Calendar and norms of child development from birth to 1 year: calculator, exact tables by months

All parents, without exception, worry about the health of their child. The issue of full-fledged physical, mental, neuropsychic development is especially worrisome for parents in the first year of a baby's life. How does the baby develop month by month? We offer for consideration an approximate plan for the formation of a peanut: we will evaluate the psychophysical development of a child up to a year old, the terms and norms according to WHO.

Up to a year, all babies develop about the same, but you need to make allowances for the individual characteristics and parameters of the child at birth


Table of physical parameters up to a year

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To assess the growth rate, weight gain and physical development of the baby, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the average generally accepted indicators of the stages of development of the child up to a year. However, we must not forget that all children have individual development schedules, exact compliance with the tables given is not mandatory, minor deviations from the norms are allowed. Do not forget also that boys and girls differ slightly in their neuropsychic development, but if the baby does not acquire skills and developmental indicators normal for his age for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

Table of physiological parameters of a child up to a year: (we recommend reading:)

Age, monthsHeight, cmWeight, kgHead circumference, cmChest circumference, cm
49,0 - 54,0 2,6 - 4,0 33,0 - 37,0 31,0 - 35,9
1 52,0 - 55,0 3,0 - 4,3 35,8 - 37,2 34,0 - 36,0
2 55,0 - 57,0 4,5 - 5,0 37,5 - 38,5 36,0 - 38,0
3 58,0 - 60,0 4,0 - 6,0 38,0 - 40,0 36,0 - 39,0
4 60,0 - 63,0 4,5 - 6,5 38,0 - 40,0 36,0 - 40,0
5 63,0 - 67,0 6,5 - 7,5 37,5 - 42,2 37,0 - 42,0
6 65,0 - 69,0 7,5 - 7,8 42,0 - 43,8 42,0 - 45,0
7 67,0 - 71,0 8,0 - 8,8 43,8 - 44,2 45,0 - 46,0
8 71,0 - 72,0 8,4 - 9,4 44,2 - 45,2 46,0 - 47,0
9 72,0 - 73,0 9,4 - 10,0 45,2 - 46,3 46,5 - 47,5
10 73,0 - 74,0 9,6 - 10,5 46,0 - 47,0 47,0 - 48,0
11 74,0 - 75,0 10,0 - 11,0 46,2 - 47,2 47,5 - 48,5
12 75,0 - 76,0 10,5 - 11,5 47,0 - 47,5 48,0 - 49,0

So, how does a newborn baby grow during the first year? Consider the development of a child up to a year using a calendar divided by every 3 months from the birth of a baby.

From birth to 3 months

A newborn is born with developed hearing and vision. There is a vivid manifestation of innate reflexes: the child knows how to suck, swallow, blink and grab from the first minutes of life. However, while the baby is not able to roll over. A newborn from a position on the tummy cannot raise his head, but the instinct of self-preservation is triggered - he turns his head on his cheek.

The baby is able to hold the head for a few seconds, tries to raise it when lying on the tummy. In a month, a response occurs to sounds and sudden movements, expressed in involuntary separation of the handles and their subsequent pressing against the body. You can also observe spontaneous imitation of walking.

The baby raises and holds the head "standing" for 1 - 1.5 minutes, and from a position on the tummy, it can lift not only the head, but also the chest. Pays attention to sounds and bright light by turning the head and looking attentively. There is an intensive development of the vestibular apparatus. The child grabs and holds moving objects.

At 3 months, the baby should hold the head well for 1 to 3 minutes. From a lying position on the stomach, he can rise, leaning on his elbows. Begins to roll over, spin, change position, but there is still no clear coordination in the movements. He watches toys with interest, pulls his hands to them. He begins to put his fingers in his mouth, grab and pull the sheet.

I like the company of adults. Communication with parents is very captivating for the baby, the baby “comes to life”, shows joy, smiles, laughs. Can walk for a long time, turns his head to unfamiliar sounds. Now the baby is especially touching, do not forget to take photos more often as a keepsake!

