What can you give for a wedding to a young and mature couple. The best ideas for traditional and non-banal gifts: what is given for a wedding to adult couples and young people What flowers are given for a wedding

Wedding - This is the Sacrament in which the newlyweds are given Divine grace, sanctifying their union and informing them of God's blessing for life together, the birth and upbringing of children.

Today, more and more young couples decide to seal their union with the blessing of the Church, observing the traditions of the Orthodox faith. They take an oath of love and loyalty to each other. This decision, as a rule, is very deliberate and serious, taken together and forever.

Where did the name and tradition of the wedding come from?

Word "wedding" comes from the word "crown" and is due to the fact that crowns are held over the heads of those entering into marriage. Even in pre-Christian Greece, the custom was widespread to decorate the heads of newlyweds with flowers (wreaths). Later, the Church filled this custom with Christian meaning, offering the newlyweds after the Wedding - Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

The newlyweds drink the common cup, blessed by the priest,

as a symbol of a single inseparable union in any test

When can you get married?

The Sacrament of the Wedding is not performed on any day. In the Russian Orthodox Church no wedding takes place during many days of fasting, on the eve of the twelfth feasts, on the eve of the patronal feasts (they are different in each church), during Christmas time (the time from the Nativity of Christ to Baptism), during the Cheese Week (the week before Great Lent), on the eve and the days themselves of the feasts of the Beheading of John Forerunners and the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, and also do not crown on the feast of Easter and on Bright Week (a week after Easter).

According to the charter, the Sacrament of the Wedding is not performed on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Who can get married?

Let's start with the fact that spouses can get married at any time: on the wedding day, in a few days, weeks and even years. The main thing is that this decision should be balanced and deliberate, and come from both spouses.

If your family has decided on a church marriage, then a prerequisite is the presence marriage certificates. Only after registering a civil marriage, you can get married. Also, both spouses must be baptized and match the marriageable age: the groom must be no younger than 18 years, bride - 16 .

What do the bride and groom need for the wedding?

So, you have decided to seal your union before the Lord, decided on the date, agreed with the priest in the temple, what else is needed?

Suit for the groom and dress for the bride. The suit should be strict, preference is given to light shades, but this is not a prerequisite. The bride's dress is traditionally white, but other light colors can be chosen, it is recommended that it be dim and not colorful, so that the shoulders, chest and back are covered. Also, too short dresses are not decent in the temple. Let's not forget about the headdress. A veil, an elegant scarf, a bonnet will complement the wedding image of the bride. Often, crowns are put on the head of those entering into marriage, and not held over their heads; in this case, the bride should consider her hairstyle so that it is convenient to put on this wedding attribute.

Icons of the Lord and the Mother of God. They bless the young priest. Usually these icons are given by the parents of the bride and groom (they bless the children for marriage with icons): the father and mother of the bride present the image to the groom as an intercessor and protector of the family. Savior(usually it is the Almighty Savior), and the bride is given an image Mother of God(most often Kazanskaya) as a keeper of the hearth, a caring wife and mother. These icons become the first and main icons in the home iconostasis.

Wedding couple in a silver frame and

Towel (towel) , on which the wedding people stand, symbolizes a single foot, common joy and inseparable residence in marriage. A towel, as well as a white dress, is a symbol of the pure and bright intentions of the newlyweds.

Candles and candlesticks. One of the integral parts of the wedding celebration are candles, for which special candlesticks are often used to make it more convenient to hold a candle. Candles are a symbol of sacrifice and prayer offered to God, and wedding candles are a symbol of the bride and groom's prayer for the well-being of their marriage. After the Sacrament, wedding candles are kept with reverence. You can keep them behind the icons, you can where the holy water is stored. Wedding candles are usually lit at home on wedding anniversaries, because this day is the family's birthday and it is celebrated by spouses. There is a tradition to light these candles and pray together when intractable situations happen in the life of the family.

Rings. The wedding ceremony is preceded by betrothal. An engagement ring is a sign of eternity and inseparability of the marriage union. The Holy Fathers call the family a "little church". Saint John Chrysostom He speaks: « Marriage is the mysterious image of the Church", that is, such a union, when relations within it are built in the image of a union Christ and Church. The husband is the head of the family, just as the priest at the Liturgy symbolizes the head of the Church - Christ, while the wife is like the Church betrothed to the Savior. At the heart of the Christian family is the sacrifice of one for the other, such love, when not “I” is in the center of the world, but the one I love.

What to give for a wedding?

Always appropriate and symbolic gift is icon.

