, dress.
- Trendy clothes.

Today, these are, for example, classic elongated vests, cut "godet", culottes.

Fashionable accessories. Hats, bags, scarves are also fashionable!

Modern jewelry. For example, pearls. He is very popular now. But now they don't wear it a la Coco Chanel. All this should be added to the wardrobe little by little, after the base has been formed. Unless, of course, you plan to completely update your wardrobe every season.

This applies not only to the Elegant style. If you have a quality basic wardrobe, you can implement almost any style without breaking the budget too much.

So, elegance for every day is:

Laconic feminine clothing
- bold accessories in this style
- careful addition of fashionable novelties to the image

Indeed, creating an elegant image is not difficult, knowing these subtleties. It is much more difficult to be elegant not only in clothes. I know that this style is chosen by those who internally feel feminine and are ready to tell the world about it.

Is it about you? Then, I hope my tips will help you and you can easily implement this style in your wardrobe! Some elegant looks from the items above for your inspiration.

Elegant style, like classic, is timeless. It is always relevant and independent of momentary ideas about beauty.

Initially, elegance was the prerogative of the upper strata of society. Its foundations were laid in aristocratic circles, where accuracy, restraint, impeccability in details, elegance, and high quality were highly valued. Elegant style today is the lot of educated people with great taste and a well-developed sense of proportion. A woman who is called elegant does not only dress concisely and restrainedly. She is the embodiment of inner dignity, self-confidence and, at the same time, delicacy. Arrogance and pressure, frivolous behavior and the desire to attract attention with an extravagant outfit are alien to her.

Elegant style: 3 signs of clothing

There are three conditions that an elegant woman's clothing must meet.



Impeccable cut, sharp lines and silhouette, strict proportionality, harmony of the entire composition of the costume - these are the components of an elegant image. Dresses and jackets, blouses and trousers should not look cheap, so you should give preference to things made from natural fabrics: cotton, linen, silk, wool. This does not mean that elegant style will cost a fortune. For those who cannot afford to buy things in sky-high expensive boutiques, we advise you to pay attention to high-quality clothes of European brands, which are sold at quite reasonable prices. Do not neglect the opportunity to order individual tailoring of wardrobe items.


Elegance is self-sufficient and does not need much support. Therefore, the cut of clothes is rarely complicated by all kinds of inserts. In this style, a thin stripe or a strict Scottish cage is allowed, animal prints are not particularly welcome at all.both fanciful details and a large number of accessories are excluded.

Business elegant style in clothes - one of the requirements that many companies impose on their employees. A business woman's wardrobe may include status accessories: a gold watch, an expensive briefcase or a bag made of reptile skin. In all other cases, do not forget that a clutch, gloves of any length, a scarf around the neck, a hat and even a romantic veil are attributes of an elegant style. It is better to refuse jewelry, at least in a working environment.


In general, the elegant style is based on the silhouettes of the classical form. It is also associated with lovers of polo, cricket, golf and tennis. Therefore, in the wardrobe of elegant ladies, along with office sundresses, trouser suits, plain blouses, pencil skirts, jackets and light cardigans, polo shirts, diamond-printed sweaters and tennis dresses are often present.

In this style, there is no place for jeans, tight tops and elements of demonstrative sex appeal. Vulgarity is the opposite of elegance. Super-mini, provocative necklines, outrageous cuts and transparent dresses have nothing in common with elegance.

Stylish images are built on the basis of restrained colors. elegance - pastel colors, gray, beige, brown, white, black, calm options for blue and green.

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French style is not just clothes - it's a way of life. This classic style is shaped by centuries of painstaking work of kings and fashion designers. It is the quintessence of taste and perfection. Despite this, the French style is refined and simple.

The French style of clothing is distinguished by its special charm and elegance. French women are always elegant and feminine, slightly dressed up, regardless of the time of day or place. This is because the French style is transmitted to them with mother's milk, they absorb it with every breath, so they follow it so easily and naturally. Everyone else just needs to understand this style and learn to follow it.

