Determination of the sex of the unborn child

Boy or girl? Girl or boy? - this question worries almost every future parent. And even those who do not want to consciously determine the sex of the baby in advance - they mentally ask themselves the same question. Guessing, guessing or reliably determining who will be born to you - an heir or an heiress - is quite realistic, and there are many ways for this.

100% guarantee of determining the sex of the unborn child

There is only one way to reliably determine the sex of the unborn baby after conception - chorion biopsy or amniopuncture. In this case, a genetic study is carried out. Since this procedure is very serious, it is carried out only to detect genetic disorders, if there is evidence for that. But for the sake of curiosity (who is sitting there?), not a single sane doctor will penetrate the uterus to take material for research.

It is considered close to the true determination of the sex of the child. But even here there is every chance to make a mistake or simply not see it (the baby can diligently “hide” the “place” by which his gender is calculated). By ultrasound, the sex of the child can really be found out after the 16th week of pregnancy.

But already from the seventh week of the “interesting situation”, those who want to know who settled in the tummy can do this. Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, a very small amount of fetal DNA “floats” in the maternal bloodstream with a “hint” for gender: if a Y chromosome is detected in the blood, then a boy will definitely be born, because girls have only X chromosomes. However, in these methods a mistake is possible, so even doctors do not recommend blindly trusting them.

Chinese and Japanese ways to determine the sex of the baby

The Chinese and Japanese determined the sex of the future baby (and planned it very successfully) since ancient times and trust their methods to this day, and not only the Chinese and Japanese.

For example, more than 700 years. Its original is still kept in Beijing, and copies freely “hover” on the Internet and satisfy the curiosity of future parents.

We encourage you to use this table. It is only important to know how old the future mother is, and also in what month the conception occurred. Comparing these data - the table will indicate who will be born to you - D (girl), or M (boy).

The Japanese also use a table to determine the sex of the unborn baby. But here she looks a little different. To begin with, we determine the number indicated by the intersection point of the month of birth of the future father and mother.

Month of birth

Then, in the next table, we look for the received figure and the month of conception, and determine the gender of the “turned out” baby.

However, these days, these methods are treated more like a game than a serious way to determine the sex of an unborn baby.

Blood in determining the sex of the unborn child

There are two ways to determine the sex of a child using blood: by blood group and by its renewal. It is believed that human blood tends to be renewed: for a woman every three years, and for a man - every four. And that's whose blood is "younger" at the time of conception, this sex will be the future baby.

They also determine (or even guess with minimal accuracy) the sex of the child according to the following blood group tables and the Rh factor of future parents.

The people claim

And yet the most interesting are the "folk" ways to determine the sex of the unborn baby, as they often say - "grandmother's recipes."

  • The presence of a waist in a woman (behind) during pregnancy indicates that a boy is sitting in the tummy.
  • Boys also kick harder in the stomach.
  • “The beauty is taken away” from the mother, usually girls (“acneous” skin, tormenting, and).
  • Cold feet and cravings for salt indicate that you are having a boy.
  • Grace in a woman appears when carrying a girl, and clumsiness - when carrying a boy.
  • Swollen legs indicate pregnancy as a boy.
  • The darkened areolas of the nipples "hint" at the birth of a girl.
  • Increased hair growth on your legs indicates that you will have a boy.
  • Intense sex life "provokes" the conception of girls.

Such "methods" of determining sex in the arsenal of our grandmothers are apparently invisible. However, none of them has a scientific basis, much less evidence. So believe them or not - decide for yourself. Surely, among our readers there will be those who will say: yes, with my daughter I was terribly ugly, and with my son I had to do depilation on my legs twice a day. Is not it?

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy