How to entertain a child on September 1st. First time in first grade: how to organize a party? A trip to nature or a walk in the park

The Day of Knowledge is already very close, but when you hear the word “holiday” your child grimaces with displeasure and says that this cannot be called a holiday? Don't worry, this is an absolutely typical situation. How to celebrate September 1st? Don't know where to go with your child? We'll tell you!

Autumn holidays: how to spend time with children?

It is, of course, easier for parents of high school students. As a rule, from the 9th grade, schoolchildren are organized by the class and find how to celebrate September 1 on their own. But the question of how to celebrate the first of September for a first-grader or primary school student may well cause difficulties. We have several ideas on where to celebrate Knowledge Day. First, you need to decide whether you want to spend this holiday purely with your family or team up with other parents to celebrate September 1 not only with your child, but also with his classmates. This will not only provide the children with more fun, but will also strengthen the class team. Well, let's look at all the options in order!

Where to go with your child as a family?

If you still choose the option of family time, you should make a lot more effort to intrigue and amuse your baby. Passive and fairly everyday activities such as going to the cinema or to a cafe will most likely make your child bored.

Fortunately, the development of the modern entertainment sector provides parents with a huge amount of active entertainment:

Amusement park. Of course, amusement parks have been the most popular pastime for children for many years now. Promise your child a trip to this place a couple of days before Knowledge Day and you are guaranteed that your child will be looking forward to it!

climbing centers or rope parks. Everyone knows that little fidgets love movement; it is this kind of active activity that will intrigue your child and provide him with joyful memories!

roller skating rink. Probably, roller skating is one of the favorite activities of many of us since childhood. If you like to spend time actively and coolly, choose the nearest roller skating rink - fun is guaranteed!

laserball. One hundred percent, your baby dreams of feeling like the hero of some action movie or favorite cartoon about special agents. Celebrating the first day of autumn this way is ideal!

Feel free to choose the option that suits you and tell your child, , then he will definitely look forward to the first of September as a real holiday!

Where to go with your child's class and other parents?

Of course, all of the above options are suitable. But the bonus of such leisure is that if your city does not have some entertainment, then in the company of your child it will be interesting almost everywhere. You can, for example, hire an animator for children, because many cafes provide such services. Among classmates, kids will be interested both in nature and during other active entertainment.

With such a variety of entertainment, we think you definitely won’t have any questions about how to celebrate September 1st! Perhaps you have some other ideas? We are waiting for them in the comments! Rate the article and share with friends. We wish you a happy holiday and a successful school year for your child!

And if you have a few more minutes, then that’s useful!

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I do not want to go to school? How to organize a child's holiday on September 1?

Summer is ending. School time is quickly approaching. The holidays flew by unnoticed, and the need to go to school again, to be honest, does not make all students happy. Why? There are many reasons. In order for us, parents, to understand that school in a child’s mind is sometimes “not sugar,” we will superficially list only a few of them. And then we will use all our parental resources to ensure that our students start the new school year in a good mood, or better yet, with the right attitude. How his main activity – training – will go will largely depend on this.

I do not want anything!

Imagine yourself: you don’t like something, but you have to do it. You spit, you suffer, but you do it. Sometimes - somehow, just to get rid of it. Does your activity benefit anyone? No. And now there is a different situation: you are inspired to do difficult work, and you become inspired, begin to see the situation in bright colors, get down to business, showing diligence, achieving the desired result. Now let's get back to our children.

Literally in one line - why the need to go to school again does not arouse their enthusiasm:

  • learning is not interesting (due to the program, the teacher’s teaching, because the child is more developed than other children, etc.);
  • lazy to study (simply reluctant to go to school or do homework due to personal characteristics);
  • it is difficult to study (despite all efforts, school knowledge is acquired with difficulty, constant stress deprives one of strength);
  • the need to communicate with specific students is annoying (I don’t like some students from my own or another class, perhaps there were open conflicts with them);
  • the need to interact with specific teachers is stressful (you don’t like the class teacher or subject teacher, perhaps the student has experienced situations where the teacher treated him harshly, rudely, unfairly).

Hard labor or pleasure?

You may know the reasons why your child is unhappy with school, or you may not be aware of it. Anything can happen. This is a matter of the child’s trust in his parents, your attentiveness and interest. Of course, now we could spin this topic and dive into the depths of the depths, looking for the root of the problem, but still - today we have other tasks - to organize a holiday on September 1, the hidden meaning of which is to:

  • prepare your child for the school year;
  • motivate him to acquire knowledge.
  • make it clear that you are there and will support him if necessary.