Features of the French style.

The basic wardrobe is the main highlight of the French style.

Femininity is always and in everything. A voluminous coat, jeans and a jumper, no matter what is worn, it should be matched to a set that creates a feminine look.

Simplicity. Clothing should be simple and concise.

Natural colors. The main wardrobe consists of things of calm, soft colors, practical and never out of fashion: black, white, gray, beige, blue, brown and pastel colors. Things of other colors are certainly present, but as an addition to the basic colors.

The fabrics from which clothes are sewn are natural: cotton, linen, wool, wool mixture, cashmere, tweed, denim.

The length of the products is mostly midi. Dresses and skirts of impeccable knee length. Pants are slightly shortened. Jackets, on the contrary, are elongated to the middle of the thigh.

A good cut of clothing is an important detail of French-style clothing. It should be on the figure, not very tight and not very wide, it should smoothly follow the lines of the silhouette and emphasize the grace of the female figure.

Shoes - like everything in French strength, simple, elegant and comfortable. An example of such shoes are ballet flats, which can be simpler, more comfortable and at the same time more feminine. Sandals and heels are a festive option. But sports shoes are not welcome, they do not correspond to the concept of feminine.

Accessories - as always make the image complete. Earrings, bracelets, French-style beads are used with extreme caution, there can be one accessory. At the same time, jewelry or jewelry should be inconspicuous, modest. But berets, hats, scarves, scarves and stoles are used very actively - they play the role of a bright accent in the image. Glasses are a special accessory of the French style in black or brown frames, they are worn in various forms at any time of the year. Watches are matched to different clothes in a special way, and are an integral part of the French style.

Make-up - preference is given to natural make-up, emphasizing natural beauty. To do this, use cosmetics in natural tones: shadows - brown, golden, gray; blush - pale pink or peach, lipstick can be coral or berry shade.

Hairstyles are simple and natural, hair can be simply loose, gathered in a ponytail or bun, laid in soft curls.

The basic characteristics of the French style are simplicity, elegance, femininity and quality. The French style is formed from a small number of expensive and high-quality things, seemingly quite simple, without too much brilliance and brightness. Based on these things, you can create various sets of clothes suitable for office work and evening leisure. The wardrobe of a true Frenchwoman is practical and thought out to the smallest detail - this is a real treasure that is just right to be inherited. Fashion is changeable and whimsical, but the French style remains invariably simple and refined.

Basic wardrobe items:

Vest - this term combines pullovers, T-shirts, T-shirts in blue and white stripes.

Turtleneck - black and white, tight-fitting from fine quality knitwear.

Chic trousers - slightly shortened, tapered trousers to the bottom.

Breeches - according to the figure, straight cut, 7/8 length.

Pencil skirt - strict, tapered to the bottom.

Little black dress - everyone should have their own: modest and strict.

Sheath dress - a feature of this model is the absence of sleeves and a collar with a round neckline, fitting the figure.

Cashmere coat - straight cut, knee length

Trench coat - the so-called raincoat, invariably double-breasted, with a turn-down collar and epaulettes on the shoulders, cuffs on the sleeves, with a yoke, there should be a slit at the waist and back.

Jacket - in the women's wardrobe, the men's jacket has become an indispensable thing that perfectly emphasizes the elegance of the female figure. It has a fairly standard cut - a straight or fitted silhouette, straight shoulders, with cuffs. Worn with any thing, whether it be a board, a skirt or trousers.

Pumps with stiletto heels are versatile shoes that perfectly complement dresses, skirts, trousers, even jeans. They make any look feminine.

Ballet shoes - with a contrasting cape, making the leg sleeker and smaller.

Handbag - small black, elegant.

Scarf - around the neck of a woman fluttering in the wind, just very French.

Beretik - goes well with any outfit, can be worn straight or shifted to the side.

Underwear - and it does not matter that it is not visible, it should be, because it is underwear that is beautiful and of high quality that gives a woman confidence in her own eyes, and even an imperceptible one makes a woman feminine.

