How to sculpt orchids. Sculpting a cymbidium orchid from polymer clay. Orchid. Cold porcelain

Just incredible orchids. I have never seen anything more beautiful)) It is in this color scheme I like them the most. Very realistic ... even more than :)

First, a few more photos of these orchids.

And here is the master class on sculpting orchids! Narration by the author.

2. I am often asked to what state it is necessary to boil the mass of HF. Therefore, I decided to start this MK with a photo of my mass.

3. I knead the mass on a table smeared with Nivea cream.

4. We get such a beautiful lump! And we begin to sculpt an orchid.

5. First, paint the HF mass in the desired color (I paint with oil paint). We make blanks for the cores of the flower. Let them dry for 2-3 hours.

6. In the file, roll out the HF layer and cut out just such a shape of the first petal (1 for each flower).

7. We make an imprint on the mold (not necessary) and peel off the edges with a sharp stack.

8. We roll the edges with a stack, making them wavy.

9. This is how we glue it to the core (the first blank). We give the necessary shape and dry for 3-4 hours.

10. Roll out and cut out the side petals (2 for each flower)

11. We make a wavy edge with a stack.

12. Glue to the left and right of the first petal. I put napkins between the petals to give shape and so that the petals do not stick to each other.

13. Similarly, we make 3 more petals for each flower, they are narrower and without a wavy edge.

14. Glue, also laying napkins between the petals.

15. We make a blank of an unblown bud and buds that will be in the leaves.

16. This is how the bud turns out.

17. Dried flowers and buds run in HF.

18. Roll out thin "strings" from unpainted HF, give them any shape and dry (these are future roots).

19. Coloring the HF in green color making leaves.

20. Glue the leaves immediately and do not dry much.

22. It looks something like this.

23. Then we take tissue paper (it is very similar to thin tracing paper, only thinner) We crush it and tear it.

24. And in a mess, glue the paper with liquid PVA glue. We dry and cut off the excess in an artistic mess.

25. Now coloring. I use ink and a pad, but watercolor paint will also work, which also needs to be applied with a sponge or sponge.

26. This time for decor, I used real mixture for orchids and covered it in a transparent Plastic container, adding roots from HF to it for realism.

27. Here's what happened.

28. Accents on leaves and flowers were finished with oil paint.

29. And here is the result. I hope that it was not in vain that I sat up to the night downloading this MK and it will definitely come in handy for someone! All success and good luck. If you have any questions, ask, I will definitely answer.

We will need:

white plastic
Pastel (optional)
Stack with a ball (or something like that)

I will sculpt pretty small flower, 19*14 mm for stud earrings, with larger size flower is easier to handle.

A little theory.
I apologize in advance to people who are competent in floriculture and botany, I’m a complete layman here, so I’ll pour incorrect terms right and left.

Phalaenopsis, as it seemed to me, has three types of petals, a total of 6 sh. 3 in the back row, 2 large side and one central, the most beautiful)

I'll start with the back three

We make a flat oval from a piece of white plastic, you don’t need to roll it thinly - these petals in the product are the basis of the whole structure.

On the petal we apply "meridians" converging at the top of the petal.

You should not be particularly zealous, this level of petals will be mostly closed.
For the lucky ones who have a special texture sheet for orchids, use that.

Now we cut the petal at an angle of 120 degrees (one third)
We repeat three times.

Everything that happened, we join the corners, smooth the joints. For strength and / or your own peace of mind, you can drop the gel.

We stick a small ball in the center. It has a technological function - it will help us to give volume to the flower.

Let's move on to something more interesting - two side lobes.
Flatten the plastic ball and pull out the "tail"

With a stack with a ball, you need to give the petal a concave shape. The main thing is not to overdo it, just so that it does not look flat.

It seemed to me that this was the most painstaking moment. So that nothing sticks to anything, you can use talcum powder.

It should look something like this:

Stripes can also be applied to these petals.

We attach the second level to the first three petals. This is where our little ball in the center comes into its own. We repeat twice.