Images in salaries, folding will be a wonderful wedding gift for newlyweds.

Such images of the Mother of God how Tenderness Feodorovskaya, Leaping Baby always considered an appropriate gift for the bride. These icons help women during pregnancy, in childbirth, they also pray before them for the health and well-being of their children.

It has become a good tradition to present to the young images of Peter and Fevronia of Murom . These patron saints protect the family from temptation and guard the marriage.
photo frame, where the newlyweds will place a photo from the wedding, which will remind you of this most important event in their lives.

Wedding- one of 7 Church Sacraments. A wedding with a loved one is blessed by God as a sign of eternal love and fidelity. Without God's blessing, without His consecration of marriage, without His daily blessing of family life, even the most tender and true love can dry up, all the beauty and joy of family life can be destroyed. Therefore, the holy fathers advised spouses to ask God for blessings every day in prayer.

Wedding gifts are special. They are often associated with religion, so often parents and friends present the bride and groom with beautiful and expensive icons, lamps, figurines of guardian angels, censers, gift editions of illustrated Bibles.

A wedding is a mystical process, it is much more mysterious than a simple painting in the registry office, therefore, for this event, it is customary for young people to give special gifts. They should carry meaning, be memorable, expensive.

If you can still give a comic present for a wedding, counting on the good sense of humor of the newlyweds, then for a wedding a gift should be expensive, serious, symbolic.

Do they give wedding gifts?

What is undesirable to give?

According to signs, you can’t give knives, needles, watches, sets of knives and forks, scissors - everything is sharp and prickly, because this will lead to quarrels between spouses. If forks or knives are nevertheless presented, you need to give a coin. Then, according to popular wisdom, you can avoid trouble.

A donated set of bed linen and clothes may look inappropriate.

You can't give red roses. Orchids should also be abandoned, since these flowers have a very strong smell, which, according to many folk traditions, can symbolize violence and unbridledness. Chrysanthemums are also not given as they are given to mourners at funerals.

It would also be inappropriate to present such gifts to those who are getting married as weapons or other religious objects, for example, gifts and souvenirs related to Buddhism, Islam, Judaism or some other religious cult.

Even a harmless statue of Hatei, given wholeheartedly for happiness and attracting wealth, can be misinterpreted. It is better to avoid misunderstandings and hold gifts of this kind, handing them on another, less solemn occasion.

Opinion on wedding gifts in Orthodoxy

There is an opinion that young people who get married according to the Orthodox rite, in principle, should not give anything. Orthodox clergy do not comment on this in any way, they call it “more superstition than custom or tradition.” The Orthodox Church does not put any prohibitions, restrictions on wedding gifts. Moreover, he does not insist on their complete absence.

You can come to the wedding without gifts only if the newlyweds themselves asked the guests not to spend money on pleasant souvenirs.

Basic rules for choosing a presentation

How to choose the right wedding gift?

If the wedding day coincides with the wedding day, they manage with one gift, it is not necessary to additionally give something very expensive and valuable.

A wedding is a sacrament, therefore, any gifts with a hint of a prank, a joke or some kind of vulgar hints will be inappropriate.

The gift should be shared - you can not give only the groom, or only the bride. The present must be given to both of them together.

The presentation must be memorable. It is not necessary to give a very expensive thing, the most important thing is that it remains in memory and reminds of the person who gave it.

Most wedding gifts are of a religious nature, since the event itself belongs to a great sacrament, an icon is ideal, and besides, it will help create comfort in the house.

The present should not be chosen carelessly, be a mere formality. It is also bad if it is designed inappropriately - the present should be packed in a beautiful package, elegant paper wrapper.

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Flowers as a wedding gift

Flowers: is it necessary to give them to newlyweds or can you do without them?

Giving flowers to the bride and groom for the wedding is optional. Sometimes brides even ask guests not to bring flowers. If such a request was not made, it is good to come with white flowers. You can buy a beautiful composition in a basket, the main thing is that it does not exude a strong and sugary aroma, be without pretentiousness and excessive variegation.

What flowers, according to popular belief, can be given for a wedding?

The white lily has been a traditional "wedding" flower since ancient times. True, during the medieval “witch hunts”, lilies fell into disgrace, as they began to be burned out, like a brand, on the shoulders of women - witches, sorceresses, criminals and just sinners. Today, lilies are brought to the wedding, but only if the bride is not distinguished by excessive superstition.

Delicate bouquets of white fragrant lilies of the valley look very beautiful. Fragile branches with bell flowers evoke thoughts of purity, meekness, intimacy and warmth.