And for us to succeed, we need to make it bright, interesting, introduce an element of surprise, surprise, etc. In general - so that your student gets inspired, “lights up”, sees the meaning, and sets a goal. Makes an action plan - and go ahead! Here are some simple ideas for September 1st.

Action plan: preparation for 5!

1. Wake up the student with music

Prepare several songs about school (you can easily download them on the Internet). Maybe not directly - about the school, but somehow related to it. For example:

  • "They teach at school"
  • "Two by two is four"
  • “Natasha is a first-grader”
  • “Winged Swing” (from the film “Adventures of Electronics”)
  • “We are little children - we want to walk” (from the film “Adventures of Electronics”)
  • “Once upon a time” (from the film “Dunno from Our Yard”)
  • “Surprise” (from the film “Dunno from Our Backyard”)
  • "Ring"
  • music from the film "Guest from the Future"

You can also find something more modern, for example:

  • "Favorite school"
  • “Back to School” - group “Roots” (not for elementary school) or something else

Why is this necessary? Music will help create the right mood (sometimes even festive) immediately after waking up. Let her play quietly until she leaves for school.

2. Give the student something pleasant, attractive (ideally, also useful for study or personal development)

2.1. The most traditional and logical option is a book. And even better - books. And not necessarily dictionaries and encyclopedias - a child can perceive this as “ugh...”. It is better if you give as a gift books with adventures, detective stories for elementary, middle or high school age, something suitable from domestic and world fiction. Moreover, if you choose between the foreign “Harry Potter” and the domestic “Tanya Grotter”, I would choose the first.

Depending on your age, you can give preference to different books; here are a few as examples:

M. Twain. "Adventures of Tom Sawyer";

B. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man”;

L. Davydychev “The Life of Ivan Semenov, a Second-Grader and a Second-Year Student” And "Lelishna from the third entrance"(these are all-time hits)

Works by A. Volkov: “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “Urfene Juice and His Wooden Soldiers”, “Seven Underground Kings”;

Collections of stories by M. Zoshchenko;

N. Nosov “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”;

Works by Vladislav Krapivin(ideal for boys);

J. Kinney "Diary of a Wimpy Kid"(in three parts)

Collections of stories about school(including funny ones).

If your schoolchild is interested in something, find a book about his hobby.

If for some reason you don’t like paper books, there is another option - an e-book. Perhaps, with the help of an electronic device, interest in reading will increase at least a little.

2.2. Notepad for notes (notebook). Nowadays there is a huge selection of notebooks: for boys and girls, for creative people, for business people - you will definitely find something that suits a schoolchild. Seeing a beautiful notebook, your hand will naturally reach out to write something there: either secrets, or plans for the future.

2.3 .

2.4. Logical game, constructor, puzzle, etc. If you supplement the book with something equally interesting, great! Depending on the child's preferences, choose the appropriate option. By the way, you can play some games together (for example, Monopoly).

2.5. Unusual stationery: bendable pens, original pencils, unusual pencil case, etc. Give something that will cause surprise and delight, now there is a lot of such “goodness”. Of course, all sorts of pen-typewriters may not be suitable for study, but at home they are quite suitable. The main thing is the emotions that the child experienced at the time of receiving the gift. you can give a schoolchild a kit that allows you to create something if you put in the effort and do everything right. Such classes teach accuracy, patience, attentiveness, caution, accuracy, dexterity, etc. In general - useful and interesting.

3. Surprise, surprise, long live surprise!

You can organize a small party, invite a couple of friends and arrange a fun “exam” with refreshments. You prepare small simple prizes in advance (pens, pencils, rulers, postcards, bookmarks, erasers, as well as bags to put everything you earn there). Also prepare tasks according to age. These can be “danetkas”, poems with a trick, funny logic problems, flips, puzzles, pieces of pictures (guess what they are). Children gradually become excited and answer with pleasure.

If the weather permits and the conditions also permit, go to a forest clearing, arrange it all in nature, fry sausages or kebabs.

4. Education with refreshments

Have a family dinner and cook something delicious. You don't have to have a grand celebration, just let everything be a little more solemn than usual. You can tell your student various interesting, funny and instructive (but not boring) stories from your school life. Or tell us about the difficulties you experienced and how you overcame them. Let the child feel that his parents understand him, that they are interested in him, that they love him.

