How to make paper snowflakes on a new one. How to make a paper snowflake with your own hands, cut out New Year's snowflakes step by step. List of materials and tools for making a snowflake with your own hands from paper strips

Features of cutting snowflakes from paper.

Perhaps every adult at least once in his life cut out paper snowflakes and shared his skills with children.

In this article, we will consider the nuances of creating paper snowflakes and replenish our collection with new schemes and patterns.

How to cut snowflakes out of paper with your own hands in stages?

Paper snowflakes come not only with different patterns, but also with a different number of sides, for example:

  • five-
  • six-
  • eight-pointed

The steps for wrapping a paper sheet are slightly different for them. We will consider one option - creating a snowflake with six faces.

To do this, prepare:

  • plain paper sheet
  • stationery and nail scissors
  • pencil or pen
  • workplace at a table not covered with a soft tablecloth
  • fold the sheet into a triangle, connecting opposite ends. This will result in an extra strip, which is cut off with scissors.
  • fold the workpiece into a triangle again, fixing the opposite corners together
  • and for the third time bend the triangle according to the method described above
  • put the top corner of the triangle on its longest side and bend the workpiece. Trim the excess strip with scissors.
  • draw a pencil / pen drawing on a folded sheet on one side
  • cut it carefully with scissors
  • unfold the snowflake and decorate the room/window/tree with it

If you are comfortable with perceiving information visually, below is a step-by-step diagram for wrapping a sheet for a snowflake.

how to fold paper before cutting a snowflake

Beautiful snowflakes: patterns and patterns for cutting

paper cut snowflake template

Activate your imagination by viewing various patterns and patterns for cutting paper snowflakes.

finished snowflake and a pattern for cutting it out, option 9

finished snowflake and a pattern for cutting it out, option 8

finished snowflake and a pattern for cutting it out, option 7

finished snowflake and a pattern for cutting it out, option 6

finished snowflake and a pattern for cutting it out, option 5

finished snowflake and a pattern for cutting it out, option 4

finished snowflake and a pattern for cutting it out, option 3

finished snowflake and a pattern for cutting it out, option 2

finished snowflake and a pattern for cutting it out, option 1

How to translate the pattern for cutting snowflakes?

There are as many patterns for paper snowflakes as human imagination.

If you liked a particular picture and you want to copy it, then either:

  • draw a pattern on the workpiece by eye, approximately
  • print it out and draw it through carbon paper
  • print, cut, attach to the workpiece and circle

How to make a voluminous paper snowflake?

multi-colored paper snowflake

Volumetric paper snowflakes themselves are a pretty decoration that is hung on a thread from the ceiling or on a Christmas tree.

To make them, take:

  • paper
  • pencil/pen
  • ruler
  • stationery scissors
  • stapler

Manufacturing process:

  • fold a piece of paper into a triangle
  • cut off the excess strip
  • using a ruler and pencil, draw a line from the top of the triangle to its base
  • step back 3-5 mm to the right and left of this line and draw lines parallel to the sides of the triangle so that you get a herringbone
  • Lines should be placed at a distance of 5 mm. The wider the stripes, the less openwork the snowflake will turn out.
  • cut each line with scissors
  • turn the triangle into a square
  • roll the center of the sheet with a tube and glue
  • turn the future snowflake over and glue the next strip into a tube
  • turn the sheet again and do the same
  • repeat the work until the end of the strips

You have made one element of the future volumetric snowflake. Repeat the pattern 5 more times.

The final stage is the connection of the fragments to each other. Carefully fix the strips of each element with a stapler so that their most lush sides are located in the same plane.

step-by-step instructions for cutting a volumetric snowflake

Volumetric paper snowflakes: diagrams and instructions

beautiful voluminous white paper snowflakes

Volumetric paper snowflakes are made using different techniques:

  • origami
  • quilling
  • from stripes
  • with the addition of ribbons, buttons and any other materials for creativity

Each snowflake has a repeating fragment. This feature is used by beginners and professionals.

Instructions for creating a paper snowflake using the origami technique are inserted in the form of a picture below.

origami snowflake pattern

Make a three-dimensional snowflake from stripes according to the instructions. Take:

  • 6 strips of paper of the same width, 30 cm long
  • stapler or glue
  • paper clips

Your actions:

  • fold the strips crosswise in three pieces and twist them together to form a square in the center
  • fasten the place of weaving with paper clips or a stapler
  • connect the extreme ends of the strips together to make petals. You will get 4 petals and stripes
  • do the same with the other six strips
  • lay one blank on top of the other at an angle of 45 ° and connect the free edges of the strips to make the snowflake look like a three-dimensional flower

Photo instructions are attached below.

instructions for creating a three-dimensional snowflake from paper strips

If you decide to diversify paper snowflakes with which to decorate your home or office, pay attention to the fan technique. It is easy to perform and looks interesting when completed.


  • 3 sheets of paper
  • scissors
  • stapler or glue


  • fold a sheet of paper into an accordion shape and fold it in half
  • repeat these steps - twice more
  • cut out the patterns at the ends and in the middle of the blanks
  • fasten the accordions by the extreme parts with a stapler or glue
  • decorate the center of the attachment, for example, with a small paper snowflake or a wide ribbon bow
  • attach the thread and hang where you planned

Briefly, the scheme for creating a paper snowflake using the fan technique looks like this:

scheme for creating a paper snowflake in the form of a fan

Origami snowflakes: photo

snowflake made in origami technique

To wake up your imagination, here are some photos of finished paper snowflakes made using the origami technique.

origami snowflake, photo 1

origami snowflake, photo2

origami snowflake, photo 3

origami snowflake, photo 4

origami snowflake, photo5

origami snowflake, photo 6

So, we looked at different techniques for cutting snowflakes out of paper, as well as diagrams and photos of finished products for inspiration. Save the ones you like for fun activities with the kids on the cold winter evenings before the New Year.