From the age of three months, the active socialization of the baby begins - he becomes more emotional, reacts vividly to other people

Physical features

MonthMovements and skillsVisionHearing
1 Arms and legs are bent, movements are poorly coordinated. Everything is built on unconditioned reflexes. Sucking and grasping reflexes are especially pronounced. By the end of the month he can turn his head.Can keep a face or a toy in sight for several minutes. Can follow with his eyes a toy moving in an arc (the so-called "automatic tracking").The mucous fluid in the tympanic membrane is gradually absorbed, as a result of which hearing improves. The baby listens to the voice and the rattle.
2 Active movements develop: moves the handles to the sides, turns the head. In the position on the stomach can for 5 seconds. raise your head. Hand movements are improved: 2-3 sec. holds the rattle, strikes it.Smoothly follows moving objects for 10-15 seconds. Fixes the gaze on the toy/face for 20-25 seconds. Able to perceive objects in three dimensions.Focuses on sounds for 5-10 seconds. and turns his head towards the sounds of rattles and voices.
3 Within 30 sec. holds the head in the hands of an adult, and in tech. 1 minute - lying on your stomach. In this position, he rises on the handles, leaning on his elbows. When the baby is held under the armpits, he rests his feet on the surface, while the legs are straightened. There is a general motor "revival": it can bend, becoming a "bridge" and fall onto the bed. The grasping reflex transforms into a conscious grasp.Interested (and not automatically) follows the toy moving along the arc. Approximately 5 min. your pens. He is interested in all nearby objects (up to 60 cm from the eyes).The “localization” of the sound is formed: first, the child looks away in the direction of the sound, and then turns the head. Begins to react badly to loud sharp sounds: freezes, winces and then cries.

neuropsychic development

1 By the end of the month, she smiles in response to her mother, calms down from affectionate intonations. He listens to voices and happily wiggles his legs and arms in response to loud speech. Gradually, a “complex of revival” is formed - a reaction to a loved one.Pronounces guttural sounds: e, k-x, gee.The second stage of sensorimotor intelligence. The kid adapts to the world around him, there is an interest in objects, a coordinated movement of the hands and eyes develops.
2 The child responds with a smile to the appeal to him, twists his arms and legs.In communication, the sounds of the initial stage of cooing appear: ag-k-x, k-xx. The cry takes on different intonations.Interest in external objects increases, visual-orienting reactions improve.
3 The revival complex manifests itself at 100% - this is the first conscious act of behavior, an attempt to interact with an adult "eye to eye". The revitalization complex marks the beginning of the infancy stage.Vowel sounds and their different combinations appear: aaa, ae, ay, a-gu.Interest in the environment becomes selective and conscious.

From 4 months to six months

Being in a supine position on the back, the baby raises the head. If you put it on legs, it rests firmly on them. Begins to sit, can easily roll over from the back to the tummy. Freely lifts the body and rests on the palms when lying on the tummy. Carefully observes objects, can grab them. It is played with rattles (we recommend reading:).

The baby can sit, but still does not hold his back evenly, he can stand on his legs if he is held by the handles. Makes the first attempts to roll over from the tummy to the back. Holds an interesting object in the pen for a long time. Recognizes parents, begins to be afraid of strangers. According to Komarovsky, the baby already understands various voice intonations, begins to distinguish and understand the emotions of the mother.

At this stage, the child can already sit. He himself holds a flat back, easily spinning in all directions. With little help from an adult, he can stand on his feet, tries to walk. Begins to get up on all fours and move in this way. Already actively waving toys, picking up fallen objects.

There are also noticeable changes in speech:

  • begins to express the first requests;
  • the cooing is replaced by simple babbling sounds "ma", "pa", "ba".