Phalaenopsis has five monochromatic petals (white, pink, variegated), and the central one is all special, both in shape and color.
The next picture is not a Rorschach test at all, these are possible "sweeps" of the petals.

In height, it is about 2/3 of the entire flower, and more if desired.
I rolled out a layer of white plastic, cut out the desired shape, tinted it with yellow and pink pastels, then bent the upper ledges, blinded the lower ones together.

We connect five white petals and color. We bend the upper strip of the color behind the protruding middle, press it on both sides of the hidden ball (shown by arrows), on the contrary, bend the lower part away from the flower for volume.

As for the fittings, it is better to bake the product first. I planted on gel and baked again.
The minimum program is to send it to bake, there are strengths left - you can make a second one for symmetry. I got six in one and a half evenings.

It may look complicated, but in fact it took me about half an hour to make one pair of flowers.
Thanks to everyone who made it through to the end.
If at least one person needs a lesson, it means that the evening was not in vain.

I decided to make this Katleya brighter!

I am often asked to what state it is necessary to boil the mass of HF. Therefore, I decided to start this MK with a photo of my mass.

I knead the mass on a table greased with Nivea cream.

We get such a beautiful lump! And we begin to sculpt an orchid.

First, paint the HF mass in the desired color (I paint with oil paint).

We make blanks for the cores of the flower. Let them dry for 2-3 hours.

In the file, we roll out the HF layer and cut out just such a shape of the first petal (1 for each flower).

We make an imprint on the mold (optional) and peel off the edges with a sharp stack.

We roll the edges with a stack, making them wavy.

This is how we glue it to the core (the first blank). We give the necessary shape and dry for 3-4 hours.

Roll out and cut out side petals (2 for each flower)

We make a wavy edge with a stack.

Glue to the left and right of the first petal. I put napkins between the petals to give shape and so that the petals do not stick to each other.

Similarly, we make 3 more petals for each flower, they are narrower and without a wavy edge.

We glue, also laying napkins between the petals.

We make a blank of an unblown bud and buds that will be in the leaves.

This is how the button turns out.

Dried flowers and buds are run in HF.

We roll out thin “strings” from unpainted HF, give them any shape and dry them (these are future roots).

We color HF green, make leaves.

We glue the leaves immediately and do not dry much.

It looks something like this.

Then we take tissue paper (it is very similar to thin tracing paper, only thinner) We crumple it and tear it.

And in a mess we glue the paper with liquid PVA glue. We dry and cut off the excess in an artistic mess.

Now we color. I use ink and a pad, but watercolor paint will also work, which also needs to be applied with a sponge or sponge.

This time, for decoration, I used a real orchid mixture and poured it into a clear plastic container, adding HF roots to it for realism.

Here's what happened.

The accents on the leaves and flowers were painted over with oil paint.

And here is the result. I hope that it was not in vain that I sat up to the night downloading this MK and it will definitely come in handy for someone!

And this is the previous orchid

It all started with this book, which my daughter gave me on March 8th. In it, orchid drawings are made by the best botanical artists of the 19th century.

I decided to start with this variety: CATLEYA (and there are 250 drawings in the book and these are not all varieties ...)!

Flowers made in life size. And in general, I tried to blind as naturally as possible, and what came of it, you will tell me, dear masters.

On the other hand.

Another option.

Another angle.

I especially pored over this part, I hope it turned out not bad!

The roots are closer.

All success and good luck.

Orchid. Cold porcelain

In this master class you will learn how to make an orchid from cold porcelain. There are quite a few types of orchids and, accordingly, there are also many ways to sculpt them. Our version is a typical white orchid - phalaenopsis, which consists of: upper sepal, lateral petals, column (center of the flower), lips (lower petal, we have it red), lateral sepals (at the bottom of the flower). In one of our past we showed how to make .

Cold porcelain orchid. Materials and tools

For work you need:
  • sharp scissors;
  • rolling pin;
  • toothpicks;
  • tassel;
  • wire;

And, of course, you need porcelain, gouache and PVA glue. In this master class, we use the classic .