Beautiful do-it-yourself paper snowflakes: ideas, photos

Paper snowflakes look interesting and beautiful if you take not just a white sheet of paper, but a colored one. Then a specific pattern plays with new facets and harmoniously combines with the interior or children's drawing.

samples of beautiful handmade paper snowflakes: photo 1

beautiful paper snowflakes, photo 2 beautiful paper snowflakes, photo 6 beautiful paper snowflakes, photo 10

Video: how to make beautiful paper snowflakes with your own hands?

Good afternoon, today I am uploading the largest article on in a variety of ways make a snowflake with your own hands. You will see snowflakes made today in different techniques from those cut out of paper to those molded from liquid caramel. You will see beautiful craft snowflakes - woven from beads, molded from dough. Will be many interesting MASTER CLASSES on snowflakes(glue, bead, paper). You will definitely find here an idea for your homemade snow art. Making snowflakes with your own hands is easy and pleasant at home - feasible ideas for snowflake crafts with kids and smart ideas for adult creativity.
So let's see what we're going to do today.

  • Cooking snowflakes (from dough, from caramel, from corn balls)
  • Snowflakes from recycled material ( toilet paper, from threads and glue)
  • Snowflakes in a twist quilling technique(with elegant decor
  • Snowflakes made of plastic bottoms of bottles and children's thermo-mosaic)
  • Snowflakes from natural material(from ice, wood)
  • Snowflakes from felt, crocheted and woven from beads.

That is, there will be a lot of interesting things. So...let's get started.

PAPER SNOWFLAKES for interior decor.
how to do it yourself.

Let's start with paper ideas to create snowflake crafts. And it's not just cut out of thin paper ... now I'll show you 3D snowflakes, in the technique of origami, in the technique of twisting-quilling and cardboard rolled snowflakes.


(openwork beauties and crafts from them).

Snowflakes can be ordinary FLAT ... when made of paper roll-triangle... a pattern is cut out on it ... a triangular fold is unfolded and an openwork snowflake and paper are obtained, in which the circular symmetry of the pattern.

Lots of ideas and carving patterns of openwork paper snowflakes I will describe in a separate article (so as not to clutter up this page). And then there will be a link to it.
Because paper snowflakes can be made NOT ONLY using the OPENWORK CUTTING technique. And you will see for yourself now.

As you can see in the photo above, paper snowflakes can not only be glued to windows (as in childhood), they can be used to decorate gift packages, postcards, trees by the porch, ribbons hanging from the curtain rod.

And from paper snowflakes you can do Christmas wreaths on the wall. A wreath of simply white snowflakes looks very gentle and beautiful ... and it’s very good if you choose another color (red or blue) in a pair of white.

It is these delicate snowflakes that I teach to cut in a special article.

Others can be made from paper snowflakes silhouette wall hangings- for example christmas tree silhouette. And with the light hand of an unknown author, I learned the idea of ​​​​how to create snow-white figurines of ballerinas in a paper snowflake skirt. Dancer silhouette also cut out of white paper ... and make a larger central hole on the snowflake - so that it fits.

And you can also add such a Christmas wreath of paper snowflakes LED Christmas garland.

The photo below shows that this requires a wire frame - but this is optional. You can simply cut out a ring of their cardboard, wrap this ring with a garland - and then with tape (with double-sided Velcro) glue the carthorn ring with openwork snowflakes from thin paper.

And snowflakes are cut out of thicker cardboard or felt. and hang them on trees. Naturally, you don’t need to fold the cardboard into a triangular wrapper - we just transfer the outlines of a thin paper snowflake onto the cardboard, circle it with a pencil and cut it out. And then you can decorate a paper snowflake with a pattern.

SNOWFLAKE WITH GLUE PATTERN- to make the pattern convex-contour, you can simply take a jar of PVC glue, which has a thin nose and squeeze the pattern onto the plane of the snowflake (as in the left photo below).

SNOWFLAKE WITH A PATTERN FROM COTTON STICKS. You just need to take cotton buds and cut off the cotton tops from them (slightly smooth them with the same glue) and attach them in the form of a pattern on a cardboard cut (as in the right photo below).

(multilayer, fan and origami crafts)

And here are some more ideas for layered snowflakes . The principle of the craft is simple- cut out snowflakes of different sizes from thin paper. We translate their contours onto thick cardboard - cut out the silhouettes of cardboard snowflakes.

We take a piece of foam (the one that insulates the cracks on the windows is suitable, you always have the remnants of such material at home) and cut a few small pieces. These plump little squares foam we use as spacer between cardboard layers snowflakes.

And you can in our paper snow creativity add some ORIGAMI principles. That is cut paper modules - bend them in such a way that you get FIGURED RAYS and lay out the rays in the form of a snowflake on a round base (attaching them to the base with glue).

Or collect cardboard 3D- a snowflake of two stars cut out on thick cardboard. Each star has vertical incision - between the legs. And cardboard stars put on each other this incision (see the photo of the snowflake above) is very easy to do with your own hands.

Schemes and master classes for creating these snowflakes (pictured above) - in the article

Also you can do snowflake crafts like a paper fan. They just look complicated, but are made very simply. I even found a tutorial. Very simple.

Below I give a scheme for assembling such a voluminous paper snowflake. You can see for yourself what simple steps this has master class on assembling a fan paper snowflake. A simple craft that is easy to make at home with the kids.

Moreover, the edges of such a snowflake accordion can be pre-curly(as in the photo below).

You see, when we were drawing our accordion model, we came up with make some of the teeth on the paper harmonica higher than the rest- in the form of a three-leaf peak.

Such a FAN SNOWFLAKE can be made from MUSIC PAPER ... and additionally decorate with Christmas tree branches, pieces of shiny tulle rags and pictures cut out from a postcard. Like in the photo below. It turns out whole piece of art with your own hands - you can stick it on a gift bag. Or hang it from a loop on a Christmas tree.

Snowflake from ROLLS of toilet paper

THREE CRAFTS with your own hands.

And you can also make a beautiful snowflake from toilet paper rolls. Here's how to do it yourself. toilet paper roll squeeze a little and cut it into rings. Each crushed ring lay symmetrically in a circle in the shape of a snowflake.

Such a paper snowflake can be painted red and sprinkle with glitter for nails.

And pay attention to the photo below, that inside the rays-rolls there are more a few smaller paper rolls.

Toilet paper rings can be cut very thin and tie them up bundle in a circle(stretch the thread and pull it into a bun). It will turn out such an air miracle as in the photo below. Paint everything with white paint and sprinkle with silver sparkles.

And even if you don't have toilet paper rolls, you can make a snowflake. from ordinary white sheets of office paper(cut into strips and twist them into rings different sizes ... And then from these rings collect rays of snowflakes... and then collect and glue all the rays together - and you get a paper snowflake as in the photo.

Paper snowflakes - using the QWILLING technique.

(photo of the best options)

You can also make paper snowflakes with your own hands - IN THE QUILLING TECHNIQUE. For this you need from thin strips of paper wind the FIGURED flagella.

It's easy. I just wrap the strip around a toothpick (or a special pin for quilling), and then remove the twist (weaken it to the size we need, smooth it with my hands, giving it the desired shape ... and fix the tip of the twist with glue).

Make many twist modules of different shapes and assemble them quilling snowflake. You can practice at home with your children to make such a paper snowflake craft. Children will be happy to twist the modules and fold the snowflake pattern.

Such a paper snowflake-craft using the Quilling technique can be made from colored paper. This is even more beautiful. Air lines and clear color spots. And opportunity decorate the anchor points of the pattern bright rhinestones. Here we get such multi-colored snowflakes crafts.

A snowflake made of red and white paper looks beautiful. If you plan to meet and decide to dress up the Christmas tree in white-red colors, then such paper snowflakes will help you save on the purchase of Christmas decorations. They can be made in the same color scheme but different in shape and size.

Snowflake caramel craft.

Take candy canes white (milk) and red (for example, barberries). We put them in different saucepans, pour water on the bottom (so that the caramel does not burn) - and put on fire. Our task melt caramel until liquid. When the caramel becomes liquid, we will make snowflakes out of it. We take a sheet of foil for baking(smooth, not crumpled) - put it on the board. And on this metal sheet we draw snowflakes with liquid caramel - pour in a thick stream(it is more convenient to pour from a hot gravy boat with a spout). We cool and get caramel-glass snowflakes - such crafts can be hung on ribbons by the window and let them play, the rays of the winter sun sparkle.

And you can also just string pieces of marmalade on the wire and also get an interesting snowflake. Or glue a snowflake out of corn balls. Kids will love this Christmas craft. It is more interesting and tastier than paper crafts.

Do-it-yourself snowflakes - from pasta and glue.

And the children will also like these New Year's pasta crafts ... When we take pasta of different shapes, we put them in a snowflake pattern on paper - and then neatly one after another glue them with barrels. This pasta snowflake can be painted with gold paint

Also, pasta can be glued to round pieces made of cardboard or canvas paper so that they have a solid base for gluing.

How to make a snowflake craft FROM THE DOUGH.

And here is a master class on how to make a snowflake out of dough. We make dough for cookies and squeeze out a symmetrical circular pattern with ordinary molds.

You can cut a snowflake salt dough. Squeeze out with foam. And if there is no such snowflake mold, then you can do it in an artisanal way - put it on the dough cardboard figurine snowflakes and circle it with a knife along the contour.


(beautiful DIY crafts)

I found several examples of New Year's crafts made of plastic with the image of snowflakes. Let's take a look at them now - for sure you will choose a method for yourself.

Model 1 - snowflakes from the bottoms of a plastic bottle.

We take a plastic bottle from mineral water - it is just made of bluish plastic - that is, it has a beautiful snowy tint. What we need.

Cut off the bottom with scissors or a file. On it we draw the outlines of a fluffy snowflake with white or blue paint. And we drill a hole - through which we pass the ribbon-hanger. A good craft to work with the children is that you saw bottles (a regular knife works well), and the children draw a snowflake pattern.

Snowflakes with their own hands from transparent plates.

And you can thick transparent plastic sheet cut out neat stars and decorate them in the center with a snowflake pattern. You can take plastic from old packing boxes with transparent display side. Another sheet of plastic can serve transparent kitchen table mat. Or a thick clerical folder is also suitable for business. We get a beautiful New Year's craft with our own hands.

Snowflakes made from caps.

Even plastic bottle caps can serve as a great New Year's decoration for your apartment. They can be glued to a piece of cardboard or plywood, and then cut along the contour. Or attach the lids to each other with glue from a glue gun.

Snowflakes-crafts from thermo-mosaic.

And you can also take an ordinary children's thermo-constructor - with such bubbly - you string them on pins, making a pattern, and then bake them in the microwave or oven - and you get a whole craft thing. In our case, we lay out the snowflake pattern and get the author's patterned beauty made of plastic, made with our skillful hands.

Snowflakes from GLUE and THREADS

Three easy crafts for kids.

And in this chapter of our article, I have collected THREE IDEAS on how to make a snowflake WITH GLUE, where it is the glue itself that will be the main material snowflakes. Let's take a look at these methods - they are all simple and easy to do with your own hands in normal home conditions.

MASTER CLASS No. 1 - a snowflake from a GLUE GUN.

The method is simple on a sheet of polyethylene with a glue gun we apply a pattern of a snowflake. Let dry and cover with glitter.

MASTER CLASS No. 1 - a snowflake made of glue on a thread frame.

Very beautiful snowflakes translucent and delicate. Now you will learn step by step how to make such a craft with your own hands.

STEP 1 Draw a snowflake on a sheet of paper - the pattern of a snowflake can be anything - but with one obligatory condition - the drawing must be FRAME - so that there are closed cells (for which, you will now understand).

We cover the sheet with the pattern with a thick film (or simply put this sheet inside a plastic office file).

STEP 2. And now, according to this pattern, we lay a thick thread (from any suitable yarn for knitting). To make the thread easy to fit into the shape, it needs to be moistened - but not in water, but in PVA GLUE. Wet thread will easily take the shape we need. And it will harden-harden in it due to the drying of the glue.

STEP 3. Now (without even waiting for our thread frame to dry) we will fill the snowflake cells with glue. Directly from a tube pour inside- do this puddle, the sides of which are thread.

And so that the filling of the glue was not white, but colored - it can be mixed with paint. We take a drop of gouache on the brush and knead it in our glue puddle, right in the snowflake cell.

We do this - with each cell - leaving empty cells between them. And we carefully place our sheet dry out of the reach of children. Let it lie there for a couple of days - so that everything dries well.

When the snowflake dries, it will be already easy to separate from polyethylene and hang it by a string on a window or on a Christmas tree. But better on the window - as the light will beautifully penetrate through the blue glue cells of the rays of the craft snowflake.

And here is another good way to make a snowflake out of glue and thread with your own hands.

MASTER CLASS No. 3 - a snowflake made of sewing threads and glue.

We need a sheet of polyethylene - glue and white bobbin threads.
On a sheet of paper - make a round puddle of glue- the size of the puddle should match the size of the silhouette of the future snowflake. That is, first we cut out our cardboard snowflake template and then we make a puddle of glue, which is commensurate with this snowflake silhouette.

Further, on this puddle of glue, we RANDOMLY LAY the thread - we put it and put it, as it fits - in several layers - in different directions. And dry the whole puddle. And then when everything is dry - we take this round thread adhesive plate... we apply a snowflake stencil template to it - and cut it out along the contour. We get a beautiful elegant snowflake craft made by ourselves.

DIY snowflakes


You can make a snowflake from the material that nature gave us. It can be knots from chopped tree branches.

You can make a snowflake from the remnants of lumber brought from the country.

You can make snowflakes from straw and thread - as shown in the photo below. If you look at the photo, you can see how to do it all

Better yet, I’ll draw and write you step by step how to make one such snowflake. And it will become more clear.

Also you can do snowflakes-crafts from ICE. Take a few glasses and freeze ice in them (pour water and put them in the cold. Take the ice out of the glasses and draw a snowflake on each with paints and melt a hole with a hot carnation. Work is best done in a cold room on the street - so that the ice does not melt. And then they can beautifully hang windows along the eaves - from the opposite side of the street, or on a tree near the gate ... or under a canopy over the porch.Let them hang and tinkle in the wind.

How to make snowflakes out of felt.

I have . Very large, and there are many ideas of what decorations can be made for the Christmas tree from bright felt.
And of course you can cut snowflakes out of it. Made from thick felt just cut out the contours and the snowflake will keep its shape. From thin felt the snowflake must be glued to the base-base.

But PETAL snowflakes - they are made very easily with your own hands. Now you will learn how...

Round piece of felt cut DIAGONALLY in a circle- like pizza in pieces - we get something like flower petals. Each petal loading sharpening along the edge(any pattern - a scar or pipette).
And then at the very root, each petal is SEALED-CONNECTED - that is, we press the blades of the petal against each other and sew them together with threads. Getting a Petal Snowflake from felt - we decorate it with oval beads or long glass beads.

And here is a model of a snowflake, which at first was flat - and then it was made three-dimensional by carving and bending. And decorated with large rhinestones and a small textile decorative flower.

From felt snowflakes, you can make beautiful Christmas craft wreaths.

SNOWFLAKES made of beads.


Well, finally, the turn came to snowflakes from beads. Very pretty things. And most importantly, they are created very quickly - it takes a beginner 30 minutes to create such a snowflake. I checked myself - last week I wove just such a BLUE SNOWFLAKE - weaved without a pattern from this photo(made of gold and white beads with bronze glass beads - it turned out gorgeous). For the first time in my life. And everything got. Weaving not on a fishing line, but on wire- large snowflakes should be woven exactly like this - with wire - so that the rays keep exactly to the sides.

The alternations of large long beads and small granular beads look beautiful - in ONE COLOR. Especially beautiful are homemade snowflakes made of beads and beads, made in a snowy dazzling white color.

Beads look nice their clear crystals. It turns out a crystal icy snowflake - just like a real one, made with your own hands.

And here is a MASTER CLASS on weaving snowflakes from beads. In the detailed photo instructions, we see each step of the lesson on assembling a snowflake from blue beads. And it immediately becomes clear that making such a snowflake with your own hands is quite simple and easy. Try it and everything will work out. Only six large beads are needed - the rest are ordinary beads.

And here's another master class of weaving a figured snowflake from beads of different colors. The red arrows show the movement of the beads through the beads - either through passages through the previous row, or new layers of bead rows and stitches through the first tier of the pattern.

And here are some more diagrams ... IN THE FIRST SNOWFLAKE, the rows are shown in different colors - so that the sequence of weaving is clear. And IN THE SECOND, you have to look closely and figure out for yourself what follows what.

And here are examples of snowflakes in which the START OF WEAVING IS THE SAME - that is, you see that the central part of three snowflakes is the same. We start weaving according to one pattern for all, and only then add different patterned rays, as you like.