Physical features

MonthMovements and skillsVisionHearing
4 He turns on his side, makes attempts to roll over. He holds toys well, pulls them into his mouth. During feeding, touches the handles of the breast or bottle, trying to hold.Recognizes loved ones, smiling in response, recognizes himself in the mirror. Follows the toy for about 3 minutes.Freezes at the sound of music. Clearly turns the head towards the sound source. Distinguishes voices.
5 In the supine position, the baby tries to raise his head and shoulders (as if trying to get up). In the supine position, he rises, leaning on the palms of straight arms. You can sit for a short time, holding on to the support with both hands. He studies objects by touch for a long time, pulls them into his mouth. From skills: eats semi-thick food from a spoon, drinks water from a cup.Distinguish between loved ones and strangers. Follows the toy for 10-15 minutes.Distinguishes intonations of speakers. Confidently turns his whole body to the source of the sound.
6 Rolls over from tummy to back. Practicing crawling, using pull-ups on his hands. Sitting with support. It stands steadily if an adult supports under the armpits. Confidently takes out and grabs objects, shifts the toy from one hand to another. Can hold a bottle with one or two hands.Visual acuity develops, very small objects become interesting.Listens to whispers and other quiet sounds. Sings along to the beat of the music.

6-7 months - time for the first complementary foods

neuropsychic development

4 Really laughs, responds with a smile for a smile. Responds to being tickled. Requires attention.Gulit, pronounces chains of vowels, the first syllables appear.The 3rd stage of sensorimotor intelligence begins - the implementation of purposeful actions. There is an understanding of cause and effect relationships. It develops a reaction to everything new.
5 Wants to participate in communication - tries to attract attention in all ways. "Communicates" with other children with pleasure.There is a humming noise. Uses vowel sounds: aa, ee, oo, ah, maa, eu, haa, etc.He is interested not only in close objects, but also those located at a distance of up to 1 m. He understands that he has other parts of the body besides his arms.
6 Begins to experience true love and affection for the adult raising him. He expects approval and praise from him, thus, communication becomes situational and business-like.Pronounces separate babbling syllables. In the "vocabulary" there are already about 30-40 sounds.Sets goals and chooses means to achieve them. For example, to get one toy, you need to move another.

From six months to 9 months

The baby can easily and quickly crawl on all fours, sit freely and for a long time. In a sitting position, he straightens and bends. Holding on to furniture, he can kneel, with the support of adults he can stand and step over. Interested in his mirror image. Can point with eyes at large objects, called adults.

According to the development calendar, at 8 months the child can sit down on his own and even stand on his feet (for more details, see the article:). Starts to play "patties", imitating hand clapping. With pleasure, she tries to take the first steps with the help of adults. The mimic movement of the face acquires a rich variety. The kid expresses interest, surprise, fear with facial expressions.

He easily finds the object of interest to him and persistently tries to reach him. He spends a lot of time in games - for a long time he can examine toys, knock them, throw them.

Standing on its feet, refuses support. He likes to walk, leaning on furniture, tries to get up on his feet from any position. Starts climbing on a hill - boxes, benches, pillows. At 9 months, motor skills become more complex, the baby can collect small parts of toys, sort out the designer, move cars.

Understands and can fulfill a simple request, such as “give the ball”, “wave your hand”. For games, he chooses a sitting position, easily and quickly memorizes new words. I like to look for fallen or hidden objects. Responds when called by name. Begins to distinguish words not only by intonation, but also by meaning. Can sort items by shape, color, size.

At 9 months, the baby is already “very big”, he begins to understand the meaning of many words, fulfills the requests of his parents, the games are gradually becoming more complicated

Physical features

7 Able to sit without support, roll over from back to stomach and back. Actively crawls on all fours. Favorite action with objects/toys is throwing. He himself reaches for the toy, takes it in his pen, shifts it, swings it, knocks it on the surface.Confidently drinks from a cup (from the hands of an adult), tries to hold it. Eating from a spoon. If the mother gives a dryer or a cracker, then the child “procrastinates” this piece for a long time.
8 He rises to his feet on his own, holding on to a support. With the support of an adult, he steps over with his legs. He sits and lays down, crawls a lot.If he sees “his” cup in an adult, then he pulls his hands to it. He holds a piece of bread in his hand, eats it on his own. You can start potty training your baby.
9 Holding on to a support with one hand, you can perform many different actions: walk towards an adult with side steps, grab another support with your free hand, etc. Confidently sits for 10-15 minutes. Crawls actively.Drinks from a cup, holding it (the cup is fixed in the hands of an adult). If the child began to accustom to the potty, then he can confidently sit on it without whims.