Lilies of the valley are traditional symbols of purity, devotion, love and fidelity.

These flowers are not associated with any superstitious prejudices, therefore, they are very often used during wedding ceremonies.

Violets are very positive in this regard - a symbol of modesty, innocence, bright and warm feelings, innocent thoughts, good intentions, love, friendship, intimacy. The only restriction on violets relates to the choice of color. It is best not to come with a bouquet of purple violets, so that "evil tongues" do not whisper that the owner or mistress of the violets came to the funeral, and not to the wedding.

Lilac, honeysuckle, jasmine will look beautiful. These flowers symbolize the most tender feelings, beauty, romance and love. Peonies are frequent "companions" of wedding bouquets and boutonnieres. They attract attention with their bright, colorful colors, splendor, therefore, peonies traditionally symbolize passion, optimism, cheerfulness, and love of life.

It is good to come with tulips, because, according to popular belief, it is tulips that will help protect the newlyweds from mutual claims, quarrels, betrayals, quarrels, misunderstandings.

What is customary to give for a wedding to young people from parents, relatives, friends and guests

At the wedding, young people are given special gifts - various amulets, icons and other religious paraphernalia.

What parents and relatives can give

Parents usually give their children icons depicting Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. These icons have always been considered family heirlooms that protected the young in their family life, these icons were passed down from generation to generation.

Parents often give their children a trip to Jerusalem along with icons.

If parents do not know what to give for the wedding to the young, they can present figurines of guardian angels to those who are getting married - they are considered amulets for the young. Also, parents often give a beautiful edition of the Bible in an expensive design.

What can give friends and guests

Friends or guests at the wedding also give icons - with the faces of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who patronize marriage in the Christian tradition. Also, instead of icons, you can give crosses or medallions made of silver or gold with images of guardian angels who are getting married.

Also, as an alternative to the icon, a coin with the image of a Saint, for example, Sergius of Radonezh, Alexander Nevsky, Nicholas the Wonderworker, may be suitable as a gift. Such precious coins have great protective power.

A good option for a wedding gift is lamps, shelves for the iconostasis, censers.

They never give young people simple trinkets for a wedding - they are out of place at such an important event.

A great option is a “family history repository”. This is a special photo album, which contains all the pictures of the young - from the meeting to the wedding. You can give a personalized present for two, for example, it can be two cups with the names of those who are getting married, or you can order two plates each, on which there will be a print with a photo of each of them.

Another good solution is antiques. You can pick up something useful for the household, for example, an old wall clock, a beautiful porcelain service.

If it’s still difficult to choose a specific present, you can present the bride and groom with a beautifully decorated envelope with white ribbons and white flowers. This is also appropriate, because, with the donated money, young people will be able to choose what they need.

But the best thing, of course, is to show imagination and choose a suitable memorable present.

Wedding gift for young people: video

A mysterious and even somewhat magical process - a rite of reunion of hearts before God. That is why gifts should be memorable, but not comic. In the videos prepared by us, you can clearly see the process of this event.

    Please the newlyweds not only with a wedding gift, but also with an original presentation. Choose or make an unusual package for it. For lovers of surprises, you can arrange a real quest or a prank. Also, do not forget about funny congratulations upon presentation.

    A gift to the bride from her future husband should be a romantic reminder of the wedding day and a vivid proof of love. Guests can present household items to the hero of the occasion with comic wishes and funny documents that emphasize the dignity of the young wife.

    A wedding is a bright and cheerful event, so presentations should set the tone for the holiday, cause delight and surprise. When choosing an original and unforgettable wedding gift, it is best to make an unusual themed souvenir with your own hands, prepare a raffle or an interesting creative number.

    The birthday of a family is a special date that leaves warm memories in the soul and further strengthens the family union. Wedding anniversary gifts should be sincere, symbolic and preferably original, so that this day will be remembered for bright moments.

A wedding is an important ceremony for newlyweds and their guests. Friends, relatives, acquaintances are concerned about the same question: what to give for a wedding? If the sacrament and painting in the registry office takes place on the same day, then there are no problems, because in this case any wedding present is appropriate. But difficulties begin if the couple gets married a month after the official marriage. In most cases, newlyweds invite their closest people to once again share with them the happiness of entering into a family union already under the vaults of the church.

Are wedding gifts given in the church?

There is an opinion that it is impossible to give gifts for an Orthodox wedding. There are practically no explanations for this, because the clergy do not express prohibitions. The opinion of the newlyweds themselves should be taken into account: if they insist that it is not worth making presents for this ceremony, then respect their desire. In another case, you will have to wonder what to give your spouse and wife for a wedding? After all, there are things that look completely inappropriate as a present at such a spiritual holiday.