Here are examples of snowflakes in the assembly of which more are involved and long tubes of glass beads. The pattern of weaving such a snowflake-star is understandable even from a photograph. But if not, write in the comments, I will draw a step-by-step picture and post it here.

Such beaded snowflakes can become designer earrings.

Or wicker snowflakes can be a decor for a New Year's ball. Also, as you can see, original and beautiful.

Here are some DIY ideas. I poured a SEA OF SNOWFLAKES for you today - whole drifts of snowy ideas. Choose any for your home New Year's joy.

Happy crafts.

Happy New Year.

Happiness to your Home and Family.
Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
If you like our site, you can support the enthusiasm of those who work for you.
Happy New Year to the author of this article, Olga Klishevskaya.

Decorating your home for the holidays is not an easy task, but nothing is easier if you figure out how to make a snowflake out of paper - such decor looks attractive and has been relevant for many years. Moreover, you can make not just ordinary flat decorations, but also voluminous ones. By the way, they can be used in interior design, a festive table, or even decorate a Christmas tree with them.

Traditional garlands made of paper leaves have been cut out for several generations, this is the most popular type of decor. It is best to get the whole family together and do this activity - so you can have a good time and make snowflakes with your own hands - with different designs.

Traditional decorations are obtained by folding the sheet six times - you can see the patterns of snowflakes. However, if you want to get a more sophisticated decor, you should not dwell on the classic options, it is quite possible to fold the leaf any number of times - so the snowflakes for the new year will turn out to be diverse.

What you need in order to make paper snowflakes yourself:

  • paper - plain office white paper is suitable, as well as an album for children's creativity. Particularly dense varieties like watercolor should not be taken - such a blank will not be very easy to bend and cut.
  • craft knife and stationery scissors - directly for cutting. If you plan to make paper snowflakes with your kids, make sure they have scissors with rounded ends.
  • pencil and eraser - for marking and patterning on the workpiece.

Several ways to create

How to make a beautiful paper snowflake if you have never done it before? You can go through trial and error if you have enough time and enthusiasm. Fold the sheet in any way convenient for you, and then pick up scissors or a clerical knife.

This video shows 3 ways to fold paper to cut out snowflakes:

draw a pattern and cut it out correctly:

If you do not mind bending, then you can use nail scissors. First of all, you need to make a beautiful edge for your future snowflake - you can simply cut it with a smooth line, cut out ice crystals or even a few cloves. It all depends on your imagination.

Then you need to cut through the main decorative elements - they can be abstract or quite logical - for example, the herringbone pattern looks beautiful. After you cut out the main elements, add small ones - it is more convenient to make them with a clerical knife (you can put the blank for this on a special paper cutting mat or on a pile of old newspapers or magazines - this will help save the table).

Then the workpiece needs to be smoothed out. A few attempts will help you navigate and decide on the design.

If you don’t understand how to fold paper, then you can use the simplest way - fold the paper sheet in half, then one more time - a diamond will come out. Fold it again to make a triangle - the corner where the most folds will be the central part, and the free sides - the edge. You can look at addition schemes to get elements with any number of rays.

A colored paper snowflake looks impressive - especially if it is double-sided colored paper with glitter effect. By the way, the finished snowflake can be decorated with decorative glitter glue.

Try to fold paper for a snowflake according to one of the patterns and cut something of your choice, and if you don’t like the result, you can always print a beautiful pattern and make snowflakes with your own hands from paper or a blank.

How to cut big beautiful snowflakes?

Download large paper cut snowflake patterns or check out beautiful snowflake stencils.

More volume

If you want to understand how to make a three-dimensional paper snowflake, then you first need to define the terms. Volumetric can be either an ordinary form, which was folded after cutting and fixed in such a way that it turns out to be corrugated, and a structure that is made of several elements.

The most spectacular look are beautiful huge snowflakes (larger than an A4 sheet), which are assembled from several fragments. Making a big snowflake without an assembly diagram is very difficult, you need to have good spatial thinking. To understand how to make each element and figure out how a three-dimensional structure is obtained from it, it is better to watch a short and understandable master class.

The best do-it-yourself voluminous foil and paper snowflakes are obtained when you follow inspiration and at the same time look at the working scheme of the assembly.

Do you want to figure out how to cut paper snowflakes with an unusual design in the form of Einstein's head or with symbols from the Game of Thrones? You will need snowflake templates to cut out - follow the instructions and you will get exactly the same result as in the image.

If you are confident in your own abilities, then you can try to draw your own stencils for cutting - first we fold the sheet as many times as necessary, then on one side we draw a drawing of what should be the result and cut it out.

Such decorative elements can decorate an apartment or a Christmas tree, and they can also be used at a party - of course, if it is in the spirit of a popular fandom. However, you can go the other way and not print the finished design, but study the step-by-step master class and figure out how a folded triangle of paper turns into familiar symbols and faces.

Try cutting paper snowflakes using the cutout templates.

Unusual voluminous paper snowflakes can be made in another way - for example, using the quilling technique. You will need strips from which you will twist the spirals and glue them together.

Use a ready-made idea with a photo or video, or come up with something of your own. To make voluminous beautiful snowflakes from colored paper with your own hands - watch step-by-step lessons and you will learn how to make unusual snowflakes from paper and colored foil looking at the cutting patterns.

However, if you like to cut, you have a good knife for paper cutting, then you can do fan snowflakes with your own hands. This is a complex structure with an interesting design, which is assembled from several layers - like a children's pyramid. Each layer consists of sheets of paper folded like a fan, on which fancy patterns are cut.

Here's what a large voluminous snowflake can be made from two sheets of paper folded like a fan:

A paper fan made in this way is glued with three or four of the same fans - this will be the largest circle. By the way, you can make it quite dense, without a large number of openwork elements, or take sheets of blue or blue color for manufacturing - subsequent layers will shine through and the product will really glow with blue light.