5. Confidential conversation

In the evening, before going to bed, find a few minutes to talk with your child. Just don’t say something like: “I hope that at least this year you will study better, because then you will have to take the Unified State Exam. Stop messing around, it’s time to come to your senses.” Instead of tedious and useless moralizing, wish your child to find something interesting and useful for himself at school: subject(s), communication with friends, the opportunity to show his abilities, the opportunity to participate in various competitions.

The day has come to an end. You tried hard and get an A for effort, for a creative approach to work, for a high level of execution. Let's diary! But seriously... When parents know how to not only insist (you should, you are a student), but also interest the child so that he learns and develops - this is class! Of course, you cannot solve all problems in one day, but it is quite possible to create a mood. And how your student starts the school year also depends a lot on it.

Those who read to the end - all five!

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Natalya Reutova.

P.S.: My son is not a very diligent student. And he doesn’t feel any particular zeal for school (because he is not an academician, but a creator). Every year on September 1, we traditionally arrange a small holiday for him, each time he is happy, inspired, and... drawn into school life. Recently I asked my son about how our efforts on the first of September affected him. I received a sincere answer: “I still don’t really want to go to school, but it’s somehow becoming more interesting and easier. After all, there are some good things at school.”

You will need

  • - a gift for a child;
  • - school supplies:
  • - a hall in a club, additional education institution or cafe;
  • - balls, ribbons and other design elements.


Start preparing for the holiday in advance. Find out how the school gets its new students together. It is usually carried out, and there are no strict regulations now. Necessary elements of a school event are formation, greeting of the principal, high school students, parents, and local government representatives. But the school lineup can include theatrical performances and demonstration performances by athletes and dancers. But everything should be subordinated to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holiday. This day is the beginning of a journey to the land of Knowledge.

Prepare gifts for your first graders. This should be something needed at school or simply orienting the child towards acquiring knowledge. Some supplies have already been given to children at kindergarten graduations; in some regions, sets are donated by regional or local authorities. Choose something that hasn't been given yet. A book, a set of markers, a disk with educational programs and educational games - a modern person has quite a large choice. It is very good if the tradition of giving something useful to a child continues in the future.

Talk to the teacher and other parents about whether they want to organize a party other than the one at school. Maybe we can arrange it for the whole class. If not all parents want it, don’t be upset. You can celebrate the start of the school year with a group of your son's classmates, with neighborhood kids, or even as a family.

Check with cultural institutions in your area to see if they can book a program dedicated to the start of the school year. Now many cultural centers provide such services. In this case, all you have to do is collect and deposit money and, possibly, choose a design option.

The holiday can be organized in a children's cafe. It is better to pay for the order in advance, having agreed with the owner what dishes will be on the tables. It hardly makes sense to order lunch and main courses, but juices and sweet desserts are very suitable. You will have to take care of the design yourself, but in this case it is quite simple. You can put bouquets of balloons or fresh flowers on the tables, and give each participant some kind of memorable souvenir.

Think over the program. It may include competitions, quizzes, word games and sedentary games. The mobile ones can be done later on the street. Try to ensure that all game tasks are somehow related to your studies. You can ask children to speed up, remember the names of cities, animals and birds, and play fairy-tale characters. If one of the parents has acting skills, he can play the role of a fairy-tale character. He should be someone whom the kids could teach something, like Dunno, Carlson, etc.

Summer is coming to an end. Tomorrow the children will go to school. How can we make September 1st a holiday for them, and not the saddest day in their lives?

Moms and dads should carefully prepare for this day, and it is better to start preparing in advance. It is advisable to start choosing an outfit for your child a month in advance. A boy definitely needs to buy a stylish suit, shirt, tie, shoes and belt. A girl needs a beautiful dress or skirt with a blouse and jacket, shoes and tights. Children must like the outfit so that they want to put it on as soon as possible.

It’s worth taking care of your hair on time. Enroll your child in a hairdresser, choose a hairstyle that he or the girl would like; in addition, you may need hairpins, bows, bobby pins or other hair decorations. When a child is sure that his outfit and hairstyle are beautiful, then he feels more confident, and his mood improves and becomes festive.

To improve your mood, you should purchase a briefcase, backpack or bag. They should not only be strong, comfortable and roomy, but also fashionable and beautiful. Also, buy all your school supplies in advance, from erasers and pencils to textbooks and globes.