There are times when a young couple gets married just because it is fashionable and relevant. In this case, you should not puzzle over what to give for the holiday. Choose dishes, household appliances, sets, interior textiles, envelopes with money, because a young family always needs the most ordinary things, especially if they have just begun to live separately from their parents.

What to give for a wedding if the couple is serious about the sacrament of the church? Spouses may be young or already mature, but they believe that only in heaven can they conclude a real union of two loving hearts, so they need the blessing of feelings from above. In this case, the present should symbolize the spiritual connection between a man and a woman. And it is not at all necessary to acquire an expensive thing if the couple themselves are financially secure: the wedding gift should personify spiritual unity, express the sincerity of your intentions, the wish of all the best.

What is customary to give for a wedding to young people?

Whatever is chosen as a gift for the wedding ceremony, it is necessary to supplement the box or package with warm wishes, a beautiful bouquet of flowers. On this day, it is very important to express your sincerity, kindness. Remember that you were not just invited to a wedding, you were chosen to share happiness, initiation into the great mystery of love. In this regard, congratulations should emphasize the understanding of this important moment for a married couple.

Gift options from parents and relatives

  • It is customary to give icons of Orthodox saints on the occasion of a church marriage ceremony. The wedding couple - images of the Holy Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ - are very popular. Parents should present such a gift that will become a talisman for a young family, protect it from misfortunes and hardships. Some families have a tradition of passing down such icons from one generation to the next. If the young couple has not yet received such a present, then it would be appropriate to present it.
  • The next suitable wedding gift for a son and daughter is the images of Fevronya and Peter. They are considered among the Orthodox patrons of all lovers, they personify the inextricable connection on a spiritual level between spouses. At the same time, do not forget to wish the young family spiritual purity, fidelity, mutual respect, deep love.
  • If the spouses who take a vow under church vaults are deeply religious, then relatives can cooperate and present a tour of holy places as a gift. The near abroad, Israel, a trip to the famous monasteries and temples of Russia - there are many options. This gift will surely be appreciated by the young, which will allow them to rest and receive spiritual food.
  • The next wedding gift that can be presented to a sister, brother, children is the Gospel or the Bible in a beautiful cover. In addition, you can choose other spiritual literature. The most suitable option if the edition will be a gift.

Wedding gifts from witnesses

  • An excellent choice as a gift will be things that symbolize home comfort, hearth. Coffee and tea sets, a set of festive plates, personalized cups with inscriptions will be a great decoration in any home.
  • Products from cupronickel, silver are ideal as wedding gifts. Chains for crosses, candlesticks, collectible coins with the faces of saints, glasses - choose at your discretion.
  • A pair of silver cups engraved with the date of the wedding and the names of the spouses is a great present. He will always remind the couple of such an important event for them, of the donor who made such a unique surprise.
  • A beautiful album as a wedding gift is also suitable. It will serve as a repository of family history. Replenished with notes, new photographs, such a present will turn into a family, family heirloom.
  • A beautiful lamp for the family iconostasis will support the symbolism of the celebration. Such a present will not allow the newlyweds to forget about such a significant event.
  • It is not forbidden to choose a pair of elegant thin glasses, a bottle of good Cahors as a wedding gift. Glasses, if possible, you can choose crystal.

What can friends give the newlyweds?

  • A standard gift that is always appropriate is money. It is especially helpful when you can't figure out what to give a couple for a wedding. With cash, they can buy what they need.
  • Some banks have "Wedding" coins in a gift box. They are made of silver, and they look very beautiful and original.
  • Flowers from a friend would be appropriate as a gift if we are talking about an unusual bouquet. Spouses will remember a large basket of flowers or a composition made up of rare specimens.
  • A shelf for icons will certainly be needed by a young couple. Just ask the newlyweds in advance if they have one.
  • A large selection of wedding gifts is provided by the antiques shop. For example, choose beautiful figurines, which will especially please connoisseurs of antiquity.
  • A wedding portrait is an original, memorable gift. Order a drawing from the artist, just don't forget to check out his previous work.

What to present to an elderly couple for a wedding?

When choosing a wedding gift for an elderly couple, proceed from the fact that it should reflect the wishes of the spouses for a happy life, spiritual well-being, harmony and peace. At the same time, do not forget about its beautiful design, then the present will be remembered for a long time. Consider these rules:

  • a wedding present should not be formal;
  • exclude careless presentation of the gift;
  • a wedding gift is intended for a couple as a whole, and not separately for a spouse;
  • the present should reflect the occasion;
  • choose a memorable, unusual wedding gift, not an expensive one;
  • accompany the presentation with a congratulatory speech.

