What gifts can not be given for a year. Symbol of the New Year - Red fiery rooster

New Year it will be more pleasant for you and your friends if everyone receives gifts. Find out what the Fire Rooster does not like and what is better not to give under the Christmas tree in 2017.

The Fire Rooster is the patron saint of 2017. And as folk proverbs say, how you meet the New Year, so you will spend it, so it’s better not to “anger” the symbol of 2017 and give the “right” gifts.

What not to give in 2017:

  • Images and sculptures of cats. A rooster is primarily a bird, and the cat family is a terrible enemy of birds. In 2017, it is not advised to give any items related to cats, but images of birds will have a beneficial effect on the energy of the person being presented (for example, pendants and paintings with this image).
  • Not the most the best gift in the year of the Rooster there will be a personal photograph. Such things are not presented either in frames, or in albums, or just like that. A photograph can be given, but not as a gift, but in exchange for something. To give your portrait, firstly, is indecent (immodest), and secondly, such a gesture predicts a quick separation.
  • Home textiles in cold colors. Generally warm blankets and towel sets have always been considered a good gift for the New Year, but in 2017 you should pay attention to the color. A gift of bright and warm colors will come in handy, but cold shades can bring bad luck in money matters.
  • Watch. This is an inappropriate gift, not only in the New Year 2017, but in general. Both wall and wrist watch- a symbol of the rapidly passing time. Gifted watches are considered a reminder of the transience of life. Such a gift will not bring positive emotions in the year of the Fire Rooster. If you yourself received such a gift, then, accepting it, say the following words to yourself: “I accept the gift, but I leave mine to myself.”
  • Piercing and cutting objects are clearly not appreciated by the Rooster. Melee weapons will be an inappropriate gift for the New Year. The energy of this fiery symbol is not combined with the energy of edged weapons, and therefore such a gift can violate the integrity of the energy of the person being presented.

Perhaps we should not be so superstitious and cross off certain things for ourselves from the list of possible gifts. But on the other hand, if a person believes in signs, they tend to come true. And it doesn't matter if it's magic, the laws of the universe, or just self-hypnosis.

When choosing a gift for a friend or family member, you need to consider the fact that your close person can believe in the mystical role of every thing, and some gifts can ruin his mood and shake his confidence. And we strive to give only pleasant emotions!

Joyful events, cheerful meetings and, of course, gifts. A few weeks before the celebration, we start a shopping run in search of the most the best presents for children, relatives, friends and colleagues. Even as a simple sign of attention, I want to choose and buy a gift that will make the recipient smile and feel the approach of the New Year.

Nevertheless, a situation often arises when, as a result, we buy another trinket that no one needs or accidentally offend a person with a gift that causes not the most pleasant emotions in him. Let's see what you should not give for the New Year 2017.

Before buying a gift, think: does the recipient need it?

What gifts should not be bought?

  • Young children absolutely do not want to receive practical, even very expensive things as a gift. Firstly, kids do not understand the concepts of expensive and cheap, and secondly, a new coat, boots, sweater, suit or dress is not an item that you can tell your friends about at school or kindergarten. In addition, you already buy things for your child every new season, so the baby will not feel like a holiday. The main principle that should be followed when buying is a lot, bright, entertaining. Let it be a scattering of small, inexpensive gift-toys, each of which can be opened and examined;
  • Teenagers are the most difficult category to choose a gift for. Vulnerable individuals who only form hobbies are rarely frank about their desires. A child of 12-14 years old will not be delighted with slippers, a pajama set, books or soft toys. Unless you know for sure about the desire of your child, who has been begging for a new tablet or laptop for a long time. If the child is a stranger, give him money in a beautiful envelope (by the way, this is what the Chinese and Japanese do), attaching sweetness to it. A teenager will always find where to spend money and will remember you with gratitude;
  • Girls should not give a ring if the guy is not going to propose marriage. The gift will be misunderstood;
  • Women do not need to buy cosmetics and perfumes if you are not aware of the preferences of the employee. The question of choosing the right shade of lipstick or perfume is so delicate that you should not even try to please;
  • Do not give any pots and pans to mothers, grandmothers and wives, unless you were directly asked to do so. Any dishes and household items are things used by all family members, and for the New Year you want to receive personal gifts with pronounced individual properties;
  • Colleagues or the boss will not appreciate the next stationery set. Also, do not give items from the joke shop - not everyone has a sense of humor that can take such a surprise;
  • Men have long been sick of gifts in the form of regular razors, sets of deodorant and shower gel, socks and other things. You can buy these things anyway in any supermarket, and without a festive occasion;
  • Don't donate medical devices. It is not worth giving a person a tonometer or any other thing that he may need to alleviate illnesses for the New Year. Who wants to remember once again on a holiday that not everything is in order with well-being?

