Educational activities for a child at 2 months

So, your baby has already grown up a little, he not only eats and sleeps, but is also actively interested in the world around him. How to develop a child at 2 months? This question is asked by many parents. It is from this age that you can begin to develop hearing, vision, motor skills and tactile sensations of the baby. Of course, all classes should be conducted in a playful way. We should not forget about massage, as well as special exercises that will help the little man learn to control his body faster.

General rules

By the end of the second month, babies become about 10 cm taller and 2.5 kg heavier. Physical abilities grow, the first cooing appears, a conscious smile, a reaction to close relatives. 2-month-old babies still sleep about 16 hours a day (from 15 to 17), but at the same time, the amount of night sleep increases, and daytime sleep decreases. That is, mom and dad have the opportunity to spend time with the child in an informative and interesting way.

What is important to consider in order not to harm the baby?

  • Classes should be held in a well-ventilated room with an air temperature of 22 to 26 degrees.
  • The duration of the game should not exceed 10 minutes, otherwise the baby will be overexcited.
  • At the time of the lesson, he should be full and dry. The optimal time is between the second and third feeding, one hour after eating.
  • Before a night's sleep, only calm games are allowed.
  • There should be no sharp objects, corners, or other dangerous things nearby.
  • The mood of the baby should be good. No need to force him to do something by force.

At this age, the child already needs to be accustomed to the daily routine. It is desirable that walking, bathing, feeding and sleeping occur at the same time. So the baby will be easier to tune in, he will start to sleep better, eat. Accordingly, more strength will appear, mood will improve, the child will easily learn new skills.

Hearing development

A variety of sounds activate the baby's auditory functions. Hearing largely determines development, it stimulates skills such as rolling, crawling and sitting. Children at 2 months old can already not only hear, but also reproduce some sounds. Watching the movement of their parents' lips, they involuntarily begin to imitate them. Therefore, it is very important to talk with the baby as much as possible.

To develop his ear, play an entertaining game.

  • Shake the rattle first to the left of the baby's head, then to the right, behind. Move it sideways at different speeds. When the reaction of the baby improves, you can try to diversify the sounds with the help of a bell, a pipe, rattles with a different sound.
  • Call the child by name. Before approaching his crib, gently say his name. The baby will learn to recognize your voice and will soon be waiting in advance for you to appear.
  • Prepare a few objects that make sounds - a small hammer, a plastic bag, a toy with a squeaker. Show your baby how they sound. Then help him play the sound on his own.
  • Repeat the baby's walk. This will greatly please and surprise him. Show how a dog barks, a chicken cackles, a cow mooes, a pig grunts.

When talking to a child, use simple, one-syllable words, build short sentences. Change intonation, hum children's songs and nursery rhymes, all this will stimulate the baby's hearing and speech.

Black and white mobile for the development of the vision of a newborn

vision development

A child at two months already clearly sees objects at a distance of a meter. However, he cannot focus on one thing, especially a moving one. Therefore, parents should help him master this skill.

So, how to develop a child at 2 months?

  • Choose a plain bright toy, you can glow. Approach the baby so that he does not see your face (this is necessary so that he is not distracted). Holding the toy at a distance of 40-50 cm, slowly move it in front of the baby's eyes. Stop periodically and then keep moving.
  • Hang the picture near the newborn's bed. It should be contrasting, simple, with large details. For example, the image of the sun, ducks, berries, geometric shapes is well suited. Make it a rule to change drawings once a week.
  • Singing a cheerful song, lift the child up and then down, tilt him to the sides. Let him look at things from different angles. If the baby shows interest in something, stop and bring it closer.
  • In the evening, you can show your baby the play of light and shadow. Turn on relaxing, soothing music, then turn off the lights in the room and use a flashlight to illuminate the ceiling, walls, toys, or other objects. Let the child, with your help, try to do the same.

Knitted beads for the development of tactile sensations of babies

Development of tactile sensations, motor skills

The second month of life is the time of active development of tactile receptors. By training them, the child learns coordination, his fists open faster, the tone passes. In addition, children with whom they were engaged in the development of motor skills begin to speak earlier.

With a baby at 2 months old, you can play the following games.

  • Tickle a naked baby with a feather, while naming each part of the body. Example: “tickle, tickle heels”, “tickle, tickle tummy”.
  • Put a bracelet or a bright sock on the handle of the baby, draw it in front of your eyes, and then catch the item worn with the other handle. At the same time, sing a nursery rhyme: “Pen, pen, where was it? Can you hide from us? We will find you now! Let's go play soon!"
  • While bathing, place a rubber ball in the tub. First, let the baby push it with its legs a little, then transfer it to the handles. Finally, lift the baby slightly above the bath and try to get the ball out of the water together.
  • Prepare several materials that are different to the touch - a piece of silk, wool, a wooden plank, cotton wool. Swipe the palm of the baby over the objects, and then let them crumple properly.

During classes with a child at 2 months old, it is important to keep in touch all the time. You can talk to him, sing or just stroke him. Demonstrate different emotions, make funny faces, and then any game will easily captivate the baby.

Physical development

We all know about the benefits of massage and exercise. But at what age can you work with a baby? Just since 2 months.

To properly develop a child, use the following instructions.

  • Place a naked baby on a changing table or other hard surface.
  • Unclench your fists, stroke each finger, then from the fingers, bypassing the elbows, swipe up.
  • Cross the handles on the chest and spread them apart, then lift them up and lower them down.
  • Take the baby's foot in your hand, stroke it, and then lightly press on the point at the base of the fingers. Swipe your palms up, past your knees and inner thighs.
  • Start pressing the child's knees to the tummy, first one leg at a time, then two together. You can spin the bike.
  • Turn the baby over onto your tummy. Holding it by the legs, slide your palm from the head to the buttocks, and then back, already with the back of the hand.
  • Lay the baby back again. Stroke the belly in the direction from the sides to the navel. With the pads of your fingers, draw a few circles (clockwise).


In addition to special exercises, there are interesting games that a 2-month-old baby will especially enjoy.

  • Ride the child on a large gymnastic ball (fitball). Place it on your tummy and, holding it gently, begin to roll the ball towards and away from you. Then turn the baby on its back.
  • Hang a colorful balloon over your baby's bed. Let him study it first. After that, show how you can push it with a leg or fist. You will see, soon the baby will begin to "box" with pleasure, training the muscles of the arms and legs.
  • Turn on fun, upbeat music. First, dance while holding the baby in your arms. Then lift it up, pressing it back to you. Come to a hard surface and let the baby stomp a little, pushing off with one foot, then the other. Such dances are liked by almost all children.

Properly developing a child of 2 months is not difficult. All he needs is to quickly adapt to the conditions of the world around him. Who, if not parents, will help you learn to control your body, they will show interesting pictures, turn on funny sounds, and make funny faces. It is they who will direct and tell you how to crawl, sit, stand and walk correctly. Raising a child, helping him is a great joy. Take care of yourself and your children!