Cold porcelain. Master Class. Orchid

To begin with, we paint cold porcelain in green, yellow and red. The ratio of material and paint is shown below. We knead to a uniform mass. If you are satisfied with the resulting color, then we get to work. If not, add a little more paint and again knead it into cold porcelain. We achieve the desired color on the rise.

These are the colors you get:

To prevent cold porcelain from sticking, we treat all tools, hands and the work surface with cream.
Now we roll out the layer white color. We draw side petals on it and cut them out with scissors. We thread the pieces of wire into the petals, as in the photo.

Gently give the edges the desired shape and make them thinner (roll them out).

Now there is a huge variety of forms and prints for the manufacture of certain colors. If you have them - great, use them. I draw and cut out all the parts.
Next, we make the upper and side sepals. Just like petals: draw, cut, adjust. The top one is slightly larger than the rest.

The next step is to make a lip (lower petal). It takes a little diligence and patience. On a layer of red porcelain, we draw just such a "butterfly" and cut it out.

We bend it and leave to dry. So that the petal does not unbend, I built just such a design (treat the paper with cream).

We make the column as in the photo, first dip the tip of the wire into the glue.

For the lip, you will still need such a grain, which we will then glue with the help of PVA.

Orchid leaves are quite large and veined. We cut them out of a layer of cold green porcelain, pierce them with wire and leave to dry.

When all the elements have dried up (it takes about a day), you can form a flower. We will need a base wire (thicker than the one we used for the petals). We attach the petals to it (we wind the tip of the wire on the petal onto the base) - we start from the sepals and end with a column.

We make buds - two large white and one green - a little smaller.

We fasten the leaves and cover the stem with green porcelain.

Here it is finished sculpting orchids from cold porcelain. The most interesting thing left is to color the flower so that it looks more natural. We mix yellow and green gouache. The color should be light green.

We color the middle of the flower and the buds (leave the top of the bud white). Remember that the transitions from one color to another should not be clear. We put black dots on the bottom petal.

An orchid made of cold porcelain can be "planted" in a flower pot, put on a windowsill and delight passers-by)).

Orchid Phalaenopsis from cold porcelain

And what cold porcelain orchid did you get?)))

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Decorating cakes and other confectionery products is a very exciting activity. Most often, mastic is used for this, which takes any form, depending on the imagination and skill of the one who works with it. Let's learn together how to make noble orchids from mastic, which will become a real decoration of the festive table!

Modeling from mastic: the basics

At first glance, the creation of figures from mastic seems to be a difficult task, requiring certain skills not only in cooking, but also in needlework. Looking at photos of cakes decorated beautiful flowers, indistinguishable from the real ones, it is hard to believe in the possibility of doing the same with your own hands.

Mastic orchids are very similar to real ones

However, nothing is impossible if there is a desire and patience. Besides that, you will need:

  • mastic;
  • food colorings;

When buying tools for working with mastic, take special molds that can be used to cut petals.

You can easily prepare mastic at home from available products. We offer you several recipes.

Note! Mastic is an edible product, and orchids from it will not only decorate pastries, but also serve as an additional delicacy. Therefore, choose only fresh ingredients.

Philippine mastic

This snow-white mixture molds very well. For her you will need:

  • 900 g of powdered sugar;
  • 10 tablespoons of water;
  • 10 g gelatin.

Soak gelatin for an hour, heat in a water bath and cool. While it is still liquid, add the powdered sugar, while stirring the mixture thoroughly.

Instant gelatin is enough to simply dissolve in hot water, and, after cooling, knead with powder. You can make this mastic ahead of time as it keeps well for up to a week in a sealed container.

Beginning pastry chefs appreciate this mastic recipe for its simplicity. At the same time, the mixture turns out to be tasty, in addition, you can add lemon juice instead of water and even a drop of fragrance.

You will need:

  • 1.5 cups of powdered sugar;
  • 1 glass of marshmallows;
  • 2 tablespoons of water.