Try not to give your loved one banal household items

What gifts will cause negativity in superstitious people?

Even in our dynamic time, when technical progress erases all conceivable horizons and reveals more and more secrets every day, many people continue to believe in omens. Even if they don't openly admit it. So that you do not get into an unpleasant situation, we will announce a list of traditionally prohibited gifts for the New Year and any other celebration:

  • candles, towels and slippers are items that are forbidden to give to the elderly. Many grandmothers in villages still associate these things with wires to the other world. No need to upset them with the thought that time cannot be turned back;
  • a watch is a thing that is not customary to give to loved ones; according to folk omens, this will certainly lead to parting;
  • sets of knives, penknives, scissors and other sharp objects among superstitious people are a sign that after a while you will have a quarrel, that is, you will be “on knives”;
  • mirrors, including pocket mirrors. A modern girl is unlikely to pay attention to some secret meaning of a gift, but an older woman will begin to interpret this as a negative omen, because a mirror is considered a guide to the world of spirits;
  • pearl jewelry, as a mother-of-pearl stone as a gift has long been associated with imminent tears and sorrows;
  • cats, dogs, hamsters and other animals. It is worth giving animals only if a direct request has been made. Making a decision about such a gift, if a person just regularly posts pictures of funny cats or cute puppies on social networks, is at least unreasonable. In the best case, a person who is not ready for the appearance of a pet will return it to you or give it to relatives, and in the worst case, will drive it out into the street or give it to a shelter;
  • handkerchief sets. According to signs, such a gift means that a person will spend the whole year in sobs;
  • wallets and purses without invested money - the gifted person will think that you want him to spend a year with an empty wallet.

Do not give gifts that correspond to bad omens to superstitious people!

What gifts are inappropriate in the year of the Fire Rooster?

When choosing a holiday surprise, you need to take into account the nature and preferences of the totem of 2017. We already know that the time of rule is coming - a bird proud, cocky, active, hardworking and infinitely honest. The symbol of the new year will definitely not like:

  • items that are frankly useless. A practical Rooster will not appreciate gifts in the form of figurines, candlesticks, photo frames and other rubbish, which is then covered with dust on the shelves or hidden in a distant drawer;
  • things that you already gave last year. The cockerel loves variety, and any gifted person will not appreciate the repetition of the surprise;
  • tricky stuff - joke gifts completely unsuitable for an honest and direct Rooster.

Finally, I would like to warn against buying gifts in the form of the totem of the year, regularly delivered to store shelves by hardworking residents of China. Numerous figurines of cockerels that will accumulate in each of us by the end of the festive period will definitely not cause joy. Unless you find an exceptionally elegant and beautiful figurine for a person who collects a collection of cockerels.

The New Year will be more pleasant for you and your friends if everyone receives gifts. Find out what the Fire Rooster does not like and what is better not to give under the Christmas tree in 2017.

The Fire Rooster is the patron saint of 2017. And as folk proverbs say, how you meet the New Year, so you will spend it, so it’s better not to “anger” the symbol of 2017 and give the “right” gifts.

What not to give in 2017:

  • Images and sculptures of cats. A rooster is primarily a bird, and the cat family is a terrible enemy of birds. In 2017, it is not advised to give any items related to cats, but images of birds will have a beneficial effect on the energy of the person being presented (for example, pendants and paintings with this image).
  • Not the best gift in the year of the Rooster will be a personal photograph. Such things are not presented either in frames, or in albums, or just like that. A photograph can be given, but not as a gift, but in exchange for something. To give your portrait, firstly, is indecent (immodest), and secondly, such a gesture predicts a quick separation.
  • Home textiles in cold colors. In general, warm blankets and towel sets have always been considered a good gift for the New Year, but in 2017 you should pay attention to color. A gift of bright and warm colors will come in handy, but cold shades can bring bad luck in money matters.
  • Watch. This is an inappropriate gift, not only in the New Year 2017, but in general. Both wall and wrist clocks are a symbol of rapidly passing time. Gifted watches are considered a reminder of the transience of life. Such a gift will not bring positive emotions in the year of the Fire Rooster. If you yourself received such a gift, then, accepting it, say the following words to yourself: “I accept the gift, but I leave mine to myself.”
  • Piercing and cutting objects are clearly not appreciated by the Rooster. Melee weapons will be an inappropriate gift for the New Year. The energy of this fiery symbol is not combined with the energy of edged weapons, and therefore such a gift can violate the integrity of the energy of the person being presented.