The main thing is not to forget that the basic things are the basis of the French style, they must be of high quality and fit perfectly on the figure, otherwise that charming image will not work.

The laid-back and natural style of French clothing is so feminine that it is simply made for women. Simple and refined French style captivates with its practicality and balance of every detail. It is recognizable and loved all over the world - and gives the world French charm.

Elegance is a trait of queens and aristocrats. Accuracy, impeccability, restraint - these are the main qualities of their style. Anyone can become such, with some effort and cultivating a taste in himself.

Secrets of elegant style in clothes

Fashion is not mathematics. There are no exact formulas for creating the perfect image. It is important to show your individuality, show a sense of style, while being guided by simple rules:

1. Always well-groomed and impeccably fitting clothes. An elegant outfit should first of all be neat. Wrinkled, torn, stained or stretched clothing should not be worn. Worn-out heels, scuffs on shoes or a bag are not allowed. Elegance begins with confidence in every detail of your wardrobe.

2. Correctly chosen color. Elegance is not only formal suits in black and white. Other discreet tones are allowed. In a marine style, all shades of blue will look appropriate. The evening look will be complemented by rich noble colors. The main thing is to choose tones that match with each other.

3. The image cannot be completed without accessories. Properly selected details will complement any ensemble. But they should be concise, discreet, consistent with the image. Accessories and decorations should not be much. A classic clutch or a neat bag, gloves suitable for the occasion, a light scarf, a thin belt, a feminine umbrella - all this can be called elegant. But you will have to choose one, maximum two items. Of the jewelry, beads made of white pearls, elegant stud earrings are suitable.

4. You need to present yourself correctly. It is difficult to imagine an aristocrat without manners. A well-bred woman will not allow herself to be rude or vulgar. Arrogance also does not fit the elegant image. Straight posture, confident smooth gait, restraint, correct manners and speech emphasize elegant femininity.

5. Well-groomed is an integral part of elegance. No matter how stylish the outfit is, peeling nail polish or bad breath will irreparably spoil the image. You need to constantly monitor the state of your body. An elegant lady will not allow herself to go “in public” without makeup and with disheveled hair. But the make-up must match the situation. Nude style is perfect for everyday life. A brighter evening look means accentuated eyes or lips.

elegant clothes

It is not difficult to choose a wardrobe in the chosen style, if you refuse flashy colors and prints, excessive frankness, inappropriate negligence. Preference should be given to natural materials and classic styles.

Not only a business suit and a sheath dress look elegant. Casual and sportswear can also match the style. It is worth paying attention to aristocratic sports (tennis, polo, horseback riding). Light capris can be combined with a polo shirt. In cold weather, a knitted sweater or vest with a diamond pattern will be appropriate, and in hot weather, you can pick up loose shorts or a tennis skirt for relaxation.

The chosen clothes should correspond to the figure, create a strict, semi-fitted silhouette, have clear lines. Elegant style takes into account age, social status and environment. If every detail looks appropriate and beautiful, then the overall image will be harmonious and will remain in memory for a long time.

The life of every modern woman is filled with different events. In the morning, work begins in the office or studies at the institute, where everything is scheduled by the minute: seminars and lectures, important meetings, work with clients, negotiations with partners and other matters. The evening also portends to be eventful if you plan to visit a nightclub with friends and a corporate event. You always need to be on top!

If you can’t change clothes every time for the appropriate occasion, a classic style of clothing that goes without exception to all girls and will be appropriate in any situation can be a great option for you.

Elegant and business style

Creating a classic style of clothing is very easy. Most importantly, consider some rules and follow the principles of conciseness:

  • Fitted clothes. Lack of additional volume and large sizes. The outfit should be fitted, emphasize the figure successfully, with a spectacular and minimal decor.
  • Accessories. It is best to use no more than three silver or gold jewelry. Earrings should not go beyond the edges of the earlobe. It is desirable to decorate the neck with a string of pearls, a thin chain with a small pendant.
  • Makeup. Make-up, in accordance with the entire ensemble, should always be concise. Flashy bright colors are unacceptable. For lovers of red lipstick, in this case, it is better to give preference to peach soft tones.
  • Neat hairstyle. Natural hair color, combed smoothly hair, gathered in a ponytail at the back of the head, or a bob haircut is recommended.

