Terms, symptoms, problems and psychology of adolescence in boys

Children grow up quickly and delight their parents with their undertakings and the first steps into adulthood.

But sometimes nature brings surprises and the disobedience of teenagers becomes a real test for the family. Read about how puberty manifests itself in boys.

The transitional period for boys begins at different times. Someone already at the age of 9 may show the first signs of a teenage character, for someone - at 14 years old.

The transitional age coincides with the puberty of a young guy.

Important! The transitional age of girls usually begins earlier than that of boys and passes with other psychological problems of individuals.

The period of transitional age can last from 1 year to 10 years. The male body will mature only by the age of 18-23.

The end of puberty will be marked by a desire to become independent, start a family, raise a son and turn into a real man.

Important! The wrong way of life - alcohol, smoking, excessive physical activity slows down the physical and psychological development of a guy.

What happens during puberty in boys?

If you put a girl of his age next to a 12-year-old boy, you will notice significant differences: the girl will look older than her peer, boys at this age are more like children.

The young organism changes not only externally, but also internally. Hormonal changes affect the physical development of the body, face and psychological state.

According to a number of signs, it is possible to determine the transitional youthful period:

  1. Active increase in height and weight, development of the skeletal and muscular system.
  2. The development of the reproductive system, an increase in the size of the penis and testicles.
  3. Change of voice, formation of a low timbre.
  4. The appearance of hair in the armpits, on the pubis, chest and face.
  5. Acne, acne, which are temporary due to hormonal changes in the body.
  6. Involuntary ejaculation during sleep (pollution) as a sign of normal development.

Important! Changes in the body do not happen overnight. Each of the signs can appear simultaneously or intermittently.

What are the problems of the transitional age of boys?

Hormonal changes have a particularly acute effect on the psychological development of a person.

Physical changes, especially rapid ones, break the character of the child, change his mood and attitude towards the world around him and loved ones.

Problems can be solved in one short conversation with parents or a psychologist, or they can be solved for years without success.

The main problems of the transitional age of boys include the following:

  • Constant change of mood. Condition during the day can change dramatically. Such emotional instability is associated with teenage hormonal changes.
  • Rude attitude towards parents and relatives. Even an accommodating and obedient young man in such a period can be rude to his elders, snap and even show brute physical force in relation to younger family members.
  • Aggressiveness. In the head of a boy whom no one understands, the thought is ripening that close people wish him only harm. Therefore, psychologists recommend not to respond with aggression to aggression, but to allow the young man to form his male model of behavior.
  • Sympathy for girls. Sexual and romantic relationships with young girls ripen in the head of the boys, sympathy for the opposite sex is formed. Rejection and failure are perceived by guys during puberty painfully and sharply.
  • Suicidal thoughts. In a hopeless situation, when feelings of dissatisfaction and misunderstanding overwhelm the young man, the child may resort to attempts to commit suicide.

Advice! Give the boy temporary freedom, let him make his own decisions in order to avoid the isolation and aggressive mood of a teenager.

Ways to solve the problems of the transitional age of boys, psychological assistance

The most difficult test for parents is the transitional age of the child.

In order to prevent the formation of doubts, complexes and suicidal thoughts in the boy, read the advice of psychologists to parents.

Important! Build the tactics of psychological assistance to a teenager, taking into account the characteristics of the character:

Advice Description
Make friends with your child Try to understand your child, prepare him for adulthood.

Mothers are especially close with their sons, but during puberty, educational and frank conversations are best done by the father as a representative of the stronger sex.

Let the revelation be mutual: tell stories from your adolescence

Let me breathe freely Every person has the right to choose and freedom. You should not move the boy to a separate apartment, but it is worth limiting personal space in the room.

Avoid total control, everyone has the right to privacy. It is better to learn about the life of a son from his lips, and not by searching his things.

Avoid criticism The romantic nature of a young artist may not withstand the strict censorship of his parents.

Praise even unsuccessful experiments of the child in order to develop his creative abilities, not complexes.

Be interested in things that are important to the boy Talk about the interests of a teenager, offer to go to a new section and give the young man an opportunity to realize his hidden talents.

The interests of generations are changing, do not impose your tastes and preferences

Keep yourself together Rudeness and rudeness on the part of a teenager is a temporary phenomenon.

Do not be rude in response, make it clear that he was mistaken, wait for the young man to come to you with an apology himself

Recognize the boy as an adult Adolescence is the stage of the formation of one's "I", a new personality is raging in the youthful body. Recognize that the child has grown up and wants to go into adulthood on his own