neuropsychic development

7 Tries to be the center of attention. Now caress and kisses are not the main thing (may turn away, move away), but the important thing is a joint game and manipulation of toys.Actively babbles. Can already pronounce clear syllable combinations: ma-ma, ba-ba-ba, pa-pa-pa, a-la-la, etc.An understanding of cause and effect relationships develops, such as throwing a toy and watching where it lands; if he is hungry, he looks towards the kitchen (to the place where he is fed).
8 Becomes closed from strangers (crisis of 8 months), is ready to communicate only with very close ones, worries and cries in the presence of others.Says syllables and syllables: ah, a-la-la, heh, a-dyat, a-de-de, a-ba-ba, etc.There comes the 4th stage of sensorimotor intelligence: purposeful actions develop. The child is learning and exploring.
9 Experiences a whole range of emotions from anger and fear to joy and surprise. Strives to communicate with an adult, to involve him in his activities.The first descriptive words appear in the speech, understandable only to relatives. Understands prohibition words (“no”), teachings (“show how ...”, “kiss mom”, etc.)The child separates himself from the adult, but perceives himself as the "center of the universe." Develops long-term memory (can remember the subject) and working memory.

10 months to 1 year

After 10 months, the child, without help, gets to his feet and begins to walk. Starts to step over with the support of one handle. Can take a small object with fingers, gets upset when toys they like are taken away. Often and consciously imitates the movements of adults, can open-close, raise-throw, hide-find. The child pronounces simple one-syllable words.

The baby is developing rapidly. Basic movement skills are well developed. Can show many objects (toys, furniture, body parts, animals). Understands and fulfills most simple requests, expresses reluctance or denial by shaking the head.

The stage of development of fine motor skills of the fingers begins, it can tear a sheet of paper with two fingers. Great attention should be paid to the curiosity of the baby, encourage it and be sure to talk with the child as much as possible.

After 11-12 months, a difficult stage of development begins. Boys often develop a little slower than girls. The ability to walk independently appears. He can approach himself if he is called by name. Able to squat and straighten up without support. Picks up objects from the floor without sitting down. Can perform a difficult task: close doors, bring a toy from another room.

Shows interest in the process of undressing, bathing. Says about ten simple words. In a year, a child watches people and cars with interest. You can find more detailed information on the Internet by watching Komarovsky's video on the proper development of children from 0 to a year.

Physical features

10 Can stand on its own for some time without support and support.
11 It stands well from the support for about 5 seconds, balancing with the handles, while the legs are spaced. He tries to take the first steps himself, with the support of an adult, he walks confidently.All previously acquired skills and abilities are consolidated.
12 Walks independently (up to 3 meters). Freely crouches and rises, bends over and picks up an object/toy from the floor. Can climb up the stairs.He drinks from a cup himself, without the support of an adult. Confidently holds a spoon, leads it on a plate.

neuropsychic development

10 The child develops a full-fledged attachment to significant people for him. He interacts well with other children.Repeats individual syllables after adults. Communicates with loved ones in a language understandable only to them. Understands the words: “give…”, “where…?”.All sensations are qualitatively complicated: hearing, smell, taste, tactile perception.
11 Selectively relates to other children, in general, enjoys communicating with them, babbles. May take other's toys.Says 1-2 words. Pronounces onomatopoeia, such as "beep-beep", "av-av". Can understand and fulfill the requests of an adult (for example, “drive the car”, “feed the doll”).He learns to control his actions, mentally organizes all the information coming from outside.
12 Experiencing the widest range of emotions, based on the feeling of "separation" from the adult (because he can already move independently).Repeats syllables after adults. Denotes individual concepts and objects in babble words. Without showing an object/toy, he understands what is at stake. Can carry out assignments, such as "show ..", "find ...", "put in place ...", "bring".The 5th stage of development of sensorimotor intelligence begins: it understands the categories of objects and phenomena (for example, animals, furniture, food). Voluntary attention begins to form.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Popular today, Dr. Komarovsky talks intelligibly and interestingly about children in his book "The Beginning of Life: Your Child from Birth to 1 Year", as well as in his video lessons. Of course, the main focus is on pediatric issues, but in addition to this, from books and lectures you can learn about:

  • principles of caring for a toddler;