The classic style in a woman's clothing should not include unnecessary elements. Any detail, whether it be clothes or manicure, should create a harmonious elegant image. It is this fact that makes it possible to "present" itself in a favorable light.

business conversation

Now about the most important thing. The word "classic" has Latin roots and is translated as "exemplary". Therefore, clothes in the classic style are proportional, representative and elegant. This allows you to create a business atmosphere, and also calls for restrained behavior. A business-style suit with an elegant duet is best suited for a working environment: a jacket with a pencil skirt or straight-cut trousers in gray, navy blue, white or black.

The "highlight" of the costume can be a silk or chiffon blouse, or a neat top. You can not use immodest cutouts and deep necklines.

Classic is considered a synonym for modesty, so there should be only a small hint of feminine graceful charms. Flawless and humble!

The jacket remains unchanged as an element of classics, however, fashion has some influence on its length and style. Therefore, a shortened spencer or a long cardigan can be used with equal success. You can use a blazer instead of a jacket. Also interesting is the blouson, which has a wide belt that can be tied with a bow.

The skirt should be almost knee-length - the length can vary one palm lower or higher. Dress fans can safely wear a sheath dress of the appropriate style. It can be supplemented with a jacket or jacket, which will create the necessary office mood. In a calm atmosphere in the evening, you can take off your jacket and accessorize the dress - the classic outfit is ready!

queen of whites

Relaxed and elegant, a little flirty and modest - a white blouse firmly holds the first position in a classic wardrobe. Combines well with trousers and a skirt, it will be a wonderful option for an evening out and for every day.

Girls with a slender figure can use a shirt-cut blouse with a hidden through fastener with buttons, or with a gathered peplum that focuses attention on the waist.

Young ladies who are more magnificent should choose a blouse with a loose fit and a turn-down collar, cuffs on the sleeves and small buttons. The fitted elongated blouse presents the figure in a new light. She, despite the fact that she looks like a dress, is not advisable to wear alone. As a duet, classic trousers or a straight skirt will successfully perform.

A small masterpiece in black

The wardrobe of a woman, thanks to Gabrielle Chanel, was replenished with a well-known option - a small black dress, appropriate for any situation. The classic black dress is a traditional sheath dress and other models in various cuts.

It can be an elegant dress narrowing downwards with a hidden clasp and a small neckline. In it, you can go quietly to the office to work, and in the evening, wearing stylish accessories, you can safely go to a banquet.

A knee-length dress with a V-neck and embossed seams that follow the contours of the body and fit perfectly will also look advantageous. A small frill at the bottom of the dress will add a touch of ease to the office look and will develop coquettishly to the beat of any movement.

Long live the colors

White combined with black is, of course, stylish and elegant. But the classics sometimes allow themselves small experiments. Black and white noble models are now considered fashionable and will look spectacular with skillfully selected multi-colored accessories.

For example, a white trouser suit with a thin strip will be successfully complemented: pumps of the same color, fuchsia top, elegant blouse. A blouse of olive, pale pink and pale blue is ideal for a black skirt. A jacket, a sheath dress of a turquoise hue, shoes to match coffee with milk and a handbag will look stylish and elegant.

A good addition to a black trouser suit will be: a matching bag, burgundy shoes with a heel.

Height is always in fashion

Classic is appropriate everywhere and always. Gone are the days when classics could only be seen on older women. Any modern girl is ambitious and purposeful, and classic clothes only emphasize her position in life, help to realize plans and build a career.

At an interview or a lecture, in an office room or in a college auditorium, in a nightclub or meeting room, with friends or at a corporate party, she is always impeccable, as her assistant is considered to be a "classic" - an invariable secret of good luck and a sign of perfect taste.