If you want to get colored marshmallow paste, use food coloring. Add liquid dyes during kneading (while reducing the amount of water), and gel dyes - to the already prepared mixture.

These are the simplest and most common mastic recipes. In fact, there are many more.

Sculpting tools

For such a delicate and filigree work, you will need the appropriate tools. You will definitely find a lot at your fingertips:

  • rolling pin;
  • small cookie cutters (sometimes they can be replaced with bottle caps).

But if you are engaged in modeling from mastic, then it is better to purchase special devices. Fortunately, now this activity is very popular, everything you need can be easily bought in a store or ordered via the Internet.

A set of tools for working with mastic can be purchased at the store or ordered online

It is very important to buy exactly what is sure to come in handy in your work, and not to buy everything in a row.

  1. A silicone mat is the most suitable surface for rolling mastic. In addition, it is convenient to sculpt figures on it. It is desirable that the rug be absolutely smooth. Its size depends on your preference. The main thing is that working with him is convenient.
  2. Special smooth rolling pin made of plastic. Wooden rolling pins often become rough and uneven with frequent use, and glass bottles can be awkward.
  3. To trim the mastic and cut out parts from it, roller knives-wheels are used. You will need a gear wheel and 3 types of knives:
    • large (you can use a pizza cutter as it);
    • small straight;
    • little wavy.
  4. Stacks are considered the most important and necessary tools when working with masks. It is better to take the whole set at once. If you buy selectively, then do not forget about the Dresden wand: you will use it all the time.
  5. Plungers (cuttings) - small forms for cutting out flat figures. Since we'll be making an orchid, you'll need drop, leaf, and petal plungers, or special cutouts in certain shapes.
  6. You will often need to cut circles of different diameters. In order not to look for suitable caps, buy a set of cutters.
  7. To make it convenient to glue parts and paint them with food coloring, buy brushes. Instead of special ones for working on mastic, which are expensive, you can buy regular ones. The main thing is that they must be synthetic (brushes made of natural wool or hair are not suitable).
  8. To roll the edges of the petals and leaves of the future orchid, you will need a soft mati or large cosmetic sponges.
  9. You may need a special kit to dry flowers. You can use candy boxes.

Tools for working with mastic (gallery)

Set of round cutters leaf plungers Stacks Roller knife-wheel straight Roller knife-wheel wavy Smooth rolling pin made of plastic Smooth silicone mat

Step by step master classes

So, you got acquainted with the basics of modeling, stocked up with the necessary tools. We will tell you how to make some very beautiful orchids that will be a real cake decoration.

Classic flower on a wire

Orchid from mastic looks like a real one

For such an orchid you will need:

  1. Take the mastic and roll it out thinly, like dough. Use a plunger to squeeze out the petals. They should be of three types:
  2. In order for the petal to take a rounded shape and acquire relief, press it in the center with a stack and slightly raise the edges.

    Shape and emboss the petal with the stack

  3. A petal with smooth edges and a sharp protrusion must be attached to the wire. Do this carefully: the wire should be inside the petal, and not stick out of the mastic.

    Attach a wire to a petal with smooth edges and a sharp protrusion.

  4. Make an indentation in the center of the petal. To be comfortable, hold on to the wire.

    Add volume with a stack

  5. Wrap the petal and make grooves on it, like a real orchid. The middle of the flower is ready.

    Decorate the middle of the flower by wrapping the petal and making grooves

  6. Attach a petal with a carved edge to the middle. Pin it with your fingers to secure it to the wire.

    Attach the second petal with carved edges

  7. At this stage, you can start painting. Dilute the dyes in small containers, such as plastic bottle caps. For a classic orchid, choose a few shades of pink and purple. Gently apply lilac paint to the edge of the petal and draw a line in the center. Do this lightly, with shading movements, picking up a small amount of dye on the brush.