The next paper circle is also made from fans, but already smaller, you can change the depth of the fold and pick up an interesting pattern. This is how several layers are made in stages - do not do too much, 3-6 layers will be enough.

To assemble a snow globe, you will need a drawing - you can print it out or come up with it yourself based on the master class. All that is required for this product is to figure out how many elements you will assemble your ball from, and how you will fasten the elements together (the easiest way is to glue them), and then prepare a template for one such element.

Now you know how to cut New Year's snowflakes and can even bring a little winter decoration and comfort to your home even in the hottest summer.

Today we will show you how easy it is to make beautiful snowflakes on your own to decorate an apartment, house or office for the New Year. Cutting them using the example of the schemes and templates given here will not be difficult even for a beginner!

What is needed first of all is to choose the right color and thickness of paper. It will be much easier to make snowflakes from thin paper: it can be easily bent and cut without much effort.

Of course, you can use blanks made of thick paper. But then instead it is better to take a sharp knife or scalpel to prevent the edges of the paper from moving. For most of us, cutting with scissors is more familiar and convenient: even ordinary hairdressers are suitable for making perfectly even contours. And small details are best done with miniature scissors for manicure.

It is worth deciding in advance on the size of the paper. The best option in most cases are A5 sheets (this is half of the usual A4 landscape sheet).

Once the appropriate material is selected, you can proceed directly to manufacturing.

We tried to make some really beautiful paper snowflakes. This is one of the best we've got.

The diagram below shows how you can fold the paper to further cut out a classic 6-ray snowflake.

Fold a sheet of paper to cut out a six-pointed snowflake

As can be seen from the diagram, a regular sheet of paper of the format we have chosen is folded as shown in figure (b), then the excess part is cut off (figure (c)). Next, unfold the folded paper and fold it along the dotted lines as shown in Figure (d). The resulting figure (figure (e)) must be folded again along the dotted line and then cut off the extra edges. Everything, the paper is ready to cut out snowflakes.

There are other ways to fold a triangle. For example, the workpiece can be made as in the figure below.

How to fold a triangle to cut a snowflake

How to cut a snowflake

You can clearly see the whole process from folding a piece of paper to cutting out a beautiful New Year's snowflake from it in the videos below. Particularly complex curls and thin cuts are best obtained with a clerical knife.

If you already know how to fold paper to cut out snowflakes, you can go straight to the templates. You can start simple. Examples are shown in the figure below.

Snowflake schemes

Want to learn all the possible ways to cut six-pointed snowflakes? Watch a special video that clearly shows 3 such methods. Which one is better - decide for yourself!

From the following videos you will learn how you can draw a pattern yourself to cut a beautiful New Year's snowflake.

How can a beautiful snowflake be cut out of a folded paper triangle using patterns downloaded on the Internet? Everything is very simple!

Examples of patterns for cutting six-ray snowflakes

In the examples above, you need to cut the snowflake according to the diagram above so that only the white part remains, the black must be cut off.

By analogy, snowflakes are made, the templates for cutting which are presented below.

You can take even more patterns for cutting easy-to-make snowflakes at the link - Download templates

How to make your own template in various PC programs

Agree, a lot of time and paper can be spent on blindly cutting snowflakes out of many freaks to choose at least a few normal ones. In order to carefully work out the shape of a snowflake before moving on to cutting it in kind, it is best to use some kind of CAD program.

We draw a diagram ourselves

Original schemes can be created using computer-aided design systems. Let's consider this using the KOMPAS-3D program as an example. Who knows how to work in it - use it, there is no desire to understand it - skip this part of the article, it is not for you.

Let's create a 3D model of our future snowflake. Open "File" - "Create", select "Detail". First we need to create a sketch. We draw two auxiliary lines in it, intersecting at the origin at an angle of 30 ° to each other, as shown in the figure below.

Create a snowflake model in Compass 3D

Further, at right angles to the vertical auxiliary line, you can draw another line. You will get a triangular area bounded on all sides. In this sector, we have to draw the future template of a six-ray snowflake. To build various openwork elements and curlicues, you can use the Spline by Points tool. As a result, you should get such a snowflake pattern.

Sketch for cutting a snowflake from paper with 6 rays in the Compass 3D system

Now let's see how the snowflake cut out according to this pattern will look like. Select our drawing with the mouse and click the "Symmetry" button in the "Editing" tab.

Create a template for cutting paper snowflakes

Now it remains only to select the resulting beam of a six-pointed snowflake, in the "Editor" tab, select the item "Copy" - "Circumferential". Specify the center - the origin of coordinates and 6 copies with a step of 60 degrees. It should look like the picture below.

Snowflake almost ready

If desired, you can display everything in 3D and better consider the resulting beauty. But in principle, everything is already remarkably visible, so you don’t need to spend time on this. If the result suits you, it is enough to save the template obtained above to disk in a suitable format, print it on a sheet of paper of the desired size, and you can start cutting out the snowflake.

Snowflake Model 3D #1

To make a snowflake template from a three-dimensional model, create a 3D drawing in Compass (Click the mouse in the top menu “File” - “Create” - “Drawing”), insert a view from this model into the document, select the appropriate scale and print on a printer.

Paper snowflake template from 3D model

Of course, using a CAD program to make templates is not the easiest option. But do not be upset, because there is an intuitive and simple program for drawing snowflakes - the Snowf graphics editor, which even a child can use. When drawing a pattern in this program, you do not need to draw any axes, mirror something, and so on - everything is done absolutely automatically. The intuitive interface allows you to master the work in the program in a matter of minutes. To draw, you just need to move the mouse and watch how the pattern changes on the screen.

Other options for making snowflakes

Snowflakes made using a hole punch look original. Making them is easier and faster than cutting complex patterns.