Perhaps we should not be so superstitious and cross off certain things for ourselves from the list of possible gifts. But on the other hand, if a person believes in signs, they tend to come true. And it doesn't matter if it's magic, the laws of the universe, or just self-hypnosis.

When choosing a gift for a friend or family member, you need to take into account the fact that your loved one may believe in the mystical role of every thing, and some gifts can ruin his mood and shake his confidence. And we strive to give only pleasant emotions!

Gifts are the most favorite component of any big holiday for almost every person. Everyone loves to receive gifts, especially for the New Year. However, there are many things that can be interpreted incorrectly or ambiguously. Our article will help you not to get into a difficult situation and not overshadow yourself and your family on New Year's Eve 2017.

What not to give a boyfriend or girlfriend for the New Year 2017

The first person you want to congratulate on such a long-awaited holiday is your soulmate. But not all new Year gifts will please your lover or beloved. Let's look at some simple tips, given by experts in etiquette, which should be followed when choosing a gift for a guy / girl. 1. To give an unmarried girl a ring (for any or even just like that) is interpreted quite unambiguously - as a marriage proposal. If you do not intend to enter into a serious relationship with your passion, then beware of such gifts. Better for the New Year 2017 - choose a bracelet, earrings or pendant. Having presented a ring / signet / ring to a young man, the girl also makes an unspoken proposal.
2. You should not choose a watch as a gift for your girlfriend or boyfriend. This is a symbol of parting, and long. In the old days, watches were left at parting, sometimes for life. Leaving your watch at home when leaving for another place was interpreted as unwillingness to return.
3. Another not the best gift for 2017 year of the Rooster becomes a personal photo. Such things are not presented either in frames, or in albums, or just like that. A photograph can be given, but not as a gift, but in exchange for something. To give your portrait, firstly, is indecent (immodest), and secondly, such a gesture predicts a quick separation.

See what kind of Rooster a guy and a girl will definitely like.

What can not be given to the elderly?

1. Bathrobes. At first glance, this might seem like a good option, especially for an older couple. But such a gift, according to the rules of etiquette, emphasizes the age of a person, indicates his advanced years. Such gifts are appropriate only for middle-aged people.
2. Slippers. No matter how beautiful the slippers or slippers you choose as a gift to your grandparents are, for an elderly person this is unpleasant gift. It refers to sad thoughts that you don’t want to think about on New Year’s Eve.

Forbidden Christmas gifts for men and women

1. Even as a joke, you should avoid gifts aimed at humiliating man's dignity: comic costumes, underwear, funds to increase potency, "special paraphernalia", intimate, etc.
2. If you want to congratulate a specific person, then do not make collective gifts. By choosing, for example, a juicer for the New Year and presenting it as a gift for the whole family, you will put the man in an uncomfortable position, because in fact, you didn’t give him anything.
3. Personal hygiene products, medicines (except vitamins), creams that have a “rejuvenating effect” or on which a specific age is written, floor scales, knives should not be chosen as a gift for a woman.

A few days left before the New Year, the symbol of 2017 is the Fire Rooster. The time for gifts is coming and each of us thought what can you give in the year of the Fire Rooster 2017 to your family, loved ones, friends and colleagues. Before making a gift and putting it under the Christmas tree, do not forget to take into account the requirements of the owner of this festive evening - the Rooster. and you can learn the advice of a fortune teller from another article on our website.

What not to give in 2017 Pethua

You can not give souvenirs in the form of cats, astrologers say. Remember that a rooster is a bird, and cats are the worst enemy of all birds. New Year's gift associated with cats or cats can ruin the whole year, making such gifts is not recommended. But the symbols, figurines, figurines with birds can bring good luck for the whole of 2017, especially if the red rooster itself is a gift.

Refrain from gifts in the form of cartoons and photographs. Such presents are personal portraits, which are simply indecent to give. There is a sign when a photograph is presented, it is believed that such a gift is a harbinger of parting.

Textile gifts in 2017

If you decide to give bed linen and blankets, towels, bathrobes, do not choose cold shades for a gift for the New Year 2017. In general, home textiles are ideal, but you should pay special attention to colors. It must be bright and warm color otherwise you may attract financial problems.

Sharp objects for the new year

It is impossible to give piercing and cutting objects (forks, knives, sabers, swords) for the New Year of the Rooster 2017. The rooster, with its fiery energy, does not combine with melee weapons in any way. Such a gift can destroy a person's energy background, unless you want to harm the giver.

Gifts over time

You can not give watches in 2017, as well as things that will be associated with the transience of life. If it so happened that such an unwanted gift was given to you, then, accepting it, say the following words to yourself: “I accept the gift, but I leave mine to myself.”