Just before September 1, it is advisable to prepare a bouquet. You should not give the teacher roses and carnations; it is better to give lilies (only in packaging), chrysanthemums, dahlias or asters. Gladioli can also be used for a bouquet, but only if your child is not a first-grader, because bouquets of gladioli are quite heavy and bulky, it will be difficult for the child to hold it and the child will not be visible because of the bouquet. In general, it is better not to make huge and heavy bouquets for a teacher’s gift.

So, everything is ready by the first of September, and this holiday has arrived. Try to get up early so as not to run headlong to the ruler and not get nervous. In the morning, you need to have time to have breakfast, get yourself and your child in order, dress up yourself and your children, calmly walk to school before the start of the holiday line-up so that your child has time to find his class and take a seat.

Don't forget to take your camera with you. The first of September happens only once a year and it is better to capture such a moment as a memory.

The line has already ended, the schoolchildren have gone to class or lessons, but it’s too early for you to relax, the holiday is not over yet, it has just begun.

After school, take your child to a cafe or buy home a cake and prepare a festive lunch. If possible, you can go to the cinema or amusement park with your child in the evening, because the holiday should be memorable and full of pleasant impressions.

You can give your child some inexpensive, but pleasant gift on the same day. Or you can give it not on the first, but on the second of September, to slightly sweeten the transition from the summer holidays to the hard work of school.

In general, moms and dads, grandparents, try to do the impossible and create a joyful, fun and memorable holiday for your children on September 1st - they will thank you for it!

For those who are active and make the holiday themselves! Gift ideas for first-graders and high school students, ideas for games and competitions and much more!

The Day of Knowledge is approaching. Did you love this holiday in your childhood? Conflicting opinions arise. On the one hand, September 1 is sadness about the passing carefree summer and the beginning of study, work, and boring responsibilities. On the other hand, it is the joy of meeting classmates and teachers, constant communication and learning new things.

If the Day of Knowledge is limited to school hours and class hours, then it turns out to be somewhat formal, like a holiday, but not quite. Surely, you are already thinking about how to celebrate September 1st with your family, what to give your schoolchild to make the day unforgettable, happy and give the image of future school days a pleasant expectation. Let's talk about this in our article.

On the eve of the holiday

Agree that preparation for an event can be even more important and interesting than the celebration itself. Let's remember the New Year: decorating the Christmas tree, choosing gifts, preparing dishes, carnival costumes - all this creates a magical feeling of celebration, joy and miracle. Why not organize your family traditions in preparation for the Day of Knowledge, because school still takes up most of our children’s time.

If your child is a future first-grader, it would be appropriate to conduct family childhood holiday. Remember how in the film “Love and Doves” Vasily and Nadezhda saw off their son to the army? Father and son then crawled on their bellies, dressed for a while, did push-ups, etc. I propose that instead of a young fighter’s course, we hold competitions for young students:

  • “Pack up a briefcase” - choose school supplies from the items you offer and carefully put them in a briefcase.
  • “Dress Up” - change into a tracksuit in a limited time.
  • “Find a word” - for reading children, you can give the task to create a word from letters.
  • “Do the math” - solve math problems.
  • “Guess it” - solve riddles about school supplies, the world around you, animals, etc.
  • “Whose subject?” - arrange school supplies (ruler, compass, album, colored paper, lined notebook, etc.) into different folders with the names of subjects: mathematics, reading, labor, etc.

To add excitement to competitions, compete with your child. Making a choice of games to develop attention, imagination and thinking will not be difficult for you. At the end of the competition, award your child a medal and end the childhood celebration with a family tea party.

On the same day or earlier, plan how, where and with whom you will spend September 1st. There are two options for the development of events: at home or in some public place. If the holiday will take place at home, then it is necessary in advance:

Prepare the design:

  • musical - a selection of school songs and soundtracks;
  • video - slide show of photographs and videos of the student;
  • photo gallery of school photographs of your childhood and child. If possible, invite a professional photographer to the holiday itself.
  • a wall newspaper with school cartoons, funny clippings from a diary;
  • balls, flags and garlands;
  • themed posters and holiday styling - dishes, tablecloths, wrappers for chocolates, decoration of cakes, dishes, etc.
  • festive attributes, costumes and prizes.

Create a script:

decide on the theme: pioneer party, war of avatars and military, pirate adventures, treasure hunts, military party, pajama party, initiation into seventh graders, puppet show, playing Indians, magical world of magic, coming of age celebration, filming Jumble, excursion into the past , watermelon party, home self-government day, etc. We choose a topic depending on the age and preferences of the child.