To cut out such multi-beam snowflakes, a paper sheet is folded according to the scheme, which is clearly shown (see Blank No. 2).

The models and video tutorials in this article will help you and your children learn how to cut amazing New Year's snowflakes that will bring a festive atmosphere to the house and will delight the eyes of others!

The most relevant and common types of winter decor include do-it-yourself paper snowflakes. How to make them at home, in kindergarten or at school with children, our master classes with step-by-step instructions, work schemes, photos and videos at the end of the article will tell. From the lessons below, you will learn how to beautifully cut paper snowflakes for the New Year, how to create three-dimensional products in 3D style, and how to fold amazingly elegant and airy crafts using the ancient Chinese origami technique.

How to cut a beautiful snowflake out of paper - templates and patterns

Self-made snowflakes will turn out to be very unusual, they will give everyone an optimistic, festive mood and make everyone believe in the most beautiful and kindest New Year's fairy tale. Using our schemes, this is not at all difficult - here you will find schemes of different levels of complexity, according to some of them even children can make snowflakes on windows for the New Year.

DIY snowflakes made of paper - schemes for the New Year 2020

From small sheets of paper with the most ordinary scissors, you can cut out very unusual, elegant and airy snowflakes with your own hands. Any drawing is suitable for this, but if you don’t have your own ideas, you should use ready-made schemes.

This section contains the most popular and beautiful options for New Year's patterns.. By transferring them to a suitable material, you will be able to make unusually light, beautiful and delicate snowflakes that will serve as a great decoration for windows, doors, a room in an apartment or house, a school class, an office or a production facility.

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowflakes - a simple scheme of work and step-by-step photos

This master class describes in detail the creation of a voluminous paper snowflake that resembles a beautiful blossoming flower in shape.

The scheme of work is not too complicated, but the process requires attention, accuracy and patience. But the finished product turns out to be extremely effective and creates a bright, joyful and festive mood in any room.

Necessary materials for a three-dimensional snowflake

  • A4 white paper
  • metal ruler
  • sharply sharpened pencil
  • adhesive sticker for paper
  • stationery scissors

Step-by-step instructions for a simple do-it-yourself DIY voluminous snowflake pattern

Do-it-yourself large and beautiful New Year's snowflakes 2020 in stages - a master class

Making large and very beautiful paper snowflakes with your own hands is not at all difficult, especially if you use the so-called “accordion” technique. In this way, you can create products of any size, up to very huge works of A2 format.

Necessary materials for large paper snowflakes

  • A3 sheet
  • thread
  • needle
  • scissors
  • stapler

Step-by-step instructions for a step-by-step master class on making beautiful and large snowflakes with your own hands

  1. Cut out a square from a white A3 sheet and fold it like an accordion. The average depth of the fold is 5 centimeters (if desired, it can be both reduced and increased).
  2. In the center, sew the resulting corrugated base with a thread. To keep the workpiece well, make a few dense wide stitches and carefully secure the edge.
  3. Draw a suitable pattern on the outside of the accordion. It can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that the pattern is symmetrical about the middle.
  4. Carefully open the snowflake and secure the edges with a stapler so that the overall shape looks like a circle.

Beautiful snowflake ballerinas for a garland - do-it-yourself templates

Many people know how to cut New Year's snowflakes out of paper, but not everyone would think of making them in the form of ballerinas, and then strung them on the rain and decorate the window in the home dining room at home or the stage in the school assembly hall with this unusual garland.

To create an elegant mini-masterpiece, you will need white or colored (optional) paper and a ready-made dancer template. And then a few deft movements with scissors and voila! The garland is ready and pleases the eye with its spectacular and attractive appearance.

Necessary materials for a beautiful ballerina snowflake

  • high density white cardboard
  • white thin cardboard
  • paper (white or color optional)
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • scissors
  • compass
  • New Year's rain about 2 meters long
  • scotch
  • buttons

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on making do-it-yourself snowflakes according to a template

  1. On a sheet of thick white cardboard, make a sketch of a dancer with her arms closed over her head in a semicircle and carefully cut out the figure with scissors. This is a template for future ballerinas.
  2. Attach the template to a thin cardboard sheet and cut out the required number of figures. There can be 20 of them if you want to make a very magnificent garland or 10-15 for a rarer stringing.
  3. To make a ballet outfit - a beautiful openwork tutu-skirt - draw a circle on a white sheet using a compass. Its size depends on your desire. If you take a small diameter, the skirt will turn out to be short, and if it is large, the ballerina will wear a real ball gown.
  4. Carefully cut out the circle and fold in half three times. On the outside of the resulting sector, draw any suitable pattern, and then cut it along the contour with scissors.
  5. Unfold the skirt and carefully smooth it out. Cut a small hole in the center of the circle and thread a do-it-yourself cardboard ballerina figure into it.
  6. Using adhesive tape, fasten the outfit around the waist of the dancer so that it does not fall off.
  7. When all the snowflake ballerinas are dressed, take a thread of rain and thread it through the arms of the dancers closed over their heads. To prevent the figures from hanging out, carefully attach them to the rain with a small piece of tape.
  8. Use pushpins to attach a garland to the place that you plan to decorate.

DIY Christmas paper snowflake for children 7 years old - master class

Children are very fond of the holidays, and the New Year in particular. But if preschoolers mainly concentrate on gifts and sweets, then children from 7 years old already want to take an active part in the preparation of celebrations along with their parents and teachers. Of course, guys of this age will not be able to cope with too serious tasks yet, but they will be able to make simple winter decor elements.

Quite calmly, first-graders can be instructed to make beautiful and airy New Year's snowflakes out of paper. This process is very simple and children can easily master it on their own. Well, if some small difficulties nevertheless arise, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers or class teachers will definitely come to the rescue and help the little creators of beauty complete their first masterpiece.