    Start applying dye to the petals

  8. On the petal around the core, apply the spots characteristic of an orchid. Color in all other details. For clarity, you can keep before your eyes a photo of a real orchid. After that, collect all the petals into a flower and dry the finished product.

    Apply spots characteristic of an orchid


This beautiful flower incredible color will require you to be careful and attentive.

Orchid Cymbidium from mastic will require a little more time, but the result is worth it

So, you will need:

  • purple mastic;
  • clearings;
  • board or rug (with basting for veins);
  • rolling pin;
  • teip tape;
  • wire;
  • stack ball;
  • stack-bone;
  • dry dyes.

You can take special cuttings for orchids.

Special cuttings for orchids will make your work easier

And if they are not, then use homemade stencils.

You can make stencils for orchid petals with your own hands

Make a small ball, form a drop with your fingers and make a recess with a stack.

form an orchid

Make a hook at the end of the wire, thread it into a droplet. Dry.

Connect core to wire

In order to make petals, take a wire, “wind” a little mastic on it, lay it on a rug with basting for veins. Put some more mastic on top, roll it out and cut it out with a punch.

Make some petals using a veined mat

Give the petals relief with a stack, “fluff” the ball a little and leave to dry.

After giving volume and shape, leave the petals to dry

Now make the "lip" of the orchid, that is, the lower petal.

Roll out the mastic, cut out the petal, process the edges with a ball, creating light waves. You can do this immediately on the wire, or attach it later - as you wish.

Make the lower petal with wavy edges

Glue the "lip" with the first blank, dry it.

Connect the core to the bottom petal

When the blanks are dry, paint them with gel and dry dyes.

Color the blank with food coloring

Glue pistils from balls and strings to the core.

Glue pistils to the core

Now it remains only to collect the core and petals.

Gather an orchid flower

That's all, the sugar mastic Cymbidium orchid is ready!

Creating a Cymbidium orchid (video)

singapore orchid

This flower consists of many complex-shaped petals, so you should not make it with the help of improvised tools, such as a knife. Be sure to buy a special felling Orchid Singapore.

To make a Singaporean orchid, purchase a special cutting

In addition to cutting and mastic, you will need:

  • food colorings;
  • stack ball;
  • toothpick;
  • drying surface (foil is great).

Roll out the mastic with a layer of no more than 1 mm. First of all, cut a flower out of 3 petals. Gently iron the edges with a stack.

Cut out leaves with three petals, iron them with a stack

Do the same on the reverse side. After that, iron the leaves from the edge to the center so that they are slightly bent.

Iron with a stack from the reverse side, and then from the edge to the center

Lay the sheets out on foil and let dry.

Leave blanks to dry

Start cutting petals. There should be 2 of them for each flower.

Cut out the petals with a punch or cutter

Smooth the edges of the petals with a stack in the form of a ball.

Iron the edges of the petals with a stack

Leave the petals to dry, for example, on a wooden rolling pin.

Dry the petals on a wooden rolling pin

Cut out the center of the flower.

Making the center of the flower is the hardest part.

Carefully cut the tail with a knife.

Cut the tail and work the edges with a stack

Do the same with the remaining leaves. Walk over them in a stack to wrap them towards the center.

Walk through the leaves in a stack to give volume

Wait until everything dries.

Dry all parts

Now you can collect the orchid. Moisten the center of the flower with water.

To connect the parts, moisten the flower with water

Glue each leaf carefully.

Glue the leaves

After everything is glued, leave the flower to dry.

Leave the collected flower to dry.

The pattern of spots is conveniently applied with a toothpick.

Draw with a toothpick

Attach the center

  • make a small ball of mastic;
  • draw a strip along its surface;
  • attach to the center of the flower.

At the end, you can tint the orchid a little.

Orchid Singapore - a great decoration for baking


  • mastic;
  • dry food coloring, Plum color;
  • cutting and imprint "Orchid Phalaenopsis";
  • teip tape;
  • floral wire №24.

Materials and tools for making Phalaenopsis orchids from mastic are best purchased professional

Divide the wire into 5 equal parts with wire cutters.