Make a holiday plan:

the beginning of the holiday is a ceremonial meeting of guests and games to relieve stiffness and constriction.

development of the holiday - games for attention, competitive moments.

pauses - musical and not only.

the second wind of the holiday is active games and competitions.

The culmination of the holiday is an unexpected surprise.

The end of the holiday is an award ceremony and a feast.

Homemade board games are fun for families. Now you can find themed board games on sale. Teenagers love to play “Mafia” and “Killer” with friends.

You can entrust the “celebration” to yourself or to a professional. But in preparation for the Day of Knowledge, the child should take the most important part!

If you're on holiday to outside the home

  • cafe, restaurant or pizzeria;
  • a water park or a regular amusement park;
  • picnic outside the city;
  • walk along the embankment;
  • theater, cinema, concert;
  • bowling;
  • paintball (paint war);
  • ropes course (ready-made ropes courses are available in the parks);
  • laser tag - laser combat in fantastic light decorations;
  • oceanarium, dolphinarium, zoo;
  • museum of water, medicine or experiments;
  • excursion to a confectionery establishment;
  • sporting event, competition;
  • shopping (choosing gifts);
  • horseback riding;
  • quests.

Ask your child about his preferences, and, of course, take into account his age. If children up to 11-12 years old like to spend time with their parents, then teenagers choose the company of peers and friends. All children, regardless of age, do not like to sit at the table for a long time. They need outdoor activities.

Gift selection

What's a holiday without gifts?! To give or not to give? Present! It seems that the child has everything, the question of choice arises. Ask yourself about the purpose of the gift: to surprise, to benefit, to give happy impressions and emotions, to fulfill the child’s desire. Now think about what the child wants, because all children are so individual. If this gift is not a surprise, you can buy it together immediately after the line.

Amazing gifts

After visiting several parent forums, I compiled the following list of gifts that can pleasantly surprise a schoolchild. Choose by age:

  • original stationery (a sharpener in the shape of a turtle or Spiderman, an eraser in the shape of a typewriter, a shark pencil case, an angel ballpoint pen, etc.)
  • chocolate tree - while the child is sleeping, decorate a tree or shrub in your yard with your favorite candies and chocolates. Imagine the delight of a junior high school student when he unexpectedly sees this.
  • card for finding a gift - the child will find the treasured surprise using the arrows and instructions;
  • a soft toy or toys from your favorite cartoons and films;
  • a bed with a plot from your favorite cartoon;
  • chewing gum for hands (“solid” mass for modeling, which takes any shape in the child’s hands, and in the “free” state becomes a liquid puddle);
  • dance mat;
  • spinner;
  • photo of the child on a pillow, mug, T-shirt, etc.;
  • all kinds of lickers and jumpers;
  • original lamp;
  • a gift certificate for a visit to a pizzeria or movie tickets (for a teenager);
  • flash drive in the shape of your favorite comic book hero;
  • loudspeakers;
  • original notebook in Lego style;
  • a fun, fashionable workout backpack;
  • table globe-ball or puzzle map.

Useful gifts

  • sets for creativity: engravings, stained glass flowers, DIY soap, embroidery with threads or beads, burning, etc.;
  • excavation kit;
  • children's microscope or telescope;
  • encyclopedia;
  • recruitment of a young biologist, physicist or chemist;
  • sets “Experiments in the kitchen”, “Growing crystals”;
  • myths of different peoples;
  • telephone;
  • Sports Equipment;
  • paintings for coloring by numbers;
  • calculator with puzzle;
  • Board games;
  • folding rooms for paper dolls;
  • alarm clock in the shape of your favorite hero;
  • a wall clock with a photo of your child from September 1 (you can buy blanks for making a clock yourself and then make it together with your child, using the photo);
  • lesson schedule, decorated with photographs of your child and his school friends.

Gifts - impressions

Pleasant emotions from visiting the above-mentioned vacation spots (“If the holiday is outside the home”) can be better than some kind of object gifts. If your child is interested in sports, swimming, dancing, etc., purchase a subscription to the pool, gym, etc. for him.

It’s good if the gift can be useful, original, and unforgettable. The most important thing is to guess the child’s wishes; you don’t need to give him a very interesting book, knowing that he won’t read it anyway. Give, thinking not about yourself, but about your child.

So, whether Knowledge Day will be a favorite holiday among children depends only on us, adults. Do you have any ideas on this topic? Let's share in the comments.

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