Necessary materials for a children's snowflake for the New Year

  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • cardboard
  • stationery glue
  • simple pencil
  • ruler
  • paints
  • sequins
  • strong thread (tape, twine, rope, etc.)

Step-by-step instructions for a children's master class on making a beautiful snowflake with your own hands

  1. From a colored sheet, cut three strips of the same length with a width of 7 centimeters.
  2. Fold each neat accordion with a step depth of 1 centimeter and decorate with a beautiful openwork cut.
  3. Then straighten the strips slightly and glue them into a single ring using clerical glue. Carefully press the joints with your fingers so that the structure does not fall apart later.
  4. Turn the resulting ring with the carved side outward, and connect the inner part into a socket and glue it very well. As a result, the base for the snowflake should take the form of a circle with a small empty center.
  5. From a white sheet, cut a thin, lacy snowflake about half the diameter of the colored base.
  6. Cut out a small circle for the face. With light beige paint, make a kind of frame on it along the entire edge, and inside draw eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, rosy cheeks and leave the picture for a while so that the paints dry.
  7. From a blue sheet, cut out a hairstyle for a snowflake and glue it to the cardboard face on top.
  8. On a carved blue base, first glue an openwork white snowflake, and then a ruddy face. Wait for the craft to “grab” and become solid, then decorate with sparkles (rain, stones, half-beads to your liking).
  9. Thread a strong thread into the central upper ray of the snowflake and make a loop. Hang a New Year's product on a door, window or wall in the room.

Do-it-yourself New Year's voluminous paper snowflake - master class

This interesting and informative master class tells in detail how to make a stunningly beautiful, graceful and elegant Christmas decoration with your own hands - a luxurious voluminous snowflake.

The finished work is very spectacular and looks extremely attractive and airy. With such delightful products, you can decorate school classes, children's rooms and any other premises in which it is planned to hold themed festive events and winter celebrations.

Necessary materials for a voluminous New Year's snowflake

  • A4 sheets - 6 pcs
  • ruler
  • simple pencil
  • stapler
  • scissors

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on making a New Year's snowflake with your own hands

  1. Fold a white sheet of A4 format so that an acute angle forms.
  2. Directly under the edge of the fold, draw an even strip under the ruler and cut off all the excess with scissors along it so that the rectangle turns into a square.
  3. Fold an isosceles triangle from a square blank. Draw several straight lines along the side faces at a distance of 2.5-3 centimeters from each other.
  4. Then, along the drawn lines, make neat cuts, not reaching the middle of about 1.5-2 centimeters. When all the necessary cuts are made, carefully open the triangle and straighten it.
  5. Then take the smallest inner square by the edges formed after the cuts, connect them and fasten them with a stapler so that they do not fall apart.
  6. Turn the workpiece over to the other side and fix the edges of the second square in the same way.
  7. Flip the base until all corners are secured. This is the first petal of the future snowflake and thus it is necessary to process the remaining five sheets.
  8. Fasten all the finished snowflake petals together with a stapler in two places - from the bottom, where the sharp edges stick out, and in the center of the side edge.
  9. The result should be a large and beautiful volumetric New Year's snowflake.

New Year's snowflake 2020 with your own hands - how to cut it out of paper, diagrams

The easiest and fastest way to make a New Year's snowflake with your own hands is to cut it out of paper, following the instructions of a ready-made scheme. A four-pointed product is considered the simplest, however, its manufacture can be approached in an extraordinary, bright and imaginative way.

For work, you will need medium-density colored sheets intended for printer printing. First, you need to cut a square out of the rectangle, fold it diagonally three times, and then apply the pattern you like to the workpiece and carefully cut it along the contour line with scissors.

The whole effect of the work lies in the fact that smooth, rounded shapes are harmoniously combined with thin, pointed rays, symbolizing flames.

For a five-pointed snowflake, the sheet will have to be folded not diagonally, but horizontally in half, then again in half along the long side and unfolded at the end. Then the lower left corner of the rectangle is connected to the middle of the upper edge of the workpiece, where there is already one fold.

The lower oblique part is bent upwards and is clearly aligned with the diagonal fold on the left side. Then the workpiece is turned over and the two-layer triangle is bent to the nearest edge. Then it remains to cut off the protruding excess with scissors, draw the necessary pattern and cut it figuratively along the pencil outline.

If you want the snowflake to turn out to be more openwork and ornate, it is recommended to wind the scissors as deep as possible without crossing the common middle base.

The six-pointed snowflake is one of the most popular homemade Christmas decorations and there is the largest variety of original and unusual patterns for it. The main blank for it is made according to the principle of origami snowflakes, then a drawing is applied on top and carefully cut out with scissors.

A seven-pointed snowflake is created according to the five-pointed principle, only at the end the blank is folded one more additional time.

For an eight-pointed New Year's decoration, the scheme for folding a six-pointed snowflake is suitable, but before applying the pattern, the workpiece is folded in half again.

Do-it-yourself Christmas origami paper snowflake - a step-by-step master class and video

Origami is the ancient Chinese art of creating beautiful, graceful and unusual paper crafts. Technology is gaining more and more popularity every year and both adults and children master it with great pleasure.

There are no particular difficulties in the process of creating paper mini-masterpieces, but those who have only recently begun to study the principles and rules of origami should use step-by-step instructions with photos or have a video clip on hand that describes in detail all the necessary actions.

This master class tells how to make a paper six-pointed snowflake for the New Year with your own hands. The lesson describes how to prepare a base for a snowflake and how to cut it out of paper correctly. The material is presented in a very accessible way, and even for children it will not be difficult to make a spectacular origami, following the tips and tricks of the lesson below.

Necessary materials for the New Year's origami snowflake

  • A4 white office paper
  • simple pencil
  • scissors
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on making origami snowflakes with your own hands