Present ideas from children

  • First of all, children can present an icon that is designed to protect marriage. For a non-standard gift, choose a silver face of saints, which will then be passed on to descendants.
  • Present a large gift copy of the Bible. It can have gold letters on the cover, or gold embossed pages.
  • Buy gold chains for mom and dad. It is better not to buy crosses, since spouses may have them.
  • If you want to make a special, one-of-a-kind gift, purchase or make yourself an embroidered icon, a towel with a biblical theme. It can also be a panel or a tablecloth.

Gift from husband

  • Choose a piece of jewelry for your spouse. It can be a cross, a biblical-themed pendant, a bracelet with the faces of saints.
  • A wonderful gift idea is an expensive, beautiful bed linen set. It can be made of white silk.
  • In continuation of the theme of the celebration, you can present your wife with a nominal icon. It should be beautiful, exclusive, so a great idea is to make an icon to order.
  • Give your wife a travel package. She will certainly be happy with such a surprise, because sometimes you need to take a break from the family routine.

The institution of marriage today is undergoing significant changes. They concern both positive and negative points. Firstly, many young people, before going to the registry office, prefer, so to speak, to check their feelings and live a little in a civil marriage. Secondly, in addition to the official ceremony in a state body, newlyweds are increasingly going to church for the heavenly consecration of the union.

So what is a wedding - a tribute to tradition or a sincere desire to become spouses, not only in the eyes of society, but also before God? Each of us will answer this question in our own way, but, unfortunately, despite the persistent trend towards the revival of the role of the church in people's lives, the number of divorces is steadily increasing. Just imagine that out of a hundred percent of marriages, forty break up after a few years. So maybe getting married is a way for some couples to keep from getting divorced?

Be that as it may, the church rite itself, which sanctifies the sacrament of marriage, is incredibly beautiful and touching. And in this case, it does not matter at all whether a young girl in a white dress or a middle-aged woman in an elegant suit is standing in front of the altar. Of course, in the first case, a certain halo of innocence flies over the couple, but in the second case, an excellent confirmation of the feelings of already quite mature newlyweds is the presence of common children or even grandchildren.

Wedding gifts: is there a problem or not?

But the guests invited to such a spiritually elevated ceremony are concerned about the same question: what to give for the wedding? There are no problems if both the painting in the registry office and the church sacrament occur on the same day. Then any wedding congratulations are appropriate: money, household appliances, and so on. But what to present to a couple who decided to get married a month, a year or decades after the official registration of marriage? After all, newlyweds often invite close people to share with them the happiness of joining a family union, this time under the vaults of the church.

There is an opinion that it is generally impossible to give gifts to an Orthodox wedding. There are practically no arguments in favor of this assertion. The clergy also do not express any prohibitions. Perhaps this is just a superstition? In any case, consider the opinion of the "newlyweds" themselves. If they insist on not having any wedding gifts, do as they wish. Otherwise, you will have to think about what is better to choose as a congratulation, and what is still not worth presenting.

It is one thing if young newlyweds perceive a church ceremony as a kind of tribute to fashion. In this case, even if the wedding is planned a month or two after registration with the registry office, you should not particularly puzzle over the gift. Choose from household appliances or utensils: A young family, especially if they live apart from their parents, usually needs the simplest things.

Are you afraid that your gift will not be in a single copy? Then there is nothing easier than putting a certain amount of money in a beautiful envelope. And if you want to stand out, get a beautiful antique photo album in the themed store. In general, those young people who are not particularly religious and get married, so to speak, for beauty, you can give anything, as long as it is appropriate.

Things are quite different with a couple who take the sacrament of the church seriously. These can be both young and mature people, but they are united by the idea that the true union of two people is in heaven and therefore needs a blessing from above. What should be the wedding gift in this case? What could be the best way to symbolize spiritual connection, purity and the desire to become each other's only life partner forever?

The icon is a sacred amulet for every family

On the occasion of the church marriage ceremony, it is customary to give icons of Orthodox saints. Especially popular is the so-called "wedding couple" - the images of the Almighty Father or Jesus Christ and the Holy Virgin Mary. This gift to the newlyweds is usually presented by their parents. He becomes a kind of amulet for the couple and protects her from all sorts of hardships and misfortunes. In some families, it is customary to pass on such icons for generations - older children who marry. If your heroes of the occasion have not yet received such a talisman, then it is quite appropriate to choose it as a gift. Especially when it comes to mature spouses, because their parents may no longer be around on the wedding day.

As another option, you can present icons with the faces of guardian angels for each of the newlyweds. They are usually chosen according to the names of the spouses given to them at baptism. A magnificent salary, inlaid with silver or gold, will become a worthy decoration and a kind of family talisman. As a rule, expensive icons are painted with special paints; a solid oak board is used for their manufacture. Perhaps your gift will start the tradition of handing over personalized icons to grandchildren bearing the name of their grandparents, who are now getting married.

Very suitable gifts on the occasion of a church marriage are the images of Peter and Fevronya. These saints are considered by Orthodox patrons of lovers and symbolize the inextricable spiritual bond between spouses even after death. Do not forget to wish the newlyweds fidelity, spiritual purity, deep love and mutual respect, may the warmth and light of their great feelings forever save the family hearth.

An icon with the face of a saint who patronizes the professions of the young will also be a worthy gift. In order not to get into trouble, first talk about this with the clergyman, he will tell you exactly what you need to choose. Doctors can be presented with the image of St. Luke, St. Panteleimon, New Martyr Elizabeth. For teachers, choose an icon with the faces of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius. Do not be discouraged if your newlyweds have more modern professions, they also have their patrons.

Separately, it should be said about the embroidered icon. Today, this type of ancient needlework is regaining its former popularity. But if you have not mastered the art of cross-stitching or are not sure that you will be able to make an icon truly beautiful, do not worry. After all, you can easily purchase a ready-made image of handmade in the monastery. The local craftswomen know how to use in embroidery not only bright threads and beads, but sometimes pearls. Therefore, such icons, especially nominal ones, will become very original and exclusive wedding gifts.

By the way, if you are tormented by doubts that the faces of saints will be presented to young people a lot and yours will simply be lost, then do otherwise. Give them a special shelf for arranging a home iconostasis, a beautiful lamp and a pair of silver candlesticks. Such an original solution will definitely please the heroes of the occasion and will become a worthy and practical decoration of their room.

The most appropriate gifts on the occasion of a church wedding

  • First of all, I would like to say that young people can be given quite ordinary things and objects. But! If you are choosing a cutlery set, opt for one that is made of or plated with silver. Silver cups, inlaid glasses, unusual plates, and so on are also perfect. Bed linen, sewn from expensive fabrics, decorated with embroidery and lace, can also be presented on the occasion of a wedding. A set of white or cream color looks especially elegant, which will not leave spouses indifferent.
  • You can present the young Bible in a beautiful binding with inlay. No less interesting congratulations will be a wedding portrait made by a good artist. Cheaper options include all kinds of biblical figurines, sculptures and paintings. You can give the newlyweds gold or silver chains (without crosses), rosaries, bracelets with the faces of saints.
  • The book is still a very good gift. So let the future spouses write their own work, a kind of memoir, illustrated with photographs, supplemented with conclusions and interesting thoughts. All that is required for this is to give them a huge album, designed in the form of a book, for their wedding. Now many craftsmen make real works of art of this kind to order, with gilding, precious or semi-precious stones.
  • Those guests who have sufficient funds should pay attention to the gold coins issued by Sberbank. By the way, they are decorated with the faces of Nicholas the Wonderworker, Sergius of Radonezh and other holy martyrs. A collectible coin is a very worthy gift that fully meets the spirit of celebration. Perhaps in the future, the spouses, inspired by your congratulations, will begin to collect their own collection, which will be passed down from generation to generation. You can also give the newlyweds an ingot of silver or gold with a thematic engraving.
  • If the future spouses who make their vows under the dome of the church are deeply religious people, then why not close people cooperate and give them a tour of the holy places? It does not have to be a ticket to Israel - you can consider options related to the near abroad, and in Russia itself there are quite a few famous temples and monasteries. Such an unusual gift will especially appeal to middle-aged people who will gladly accept the idea of ​​not only taking a break from the routine, but also receiving spiritual food at the same time.

In any case, whatever you choose as a gift on the occasion of the sacrament of the wedding, do not forget to complement the congratulation with a beautifully decorated bouquet of flowers and warm wishes. On such a significant day for two loving people, it is more important than ever to create an atmosphere of sincerity, kindness and purity. Remember that the newlyweds invited you not just to a wedding celebration. They wanted to share great happiness with you and initiate you into the great mystery of love. Therefore, with your congratulations, you must emphasize the understanding of such an important moment in the life of every family.

Many couples, after becoming spouses before the law and society, decide to unite their destinies before God. Some people decide to take such a responsible and very important step in their lives only after they have been married for many years. The couple went through many trials together, raised children and really became each other not only husband and wife, but also the best support, like-minded people and people who are able to feel their soul mate even at a distance. A wedding is a great sacrament of the union of souls, so it can be called one of the most important and significant days in a person's life.

Young couples today after the registry office can immediately go to church, of course, this is very beautiful and symbolic, but nevertheless, one should take such a step, setting oneself mentally and morally. Preparing your inner world and consciousness for such a spiritual connection with another person. When years of married life are behind, then in the eyes, in addition to love and trust, wisdom and understanding of what is combined under the vaults of the temple shine. Young people should think very carefully about whether they are really ready at this moment before the Lord to call a person their husband or wife and take an oath of fidelity and love. You should not do it for the sake of beauty or because most of your friends do it. The sacrament of the wedding should be approached consciously, accepting it.

household gifts.

If guests have an idea to give their friends or relatives a new slow cooker or a very beautiful blender on their wedding day, then this idea should be left right on the store shelf. You should not think about everyday trifles on the day when people open their souls under the vaults of the church. All the little things and everyday problems should be left at least for one day and think about something significant and eternal. This is what a gift should look like. It must have meaning and meaning. It is worth getting hung up on the price of the gift, in this case, money does not play any role. Not the material value is important, but the understanding of what happened.

Friends can take all the organizational moments of this bright and such an important event completely on themselves. For some, this will really be the biggest and most important gift. The spouses will only need to talk with the priest and discuss personal moments of preparation for the sacrament, and all other chores will be done at their request.

Spiritual gifts.

The traditional gift that can and should be presented to your friends on such a solemn day is, of course, an icon. The parents of the bride and groom can present a beautiful icon depicting the Savior and the Virgin Mary. This gift is very symbolic and meaningful. It must necessarily remain in the family and be passed on to children at the time of their wedding. It is believed that such a wedding icon is able to keep love in the family and strengthen it in every generation.

You cannot give such a gift to other guests, it is considered only parental, but you can find an alternative solution, present an icon depicting Peter and Fevronia, these saints in the Orthodox faith are the main patrons of those who love people. They carried their love through life and kept it even when they went to heaven. The power of the love of the saints should become the main amulet and protection for the family. Such a gift must be made only with the purest thoughts and a sincere desire for love for your friends.

You can also pick up small, but very important and significant medallions, which depict guardian angels of the bride and groom. Such gifts can be bought or ordered in the icon shop. If a person has a desire, then everything can be done in gold or silver, or you can make a simple metal frame and a regular chain. Not the value of the gift will be important in this case, but its true value.

Spouses for the holiday can be presented with a Bible in a beautiful design. Such a gift is sure to please, but only if there really is faith and love for the Lord in the hearts. Sometimes this gift can just take its place on the bookshelf. It will be beautiful, but, unfortunately, an insignificant reminder of such an important and happy day. You can give a more modern version of the triptych in the car. It will serve as protection on the road and a real talisman from troubles, both for the driver and passengers.

Very often people go to church to become husband and wife before God because they really believe in it and don't want to live in sin. In this case, you can prepare a special gift. Its meaning will be understood only by those who believe in the power of the Lord and always turn to him not only with their problems and requests, but also with words of gratitude. Young people can be given a small tour for a few days or even a tour of the holy places. When choosing such a gift, it should be understood that its cost is quite high, so you need to purchase it only with full confidence that friends will get real pleasure from this, both aesthetically and spiritually. Otherwise, you just don't need to waste your money. It is not necessary to buy a tour to another country, because among the expanses of your native country you can find many beautiful and worthy places for pilgrimage, which mean a lot to Orthodox people.

Spouses can be presented with beautiful golden crosses. This gift can also be called traditional and classic. It is completely suitable for a wedding, because it personifies the greatness of the Lord and his unfading beauty for the whole world. If the couple has crosses, then you can look at the coins, which depict the faces of saints. Such a gift will not only be very symbolic, it will also become a real talisman for the family, protecting it from a bad look, gossip or gossip, but also black human envy.

For young people, you can pick up a beautiful composition of chocolate in the form of a temple. It looks very original and symbolic, of course, there is no spiritual meaning in such a surprise, but it will still be suitable. The chocolate composition can be beautifully and very appropriately supplemented with a bottle of Cahors previously consecrated in the church.

DIY gift.

People have always believed that things that are created with their own hands are capable of transmitting human energy. For a wedding, you can do something in a similar style. For young people, this will be a really significant and very pleasant surprise, then, that the gift will be made with soul and love. The first thing that comes to mind as a wedding gift is an embroidered icon. Indeed, such a surprise would be symbolic and appropriate. On the Internet today you can find detailed embroidery patterns, which indicate everything that is needed for work. In special shops - workshops, consultants will help you from the professional side to choose everything correctly and calculate the right amount. You need to rely on the fact that such work is very painstaking and long, so it’s better to start embroidering earlier in order to be in time for the celebration.

The icon can be embroidered with threads in various techniques or with beads. Recently, many girls and women are engaged in this type of needlework. The final work is very beautiful. Properly selected sizes and colors of beads just perfectly add up to a whole picture and are able to overflow depending on how the light falls on them. Of course, such work requires appropriate design. A decent frame will be a good final accent. Such a gift will be very valuable for a couple, because a person put his soul and feelings into it. Professional craftswomen say that icons should be embroidered only with the right and right attitude. It is simply forbidden to think about something bad or get angry while working, otherwise the material will absorb all this and then can simply harm the one for whom it was made. Bright thoughts and positive energy will charge the icon and it will become a real family talisman.

Craftsmen who prefer to work with wood can also make something beautiful and original. For a wedding, you can make a beautiful horseshoe or cross as a gift. Skillfully done work should please and will definitely bring something positive and good to the house. You can also make a beautiful photo frame or even a series of similar frames in different sizes. All this in the end should be a beautiful and original composition on the wall. These frames will be intended for photos from the celebration. To find out exactly what gifts will be appropriate at the wedding, you should consult with the workers of the icon shop. They will tell you everything in detail and can give advice on choosing.


It is not customary to give flowers at a wedding, so guests without traditional bouquets will not be a surprise to anyone, but still, such a sign of attention will be very pleasant for the bride. Today you can make a real flower arrangement. Florists will fulfill all the wishes of their client, but you can do it not very traditionally. Sweet bouquets can perfectly replace natural flowers. Masters make simply amazing works, in which you simply cannot see sweets at first glance. Such a gift may be more durable than a regular bouquet, but if the bride has a sweet tooth, she will still get to the delicious filling of beautiful flowers. If, nevertheless, the option of a traditional bouquet is chosen, then care should be taken that it looks very gentle and airy. Bulky bright bouquets with a lot of roses or other flowers are not suitable for a wedding, everything should be very light and almost weightless. Many people know that there is an unofficial wedding ban on giving red roses. For some reason, these flowers are not customary to give, no one can explain why this prejudice exists, but there is no getting away from it. Therefore, beautiful and perhaps the bride's favorite flowers should be left in the store until the next more convenient occasion.

Witness gift.

Witnesses in the wedding ceremony accompany the young everywhere, so they need to carefully approach the choice of a gift with them. A good option could be a traditional wedding photo album, in which, after some time, pictures will appear that capture the happy moments of the wedding. You can also consider a very interesting option and present young people not with classic glasses for newlyweds, but with beautiful silver goblets on a stand with engraved names of the spouses. It is best to give such cups complete with a stand, it can contain the date of marriage.

Witnesses can order a wedding portrait to the artist. Such a gift, most likely, will be ready a few days after the wedding itself, but nevertheless, it is in such work that the real feelings of people, their spiritual state at the moment when they took their vows, can be displayed. Such a gift can be simply priceless, and at the moment when the couple has problems or even a desire to leave, he will always remind you what they were like at the moment of their highest happiness.

A wedding wreath can be presented to the young as a symbolic gift on such a day. This can become a real family heirloom that will keep the love and union of two people from all troubles and difficulties. You can also prepare souvenir options for gifts for young people. A bottle of champagne with a photo of the spouses and a memorable date on the label. This bottle is unlikely to be opened, most likely it will be kept and opened in a few years, for another fun and noisy anniversary.


Many today say that it is absolutely impossible to give money for a wedding, but still sometimes there are hopeless situations. Someone may not have had time to buy a gift or found out about the celebration late. In this case, money can be used as a gift, but only in a white clean envelope, it will be a symbol of the fact that such a gift is presented with pure intentions and without malicious intent. It is worth abandoning fashionable bright envelopes in sparkles and rhinestones. At the wedding, they will be inappropriate.

A wedding is a great sacrament for which not all couples are ready. If the guests were lucky enough to witness such a holiday, then they will definitely pick up the appropriate gift that protects the couple and their love.